class LinkFieldController extends FormSchemaController (View source)
Allows an object to have extensions applied to it.
A class that can be instantiated or replaced via DI
Provides extensions to this object to integrate it with standard config API methods.
Allows an object to declare a set of custom methods
Config options
extensions | array | An array of extension names and parameters to be applied to this object upon construction. |
from Extensible |
unextendable_classes | array | Classes that cannot be extended |
from Extensible |
casting | array | An array of DBField classes to cast certain fields to. This is set up as an array in the format: |
from ModelData |
default_cast | string|null | The default class to cast scalar fields to if casting information is not specified, and casting to an object is required. |
from ModelData |
require_sudo_mode | bool | Config of whether the model requires sudo mode to be active in order to be modified in admin Sudo mode is a security feature that requires the user to re-enter their password before making changes to the database. |
from ModelData |
url_segment | string | ||
url_handlers | array | ||
allowed_actions | array | ||
add_trailing_slash | bool | If true, a trailing slash is added to the end of URLs, e.g. from Controller::join_links() |
from Controller |
url_rule | string | Used by AdminRootController to augment Director route rules for subclasses of AdminController |
from AdminController |
url_priority | int | Priority order for routing rules. If two controllers match a given request, the one with a higher priority will handle the request. |
from AdminController |
required_permission_codes | string | ||
section_name | string|null | The configuration passed to the supporting JS for each CMS section includes a 'name' key that by default matches the FQCN of the current class. This setting allows you to change the key if necessary (for example, if you are overloading CMSMain or another core class and want to keep the core JS - which depends on the core class names - functioning, you would need to set this to the FQCN of the class you are overloading). |
from AdminController |
dependencies | array | from FormSchemaController |
protected static | array | $extra_methods | Custom method sources |
from CustomMethods |
protected | array | $extra_method_registers | Name of methods to invoke by defineMethods for this instance |
from CustomMethods |
protected static | array | $built_in_methods | Non-custom public methods. |
from CustomMethods |
protected | Extension[] | $extension_instances | from Extensible | |
protected | callable[][] | $beforeExtendCallbacks | List of callbacks to call prior to extensions having extend called on them, each grouped by methodName. |
from Extensible |
protected | callable[][] | $afterExtendCallbacks | List of callbacks to call after extensions having extend called on them, each grouped by methodName. |
from Extensible |
protected | ModelData|null | $failover | A failover object to attempt to get data from if it is not present on this object. |
from ModelData |
protected | ModelData|null | $customisedObject | from ModelData | |
protected | HTTPRequest | $request | from RequestHandler | |
protected | $model | The DataModel for this request |
from RequestHandler | |
protected | bool | $brokenOnConstruct | This variable records whether RequestHandler::construct() was called or not. Useful for checking if subclasses have called parent::construct() |
from RequestHandler |
protected | array | $urlParams | An array of arguments extracted from the URL. |
from Controller |
protected | array | $requestParams | Contains all GET and POST parameters passed to the current HTTPRequest. |
from Controller |
protected | string | $action | The URL part matched on the current controller as determined by the "$Action" part of the $url_handlers definition. Should correlate to a public method on this controller. |
from Controller |
protected static | array | $controller_stack | Stack of current controllers. Controller::$controller_stack[0] is the current controller. |
from Controller |
protected | array | $templates | Assign templates for this controller. |
from Controller |
protected | HTTPResponse | $response | The response object that the controller returns. |
from Controller |
protected | TemplateEngine|null | $templateEngine | from Controller | |
protected | bool | $baseInitCalled | from Controller |
Attempts to locate and call a method dynamically added to a class at runtime if a default cannot be located
Adds any methods from Extension instances attached to this object.
Register an callback to invoke that defines extra methods
Return TRUE if a method exists on this object
Determines if a custom method with this name is defined.
Get meta-data details on a named method
Return the names of all the methods available on this object
Get all public built in methods for this class
Find all methods on the given object.
Add all the methods from an object property.
Add all the methods from an object property (which is an Extension) to this object.
Add a wrapper method - a method which points to another method with a different name. For example, Thumbnail(x) can be wrapped to generateThumbnail(x)
Add callback as a method.
Allows user code to hook into Object::extend prior to control being delegated to extensions. Each callback will be reset once called.
