class Debug (View source)
Supports debugging and core error handling.
Attaches custom methods to the default error handling hooks in PHP. Currently, two levels of error are supported:
- Notice
- Warning
- Error
Uncaught exceptions are currently passed to the debug reporter as standard PHP errors.
Errors handled by this class are passed along to SS_Log. For configuration information, see the SS_Log class documentation.
Send a debug message in an HTTP header. Only works if you are on Dev, and headers have not yet been sent.
Handle a non-fatal warning error thrown by PHP interpreter.
Handle a fatal error, depending on the mode of the site (ie: Dev, Test, or Live).
Render a user-facing error page, using the default HTML error template rendered by ErrorPage} if it exists. Doesn't use the standard {@link SS_HTTPResponse class the keep dependencies minimal.
Render a developer facing error page, showing the stack trace and details of the code where the error occured.
Utility method to render a snippet of PHP source code, from selected file and highlighting the given line number.
Check if the user has permissions to run URL debug tools, else redirect them to log in.
show($val, $showHeader = true)
Show the contents of val in a debug-friendly way.
Debug::show() is intended to be equivalent to dprintr()
static array
Returns the caller for a specific method
endshow(mixed $val)
Close out the show dumper
dump(mixed $val)
Quick dump of a variable.
static unknown
text(unknown_type $val)
message($message, $showHeader = true)
Show a debugging message
static void
header(string $msg, string $prefix = null)
Send a debug message in an HTTP header. Only works if you are on Dev, and headers have not yet been sent.
Log to a standard text file output.
Load error handlers into environment.
Caution: The error levels default to E_ALL is the site is in dev-mode (set in main.php).
noticeHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext)
No description
warningHandler(unknown_type $errno, unknown_type $errstr, unknown_type $errfile, unknown_type $errline, unknown_type $errcontext)
Handle a non-fatal warning error thrown by PHP interpreter.
fatalHandler(unknown_type $errno, unknown_type $errstr, unknown_type $errfile, unknown_type $errline, unknown_type $errcontext)
Handle a fatal error, depending on the mode of the site (ie: Dev, Test, or Live).
Runtime execution dies immediately once the error is generated.
static string
friendlyError(int $statusCode = 500, string $friendlyErrorMessage = null, string $friendlyErrorDetail = null)
Render a user-facing error page, using the default HTML error template rendered by ErrorPage} if it exists. Doesn't use the standard {@link SS_HTTPResponse class the keep dependencies minimal.
static DebugView
Create an instance of an appropriate DebugView object.
showError(unknown_type $errno, unknown_type $errstr, unknown_type $errfile, unknown_type $errline, unknown_type $errcontext, $errtype)
Render a developer facing error page, showing the stack trace and details of the code where the error occured.
showLines(string $errfile, int $errline)
Utility method to render a snippet of PHP source code, from selected file and highlighting the given line number.
Check if the user has permissions to run URL debug tools, else redirect them to log in.