class Director implements TemplateGlobalProvider (View source)

Director is responsible for processing URLs, and providing environment information.

The most important part of director is {@link Director::handleRequest()}, which is passed an HTTPRequest and will execute the appropriate controller.


Provides extensions to this object to integrate it with standard config API methods.

Allows an object to have extensions applied to it.

A class that can be instantiated or replaced via DI

Adds middleware support to an object.

Allows an object to declare a set of custom methods



Specifies this url is relative to the base.


Specifies this url is relative to the site root.


specifies this url is relative to the current request.


static private array $extensions

An array of extension names and parameters to be applied to this object upon construction.

from  Extensible
static private array $rules
static private string $alternate_base_folder
static private bool|null $alternate_public_dir

Override PUBLIC_DIR. Set to a non-null value to override.

static private string $default_base_url

Base url to populate if cannot be determined otherwise.


static Config_ForClass

Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).

stat(string $name) deprecated

Get inherited config value

uninherited(string $name)

Gets the uninherited value for the given config option

set_stat(string $name, mixed $value) deprecated

Update the config value for a given property

__call(string $method, array $arguments)

Attempts to locate and call a method dynamically added to a class at runtime if a default cannot be located

hasMethod(string $method)

Return TRUE if a method exists on this object

allMethodNames(bool $custom = false)

Return the names of all the methods available on this object

static bool
add_extension(string $classOrExtension, string $extension = null)

Add an extension to a specific class.

remove_extension(string $extension)

Remove an extension from a class.

static array
get_extensions(string $class = null, bool $includeArgumentString = false)

No description

static array|null
get_extra_config_sources(string $class = null)

Get extra config sources for this class

static bool
has_extension(string $classOrExtension, string $requiredExtension = null, bool $strict = false)

Return TRUE if a class has a specified extension.

invokeWithExtensions(string $method, mixed ...$arguments)

Calls a method if available on both this object and all applied {@link Extensions}, and then attempts to merge all results into an array

extend(string $method, mixed ...$arguments)

Run the given function on all of this object's extensions. Note that this method originally returned void, so if you wanted to return results, you're hosed

getExtensionInstance(string $extension)

Get an extension instance attached to this object by name.

hasExtension(string $extension)

Returns TRUE if this object instance has a specific extension applied in {@link $extension_instances}. Extension instances are initialized at constructor time, meaning if you use {@link add_extension()} afterwards, the added extension will just be added to new instances of the extended class. Use the static method {@link has_extension()} to check if a class (not an instance) has a specific extension.


Get all extension instances for this specific object instance.

static Injectable
create(array ...$args)

An implementation of the factory method, allows you to create an instance of a class

static Injectable
singleton(string $class = null)

Creates a class instance by the "singleton" design pattern.

setMiddlewares(HTTPMiddleware[] $middlewares)

No description

addMiddleware(HTTPMiddleware $middleware)

No description


No description

static HTTPResponse
test(string $url, array $postVars = [], array|Session $session = array(), string $httpMethod = null, string $body = null, array $headers = array(), array|Cookie_Backend $cookies = array(), HTTPRequest $request = null)

Test a URL request, returning a response object. This method is a wrapper around Director::handleRequest() to assist with functional testing. It will execute the URL given, and return the result as an HTTPResponse object.

static mixed
mockRequest(callable $callback, string $url, array $postVars = [], array|Session $session = [], string $httpMethod = null, string $body = null, array $headers = [], array|Cookie_Backend $cookies = [], HTTPRequest $request = null)

Mock a request, passing this to the given callback, before resetting.

handleRequest(HTTPRequest $request)

Process the given URL, creating the appropriate controller and executing it.

static bool
isManifestFlushed() deprecated

Returns indication whether the manifest cache has been flushed in the beginning of the current request.