Allows user code to hook into Object::extend after control being delegated to extensions. Each callback will be reset once called.
Adds any methods from Extension instances attached to this object.
Add an extension to a specific class.
No description
Get extra config sources for this class
Return TRUE if a class has a specified extension.
Calls a method if available on both this object and all applied Extensions, and then attempts to merge all results into an array
Run the given function on all of this object's extensions. Note that this method originally returned void, so if you wanted to return results, you're hosed
Get an extension instance attached to this object by name.
Returns TRUE if this object instance has a specific extension applied in $extension_instances. Extension instances are initialized at constructor time, meaning if you use add_extension() afterwards, the added extension will just be added to new instances of the extended class. Use the static method has_extension() to check if a class (not an instance) has a specific extension.
Get all extension instances for this specific object instance.
An implementation of the factory method, allows you to create an instance of a class
Creates a class instance by the "singleton" design pattern.
Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).
Gets the uninherited value for the given config option
Check if a field exists on this object or its failover.
Get the value of a property/field on this object. This will check if a method called get{$property} exists, then check if a field is available using ModelData::getField(), then fall back on a failover object.
Set a property/field on this object. This will check for the existence of a method called set{$property}, then use the ModelData::setField() method.
Set a failover object to attempt to get data from if it is not present on this object.
Check if a field exists on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.
Get the value of a field on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.
Set a field on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.
Whether the model requires sudo mode to be active in order to be modified in admin
Merge some arbitrary data in with this object. This method returns a ModelDataCustomised instance with references to both this and the new custom data.
Return the class name (though subclasses may return something else)
Return the HTML markup that represents this model when it is directly injected into a template (e.g. using $Me).
Return the "casting helper" (an injectable service name) for a field on this object. This helper will be a subclass of DBField.
Render this object into the template, and get the result as a string. You can pass one of the following as the $template parameter:
- a template name (e.g. Page)
- an array of possible template names - the first valid one will be used
- an SSViewer instance
Get a cached value from the field cache for a field
Store a value in the field cache for a field
Get the value of a field on this object, automatically inserting the value into any available casting objects that have been specified.
Checks if a given method/field has a valid value. If the result is an object, this will return the result of the exists method, otherwise will check if the result is not just an empty paragraph tag.
Flags provides the user with additional data about the current page status.
Get the HTML markup for rendering status flags for this model.
Find appropriate templates for SSViewer to use to render this object
When rendering some objects it is necessary to iterate over the object being rendered, to do this, you need access to itself.
Get part of the current classes ancestry to be used as a CSS class.
Return debug information about this object that can be rendered into a template
Executes this controller, and return an HTTPResponse object with the result.
Controller's default action handler. It will call the method named in "$Action", if that method exists. If "$Action" isn't given, it will use "index" as a default.
Get a array of allowed actions defined on this controller, any parent classes or extensions.
Return the class that defines the given action, so that we know where to check allowed_actions.
Check that the given action is allowed to be called from a URL.
Throws a HTTP error response encased in a HTTPResponse_Exception, which is later caught in RequestHandler::handleAction() and returned to the user.
Returns the HTTPRequest object that this controller is using.
Typically the request is set through handleAction() or handleRequest(), but in some based we want to set it manually.
Get the absolute URL for this controller, including protocol and host.
Overloaded redirection logic to trigger a fake redirect on ajax requests.
Safely get the value of the BackURL param, if provided via querystring / posted var
Redirect back. Uses either the HTTP-Referer or a manually set request-variable called "BackURL".
Convert an array of data to JSON and wrap it in an HTML tag as pjax is used and jQuery will parse this as an element on the client side in LeftAndMain.js handleAjaxResponse() The attribute type="application/json" denotes this is a data block and won't be processed by a browser
Initialisation function that is run before any action on the controller is called.
A stand in function to protect the init function from failing to be called as well as providing before and after hooks for the init function itself
Prepare the response (we can receive an assortment of response types (strings/objects/HTTPResponses) and changes the controller response object appropriately
Returns the parameters extracted from the URL by the Director.
Returns the HTTPResponse object that this controller is building up. Can be used to set the status code and headers.
Sets the HTTPResponse object that this controller is building up.
This is the default action handler used if a method doesn't exist. It will process the controller object with the template returned by getViewer().
Returns the action that is being executed on this controller.
