AdminRootControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin
AdminRootController::admin_url() — Method in class AdminRootController

Returns the root admin URL for the site with trailing slash

CMSBatchAction::applicablePagesHelper() — Method in class CMSBatchAction

Helper method for applicablePages() methods. Acts as a skeleton implementation.

CMSBatchAction::applicablePages() — Method in class CMSBatchAction

Given a list of object IDs, filter out which items can have this batch action applied to them.

CMSMenu::add_controller() — Method in class CMSMenu

Add a LeftAndMain controller to the CMS menu.

CMSMenu::add_link() — Method in class CMSMenu

Add an arbitrary URL to the CMS menu.

CMSMenu::add_menu_item() — Method in class CMSMenu

Add a navigation item to the main administration menu showing in the top bar.

$ UsedOnTable#allowed_actionsProperty in class UsedOnTable
$ LeftAndMain#admin_themesProperty in class LeftAndMain

Assign themes to use for cms

$ LeftAndMain#application_linkProperty in class LeftAndMain

The href for the anchor on the Silverstripe logo

$ LeftAndMain#application_nameProperty in class LeftAndMain

The application name

LeftAndMain::ApplicationLink() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMainExtension::accessedCMS() — Method in class LeftAndMainExtension
LeftAndMainExtension::augmentNewSiteTreeItem() — Method in class LeftAndMainExtension
AssetAdminClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Controller

AssetAdmin is the 'file store' section of the CMS.

$ AssetAdmin#allowed_max_file_sizeProperty in class AssetAdmin
AssetAdmin::apiCreateFile() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Creates a single file based on a form-urlencoded upload.

AssetAdmin::apiUploadFile() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Upload a new asset for a pre-existing record. Returns the asset tuple.

AssetAdmin::apiHistory() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Returns a JSON array for history of a given file ID. Returns a list of all the history.

AssetAdmin::addtocampaign() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Action handler for adding pages to a campaign

AssetAdmin::addToCampaignForm() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Url handler for add to campaign form

AssetAdminFieldsExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Controller
AssetAdminFileClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Controller

Update File dataobjects to be editable in this asset admin

AssetFormFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Forms
$ UploadField#allowed_actionsProperty in class UploadField
CreateFileMutationCreator::attributes() — Method in class CreateFileMutationCreator
CreateFileMutationCreator::args() — Method in class CreateFileMutationCreator
CreateFolderMutationCreator::attributes() — Method in class CreateFolderMutationCreator
CreateFolderMutationCreator::args() — Method in class CreateFolderMutationCreator
DeleteFileMutationCreator::attributes() — Method in class DeleteFileMutationCreator
DeleteFileMutationCreator::args() — Method in class DeleteFileMutationCreator
FileFilterInputTypeCreator::attributes() — Method in class FileFilterInputTypeCreator
FileInputTypeCreator::attributes() — Method in class FileInputTypeCreator
FileInterfaceTypeCreator::attributes() — Method in class FileInterfaceTypeCreator
FileTypeCreator::attributes() — Method in class FileTypeCreator
FileUsageType::attributes() — Method in class FileUsageType
FolderInputTypeCreator::attributes() — Method in class FolderInputTypeCreator
FolderTypeCreator::attributes() — Method in class FolderTypeCreator
MoveFilesMutationCreator::attributes() — Method in class MoveFilesMutationCreator
MoveFilesMutationCreator::args() — Method in class MoveFilesMutationCreator
PublicationMutationCreator::attributes() — Method in class PublicationMutationCreator
PublicationMutationCreator::args() — Method in class PublicationMutationCreator
PublicationNoticeType::attributes() — Method in class PublicationNoticeType
ReadFileQueryCreator::attributes() — Method in class ReadFileQueryCreator
ReadFileUsageQueryCreator::attributes() — Method in class ReadFileUsageQueryCreator
ReadFileUsageQueryCreator::args() — Method in class ReadFileUsageQueryCreator
UpdateFileMutationCreator::attributes() — Method in class UpdateFileMutationCreator
UpdateFileMutationCreator::args() — Method in class UpdateFileMutationCreator
AssetControlExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets

This class provides the necessary business logic to ensure that any assets attached to a record are safely deleted, published, or protected during certain operations.

AssetManipulationListClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets

Provides a mechanism for determining the effective visibility of a set of assets (identified by filename and hash), given their membership to objects of varying visibility.

AssetManipulationList::addAsset() — Method in class AssetManipulationList

Add asset with the given state

AssetManipulationList::addPublicAsset() — Method in class AssetManipulationList

Mark a file as public

AssetManipulationList::addProtectedAsset() — Method in class AssetManipulationList

Record an asset as protected

AssetManipulationList::addDeletedAsset() — Method in class AssetManipulationList

Record an asset as deleted

TestAssetStore::activate() — Method in class TestAssetStore

Set this store as the new asset backend

$ File#allowed_extensionsProperty in class File
$ File#app_categoriesProperty in class File
$ File#apply_restrictions_to_adminProperty in class File
File::AbsoluteLink() — Method in class File

Just an alias function to keep a consistent API with SiteTree

File::appCategory() — Method in class File

Returns a category based on the file extension.

AssetAdapterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Flysystem

Adapter for local filesystem based on assets directory

$ ImageManipulation#asset_preview_widthProperty in class ImageManipulation

The width of an image preview in the Asset section

$ ImageManipulation#asset_preview_heightProperty in class ImageManipulation

The height of an image preview in the Asset section

FileLinkTracking::augmentSyncLinkTracking() — Method in class FileLinkTracking

Find HTMLText fields on {@link owner} to scrape for links that need tracking

$ FileShortcodeProvider#allow_session_grantProperty in class FileShortcodeProvider

Set to true if shortcodes should apply a session grant on their calls to getAsURL.

AssetContainerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Storage

Represents a container for a specific asset.

AssetNameGeneratorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Storage

Provides a mechanism for suggesting filename alterations to a file

AssetStoreClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Storage

Represents an abstract asset persistence layer. Acts as a backend to files.

AssetStoreRouterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Storage

Represents a store usable with ProtectedFileController to serve up non-direct file requests

DBFile::AbsoluteLink() — Method in class DBFile

Return absolute URL for this image. Alias for getAbsoluteURL()

$ Upload_Validator#allowedMaxFileSizeProperty in class Upload_Validator

Restrict filesize for either all filetypes or a specific extension, with extension-name as array-key and the size-restriction in bytes as array-value.

$ Upload_Validator#allowedExtensionsProperty in class Upload_Validator
CMSBatchAction_Archive::applicablePages() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Archive

Given a list of object IDs, filter out which items can have this batch action applied to them.

CMSBatchAction_Publish::applicablePages() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Publish

Given a list of object IDs, filter out which items can have this batch action applied to them.

CMSBatchAction_Restore::applicablePages() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Restore

{see SiteTree::canEdit()}

CMSBatchAction_Unpublish::applicablePages() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Unpublish

Given a list of object IDs, filter out which items can have this batch action applied to them.

CMSMain::archive() — Method in class CMSMain

Delete this page from both live and stage

CMSPageAddController::AddForm() — Method in class CMSPageAddController
CMSPageEditController::addtocampaign() — Method in class CMSPageEditController

Action handler for adding pages to a campaign

CMSPageEditController::AddToCampaignForm() — Method in class CMSPageEditController

Url handler for add to campaign form

AnchorLinkFormFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Forms
AnchorSelectorFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Forms

Assists with selecting anchors on a given page

AnchorSelectorField::anchors() — Method in class AnchorSelectorField

Find all anchors available on the given page.

$ SiteTree#allowed_childrenProperty in class SiteTree

Indicates what kind of children this page type can have.

SiteTree::AbsoluteLink() — Method in class SiteTree

Get the absolute URL for this page, including protocol and host.

SiteTree::allowedChildren() — Method in class SiteTree

Returns an array of the class names of classes that are allowed to be children of this class.

SiteTreeLinkTracking::augmentSyncLinkTracking() — Method in class SiteTreeLinkTracking

Find HTMLText fields on {@link owner} to scrape for links that need tracking

VirtualPage::allowedChildren() — Method in class VirtualPage
VirtualPage::allMethodNames() — Method in class VirtualPage


AddToCampaignHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\CampaignAdmin

Class AddToCampaignHandler - handle the AddToCampaign action.

AddToCampaignHandler::addToCampaign() — Method in class AddToCampaignHandler

Performs the actual action of adding the object to the ChangeSet, once the ChangeSet ID is known

AddToCampaignHandler_FormActionClass in namespace SilverStripe\CampaignAdmin

A form action to return from getCMSActions or otherwise include in a CMS Edit Form that has the right action name and CSS classes to trigger the AddToCampaignHandler.

AddToCampaignValidatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\CampaignAdmin
ConfigCollectionInterface::addMiddleware() — Method in class ConfigCollectionInterface
MiddlewareAware::addMiddleware() — Method in class MiddlewareAware
YamlTransformer::addRule() — Method in class YamlTransformer

This allows external rules to be added to only/except checks. Config is only supposed to be setup once, so adding rules is a one-way system. You cannot remove rules after being set. This also prevent built-in rules from being removed.

$ Director#alternate_base_folderProperty in class Director
$ Director#alternate_public_dirProperty in class Director

Override PUBLIC_DIR. Set to a non-null value to override.

Director::absoluteURL() — Method in class Director

Converts the given path or url into an absolute url. This method follows the below rules:

  • Absolute urls (e.g. http://localhost) are not modified
  • Relative urls (e.g. //localhost) have current protocol added (http://localhost)
  • Absolute paths (e.g. /base/about-us) are resolved by adding the current protocol and host (http://localhost/base/about-us)
  • Relative paths (e.g. about-us/staff) must be resolved using one of three methods, disambiguated via the $relativeParent argument:
    • BASE - Append this path to the base url (i.e. behaves as though <base> tag is provided in a html document). This is the default.
Director::absoluteBaseURL() — Method in class Director

Returns the Absolute URL of the site root.

Director::absoluteBaseURLWithAuth() — Method in class Director

Returns the Absolute URL of the site root, embedding the current basic-auth credentials into the URL.

$ Email#admin_emailProperty in class Email

This will be set in the config on a site-by-site basis

Email::addFrom() — Method in class Email
Email::addTo() — Method in class Email
Email::addCC() — Method in class Email
Email::addBCC() — Method in class Email
Email::addReplyTo() — Method in class Email
Email::addAttachment() — Method in class Email
Email::addAttachmentFromData() — Method in class Email
Email::addData() — Method in class Email
HTTP::absoluteURLs() — Method in class HTTP

Turn all relative URLs in the content to absolute URLs.

HTTP::add_cache_headers() — Method in class HTTP

Add the appropriate caching headers to the response, including If-Modified-Since / 304 handling.

HTTP::augmentState() — Method in class HTTP

Ensure that all deprecated HTTP cache settings are respected

HTTPRequest::addHeader() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Add a HTTP header to the response, replacing any header of the same name.

HTTPRequest::allParams() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::allParsed() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Returns true if the URL has been completely parsed.

HTTPResponse::addHeader() — Method in class HTTPResponse

Add a HTTP header to the response, replacing any header of the same name.

AllowedHostsMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware

Secures requests by only allowing a whitelist of Host values

AjaxBypassClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware\ConfirmationMiddleware

Bypass for AJAX requests

HttpMethodBypass::addMethods() — Method in class HttpMethodBypass

Add new HTTP methods to the list

Url::addHttpMethods() — Method in class Url

Add HTTP methods to check against

$ HTTPCacheControlMiddleware#allowed_directivesProperty in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

A list of allowed cache directives for HTTPResponses

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::addVary() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Add a vary

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::applyToResponse() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Generate all headers to add to this object

HTTPMiddlewareAware::addMiddleware() — Method in class HTTPMiddlewareAware
RSSFeed_Entry::Author() — Method in class RSSFeed_Entry

Get the author of this entry

RSSFeed_Entry::AbsoluteLink() — Method in class RSSFeed_Entry

Get a link to this entry

$ RequestHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class RequestHandler

Define a list of action handling methods that are allowed to be called directly by URLs.

RequestHandler::allowedActions() — Method in class RequestHandler

Get a array of allowed actions defined on this controller, any parent classes or extensions.

Session::addToArray() — Method in class Session

Merge value with array

ApplicationClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core

Identifies a class as a root silverstripe application

ApcuCacheFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Cache
ClassInfo::allClasses() — Method in class ClassInfo

Wrapper for classes getter.

ClassInfo::ancestry() — Method in class ClassInfo

Returns the passed class name along with all its parent class names in an array, sorted with the root class first.

ConfigLoader::activate() — Method in class ConfigLoader

Mark this instance as the current instance

Convert::array2json() — Method in class Convert

Encode an array as a JSON encoded string.

CoreKernel::activate() — Method in class CoreKernel

Ensures this kernel is the active kernel after or during nesting

CustomMethods::allMethodNames() — Method in class CustomMethods

Return the names of all the methods available on this object

Extensible::add_extension() — Method in class Extensible

Add an extension to a specific class.

Extension::add_to_class() — Method in class Extension

Called when this extension is added to a particular class

AfterCallAspectClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Injector

An AfterCallAspect is run after a method is executed

AfterCallAspect::afterCall() — Method in class AfterCallAspect

Call this aspect after a method is executed

AopProxyServiceClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Injector

A class that proxies another, allowing various functionality to be injected.

$ AopProxyService#afterCallProperty in class AopProxyService
Injector::addAutoProperty() — Method in class Injector

Add an object that should be automatically set on managed objects

InjectorLoader::activate() — Method in class InjectorLoader

Mark this instance as the current instance

Kernel::activate() — Method in class Kernel

Ensures this kernel is the active kernel after or during nesting

ManifestFileFinder::acceptDir() — Method in class ManifestFileFinder
Module::activate() — Method in class Module

Activate _config.php for this module, if one exists

ModuleManifest::addModule() — Method in class ModuleManifest

Adds a path as a module

ModuleManifest::activateConfig() — Method in class ModuleManifest

Includes all of the php _config.php files found by this manifest.

BulkLoader_Result::addCreated() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result
BulkLoader_Result::addUpdated() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result
BulkLoader_Result::addDeleted() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result
ArraySubsetClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\Constraint

Constraint that asserts that the array it is evaluated for has a specified subset.

$ DevelopmentAdmin#allow_all_cliProperty in class DevelopmentAdmin

Assume that CLI equals admin permissions If set to false, normal permission model will apply even in CLI mode Applies to all development admin tasks (E.g. TaskRunner, DatabaseAdmin)

FixtureBlueprint::addCallback() — Method in class FixtureBlueprint

See class documentation.

FunctionalTest::assertPartialMatchBySelector() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.

FunctionalTest::assertExactMatchBySelector() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.

FunctionalTest::assertPartialHTMLMatchBySelector() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.

FunctionalTest::assertExactHTMLMatchBySelector() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.

DatabaseAdapterRegistry::autodiscover() — Method in class DatabaseAdapterRegistry

Detects all _register_database.php files and invokes them.

DatabaseAdapterRegistry::autoconfigure() — Method in class DatabaseAdapterRegistry

Detects all _configure_database.php files and invokes them Called by ConfigureFromEnv.php.

SapphireTest::assertArraySubset() — Method in class SapphireTest

Asserts that an array has a specified subset.

SapphireTest::assertContains() — Method in class SapphireTest
SapphireTest::assertNotContains() — Method in class SapphireTest
SapphireTest::assertEmailSent() — Method in class SapphireTest

Assert that the matching email was sent since the last call to clearEmails() All of the parameters can either be a string, or, if they start with "/", a PREG-compatible regular expression.

SapphireTest::assertListContains() — Method in class SapphireTest

Assert that the given {@link SS_List} includes DataObjects matching the given key-value pairs. Each match must correspond to 1 distinct record.

SapphireTest::assertDOSContains() — Method in class SapphireTest
SapphireTest::assertListNotContains() — Method in class SapphireTest

Asserts that no items in a given list appear in the given dataobject list

SapphireTest::assertNotDOSContains() — Method in class SapphireTest
SapphireTest::assertListEquals() — Method in class SapphireTest

Assert that the given {@link SS_List} includes only DataObjects matching the given key-value pairs. Each match must correspond to 1 distinct record.

SapphireTest::assertDOSEquals() — Method in class SapphireTest
SapphireTest::assertListAllMatch() — Method in class SapphireTest

Assert that the every record in the given {@link SS_List} matches the given key-value pairs.

SapphireTest::assertDOSAllMatch() — Method in class SapphireTest
SapphireTest::assertSQLEquals() — Method in class SapphireTest

Asserts that two SQL queries are equivalent

SapphireTest::assertSQLContains() — Method in class SapphireTest

Asserts that a SQL query contains a SQL fragment

SapphireTest::assertSQLNotContains() — Method in class SapphireTest

Asserts that a SQL query contains a SQL fragment

SapphireTest::actWithPermission() — Method in class SapphireTest

A wrapper for automatically performing callbacks as a user with a specific permission

$ ErrorPageExtension#allowed_childrenProperty in class ErrorPageExtension
FieldList::addFieldToTab() — Method in class FieldList

Add an extra field to a tab within this FieldList.

FieldList::addFieldsToTab() — Method in class FieldList

Add a number of extra fields to a tab within this FieldList.

Form::actionIsValidationExempt() — Method in class Form

Passed a FormAction, returns true if that action is exempt from Form validation

Form::Actions() — Method in class Form

Return the form's action buttons - used by the templates

Form::addExtraClass() — Method in class Form

Add a CSS-class to the form-container. If needed, multiple classes can be added by delimiting a string with spaces.

FormAction::actionName() — Method in class FormAction

Get the action name

FormField::addExtraClass() — Method in class FormField

Add one or more CSS-classes to the FormField container.

FormField::attrTitle() — Method in class FormField

Returns a version of a title suitable for insertion into an HTML attribute.

FormField::attrValue() — Method in class FormField

Returns a version of a title suitable for insertion into an HTML attribute.

$ FormRequestHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class FormRequestHandler
$ FormScaffolder#ajaxSafeProperty in class FormScaffolder
FormScaffolder::addManyManyRelationshipFields() — Method in class FormScaffolder

Adds the default many-many relation fields for the relationship provided.

AbstractRequestAwareStoreClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\FormAction
AttributeStoreClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\FormAction

Stores GridField action state on an attribute on the action and then analyses request parameters to load it back

GridField::addDataFields() — Method in class GridField

Add additional calculated data fields to be used on this GridField

GridFieldConfig::addComponent() — Method in class GridFieldConfig
GridFieldConfig::addComponents() — Method in class GridFieldConfig
GridFieldDataColumns::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

GridFieldDeleteAction::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldDeleteAction

Add a column 'Delete'

GridFieldEditButton::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton

Add a column 'Delete'

GridFieldEditButton::addExtraClass() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton

Add an extra HTML class

GridFieldStateManager::addStateToURL() — Method in class GridFieldStateManager
GridFieldStateManagerInterface::addStateToURL() — Method in class GridFieldStateManagerInterface
GridFieldViewButton::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldViewButton

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

GridField_ActionMenu::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridField_ActionMenu

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

GridField_ColumnProvider::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridField_ColumnProvider

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

GridState::array_to_object() — Method in class GridState
GridState::attrValue() — Method in class GridState
TinyMCEConfig::addButtonsToLine() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Add buttons to the end of a line

RequiredFields::addRequiredField() — Method in class RequiredFields

Adds a single required field to required fields stack.

RequiredFields::appendRequiredFields() — Method in class RequiredFields

Add {@link RequiredField} objects together

AuthenticatorInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Auth

An AuthenticatorInterface is responsible for authenticating against a SilverStripe CMS Member from the given request data.

AuthenticatorInterface::authenticate() — Method in class AuthenticatorInterface

Given the current request, authenticate the request for non-session authorization (outside the CMS).

BasicAuthAuthenticator::authenticate() — Method in class BasicAuthAuthenticator

Given the current request, authenticate the request for non-session authorization (outside the CMS).

Configuration::apply() — Method in class Configuration
Controller::autobuildEnabled() — Method in class Controller
Controller::addCorsHeaders() — Method in class Controller

Process the CORS config options and add the appropriate headers to the response.

QueryRecorderExtension::augmentDataQueryCreation() — Method in class QueryRecorderExtension

Record query against a given class.

QueryHandler::addContextProvider() — Method in class QueryHandler
QueryHandler::addMiddleware() — Method in class QueryHandler
QueryHandlerInterface::addContextProvider() — Method in class QueryHandlerInterface
ApplyVersionFiltersClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Resolvers
ApplyVersionFilters::applyToReadingState() — Method in class ApplyVersionFilters

Use this as a fallback where resolver results aren't queried as a DataList, but rather use DataObject::get_one(). Example: SiteTree::get_by_link().

ApplyVersionFilters::applyToList() — Method in class ApplyVersionFilters
AbstractBulkLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\BulkLoader

Provides base functionality to all bulk loaders. Should override the collect() method with computations that parse the include/exclude directives and return a collection of classes.

AbstractBulkLoader::applyConfig() — Method in class AbstractBulkLoader
BulkLoaderSet::applyConfig() — Method in class BulkLoaderSet
BulkLoaderSet::addLoader() — Method in class BulkLoaderSet
AbstractTypeResolverClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject

Used for unions and interfaces to map a class instance to a type

$ FieldAccessor#allowed_aggregatesProperty in class FieldAccessor
FieldAccessor::accessField() — Method in class FieldAccessor

Resolves complex dot syntax references.

InheritanceUnionBuilder::applyUnionsToQueries() — Method in class InheritanceUnionBuilder

Changes all queries to use inheritance unions where applicable

InterfaceBuilder::applyBaseInterface() — Method in class InterfaceBuilder
InterfaceBuilder::applyInterfacesToQueries() — Method in class InterfaceBuilder
ModelCreator::appliesTo() — Method in class ModelCreator
AbstractCanViewPermissionClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin

Defines a permission checking plugin for queries. Subclasses just need to provide a resolver function

AbstractCanViewPermission::apply() — Method in class AbstractCanViewPermission
DBDateArgs::applyToField() — Method in class DBDateArgs
DBDecimalArgs::applyToField() — Method in class DBDecimalArgs
DBFieldArgs::applyToField() — Method in class DBFieldArgs
DBFieldArgsPlugin::apply() — Method in class DBFieldArgsPlugin
DBFloatArgs::applyToField() — Method in class DBFloatArgs
DBHTMLTextArgs::applyToField() — Method in class DBHTMLTextArgs
DBTextArgs::applyToField() — Method in class DBTextArgs
DBTimeArgs::applyToField() — Method in class DBTimeArgs
DBFieldTypes::apply() — Method in class DBFieldTypes
FirstResult::apply() — Method in class FirstResult
Inheritance::apply() — Method in class Inheritance
InheritedPlugins::apply() — Method in class InheritedPlugins
FieldFilterInterface::apply() — Method in class FieldFilterInterface
FieldFilterRegistry::addFilter() — Method in class FieldFilterRegistry
FilterRegistryInterface::addFilter() — Method in class FilterRegistryInterface
ContainsFilter::apply() — Method in class ContainsFilter
EndsWithFilter::apply() — Method in class EndsWithFilter
EqualToFilter::apply() — Method in class EqualToFilter
GreaterThanFilter::apply() — Method in class GreaterThanFilter
GreaterThanOrEqualFilter::apply() — Method in class GreaterThanOrEqualFilter
InFilter::apply() — Method in class InFilter
LessThanFilter::apply() — Method in class LessThanFilter
LessThanOrEqualFilter::apply() — Method in class LessThanOrEqualFilter
NotEqualFilter::apply() — Method in class NotEqualFilter
StartsWithFilter::apply() — Method in class StartsWithFilter
QueryFilter::apply() — Method in class QueryFilter
QuerySort::apply() — Method in class QuerySort
ScalarDBField::apply() — Method in class ScalarDBField
ArgumentClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Field

An abstraction of a field argument

Argument::applyConfig() — Method in class Argument
Field::applyConfig() — Method in class Field
Field::addArg() — Method in class Field
Field::addResolverContext() — Method in class Field
Field::addResolverMiddleware() — Method in class Field
Field::addResolverAfterware() — Method in class Field
ModelField::applyConfig() — Method in class ModelField
ConfigurationApplier::applyConfig() — Method in class ConfigurationApplier
FieldPlugin::apply() — Method in class FieldPlugin
ModelFieldPlugin::apply() — Method in class ModelFieldPlugin
ModelMutationPlugin::apply() — Method in class ModelMutationPlugin
ModelQueryPlugin::apply() — Method in class ModelQueryPlugin
ModelTypePlugin::apply() — Method in class ModelTypePlugin
MutationPlugin::apply() — Method in class MutationPlugin
QueryPlugin::apply() — Method in class QueryPlugin
SchemaModelCreatorInterface::appliesTo() — Method in class SchemaModelCreatorInterface
TypePlugin::apply() — Method in class TypePlugin
Logger::alert() — Method in class Logger
AbstractQueryFilterPluginClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Plugin

Generic plugin that can be used for filter inputs

AbstractQueryFilterPlugin::apply() — Method in class AbstractQueryFilterPlugin
AbstractQuerySortPluginClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Plugin

Generic plugin that can be used to add sort paramaters to a query

AbstractQuerySortPlugin::apply() — Method in class AbstractQuerySortPlugin
PaginationPlugin::apply() — Method in class PaginationPlugin
PluginConsumer::addPlugin() — Method in class PluginConsumer
SortPlugin::apply() — Method in class SortPlugin
EncodedResolver::addContext() — Method in class EncodedResolver
EncodedResolver::addMiddleware() — Method in class EncodedResolver
EncodedResolver::addAfterware() — Method in class EncodedResolver
Schema::applyConfig() — Method in class Schema

Converts a configuration array to instance state.

Schema::addQuery() — Method in class Schema
Schema::addMutation() — Method in class Schema
Schema::addType() — Method in class Schema
Schema::addEnum() — Method in class Schema
Schema::addScalar() — Method in class Schema
Schema::addModel() — Method in class Schema
Schema::addModelbyClassName() — Method in class Schema
Schema::addInterface() — Method in class Schema
Schema::addUnion() — Method in class Schema
Schema::applyBulkLoader() — Method in class Schema
Schema::applyBulkLoaders() — Method in class Schema
Schema::assertValidConfig() — Method in class Schema
Schema::assertValidName() — Method in class Schema
AbstractTypeRegistryClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Storage
Enum::addValue() — Method in class Enum
InterfaceType::applyConfig() — Method in class InterfaceType
ModelType::applyConfig() — Method in class ModelType
ModelType::addField() — Method in class ModelType
ModelType::addFields() — Method in class ModelType
ModelType::addAllFields() — Method in class ModelType
ModelType::addAllOperations() — Method in class ModelType
ModelType::applyOperationsConfig() — Method in class ModelType
ModelType::addOperation() — Method in class ModelType
Scalar::applyConfig() — Method in class Scalar
Type::applyConfig() — Method in class Type
Type::addField() — Method in class Type
Type::addInterface() — Method in class Type
UnionType::applyConfig() — Method in class UnionType
ArrayLibClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Library of static methods for manipulating arrays.

ArrayLib::array_values_recursive() — Method in class ArrayLib

Flattens a multi-dimensional array to a one level array without preserving the keys

ArrayLib::array_map_recursive() — Method in class ArrayLib

Similar to array_map, but recurses when arrays are encountered.

ArrayLib::array_merge_recursive() — Method in class ArrayLib

Recursively merges two or more arrays.

ArrayListClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

A list object that wraps around an array of objects or arrays.

ArrayList::add() — Method in class ArrayList

Add this $item into this list

DBConnector::affectedRows() — Method in class DBConnector

Determines the number of affected rows from the last SQL query

DBSchemaManager::alterationMessage() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Show a message about database alteration

DBSchemaManager::alterIndex() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Alter an index on a table.