Return the {@link SiteTree} object that is currently being viewed. If there is no SiteTree object to return, then this will return the current controller.

set_current_page(SiteTree $page)

Set the currently active {@link SiteTree} object that is being used to respond to the request.

static string
absoluteURL(string $url, string $relativeParent = self::BASE)

Converts the given path or url into an absolute url. This method follows the below rules:

  • Absolute urls (e.g. http://localhost) are not modified
  • Relative urls (e.g. //localhost) have current protocol added (http://localhost)
  • Absolute paths (e.g. /base/about-us) are resolved by adding the current protocol and host (http://localhost/base/about-us)
  • Relative paths (e.g. about-us/staff) must be resolved using one of three methods, disambiguated via the $relativeParent argument:
    • BASE - Append this path to the base url (i.e. behaves as though <base> tag is provided in a html document). This is the default.

static string
host(HTTPRequest $request = null)

A helper to determine the current hostname used to access the site.

static int|null
port(HTTPRequest $request = null)

Return port used for the base URL.

static string|null
hostName(HTTPRequest $request = null)

Return host name without port

static bool|string
protocolAndHost(HTTPRequest $request = null)

Returns the domain part of the URL ''. Returns FALSE is this environment variable isn't set.

static string
protocol(HTTPRequest $request = null)

Return the current protocol that the site is running under.

static bool
is_https(HTTPRequest $request = null)

Return whether the site is running as under HTTPS.

static string

Return the root-relative url for the baseurl

static string

Returns the root filesystem folder for the site. It will be automatically calculated unless it is overridden with {@link setBaseFolder()}.

static string

Check if using a seperate public dir, and if so return this directory name.

static string

Gets the webroot of the project, which may be a subfolder of {see baseFolder()}

static string
makeRelative(string $url)

Turns an absolute URL or folder into one that's relative to the root of the site. This is useful when turning a URL into a filesystem reference, or vice versa.

static bool
is_absolute(string $path)

Returns true if a given path is absolute. Works under both *nix and windows systems.

static bool
is_root_relative_url(string $url)

Determine if the url is root relative (i.e. starts with /, but not with //) SilverStripe considers root relative urls as a subset of relative urls.

static bool
is_absolute_url(string $url)

Checks if a given URL is absolute (e.g. starts with 'http://' etc.). URLs beginning with "//" are treated as absolute, as browsers take this to mean the same protocol as currently being used.

static bool
is_relative_url(string $url)

Checks if a given URL is relative (or root relative) by checking {@link is_absolute_url()}.

static bool
is_site_url(string $url)

Checks if the given URL is belonging to this "site" (not an external link). That's the case if the URL is relative, as defined by {@link is_relative_url()}, or if the host matches {@link protocolAndHost()}.

static string
getAbsFile(string $file)

Given a filesystem reference relative to the site root, return the full file-system path.

static bool

Returns true if the given file exists. Filename should be relative to the site root.

static string

Returns the Absolute URL of the site root.

static string
absoluteBaseURLWithAuth(HTTPRequest $request = null)

Returns the Absolute URL of the site root, embedding the current basic-auth credentials into the URL.

forceSSL(array $patterns = null, string $secureDomain = null, HTTPRequest $request = null)

Force the site to run on SSL.

forceWWW(HTTPRequest $request = null)

Force a redirect to a domain starting with "www."

static bool
is_ajax(HTTPRequest $request = null)

Checks if the current HTTP-Request is an "Ajax-Request" by checking for a custom header set by jQuery or whether a manually set request-parameter 'ajax' is present.

static bool

Returns true if this script is being run from the command line rather than the web server.

static string

Can also be checked with {@link Director::isDev()}, {@link Director::isTest()}, and {@link Director::isLive()}.

static bool

This function will return true if the site is in a live environment. For information about environment types, see {@link Director::set_environment_type()}.

static bool

This function will return true if the site is in a development environment. For information about environment types, see {@link Director::set_environment_type()}.

static bool

This function will return true if the site is in a test environment. For information about environment types, see {@link Director::set_environment_type()}.

static array

Returns an array of strings of the method names of methods on the call that should be exposed as global variables in the templates.


static Config_ForClass config()

Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).