Return the viewer identified being the default handler for this Controller/Action combination.
Removes all the "action" part of the current URL and returns the result. If no action parameter is present, returns the full URL.
Returns TRUE if this controller has a template that is specifically designed to handle a specific action.
Render the current controller with the templates determined by getViewer().
Returns true if the member is allowed to do the given action. Defaults to the currently logged in user.
Pushes this controller onto the stack of current controllers. This means that any redirection, session setting, or other things that rely on Controller::curr() will now write to this controller object.
Tests whether a redirection has been requested. If redirect() has been called, it will return the URL redirected to. Otherwise, it will return null.
Joins two or more link segments together, putting a slash between them if necessary. Use this for building the results of Link() methods. If either of the links have query strings, then they will be combined and put at the end of the resulting url.
Normalises a URL according to the configuration for add_trailing_slash
Get list of required permissions for accessing this controller.
Get a data value from JSON in body of the POST request, ensuring it exists Will only read from the root node of the JSON body
Creates a successful json response
Throw an error HTTPResponse encoded as json
Generate schema for the given form based on the X-Formschema-Request header value
Check if the current request has a X-Formschema-Request header set.
Used for both:
- GET requests to get the FormSchema via
called from LeftAndMain::schema() - POST Requests to save the Form. Will be handled by to FormRequestHandler::httpSubmission()
This method is called from LeftAndMain::schema()
Update Link Sort fields based frontend drag and drop sort logic /admin/linkfield/sort
__call(string $method, array $arguments)
Attempts to locate and call a method dynamically added to a class at runtime if a default cannot be located
You can add extra methods to a class using Extensions}, {@link Object::createMethod() or Object::addWrapperMethod()
Adds any methods from Extension instances attached to this object.
All these methods can then be called directly on the instance (transparently mapped through __call()}), or called explicitly through {@link extend().
registerExtraMethodCallback(string $name, callable $callback)
Register an callback to invoke that defines extra methods
hasMethod(string $method)
Return TRUE if a method exists on this object
This should be used rather than PHP's inbuild method_exists() as it takes into account methods added via extensions
protected bool
Determines if a custom method with this name is defined.
protected array
getExtraMethodConfig(string $method)
Get meta-data details on a named method
allMethodNames(bool $custom = false)
Return the names of all the methods available on this object
static protected array
findBuiltInMethods(string|object $class = null)
Get all public built in methods for this class
protected array
findMethodsFrom(object $object)
Find all methods on the given object.
addMethodsFrom(string $property, string|int $index = null)
Add all the methods from an object property.
removeMethodsFrom(string $property, string|int $index = null)
Add all the methods from an object property (which is an Extension) to this object.
addWrapperMethod(string $method, string $wrap)
Add a wrapper method - a method which points to another method with a different name. For example, Thumbnail(x) can be wrapped to generateThumbnail(x)
addCallbackMethod(string $method, callable $callback)
Add callback as a method.
beforeExtending(string $method, callable $callback)
Allows user code to hook into Object::extend prior to control being delegated to extensions. Each callback will be reset once called.
afterExtending(string $method, callable $callback)
Allows user code to hook into Object::extend after control being delegated to extensions. Each callback will be reset once called.
Adds any methods from Extension instances attached to this object.
All these methods can then be called directly on the instance (transparently mapped through __call()}), or called explicitly through {@link extend().
static bool
add_extension(string $classOrExtension, string $extension = null)
Add an extension to a specific class.
The preferred method for adding extensions is through YAML config, since it avoids autoloading the class, and is easier to override in more specific configurations.
As an alternative, extensions can be added to a specific class directly in the Object::$extensions array. See SiteTree::$extensions for examples. Keep in mind that the extension will only be applied to new instances, not existing ones (including all instances created through singleton()).
remove_extension(string $extension)
Remove an extension from a class.
Note: This will not remove extensions from parent classes, and must be called directly on the class assigned the extension.
Keep in mind that this won't revert any datamodel additions of the extension at runtime, unless its used before the schema building kicks in (in your _config.php). Doesn't remove the extension from any Object instances which are already created, but will have an effect on new extensions. Clears any previously created singletons through singleton() to avoid side-effects from stale extension information.
static array
get_extensions(string $class = null, bool $includeArgumentString = false)
No description
static array|null
get_extra_config_sources(string $class = null)
Get extra config sources for this class
static bool
has_extension(string $classOrExtension, string $requiredExtension = null, bool $strict = false)
Return TRUE if a class has a specified extension.
