class BasicAuth (View source)

Provides an interface to HTTP basic authentication.

This utility class can be used to secure any request processed by SilverStripe with basic authentication. To do so, BasicAuth::requireLogin() from your Controller's init() method or action handler method.

It also has a function to protect your entire site. See BasicAuth::protect_entire_site() for more information. You can control this setting on controller-level by using Controller->basicAuthEnabled.

CAUTION: Basic Auth is an oudated security measure which passes credentials without encryption over the network. It is considered insecure unless this connection itself is secured (via HTTPS). It also doesn't prevent access to web requests which aren't handled via SilverStripe (e.g. published assets). Consider using additional authentication and authorisation measures to secure access (e.g. IP whitelists).


Provides extensions to this object to integrate it with standard config API methods.



Env var to set to enable basic auth


Default permission code

Config options

entire_site_protected bool
ignore_cli bool

Set to true to ignore in CLI mode

entire_site_protected_code string|array
entire_site_protected_message string



public static 

Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).

uninherited(string $name)

Gets the uninherited value for the given config option

public static 
requireLogin(HTTPRequest $request, string $realm, string|array $permissionCode = null, bool $tryUsingSessionLogin = true)

Require basic authentication. Will request a username and password if none is given.

public static 
protect_entire_site(bool $protect = true, string $code = BasicAuth::AUTH_PERMISSION, string $message = null)

Enable protection of all requests handed by SilverStripe with basic authentication.

public static 
protect_site_if_necessary(HTTPRequest $request = null)

Call BasicAuth::requireLogin()} if {@link BasicAuth::protect_entire_site() has been called.


static Config_ForClass config()

Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).

Return Value


mixed uninherited(string $name)

Gets the uninherited value for the given config option


string $name

Return Value


static bool|Member requireLogin(HTTPRequest $request, string $realm, string|array $permissionCode = null, bool $tryUsingSessionLogin = true)

Require basic authentication. Will request a username and password if none is given.

Used by Controller::init().


HTTPRequest $request
string $realm
string|array $permissionCode Optional
bool $tryUsingSessionLogin

If true, then the method with authenticate against the session log-in if those credentials are disabled.

Return Value




static protect_entire_site(bool $protect = true, string $code = BasicAuth::AUTH_PERMISSION, string $message = null)

Enable protection of all requests handed by SilverStripe with basic authentication.

This log-in uses the Member database for authentication, but doesn't interfere with the regular log-in form. This can be useful for test sites, where you want to hide the site away from prying eyes, but still be able to test the regular log-in features of the site.

You can also enable this feature by adding this line to your .env. Set this to a permission code you wish to require: SS_USE_BASIC_AUTH=ADMIN

CAUTION: Basic Auth is an oudated security measure which passes credentials without encryption over the network. It is considered insecure unless this connection itself is secured (via HTTPS). It also doesn't prevent access to web requests which aren't handled via SilverStripe (e.g. published assets). Consider using additional authentication and authorisation measures to secure access (e.g. IP whitelists).


bool $protect

Set this to false to disable protection.

string $code

Permission code that is required from the user. Defaults to "ADMIN". Set to NULL to just require a valid login, regardless of the permission codes a user has.

string $message

static protect_site_if_necessary(HTTPRequest $request = null)

Call BasicAuth::requireLogin()} if {@link BasicAuth::protect_entire_site() has been called.

This is a helper function used by Controller::init().

If you want to enabled protection (rather than enforcing it), please use protect_entire_site().


HTTPRequest $request