Return Value


mixed stat(string $name) deprecated

deprecated 5.0 Use ->config()->get() instead

Get inherited config value


string $name

Return Value


mixed uninherited(string $name)

Gets the uninherited value for the given config option


string $name

Return Value


$this set_stat(string $name, mixed $value) deprecated

deprecated 5.0 Use ->config()->set() instead

Update the config value for a given property


string $name
mixed $value

Return Value


mixed __call(string $method, array $arguments)

Attempts to locate and call a method dynamically added to a class at runtime if a default cannot be located

You can add extra methods to a class using {@link Extensions}, {@link Object::createMethod()} or {@link Object::addWrapperMethod()}


string $method
array $arguments

Return Value




bool hasMethod(string $method)

Return TRUE if a method exists on this object

This should be used rather than PHP's inbuild method_exists() as it takes into account methods added via extensions


string $method

Return Value


array allMethodNames(bool $custom = false)

Return the names of all the methods available on this object


bool $custom

include methods added dynamically at runtime

Return Value


Map of method names with lowercase keys

static bool add_extension(string $classOrExtension, string $extension = null)

Add an extension to a specific class.

The preferred method for adding extensions is through YAML config, since it avoids autoloading the class, and is easier to override in more specific configurations.

As an alternative, extensions can be added to a specific class directly in the {@link Object::$extensions} array. See {@link SiteTree::$extensions} for examples. Keep in mind that the extension will only be applied to new instances, not existing ones (including all instances created through {@link singleton()}).


string $classOrExtension

Class that should be extended - has to be a subclass of {@link Object}

string $extension

Subclass of {@link Extension} with optional parameters as a string, e.g. "Versioned" or "Translatable('Param')"

Return Value


Flag if the extension was added

See also

static remove_extension(string $extension)

Remove an extension from a class.

Note: This will not remove extensions from parent classes, and must be called directly on the class assigned the extension.

Keep in mind that this won't revert any datamodel additions of the extension at runtime, unless its used before the schema building kicks in (in your _config.php). Doesn't remove the extension from any {@link Object} instances which are already created, but will have an effect on new extensions. Clears any previously created singletons through {@link singleton()} to avoid side-effects from stale extension information.


string $extension

class name of an {@link Extension} subclass, without parameters

static array get_extensions(string $class = null, bool $includeArgumentString = false)


string $class

If omitted, will get extensions for the current class

bool $includeArgumentString

Include the argument string in the return array, FALSE would return array("Versioned"), TRUE returns array("Versioned('Stage','Live')").

Return Value


Numeric array of either {@link DataExtension} class names, or eval'ed class name strings with constructor arguments.

static array|null get_extra_config_sources(string $class = null)

Get extra config sources for this class


string $class

Name of class. If left null will return for the current class

Return Value


static bool has_extension(string $classOrExtension, string $requiredExtension = null, bool $strict = false)

Return TRUE if a class has a specified extension.

This supports backwards-compatible format (static Object::has_extension($requiredExtension)) and new format ($object->has_extension($class, $requiredExtension))


string $classOrExtension

Class to check extension for, or the extension name to check if the second argument is null.

string $requiredExtension

If the first argument is the parent class, this is the extension to check. If left null, the first parameter will be treated as the extension.

bool $strict

if the extension has to match the required extension and not be a subclass

Return Value


Flag if the extension exists

array invokeWithExtensions(string $method, mixed ...$arguments)

Calls a method if available on both this object and all applied {@link Extensions}, and then attempts to merge all results into an array


string $method

the method name to call

mixed ...$arguments

List of arguments

Return Value


List of results with nulls filtered out

array extend(string $method, mixed ...$arguments)

Run the given function on all of this object's extensions. Note that this method originally returned void, so if you wanted to return results, you're hosed

Currently returns an array, with an index resulting every time the function is called. Only adds returns if they're not NULL, to avoid bogus results from methods just defined on the parent extension. This is important for permission-checks through extend, as they use min() to determine if any of the returns is FALSE. As min() doesn't do type checking, an included NULL return would fail the permission checks.