This supports backwards-compatible format (static Object::has_extension($requiredExtension)) and new format ($object->has_extension($class, $requiredExtension))
invokeWithExtensions(string $method, mixed ...$arguments)
Calls a method if available on both this object and all applied Extensions, and then attempts to merge all results into an array
extend(string $method, mixed ...$arguments)
Run the given function on all of this object's extensions. Note that this method originally returned void, so if you wanted to return results, you're hosed
Currently returns an array, with an index resulting every time the function is called. Only adds returns if they're not NULL, to avoid bogus results from methods just defined on the parent extension. This is important for permission-checks through extend, as they use min() to determine if any of the returns is FALSE. As min() doesn't do type checking, an included NULL return would fail the permission checks.
The extension methods are defined during __construct()} in {@link defineMethods().
getExtensionInstance(string $extension)
Get an extension instance attached to this object by name.
hasExtension(string $extension)
Returns TRUE if this object instance has a specific extension applied in $extension_instances. Extension instances are initialized at constructor time, meaning if you use add_extension() afterwards, the added extension will just be added to new instances of the extended class. Use the static method has_extension() to check if a class (not an instance) has a specific extension.
Caution: Don't use singleton(
Get all extension instances for this specific object instance.
See get_extensions() to get all applied extension classes for this class (not the instance).
This method also provides lazy-population of the extension_instances property.
static Injectable
create(mixed ...$args)
An implementation of the factory method, allows you to create an instance of a class
This method will defer class substitution to the Injector API, which can be customised via the Config API to declare substitution classes.
This can be called in one of two ways - either calling via the class directly, or calling on Object and passing the class name as the first parameter. The following are equivalent: $list = DataList::create(SiteTree::class); $list = SiteTree::get();
static Injectable
singleton(string $class = null)
Creates a class instance by the "singleton" design pattern.
It will always return the same instance for this class, which can be used for performance reasons and as a simple way to access instance methods which don't rely on instance data (e.g. the custom SilverStripe static handling).
static Config_ForClass
Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).
uninherited(string $name)
Gets the uninherited value for the given config option
No description
__isset(string $property)
Check if a field exists on this object or its failover.
Note that, unlike the core isset() implementation, this will return true if the property is defined and set to null.
__get(string $property)
Get the value of a property/field on this object. This will check if a method called get{$property} exists, then check if a field is available using ModelData::getField(), then fall back on a failover object.
__set(string $property, mixed $value)
Set a property/field on this object. This will check for the existence of a method called set{$property}, then use the ModelData::setField() method.
setFailover(ModelData $failover)
Set a failover object to attempt to get data from if it is not present on this object.
Get the current failover object if set
hasField(string $fieldName)
Check if a field exists on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.
getField(string $fieldName)
Get the value of a field on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.
setField(string $fieldName, mixed $value)
Set a field on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.
getDynamicData(string $field)
No description
setDynamicData(string $field, mixed $value)
No description
hasDynamicData(string $field)
No description
Whether the model requires sudo mode to be active in order to be modified in admin
customise(ModelData $data)
Merge some arbitrary data in with this object. This method returns a ModelDataCustomised instance with references to both this and the new custom data.
Note that any fields you specify will take precedence over the fields on this object.
Return true if this object "exists" i.e. has a sensible value
This method should be overridden in subclasses to provide more context about the classes state. For example, a DataObject class could return false when it is deleted from the database
Return the class name (though subclasses may return something else)
Return the HTML markup that represents this model when it is directly injected into a template (e.g. using $Me).
By default this attempts to render the model using templates based on the class hierarchy.