DBSchemaManager::alterTable() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Alter a table's schema.

Database::affectedRows() — Method in class Database

Return the number of rows affected by the previous operation.

MySQLSchemaManager::alterTable() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Alter a table's schema.

MySQLSchemaManager::alterField() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Change the database type of the given field.

MySQLSchemaManager::alterIndex() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Alter an index on a table.

MySQLiConnector::affectedRows() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Determines the number of affected rows from the last SQL query

PDOConnector::affectedRows() — Method in class PDOConnector

Determines the number of affected rows from the last SQL query

$ DB#alternative_database_enabledProperty in class DB

Allow alternative DB to be disabled.

DB::affected_rows() — Method in class DB

Return the number of rows affected by the previous operation.

DB::alteration_message() — Method in class DB

Show a message about database alteration

DataExtension::augmentSQL() — Method in class DataExtension

Edit the given query object to support queries for this extension

DataExtension::augmentDatabase() — Method in class DataExtension

Update the database schema as required by this extension.

DataExtension::augmentWrite() — Method in class DataExtension

Augment a write-record request.

DataList::alterDataQuery() — Method in class DataList

Return a new DataList instance with the underlying {@link DataQuery} object altered

DataList::addFilter() — Method in class DataList

Return a new instance of the list with an added filter

DataList::applyRelation() — Method in class DataList

Given a field or relation name, apply it safely to this datalist.

DataList::avg() — Method in class DataList

Return the average value of the given field in this DataList

DataList::addMany() — Method in class DataList

Add a number of items to the component set.

DataList::add() — Method in class DataList

This method are overloaded by HasManyList and ManyMany list to perform more sophisticated list manipulation

$ DataObject#api_accessProperty in class DataObject

Allow API access to this object?

DataQuery::avg() — Method in class DataQuery

Return the average value of the given field in this DataList

DataQuery::aggregate() — Method in class DataQuery

Runs a raw aggregate expression. Please handle escaping yourself

DataQuery::applyRelationPrefix() — Method in class DataQuery

Prefix of all joined table aliases. E.g. ->filter('Banner.Image.Title)' Will join the Banner, and then Image relations $relationPrefx will be banner_image_ Each table in the Image chain will be suffixed to this prefix. E.g.

DataQuery::applyRelation() — Method in class DataQuery

Traverse the relationship fields, and add the table mappings to the query object state. This has to be called in any overloaded {@link SearchFilter->apply()} methods manually.

DataQuery::addSelectFromTable() — Method in class DataQuery

Add the given fields from the given table to the select statement.

DataQueryManipulator::afterGetFinalisedQuery() — Method in class DataQueryManipulator

Invoked after getFinalisedQuery()

DBComposite::addToQuery() — Method in class DBComposite

Add all columns which are defined through {@link requireField()} and {@link $composite_db}, or any additional SQL that is required to get to these columns. Will mostly just write to the {@link SQLSelect->select} array.

DBDate::Ago() — Method in class DBDate

Returns the number of seconds/minutes/hours/days or months since the timestamp.

DBField::addToQuery() — Method in class DBField

Add custom query parameters for this field, mostly SELECT statements for multi-value fields.

DBField::ATT() — Method in class DBField

Gets the value appropriate for a HTML attribute string

DBHTMLText::AbsoluteLinks() — Method in class DBHTMLText

Return the value of the field with relative links converted to absolute urls (with placeholders parsed).

PartialMatchFilter::apply() — Method in class PartialMatchFilter

Apply filter criteria to a SQL query.

SearchFilter::applyAggregate() — Method in class SearchFilter

Given an escaped HAVING clause, add it along with the appropriate GROUP BY clause

SearchFilter::apply() — Method in class SearchFilter

Apply filter criteria to a SQL query.

HasManyList::add() — Method in class HasManyList

Adds the item to this relation.

Hierarchy::AllChildren() — Method in class Hierarchy

Return all children, including those 'not in menus'.

Hierarchy::AllChildrenIncludingDeleted() — Method in class Hierarchy

Return all children, including those that have been deleted but are still in live.

Hierarchy::AllHistoricalChildren() — Method in class Hierarchy

Return all the children that this page had, including pages that were deleted from both stage & live.

ListDecorator::add() — Method in class ListDecorator

Adds an item to the list, making no guarantees about where it will appear.

ManyManyList::add() — Method in class ManyManyList

Add an item to this many_many relationship Does so by adding an entry to the joinTable.

ManyManyThroughList::add() — Method in class ManyManyThroughList
ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator::afterGetFinalisedQuery() — Method in class ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator

Invoked after getFinalisedQuery()

PolymorphicHasManyList::add() — Method in class PolymorphicHasManyList

Adds the item to this relation.

SQLAssignmentRow::addAssignments() — Method in class SQLAssignmentRow

Adds assignments for a list of several fields

SQLAssignmentRow::assign() — Method in class SQLAssignmentRow

Set the value for a single field

SQLAssignmentRow::assignSQL() — Method in class SQLAssignmentRow

Assigns a value to a field using the literal SQL expression, rather than a value to be escaped

SQLConditionalExpression::addFrom() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Add a table to include in the query or update

SQLConditionalExpression::addLeftJoin() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Add a LEFT JOIN criteria to the tables list.

SQLConditionalExpression::addInnerJoin() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Add an INNER JOIN criteria

SQLConditionalExpression::addFilterToJoin() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Add an additional filter (part of the ON clause) on a join.

SQLConditionalExpression::addWhere() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Adds a WHERE clause.

SQLConditionalExpression::addWhereAny() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression
SQLDelete::addDelete() — Method in class SQLDelete

Sets the list of tables to limit the delete to, if multiple tables are specified in the condition clause

SQLInsert::addRow() — Method in class SQLInsert

Appends a new row to insert

SQLInsert::addRows() — Method in class SQLInsert

Adds the list of rows to the array

SQLInsert::addAssignments() — Method in class SQLInsert

Adds assignments for a list of several fields.

SQLInsert::assign() — Method in class SQLInsert

Set the value for a single field

SQLInsert::assignSQL() — Method in class SQLInsert

Assigns a value to a field using the literal SQL expression, rather than a value to be escaped

SQLSelect::addSelect() — Method in class SQLSelect

Add to the list of columns to be selected by the query.

SQLSelect::addOrderBy() — Method in class SQLSelect

Add ORDER BY clause either as SQL snippet or in array format.

SQLSelect::addGroupBy() — Method in class SQLSelect

Add a GROUP BY clause.

SQLSelect::addHaving() — Method in class SQLSelect

Add a HAVING clause

SQLSelect::aggregate() — Method in class SQLSelect

Return a new SQLSelect that calls the given aggregate functions on this data.

SQLUpdate::addAssignments() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Adds assignments for a list of several fields.

SQLUpdate::assign() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Set the value for a single field

SQLUpdate::assignSQL() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Assigns a value to a field using the literal SQL expression, rather than a value to be escaped

SQLWriteExpression::addAssignments() — Method in class SQLWriteExpression

Adds assignments for a list of several fields.

SQLWriteExpression::assign() — Method in class SQLWriteExpression

Set the value for a single field

SQLWriteExpression::assignSQL() — Method in class SQLWriteExpression

Assigns a value to a field using the literal SQL expression, rather than a value to be escaped

SS_List::add() — Method in class SS_List

Adds an item to the list, making no guarantees about where it will appear.

SearchContext::addFilter() — Method in class SearchContext

Adds a instance of {@link SearchFilter}.

SearchContext::addField() — Method in class SearchContext

Adds a new {@link FormField} instance.

UnsavedRelationList::add() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Add an item to this relationship

UnsavedRelationList::addMany() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Add a number of items to the relation.

ValidationResult::addError() — Method in class ValidationResult

Record an error against this validation result,

ValidationResult::addFieldError() — Method in class ValidationResult

Record an error against this validation result,

ValidationResult::addMessage() — Method in class ValidationResult

Add a message to this ValidationResult without necessarily marking it as an error

ValidationResult::addFieldMessage() — Method in class ValidationResult

Add a message to this ValidationResult without necessarily marking it as an error

ReportWrapper::afterQuery() — Method in class ReportWrapper

Override this method to perform some actions after querying.

AuthenticationHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

An AuthenticationHandler is responsible for providing an identity (in the form of a Member object) for a given HTTPRequest.

AuthenticationHandler::authenticateRequest() — Method in class AuthenticationHandler

Given the current request, authenticate the request for non-session authorization (outside the CMS).

AuthenticationMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security
AuthenticatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Abstract base class for an authentication method

Authenticator::authenticate() — Method in class Authenticator

Method to authenticate an user.

Group::AllChildrenIncludingDeleted() — Method in class Group

Returns all of the children for the CMS Tree.

$ Member#auto_login_token_lifetimeProperty in class Member

Default lifetime of auto login token.

$ Member#AutoLoginHashProperty in class Member
$ Member#AutoLoginExpiredProperty in class Member
Member::afterMemberLoggedIn() — Method in class Member

Called after a member is logged in via session/cookie/etc

Member::afterMemberLoggedOut() — Method in class Member

Audit logging hook, called after a member is logged out

Member::actAs() — Method in class Member

Temporarily act as the specified user, limited to a $callback, but without logging in as that user.

Member::addToGroupByCode() — Method in class Member

Adds the member to a group. This will create the group if the given group code does not return a valid group object.

CookieAuthenticationHandler::authenticateRequest() — Method in class CookieAuthenticationHandler
$ LoginHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class LoginHandler
$ LostPasswordHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class LostPasswordHandler

Since the logout and dologin actions may be conditionally removed, it's necessary to ensure these remain valid actions regardless of the member login state.

MemberAuthenticator::authenticate() — Method in class MemberAuthenticator

Method to authenticate an user.

SessionAuthenticationHandler::authenticateRequest() — Method in class SessionAuthenticationHandler
Member_GroupSet::add() — Method in class Member_GroupSet

Add an item to this many_many relationship Does so by adding an entry to the joinTable.

NullSecurityToken::addToUrl() — Method in class NullSecurityToken
PasswordExpirationMiddleware::allowCurrentRequest() — Method in class PasswordExpirationMiddleware

Allow the current request to be finished without password expiration check

$ Permission#admin_implies_allProperty in class Permission

Set to false to prevent the 'ADMIN' permission from implying all permissions in the system

RequestAuthenticationHandler::authenticateRequest() — Method in class RequestAuthenticationHandler

Given the current request, authenticate the request for non-session authorization (outside the CMS).

$ Security#autologin_enabledProperty in class Security

Showing "Remember me"-checkbox on loginform, and saving encrypted credentials to a cookie.

SecurityToken::addToUrl() — Method in class SecurityToken
ArchiveAdminClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionedAdmin

Archive admin is a section of the CMS that displays archived records from versioned objects and allows for users to restore them.

ArchiveRestoreActionClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionedAdmin\Extensions

Adds a restore action to the item edit form of ArchiveAdmin

ArchiveViewProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionedAdmin\Interfaces

A provider of a view for the archive admin

ChangeSet::addObject() — Method in class ChangeSet

Add a new change to this changeset. Will automatically include all owned changes as those are dependencies of this item.

$ ChangeSetItem#AddedProperty in class ChangeSetItem
DeleteExtension::augmentMutation() — Method in class DeleteExtension

Hooks into the augmentMutation extension point in see Delete::resolve

CopyToStageInputType::attributes() — Method in class CopyToStageInputType
VersionedInputType::attributes() — Method in class VersionedInputType
GridFieldArchiveAction::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldArchiveAction

Add a column 'Actions'

GridFieldRestoreAction::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldRestoreAction

Add a column 'Delete'

Versioned::augmentDataQueryCreation() — Method in class Versioned

Amend freshly created DataQuery objects with versioned-specific information.

Versioned::augmentSQL() — Method in class Versioned

Augment the the SQLSelect that is created by the DataQuery

Versioned::augmentLoadLazyFields() — Method in class Versioned

For lazy loaded fields requiring extra sql manipulation, ie versioning.

Versioned::augmentDatabase() — Method in class Versioned

Update the database schema as required by this extension.

Versioned::augmentWrite() — Method in class Versioned

Augment a write-record request.

Versioned::Author() — Method in class Versioned

Get author of this record.

VersionedGridFieldState::augmentColumns() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldState

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

ArrayDataClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

Lets you wrap a bunch of array data, or object members, into a {@link ViewableData} object.

ArrayData::array_to_object() — Method in class ArrayData

Converts an associative array to a simple object

Requirements::add_i18n_javascript() — Method in class Requirements

Add i18n files from the given javascript directory. SilverStripe expects that the given directory will contain a number of JavaScript files named by language: en_US.js, de_DE.js, etc.

Requirements_Backend::add_i18n_javascript() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Add i18n files from the given javascript directory. SilverStripe expects that the given directory will contain a number of JavaScript files named by language: en_US.js, de_DE.js, etc.

SSTemplateParser::addClosedBlock() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

Add a closed block callable to allow <% name %><% end_name %> syntax

SSTemplateParser::addOpenBlock() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

Add a closed block callable to allow <% name %> syntax

SSTemplateParser::Argument_DollarMarkedLookup() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

If we get a bare value, we don't know enough to determine exactly what php would be the translation, because we don't know if the position of use indicates a lookup or a string argument.

SSTemplateParser::Argument_QuotedString() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Argument_Null() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Argument_Boolean() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Argument_IntegerOrFloat() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Argument_Lookup() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Argument_FreeString() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSViewer::add_themes() — Method in class SSViewer

Add to the list of active themes to apply

ThemeResourceLoader::addSet() — Method in class ThemeResourceLoader

Add a new theme manifest for a given identifier. E.g. '$default'


CMSBatchAction::batchaction() — Method in class CMSBatchAction

Helper method for processing batch actions.

$ CMSBatchActionHandler#batch_actionsProperty in class CMSBatchActionHandler
CMSBatchActionHandler::batchActionList() — Method in class CMSBatchActionHandler

Return a SS_List of ArrayData objects containing the following pieces of info about each batch action:

  • Link
  • Title
CMSBatchActionHandler::batchActions() — Method in class CMSBatchActionHandler

Get all registered actions through the static defaults set by {@link register()}.

CMSProfileController::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class CMSProfileController

Only show first element, as the profile form is limited to editing the current member it doesn't make much sense to show the member name in the breadcrumbs.

LeftAndMain::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::batchactions() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Batch Actions Handler

LeftAndMain::BatchActionsForm() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::BaseCSSClasses() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Same as {@link ViewableData->CSSClasses()}, but with a changed name to avoid problems when using {@link ViewableData->customise()} (which always returns "ArrayData" from the $original object).

ModelAdmin::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class ModelAdmin
SecurityAdmin::Backlink() — Method in class SecurityAdmin

Disable GridFieldDetailForm backlinks for this view, as its

SecurityAdmin::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class SecurityAdmin
AssetAdmin::breadcrumbs() — Method in class AssetAdmin
AssetAdmin::baseCSSClasses() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Don't include class namespace in auto-generated CSS class

$ TestAssetStore#basedirProperty in class TestAssetStore

Base dir of current file

TestAssetStore::base_path() — Method in class TestAssetStore

Get absolute path to basedir

File::BackLinkTracking() — Method in class File

Get the back-link tracking objects that link to this file via HTML fields

File::BackLinkTrackingCount() — Method in class File

Count of backlinks Note: Doesn't filter broken records

File::BackLinks() — Method in class File

List of SiteTreeLink objects attached to this page

CMSMain::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::batchactions() — Method in class CMSMain

Batch Actions Handler

CMSMain::BatchActionParameters() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::BatchActionList() — Method in class CMSMain

Returns a list of batch actions

CMSPagesController::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class CMSPagesController
$ SiteTree#base_plural_nameProperty in class SiteTree

Plural form for SiteTree / Page classes. Not inherited by subclasses.

$ SiteTree#base_singular_nameProperty in class SiteTree

Plural form for SiteTree / Page classes. Not inherited by subclasses.

$ SiteTree#base_descriptionProperty in class SiteTree

Description for Page and SiteTree classes, but not inherited by subclasses.

SiteTree::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class SiteTree

Return a breadcrumb trail to this page. Excludes "hidden" pages (with ShowInMenus=0) by default.

SiteTree::BackLinkTracking() — Method in class SiteTree

Get the back-link tracking objects that link to this page

SiteTree::BackLinks() — Method in class SiteTree

List of SiteTreeLink objects attached to this page

SiteTreeFileExtension::BackLinkHTMLList() — Method in class SiteTreeFileExtension

Generate an HTML list which provides links to where a file is used.

BrokenFilesReportClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Reports
BrokenLinksReportClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Reports

Content side-report listing pages with broken links

BrokenRedirectorPagesReportClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Reports
BrokenVirtualPagesReportClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Reports
Director::baseURL() — Method in class Director

Return the root-relative url for the baseurl

Director::baseFolder() — Method in class Director

Returns the root filesystem folder for the site. It will be automatically calculated unless it is overridden with {@link setBaseFolder()}.

$ Email#bcc_all_emails_toProperty in class Email
Email::BaseURL() — Method in class Email
SwiftPlugin::beforeSendPerformed() — Method in class SwiftPlugin

Before sending a message make sure all our overrides are taken into account

BypassClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware\ConfirmationMiddleware

A bypass for manual confirmation by user (depending on some runtime conditions)

URLSpecialsMiddleware::buildImpactRedirect() — Method in class URLSpecialsMiddleware

Looks up for the special flags passed in the request and schedules the changes accordingly for the next request.

ClassInfo::baseDataClass() — Method in class ClassInfo
CoreConfigFactory::buildStaticTransformer() — Method in class CoreConfigFactory
CoreConfigFactory::buildYamlTransformerForPath() — Method in class CoreConfigFactory
Convert::base64url_encode() — Method in class Convert

Encode a value into a string that can be used as part of a filename.

Convert::base64url_decode() — Method in class Convert

Decode a value that was encoded with Convert::base64url_encode.

Convert::bytes2memstring() — Method in class Convert
CoreKernel::boot() — Method in class CoreKernel
$ AopProxyService#beforeCallProperty in class AopProxyService
BeforeCallAspectClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Injector

A BeforeCallAspect is run before a method is executed.

BeforeCallAspect::beforeCall() — Method in class BeforeCallAspect

Call this aspect before a method is executed

Kernel::boot() — Method in class Kernel
ClassManifestVisitor::beforeTraverse() — Method in class ClassManifestVisitor
BacktraceClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Backtrace helper

Backtrace::backtrace() — Method in class Backtrace

Render or return a backtrace from the given scope.

BehatFixtureFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev
BuildTaskClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Interface for a generic build task. Does not support dependencies. This will simply run a chunk of code when called.

BulkLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

A base for bulk loaders of content into the SilverStripe database.

BulkLoader_ResultClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Encapsulates the result of a {@link BulkLoader} import (usually through the {@link BulkLoader->processAll()} method).

DebugView::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class DebugView

Generate breadcrumb links to the URL path being displayed

DevBuildController::build() — Method in class DevBuildController
DevelopmentAdmin::buildDefaults() — Method in class DevelopmentAdmin

Build the default data, calling requireDefaultRecords on all DataObject classes Should match the $url_handlers rule: 'build/defaults' => 'buildDefaults',

SapphireInfo::BaseURL() — Method in class SapphireInfo
FormRequestHandler::buttonClicked() — Method in class FormRequestHandler

Get instance of button which was clicked for this request

GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest

CMS-specific functionality: Passes through navigation breadcrumbs to the template, and includes the currently edited record (if any).

$ TinyMCEConfig#base_dirProperty in class TinyMCEConfig

Location of module relative to BASE_DIR. This must contain the following dirs

  • plugins
  • themes
  • skins
BasicAuthAuthenticatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Auth

An authenticator using SilverStripe's BasicAuth

BuildClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Dev
Build::build() — Method in class Build
Build::buildSchema() — Method in class Build
BulkLoaderSetClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\BulkLoader

Composed with a list of bulk loaders to be executed in serial and return the aggregate result of all their collect() calls

DBFieldArgs::baseFormatResolver() — Method in class DBFieldArgs
Resolver::baseResolve() — Method in class Resolver

Just the basic ViewableData field accessor bit, without all the property mapping overhead. Useful for custom dataobject types that circumvent the model layer.

BaseFieldsProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

Defines a model that provides required fields for all the types it creates

SchemaBuilder::build() — Method in class SchemaBuilder

Stores a schema and fetches the graphql-php instance

SchemaBuilder::buildByName() — Method in class SchemaBuilder

Boots a schema, persists it, and fetches it

SchemaBuilder::boot() — Method in class SchemaBuilder

Auto-discovers the schema based on the provided schema key in Silverstripe's configuration layer. Merges the global schema with specifics for this schema key.

NestedInputBuilder::buildPathsFromArgs() — Method in class NestedInputBuilder

Public API that can be used by a resolver to flatten the input argument into dot.separated.paths that can be normalised

AbstractTypeRegistry::Boolean() — Method in class AbstractTypeRegistry
ModelType::buildOperations() — Method in class ModelType
ArrayList::byIDs() — Method in class ArrayList

Filter this list to only contain the given Primary IDs

ArrayList::byID() — Method in class ArrayList

Return the first item with the given ID

DBQueryBuilder::buildSQL() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Builds a sql query with the specified connection

DBQueryBuilder::buildDeleteFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Return the DELETE clause ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildUpdateFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Return the UPDATE clause ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildFromFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Return the FROM clause ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildWhereFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Returns the WHERE clauses ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildOrderByFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Returns the ORDER BY clauses ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildGroupByFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Returns the GROUP BY clauses ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildHavingFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Returns the HAVING clauses ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildLimitFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Return the LIMIT clause ready for inserting into a query.

DBSchemaManager::boolean() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Returns data type for 'boolean' column

MySQLQueryBuilder::buildLimitFragment() — Method in class MySQLQueryBuilder

Return the LIMIT clause ready for inserting into a query.

MySQLSchemaManager::boolean() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return a boolean type-formatted string

MySQLSchemaManager::bigint() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return a bigint type-formatted string

MySQLiConnector::bindParameters() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Binds a list of parameters to a statement

PDOConnector::bindParameters() — Method in class PDOConnector

Bind all parameters to a PDOStatement

TempDatabase::build() — Method in class TempDatabase

Create temp DB without creating extra objects

DB::build_sql() — Method in class DB

Builds a sql query with the specified connection

DataList::byIDs() — Method in class DataList

Filter this list to only contain the given Primary IDs

DataList::byID() — Method in class DataList

Return the first DataObject with the given ID

$ DataObject#belongs_toProperty in class DataObject

A meta-relationship that allows you to define the reverse side of a {@link DataObject::$has_one}.

$ DataObject#belongs_many_manyProperty in class DataObject

The inverse side of a many-many relationship.

DataObject::belongsTo() — Method in class DataObject

Returns the class of a remote belongs_to relationship. If no component is specified a map of all components and their class name will be returned.

DataObject::baseTable() — Method in class DataObject

Get the name of the base table for this object

DataObject::baseClass() — Method in class DataObject

Get the base class for this object

DataObjectSchema::baseDataClass() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Returns the root class (the first to extend from DataObject) for the passed class.

DataObjectSchema::baseDataTable() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Get the base table

DataObjectSchema::belongsToComponent() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Return data for a specific belongs_to component.

DataQueryManipulator::beforeGetFinalisedQuery() — Method in class DataQueryManipulator

Invoked prior to getFinalisedQuery()

DatabaseAdmin::build() — Method in class DatabaseAdmin

Updates the database schema, creating tables & fields as necessary.

DatabaseAdmin::buildDefaults() — Method in class DatabaseAdmin

Build the default data, calling requireDefaultRecords on all DataObject classes

DBComposite::bindTo() — Method in class DBComposite

Bind this field to the dataobject, and set the underlying table to that of the owner

Filterable::byID() — Method in class Filterable

Return the first item with the given ID

Filterable::byIDs() — Method in class Filterable

Filter this list to only contain the given Primary IDs

ListDecorator::byID() — Method in class ListDecorator

Return the first item with the given ID

ListDecorator::byIDs() — Method in class ListDecorator

Filter this list to only contain the given Primary IDs

ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator::beforeGetFinalisedQuery() — Method in class ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator

Invoked prior to getFinalisedQuery()

ReportAdmin::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class ReportAdmin

Returns the Breadcrumbs for the ReportAdmin

ReportWrapper::beforeQuery() — Method in class ReportWrapper

Override this method to perform some actions prior to querying.

BasicAuthClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Provides an interface to HTTP basic authentication.

BasicAuthMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security
Member::beforeMemberLoggedIn() — Method in class Member

Called before a member is logged in via session/cookie/etc

Member::beforeMemberLoggedOut() — Method in class Member

Audit logging hook, called before a member is logged out

Security::basicauthlogin() — Method in class Security
SiteConfigLeftAndMain::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class SiteConfigLeftAndMain
ArchiveAdmin::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class ArchiveAdmin

Use 'Archives' as the top title rather than the model title

BlockArchiveExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionedAdmin\Extensions

Adds a archive view for Elemental blocks

VersionedGridFieldItemRequest::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldItemRequest
Requirements::backend() — Method in class Requirements
Requirements::block() — Method in class Requirements

Block inclusion of a specific file

Requirements_Backend::block() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Block inclusion of a specific file

$ i18nTextCollector#basePathProperty in class i18nTextCollector

The directory base on which the collector should act.

$ i18nTextCollector#baseSavePathProperty in class i18nTextCollector

Save path


CMSBatchActionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin

A class representing back actions.

CMSBatchAction::canView() — Method in class CMSBatchAction

If you wish to restrict the batch action to some users, overload this function.

CMSBatchActionHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin

Special request handler for admin/batchaction

CMSMenuClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin

The object manages the main CMS menu. See {@link LeftAndMain::init()} for example usage.

CMSMenu::clear_menu() — Method in class CMSMenu

Clears the entire menu

CMSMenuItemClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin

A simple CMS menu item.

$ CMSMenuItem#controllerProperty in class CMSMenuItem

Parent controller class name

CMSProfileControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin
CMSProfileController::canView() — Method in class CMSProfileController
LeftAndMain::canView() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::Content() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::currentPageID() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Identifier for the currently shown record, in most cases a database ID. Inspects the following sources (in this order):

  • GET/POST parameter named 'ID'
  • URL parameter named 'ID'
  • Session value namespaced by classname, e.g. "CMSMain.currentPage"
LeftAndMain::currentPage() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Uses {@link getRecord()} and {@link currentPageID()} to get the currently selected record.

LeftAndMain::CMSVersion() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Return the version number of this application, ie. 'CMS: 4.2.1'

LeftAndMain::CMSVersionNumber() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Return the version number of the CMS, ie. '4.2.1'

AssetAdmin::createfolder() — Method in class AssetAdmin
AssetAdmin::canView() — Method in class AssetAdmin
CampaignAdminExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Extensions

Extension that updates the Popover menu of FileFormFactory.

CreateFileMutationCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL
CreateFolderMutationCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL

API available but currently not used, as create folder uses FormBuilder

ReadFileQueryCreator::createConnection() — Method in class ReadFileQueryCreator
TestAssetStore::cleanFilename() — Method in class TestAssetStore
$ File#class_for_file_extensionProperty in class File

Map of file extensions to class type

$ File#ContentProperty in class File
File::canView() — Method in class File
File::canEdit() — Method in class File

Check if this file can be modified

File::canCreate() — Method in class File

Check if a file can be created

File::canDelete() — Method in class File

Check if this file can be deleted

File::collateDescendants() — Method in class File

Collate selected descendants of this page.

File::copyFile() — Method in class File

Copy to new filename.