The extension methods are defined during {@link __construct()} in {@link defineMethods()}.


string $method

the name of the method to call on each extension

mixed ...$arguments

Return Value


Extension|null getExtensionInstance(string $extension)

Get an extension instance attached to this object by name.


string $extension

Return Value


bool hasExtension(string $extension)

Returns TRUE if this object instance has a specific extension applied in {@link $extension_instances}. Extension instances are initialized at constructor time, meaning if you use {@link add_extension()} afterwards, the added extension will just be added to new instances of the extended class. Use the static method {@link has_extension()} to check if a class (not an instance) has a specific extension.

Caution: Don't use singleton()->hasExtension() as it will give you inconsistent results based on when the singleton was first accessed.


string $extension

Classname of an {@link Extension} subclass without parameters

Return Value


Extension[] getExtensionInstances()

Get all extension instances for this specific object instance.

See {@link get_extensions()} to get all applied extension classes for this class (not the instance).

This method also provides lazy-population of the extension_instances property.

Return Value


Map of {@link DataExtension} instances, keyed by classname.

static Injectable create(array ...$args)

An implementation of the factory method, allows you to create an instance of a class

This method will defer class substitution to the Injector API, which can be customised via the Config API to declare substitution classes.

This can be called in one of two ways - either calling via the class directly, or calling on Object and passing the class name as the first parameter. The following are equivalent: $list = DataList::create('SiteTree'); $list = SiteTree::get();


array ...$args

Return Value


static Injectable singleton(string $class = null)

Creates a class instance by the "singleton" design pattern.

It will always return the same instance for this class, which can be used for performance reasons and as a simple way to access instance methods which don't rely on instance data (e.g. the custom SilverStripe static handling).


string $class

Optional classname to create, if the called class should not be used

Return Value


The singleton instance

HTTPMiddleware[] getMiddlewares()

Return Value


$this setMiddlewares(HTTPMiddleware[] $middlewares)


HTTPMiddleware[] $middlewares

Return Value


$this addMiddleware(HTTPMiddleware $middleware)


HTTPMiddleware $middleware

Return Value



static HTTPResponse test(string $url, array $postVars = [], array|Session $session = array(), string $httpMethod = null, string $body = null, array $headers = array(), array|Cookie_Backend $cookies = array(), HTTPRequest $request = null)

Test a URL request, returning a response object. This method is a wrapper around Director::handleRequest() to assist with functional testing. It will execute the URL given, and return the result as an HTTPResponse object.


string $url

The URL to visit.

array $postVars

The $_POST & $_FILES variables.

array|Session $session

The {@link Session} object representing the current session. By passing the same object to multiple calls of Director::test(), you can simulate a persisted session.

string $httpMethod

The HTTP method, such as GET or POST. It will default to POST if postVars is set, GET otherwise. Overwritten by $postVars['_method'] if present.

string $body

The HTTP body.

array $headers

HTTP headers with key-value pairs.

array|Cookie_Backend $cookies

to populate $_COOKIE.

HTTPRequest $request

The {see \SilverStripe\Control\SS_HTTP_Request} object generated as a part of this request.

Return Value




static mixed mockRequest(callable $callback, string $url, array $postVars = [], array|Session $session = [], string $httpMethod = null, string $body = null, array $headers = [], array|Cookie_Backend $cookies = [], HTTPRequest $request = null)

Mock a request, passing this to the given callback, before resetting.


callable $callback

Action to pass the HTTPRequst object

string $url

The URL to build

array $postVars

The $_POST & $_FILES variables.

array|Session $session

The {@link Session} object representing the current session. By passing the same object to multiple calls of Director::test(), you can simulate a persisted session.

string $httpMethod

The HTTP method, such as GET or POST. It will default to POST if postVars is set, GET otherwise. Overwritten by $postVars['_method'] if present.

string $body

The HTTP body.

array $headers

HTTP headers with key-value pairs.

array|Cookie_Backend $cookies

to populate $_COOKIE.

HTTPRequest $request

The {see \SilverStripe\Control\SS_HTTP_Request} object generated as a part of this request.

Return Value


Result of callback

HTTPResponse handleRequest(HTTPRequest $request)

Process the given URL, creating the appropriate controller and executing it.

Request processing is handled as follows:

  • Director::handleRequest($request) checks each of the Director rules and identifies a controller to handle this request.
  • Controller::handleRequest($request) is then called. This will find a rule to handle the URL, and call the rule handling method.
  • RequestHandler::handleRequest($request) is recursively called whenever a rule handling method returns a RequestHandler object.