No description
setCustomisedObj(ModelData $object)
No description
castingHelper(string $field)
Return the "casting helper" (an injectable service name) for a field on this object. This helper will be a subclass of DBField.
renderWith(string|array|SSViewer $template, ModelData|array $customFields = [])
Render this object into the template, and get the result as a string. You can pass one of the following as the $template parameter:
- a template name (e.g. Page)
- an array of possible template names - the first valid one will be used
- an SSViewer instance
objCacheGet(string $fieldName, array $arguments = [])
Get a cached value from the field cache for a field
objCacheSet(string $fieldName, array $arguments, mixed $value)
Store a value in the field cache for a field
Clear object cache
obj(string $fieldName, array $arguments = [], bool $cache = false)
Get the value of a field on this object, automatically inserting the value into any available casting objects that have been specified.
hasValue(string $field, array $arguments = [], bool $cache = true)
Checks if a given method/field has a valid value. If the result is an object, this will return the result of the exists method, otherwise will check if the result is not just an empty paragraph tag.
getStatusFlags(bool $cached = true)
Flags provides the user with additional data about the current page status.
Mostly this is used for versioning, but can be used for other purposes (e.g. localisation). Each page can have more than one status flag.
Returns an associative array of a unique key to a (localized) title for the flag. The unique key can be reused as a CSS class.
Example (simple): "deletedonlive" => "Deleted"
Example (with optional title attribute): "deletedonlive" => ['text' => "Deleted", 'title' => 'This page has been deleted']
getStatusFlagMarkup(string $additionalCssClass = '')
Get the HTML markup for rendering status flags for this model.
getViewerTemplates(string $suffix = '')
Find appropriate templates for SSViewer to use to render this object
When rendering some objects it is necessary to iterate over the object being rendered, to do this, you need access to itself.
CSSClasses(string $stopAtClass = ModelData::class)
Get part of the current classes ancestry to be used as a CSS class.
This method returns an escaped string of CSS classes representing the current classes ancestry until it hits a stop point - e.g. "Page DataObject ModelData".
Return debug information about this object that can be rendered into a template
Clears record-specific cached data.
handleRequest(HTTPRequest $request)
Executes this controller, and return an HTTPResponse object with the result.
This method defers to RequestHandler->handleRequest() to determine which action should be executed
Note: You should rarely need to overload handleRequest() - this kind of change is only really appropriate for things like nested controllers - ModelAsController} and {@link RootURLController are two examples here. If you want to make more orthodox functionality, it's better to overload init()} or {@link index().
Important: If you are going to overload handleRequest, make sure that you start the method with $this->beforeHandleRequest() and end the method with $this->afterHandleRequest()
protected array
findAction(HTTPRequest $request)
No description
protected string
addBackURLParam(string $link)
No description
protected HTTPResponse
handleAction($request, $action)
Controller's default action handler. It will call the method named in "$Action", if that method exists. If "$Action" isn't given, it will use "index" as a default.
allowedActions(string $limitToClass = null)
Get a array of allowed actions defined on this controller, any parent classes or extensions.
Caution: Since 3.1, allowed_actions definitions only apply to methods on the controller they're defined on, so it is recommended to use the $class argument when invoking this method.
hasAction(string $action)
No description
protected string
definingClassForAction(string $action)
Return the class that defines the given action, so that we know where to check allowed_actions.
Overrides RequestHandler to also look at defined templates.
checkAccessAction(string $action)
Check that the given action is allowed to be called from a URL.
It will interrogate RequestHandler::$allowed_actions to determine this.
httpError(int $errorCode, string $errorMessage = null)
Throws a HTTP error response encased in a HTTPResponse_Exception, which is later caught in RequestHandler::handleAction() and returned to the user.
Returns the HTTPRequest object that this controller is using.
Returns a placeholder NullHTTPRequest object unless handleAction()} or {@link handleRequest() have been called, which adds a reference to an actual HTTPRequest object.
setRequest(HTTPRequest $request)
Typically the request is set through handleAction() or handleRequest(), but in some based we want to set it manually.
Link(string $action = null)
Returns a link to this controller.
Returns null if no link could be generated.
Overload with your own Link rules if they exist.
AbsoluteLink(string $action = '')
Get the absolute URL for this controller, including protocol and host.
Returns null if no link could be generated.
redirect(string $url, int $code = 302)
Overloaded redirection logic to trigger a fake redirect on ajax requests.
While this violates HTTP principles, its the only way to work around the fact that browsers handle HTTP redirects opaquely, no intervention via JS is possible. In isolation, that's not a problem - but combined with history.pushState() it means we would request the same redirection URL twice if we want to update the URL as well. See LeftAndMain.js for the required jQuery ajaxComplete handlers.
Safely get the value of the BackURL param, if provided via querystring / posted var
Get referer
Redirect back. Uses either the HTTP-Referer or a manually set request-variable called "BackURL".