File::canViewFile() — Method in class File

Check if the current user can view the given file.

File::CMSEditLink() — Method in class File
FileDefaultPermissions::canEdit() — Method in class FileDefaultPermissions

Can root be edited?

FileDefaultPermissions::canView() — Method in class FileDefaultPermissions

Can root be viewed?

FileDefaultPermissions::canDelete() — Method in class FileDefaultPermissions

Can root be deleted?

FileDefaultPermissions::canCreate() — Method in class FileDefaultPermissions

Can root objects be created?

FlysystemAssetStore::copy() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Copy a file (and all variants) to a new filename

FlysystemAssetStore::canView() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Check if the current user can view the given file.

Folder::ChildFolders() — Method in class Folder

Get the children of this folder that are also folders.

ImageBackendFactory::create() — Method in class ImageBackendFactory

Creates a new service instance.

$ ImageManipulation#cms_thumbnail_widthProperty in class ImageManipulation

The width of an image thumbnail in the CMS.

$ ImageManipulation#cms_thumbnail_heightProperty in class ImageManipulation

The height of an image thumbnail in the CMS.

ImageManipulation::CropWidth() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Crop image on X axis if it exceeds specified width. Retain height.

ImageManipulation::CropHeight() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Crop image on Y axis if it exceeds specified height. Retain width.

ImageManipulation::CMSThumbnail() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Default CMS thumbnail

Image_Backend::croppedResize() — Method in class Image_Backend

Resize an image to cover the given width/height completely, and crop off any overhanging edges.

Image_Backend::crop() — Method in class Image_Backend

Crop's part of image.

InterventionBackend::croppedResize() — Method in class InterventionBackend

Resize an image to cover the given width/height completely, and crop off any overhanging edges.

InterventionBackend::crop() — Method in class InterventionBackend

Crop's part of image.

AssetContainer::copyFile() — Method in class AssetContainer

Copy to new filename.

AssetContainer::canViewFile() — Method in class AssetContainer

Check if the current user can view the given file.

AssetStore::copy() — Method in class AssetStore

Copy a file (and all variants) to a new filename

AssetStore::canView() — Method in class AssetStore

Check if the current user can view the given file.

DBFile::canViewFile() — Method in class DBFile

Check if the current user can view the given file.

DBFile::copyFile() — Method in class DBFile

Copy to new filename.

DefaultAssetNameGenerator::current() — Method in class DefaultAssetNameGenerator
Upload::clearErrors() — Method in class Upload

Clear out all errors (mostly set by {loadUploaded()}) including the validator's errors

Upload_Validator::clearErrors() — Method in class Upload_Validator

Clear out all errors

CMSBatchAction_ArchiveClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\BatchActions

Delete items batch action.

CMSBatchAction_PublishClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\BatchActions

Publish items batch action.

CMSBatchAction_RestoreClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\BatchActions

Batch restore of pages

CMSBatchAction_UnpublishClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\BatchActions

Unpublish items batch action.

CMSMainClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

The main "content" area of the CMS.

CMSMain::clearCache() — Method in class CMSMain

Clears all dependent cache backends

CMSMain::CanOrganiseSitetree() — Method in class CMSMain

Whether the current member has the permission to reorganise SiteTree objects.

CMSMain::childfilter() — Method in class CMSMain

Callback to request the list of page types allowed under a given page instance.

CMSMain::currentPageID() — Method in class CMSMain

Identifier for the currently shown record, in most cases a database ID. Inspects the following sources (in this order):

  • GET/POST parameter named 'ID'
  • URL parameter named 'ID'
  • Session value namespaced by classname, e.g. "CMSMain.currentPage"
CMSPageAddControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers
CMSPageEditControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers
CMSPageSettingsControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers
CMSPagesControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers
CMSSiteTreeFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

Base class for filtering the subtree for certain node statuses.

CMSSiteTreeFilter_ChangedPagesClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

Gets all pages which have changed on stage.

CMSSiteTreeFilter_DeletedPagesClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

Works a bit different than the other filters: Shows all pages including those deleted from stage and live.

CMSSiteTreeFilter_PublishedPagesClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

This filter will display the SiteTree as a site visitor might see the site, i.e only the pages that is currently published.

CMSSiteTreeFilter_SearchClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers
CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDeletedPagesClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

Filters pages which have a status "Deleted".

CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDraftPagesClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

Filters pages which have a status "Draft".

CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusRemovedFromDraftPagesClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

Filters pages which have a status "Removed from Draft".

ContentControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

The most common kind of controller; effectively a controller linked to a {@link DataObject}.

ContentController::ChildrenOf() — Method in class ContentController

Return the children of a given page. The parent reference can either be a page link or an ID.

ContentController::ContentLocale() — Method in class ContentController

Returns an RFC1766 compliant locale string, e.g. 'fr-CA'.

ModelAsController::controller_for() — Method in class ModelAsController

Get the appropriate {@link ContentController} for handling a {@link SiteTree} object, link it to the object and return it.

SilverStripeNavigatorItem::canView() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem

Filters items based on member permissions or other criteria, such as if a state is generally available for the current record.

SilverStripeNavigatorItem_ArchiveLink::canView() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_ArchiveLink

Filters items based on member permissions or other criteria, such as if a state is generally available for the current record.

SilverStripeNavigatorItem_CMSLink::canView() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_CMSLink

Filters items based on member permissions or other criteria, such as if a state is generally available for the current record.

SilverStripeNavigatorItem_LiveLink::canView() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_LiveLink

Filters items based on member permissions or other criteria, such as if a state is generally available for the current record.

SilverStripeNavigatorItem_StageLink::canView() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_StageLink

Filters items based on member permissions or other criteria, such as if a state is generally available for the current record.

CurrentPageIdentifierClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Model

This interface lets us set up objects that will tell us what the current page is.

CurrentPageIdentifier::currentPageID() — Method in class CurrentPageIdentifier

Get the current page ID.

RedirectorPage::ContentSource() — Method in class RedirectorPage

Returns this page if the redirect is external, otherwise returns the target page.

$ SiteTree#can_be_rootProperty in class SiteTree

Controls whether a page can be in the root of the site tree.

$ SiteTree#controller_nameProperty in class SiteTree

You can define the class of the controller that maps to your SiteTree object here if you don't want to rely on the magic of appending Controller to the Classname

$ SiteTree#can_createProperty in class SiteTree

If this is false, the class cannot be created in the CMS by regular content authors, only by ADMINs.

$ SiteTree#create_default_pagesProperty in class SiteTree
$ SiteTree#ContentProperty in class SiteTree

HTML content of the page.

SiteTree::CMSEditLink() — Method in class SiteTree

Generates a link to edit this page in the CMS.

SiteTree::can() — Method in class SiteTree

This function should return true if the current user can execute this action. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application.

SiteTree::canAddChildren() — Method in class SiteTree

This function should return true if the current user can add children to this page. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application.

SiteTree::canView() — Method in class SiteTree

This function should return true if the current user can view this page. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application.

SiteTree::canPublish() — Method in class SiteTree

Check if this page can be published

SiteTree::canDelete() — Method in class SiteTree

This function should return true if the current user can delete this page. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application.

SiteTree::canCreate() — Method in class SiteTree

This function should return true if the current user can create new pages of this class, regardless of class. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application.

SiteTree::canEdit() — Method in class SiteTree

This function should return true if the current user can edit this page. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application.

SiteTree::collateDescendants() — Method in class SiteTree

Collate selected descendants of this page.

SiteTree::ContentSource() — Method in class SiteTree

Returns the object that contains the content that a user would associate with this page.

SiteTree::creatableChildren() — Method in class SiteTree
SiteTree::creatableChildPages() — Method in class SiteTree

Gets a list of the page types that can be created under this specific page, including font icons

SiteTree::CMSTreeClasses() — Method in class SiteTree

Return the CSS classes to apply to this node in the CMS tree.

SiteTree::classDescription() — Method in class SiteTree

Get description for this page type

SiteTreeExtension::canAddChildren() — Method in class SiteTreeExtension

Hook called to determine if a user may add children to this SiteTree object

SiteTreeExtension::canPublish() — Method in class SiteTreeExtension

Hook called to determine if a user may publish this SiteTree object

$ VirtualPage#CopyContentFromIDProperty in class VirtualPage
VirtualPage::ContentSource() — Method in class VirtualPage
VirtualPage::canPublish() — Method in class VirtualPage

We can only publish the page if there is a published source page

VirtualPage::CMSTreeClasses() — Method in class VirtualPage
VirtualPage::castingHelper() — Method in class VirtualPage

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object.

VirtualPage::CopyContentFrom() — Method in class VirtualPage
BrokenFilesReport::columns() — Method in class BrokenFilesReport
BrokenLinksReport::columns() — Method in class BrokenLinksReport
BrokenRedirectorPagesReport::columns() — Method in class BrokenRedirectorPagesReport
BrokenVirtualPagesReport::columns() — Method in class BrokenVirtualPagesReport
EmptyPagesReport::columns() — Method in class EmptyPagesReport
RecentlyEditedReport::columns() — Method in class RecentlyEditedReport
ContentControllerSearchExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Search

Extension to provide a search interface when applied to ContentController

SearchForm::classesToSearch() — Method in class SearchForm

Set the classes to search.

CampaignAdminClass in namespace SilverStripe\CampaignAdmin

Campaign section of the CMS

CampaignAdmin::campaignEditForm() — Method in class CampaignAdmin

Url handler for edit form

CampaignAdmin::campaignCreateForm() — Method in class CampaignAdmin

Url handler for create form

CampaignAdminExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\CampaignAdmin
CampaignAdminListClass in namespace SilverStripe\CampaignAdmin

Warning: Volatile API as placeholder for standard "GridField"

CachedConfigCollectionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Config\Collections
CachedConfigCollection::create() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection
ConfigCollectionInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\Config\Collections

This represents a collection of config keys and values.

DeltaConfigCollection::createFromCollection() — Method in class DeltaConfigCollection

Create a delta collection from a parent collection

MemoryConfigCollection::create() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection
YamlTransformer::create() — Method in class YamlTransformer
CLIRequestBuilderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

CLI specific request building logic

CLIRequestBuilder::cleanEnvironment() — Method in class CLIRequestBuilder

Clean up HTTP global vars for $_GET / $_REQUEST prior to bootstrapping

CLIRequestBuilder::createFromVariables() — Method in class CLIRequestBuilder
CliControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

Base class invoked from CLI rather than the webserver (Cron jobs, handling email bounces).

ContentNegotiatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

The content negotiator performs "text/html" or "application/xhtml+xml" switching. It does this through the public static function ContentNegotiator::process(). By default, ContentNegotiator will comply to the Accept headers the clients sends along with the HTTP request, which is most likely "application/xhtml+xml" (see "Order of selection" below).

$ ContentNegotiator#content_typeProperty in class ContentNegotiator
ControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

Controllers are the cornerstone of all site functionality in SilverStripe. The {@link Director} selects a controller to pass control to, and then calls {@link handleRequest()}. This method will execute the appropriate action - either by calling the action method, or displaying the action's template.

Controller::curr() — Method in class Controller

Returns the current controller.

Controller::can() — Method in class Controller

Returns true if the member is allowed to do the given action. Defaults to the currently logged in user.

CookieClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

A set of static methods for manipulating cookies.

CookieJarClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

A default backend for the setting and getting of cookies

Cookie_BackendClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

The Cookie_Backend interface for use with Cookie::$inst.

$ Email#cc_all_emails_toProperty in class Email
$ HTTP#cache_ajax_requestsProperty in class HTTP
$ HTTP#cache_controlProperty in class HTTP

List of names to add to the Cache-Control header.

HTTPRequestBuilder::createFromEnvironment() — Method in class HTTPRequestBuilder

Create HTTPRequest instance from the current environment variables.

HTTPRequestBuilder::createFromVariables() — Method in class HTTPRequestBuilder

Build HTTPRequest from given variables

HTTPRequestBuilder::cleanEnvironment() — Method in class HTTPRequestBuilder

Clean up HTTP global vars for $_GET / $_REQUEST prior to bootstrapping

IPUtils::checkIP() — Method in class IPUtils

Checks if an IPv4 or IPv6 address is contained in the list of given IPs or subnets.

IPUtils::checkIP4() — Method in class IPUtils

Compares two IPv4 addresses.

IPUtils::checkIP6() — Method in class IPUtils

Compares two IPv6 addresses.

CanonicalURLMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware

Implements the following URL normalisation rules

  • redirect basic auth requests to HTTPS
  • force WWW, redirect to the subdomain "www."
  • force SSL, redirect to https
ChangeDetectionMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware

Handles internal change detection via etag / ifmodifiedsince headers, conditionally sending a 304 not modified if possible.

ConfirmationMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware

Checks whether user manual confirmation is required for HTTPRequest depending on the rules given.

ConfirmationMiddleware::canBypass() — Method in class ConfirmationMiddleware

Check whether the rules can be bypassed without user confirmation

AjaxBypass::checkRequestForBypass() — Method in class AjaxBypass

Returns true for AJAX requests

Bypass::checkRequestForBypass() — Method in class Bypass

Check the request for whether we can bypass the confirmation

CliBypassClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware\ConfirmationMiddleware

Allows a bypass when the request has been run in CLI mode

CliBypass::checkRequestForBypass() — Method in class CliBypass

Returns true if the current process is running in CLI mode

EnvironmentBypass::checkRequestForBypass() — Method in class EnvironmentBypass

Checks whether the current environment type in the list of allowed ones

GetParameter::checkRequestForBypass() — Method in class GetParameter

Check the request for whether we can bypass the confirmation

HttpMethodBypass::checkRequestForBypass() — Method in class HttpMethodBypass

Returns true if the current process is running in CLI mode

Url::checkRequestForBypass() — Method in class Url

Check the request for whether we can bypass the confirmation

Url::checkRequest() — Method in class Url

Match the request against the rules

UrlPathStartswith::checkRequestForBypass() — Method in class UrlPathStartswith

Check the request for whether we can bypass the confirmation

RequestHandler::checkAccessAction() — Method in class RequestHandler

Check that the given action is allowed to be called from a URL.

$ Session#cookie_domainProperty in class Session
$ Session#cookie_pathProperty in class Session
$ Session#cookie_secureProperty in class Session
$ Session#cookie_name_secureProperty in class Session
Session::clear() — Method in class Session

Clear session value

Session::clearAll() — Method in class Session

Clear all values

Session::changedData() — Method in class Session

Returns the list of changed keys

ApcuCacheFactory::create() — Method in class ApcuCacheFactory
CacheFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Cache
CacheFactory::create() — Method in class CacheFactory

Note: While the returned object is used as a singleton (by the originating Injector->get() call), this cache object shouldn't be a singleton itself - it has varying constructor args for the same service name.

DefaultCacheFactory::create() — Method in class DefaultCacheFactory
FilesystemCacheFactory::create() — Method in class FilesystemCacheFactory
ManifestCacheFactory::create() — Method in class ManifestCacheFactory

Note: While the returned object is used as a singleton (by the originating Injector->get() call), this cache object shouldn't be a singleton itself - it has varying constructor args for the same service name.

ManifestCacheFactory::createCache() — Method in class ManifestCacheFactory

Create cache directly without config / injector

MemcachedCacheFactory::create() — Method in class MemcachedCacheFactory
RateLimiter::clearAttempts() — Method in class RateLimiter
RateLimiter::canAccess() — Method in class RateLimiter
ClassInfoClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core

Provides introspection information about the class tree.

ClassInfo::class_name() — Method in class ClassInfo

Convert a class name in any case and return it as it was defined in PHP

ClassInfo::classImplements() — Method in class ClassInfo

Returns true if the given class implements the given interface

ClassInfo::classes_for_file() — Method in class ClassInfo

Get all classes contained in a file.

ClassInfo::classes_for_folder() — Method in class ClassInfo

Returns all classes contained in a certain folder.

ConfigClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Config
ConfigLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Config

Registers config sources via ConfigCollectionInterface

ConfigLoader::countManifests() — Method in class ConfigLoader

Check number of manifests

Config_ForClassClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Config
ConfigurableClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Config

Provides extensions to this object to integrate it with standard config API methods.

Configurable::config() — Method in class Configurable

Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).

CoreConfigFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Config

Factory for silverstripe configs

CoreConfigFactory::createRoot() — Method in class CoreConfigFactory

Create root application config.

CoreConfigFactory::createCore() — Method in class CoreConfigFactory

Rebuild new uncached config, which is mutable

ConvertClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core

Library of conversion functions, implemented as static methods.

CoreKernelClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core

Simple Kernel container

CustomMethodsClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core

Allows an object to declare a set of custom methods

Extension::clearOwner() — Method in class Extension

Clear the current owner, and restore extension to the state prior to the last setOwner()

Factory::create() — Method in class Factory

Creates a new service instance.

Injectable::create() — Method in class Injectable

An implementation of the factory method, allows you to create an instance of a class

InjectionCreator::create() — Method in class InjectionCreator

Creates a new service instance.

Injector::convertServiceProperty() — Method in class Injector

Recursively convert a value into its proper representation with service references resolved to actual objects

Injector::create() — Method in class Injector

Similar to get() but always returns a new object of the given type

Injector::createWithArgs() — Method in class Injector

Creates an object with the supplied argument array

InjectorLoader::countManifests() — Method in class InjectorLoader

Check number of manifests

ClassContentRemoverClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Manifest

Class ClassContentRemover

ClassLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Manifest

A class that handles loading classes and interfaces from a class manifest instance.

ClassLoader::classExists() — Method in class ClassLoader

Returns true if a class or interface name exists in the manifest.

ClassManifestClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Manifest

A utility class which builds a manifest of all classes, interfaces and caches it.

ClassManifestErrorHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Manifest

Error handler which throws, but retains the original path context.

ClassManifestVisitorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Manifest
ModuleLoader::countManifests() — Method in class ModuleLoader

Check number of manifests

CallbackFlushDiscovererClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Startup

Handle a callable object as a discoverer

CompositeFlushDiscovererClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Startup

Implements the composite over flush discoverers

BehatFixtureFactory::createObject() — Method in class BehatFixtureFactory

Writes the fixture into the database using DataObjects

$ BulkLoader#columnMapProperty in class BulkLoader

Map columns to DataObject-properties.

BulkLoader_Result::Count() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result

Returns the count of all objects which were created or updated.

BulkLoader_Result::CreatedCount() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result
BulkLoader_Result::Created() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result

Returns all created objects. Each object might contain specific importer feedback in the "_BulkLoaderMessage" property.

CLIClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Class to facilitate command-line output.

CSSContentParserClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

CSSContentParser enables parsing & assertion running of HTML content via CSS selectors.

CSVParserClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Class to handle parsing of CSV files, where the column headers are in the first row.

CSVParser::current() — Method in class CSVParser
CliDebugViewClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

A basic HTML wrapper for stylish rendering of a developement info view.

CsvBulkLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Utility class to facilitate complex CSV-imports by defining column-mappings and custom converters.

Debug::caller() — Method in class Debug

Returns the caller for a specific method

Debug::create_debug_view() — Method in class Debug

Create an instance of an appropriate DebugView object.

$ DebugView#columnsProperty in class DebugView

Column size to wrap long strings to

FixtureBlueprint::createObject() — Method in class FixtureBlueprint
FixtureFactory::createObject() — Method in class FixtureFactory

Writes the fixture into the database using DataObjects

FixtureFactory::createRaw() — Method in class FixtureFactory

Writes the fixture into the database directly using a database manipulation.

FixtureFactory::clear() — Method in class FixtureFactory

Remove all fixtures previously defined through {@link createObject()} or {@link createRaw()}, both from the internal fixture mapping and the database.

FunctionalTest::content() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Return the most recent content

FunctionalTest::cssParser() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Return a CSSContentParser for the most recent content.

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::checkValidDatabaseName() — Method in class MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Determines if a given database name is a valid Silverstripe name.

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::checkDatabasePermissionGrant() — Method in class MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Checks if a specified grant proves that the current user has the specified permission on the specified database

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::checkDatabasePermission() — Method in class MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Checks if the current user has the specified permission on the specified database

SapphireTest::clearFixtures() — Method in class SapphireTest

Clear all fixtures which were previously loaded through {@link loadFixture()}

SapphireTest::clearEmails() — Method in class SapphireTest

Clear the log of emails sent

CleanupTestDatabasesTaskClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\Tasks

Cleans up leftover databases from aborted test executions (starting with ss_tmpdb) Task is restricted to users with administrator rights or running through CLI.

TestMailer::clearEmails() — Method in class TestMailer

Clear the log of emails sent

TestSession::cssParser() — Method in class TestSession

Return a CSSContentParser containing the most recent response

ErrorPageExtension::canAddChildren() — Method in class ErrorPageExtension
ErrorPageExtension::createErrorCodeField() — Method in class ErrorPageExtension
CheckboxFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Single checkbox field.

CheckboxField_ReadonlyClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Readonly version of a checkbox field - "Yes" or "No".

CheckboxSetFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Displays a set of checkboxes as a logical group.

CompositeFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Base class for all fields that contain other fields.

CompositeField::collateDataFields() — Method in class CompositeField

Add all of the non-composite fields contained within this field to the list.

ConfirmedPasswordFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Two masked input fields, checks for matching passwords.

$ ConfirmedPasswordField#canBeEmptyProperty in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Allow empty fields in serverside validation

$ ConfirmedPasswordField#childrenProperty in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Child fields (_Password, _ConfirmPassword)

CurrencyFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Renders a text field, validating its input as a currency.

CurrencyField_DisabledClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Readonly version of a {@link CurrencyField}.

CurrencyField_ReadonlyClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Readonly version of a {@link CurrencyField}.

FieldList::changeFieldOrder() — Method in class FieldList

Change the order of fields in this FieldList by specifying an ordered list of field names.

$ Form#castingProperty in class Form
Form::clearFormState() — Method in class Form

Flush persistant form state details

Form::clearMessage() — Method in class Form

Clear form message (and in session)

Form::castingHelper() — Method in class Form

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object. This helper will be a subclass of DBField.

$ FormAction#castingProperty in class FormAction
FormField::castingHelper() — Method in class FormField

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object. This helper will be a subclass of DBField.

FormField::castedCopy() — Method in class FormField

Returns another instance of this field, but "cast" to a different class. The logic tries to retain all of the instance properties, and may be overloaded by subclasses to set additional ones.

FormField::canSubmitValue() — Method in class FormField

Determine if the value of this formfield accepts front-end submitted values and is saveable.

FormRequestHandler::checkAccessAction() — Method in class FormRequestHandler
GridFieldFilterHeader::canFilterAnyColumns() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader

Returns whether this {@link GridField} has any columns to filter on at all

ReadonlyField::castingHelper() — Method in class ReadonlyField

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object. This helper will be a subclass of DBField.

SelectField::castedCopy() — Method in class SelectField

Returns another instance of this field, but "cast" to a different class.

SingleSelectField::castedCopy() — Method in class SingleSelectField

Returns another instance of this field, but "cast" to a different class.

TreeDropdownField::castedCopy() — Method in class TreeDropdownField
ConfigurationClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Config
ControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL

Top level controller for handling graphql requests.

$ Controller#corsProperty in class Controller

Cors default config

ClientConfigProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Extensions
CSRFMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Middleware

Adds functionality that checks a request for a token before allowing a mutation to happen. Protects against CSRF attacks

AbstractBulkLoader::collect() — Method in class AbstractBulkLoader
CollectionClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\BulkLoader

Defines a collection of class names paired with file paths

Collection::createFromClassList() — Method in class Collection
ExtensionLoader::collect() — Method in class ExtensionLoader
FilepathLoader::collect() — Method in class FilepathLoader
InheritanceLoader::collect() — Method in class InheritanceLoader
NamespaceLoader::collect() — Method in class NamespaceLoader
CreateCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject

Creates a "create" mutation for a DataObject

CreateCreator::createOperation() — Method in class CreateCreator
DeleteCreator::createOperation() — Method in class DeleteCreator
InheritanceUnionBuilder::createUnions() — Method in class InheritanceUnionBuilder
InterfaceBuilder::createInterfaces() — Method in class InterfaceBuilder
ModelCreator::createModel() — Method in class ModelCreator
CanViewPermissionClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin

A permission checking plugin for DataLists

QueryCollector::collectQueries() — Method in class QueryCollector
QueryCollector::collectQueriesForType() — Method in class QueryCollector
ContainsFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\QueryFilter\Filters

A filter that selects records that partially match a keyword

ReadCreator::createOperation() — Method in class ReadCreator
ReadOneCreator::createOperation() — Method in class ReadOneCreator
UpdateCreator::createOperation() — Method in class UpdateCreator
ConfigurationApplierClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

Applies an array of config to a class

ContextProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

A class that can store a generic array of context

OperationCreator::createOperation() — Method in class OperationCreator
SchemaModelCreatorInterface::createModel() — Method in class SchemaModelCreatorInterface
SchemaStorageCreator::createStore() — Method in class SchemaStorageCreator
SchemaStorageInterface::clear() — Method in class SchemaStorageInterface
Logger::critical() — Method in class Logger
PaginationPlugin::createPaginationResult() — Method in class PaginationPlugin
ComposedResolverClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Resolver

Given a stack of resolver middleware and afterware, compress it into one composed function, passing along the return value.

Schema::createStoreableSchema() — Method in class Schema

Creates a readonly object that can be used by a storage service.

Schema::createModel() — Method in class Schema
SchemaConfig::createModel() — Method in class SchemaConfig
CodeGenerationStoreClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Storage
$ CodeGenerationStore#configFilenameProperty in class CodeGenerationStore
CodeGenerationStore::clear() — Method in class CodeGenerationStore
CodeGenerationStoreCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Storage
CodeGenerationStoreCreator::createStore() — Method in class CodeGenerationStoreCreator
CanonicalModelAwareClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Type
TypeReference::createFromPath() — Method in class TypeReference
ArrayList::count() — Method in class ArrayList

Return the number of items in this list

ArrayList::column() — Method in class ArrayList

Returns an array of a single field value for all items in the list.

ArrayList::columnUnique() — Method in class ArrayList

Returns a unique array of a single field value for all the items in the list

ArrayList::canSortBy() — Method in class ArrayList

You can always sort a ArrayList

ArrayList::canFilterBy() — Method in class ArrayList

Returns true if the given column can be used to filter the records.

CMSPreviewableClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Interface to provide enough information about a record to make it previewable through the CMS. It uses the record database ID, its "frontend" and "backend" links to link up the edit form with its preview.

CMSPreviewable::CMSEditLink() — Method in class CMSPreviewable
DBConnector::connect() — Method in class DBConnector

Link this connector to the database given the specified parameters Will throw an exception rather than return a success state.

$ DBSchemaManager#check_and_repair_on_buildProperty in class DBSchemaManager
DBSchemaManager::cancelSchemaUpdate() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Cancels the schema updates requested during (but not after) schemaUpdate() call.

DBSchemaManager::checkAndRepairTable() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Checks a table's integrity and repairs it if necessary.

DBSchemaManager::createDatabase() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Create a database with the specified name

DBSchemaManager::createTable() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Create a new table.

DBSchemaManager::createField() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Create a new field on a table.

DBSchemaManager::clearCachedFieldlist() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

This allows the cached values for a table's field list to be erased.

Database::clearAllData() — Method in class Database

Clear all data out of the database

Database::clearTable() — Method in class Database

Clear all data in a given table

Database::comparisonClause() — Method in class Database

Generate a WHERE clause for text matching.

Database::concatOperator() — Method in class Database

String operator for concatenation of strings

Database::canLock() — Method in class Database

Returns if the lock is available.

