class SQLInsert extends SQLExpression implements SQLWriteExpression (View source)

Object representing a SQL INSERT query.

The various parts of the SQL query can be manipulated individually.


replaceText(string $old, string $new)

Swap some text in the SQL query with another.


Return the generated SQL string for this query

renameTable(string $old, string $new)

Swap the use of one table with another.


Determine if this query is empty, and thus cannot be executed

sql(array $parameters = array())

Generate the SQL statement for this query.


Execute this query.

static SQLInsert
create(string $into = null, array $assignments = array())

Construct a new SQLInsert object

__construct(string $into = null, array $assignments = array())

Construct a new SQLInsert object

setInto(string $into)

Sets the table name to insert into


Gets the table name to insert into

addRow(array|SQLAssignmentRow $data = null)

Appends a new row to insert


Returns the current list of rows


Returns the list of distinct column names used in this insert

setRows(array $rows)

Sets all rows to the given array

addRows(array $rows)

Adds the list of rows to the array

currentRow(bool $create = false)

Returns the currently set row

addAssignments(array $assignments)

Adds assignments for a list of several fields.

setAssignments(array $assignments)

Sets the list of assignments to the given list


Retrieves the list of assignments in parameterised format

assign(string $field, mixed $value)

Set the value for a single field

assignSQL(string $field, string $sql)

Assigns a value to a field using the literal SQL expression, rather than a value to be escaped


Clears all currently set assigment values on the current row


Clears all rows


replaceText(string $old, string $new)

Swap some text in the SQL query with another.

Note that values in parameters will not be replaced


string $old

The old text (escaped)

string $new

The new text (escaped)

string __toString()

Return the generated SQL string for this query

Return Value


renameTable(string $old, string $new)

Swap the use of one table with another.


string $old

Name of the old table (unquoted, escaped)

string $new

Name of the new table (unquoted, escaped)

bool isEmpty()

Determine if this query is empty, and thus cannot be executed

Return Value


Flag indicating that this query is empty

string sql(array $parameters = array())

Generate the SQL statement for this query.


array $parameters

Out variable for parameters required for this query

Return Value


The completed SQL query

Query execute()

Execute this query.

Return Value


static SQLInsert create(string $into = null, array $assignments = array())

Construct a new SQLInsert object


string $into

Table name to insert into (ANSI quoted)

array $assignments

List of column assignments

Return Value


__construct(string $into = null, array $assignments = array())

Construct a new SQLInsert object


string $into

Table name to insert into (ANSI quoted)

array $assignments

List of column assignments

$this setInto(string $into)

Sets the table name to insert into


string $into

Single table name (ANSI quoted)

Return Value


The self reference to this query

string getInto()

Gets the table name to insert into

Return Value


Single table name

$this addRow(array|SQLAssignmentRow $data = null)

Appends a new row to insert


array|SQLAssignmentRow $data

A list of data to include for this row

Return Value


The self reference to this query

SQLAssignmentRow[] getRows()

Returns the current list of rows

Return Value


array getColumns()

Returns the list of distinct column names used in this insert

Return Value


$this setRows(array $rows)

Sets all rows to the given array


array $rows

the list of rows

Return Value


The self reference to this query

$this addRows(array $rows)

Adds the list of rows to the array


array $rows

the list of rows

Return Value


The self reference to this query

SQLAssignmentRow|false currentRow(bool $create = false)

Returns the currently set row


bool $create

Flag to indicate if a row should be created if none exists

Return Value


The row, or false if none exists

$this addAssignments(array $assignments)

Adds assignments for a list of several fields.

For multi-row objects this applies this to the current row.

Note that field values must not be escaped, as these will be internally parameterised by the database engine.

// Basic assignments $query->addAssignments(array( '"Object"."Title"' => 'Bob', '"Object"."Description"' => 'Bob was here' ))

// Parameterised assignments $query->addAssignments(array( '"Object"."Title"' => array('?' => 'Bob')), '"Object"."Description"' => array('?' => null)) ))

// Complex parameters $query->addAssignments(array( '"Object"."Score"' => array('MAX(?,?)' => array(1, 3)) ));

// Assigment of literal SQL for a field. The empty array is // important to denote the zero-number paramater list $query->addAssignments(array( '"Object"."Score"' => array('NOW()' => array()) ));


array $assignments

The list of fields to assign

Return Value


Self reference

$this setAssignments(array $assignments)

Sets the list of assignments to the given list

For multi-row objects this applies this to the current row.


array $assignments

Return Value


Self reference

array getAssignments()

Retrieves the list of assignments in parameterised format

For multi-row objects returns assignments for the current row.

Return Value


List of assigments. The key of this array will be the column to assign, and the value a parameterised array in the format array('SQL' => array(parameters));

$this assign(string $field, mixed $value)

Set the value for a single field

For multi-row objects this applies this to the current row.


// Literal assignment $query->assign('"Object"."Description"', 'lorum ipsum'));

// Single parameter $query->assign('"Object"."Title"', array('?' => 'Bob'));

// Complex parameters $query->assign('"Object"."Score"', array('MAX(?,?)' => array(1, 3));


string $field

The field name to update

mixed $value

The value to assign to this field. This could be an array containing a parameterised SQL query of any number of parameters, or a single literal value.

Return Value


Self reference

$this assignSQL(string $field, string $sql)

Assigns a value to a field using the literal SQL expression, rather than a value to be escaped

For multi-row objects this applies this to the current row.


string $field

The field name to update

string $sql

The SQL to use for this update. E.g. "NOW()"

Return Value


Self reference

$this clearRow()

Clears all currently set assigment values on the current row

Return Value


The self reference to this query

$this clear()

Clears all rows

Return Value


The self reference to this query