This variable is needed in scenarios where HTTP-Referer is not sent (e.g when calling a page by location.href in IE). If none of the two variables is available, it will redirect to the base URL (see Director::baseURL()).
protected string
prepareDataForPjax(array $data)
Convert an array of data to JSON and wrap it in an HTML tag as pjax is used and jQuery will parse this as an element on the client side in LeftAndMain.js handleAjaxResponse() The attribute type="application/json" denotes this is a data block and won't be processed by a browser
Initialisation function that is run before any action on the controller is called.
A stand in function to protect the init function from failing to be called as well as providing before and after hooks for the init function itself
This should be called on all controllers before handling requests
beforeHandleRequest(HTTPRequest $request)
A bootstrap for the handleRequest method
Cleanup for the handleRequest method
prepareResponse(HTTPResponse|object $response)
Prepare the response (we can receive an assortment of response types (strings/objects/HTTPResponses) and changes the controller response object appropriately
setURLParams(array $urlParams)
No description
Returns the parameters extracted from the URL by the Director.
Returns the HTTPResponse object that this controller is building up. Can be used to set the status code and headers.
setResponse(HTTPResponse $response)
Sets the HTTPResponse object that this controller is building up.
defaultAction(string $action)
This is the default action handler used if a method doesn't exist. It will process the controller object with the template returned by getViewer().
Returns the action that is being executed on this controller.
getViewer(string $action)
Return the viewer identified being the default handler for this Controller/Action combination.
removeAction(string $fullURL, null|string $action = null)
Removes all the "action" part of the current URL and returns the result. If no action parameter is present, returns the full URL.
hasActionTemplate(string $action)
Returns TRUE if this controller has a template that is specifically designed to handle a specific action.
render(array $params = null)
Render the current controller with the templates determined by getViewer().
static Controller|null
Returns the current controller.
can(string $perm, null|member $member = null)
Returns true if the member is allowed to do the given action. Defaults to the currently logged in user.
Pushes this controller onto the stack of current controllers. This means that any redirection, session setting, or other things that rely on Controller::curr() will now write to this controller object.
Note: Ensure this controller is assigned a request with a valid session before pushing it to the stack.
Pop this controller off the top of the stack.
Tests whether a redirection has been requested. If redirect() has been called, it will return the URL redirected to. Otherwise, it will return null.
static string
join_links(string|array $arg = null)
Joins two or more link segments together, putting a slash between them if necessary. Use this for building the results of Link() methods. If either of the links have query strings, then they will be combined and put at the end of the resulting url.
Caution: All parameters are expected to be URI-encoded already.
static string
normaliseTrailingSlash(string $url)
Normalises a URL according to the configuration for add_trailing_slash
static array
No description
protected TemplateEngine
No description
static array|string|false
Get list of required permissions for accessing this controller.
If false, no permission is required.
canView($member = null)
No description
Returns configuration required by the client app
protected mixed
getPostedJsonValue(HTTPRequest $request, string $key)
Get a data value from JSON in body of the POST request, ensuring it exists Will only read from the root node of the JSON body
protected HTTPResponse
jsonSuccess(int $statusCode, array|null $data = null)
Creates a successful json response
protected void
jsonError(int $errorCode, string $errorMessage = '')
Throw an error HTTPResponse encoded as json
Get the form schema helper for this controller
setFormSchema(FormSchema $schema)
Set the form schema helper for this controller
schema(HTTPRequest $request)
Gets a JSON schema representing a form.
getSchemaResponse(string $schemaID, Form|null $form = null, ValidationResult|null $errors = null, array $extraData = [])
Generate schema for the given form based on the X-Formschema-Request header value
protected bool
Check if the current request has a X-Formschema-Request header set.
Used by conditional logic that responds to validation results
Used for both:
- GET requests to get the FormSchema via
called from LeftAndMain::schema() - POST Requests to save the Form. Will be handled by to FormRequestHandler::httpSubmission()
linkData(HTTPRequest $request)
Get data for a Link
Delete a Link
This method is called from LeftAndMain::schema()
save(array $data, Form $form)
Arrive here from FormRequestHandler::httpSubmission() during a POST request to
Update Link Sort fields based frontend drag and drop sort logic /admin/linkfield/sort