Database::connect() — Method in class Database

Instruct the database to generate a live connection

$ MySQLDatabase#connection_charsetProperty in class MySQLDatabase

Default connection charset (may be overridden in $databaseConfig)

$ MySQLDatabase#connection_collationProperty in class MySQLDatabase

Default connection collation

$ MySQLDatabase#charsetProperty in class MySQLDatabase

Default charset

$ MySQLDatabase#collationProperty in class MySQLDatabase

Default collation

MySQLDatabase::connect() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Instruct the database to generate a live connection

MySQLDatabase::comparisonClause() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Generate a WHERE clause for text matching.

MySQLDatabase::canLock() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Returns if the lock is available.

MySQLDatabase::clearTable() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Clear all data in a given table

MySQLSchemaManager::createTable() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Create a new table.

MySQLSchemaManager::checkAndRepairTable() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Checks a table's integrity and repairs it if necessary.

MySQLSchemaManager::createField() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Create a new field on a table.

MySQLSchemaManager::createDatabase() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Create a database with the specified name

MySQLSchemaManager::createIndex() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Create an index on a table.

MySQLiConnector::connect() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Link this connector to the database given the specified parameters Will throw an exception rather than return a success state.

PDOConnector::connect() — Method in class PDOConnector

Link this connector to the database given the specified parameters Will throw an exception rather than return a success state.

PDOStatementHandle::closeCursor() — Method in class PDOStatementHandle

Closes the cursor, enabling the statement to be executed again (PDOStatement::closeCursor)

Query::column() — Method in class Query

Return an array containing all the values from a specific column. If no column is set, then the first will be returned

TempDatabase::clearAllData() — Method in class TempDatabase

Remove all content from the temporary database.

DB::connect() — Method in class DB

Specify connection to a database

DB::connection_attempted() — Method in class DB

Returns true if a database connection has been attempted.

DB::create_database() — Method in class DB

Create the database and connect to it. This can be called if the initial database connection is not successful because the database does not exist.

DB::create_table() — Method in class DB

Create a new table.

DB::create_field() — Method in class DB

Create a new field on a table.

DB::check_and_repair_table() — Method in class DB

Checks a table's integrity and repairs it if necessary.

DataExtension::can() — Method in class DataExtension
DataExtension::canEdit() — Method in class DataExtension
DataExtension::canDelete() — Method in class DataExtension
DataExtension::canCreate() — Method in class DataExtension
DataList::canSortBy() — Method in class DataList

Returns true if this DataList can be sorted by the given field.

DataList::canFilterBy() — Method in class DataList

Returns true if this DataList can be filtered by the given field.

DataList::createDataObject() — Method in class DataList

Create a DataObject from the given SQL row

DataList::count() — Method in class DataList

Return the number of items in this DataList

DataList::column() — Method in class DataList

Returns an array of a single field value for all items in the list.

DataList::columnUnique() — Method in class DataList

Returns a unique array of a single field value for all items in the list.

$ DataObject#cascade_deletesProperty in class DataObject

List of relations that should be cascade deleted, similar to owns Note: This will trigger delete on many_many objects, not only the mapping table.

$ DataObject#create_table_optionsProperty in class DataObject

Specify custom options for a CREATE TABLE call.

$ DataObject#ClassNameProperty in class DataObject

Class name of the DataObject

$ DataObject#CreatedProperty in class DataObject

Date and time of DataObject creation.

DataObject::castedUpdate() — Method in class DataObject

Pass changes as a map, and try to get automatic casting for these fields.

DataObject::castingHelper() — Method in class DataObject

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object. This helper will be a subclass of DBField.

DataObject::can() — Method in class DataObject

Returns true if the member is allowed to do the given action.

DataObject::canView() — Method in class DataObject
DataObject::canEdit() — Method in class DataObject
DataObject::canDelete() — Method in class DataObject
DataObject::canCreate() — Method in class DataObject
DataObjectSchema::classHasTable() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Check if the given class has a table

DataObjectSchema::compositeFields() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Returns a list of all the composite if the given db field on the class is a composite field.

DataObjectSchema::compositeField() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Get a composite field for a class

DataObjectSchema::classForField() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Returns the class name in the class hierarchy which contains a given field column for a {@link DataObject}. If the field does not exist, this will return null.

DataQuery::count() — Method in class DataQuery

Return the number of records in this query.

DataQuery::conjunctiveGroup() — Method in class DataQuery

Create a conjunctive subgroup

DataQuery::column() — Method in class DataQuery

Query the given field column from the database and return as an array.

DataQuery_SubGroup::conditionSQL() — Method in class DataQuery_SubGroup

Determines the resulting SQL along with parameters for the group

DatabaseAdmin::cleanup() — Method in class DatabaseAdmin

Remove invalid records from tables - that is, records that don't have corresponding records in their parent class tables.

DBClassName::clear_classname_cache() — Method in class DBClassName

Clear all cached classname specs. It's necessary to clear all cached subclassed names for any classes if a new class manifest is generated.

$ DBComposite#composite_dbProperty in class DBComposite

Similiar to {@link DataObject::$db}, holds an array of composite field names.

DBComposite::compositeDatabaseFields() — Method in class DBComposite

Return array in the format of {@link $composite_db}.

DBComposite::castingHelper() — Method in class DBComposite

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object. This helper will be a subclass of DBField.

$ DBCurrency#currency_symbolProperty in class DBCurrency
DBDatetime::clear_mock_now() — Method in class DBDatetime

Clear any mocked date, which causes {@link Now()} to return the current system date.

DBField::create_field() — Method in class DBField

Create a DBField object that's not bound to any particular field.

DBField::CDATA() — Method in class DBField

Safely escape for XML string

DBHTMLText::CDATA() — Method in class DBHTMLText

Safely escape for XML string

DBHTMLVarchar::CDATA() — Method in class DBHTMLVarchar

Safely escape for XML string

DBText::ContextSummary() — Method in class DBText

Perform context searching to give some context to searches, optionally highlighting the search term.

Filterable::canFilterBy() — Method in class Filterable

Returns TRUE if the list can be filtered by a given field expression.

ComparisonFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Filters

Base class for creating comparison filters, eg; greater than, less than, greater than or equal, etc

Hierarchy::Children() — Method in class Hierarchy

Get the children for this DataObject filtered by canView()

MarkedSet::clearMarks() — Method in class MarkedSet

Reset marked nodes

ListDecorator::Count() — Method in class ListDecorator
ListDecorator::column() — Method in class ListDecorator

Returns an array of a single field value for all items in the list.

ListDecorator::columnUnique() — Method in class ListDecorator
ListDecorator::canSortBy() — Method in class ListDecorator

Returns TRUE if the list can be sorted by a field.

ListDecorator::canFilterBy() — Method in class ListDecorator

Returns TRUE if the list can be filtered by a given field expression.

ManyManyList::createDataObject() — Method in class ManyManyList

Create a DataObject from the given SQL row.

ManyManyThroughList::createDataObject() — Method in class ManyManyThroughList

Create a DataObject from the given SQL row

Map::count() — Method in class Map

Returns the count of items in the list including the additional items set through {@link Map::push()} and {@link Map::unshift}.

PaginatedList::CurrentPage() — Method in class PaginatedList
SQLAssignmentRow::clear() — Method in class SQLAssignmentRow

Clears all assignment values

SQLConditionGroup::conditionSQL() — Method in class SQLConditionGroup

Determines the resulting SQL along with parameters for the group

SQLDelete::create() — Method in class SQLDelete

Construct a new SQLDelete.

SQLInsert::create() — Method in class SQLInsert

Construct a new SQLInsert object

SQLInsert::currentRow() — Method in class SQLInsert

Returns the currently set row

SQLInsert::clearRow() — Method in class SQLInsert

Clears all currently set assigment values on the current row

SQLInsert::clear() — Method in class SQLInsert

Clears all rows

SQLSelect::create() — Method in class SQLSelect

Construct a new SQLSelect.

SQLSelect::canSortBy() — Method in class SQLSelect

Returns true if this query can be sorted by the given field.

SQLSelect::count() — Method in class SQLSelect

Return the number of rows in this query, respecting limit and offset.

SQLUpdate::create() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Construct a new SQLUpdate object

SQLUpdate::clear() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Clears all currently set assigment values

SS_List::column() — Method in class SS_List

Returns an array of a single field value for all items in the list.

$ SearchContext#connectiveProperty in class SearchContext

The logical connective used to join WHERE clauses. Defaults to AND.

SearchContext::clearEmptySearchFields() — Method in class SearchContext

Callback map function to filter fields with empty values from being included in the search expression.

Sortable::canSortBy() — Method in class Sortable

Returns TRUE if the list can be sorted by a field.

UnsavedRelationList::changeToList() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Save all the items in this list into the RelationList

UnsavedRelationList::column() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Returns an array of a single field value for all items in the list.

UnsavedRelationList::columnUnique() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Returns a unique array of a single field value for all items in the list.

ValidationResult::combineAnd() — Method in class ValidationResult

Combine this Validation Result with the ValidationResult given in other.

Report::columns() — Method in class Report
Report::canView() — Method in class Report
ReportAdmin::canView() — Method in class ReportAdmin

Does the parent permission checks, but also makes sure that instantiatable subclasses of {@link SilverStripe\Reports\Report} exist. By default, the CMS doesn't include any Reports, so there's no point in showing

ReportWrapper::columns() — Method in class ReportWrapper
ReportWrapper::canView() — Method in class ReportWrapper
SideReportWrapper::columns() — Method in class SideReportWrapper
Authenticator::checkPassword() — Method in class Authenticator

Check if the passed password matches the stored one (if the member is not locked out).

CMSSecurityClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Provides a security interface functionality within the cms

Item::confirm() — Method in class Item

Mark the item as confirmed

Storage::cleanup() — Method in class Storage

Remove all the data from the storage Cleans up Session and Cookie related to this storage

Storage::confirm() — Method in class Storage

Gets user input data (usually POST array), checks all the items in the storage has been confirmed and marks them as such.

Storage::check() — Method in class Storage

Check all items to be confirmed in the storage

DefaultAdminService::clearDefaultAdmin() — Method in class DefaultAdminService

Flush the default admin credentials.

DefaultPermissionChecker::canEdit() — Method in class DefaultPermissionChecker

Can root be edited?

DefaultPermissionChecker::canView() — Method in class DefaultPermissionChecker

Can root be viewed?

DefaultPermissionChecker::canDelete() — Method in class DefaultPermissionChecker

Can root be deleted?

DefaultPermissionChecker::canCreate() — Method in class DefaultPermissionChecker

Can root objects be created?

$ Group#CodeProperty in class Group

Group code

Group::collateFamilyIDs() — Method in class Group

Return a set of this record's "family" of IDs - the IDs of this record and all its descendants.

Group::collateAncestorIDs() — Method in class Group

Returns an array of the IDs of this group and all its parents

Group::cmsCleanup_parentChanged() — Method in class Group

This isn't a descendant of SiteTree, but needs this in case the group is "reorganised";

Group::canEdit() — Method in class Group

Checks for permission-code CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin.

Group::canView() — Method in class Group

Checks for permission-code CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin.

Group::canDelete() — Method in class Group
InheritedPermissions::canEditMultiple() — Method in class InheritedPermissions
InheritedPermissions::canViewMultiple() — Method in class InheritedPermissions
InheritedPermissions::canDeleteMultiple() — Method in class InheritedPermissions
InheritedPermissions::canDelete() — Method in class InheritedPermissions
InheritedPermissions::canEdit() — Method in class InheritedPermissions
InheritedPermissions::canView() — Method in class InheritedPermissions
InheritedPermissions::clearCache() — Method in class InheritedPermissions
$ InheritedPermissionsExtension#CanViewTypeProperty in class InheritedPermissionsExtension
$ InheritedPermissionsExtension#CanEditTypeProperty in class InheritedPermissionsExtension
$ Member#castingProperty in class Member
Member::checkPassword() — Method in class Member

Check if the passed password matches the stored one (if the member is not locked out).

Member::canLogin() — Method in class Member

Check if this user can login

Member::currentUser() — Method in class Member

Returns the current logged in user

Member::currentUserID() — Method in class Member

Get the ID of the current logged in user

Member::create_new_password() — Method in class Member

Generate a random password, with randomiser to kick in if there's no words file on the filesystem.

Member::canView() — Method in class Member

Users can view their own record.

Member::canEdit() — Method in class Member

Users can edit their own record.

Member::canDelete() — Method in class Member

Users can edit their own record.

Member::changePassword() — Method in class Member

Change password. This will cause rehashing according to the PasswordEncryption property via the onBeforeWrite() method. This method will allow extensions to perform actions and augment the validation result if required before the password is written and can check it after the write also.

CMSLoginHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator
CMSMemberAuthenticatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator

Provides authentication for the user within the CMS

CMSMemberLoginFormClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator

Provides the in-cms session re-authentication form for the "member" authenticator

ChangePasswordFormClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator

Standard Change Password Form

ChangePasswordHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator
ChangePasswordHandler::changepassword() — Method in class ChangePasswordHandler

Handle the change password request

ChangePasswordHandler::changePasswordForm() — Method in class ChangePasswordHandler

Factory method for the lost password form

CookieAuthenticationHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator

Authenticate a member pased on a session cookie

LoginHandler::checkLogin() — Method in class LoginHandler

Try to authenticate the user

MemberAuthenticator::checkPassword() — Method in class MemberAuthenticator

Check if the passed password matches the stored one (if the member is not locked out).

MemberPassword::checkPassword() — Method in class MemberPassword

Check if the given password is the same as the one stored in this record.

$ Member_Validator#customRequiredProperty in class Member_Validator

Fields that are required by this validator

NullSecurityToken::check() — Method in class NullSecurityToken
NullSecurityToken::checkRequest() — Method in class NullSecurityToken
PasswordEncryptor::create_for_algorithm() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor
PasswordEncryptor::check() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor

This usually just returns a strict string comparison, but is necessary for retain compatibility with password hashed with flawed algorithms - see {@link PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash} and {@link PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish}

PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish::checkAEncryptionLevel() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish

The algorithm returned by using '$2a$' is not consistent - it might be either the correct (y), incorrect (x) or mostly-correct (a) version, depending on the version of PHP and the operating system, so we need to test it.

PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish::check() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish

This usually just returns a strict string comparison, but is necessary for retain compatibility with password hashed with flawed algorithms - see {@link PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash} and {@link PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish}

PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash::check() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash

This usually just returns a strict string comparison, but is necessary for retain compatibility with password hashed with flawed algorithms - see {@link PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash} and {@link PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish}

$ PasswordValidator#character_strength_testsProperty in class PasswordValidator
PasswordValidator::characterStrength() — Method in class PasswordValidator
PasswordValidator::checkHistoricalPasswords() — Method in class PasswordValidator
Permission::check() — Method in class Permission

Check that the current member has the given permission.

Permission::checkMember() — Method in class Permission

Check that the given member has the given permission.

PermissionChecker::canEditMultiple() — Method in class PermissionChecker

Get the 'can edit' information for a number of SiteTree pages.

PermissionChecker::canViewMultiple() — Method in class PermissionChecker

Get the canView information for a number of objects

PermissionChecker::canDeleteMultiple() — Method in class PermissionChecker

Get the 'can edit' information for a number of SiteTree pages.

PermissionChecker::canDelete() — Method in class PermissionChecker

Check delete permission for a single record ID

PermissionChecker::canEdit() — Method in class PermissionChecker

Check edit permission for a single record ID

PermissionChecker::canView() — Method in class PermissionChecker

Check view permission for a single record ID

PermissionRole::canView() — Method in class PermissionRole
PermissionRole::canCreate() — Method in class PermissionRole
PermissionRole::canEdit() — Method in class PermissionRole
PermissionRole::canDelete() — Method in class PermissionRole
PermissionRole::Codes() — Method in class PermissionRole

List of PermissionRoleCode objects

PermissionRoleCode::canCreate() — Method in class PermissionRoleCode
PermissionRoleCode::canEdit() — Method in class PermissionRoleCode
PermissionRoleCode::canDelete() — Method in class PermissionRoleCode
RememberLoginHash::clear() — Method in class RememberLoginHash

Deletes existing tokens for this member if logout_across_devices is true, all tokens are deleted, otherwise only the token for the provided device ID will be removed

Security::clearSessionMessage() — Method in class Security

Clear login message

Security::changepassword() — Method in class Security

Show the "change password" page.

Security::clear_default_admin() — Method in class Security

Flush the default admin credentials

Security::check_default_admin() — Method in class Security

Checks if the passed credentials are matching the default-admin.

Security::clear_database_is_ready() — Method in class Security

Resets the database_is_ready cache

SecurityToken::check() — Method in class SecurityToken

Checks for an existing CSRF token in the current users session.

SecurityToken::checkRequest() — Method in class SecurityToken

See {@link check()}.

SiteConfig::CMSEditLink() — Method in class SiteConfig
SiteConfig::current_site_config() — Method in class SiteConfig

Get the current sites SiteConfig, and creates a new one through {@link make_site_config()} if none is found.

SiteConfig::canView() — Method in class SiteConfig

Can a user view this SiteConfig instance?

SiteConfig::canViewPages() — Method in class SiteConfig

Can a user view pages on this site? This method is only called if a page is set to Inherit, but there is nothing to inherit from.

SiteConfig::canEditPages() — Method in class SiteConfig

Can a user edit pages on this site? This method is only called if a page is set to Inherit, but there is nothing to inherit from, or on new records without a parent.

SiteConfig::canEdit() — Method in class SiteConfig
SiteConfig::canCreateTopLevel() — Method in class SiteConfig

Can a user create pages in the root of this site?

SiteConfig::CreateTopLevelGroups() — Method in class SiteConfig

List of groups that can create root-level pages.

SiteConfigPagePermissions::canEdit() — Method in class SiteConfigPagePermissions

Can root be edited?

SiteConfigPagePermissions::canView() — Method in class SiteConfigPagePermissions

Can root be viewed?

SiteConfigPagePermissions::canDelete() — Method in class SiteConfigPagePermissions

Can root be deleted?

SiteConfigPagePermissions::canCreate() — Method in class SiteConfigPagePermissions

Can root objects be created?

ArchiveAdmin::createArchiveGridField() — Method in class ArchiveAdmin

Create a gridfield which displays archived objects

CMSPageHistoryViewerControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionedAdmin\Controllers

The history viewer controller replaces the {@link CMSPageHistoryController} and uses the React based {@link HistoryViewerField} to display the history for a {@link DataObject} that has the {@link Versioned} extension.

HistoryControllerFactory::create() — Method in class HistoryControllerFactory

Creates a new service instance.

HistoryViewerController::compareForm() — Method in class HistoryViewerController
CMSMainExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionedAdmin\Extensions
ProxyCacheAdapter::clear() — Method in class ProxyCacheAdapter


ProxyCacheFactory::create() — Method in class ProxyCacheFactory
ChangeSetClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned

The ChangeSet model tracks several VersionedAndStaged objects for later publication as a single atomic action

ChangeSet::canView() — Method in class ChangeSet
ChangeSet::canEdit() — Method in class ChangeSet
ChangeSet::canCreate() — Method in class ChangeSet
ChangeSet::canDelete() — Method in class ChangeSet
ChangeSet::canPublish() — Method in class ChangeSet

Check if this item is allowed to be published

ChangeSet::canRevert() — Method in class ChangeSet

Check if this changeset (if published) can be reverted

ChangeSet::can() — Method in class ChangeSet

Default permissions for this changeset

ChangeSet::Changes() — Method in class ChangeSet
ChangeSetItemClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned

A single line in a changeset

$ ChangeSetItem#ChangeSetIDProperty in class ChangeSetItem

ID of parent ChangeSet object

ChangeSetItem::canView() — Method in class ChangeSetItem
ChangeSetItem::canEdit() — Method in class ChangeSetItem
ChangeSetItem::canCreate() — Method in class ChangeSetItem
ChangeSetItem::canDelete() — Method in class ChangeSetItem
ChangeSetItem::canRevert() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Check if the BeforeVersion of this changeset can be restored to draft

ChangeSetItem::canPublish() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Check if this ChangeSetItem can be published

ChangeSetItem::can() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Default permissions for this ChangeSetItem

ChangeSetItem::CMSEditLink() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Get edit link for this item

ChangeSetItem::ChangeSet() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Parent changeset

DataDifferencer::ChangedFields() — Method in class DataDifferencer

Get a SS_List of the changed fields.

DataDifferencer::changedFieldNames() — Method in class DataDifferencer

Get an array of the names of every fields that has changed.

Rollback::createDefaultArgs() — Method in class Rollback
CopyToStageInputTypeClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\GraphQL\Types
$ Versioned#castingProperty in class Versioned

Ensure versioned records cast extra fields properly

Versioned::canPublish() — Method in class Versioned

This function should return true if the current user can publish this record.

Versioned::canUnpublish() — Method in class Versioned

Check if the current user can delete this record from live

Versioned::canArchive() — Method in class Versioned

Check if the current user is allowed to archive this record.

Versioned::canRevertToLive() — Method in class Versioned

Check if the user can revert this record to live

Versioned::canRestoreToDraft() — Method in class Versioned

Check if the user can restore this record to draft

Versioned::canView() — Method in class Versioned

Extend permissions to include additional security for objects that are not published to live.

Versioned::canViewVersioned() — Method in class Versioned

Determine if there are any additional restrictions on this object for the given reading version.

Versioned::canViewStage() — Method in class Versioned

Determines canView permissions for the latest version of this object on a specific stage.

Versioned::canBeVersioned() — Method in class Versioned

Determine if a class is supporting the Versioned extensions (e.g.

Versioned::copyVersionToStage() — Method in class Versioned

Move a database record from one stage to the other.

Versioned::compareVersions() — Method in class Versioned

Compare two version, and return the diff between them.

Versioned::can_choose_site_stage() — Method in class Versioned

Determine if the current user is able to set the given site stage / archive

Versioned::choose_site_stage() — Method in class Versioned

Choose the stage the site is currently on.

Versioned::current_archived_date() — Method in class Versioned

Get the current archive date.

Versioned::current_archived_stage() — Method in class Versioned

Get the current archive stage.

Versioned::cacheKeyComponent() — Method in class Versioned

Return a piece of text to keep DataObject cache keys appropriately specific.

HTML::createTag() — Method in class HTML

Construct and return HTML tag.

Diff::cleanHTML() — Method in class Diff

Attempt to clean invalid HTML, which messes up diffs.

Diff::compareHTML() — Method in class Diff
$ HTMLCleaner#configProperty in class HTMLCleaner

Configuration variables for HTMLCleaners that support configuration (like Tidy)

HTMLCleaner::cleanHTML() — Method in class HTMLCleaner

Passed a string, return HTML that has been tidied.

PurifierHTMLCleaner::cleanHTML() — Method in class PurifierHTMLCleaner

Passed a string, return HTML that has been tidied.

ShortcodeParser::clear() — Method in class ShortcodeParser

Remove all registered shortcodes.

ShortcodeParser::callShortcode() — Method in class ShortcodeParser

Call a shortcode and return its replacement text Returns false if the shortcode isn't registered

TidyHTMLCleaner::cleanHTML() — Method in class TidyHTMLCleaner

Passed a string, return HTML that has been tidied.

Requirements::customScript() — Method in class Requirements

Register the given JavaScript code into the list of requirements

Requirements::customCSS() — Method in class Requirements

Register the given CSS styles into the list of requirements

Requirements::css() — Method in class Requirements

Register the given stylesheet into the list of requirements.

Requirements::clear() — Method in class Requirements

Clear either a single or all requirements

Requirements::combine_files() — Method in class Requirements

Concatenate several css or javascript files into a single dynamically generated file. This increases performance by fewer HTTP requests.

Requirements::clear_combined_files() — Method in class Requirements

Re-sets the combined files definition. See {@link Requirements_Backend::clear_combined_files()}

$ Requirements_Backend#combine_in_devProperty in class Requirements_Backend

Determine if files should be combined automatically on dev mode.

$ Requirements_Backend#combine_hash_querystringProperty in class Requirements_Backend

Flag to include the hash in the querystring instead of the filename for combined files.

Requirements_Backend::customScript() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Register the given JavaScript code into the list of requirements

Requirements_Backend::customCSS() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Register the given CSS styles into the list of requirements

Requirements_Backend::css() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Register the given stylesheet into the list of requirements.

Requirements_Backend::clear() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Clear either a single or all requirements

Requirements_Backend::combineFiles() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Concatenate several css or javascript files into a single dynamically generated file. This increases performance by fewer HTTP requests.

Requirements_Backend::clearCombinedFiles() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Clear all registered CSS and JavaScript file combinations

SSTemplateParser::construct() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

Override the function that constructs the result arrays to also prepare a 'php' item in the array

SSTemplateParser::CallArguments_Argument() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

Values are bare words in templates, but strings in PHP. We rely on PHP's type conversion to back-convert strings to numbers when needed.

SSTemplateParser::Comparison_Argument() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Comparison_ComparisonOperator() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheBlockArgument_DollarMarkedLookup() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheBlockArgument_QuotedString() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheBlockArgument_Lookup() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheBlockArguments_CacheBlockArgument() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheRestrictedTemplate_CacheBlock() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheRestrictedTemplate_UncachedBlock() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheBlock__construct() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheBlock_CacheBlockArguments() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheBlock_Condition() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheBlock_CacheBlock() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheBlock_UncachedBlock() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheBlock_CacheBlockTemplate() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::ClosedBlock__construct() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

As mentioned in the parser comment, block handling is kept fairly generic for extensibility. The match rule builds up two important elements in the match result array: 'ArgumentCount' - how many arguments were passed in the opening tag 'Arguments' an array of the Argument match rule result arrays

SSTemplateParser::ClosedBlock_BlockArguments() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::ClosedBlock__finalise() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::ClosedBlock_Handle_Loop() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

This is an example of a block handler function. This one handles the loop tag.

SSTemplateParser::ClosedBlock_Handle_With() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

The closed block handler for with blocks

SSTemplateParser::Comment__construct() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::compileString() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

Compiles some passed template source code into the php code that will execute as per the template source.

SSTemplateParser::compileFile() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

Compiles some file that contains template source code, and returns the php code that will execute as per that source

SSViewer::chooseTemplate() — Method in class SSViewer

Find the template to use for a given list

$ SSViewer_FromString#cache_templateProperty in class SSViewer_FromString

The global template caching behaviour if no instance override is specified

TemplateParser::compileString() — Method in class TemplateParser

Compiles some passed template source code into the php code that will execute as per the template source.

$ ViewableData#castingProperty in class ViewableData

An array of objects to cast certain fields to. This is set up as an array in the format:

ViewableData::customise() — Method in class ViewableData

Merge some arbitrary data in with this object. This method returns a {@link ViewableData_Customised} instance with references to both this and the new custom data.

ViewableData::castingHelper() — Method in class ViewableData

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object. This helper will be a subclass of DBField.

ViewableData::castingClass() — Method in class ViewableData

Get the class name a field on this object will be casted to.

ViewableData::cachedCall() — Method in class ViewableData

A simple wrapper around {@link ViewableData::obj()} that automatically caches the result so it can be used again without re-running the method.

ViewableData::CSSClasses() — Method in class ViewableData

Get part of the current classes ancestry to be used as a CSS class.

ViewableData_Customised::cachedCall() — Method in class ViewableData_Customised

A simple wrapper around {@link ViewableData::obj()} that automatically caches the result so it can be used again without re-running the method.

