class i18nTextCollector (View source)

SilverStripe-variant of the "gettext" tool: Parses the string content of all PHP-files and SilverStripe templates for ocurrences of the _t() translation method. Also uses the {@link i18nEntityProvider} interface to get dynamically defined entities by executing the {@link provideI18nEntities()} method on all implementors of this interface.

Collects all found entities (and their natural language text for the default locale) into language-files for each module in an array notation. Creates or overwrites these files, e.g. framework/lang/en.yml.

The collector needs to be run whenever you make new translatable entities available. Please don't alter the arrays in language tables manually.

Usage through URL: http://localhost/dev/tasks/i18nTextCollectorTask Usage through URL (module-specific): http://localhost/dev/tasks/i18nTextCollectorTask/?module=mymodule Usage on CLI: sake dev/tasks/i18nTextCollectorTask Usage on CLI (module-specific): sake dev/tasks/i18nTextCollectorTask module=mymodule


A class that can be instantiated or replaced via DI


string $basePath

The directory base on which the collector should act.

string $baseSavePath

Save path


static Injectable
create(array ...$args)

An implementation of the factory method, allows you to create an instance of a class

static Injectable
singleton(string $class = null)

Creates a class instance by the "singleton" design pattern.

__construct($locale = null)

No description

setWriter(Writer $writer)

Assign a writer


Gets the currently assigned writer, or the default if none is specified.


Get reader

setReader(Reader $reader)

Set reader

run(array $restrictToModules = null, bool $mergeWithExisting = false)

This is the main method to build the master string tables with the original strings. It will search for existent modules that use the i18n feature, parse the _t() calls and write the resultant files in the lang folder of each module.

collect(array $restrictToModules = array(), bool $mergeWithExisting = false)

Extract all strings from modules and return these grouped by module name

write(Module $module, array $entities)

Write entities to a module

collectFromCode(string $content, string $fileName, Module $module)

Extracts translatables from .php files.

collectFromTemplate(string $content, string $fileName, Module $module, array $parsedFiles = array())

Extracts translatables from .ss templates (Self referencing)

collectFromEntityProviders(string $filePath, Module $module = null)

Allows classes which implement i18nEntityProvider to provide additional translation strings.


No description


No description


No description

setWarnOnEmptyDefault(bool $warnOnEmptyDefault)

No description


static Injectable create(array ...$args)

An implementation of the factory method, allows you to create an instance of a class

This method will defer class substitution to the Injector API, which can be customised via the Config API to declare substitution classes.

This can be called in one of two ways - either calling via the class directly, or calling on Object and passing the class name as the first parameter. The following are equivalent: $list = DataList::create('SiteTree'); $list = SiteTree::get();


array ...$args

Return Value


static Injectable singleton(string $class = null)

Creates a class instance by the "singleton" design pattern.

It will always return the same instance for this class, which can be used for performance reasons and as a simple way to access instance methods which don't rely on instance data (e.g. the custom SilverStripe static handling).


string $class

Optional classname to create, if the called class should not be used

Return Value


The singleton instance

__construct($locale = null)



$this setWriter(Writer $writer)

Assign a writer


Writer $writer

Return Value


Writer getWriter()

Gets the currently assigned writer, or the default if none is specified.

Return Value


Reader getReader()

Get reader

Return Value


$this setReader(Reader $reader)

Set reader


Reader $reader

Return Value


run(array $restrictToModules = null, bool $mergeWithExisting = false)

This is the main method to build the master string tables with the original strings. It will search for existent modules that use the i18n feature, parse the _t() calls and write the resultant files in the lang folder of each module.


array $restrictToModules
bool $mergeWithExisting

Merge new master strings with existing ones already defined in language files, rather than replacing them. This can be useful for long-term maintenance of translations across releases, because it allows "translation backports" to older releases without removing strings these older releases still rely on.

array collect(array $restrictToModules = array(), bool $mergeWithExisting = false)

Extract all strings from modules and return these grouped by module name


array $restrictToModules
bool $mergeWithExisting

Return Value


$this write(Module $module, array $entities)

Write entities to a module


Module $module
array $entities

Return Value


array collectFromCode(string $content, string $fileName, Module $module)

Extracts translatables from .php files.

Note: Translations without default values are omitted.


string $content

The text content of a parsed template-file

string $fileName

Filename Optional filename

Module $module

Module being collected

Return Value


Map of localised keys to default values provided for this code

array collectFromTemplate(string $content, string $fileName, Module $module, array $parsedFiles = array())

Extracts translatables from .ss templates (Self referencing)


string $content

The text content of a parsed template-file

string $fileName

The name of a template file when method is used in self-referencing mode

Module $module

Module being collected

array $parsedFiles

Return Value


$entities An array of entities representing the extracted template function calls

array collectFromEntityProviders(string $filePath, Module $module = null)

Allows classes which implement i18nEntityProvider to provide additional translation strings.

Not all classes can be instanciated without mandatory arguments, so entity collection doesn't work for all SilverStripe classes currently


string $filePath
Module $module

Return Value






bool getWarnOnEmptyDefault()

Return Value


$this setWarnOnEmptyDefault(bool $warnOnEmptyDefault)


bool $warnOnEmptyDefault

Return Value
