class EmbedShortcodeProvider implements ShortcodeHandler (View source)
Provider for the [embed] shortcode tag used by the embedding service in the HTML Editor field.
Provides the html needed for the frontend and the editor field itself.
Provides extensions to this object to integrate it with standard config API methods.
Config options
domains_excluded_from_sandboxing | array | Domains to exclude from sandboxing content in an iframe This will also exclude any subdomains e.g. if 'example.com' is excluded then 'www.example.com' will also be excluded Do not include the protocol in the domain i.e. exclude the leading https:// |
sandboxed_iframe_attributes | array | Attributes to add to the iframe when sandboxing Note that the 'src' attribute cannot be set via config If a style attribute is set via config, width and height values will be overriden by any shortcode width and height arguments |
Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).
Gets the uninherited value for the given config option
Embed shortcode parser from Oembed. This is a temporary workaround.
static Config_ForClass
Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).
uninherited(string $name)
Gets the uninherited value for the given config option
static mixed
Gets the list of shortcodes provided by this handler
static string
handle_shortcode(array $arguments, string $content, ShortcodeParser $parser, string $shortcode, array $extra = [])
Embed shortcode parser from Oembed. This is a temporary workaround.
Oembed class has been replaced with the Embed external service.
static string
embeddableToHtml(Embeddable $embeddable, array $arguments)
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static protected string
videoEmbed(array $arguments, string $content)
Build video embed tag
static protected string
linkEmbed(array $arguments, string $href, string $title)
Build embed tag
static protected string
photoEmbed(array $arguments, string $src)
Build img embed tag
static void
flushCachedShortcodes(ShortcodeParser $parser, string $content)
No description