IntlLocales::countryName() — Method in class IntlLocales

Get name of country

IntlLocales::countryFromLocale() — Method in class IntlLocales

Returns the country code / suffix on any locale

Locales::countryName() — Method in class Locales

Get name of country by code

Locales::countryFromLocale() — Method in class Locales

Returns the country code / suffix on any locale

i18nTextCollector::collect() — Method in class i18nTextCollector

Extract all strings from modules and return these grouped by module name

i18nTextCollector::collectFromCode() — Method in class i18nTextCollector

Extracts translatables from .php files.

i18nTextCollector::collectFromTemplate() — Method in class i18nTextCollector

Extracts translatables from .ss templates (Self referencing)

i18nTextCollector::collectFromEntityProviders() — Method in class i18nTextCollector

Allows classes which implement i18nEntityProvider to provide additional translation strings.

i18n::convert_rfc1766() — Method in class i18n

Gets a RFC 1766 compatible language code, e.g. "en-US".


$ AdminRootController#default_panelProperty in class AdminRootController
GroupImportForm::doImport() — Method in class GroupImportForm
LeftAndMain::delete() — Method in class LeftAndMain
MemberImportForm::doImport() — Method in class MemberImportForm
DeleteAssetsClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\BatchAction

Delete multiple {@link Folder} records (and the associated filesystem nodes).

DeleteFileMutationCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL

Handles create and update

$ FileMigrationHelper#delete_invalid_filesProperty in class FileMigrationHelper

If a file fails to validate during migration, delete it.

$ TestAssetStore#denied_response_codeProperty in class TestAssetStore

Enable disclosure of secure assets

File::deleteFile() — Method in class File

Delete a file (and all variants).

$ FileNameFilter#default_use_transliteratorProperty in class FileNameFilter
$ FileNameFilter#default_replacementsProperty in class FileNameFilter
$ AssetAdapter#default_serverProperty in class AssetAdapter

Default server configuration to use if the server type defined by the environment is not found

$ FlysystemAssetStore#denied_response_codeProperty in class FlysystemAssetStore

Set HTTP error code for requests to secure denied assets.

FlysystemAssetStore::delete() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Delete a file (and all variants) identified by the given filename and hash

$ FileLinkTracking#dependenciesProperty in class FileLinkTracking

Inject parser for each page

AssetContainer::deleteFile() — Method in class AssetContainer

Delete a file (and all variants).

AssetStore::delete() — Method in class AssetStore

Delete a file (and all variants) identified by the given filename and hash

DBFileClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Storage

Represents a file reference stored in a database

DBFile::deleteFile() — Method in class DBFile

Delete a file (and all variants).

DefaultAssetNameGeneratorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Storage

Basic filename renamer

$ Upload_Validator#default_max_file_sizeProperty in class Upload_Validator

Contains a list of the max file sizes shared by all upload fields. This is then duplicated into the "allowedMaxFileSize" instance property on construct.

CMSMain::doSearch() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::delete() — Method in class CMSMain

Delete the current page from draft stage.

CMSMain::doRollback() — Method in class CMSMain

Rolls a site back to a given version ID

CMSMain::duplicate() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::duplicatewithchildren() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSPageAddController::doAdd() — Method in class CMSPageAddController
CMSPageAddController::doCancel() — Method in class CMSPageAddController
ContentController::data() — Method in class ContentController

Returns the associated database record

ContentController::deleteinstallfiles() — Method in class ContentController
$ RootURLController#default_homepage_linkProperty in class RootURLController
$ SiteTree#default_childProperty in class SiteTree

The default child class for this page.

$ SiteTree#default_classnameProperty in class SiteTree

Default value for SiteTree.ClassName enum {see DBClassName::getDefault}

$ SiteTree#default_parentProperty in class SiteTree

The default parent class for this page.

$ SiteTree#descriptionProperty in class SiteTree

Description of the class functionality, typically shown to a user when selecting which page type to create. Translated through {@link provideI18nEntities()}.

SiteTree::duplicateWithChildren() — Method in class SiteTree

Duplicates each child of this node recursively and returns the top-level duplicate node.

SiteTree::duplicateAsChild() — Method in class SiteTree

Duplicate this node and its children as a child of the node with the given ID

SiteTree::DependentPages() — Method in class SiteTree

Returns the pages that depend on this page. This includes virtual pages, pages that link to it, etc.

SiteTree::doRestoreToStage() — Method in class SiteTree

Restore the content in the active copy of this SiteTree page to the stage site.

SiteTree::defaultChild() — Method in class SiteTree

Returns the class name of the default class for children of this page.

SiteTree::defaultParent() — Method in class SiteTree

Returns the class name of the default class for the parent of this page.

SiteTree::disableCMSFieldsExtensions() — Method in class SiteTree

Stops extendCMSFields() being called on getCMSFields(). This is useful when you need access to fields added by subclasses of SiteTree in a extension. Call before calling parent::getCMSFields(), and reenable afterwards.

$ SiteTreeLinkTracking#dependenciesProperty in class SiteTreeLinkTracking

Inject parser for each page

RemoveOrphanedPagesTask::doSubmit() — Method in class RemoveOrphanedPagesTask
CampaignAdmin::deleteCampaign() — Method in class CampaignAdmin

REST endpoint to delete a campaign.

DeltaConfigCollectionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Config\Collections

Applies config modifications as a set of deltas on top of the middleware, instead of as modifications to the underlying list.

DeltaMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Config\Middleware

Applies a set of user-customised modifications to config

$ ContentNegotiator#default_formatProperty in class ContentNegotiator
Controller::doInit() — Method in class Controller

A stand in function to protect the init function from failing to be called as well as providing before and after hooks for the init function itself

Controller::defaultAction() — Method in class Controller

This is the default action handler used if a method doesn't exist. It will process the controller object with the template returned by {@link getViewer()}.

Controller::disableBasicAuth() — Method in class Controller

Call this to disable site-wide basic authentication for a specific controller. This must be called before Controller::init(). That is, you must call it in your controller's init method before it calls parent::init().

DirectorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

Director is responsible for processing URLs, and providing environment information.

$ Director#default_base_urlProperty in class Director

Base url to populate if cannot be determined otherwise.

Email::debug() — Method in class Email

Debugging help

$ HTTP#disable_http_cacheProperty in class HTTP
HTTPRequest::detect_method() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Gets the "real" HTTP method for a request.

$ HTTPCacheControlMiddleware#defaultStateProperty in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Set default state

$ HTTPCacheControlMiddleware#defaultForcingLevelProperty in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Default forcing level

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::disableCache() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Simple way to set cache control header to a non-cacheable state.

RSSFeed::Description() — Method in class RSSFeed

Get the description of this feed

RSSFeed_Entry::Description() — Method in class RSSFeed_Entry

Get the description of this entry

Session::destroy() — Method in class Session

Destroy this session

DefaultCacheFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Cache

Returns the most performant combination of caches available on the system:

  • PhpFilesCache (PHP 7 with opcache enabled)
  • ApcuCache (requires APC) with a FilesystemCache fallback (for larger cache volumes)
  • FilesystemCache if none of the above is available
ClassInfo::dataClassesFor() — Method in class ClassInfo

Returns an array of the current class and all its ancestors and children which require a DB table.

DeployFlushDiscovererClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Startup

Checks whether a filesystem resource has been changed since the manifest generation

$ BulkLoader#duplicateChecksProperty in class BulkLoader

Specifies how to determine duplicates based on one or more provided fields in the imported data, matching to properties on the used {@link DataObject} class.

$ BulkLoader#deleteExistingRecordsProperty in class BulkLoader
BulkLoader_Result::DeletedCount() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result
BulkLoader_Result::Deleted() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result
CliDebugView::debugVariable() — Method in class CliDebugView

Similar to renderVariable() but respects debug() method on object if available

CliDebugView::debugVariableText() — Method in class CliDebugView

Get debug text for this object

$ CsvBulkLoader#delimiterProperty in class CsvBulkLoader

Delimiter character (Default: comma).

DebugClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Supports debugging and core error handling.

Debug::dump() — Method in class Debug

Quick dump of a variable.

DebugViewClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

A basic HTML wrapper for stylish rendering of a developement info view.

DebugView::debugVariable() — Method in class DebugView

Similar to renderVariable() but respects debug() method on object if available

DebugView::debugVariableText() — Method in class DebugView

Get debug text for this object

DeprecationClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Handles raising an notice when accessing a deprecated method

Deprecation::dump_settings() — Method in class Deprecation

Method for when testing. Dump all the current version settings to a variable for later passing to restore

DevBuildControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev
DevConfirmationControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

A simple controller using DebugView to wrap up the confirmation form with a template similar to other DevelopmentAdmin endpoints and UIs

DevelopmentAdminClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Base class for development tools.

$ DevelopmentAdmin#deny_non_cliProperty in class DevelopmentAdmin

Deny all non-cli requests (browser based ones) to dev admin

$ FixtureBlueprint#dependenciesProperty in class FixtureBlueprint
FixtureFactory::define() — Method in class FixtureFactory
DatabaseAdapterRegistryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\Install

This class keeps track of the available database adapters and provides a meaning of registering community built adapters in to the installer process.

DatabaseConfigurationHelperClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\Install

Interface for database helper classes.

MigrationTask::down() — Method in class MigrationTask
ErrorPage::defaultRecordsAllowed() — Method in class ErrorPage
$ ErrorPageExtension#dbProperty in class ErrorPageExtension
$ ErrorPageExtension#defaultsProperty in class ErrorPageExtension
$ ErrorPageExtension#descriptionProperty in class ErrorPageExtension
ErrorPageExtension::defaultRecordsAllowed() — Method in class ErrorPageExtension

Default records are allowed by default override on model if needed

CheckboxField::dataValue() — Method in class CheckboxField

Returns the field value suitable for insertion into the data object.

CompositeField::debug() — Method in class CompositeField
CurrencyField::dataValue() — Method in class CurrencyField

Overwrite the datavalue before saving to the db ;-) return 0.00 if no value, or value is non-numeric

DatalessFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Abstract class for all fields without data.

DateFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Form used for editing a date string

DateField_DisabledClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Disabled version of {@link DateField}.

DatetimeFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Form field used for editing date time strings.

DisabledTransformationClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Transformation that disables all the fields on the form.

DropdownFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Dropdown field, created from a select tag.

FieldList::dataFields() — Method in class FieldList

Return a sequential set of all fields that have data. This excludes wrapper composite fields as well as heading / help text fields.

FieldList::dataFieldNames() — Method in class FieldList

Return array of all field names

FieldList::dataFieldByName() — Method in class FieldList

Returns a named field in a sequential set.

$ Form#default_classesProperty in class Form
Form::defaultAction() — Method in class Form

Return the default button that should be clicked when another one isn't available.

Form::disableDefaultAction() — Method in class Form

Disable the default button.

Form::disableSecurityToken() — Method in class Form

Disable the requirement of a security token on this form instance. This security protects against CSRF attacks, but you should disable this if you don't want to tie a form to a session - eg a search form.

Form::debug() — Method in class Form
$ FormField#default_classesProperty in class FormField
FormField::dataValue() — Method in class FormField

Returns the field value suitable for insertion into the data object.

FormField::debug() — Method in class FormField
GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::doSearch() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter

Returns a json array of a search results that can be used by for example Jquery.ui.autosuggestion

GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::doSave() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::doDelete() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
$ GridFieldPaginator#default_items_per_pageProperty in class GridFieldPaginator

Specifies default items per page

GridState::dataValue() — Method in class GridState

Returns a json encoded string representation of this state.

$ HTMLEditorConfig#default_configProperty in class HTMLEditorConfig

Name of default config. This will be ignored if $current is assigned a value.

$ HTMLEditorField#default_rowsProperty in class HTMLEditorField

Number of rows

TinyMCEConfig::disablePlugins() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Enable one or several plugins. Will properly handle being passed a plugin that is already disabled

MoneyField::dataValue() — Method in class MoneyField

Returns the field value suitable for insertion into the data object.

NullableField::debug() — Method in class NullableField
NumericField::dataValue() — Method in class NumericField

Get internal database value

RequiredFields::debug() — Method in class RequiredFields

Debug helper

DevelopmentAdminClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Dev
DebugSchemaStateClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Dev\State
DisableTypeCacheStateClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Dev\State
DevBuildExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Extensions
DevErrorHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\QueryHandler

Throws everything, including notices, so the JSON response doesn't get corruped by E_NOTICE, E_WARN outputs.

DataObjectModelClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject

Defines the model that generates types, queries, and mutations based on DataObjects

DeleteCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject

Creates a delete operation for a DataObject

InheritanceUnionBuilder::defaultUnionFormatter() — Method in class InheritanceUnionBuilder
InterfaceBuilder::defaultInterfaceFormatter() — Method in class InterfaceBuilder
DBDateArgsClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\DBFieldArgs
DBDatetimeArgsClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\DBFieldArgs
DBDecimalArgsClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\DBFieldArgs
DBFieldArgsClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\DBFieldArgs

Defines a set of arguments that applies to a field that maps to a DBField.

DBFieldArgsPluginClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\DBFieldArgs
DBFloatArgsClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\DBFieldArgs
DBHTMLTextArgsClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\DBFieldArgs
DBTextArgsClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\DBFieldArgs
DBTimeArgsClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\DBFieldArgs
DBFieldTypesClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin
DefaultFieldsProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

For models that can provide a default set of fields

Logger::debug() — Method in class Logger
$ PaginationPlugin#default_limitProperty in class PaginationPlugin
DefaultResolverClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Resolver

Default field resolver for any type

DefaultResolver::defaultFieldResolver() — Method in class DefaultResolver

Note: this is copied and pasted from Executor::defaultFieldResolver(), but migrated out of thirdparty so it will be easy to update if we need to.

DefaultResolverStrategyClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Resolver

A good starting point for a resolver discovery implementation.

SchemaConfig::discoverResolver() — Method in class SchemaConfig
$ CodeGenerationStore#dirNameProperty in class CodeGenerationStore
DebugViewFriendlyErrorFormatterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Logging

Produce a friendly error message

DetailedErrorFormatterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Logging

Monolog-compatible error handler that will output a detailed error message to the screen.

ArrayList::dataClass() — Method in class ArrayList

Return the class of items in this list, by looking at the first item inside it.

ArrayList::debug() — Method in class ArrayList
DBConnectorClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Connect

Represents an object responsible for wrapping DB connector api

$ DBConnector#ddl_operationsProperty in class DBConnector

List of operations to treat as DDL

DBQueryBuilderClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Connect

Builds a SQL query string from a SQLExpression object

DBSchemaManagerClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Connect

Represents and handles all schema management for a database

DBSchemaManager::doesSchemaNeedUpdating() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Returns true if schema modifications were requested during (but not after) schemaUpdate() call.

DBSchemaManager::dontRequireTable() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

If the given table exists, move it out of the way by renaming it to obsolete(tablename).

DBSchemaManager::dontRequireField() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

If the given field exists, move it out of the way by renaming it to obsolete(fieldname).

DBSchemaManager::dbDataType() — Method in class DBSchemaManager
DBSchemaManager::databaseList() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Retrieves the list of all databases the user has access to

DBSchemaManager::databaseExists() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Determine if the database with the specified name exists

DBSchemaManager::dropDatabase() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Drops a database with the specified name

DBSchemaManager::date() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Returns data type for 'date' column

DBSchemaManager::decimal() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Returns data type for 'decimal' column

DBSchemaManager::datetime() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Returns data type for 'datetime' column

DatabaseClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Connect

Abstract database connectivity class.

Database::datetimeIntervalClause() — Method in class Database

function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with the adapter in use used for querying a datetime addition

Database::datetimeDifferenceClause() — Method in class Database

function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with the adapter in use used for querying a datetime substraction

Database::databaseExists() — Method in class Database

Determine if the database with the specified name exists

Database::databaseList() — Method in class Database

Retrieves the list of all databases the user has access to

Database::dropSelectedDatabase() — Method in class Database

Drop the database that this object is currently connected to.

DatabaseExceptionClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Connect

Error class for database exceptions

MySQLDatabase::datetimeIntervalClause() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with the adapter in use used for querying a datetime addition

MySQLDatabase::datetimeDifferenceClause() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with the adapter in use used for querying a datetime substraction

MySQLSchemaManager::databaseList() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Retrieves the list of all databases the user has access to

MySQLSchemaManager::databaseExists() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Determine if the database with the specified name exists

MySQLSchemaManager::dropDatabase() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Drops a database with the specified name

MySQLSchemaManager::dbDataType() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager
MySQLSchemaManager::date() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return a date type-formatted string For MySQL, we simply return the word 'date', no other parameters are necessary

MySQLSchemaManager::decimal() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return a decimal type-formatted string

MySQLSchemaManager::datetime() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return a datetime type-formatted string For MySQL, we simply return the word 'datetime', no other parameters are necessary

TempDatabase::deleteAll() — Method in class TempDatabase

Clear all temp DBs on this connection

DBClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Global database interface, complete with static methods.

DB::dont_require_table() — Method in class DB

If the given table exists, move it out of the way by renaming it to obsolete(tablename).

DB::dont_require_field() — Method in class DB

See {@link SS_Database->dontRequireField()}.

DataExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

An extension that adds additional functionality to a {@link DataObject}.

DataListClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Implements a "lazy loading" DataObjectSet.

DataList::dataClass() — Method in class DataList

Get the dataClass name for this DataList, ie the DataObject ClassName

DataList::dataQuery() — Method in class DataList

Return a copy of the internal {@link DataQuery} object

DataList::distinct() — Method in class DataList

Return a new DataList instance with distinct records or not

DataList::debug() — Method in class DataList
DataList::dbObject() — Method in class DataList
DataObjectClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

A single database record & abstract class for the data-access-model.

$ DataObject#default_classnameProperty in class DataObject

Allows specification of a default value for the ClassName field.

$ DataObject#destroyedProperty in class DataObject
$ DataObject#dbProperty in class DataObject

Database field definitions.

$ DataObject#defaultsProperty in class DataObject

Inserts standard column-values when a DataObject is instantiated. Does not insert default records {see $default_records}.

$ DataObject#default_recordsProperty in class DataObject

Multidimensional array which inserts default data into the database on a db/build-call as long as the database-table is empty. Please use this only for simple constructs, not for SiteTree-Objects etc. which need special behaviour such as publishing and ParentNodes.

$ DataObject#default_sortProperty in class DataObject

The default sort expression. This will be inserted in the ORDER BY clause of a SQL query if no other sort expression is provided.

DataObject::destroy() — Method in class DataObject

Destroy all of this objects dependant objects and local caches.

DataObject::duplicate() — Method in class DataObject

Create a duplicate of this node. Can duplicate many_many relations

DataObject::defineMethods() — Method in class DataObject

Adds methods from the extensions.

DataObject::data() — Method in class DataObject

Returns the associated database record - in this case, the object itself.

DataObject::doValidate() — Method in class DataObject

Public accessor for {see DataObject::validate()}

DataObject::delete() — Method in class DataObject

Delete this data object.

DataObject::delete_by_id() — Method in class DataObject

Delete the record with the given ID.

DataObject::database_extensions() — Method in class DataObject

This returns an array (if it exists) describing the database extensions that are required, or false if none

DataObject::debug() — Method in class DataObject

Debugging used by Debug::show()

DataObject::dbObject() — Method in class DataObject

Return the DBField object that represents the given field.

DataObject::defaultSearchFilters() — Method in class DataObject

Defines a default list of filters for the search context.

DataObject::disable_subclass_access() — Method in class DataObject

Temporarily disable subclass access in data object qeur

DataObjectInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

DataObjectInterface is an interface that other data systems in your application can implement in order to behave in a manner similar to DataObject.

DataObjectInterface::delete() — Method in class DataObjectInterface

Remove this object from the database. Doesn't do anything if this object isn't in the database.

DataObjectSchemaClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Provides {@link \SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject} and database schema mapping functionality

DataObjectSchema::databaseFields() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Return the complete map of fields to specification on this object, including fixed_fields.

DataObjectSchema::databaseField() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Gets a single database field.

DataObjectSchema::databaseIndexes() — Method in class DataObjectSchema
DataQueryClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

An object representing a query of data from the DataObject's supporting database.

DataQuery::dataClass() — Method in class DataQuery

Return the {@link DataObject} class that is being queried.

DataQuery::disjunctiveGroup() — Method in class DataQuery

Create a disjunctive subgroup.

DataQuery::distinct() — Method in class DataQuery

Set whether this query should be distinct or not.

DataQueryManipulatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Allows middleware to modily finalised dataquery on a per-instance basis

DataQuery_SubGroupClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Represents a subgroup inside a WHERE clause in a {@link DataQuery}

DatabaseAdminClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

DatabaseAdmin class

DatabaseAdmin::doBuild() — Method in class DatabaseAdmin

Updates the database schema, creating tables & fields as necessary.

DBBigIntClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Represents a signed 8 byte integer field. Do note PHP running as 32-bit might not work with Bigint properly, as it would convert the value to a float when queried from the database since the value is a 64-bit one.

DBBooleanClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Represents a boolean field.

DBClassNameClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Represents a classname selector, which respects obsolete clasess.

DBCompositeClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Apply this interface to any {@link DBField} that doesn't have a 1-1 mapping with a database field.

DBComposite::dbObject() — Method in class DBComposite

Get a db object for the named field

DBCurrencyClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Represents a decimal field containing a currency amount.

DBDateClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Represents a date field.

DBDate::DayOfWeek() — Method in class DBDate

Returns the day of the week

DBDate::DayOfMonth() — Method in class DBDate

Returns the day of the month.

DBDatetimeClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Represents a date-time field.

DBDatetime::Date() — Method in class DBDatetime

Returns the standard localised date

DBDecimalClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Represents a Decimal field.

DBDoubleClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Supports double precision DB types

DBEnumClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Class Enum represents an enumeration of a set of strings.

DBFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Single field in the database.

$ DBField#default_search_filter_classProperty in class DBField

Subclass of {@link SearchFilter} for usage in {@link defaultSearchFilter()}.

DBField::defaultSearchFilter() — Method in class DBField
DBField::debug() — Method in class DBField
DBFloatClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Represents a floating point field.

DBForeignKeyClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

A special type Int field used for foreign keys in has_one relationships.

$ DBForeignKey#dropdown_field_thresholdProperty in class DBForeignKey

This represents the number of related objects to show in a dropdown before it reverts to a NumericField. If you are tweaking this value, you should also consider constructing your form field manually rather than allowing it to be scaffolded

DBHTMLTextClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Represents a large text field that contains HTML content.

DBHTMLVarcharClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Represents a short text field that is intended to contain HTML content.

DBIndexableClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Classes that implement the DBIndexable interface will provide options to set various index types and index contents, which will be processed by {@link \SilverStripe\ORM\DataObjectSchema}

DBIntClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Represents a signed 32 bit integer field.

DBLocaleClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Locale database field, mainly used in {@link Translatable} extension.

DBMoneyClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Provides storage of a localised money object in currency and amount components.

DBMultiEnumClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Represents an multi-select enumeration field.

DBPercentageClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Represents a decimal field from 0-1 containing a percentage value.

DBPolymorphicForeignKeyClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

A special ForeignKey class that handles relations with arbitrary class types

DBPrimaryKeyClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

A special type Int field used for primary keys.

DBStringClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

An abstract base class for the string field types (i.e. Varchar and Text)

DBTextClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Represents a variable-length string of up to 16 megabytes, designed to store raw text

DBTimeClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Represents a column in the database with the type 'Time'.

DBVarcharClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Class Varchar represents a variable-length string of up to 255 characters, designed to store raw text

DBYearClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType

Represents a single year field.

ListDecorator::debug() — Method in class ListDecorator
Relation::dbObject() — Method in class Relation

Return the DBField object that represents the given field on the related class.

Relation::dataClass() — Method in class Relation
UnsavedRelationList::dataClass() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Get the dataClass name for this relation, ie the DataObject ClassName

UnsavedRelationList::dbObject() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Return the DBField object that represents the given field on the related class.

Report::description() — Method in class Report

Return the description of this report.

Report::dataClass() — Method in class Report

Return the data class for this report

ReportWrapper::description() — Method in class ReportWrapper

Return the description of this report.

Form::doRefuse() — Method in class Form

The form refusal handler. Cleans up the confirmation storage and returns the failure redirection (kept in the storage)

Form::doConfirm() — Method in class Form

The form confirmation handler. Checks all the items in the storage has been confirmed and marks them as such. Returns a redirect when all the storage items has been verified and marked as confirmed.

DefaultAdminServiceClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Provides access to the default admin

DefaultPermissionCheckerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Allows objects to enforce permissions for the "root" level, where permissions can not be tied to a particular database record.

$ Group#DescriptionProperty in class Group

Description of the group

Group::DirectMembers() — Method in class Group

Return only the members directly added to this group

$ GroupCsvBulkLoader#duplicateChecksProperty in class GroupCsvBulkLoader
$ Member#DateFormatProperty in class Member
Member::default_admin() — Method in class Member

Get the default admin record if it exists, or creates it otherwise if enabled

Member::DirectGroups() — Method in class Member
ChangePasswordHandler::doChangePassword() — Method in class ChangePasswordHandler

Change the password

LoginHandler::doLogin() — Method in class LoginHandler

Login form handler method

LogoutHandler::doLogOut() — Method in class LogoutHandler
$ MemberCsvBulkLoader#duplicateChecksProperty in class MemberCsvBulkLoader
$ PasswordExpirationMiddleware#default_redirectProperty in class PasswordExpirationMiddleware

Where users with expired passwords get redirected by default when login form didn't register a custom one with {see SilverStripe\Security\AuthenticationMiddleware::setRedirect}

Permission::deny() — Method in class Permission

Deny the given permission code/arg to the given group

$ RememberLoginHash#device_expiry_daysProperty in class RememberLoginHash

Number of days the device ID will be valid for

$ RememberLoginHash#DeviceIDProperty in class RememberLoginHash
$ Security#default_message_setProperty in class Security

Default message set used in permission failures.

$ Security#default_login_destProperty in class Security
$ Security#default_reset_password_destProperty in class Security
Security::default_admin_username() — Method in class Security

Get default admin username

Security::default_admin_password() — Method in class Security

Get default admin password

Security::database_is_ready() — Method in class Security

Checks the database is in a state to perform security checks.

SecurityToken::disable() — Method in class SecurityToken

Globally disable the token (override with {@link NullSecurityToken}) implementation. Note: Does not apply for

ArchiveRestoreAction::doRestore() — Method in class ArchiveRestoreAction

Restore the record to its original place or top level if that's not possible

DataObjectVersionFormFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionedAdmin\Forms
DiffFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionedAdmin\Forms

This form field is both a field object in it's own right, and a decorator for another field type.

DiffTransformationClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionedAdmin\Forms
$ HistoryViewerField#default_page_sizeProperty in class HistoryViewerField

The default pagination page size

ProxyCacheAdapter::delete() — Method in class ProxyCacheAdapter


ProxyCacheAdapter::deleteMultiple() — Method in class ProxyCacheAdapter


DataDifferencerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned

Utility class to render views of the differences between two data objects (or two versions of the same data object).

DataDifferencer::diffedData() — Method in class DataDifferencer

Get a DataObject with altered values replaced with HTML diff strings, incorporating and tags.

DataObjectScaffolderExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\GraphQL\Extensions
DeleteExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\GraphQL\Extensions

Extends the see Delete CRUD scaffolder to unpublish any items first

RecursivePublishable::deleteFromChangeSets() — Method in class RecursivePublishable

Remove this item from any changesets

$ Versioned#draft_site_securedProperty in class Versioned

Default config for $is_draft_site_secured

$ Versioned#dbProperty in class Versioned
Versioned::doArchive() — Method in class Versioned

Removes the record from both live and stage

Versioned::doUnpublish() — Method in class Versioned

Removes this record from the live site

Versioned::doRevertToLive() — Method in class Versioned

Revert the draft changes: replace the draft content with the content on live

Versioned::deleteFromStage() — Method in class Versioned

Delete this record from the given stage

Versioned::doRollbackTo() — Method in class Versioned

Roll the draft version of this record to match the published record.