In addition to request processing, Director will manage the session, and perform the output of the actual response to the browser.


HTTPRequest $request

Return Value




static bool isManifestFlushed() deprecated

deprecated 5.0 Kernel::isFlushed to be used instead

Returns indication whether the manifest cache has been flushed in the beginning of the current request.

That could mean the current active request has ?flush parameter. Another possibility is a race condition when the current request hits the server in between another request ?flush authorisation and a redirect to the actual flush.

Return Value


static SiteTree|Controller get_current_page()

Return the {@link SiteTree} object that is currently being viewed. If there is no SiteTree object to return, then this will return the current controller.

Return Value


static set_current_page(SiteTree $page)

Set the currently active {@link SiteTree} object that is being used to respond to the request.


SiteTree $page

static string absoluteURL(string $url, string $relativeParent = self::BASE)

Converts the given path or url into an absolute url. This method follows the below rules:

  • Absolute urls (e.g. http://localhost) are not modified
  • Relative urls (e.g. //localhost) have current protocol added (http://localhost)
  • Absolute paths (e.g. /base/about-us) are resolved by adding the current protocol and host (http://localhost/base/about-us)
  • Relative paths (e.g. about-us/staff) must be resolved using one of three methods, disambiguated via the $relativeParent argument:
    • BASE - Append this path to the base url (i.e. behaves as though <base> tag is provided in a html document). This is the default.

  • REQUEST - Resolve this path to the current url (i.e. behaves as though no <base> tag is provided in a html document)
  • ROOT - Treat this as though it was an absolute path, and append it to the protocol and hostname.


string $url

The url or path to resolve to absolute url.

string $relativeParent

Disambiguation method to use for evaluating relative paths

Return Value


The absolute url

static string host(HTTPRequest $request = null)

A helper to determine the current hostname used to access the site.

The following are used to determine the host (in order)

  • Director.alternate_base_url (if it contains a domain name)
  • Trusted proxy headers
  • HTTP Host header
  • SS_BASE_URL env var
  • gethostname()


HTTPRequest $request

Return Value


Host name, including port (if present)

static int|null port(HTTPRequest $request = null)

Return port used for the base URL.

Note, this will be null if not specified, in which case you should assume the default port for the current protocol.


HTTPRequest $request

Return Value


static string|null hostName(HTTPRequest $request = null)

Return host name without port


HTTPRequest $request

Return Value


static bool|string protocolAndHost(HTTPRequest $request = null)

Returns the domain part of the URL ''. Returns FALSE is this environment variable isn't set.


HTTPRequest $request

Return Value


static string protocol(HTTPRequest $request = null)

Return the current protocol that the site is running under.


HTTPRequest $request

Return Value


static bool is_https(HTTPRequest $request = null)

Return whether the site is running as under HTTPS.


HTTPRequest $request

Return Value


static string baseURL()

Return the root-relative url for the baseurl

Return Value


Root-relative url with trailing slash.

static string baseFolder()

Returns the root filesystem folder for the site. It will be automatically calculated unless it is overridden with {@link setBaseFolder()}.

Return Value


static string publicDir()

Check if using a seperate public dir, and if so return this directory name.

This will be removed in 5.0 and fixed to 'public'

Return Value


static string publicFolder()

Gets the webroot of the project, which may be a subfolder of {see baseFolder()}

Return Value


static string makeRelative(string $url)

Turns an absolute URL or folder into one that's relative to the root of the site. This is useful when turning a URL into a filesystem reference, or vice versa.

Note: You should check {@link Director::is_site_url()} if making an untrusted url relative prior to calling this function.


string $url

Accepts both a URL or a filesystem path.

Return Value


static bool is_absolute(string $path)

Returns true if a given path is absolute. Works under both *nix and windows systems.


string $path

Return Value


static bool is_root_relative_url(string $url)

Determine if the url is root relative (i.e. starts with /, but not with //) SilverStripe considers root relative urls as a subset of relative urls.


string $url

Return Value


static bool is_absolute_url(string $url)

Checks if a given URL is absolute (e.g. starts with 'http://' etc.). URLs beginning with "//" are treated as absolute, as browsers take this to mean the same protocol as currently being used.