VersionedGridFieldItemRequest::doArchive() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldItemRequest

Archive this versioned record

VersionedGridFieldItemRequest::doPublish() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldItemRequest

Publish this versioned record

VersionedGridFieldItemRequest::doUnpublish() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldItemRequest

Delete this record from the live site

DiffClass in namespace SilverStripe\View\Parsers

Class representing a 'diff' between two sequences of strings.

$ URLSegmentFilter#default_use_transliteratorProperty in class URLSegmentFilter
$ URLSegmentFilter#default_replacementsProperty in class URLSegmentFilter
$ URLSegmentFilter#default_allow_multibyteProperty in class URLSegmentFilter

Doesn't try to replace or transliterate non-ASCII filters.

$ Requirements#disable_flush_combinedProperty in class Requirements

Flag whether combined files should be deleted on flush.

Requirements::delete_all_combined_files() — Method in class Requirements

Deletes all generated combined files in the configured combined files directory, but doesn't delete the directory itself

Requirements::debug() — Method in class Requirements

Output debugging information

$ Requirements_Backend#default_combined_files_folderProperty in class Requirements_Backend

Configures the default prefix for combined files.

Requirements_Backend::deleteAllCombinedFiles() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Clears all combined files

Requirements_Backend::debug() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Output debugging information.

SSTemplateParser::DollarMarkedLookup_STR() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSViewer::dontRewriteHashlinks() — Method in class SSViewer

Call this to disable rewriting of links. This is useful in Ajax applications.

$ ViewableData#default_castProperty in class ViewableData

The default object to cast scalar fields to if casting information is not specified, and casting to an object is required.

ViewableData::defineMethods() — Method in class ViewableData

Add methods from the {@link ViewableData::$failover} object, as well as wrapping any methods prefixed with an underscore into a {@link ViewableData::cachedCall()}.

ViewableData::Debug() — Method in class ViewableData

Return debug information about this object that can be rendered into a template

$ i18n#default_localeProperty in class i18n
$ i18n#date_formatProperty in class i18n

System-wide date format. Will be overruled for CMS UI display by the format defaults inferred from the browser as well as any user-specific locale preferences.


EditorEmailLinkFormFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin\Forms
EditorExternalLinkFormFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin\Forms
$ LeftAndMain#extra_requirements_javascriptProperty in class LeftAndMain

Register additional requirements through the {@link Requirements} class.

$ LeftAndMain#extra_requirements_cssProperty in class LeftAndMain

YAML configuration example: LeftAndMain: extra_requirements_css: mysite/css/mystyle.css: media: screen

$ LeftAndMain#extra_requirements_themedCssProperty in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::EditForm() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Retrieves an edit form, either for display, or to process submitted data.

LeftAndMain::EmptyForm() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Returns a placeholder form, used by {@link getEditForm()} if no record is selected.

LeftAndMain::EditFormTools() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Renders a panel containing tools which apply to the currently displayed edit form.

ModalController::EditorExternalLink() — Method in class ModalController

Builds and returns the external link form

ModalController::EditorEmailLink() — Method in class ModalController

Builds and returns the external link form

$ RemoteFileFormFactory#enabledProperty in class RemoteFileFormFactory

Allow oembed to be disabled

EmbedResourceClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Model
EmbeddableClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Model
File::exists() — Method in class File

A file only exists if the file_exists() and is in the DB as a record

FlysystemAssetStore::exists() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Determine if a file exists with the given tuple

Folder::exists() — Method in class Folder

A file only exists if the file_exists() and is in the DB as a record

ImageManipulation::existingOnly() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Return clone of self which promises to only return existing thumbnails

ImageManipulation::exists() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Determine if this container has a valid value

$ InterventionBackend#error_cache_ttlProperty in class InterventionBackend

How long to cache each error type

AssetContainer::exists() — Method in class AssetContainer

Determine if this container has a valid value

AssetStore::exists() — Method in class AssetStore

Determine if a file exists with the given tuple

DBFile::exists() — Method in class DBFile

Composite field defaults to exists only if all fields have values

$ CMSMain#enable_dynamic_archive_warning_messageProperty in class CMSMain

Should the archive warning message be dynamic based on the specific content? This is slow on larger sites and can be disabled.

CMSMain::ExtraTreeTools() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::EditForm() — Method in class CMSMain

Retrieves an edit form, either for display, or to process submitted data.

CMSMain::EmptyForm() — Method in class CMSMain

Returns a placeholder form, used by {@link getEditForm()} if no record is selected.

InternalLinkModalExtension::editorInternalLink() — Method in class InternalLinkModalExtension

Form for inserting internal link pages

InternalLinkModalExtension::editorAnchorLink() — Method in class InternalLinkModalExtension
$ RedirectorPage#ExternalURLProperty in class RedirectorPage

URL to redirect to if $RedirectionType is 'External'

$ SiteTree#enforce_strict_hierarchyProperty in class SiteTree
$ SiteTree#ExtraMetaProperty in class SiteTree
SiteTree::ElementName() — Method in class SiteTree

Return a CSS identifier generated from this page's link.

SiteTree::enableCMSFieldsExtensions() — Method in class SiteTree

Reenables extendCMSFields() being called on getCMSFields() after it has been disabled by disableCMSFieldsExtensions().

SiteTree::EditorGroups() — Method in class SiteTree

List of groups that can edit this object.

EmptyPagesReportClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Reports
CampaignAdmin::EditForm() — Method in class CampaignAdmin

Retrieves an edit form, either for display, or to process submitted data.

CachedConfigCollection::exists() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection

Checks to see if a config item exists, or a property on that class

ConfigCollectionInterface::exists() — Method in class ConfigCollectionInterface

Checks to see if a config item exists, or a property on that class

MemoryConfigCollection::exists() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection

Checks to see if a config item exists, or a property on that class

$ ContentNegotiator#encodingProperty in class ContentNegotiator
$ ContentNegotiator#enabledProperty in class ContentNegotiator
ContentNegotiator::enabled_for() — Method in class ContentNegotiator

Returns true if negotiation is enabled for the given response. By default, negotiation is only enabled for pages that have the xml header.

EmailClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Email

Class to support sending emails.

HTTPApplication::execute() — Method in class HTTPApplication

Safely boot the application and execute the given main action

HTTPRequestBuilder::extractRequestHeaders() — Method in class HTTPRequestBuilder

Takes a $_SERVER data array and extracts HTTP request headers.

EnvironmentBypassClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware\ConfirmationMiddleware

Allows a bypass for a list of environment types (e.g. DEV, TEST, LIVE)

ExecMetricMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware

Display execution metrics for the current request if in dev mode and execmetric is provided as a request variable.

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::enableCache() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Simple way to set cache control header to a cacheable state.

RSSFeed::Entries() — Method in class RSSFeed

Get the RSS feed entries

Application::execute() — Method in class Application

Safely boot the application and execute the given main action

ClassInfo::exists() — Method in class ClassInfo

Returns true if a class or interface name exists.

ExtensionMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Config\Middleware
EnvironmentClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core

Consolidates access and modification of PHP global variables and settings.

EnvironmentLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core

Loads environment variables from .env files Loosely based on https://github.com/vlucas/phpdotenv/blob/master/src/Loader.php

ExtensibleClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core

Allows an object to have extensions applied to it.

$ Extensible#extensionsProperty in class Extensible

An array of extension names and parameters to be applied to this object upon construction.

Extensible::extend() — Method in class Extensible

Run the given function on all of this object's extensions. Note that this method originally returned void, so if you wanted to return results, you're hosed

ExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core

Add extension that can be added to an object with {@link Object::add_extension()}.

ClassManifestVisitor::enterNode() — Method in class ClassManifestVisitor
ModuleResource::exists() — Method in class ModuleResource

Determine if this resource exists

CLI::end_colour() — Method in class CLI

Send control codes for returning to normal colour

ArraySubset::evaluate() — Method in class ArraySubset

Evaluates the constraint for parameter $other

SSListContains::evaluate() — Method in class SSListContains

Evaluates the constraint for parameter $other

SSListContainsOnly::evaluate() — Method in class SSListContainsOnly

Evaluates the constraint for parameter $other

SSListContainsOnlyMatchingItems::evaluate() — Method in class SSListContainsOnlyMatchingItems

Evaluates the constraint for parameter $other

ViewableDataContains::evaluate() — Method in class ViewableDataContains

Evaluates the constraint for parameter $other

$ CsvBulkLoader#enclosureProperty in class CsvBulkLoader

Enclosure character (Default: doublequote)

Debug::endshow() — Method in class Debug

Close out the show dumper.

DevelopmentAdmin::errors() — Method in class DevelopmentAdmin
SapphireInfo::EnvironmentType() — Method in class SapphireInfo
SapphireREPL::error_handler() — Method in class SapphireREPL
ExtensionTestStateClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\State

Manages illegal and required extensions for sapphiretest

ErrorPageClass in namespace SilverStripe\ErrorPage

ErrorPage holds the content for the page of an error response.

ErrorPageControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\ErrorPage

Class ErrorPageController

ErrorPageControllerExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\ErrorPage

Class ErrorPageControllerExtension

ErrorPageErrorFormatterClass in namespace SilverStripe\ErrorPage

Class ErrorPageErrorFormatter

ErrorPageExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\ErrorPage

Class ErrorPageExtension

$ ErrorPageExtension#enable_static_fileProperty in class ErrorPageExtension

Allows control over writing directly to the configured GeneratedAssetStore.

$ ErrorPageExtension#ErrorCodeProperty in class ErrorPageExtension
ErrorPageFileExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\ErrorPage

Class ErrorPageFileExtension

CompositeField::extraClass() — Method in class CompositeField

Compiles all CSS-classes. Optionally includes a "form-group--no-label" class if no title was set on the FormField.

EmailFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Text input field with validation for correct email format according to RFC 2822.

Form::enableSecurityToken() — Method in class Form

Enable {@link SecurityToken} protection for this form instance.

Form::extraClass() — Method in class Form

Compiles all CSS-classes.

FormField::extraClass() — Method in class FormField

Compiles all CSS-classes. Optionally includes a "form-group--no-label" class if no title was set on the FormField.

GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::edit() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
$ TinyMCEConfig#editor_cssProperty in class TinyMCEConfig

Extra editor.css file paths.

TinyMCEConfig::enablePlugins() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Enable one or several plugins. Will maintain unique list if already enabled plugin is re-passed. If passed in as a map of plugin-name to path, the plugin will be loaded by tinymce.PluginManager.load() instead of through tinyMCE.init().

Tab::extraClass() — Method in class Tab

Compiles all CSS-classes. Optionally includes a "form-group--no-label" class if no title was set on the FormField.

TreeDropdownField::extraClass() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Compiles all CSS-classes. Optionally includes a "form-group--no-label" class if no title was set on the FormField.

$ DevBuildExtension#enabledProperty in class DevBuildExtension
$ QueryHandler#errorHandlerProperty in class QueryHandler
AbstractBulkLoader::exclude() — Method in class AbstractBulkLoader
ExtensionLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\BulkLoader

Loads classes that have a given extension assigned to them.

ExtensionLoader::exclude() — Method in class ExtensionLoader
InheritanceLoader::exclude() — Method in class InheritanceLoader
EndsWithFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\QueryFilter\Filters

A query filter that filters records by the end of a field's contents

EqualToFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\QueryFilter\Filters

A query filter that filters records by exact match of a keyword

EmptySchemaExceptionClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Exception
EncoderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

A class that is capable of expressing itself in generated code

Encoder::encode() — Method in class Encoder
ExtraTypeProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

For models that provide extra types to the schema

SchemaStorageInterface::exists() — Method in class SchemaStorageInterface
Logger::emergency() — Method in class Logger
Logger::error() — Method in class Logger
EncodedResolverClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Resolver

A resolver function that can be expressed in generated PHP code

EncodedResolver::encode() — Method in class EncodedResolver
Schema::exists() — Method in class Schema
Schema::eagerLoad() — Method in class Schema

Some types must be eagerly loaded into the schema if they cannot be discovered through introspection.

StorableSchema::exists() — Method in class StorableSchema
CodeGenerationStore::exists() — Method in class CodeGenerationStore
EncoderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Storage
Encoder::encode() — Method in class Encoder
EncodedTypeClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Type

A type that can be expressed as generated PHP code

EncodedType::encode() — Method in class EncodedType
EnumClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Type

Abstraction for enum types

Type::exists() — Method in class Type
ErrorHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Logging

Core error handler for a SilverStripe application

ArrayList::exists() — Method in class ArrayList

Returns true if this list has items

ArrayList::each() — Method in class ArrayList

Walks the list using the specified callback

ArrayList::exclude() — Method in class ArrayList

Exclude the list to not contain items with these charactaristics

DBConnector::escapeString() — Method in class DBConnector

Given a value escape this for use in a query for the current database connector. Note that this does not quote the value.

DBSchemaManager::enumValuesForField() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Returns the values of the given enum field

DBSchemaManager::enum() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Returns data type for 'set' column

Database::escapeString() — Method in class Database

Returns an escaped string. This string won't be quoted, so would be suitable for appending to other quoted strings.

Database::escapeIdentifier() — Method in class Database

Escapes an identifier (table / database name). Typically the value is simply double quoted. Don't pass in already escaped identifiers in, as this will double escape the value!

MySQLSchemaManager::enumValuesForField() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Returns the values of the given enum field

MySQLSchemaManager::enum() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return a enum type-formatted string

MySQLiConnector::escapeString() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Given a value escape this for use in a query for the current database connector. Note that this does not quote the value.

$ PDOConnector#emulate_prepareProperty in class PDOConnector

Should ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES flag be used to emulate prepared statements?

PDOConnector::escapeString() — Method in class PDOConnector

Given a value escape this for use in a query for the current database connector. Note that this does not quote the value.

PDOConnector::exec() — Method in class PDOConnector

Executes a query that doesn't return a resultset

PDOStatementHandle::errorCode() — Method in class PDOStatementHandle

Fetch the SQLSTATE associated with the last operation on the statement handle (PDOStatement::errorCode)

PDOStatementHandle::errorInfo() — Method in class PDOStatementHandle

Fetch extended error information associated with the last operation on the statement handle (PDOStatement::errorInfo)

PDOStatementHandle::execute() — Method in class PDOStatementHandle

Executes a prepared statement (PDOStatement::execute)

DataExtension::extraStatics() — Method in class DataExtension

Define extra database fields

DataList::exclude() — Method in class DataList

Return a copy of this list which does not contain any items that match all params

DataList::excludeAny() — Method in class DataList

Return a copy of this list which does not contain any items with any of these params

DataList::each() — Method in class DataList

Walks the list using the specified callback

DataList::exists() — Method in class DataList

Returns true if this DataList has items

DataObject::exists() — Method in class DataObject

Returns true if this object "exists", i.e., has a sensible value.

DataObject::extendedCan() — Method in class DataObject

Process tri-state responses from permission-alterting extensions. The extensions are expected to return one of three values:

DataObject::enable_subclass_access() — Method in class DataObject
DataQuery::execute() — Method in class DataQuery

Execute the query and return the result as {@link SS_Query} object.

DBComposite::exists() — Method in class DBComposite

Composite field defaults to exists only if all fields have values

DBEnum::enumValues() — Method in class DBEnum

Returns the values of this enum as an array, suitable for insertion into a {@link DropdownField}

$ DBField#escape_typeProperty in class DBField

The escape type for this field when inserted into a template - either "xml" or "raw".

DBField::exists() — Method in class DBField

Determines if the field has a value which is not considered to be 'null' in a database context.

DBHTMLText::exists() — Method in class DBHTMLText


DBHTMLVarchar::exists() — Method in class DBHTMLVarchar


DBMoney::exists() — Method in class DBMoney
DBString::exists() — Method in class DBString


Filterable::exclude() — Method in class Filterable

Return a new instance of this list that excludes any items with these charactaristics

EndsWithFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Filters

Matches textual content with a substring match on a text fragment leading to the end of the string.

ExactMatchFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Filters

Selects textual content with an exact match between columnname and keyword.

SearchFilter::exclude() — Method in class SearchFilter

Exclude filter criteria from a SQL query.

ListDecorator::exists() — Method in class ListDecorator

Return true if this object "exists" i.e. has a sensible value

ListDecorator::each() — Method in class ListDecorator

Walks the list using the specified callback

ListDecorator::exclude() — Method in class ListDecorator

Exclude the list to not contain items with these charactaristics

ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator::extractInheritableQueryParameters() — Method in class ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator

Calculate the query parameters that should be inherited from the base many_many to the nested has_many list.

SQLExpression::execute() — Method in class SQLExpression

Execute this query.

SQLSelect::expressionForField() — Method in class SQLSelect

Return the SQL expression for the given field alias.

SS_List::each() — Method in class SS_List

Walks the list using the specified callback

FulltextSearchable::enable() — Method in class FulltextSearchable

Enable the default configuration of MySQL full-text searching on the given data classes.

$ Report#excluded_reportsProperty in class Report

Reports which should not be collected and returned in get_reports

Report::extendedCan() — Method in class Report

Helper to assist with permission extension

$ BasicAuth#entire_site_protectedProperty in class BasicAuth
$ BasicAuth#entire_site_protected_codeProperty in class BasicAuth
$ BasicAuth#entire_site_protected_messageProperty in class BasicAuth
CMSSecurity::enabled() — Method in class CMSSecurity

Determine if CMSSecurity is enabled

InheritedPermissionsExtension::EditorGroups() — Method in class InheritedPermissionsExtension
$ LoginAttempt#EmailProperty in class LoginAttempt

Email address used for login attempt. @deprecated 3.0.0:5.0.0

$ LoginAttempt#EmailHashedProperty in class LoginAttempt

sha1 hashed Email address used for login attempt

$ Member#EmailProperty in class Member
Member::encryptWithUserSettings() — Method in class Member

Utility for generating secure password hashes for this member.

$ PasswordEncryptor#encryptorsProperty in class PasswordEncryptor
PasswordEncryptor::encrypt() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor

Return a string value stored in the {@link Member->Password} property.

PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish::encrypt() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish

Return a string value stored in the {@link Member->Password} property.

PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish::encryptX() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish
PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish::encryptY() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish
PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish::encryptA() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish
PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash::encrypt() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash

Return a string value stored in the {@link Member->Password} property.

PasswordEncryptor_MySQLOldPassword::encrypt() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_MySQLOldPassword

Return a string value stored in the {@link Member->Password} property.

PasswordEncryptor_MySQLPassword::encrypt() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_MySQLPassword

Return a string value stored in the {@link Member->Password} property.

PasswordEncryptor_None::encrypt() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_None

Return a string value stored in the {@link Member->Password} property.

PasswordEncryptor_PHPHash::encrypt() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_PHPHash

Return a string value stored in the {@link Member->Password} property.

$ RememberLoginHash#ExpiryDateProperty in class RememberLoginHash
Security::encrypt_password() — Method in class Security

Encrypt a password according to the current password encryption settings.

SecurityToken::enable() — Method in class SecurityToken

Globally enable tokens that have been previously disabled through {@link disable}.

SiteConfig::EditorGroups() — Method in class SiteConfig

List of groups that can edit SiteConfig.

VersionableExtension::extendWithSuffix() — Method in class VersionableExtension

Modify table name with suffix.

Versioned::extendWithSuffix() — Method in class Versioned
EmbedResourceClass in namespace SilverStripe\View\Embed

Encapsulation of an embed tag, linking to an external media source.

EmbeddableClass in namespace SilverStripe\View\Embed

Abstract interface for an embeddable resource

$ ShortcodeParser#error_behaviorProperty in class ShortcodeParser
ShortcodeParser::extractTags() — Method in class ShortcodeParser

Look through a string that contains shortcode tags and pull out the locations and details of those tags

SSViewer::exists() — Method in class SSViewer
SSViewer::execute_template() — Method in class SSViewer

Execute the given template, passing it the given data.

SSViewer::execute_string() — Method in class SSViewer

Execute the evaluated string, passing it the given data.

SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport::Even() — Method in class SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport

Return true if this object is an even item in the set.

SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport::EvenOdd() — Method in class SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport

Return 'even' or 'odd' if this object is in an even or odd position in the set respectively.

EmbedShortcodeProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\View\Shortcodes

Provider for the [embed] shortcode tag used by the embedding service in the HTML Editor field.

EmbedShortcodeProvider::embedForTemplate() — Method in class EmbedShortcodeProvider
ViewableData::exists() — Method in class ViewableData

Return true if this object "exists" i.e. has a sensible value

ViewableData::escapeTypeForField() — Method in class ViewableData

Return the string-format type for the given field.

i18n::encode_plurals() — Method in class i18n

Convert CLDR array plural form to | pipe-delimited string.


$ LeftAndMain#frame_optionsProperty in class LeftAndMain

Value of X-Frame-Options header

AssetAdmin::fileEditForm() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Get file edit form

AssetAdmin::fileInsertForm() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Get file insert media form

AssetAdmin::fileEditorLinkForm() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Get the file insert link form

AssetAdmin::fileSelectForm() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Get form for selecting a file

AssetAdmin::fileHistoryForm() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Get file history form

AssetAdmin::folderCreateForm() — Method in class AssetAdmin
AssetAdmin::fileSearchForm() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Scaffold a search form.

FileFormFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Forms
FileHistoryFormFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Forms
FileSearchFormFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Forms

Scaffolds a form for searching files

FolderCreateFormFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Forms
FolderFormFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Forms

Empty form factory, because the defaults from AssetFormFactory was enough

$ RemoteFileFormFactory#fileurl_scheme_whitelistProperty in class RemoteFileFormFactory

Force whitelist for resource protocols to the given list.

$ RemoteFileFormFactory#fileurl_scheme_blacklistProperty in class RemoteFileFormFactory

Blacklist of resources. Takes priority over whitelists if both are provided.

$ RemoteFileFormFactory#fileurl_domain_whitelistProperty in class RemoteFileFormFactory

Force whitelist for resource domains to the given list

$ RemoteFileFormFactory#fileurl_domain_blacklistProperty in class RemoteFileFormFactory

Blacklist of domains. For example, live sites should probably include 'localhost' and other protected urls.

$ RemoteFileFormFactory#fileurl_port_whitelistProperty in class RemoteFileFormFactory

Whitelist of ports allowed.

$ RemoteFileFormFactory#fileurl_port_blacklistProperty in class RemoteFileFormFactory

Blacklist of ports allowed.

FileFilterInputTypeCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL
FileFilterInputTypeCreator::fields() — Method in class FileFilterInputTypeCreator
FileFilterInputTypeCreator::filterList() — Method in class FileFilterInputTypeCreator

Caution: Does NOT enforce canView permissions

FileInputTypeCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL
FileInputTypeCreator::fields() — Method in class FileInputTypeCreator
FileInterfaceTypeCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL
FileInterfaceTypeCreator::fields() — Method in class FileInterfaceTypeCreator
FileTypeCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL
FileTypeCreator::fields() — Method in class FileTypeCreator
FileUsageTypeClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL

Define the return type for ReadFileUsageQueryCreator. File usage is return as an array of object with an 'id' property and 'inUseCount' property.

FileUsageType::fields() — Method in class FileUsageType
FolderInputTypeCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL
FolderInputTypeCreator::fields() — Method in class FolderInputTypeCreator
FolderTypeCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL
FolderTypeCreator::fields() — Method in class FolderTypeCreator
PublicationNoticeType::fields() — Method in class PublicationNoticeType
FileMigrationHelperClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Dev\Tasks

Service to help migrate File dataobjects to the new APL.

NormaliseAccessMigrationHelper::findBadFiles() — Method in class NormaliseAccessMigrationHelper

Loop through all the files and find the ones that aren't stored in the correct store.

NormaliseAccessMigrationHelper::fix() — Method in class NormaliseAccessMigrationHelper

Make sure all versions of the povided file are stored in the correct asset store.

FileClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets

This class handles the representation of a file on the filesystem within the framework.

$ File#file_typesProperty in class File

A list of file extensions and a description of what type of file they represent

$ File#FilenameProperty in class File

Full filename of this file

$ File#FileProperty in class File

asset stored behind this File record

File::find() — Method in class File

Find a File object by the given filename.

File::format_size() — Method in class File

Formats a file size (eg: (int)42 becomes string '42 bytes')

File::forTemplate() — Method in class File

Return a html5 tag of the appropriate for this file (normally img or a)

File::flushCache() — Method in class File

Flush the cached results for all relations (has_one, has_many, many_many) Also clears any cached aggregate data.

FileDefaultPermissionsClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets

Permissions for root files with Can*Type = Inherit

FileFinderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets

A utility class that finds any files matching a set of rules that are present within a directory tree.

FileFinder::find() — Method in class FileFinder

Finds all files matching the options within a directory. The search is performed depth first.

FileNameFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets

Filter certain characters from file name, for nicer (more SEO-friendly) URLs as well as better filesystem compatibility.

FileNameFilter::filter() — Method in class FileNameFilter

Depending on the applied replacement rules, this method might result in an empty string. In this case, {@link getDefaultName()} will be used to return a randomly generated file name, while retaining its extension.

FilesystemClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets

A collection of static methods for manipulating the filesystem.

$ Filesystem#file_create_maskProperty in class Filesystem
$ Filesystem#folder_create_maskProperty in class Filesystem
Filesystem::fixfiles() — Method in class Filesystem

Cleanup function to reset all the Filename fields. Visit File/fixfiles to call.

Filesystem::folderModTime() — Method in class Filesystem

Return the most recent modification time of anything in the folder.

$ AssetAdapter#file_permissionsProperty in class AssetAdapter

Config compatible permissions configuration

AssetAdapter::flush() — Method in class AssetAdapter

Force flush and regeneration of server files

FlysystemAssetStoreClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Flysystem

Asset store based on flysystem Filesystem as a backend

$ FlysystemAssetStore#file_response_headersProperty in class FlysystemAssetStore

Custom headers to add to all custom file responses

FlysystemAssetStore::flush() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Ensure each adapter re-generates its own server configuration files

FolderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets

Represents a logical folder, which may be used to organise assets stored in the configured backend.

Folder::find_or_make() — Method in class Folder

Find the given folder or create it as a database record

FolderNameFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets

Filter certain characters from file name, for nicer (more SEO-friendly) URLs as well as better filesystem compatibility.

$ ImageManipulation#force_resampleProperty in class ImageManipulation

Force all images to resample in all cases Off by default, as this can be resource intensive to apply to multiple images simultaneously.

ImageManipulation::Fit() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Scale image proportionally to fit within the specified bounds

ImageManipulation::FitMax() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Proportionally scale down this image if it is wider or taller than the specified dimensions.

ImageManipulation::FillMax() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Crop this image to the aspect ratio defined by the specified width and height, then scale down the image to those dimensions if it exceeds them.

ImageManipulation::Fill() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Resize and crop image to fill specified dimensions.

$ InterventionBackend#flush_enabledProperty in class InterventionBackend

Is cache flushing enabled?

InterventionBackend::flush() — Method in class InterventionBackend

This function is triggered early in the request if the "flush" query parameter has been set. Each class that implements Flushable implements this function which looks after it's own specific flushing functionality.

FileLinkClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Shortcodes

Represents a link between a dataobject parent and a file shortcode in a HTML content area

FileLinkTrackingClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Shortcodes

Adds tracking of links in any HTMLText fields which reference SiteTree or File items.