Useful to check before redirecting based on a URL from user submissions through $_GET or $_POST, and avoid phishing attacks by redirecting to an attackers server.

Note: Can't solely rely on PHP's parse_url() , since it is not intended to work with relative URLs or for security purposes. filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) has similar problems.


string $url

Return Value


static bool is_relative_url(string $url)

Checks if a given URL is relative (or root relative) by checking {@link is_absolute_url()}.


string $url

Return Value


static bool is_site_url(string $url)

Checks if the given URL is belonging to this "site" (not an external link). That's the case if the URL is relative, as defined by {@link is_relative_url()}, or if the host matches {@link protocolAndHost()}.

Useful to check before redirecting based on a URL from user submissions through $_GET or $_POST, and avoid phishing attacks by redirecting to an attackers server.


string $url

Return Value


static string getAbsFile(string $file)

Given a filesystem reference relative to the site root, return the full file-system path.


string $file

Return Value


static bool fileExists($file)

Returns true if the given file exists. Filename should be relative to the site root.



Return Value


static string absoluteBaseURL()

Returns the Absolute URL of the site root.

Return Value


static string absoluteBaseURLWithAuth(HTTPRequest $request = null)

Returns the Absolute URL of the site root, embedding the current basic-auth credentials into the URL.


HTTPRequest $request

Return Value


static forceSSL(array $patterns = null, string $secureDomain = null, HTTPRequest $request = null)

Force the site to run on SSL.

To use, call from the init() method of your PageController. For example: if (Director::isLive()) Director::forceSSL();

If you don't want your entire site to be on SSL, you can pass an array of PCRE regular expression patterns for matching relative URLs. For example: if (Director::isLive()) Director::forceSSL(array('/^admin/', '/^Security/'));

If you want certain parts of your site protected under a different domain, you can specify the domain as an argument: if (Director::isLive()) Director::forceSSL(array('/^admin/', '/^Security/'), '');

Note that the session data will be lost when moving from HTTP to HTTPS. It is your responsibility to ensure that this won't cause usability problems.

CAUTION: This does not respect the site environment mode. You should check this as per the above examples using Director::isLive() or Director::isTest() for example.


array $patterns

Array of regex patterns to match URLs that should be HTTPS.

string $secureDomain

Secure domain to redirect to. Defaults to the current domain. Can include port number.

HTTPRequest $request

Request object to check

static forceWWW(HTTPRequest $request = null)

Force a redirect to a domain starting with "www."


HTTPRequest $request

static bool is_ajax(HTTPRequest $request = null)

Checks if the current HTTP-Request is an "Ajax-Request" by checking for a custom header set by jQuery or whether a manually set request-parameter 'ajax' is present.

Note that if you plan to use this to alter your HTTP response on a cached page, you should add X-Requested-With to the Vary header.


HTTPRequest $request

Return Value


static bool is_cli()

Returns true if this script is being run from the command line rather than the web server.

Return Value


static string get_environment_type()

Can also be checked with {@link Director::isDev()}, {@link Director::isTest()}, and {@link Director::isLive()}.

Return Value


static bool isLive()

This function will return true if the site is in a live environment. For information about environment types, see {@link Director::set_environment_type()}.

Return Value


static bool isDev()

This function will return true if the site is in a development environment. For information about environment types, see {@link Director::set_environment_type()}.

Return Value


static bool isTest()

This function will return true if the site is in a test environment. For information about environment types, see {@link Director::set_environment_type()}.

Return Value


static array get_template_global_variables()

Returns an array of strings of the method names of methods on the call that should be exposed as global variables in the templates.

Return Value


Returns an array of items. Each key => value pair is one of three forms:

  • template name (no key)
  • template name => method name
  • template name => array(), where the array can contain these key => value pairs
    • "method" => method name
    • "casting" => casting class to use (i.e., Varchar, HTMLFragment, etc)