FileLinkTracking::FileTracking() — Method in class FileLinkTracking

List of files linked on this dataobject

FileLinkTrackingParserClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Shortcodes

A helper object for extracting information about links.

FileShortcodeProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Shortcodes

Provides shortcodes for File dataobject

FileShortcodeProvider::find_shortcode_record() — Method in class FileShortcodeProvider

Find the record to use for a given shortcode.

FileShortcodeProvider::flush() — Method in class FileShortcodeProvider
$ DBFile#FilenameProperty in class DBFile

Name of the file, including directory

CMSMain::flush() — Method in class CMSMain

Clear the cache on ?flush

CMSMain::flushMemberCache() — Method in class CMSMain

Flush the hints cache for a specific member

OldPageRedirector::find_old_page() — Method in class OldPageRedirector

Attempt to find an old/renamed page from some given the URL as an array

SiteTreeURLSegmentField::Field() — Method in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField

Returns the form field.

SiteTree::flushCache() — Method in class SiteTree

Flush the cached results for all relations (has_one, has_many, many_many) Also clears any cached aggregate data.

SiteTree::flushMemberCache() — Method in class SiteTree

Flushes the member specific cache for creatable children

SiteTree::fieldLabels() — Method in class SiteTree
SiteTree::flush() — Method in class SiteTree

Clear the creatableChildren cache on flush

RemoveOrphanedPagesTask::Form() — Method in class RemoveOrphanedPagesTask
AddToCampaignHandler::Form() — Method in class AddToCampaignHandler

Builds a Form that mirrors the parent editForm, but with an extra field to collect the ChangeSet ID

CampaignAdminList::FieldHolder() — Method in class CampaignAdminList

Placeholder for react-only custom form field

Cookie::force_expiry() — Method in class Cookie
CookieJar::forceExpiry() — Method in class CookieJar

Force the expiry of a cookie by name

Cookie_Backend::forceExpiry() — Method in class Cookie_Backend

Force the expiry of a cookie by name

Director::fileExists() — Method in class Director

Returns true if the given file exists. Filename should be relative to the site root.

Director::forceSSL() — Method in class Director

Force the site to run on SSL.

Director::forceWWW() — Method in class Director

Force a redirect to a domain starting with "www."

Email::findPlainPart() — Method in class Email
HTTP::filename2url() — Method in class HTTP

Turns a local system filename into a URL by comparing it to the script filename.

HTTP::findByTagAndAttribute() — Method in class HTTP

Search for all tags with a specific attribute, then return the value of that attribute in a flat array.

FlushMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware

Triggers a call to flush() on all implementors of Flushable.

FlushSchedulerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware\URLSpecialsMiddleware

Schedule flush operation for a following request

Session::finalize() — Method in class Session

Set user agent key

FilesystemCacheFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Cache
MemberCacheFlusher::flushMemberCache() — Method in class MemberCacheFlusher
Config::forClass() — Method in class Config

Get an accessor that returns results by class by default.

Config_ForClass::forClass() — Method in class Config_ForClass
FlushableClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core

Provides an interface for classes to implement their own flushing functionality whenever flush=1 is requested.

Flushable::flush() — Method in class Flushable

This function is triggered early in the request if the "flush" query parameter has been set. Each class that implements Flushable implements this function which looks after it's own specific flushing functionality.

FactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Injector

A factory which is used for creating service instances.

FlushDiscovererClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Startup

Public interface for startup flush discoverers

Backtrace::filtered_backtrace() — Method in class Backtrace

Return debug_backtrace() results with functions filtered specific to the debugging system, and not the trace.

Backtrace::filter_backtrace() — Method in class Backtrace

Filter a backtrace so that it doesn't show the calls to the debugging system, which is useless information.

Backtrace::full_func_name() — Method in class Backtrace

Return the full function name. If showArgs is set to true, a string representation of the arguments will be shown

CsvBulkLoader::findExistingObject() — Method in class CsvBulkLoader

Find an existing objects based on one or more uniqueness columns specified via {@link self::$duplicateChecks}.

FixtureBlueprintClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

A blueprint on how to create instances of a certain {@link DataObject} subclass.

FixtureFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Manages a set of database fixtures for {@link DataObject} records as well as raw database table rows.

FunctionalTestClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

SilverStripe-specific testing object designed to support functional testing of your web app. It simulates get/post requests, form submission, and can validate resulting HTML, looking up content by CSS selector.

FunctionalTest::findAttribute() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Find an attribute in a SimpleXMLElement object by name.

SapphireTest::findEmail() — Method in class SapphireTest

Search for an email that was sent.

FixtureTestStateClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\State
FlushableTestStateClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\State

Clears flushable / resettable objects

FixFolderPermissionsHelperClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\Tasks

Files imported from SS3 might end up with broken permissions if there is a case conflict.

TestMailer::findEmail() — Method in class TestMailer

Search for an email that was sent.

TestSession::followRedirection() — Method in class TestSession

If the last request was a 3xx response, then follow the redirection

CheckboxSetField::Field() — Method in class CheckboxSetField
CompositeField::FieldList() — Method in class CompositeField

Returns all the sub-fields, suitable for <% loop FieldList %>

CompositeField::fieldByName() — Method in class CompositeField
CompositeField::fieldPosition() — Method in class CompositeField

Find the numerical position of a field within the children collection. Doesn't work recursively.

ConfirmedPasswordField::Field() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField
CurrencyField_Disabled::Field() — Method in class CurrencyField_Disabled

Overloaded to display the correctly formatted value for this data type

CurrencyField_Readonly::Field() — Method in class CurrencyField_Readonly

Overloaded to display the correctly formatted value for this data type

DatalessField::FieldHolder() — Method in class DatalessField

Returns the field's representation in the form.

DateField_Disabled::Field() — Method in class DateField_Disabled

Returns the form field.

DatetimeField::frontendToInternal() — Method in class DatetimeField

Convert frontend date to the internal representation (ISO 8601).

DropdownField::Field() — Method in class DropdownField
FieldGroupClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Lets you include a nested group of fields inside a template.

FieldListClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

A list designed to hold form field instances.

FieldList::flattenFields() — Method in class FieldList

Return a flattened list of all fields

FieldList::findTab() — Method in class FieldList

Returns the specified tab object, if it exists

FieldList::findOrMakeTab() — Method in class FieldList

Returns the specified tab object, creating it if necessary.

FieldList::fieldByName() — Method in class FieldList

Returns a named field.

FieldList::fieldPosition() — Method in class FieldList

Find the numerical position of a field within the children collection. Doesn't work recursively.

FieldList::forTemplate() — Method in class FieldList

Default template rendering of a FieldList will concatenate all FieldHolder values.

FileFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Represents a file type which can be added to a form.

FileField::Field() — Method in class FileField
FileHandleFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms
FileUploadReceiverClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Provides operations for reading and writing uploaded files to/from {see File} dataobject instances.

FormClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Base class for all forms.

Form::Fields() — Method in class Form

Return the form's fields - used by the templates

Form::FormAttributes() — Method in class Form
Form::FormHttpMethod() — Method in class Form

Returns the real HTTP method for the form: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE or HEAD.

Form::FormMethod() — Method in class Form

Returns the form method to be used in the


Form::FormAction() — Method in class Form

Return the form's action attribute.

Form::FormName() — Method in class Form

Returns the name of the form.

Form::FieldMap() — Method in class Form

Returns an object where there is a method with the same name as each data field on the form.

Form::forTemplate() — Method in class Form

Return a rendered version of this form.

Form::forAjaxTemplate() — Method in class Form

Return a rendered version of this form, suitable for ajax post-back.

Form::formHtmlContent() — Method in class Form

Returns an HTML rendition of this form, without the tag itself.

FormActionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

The action buttons are <input type="submit"> as well as

FormAction::Field() — Method in class FormAction
FormAction::FieldHolder() — Method in class FormAction
FormFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

A service which can generate a form

FormFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Represents a field in a form.

FormField::Field() — Method in class FormField

Returns the form field.

FormField::FieldHolder() — Method in class FormField

Returns a "field holder" for this field.

FormField::forTemplate() — Method in class FormField

This function is used by the template processor. If you refer to a field as a $ variable, it will return the $Field value.

FormMessageClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Form component which contains a castable message

FormMessageBootstrapExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Will convert a SilverStripe message type into a Bootstrap alert type

FormRequestHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms
FormRequestHandler::forTemplate() — Method in class FormRequestHandler
FormScaffolderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms
$ FormScaffolder#fieldClassesProperty in class FormScaffolder
FormTemplateHelperClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

A helper class for managing {@link Form} and {@link FormField} HTML template output.

FormTransformationClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

This class represents "transformations" of a form - such as making it printable or making it readonly.

Form_FieldMapClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms
GridField::FieldHolder() — Method in class GridField

Returns the whole gridfield rendered with all the attached components.

GridField::Field() — Method in class GridField
$ GridFieldDataColumns#fieldCastingProperty in class GridFieldDataColumns
$ GridFieldDataColumns#fieldFormattingProperty in class GridFieldDataColumns
$ GridFieldFilterHeader#force_legacyProperty in class GridFieldFilterHeader

Forces all filter components to revert to displaying the legacy table header style rather than the react driven search box

$ GridFieldSortableHeader#fieldSortingProperty in class GridFieldSortableHeader
HTMLEditorField::Field() — Method in class HTMLEditorField

Returns the form field.

TinyMCECombinedGenerator::flush() — Method in class TinyMCECombinedGenerator

This function is triggered early in the request if the "flush" query parameter has been set. Each class that implements Flushable implements this function which looks after it's own specific flushing functionality.

HTMLReadonlyField::Field() — Method in class HTMLReadonlyField

Returns the form field.

HiddenField::FieldHolder() — Method in class HiddenField
ListboxField::Field() — Method in class ListboxField

Returns a select tag containing all the appropriate option tags

LiteralField::FieldHolder() — Method in class LiteralField
LiteralField::Field() — Method in class LiteralField
LookupField::Field() — Method in class LookupField

Returns a readonly span containing the correct value.

NullableField::Field() — Method in class NullableField
OptionsetField::Field() — Method in class OptionsetField

Returns the form field.

PrintableTransformation_TabSet::FieldHolder() — Method in class PrintableTransformation_TabSet

Returns a tab-strip and the associated tabs.

RequiredFields::fieldIsRequired() — Method in class RequiredFields

Returns true if the named field is "required".

FormSchemaClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\Schema

Represents a {@link Form} as structured data which allows a frontend library to render it.

SelectionGroup::FieldSet() — Method in class SelectionGroup
SelectionGroup::FieldList() — Method in class SelectionGroup

Returns all the sub-fields, suitable for <% loop FieldList %>

SelectionGroup::FieldHolder() — Method in class SelectionGroup

Returns a "field holder" for this field.

SingleLookupField::Field() — Method in class SingleLookupField

Returns a readonly span containing the correct value.

Tab::Fields() — Method in class Tab

Get child fields

TabSet::FieldHolder() — Method in class TabSet

Returns a tab-strip and the associated tabs.

ToggleCompositeField::FieldHolder() — Method in class ToggleCompositeField
TreeDropdownField::filterMarking() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Marking public function for the tree, which combines different filters sensibly.

TreeDropdownField_Readonly::Field() — Method in class TreeDropdownField_Readonly

Returns the form field.

TreeMultiselectField::Field() — Method in class TreeMultiselectField

We overwrite the field attribute to add our hidden fields, as this formfield can contain multiple values.

TreeMultiselectField_Readonly::Field() — Method in class TreeMultiselectField_Readonly

We overwrite the field attribute to add our hidden fields, as this formfield can contain multiple values.

Validator::fieldIsRequired() — Method in class Validator

Returns whether the field in question is required. This will usually display '*' next to the field. The base implementation always returns false.

FileProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\PersistedQuery

Class FileProvider

QueryHandler::formatError() — Method in class QueryHandler

More verbose error display defaults.

FilepathLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\BulkLoader

Loads classes by fuzzy match (glob), relative to the root e.g. src/*.model.php

FieldAccessorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject

A utility class that handles an assortment of issues related to field access on DataObjects, particularly with case insensitivity.

$ FieldAccessor#field_formatterProperty in class FieldAccessor

A function that makes an object property a field name

FieldAccessor::formatField() — Method in class FieldAccessor
FieldReconcilerClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject
InheritanceBuilder::fillAncestry() — Method in class InheritanceBuilder
InheritanceBuilder::fillDescendants() — Method in class InheritanceBuilder
FirstResultClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin
FirstResult::firstResult() — Method in class FirstResult
FieldFilterInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\QueryFilter

Defines the interface used by all read filters for operations

FieldFilterRegistryClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\QueryFilter
FilterRegistryInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\QueryFilter

Filters for queries are registered as services and retrieved by identifiers.

QueryFilter::filter() — Method in class QueryFilter
FieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Field

An abstraction of a field that appears on a Type abstraction

FieldPluginClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

A plugin that applies to a Field abstraction

$ AbstractQueryFilterPlugin#field_nameProperty in class AbstractQueryFilterPlugin
$ AbstractQuerySortPlugin#field_nameProperty in class AbstractQuerySortPlugin
$ SortPlugin#field_nameProperty in class SortPlugin
Schema::findOrMakeType() — Method in class Schema
Schema::findOrMakeModel() — Method in class Schema
SchemaTranscribeHandler::fire() — Method in class SchemaTranscribeHandler
AbstractTypeRegistry::Float() — Method in class AbstractTypeRegistry
DebugViewFriendlyErrorFormatter::format() — Method in class DebugViewFriendlyErrorFormatter
DebugViewFriendlyErrorFormatter::formatBatch() — Method in class DebugViewFriendlyErrorFormatter
DetailedErrorFormatter::format() — Method in class DetailedErrorFormatter
DetailedErrorFormatter::formatBatch() — Method in class DetailedErrorFormatter
ArrayLib::filter_keys() — Method in class ArrayLib

Filter an array by keys (useful for only allowing certain form-input to be saved).

ArrayLib::flatten() — Method in class ArrayLib

Takes an multi dimension array and returns the flattened version.

ArrayList::first() — Method in class ArrayList

Returns the first item in the list

ArrayList::find() — Method in class ArrayList

Find the first item of this list where the given key = value

ArrayList::filter() — Method in class ArrayList

Filter the list to include items with these charactaristics

ArrayList::filterAny() — Method in class ArrayList

Return a copy of this list which contains items matching any of these charactaristics.

ArrayList::filterByCallback() — Method in class ArrayList
DBSchemaManager::fixTableCase() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Ensure the given table has the correct case

DBSchemaManager::fieldList() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Get a list of all the fields for the given table.

DBSchemaManager::float() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Returns data type for 'float' column

Database::formattedDatetimeClause() — Method in class Database

function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with the adapter in use used for querying a datetime in a certain format

MySQLDatabase::formattedDatetimeClause() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with the adapter in use used for querying a datetime in a certain format

MySQLSchemaManager::fieldList() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Get a list of all the fields for the given table.

MySQLSchemaManager::float() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return a float type-formatted string For MySQL, we simply return the word 'date', no other parameters are necessary

PDOConnector::flushStatements() — Method in class PDOConnector

Flush all prepared statements

Query::first() — Method in class Query
DB::field_list() — Method in class DB

Get a list of all the fields for the given table.

DataList::filter() — Method in class DataList

Return a copy of this list which only includes items with these charactaristics

DataList::filterAny() — Method in class DataList

Return a copy of this list which contains items matching any of these charactaristics.

DataList::filterByCallback() — Method in class DataList

Note that, in the current implementation, the filtered list will be an ArrayList, but this may change in a future implementation.

DataList::first() — Method in class DataList

Returns the first item in this DataList

DataList::find() — Method in class DataList

Find the first DataObject of this DataList where the given key = value

$ DataObject#fixed_fieldsProperty in class DataObject

Base fields which are not defined in static $db

$ DataObject#field_labelsProperty in class DataObject

User defined labels for searchable_fields, used to override default display in the search form.

DataObject::forceChange() — Method in class DataObject

Forces the record to think that all its data has changed.

DataObject::findCascadeDeletes() — Method in class DataObject

Find all objects that will be cascade deleted if this object is deleted

DataObject::flushCache() — Method in class DataObject

Flush the cached results for all relations (has_one, has_many, many_many) Also clears any cached aggregate data.

DataObject::flush_and_destroy_cache() — Method in class DataObject

Flush the get_one global cache and destroy associated objects.

DataObject::fieldLabels() — Method in class DataObject

Get any user defined searchable fields labels that exist. Allows overriding of default field names in the form interface actually presented to the user.

DataObject::fieldLabel() — Method in class DataObject

Get a human-readable label for a single field, see {@link fieldLabels()} for more details.

DataObject::findRelatedObjects() — Method in class DataObject

Find objects in the given relationships, merging them into the given list

DataObjectSchema::fieldSpecs() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Get all DB field specifications for a class, including ancestors and composite fields.

DataObjectSchema::fieldSpec() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Get specifications for a single class field

DataQuery::firstRow() — Method in class DataQuery

Return the first row that would be returned by this full DataQuery Note that this will issue a separate SELECT ... LIMIT 1 query.

DBDate::Full() — Method in class DBDate

Returns the date in the localised full format

DBDate::Format() — Method in class DBDate

Return the date using a particular formatting string. Use {o} to include an ordinal representation for the day of the month ("1st", "2nd", "3rd" etc)

DBDate::FormatFromSettings() — Method in class DBDate

Return a date formatted as per a CMS user's settings.

DBDatetime::FormatFromSettings() — Method in class DBDatetime

Return a date and time formatted as per a CMS user's settings.

DBEnum::flushCache() — Method in class DBEnum

Clear all cached enum values.

DBEnum::formField() — Method in class DBEnum

Return a dropdown field suitable for editing this field.

DBField::forTemplate() — Method in class DBField

Determine 'default' casting for this field.

DBHTMLText::forTemplate() — Method in class DBHTMLText
DBHTMLVarchar::forTemplate() — Method in class DBHTMLVarchar
DBInt::Formatted() — Method in class DBInt

Returns the number, with commas added as appropriate, eg “1,000”.

DBMultiEnum::formField() — Method in class DBMultiEnum

Return a {@link CheckboxSetField} suitable for editing this field

DBString::forTemplate() — Method in class DBString
DBText::FirstSentence() — Method in class DBText

Return the first string that finishes with a period (.) in this text.

DBText::FirstParagraph() — Method in class DBText

Get first paragraph

DBTime::Format() — Method in class DBTime

Return the time using a particular formatting string.

DBTime::FormatFromSettings() — Method in class DBTime

Return a time formatted as per a CMS user's settings.

FilterableClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Additional interface for {@link SS_List} classes that are filterable.

Filterable::filter() — Method in class Filterable

Return a new instance of this list that only includes items with these charactaristics

Filterable::filterAny() — Method in class Filterable

Return a copy of this list which contains items matching any of these charactaristics.

Filterable::filterByCallback() — Method in class Filterable

Return a new instance of this list that excludes any items with these charactaristics Filter this List by a callback function. The function will be passed each record of the List in turn, and must return true for the record to be included. Returns the filtered list.

FulltextFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Filters

Filters by full-text matching on the given field.

Hierarchy::flushCache() — Method in class Hierarchy

Flush all Hierarchy caches:

  • Children (instance)
  • NumChildren (instance)
ListDecorator::first() — Method in class ListDecorator

Returns the first item in the list.

ListDecorator::forTemplate() — Method in class ListDecorator
ListDecorator::find() — Method in class ListDecorator

Returns the first item in the list where the key field is equal to the value.

ListDecorator::filter() — Method in class ListDecorator

Filter the list to include items with these charactaristics

ListDecorator::filterAny() — Method in class ListDecorator

Return a copy of this list which contains items matching any of these charactaristics.

ListDecorator::filterByCallback() — Method in class ListDecorator

Note that, in the current implementation, the filtered list will be an ArrayList, but this may change in a future implementation.

PaginatedList::FirstItem() — Method in class PaginatedList

Returns the number of the first item being displayed on the current page. This is useful for things like "displaying 10-20".

PaginatedList::FirstLink() — Method in class PaginatedList

Returns a link to the first page.

SQLConditionalExpression::filtersOnID() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Checks whether this query is for a specific ID in a table

SQLConditionalExpression::filtersOnFK() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Checks whether this query is filtering on a foreign key, ie finding a has_many relationship

SQLSelect::firstRow() — Method in class SQLSelect

Returns a query that returns only the first row of this query

Relation::forForeignID() — Method in class Relation
RelationList::forForeignID() — Method in class RelationList

Returns a copy of this list with the ManyMany relationship linked to the given foreign ID.

SS_List::first() — Method in class SS_List

Returns the first item in the list.

SS_List::find() — Method in class SS_List

Returns the first item in the list where the key field is equal to the value.

FulltextSearchableClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Search

Provides a simple search engine for your site based on the MySQL FULLTEXT index.

UnsavedRelationList::first() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Returns the first item in the list

UnsavedRelationList::forForeignID() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Returns a copy of this list with the relationship linked to the given foreign ID.

SideReportView::forTemplate() — Method in class SideReportView
FormClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\Confirmation

Basic confirmation form implementation.

Handler::Form() — Method in class Handler

Returns an instance of Confirmation\Form initialized with the proper storage id taken from URL

DefaultAdminService::findOrCreateDefaultAdmin() — Method in class DefaultAdminService
DefaultAdminService::findOrCreateAdmin() — Method in class DefaultAdminService

Find or create a Member with admin permissions

Group::fieldLabels() — Method in class Group
InheritedPermissionFlusher::flush() — Method in class InheritedPermissionFlusher

Flush all MemberCacheFlusher services

InheritedPermissionFlusher::flushCache() — Method in class InheritedPermissionFlusher

Flushes all registered MemberCacheFlusher services

InheritedPermissions::flushMemberCache() — Method in class InheritedPermissions

Clear the cache for this instance only

LoginAttempt::fieldLabels() — Method in class LoginAttempt
$ Member#FirstNameProperty in class Member
$ Member#FailedLoginCountProperty in class Member
Member::fieldLabels() — Method in class Member
LostPasswordHandler::forgotPassword() — Method in class LostPasswordHandler

Forgot password form handler method.

Member_GroupSet::foreignIDFilter() — Method in class Member_GroupSet

Link this group set to a specific member.

Member_GroupSet::foreignIDWriteFilter() — Method in class Member_GroupSet
PermissionCheckboxSetField::Field() — Method in class PermissionCheckboxSetField
PermissionRole::fieldLabels() — Method in class PermissionRole

Get any user defined searchable fields labels that exist. Allows overriding of default field names in the form interface actually presented to the user.

$ RememberLoginHash#force_single_tokenProperty in class RememberLoginHash

If true, user can only use auto login on one device. A user can still login from multiple devices, but previous tokens from other devices will become invalid.

$ Security#frame_optionsProperty in class Security

Value of X-Frame-Options header

Security::findAnAdministrator() — Method in class Security

Return an existing member with administrator privileges, or create one of necessary.

Security::force_database_is_ready() — Method in class Security

For the database_is_ready call to return a certain value - used for testing

FileArchiveExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionedAdmin\Extensions

Adds a archive view for Files

ChangeSet::fieldLabels() — Method in class ChangeSet
ChangeSetItem::findReferenced() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Get all implicit objects for this change

CopyToStageInputType::fields() — Method in class CopyToStageInputType
VersionedInputType::fields() — Method in class VersionedInputType
ReadingMode::fromDataQueryParams() — Method in class ReadingMode

Converts dataquery params to original reading mode.

ReadingMode::fromQueryString() — Method in class ReadingMode

Convert querystring arguments to reading mode.

RecursivePublishable::findOwned() — Method in class RecursivePublishable

Find all objects owned by the current object.

RecursivePublishable::findOwners() — Method in class RecursivePublishable

Find objects which own this object.

RecursivePublishable::findOwnersRecursive() — Method in class RecursivePublishable

Find objects which own this object.

Versioned::flushCache() — Method in class Versioned
HTMLValue::forTemplate() — Method in class HTMLValue
SQLFormatter::formatPlain() — Method in class SQLFormatter
SQLFormatter::formatHTML() — Method in class SQLFormatter
URLSegmentFilter::filter() — Method in class URLSegmentFilter

Note: Depending on the applied replacement rules, this method might result in an empty string.

Requirements::flush() — Method in class Requirements

Triggered early in the request when a flush is requested

SSViewer::flush() — Method in class SSViewer

Triggered early in the request when someone requests a flush.

SSViewer::fromString() — Method in class SSViewer

Create a template from a string instead of a .ss file

SSViewer::flush_template_cache() — Method in class SSViewer

Clears all parsed template files in the cache folder.

SSViewer::flush_cacheblock_cache() — Method in class SSViewer

Clears all partial cache blocks.

SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport::First() — Method in class SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport

Returns true if this object is the first in a set.

SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport::FirstLast() — Method in class SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport

Returns 'first' or 'last' if this is the first or last object in the set.

SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport::FromEnd() — Method in class SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport

Return the position of this item from the last item in the list. The position of the final item is $endIndex, which defaults to 1.

ThemeResourceLoader::findTemplate() — Method in class ThemeResourceLoader

Attempts to find possible candidate templates from a set of template names from modules, current theme directory and finally the application folder.

ThemeResourceLoader::findThemedCSS() — Method in class ThemeResourceLoader

Resolve themed CSS path

ThemeResourceLoader::findThemedJavascript() — Method in class ThemeResourceLoader

Resolve themed javascript path

ThemeResourceLoader::findThemedResource() — Method in class ThemeResourceLoader

Resolve a themed resource

ThemeResourceLoader::flush() — Method in class ThemeResourceLoader

Flush any cached data

ViewableData_Debugger::forTemplate() — Method in class ViewableData_Debugger

Return debugging information, as XHTML. If a field name is passed, it will show debugging information on that field, otherwise it will show information on all methods and fields.

FlushInvalidatedResourceClass in namespace SilverStripe\i18n\Messages\Symfony

Some arbitrary resource which expires when flush is invoked.

FlushInvalidatedResource::flush() — Method in class FlushInvalidatedResource

This function is triggered early in the request if the "flush" query parameter has been set. Each class that implements Flushable implements this function which looks after it's own specific flushing functionality.


AdminRootController::get_admin_route() — Method in class AdminRootController

Convenience function to return the admin route config.

AdminRootController::get_template_global_variables() — Method in class AdminRootController
CMSBatchAction::getActionTitle() — Method in class CMSBatchAction

The the text to show in the dropdown for this action

CMSBatchAction::getParameterFields() — Method in class CMSBatchAction
CMSMenu::get_menu_item() — Method in class CMSMenu

Get a single menu item by its code value.

CMSMenu::get_menu_code() — Method in class CMSMenu

Get menu code for class

CMSMenu::get_menu_items() — Method in class CMSMenu

Get all menu entries.

CMSMenu::get_viewable_menu_items() — Method in class CMSMenu

Get all menu items that the passed member can view.

CMSMenu::get_cms_classes() — Method in class CMSMenu

A utility funciton to retrieve subclasses of a given class that are instantiable (ie, not abstract) and have a valid menu title.

CMSMenu::getIterator() — Method in class CMSMenu

IteratorAggregate Interface Method. Iterates over the menu items.

CMSMenuItem::getAttributesHTML() — Method in class CMSMenuItem
CMSProfileController::getEditForm() — Method in class CMSProfileController

Calls {@link SiteTree->getCMSFields()} by default to determine the form fields to display.

GridFieldPrintButtonExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin\Forms
LinkFormFactory::getForm() — Method in class LinkFormFactory
LinkFormFactory::getRequiredContext() — Method in class LinkFormFactory

Return list of mandatory context keys

UsedOnTable::getSchemaDataDefaults() — Method in class UsedOnTable
UsedOnTable::getRecord() — Method in class UsedOnTable
UsedOnTable::getAttributes() — Method in class UsedOnTable

Attributes to be given for this field type

GroupImportFormClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin

Imports {@link Group} records by CSV upload, as defined in {@link GroupCsvBulkLoader}.

LeftAndMain::getCombinedClientConfig() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Gets the combined configuration of all LeftAndMain subclasses required by the client app.

LeftAndMain::getClientConfig() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Returns configuration required by the client app.

LeftAndMain::getFormSchema() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Get form schema helper

LeftAndMain::getRequiredPermissions() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Get list of required permissions

LeftAndMain::getResponseNegotiator() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Caution: Volatile API.

LeftAndMain::getTemplatesWithSuffix() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Return appropriate template(s) for this class, with the given suffix using {@link SSViewer::get_templates_by_class()}

LeftAndMain::getRecord() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Get dataobject from the current ID

LeftAndMain::getNewItem() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Create new item.

LeftAndMain::getEditForm() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Calls {@link SiteTree->getCMSFields()} by default to determine the form fields to display.

LeftAndMain::getSilverStripeNavigator() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Used for preview controls, mainly links which switch between different states of the page.

LeftAndMain::getHelpLinks() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Returns help_links in a format readable by a template

LeftAndMain::getApplicationName() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Get the application name.

LeftAndMain::getVersionProvider() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Get the SilverStripe version provider

LeftAndMain_SearchFilter::getChildrenMethod() — Method in class LeftAndMain_SearchFilter

Method on {@link Hierarchy} objects which is used to traverse into children relationships.

LeftAndMain_SearchFilter::getNumChildrenMethod() — Method in class LeftAndMain_SearchFilter

Method on {@link Hierarchy} objects which is used find the number of children for a parent page

LeftAndMain_SearchFilter::getPageClasses() — Method in class LeftAndMain_SearchFilter

Given a page, determine any additional CSS classes to apply to the tree node

MemberImportForm::getGroup() — Method in class MemberImportForm
ModalController::getRequest() — Method in class ModalController

Returns the HTTPRequest object that this controller is using.

ModalController::getController() — Method in class ModalController
ModalController::getName() — Method in class ModalController

Get urlsegment

ModelAdmin::getEditForm() — Method in class ModelAdmin

Produces an edit form that includes a default {@link \SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridField} for the currently active {@link \SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject}. The GridField will show data from the currently active modelClass only (see {@link self::init()}).

ModelAdmin::getExportFields() — Method in class ModelAdmin

Define which fields are used in the {@link getEditForm} GridField export.

ModelAdmin::getSearchContext() — Method in class ModelAdmin
ModelAdmin::getList() — Method in class ModelAdmin

You can override how ModelAdmin returns DataObjects by either overloading this method, or defining an extension to ModelAdmin that implements the updateList method (and takes a {@link \SilverStripe\ORM\DataList} as the first argument).

ModelAdmin::getModelClass() — Method in class ModelAdmin

The model managed by this instance.

ModelAdmin::getManagedModels() — Method in class ModelAdmin
ModelAdmin::getModelImporters() — Method in class ModelAdmin

Returns all importers defined in {@link self::$model_importers}.

SecurityAdmin::groups() — Method in class SecurityAdmin

Shortcut action for setting the correct active tab.

SecurityAdmin::getEditForm() — Method in class SecurityAdmin

Calls {@link SiteTree->getCMSFields()} by default to determine the form fields to display.

SecurityAdmin::groupimport() — Method in class SecurityAdmin
SecurityAdmin::GroupImportForm() — Method in class SecurityAdmin
DeleteAssets::getActionTitle() — Method in class DeleteAssets

The the text to show in the dropdown for this action

AssetAdmin::getClientConfig() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Returns configuration required by the client app.

AssetAdmin::getFileEditLink() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Given a file return the CMS link to edit it

AssetAdmin::getFormFactory() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Build a form scaffolder for this model

AssetAdmin::getFileEditForm() — Method in class AssetAdmin

The form is used to generate a form schema, as well as an intermediary object to process data through API endpoints.

AssetAdmin::getFileInsertForm() — Method in class AssetAdmin

The form is used to generate a form schema, as well as an intermediary object to process data through API endpoints.

AssetAdmin::getFileEditorLinkForm() — Method in class AssetAdmin

The form used to generate a form schema, since it's used directly on API endpoints, it does not have any form actions.

AssetAdmin::getMoveForm() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Get form for moving files/folders to a new location

AssetAdmin::getFileSelectForm() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Get form for selecting a file

AssetAdmin::getFileHistoryForm() — Method in class AssetAdmin
AssetAdmin::getObjectFromData() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Build the array containing the all attributes the AssetAdmin client interact with.

AssetAdmin::getMinimalistObjectFromData() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Build the array containing the minimal attributes needed to render an UploadFieldItem.

AssetAdmin::generateThumbnails() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Generate thumbnails and provide links for a given file

AssetAdmin::getAddToCampaignForm() — Method in class AssetAdmin
AssetAdmin::getFolderCreateForm() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Returns the form to be used for creating a new folder

AssetAdmin::getFileSearchform() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Allow search form to be accessible to schema

AssetAdmin::getThumbnailGenerator() — Method in class AssetAdmin
AssetAdminFile::getInsertWidth() — Method in class AssetAdminFile

Calculate width to insert into html area

AssetAdminFile::getInsertHeight() — Method in class AssetAdminFile

Calculate width to insert into html area

AssetAdminFile::getFilesInUse() — Method in class AssetAdminFile

Get the list of all nested files in use

RemoteFileModalExtension::getOwner() — Method in class RemoteFileModalExtension
AssetFormFactory::getForm() — Method in class AssetFormFactory
AssetFormFactory::getRequiredContext() — Method in class AssetFormFactory

Return list of mandatory context keys

FileFormFactory::getRequiredContext() — Method in class FileFormFactory
FileHistoryFormFactory::getForm() — Method in class FileHistoryFormFactory
FileHistoryFormFactory::getRequiredContext() — Method in class FileHistoryFormFactory
FileSearchFormFactory::getForm() — Method in class FileSearchFormFactory

Generates the form

FileSearchFormFactory::getRequiredContext() — Method in class FileSearchFormFactory

Return list of mandatory context keys

FolderCreateFormFactory::getRequiredContext() — Method in class FolderCreateFormFactory

Return list of mandatory context keys

FolderCreateFormFactory::getFormFields() — Method in class FolderCreateFormFactory
HistoryListField::getSchemaStateDefaults() — Method in class HistoryListField

Gets the defaults for $schemaState.

HistoryListField::getRecord() — Method in class HistoryListField
ImageFormFactory::getForm() — Method in class ImageFormFactory
MoveFormFactory::getForm() — Method in class MoveFormFactory

Generates the form

MoveFormFactory::getRequiredContext() — Method in class MoveFormFactory

Return list of mandatory context keys

PreviewImageField::getSchemaDataDefaults() — Method in class PreviewImageField

Gets the defaults for $schemaData.

PreviewImageField::getSchemaStateDefaults() — Method in class PreviewImageField

Gets the defaults for $schemaState.

PreviewImageField::getRecord() — Method in class PreviewImageField
RemoteFileFormFactory::getForm() — Method in class RemoteFileFormFactory
RemoteFileFormFactory::getRequiredContext() — Method in class RemoteFileFormFactory

Return list of mandatory context keys

UploadField::getSchemaDataDefaults() — Method in class UploadField

Gets the defaults for $schemaData.

UploadField::getSchemaStateDefaults() — Method in class UploadField

Gets the defaults for $schemaState.

UploadField::getIsMultiUpload() — Method in class UploadField

Check if allowed to upload more than one file

UploadField::getAllowedMaxFileNumber() — Method in class UploadField

Gets the number of files allowed for this field

UploadField::getAllowedMaxFileSize() — Method in class UploadField

Returns the max allowed filesize

UploadField::getAttributes() — Method in class UploadField

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

UploadField::getUploadEnabled() — Method in class UploadField

Check if uploading files is enabled

UploadField::getAttachEnabled() — Method in class UploadField

Check if attaching files is enabled

FileTypeCreator::getThumbnailGenerator() — Method in class FileTypeCreator
FolderTypeCreator::getChildrenConnection() — Method in class FolderTypeCreator
Notice::getType() — Method in class Notice
Notice::getIDs() — Method in class Notice
Notice::getMessage() — Method in class Notice
ImageThumbnailHelper::getMaxImageFileSize() — Method in class ImageThumbnailHelper

Get the maximum file size for which thumbnails will be generated. Set to 0 to disable the limit.

ThumbnailGenerator::generateThumbnailLink() — Method in class ThumbnailGenerator

Generate thumbnail and return the "src" property for this thumbnail

ThumbnailGenerator::generateThumbnail() — Method in class ThumbnailGenerator

Generate thumbnail object

ThumbnailGenerator::generateLink() — Method in class ThumbnailGenerator

Generate "src" property for this thumbnail.

ThumbnailGenerator::getGenerates() — Method in class ThumbnailGenerator
AssetManipulationList::getPublicAssets() — Method in class AssetManipulationList

Get all public assets

AssetManipulationList::getProtectedAssets() — Method in class AssetManipulationList

Get protected assets

AssetManipulationList::getDeletedAssets() — Method in class AssetManipulationList

Get deleted assets

TagsToShortcodeHelper::getNewContent() — Method in class TagsToShortcodeHelper
TestAssetStore::getLocalPath() — Method in class TestAssetStore

Helper method to get local filesystem path for this file

TestAssetStore::getFileID() — Method in class TestAssetStore
TestAssetStore::getOriginalFilename() — Method in class TestAssetStore
TestAssetStore::getFilesystemFor() — Method in class TestAssetStore
TestAssetStore::getDefaultConflictResolution() — Method in class TestAssetStore
VersionedFilesMigrator::getFinder() — Method in class VersionedFilesMigrator
VersionedFilesMigrator::getLog() — Method in class VersionedFilesMigrator
File::get_shortcodes() — Method in class File
File::getTreeTitle() — Method in class File
File::getCMSFields() — Method in class File

List of basic content editable file fields.

File::getStatusTitle() — Method in class File

Get title for current file status

File::get_app_category() — Method in class File

Returns a category based on the file extension.

File::get_category_extensions() — Method in class File

For a category or list of categories, get the list of file extensions

File::getAbsoluteURL() — Method in class File

Gets the URL of this file

File::getURL() — Method in class File

Gets the URL of this file

File::getSourceURL() — Method in class File

Get URL, but without resampling.

File::generateFilename() — Method in class File

Get expected value of Filename tuple value. Will be used to trigger a file move on draft stage.

File::getExtension() — Method in class File

Returns the file extension

File::get_file_extension() — Method in class File

Gets the extension of a filepath or filename, by stripping away everything before the last "dot".

File::get_icon_for_extension() — Method in class File

Given an extension, determine the icon that should be used

File::getFileType() — Method in class File

Return the type of file for the given extension on the current file name.

File::get_file_type() — Method in class File

Get descriptive type of file based on filename

File::getSize() — Method in class File

Returns the size of the file type in an appropriate format.

File::getAbsoluteSize() — Method in class File

Return file size in bytes.

File::get_class_for_file_extension() — Method in class File

Maps a {@link File} subclass to a specific extension.

File::getMetaData() — Method in class File

Get metadata for this file

File::getMimeType() — Method in class File

Get mime type

File::getStream() — Method in class File
File::getString() — Method in class File
File::getIsImage() — Method in class File

Determine if a valid non-empty image exists behind this asset

File::getFilename() — Method in class File

Get value of filename

File::getHash() — Method in class File

Get value of hash

File::getVariant() — Method in class File

Get value of variant

File::getTag() — Method in class File

Return a html5 tag of the appropriate for this file (normally img or a)

File::getVisibility() — Method in class File

Determine visibility of the given file

File::grantFile() — Method in class File

Ensures that access to the specified protected file is granted for the current user.

File::getPermissionChecker() — Method in class File
File::getAllowedExtensions() — Method in class File

Get the list of globally allowed file extensions for file uploads.

FileFinder::getOption() — Method in class FileFinder

Returns an option value set on this instance.

FileNameFilter::getReplacements() — Method in class FileNameFilter
FileNameFilter::getTransliterator() — Method in class FileNameFilter
FileNameFilter::getDefaultName() — Method in class FileNameFilter
FlysystemAssetStore::getPublicFilesystem() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Get the currently assigned flysystem backend

FlysystemAssetStore::getProtectedFilesystem() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Get filesystem to use for non-public files

FlysystemAssetStore::getCapabilities() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Return list of feature capabilities of this backend as an array.

FlysystemAssetStore::getVisibility() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Determine visibility of the given file

FlysystemAssetStore::getAsStream() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Get a stream for this file

FlysystemAssetStore::getAsString() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Get contents of a given file

FlysystemAssetStore::getAsURL() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Get the url for the file

FlysystemAssetStore::grant() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Ensures that access to the specified protected file is granted for the current user.

FlysystemAssetStore::getMetadata() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Get metadata for this file, if available

FlysystemAssetStore::getMimeType() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Get mime type of this file

FlysystemAssetStore::getResponseFor() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Generate a custom HTTP response for a request to a given asset, identified by a path.

GeneratedAssetsClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Flysystem

Simple Flysystem implementation of GeneratedAssetHandler for storing generated content

GeneratedAssets::getFilesystem() — Method in class GeneratedAssets

Get the asset backend

GeneratedAssets::getContentURL() — Method in class GeneratedAssets

Returns a URL to a generated asset, if one is available.

GeneratedAssets::getContent() — Method in class GeneratedAssets

Returns the content for a generated asset, if one is available.

ProtectedAdapter::getProtectedUrl() — Method in class ProtectedAdapter

Provide downloadable url that is restricted to granted users

ProtectedAssetAdapter::getProtectedUrl() — Method in class ProtectedAssetAdapter

Provide secure downloadable

PublicAdapter::getPublicUrl() — Method in class PublicAdapter

Provide downloadable url that is open to the public

PublicAssetAdapter::getPublicUrl() — Method in class PublicAssetAdapter

Provide downloadable url

Folder::getIcon() — Method in class Folder

Return the relative URL of an icon for this file type

Folder::getTitle() — Method in class Folder

Get the folder title

Folder::getSize() — Method in class Folder

A folder doesn't have a (meaningful) file size.

Folder::getTreeTitle() — Method in class Folder
Folder::getFilename() — Method in class Folder

Get value of filename

Folder::getURL() — Method in class Folder

Folders do not have public URLs

Folder::getAbsoluteURL() — Method in class Folder

Folders do not have public URLs

Image::getIsImage() — Method in class Image

Determine if a valid non-empty image exists behind this asset

ImageManipulation::getAllowGeneration() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Check if resizes are allowed

ImageManipulation::getString() — Method in class ImageManipulation
ImageManipulation::getStream() — Method in class ImageManipulation
ImageManipulation::getURL() — Method in class ImageManipulation
ImageManipulation::getAbsoluteURL() — Method in class ImageManipulation
ImageManipulation::getMetaData() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Get metadata for this file

ImageManipulation::getMimeType() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Get mime type

ImageManipulation::getAbsoluteSize() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Return file size in bytes.

ImageManipulation::getFilename() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Get value of filename

ImageManipulation::getHash() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Get value of hash

ImageManipulation::getVariant() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Get value of variant

ImageManipulation::getIsImage() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Determine if a valid non-empty image exists behind this asset

ImageManipulation::getIcon() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Return the relative URL of an icon for the file type, based on the {@link appCategory()} value.

ImageManipulation::getImageBackend() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Get Image_Backend instance for this image

ImageManipulation::getWidth() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Get the width of this image.

ImageManipulation::getHeight() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Get the height of this image.

ImageManipulation::getOrientation() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Get the orientation of this image.

Image_Backend::getWidth() — Method in class Image_Backend
Image_Backend::getHeight() — Method in class Image_Backend
Image_Backend::getImageResource() — Method in class Image_Backend

Get the currently assigned image resource

InterventionBackend::getTempPath() — Method in class InterventionBackend
InterventionBackend::getCache() — Method in class InterventionBackend
InterventionBackend::getAssetContainer() — Method in class InterventionBackend
InterventionBackend::getImageManager() — Method in class InterventionBackend
InterventionBackend::getImageResource() — Method in class InterventionBackend

Get the currently assigned image resource, or generates one if not yet assigned.

InterventionBackend::getQuality() — Method in class InterventionBackend
InterventionBackend::getWidth() — Method in class InterventionBackend
InterventionBackend::getHeight() — Method in class InterventionBackend
FileLinkTracking::getFileParser() — Method in class FileLinkTracking

FileParser for link tracking

FileShortcodeProvider::get_shortcodes() — Method in class FileShortcodeProvider

Gets the list of shortcodes provided by this handler

FileShortcodeProvider::getCacheKey() — Method in class FileShortcodeProvider

Generates a cachekey with the given parameters

FileShortcodeProvider::getCache() — Method in class FileShortcodeProvider

Gets the cache used by this provider

ImageShortcodeProvider::get_shortcodes() — Method in class ImageShortcodeProvider

Gets the list of shortcodes provided by this handler

ImageShortcodeProvider::getCache() — Method in class ImageShortcodeProvider

Gets the cache used by this provider

AssetContainer::getString() — Method in class AssetContainer
AssetContainer::getStream() — Method in class AssetContainer
AssetContainer::getURL() — Method in class AssetContainer
AssetContainer::getAbsoluteURL() — Method in class AssetContainer
AssetContainer::getMetaData() — Method in class AssetContainer

Get metadata for this file

AssetContainer::getMimeType() — Method in class AssetContainer

Get mime type

AssetContainer::getAbsoluteSize() — Method in class AssetContainer

Return file size in bytes.

AssetContainer::getIsImage() — Method in class AssetContainer

Determine if a valid non-empty image exists behind this asset

AssetContainer::getVisibility() — Method in class AssetContainer

Determine visibility of the given file

AssetContainer::getFilename() — Method in class AssetContainer

Get value of filename

AssetContainer::getHash() — Method in class AssetContainer

Get value of hash

AssetContainer::getVariant() — Method in class AssetContainer

Get value of variant

AssetContainer::grantFile() — Method in class AssetContainer

Ensures that access to the specified protected file is granted for the current user.

AssetNameGenerator::getMaxTries() — Method in class AssetNameGenerator

Number of attempts allowed

AssetStore::getCapabilities() — Method in class AssetStore

Return list of feature capabilities of this backend as an array.

AssetStore::getAsString() — Method in class AssetStore

Get contents of a given file

AssetStore::getAsStream() — Method in class AssetStore

Get a stream for this file

AssetStore::getAsURL() — Method in class AssetStore

Get the url for the file

AssetStore::getMetadata() — Method in class AssetStore

Get metadata for this file, if available

AssetStore::getMimeType() — Method in class AssetStore

Get mime type of this file

AssetStore::getVisibility() — Method in class AssetStore

Determine visibility of the given file

AssetStore::grant() — Method in class AssetStore

Ensures that access to the specified protected file is granted for the current user.

AssetStoreRouter::getResponseFor() — Method in class AssetStoreRouter

Generate a custom HTTP response for a request to a given asset, identified by a path.

DBFile::getIsImage() — Method in class DBFile

Determine if a valid non-empty image exists behind this asset, which is a format compatible with image manipulations

DBFile::getTag() — Method in class DBFile

Return a html5 tag of the appropriate for this file (normally img or a)

DBFile::getFrontendTemplate() — Method in class DBFile

Determine the template to render as on the frontend

DBFile::getBasename() — Method in class DBFile

Get trailing part of filename

DBFile::getExtension() — Method in class DBFile

Get file extension

DBFile::getTitle() — Method in class DBFile

Alt title for this

DBFile::getStream() — Method in class DBFile
DBFile::getString() — Method in class DBFile
DBFile::getURL() — Method in class DBFile
DBFile::getSourceURL() — Method in class DBFile

Get URL, but without resampling.

DBFile::getAbsoluteURL() — Method in class DBFile

Get the absolute URL to this resource

DBFile::getMetaData() — Method in class DBFile

Get metadata for this file

DBFile::getMimeType() — Method in class DBFile

Get mime type

DBFile::getValue() — Method in class DBFile

Returns the value of this field.

DBFile::getVisibility() — Method in class DBFile

Determine visibility of the given file

DBFile::getFilename() — Method in class DBFile

Get value of filename

DBFile::getHash() — Method in class DBFile

Get value of hash

DBFile::getVariant() — Method in class DBFile

Get value of variant

DBFile::getAbsoluteSize() — Method in class DBFile

Return file size in bytes.

DBFile::getAllowedCategories() — Method in class DBFile

Get list of allowed file categories

DBFile::getSize() — Method in class DBFile

Returns the size of the file type in an appropriate format.

DBFile::grantFile() — Method in class DBFile

Ensures that access to the specified protected file is granted for the current user.

DefaultAssetNameGenerator::getMaxTries() — Method in class DefaultAssetNameGenerator

Number of attempts allowed

GeneratedAssetHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Storage

Interface to define a handler for persistent generated files

GeneratedAssetHandler::getContentURL() — Method in class GeneratedAssetHandler

Returns a URL to a generated asset, if one is available.

GeneratedAssetHandler::getContent() — Method in class GeneratedAssetHandler

Returns the content for a generated asset, if one is available.

ProtectedFileController::getRouteHandler() — Method in class ProtectedFileController
Upload::getValidator() — Method in class Upload

Get current validator

Upload::getReplaceFile() — Method in class Upload
Upload::getFile() — Method in class Upload

Get file-object, either generated from {load()}, or manually set.

Upload::getErrors() — Method in class Upload

Return all errors that occurred while processing so far (mostly set by {loadUploaded()})

Upload::getDefaultVisibility() — Method in class Upload

Get default visibility for uploaded files. {see AssetStore} One of the values of AssetStore::VISIBILITY_* constants

Upload_Validator::getErrors() — Method in class Upload_Validator

Return all errors that occurred while validating the temporary file.

Upload_Validator::getLargestAllowedMaxFileSize() — Method in class Upload_Validator

Returns the largest maximum filesize allowed across all extensions

Upload_Validator::getAllowedMaxFileSize() — Method in class Upload_Validator

Get maximum file size for all or specified file extension.

Upload_Validator::getAllowedExtensions() — Method in class Upload_Validator
Upload_Validator::getFileExtension() — Method in class Upload_Validator

Return the extension of the uploaded file, in lowercase Returns an empty string for files without an extension

CMSBatchAction_Archive::getActionTitle() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Archive

The the text to show in the dropdown for this action

CMSBatchAction_Publish::getActionTitle() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Publish

The the text to show in the dropdown for this action

CMSBatchAction_Restore::getActionTitle() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Restore

The the text to show in the dropdown for this action

CMSBatchAction_Unpublish::getActionTitle() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Unpublish

The the text to show in the dropdown for this action

CMSMain::getResponseNegotiator() — Method in class CMSMain

Caution: Volatile API.

CMSMain::getTabIdentifier() — Method in class CMSMain

Return the active tab identifier for the CMS. Used by templates to decide which tab to give the active state.

CMSMain::getHintsCache() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::getSiteTreeFor() — Method in class CMSMain

Get a site tree HTML listing which displays the nodes under the given criteria.

CMSMain::getTreeNodeClasses() — Method in class CMSMain

Get extra CSS classes for a page's tree node

CMSMain::getsubtree() — Method in class CMSMain

Get a subtree underneath the request param 'ID'.

CMSMain::getSearchContext() — Method in class CMSMain

This provides information required to generate the search form and can be modified on extensions through updateSearchContext

CMSMain::getSearchFieldSchema() — Method in class CMSMain

Returns the search form schema for the current model

CMSMain::getSearchForm() — Method in class CMSMain

Returns a Form for page searching for use in templates.

CMSMain::getBreadcrumbsBackLink() — Method in class CMSMain

Get "back" url for breadcrumbs

CMSMain::getRecord() — Method in class CMSMain

Get a database record to be managed by the CMS.

CMSMain::getEditForm() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::getList() — Method in class CMSMain

Returns the pages meet a certain criteria as {see CMSSiteTreeFilter} or the subpages of a parent page defaulting to no filter and show all pages in first level.

CMSMain::getNewItem() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSPageEditController::getClientConfig() — Method in class CMSPageEditController

Returns configuration required by the client app.

CMSPageEditController::getAddToCampaignForm() — Method in class CMSPageEditController
CMSPageSettingsController::getEditForm() — Method in class CMSPageSettingsController
CMSPageSettingsController::getTabIdentifier() — Method in class CMSPageSettingsController

Return the active tab identifier for the CMS. Used by templates to decide which tab to give the active state.

CMSSiteTreeFilter::get_all_filters() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter

Returns a sorted array of all implementators of CMSSiteTreeFilter, suitable for use in a dropdown.

CMSSiteTreeFilter::getChildrenMethod() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter

Method on {@link Hierarchy} objects which is used to traverse into children relationships.

CMSSiteTreeFilter::getNumChildrenMethod() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter

Method on {@link Hierarchy} objects which is used find the number of children for a parent page

CMSSiteTreeFilter::getPageClasses() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter

Given a page, determine any additional CSS classes to apply to the tree node

CMSSiteTreeFilter::getFilteredPages() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter

Gets the list of filtered pages

CMSSiteTreeFilter_ChangedPages::getFilteredPages() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_ChangedPages

Gets the list of filtered pages

CMSSiteTreeFilter_DeletedPages::getFilteredPages() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_DeletedPages

Gets the list of filtered pages

CMSSiteTreeFilter_PublishedPages::getFilteredPages() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_PublishedPages

Filters out all pages who's status who's status that doesn't exist on live

CMSSiteTreeFilter_Search::getFilteredPages() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_Search

Retun an array of maps containing the keys, 'ID' and 'ParentID' for each page to be displayed in the search.

CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDeletedPages::getFilteredPages() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDeletedPages

Filters out all pages who's status is set to "Deleted".

CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDraftPages::getFilteredPages() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDraftPages

Filters out all pages who's status is set to "Draft".

CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusRemovedFromDraftPages::getFilteredPages() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusRemovedFromDraftPages

Filters out all pages who's status is set to "Removed from draft".

ContentController::getMenu() — Method in class ContentController

Returns a fixed navigation menu of the given level.

ContentController::getViewer() — Method in class ContentController

Return an SSViewer object to render the template for the current page.

LeftAndMainPageIconsExtension::generatePageIconsCss() — Method in class LeftAndMainPageIconsExtension

Include CSS for page icons. We're not using the JSTree 'types' option because it causes too much performance overhead just to add some icons.

ModelAsController::getNestedController() — Method in class ModelAsController
RootURLController::get_homepage_link() — Method in class RootURLController

Get the full form (e.g. /home/) relative link to the home page for the current HTTP_HOST value. Note that the link is trimmed of leading and trailing slashes before returning to ensure consistency.

SilverStripeNavigator::getItems() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigator
SilverStripeNavigator::getRecord() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigator
SilverStripeNavigator::get_for_record() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigator
SilverStripeNavigatorItem::getHTML() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem
SilverStripeNavigatorItem::getTitle() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem
SilverStripeNavigatorItem::getName() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem

Machine-friendly name.

SilverStripeNavigatorItem::getLink() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem

Optional link to a specific view of this record.

SilverStripeNavigatorItem::getMessage() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem
SilverStripeNavigatorItem::getRecord() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem
SilverStripeNavigatorItem::getPriority() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem
SilverStripeNavigatorItem_ArchiveLink::getHTML() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_ArchiveLink
SilverStripeNavigatorItem_ArchiveLink::getTitle() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_ArchiveLink
SilverStripeNavigatorItem_ArchiveLink::getMessage() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_ArchiveLink
SilverStripeNavigatorItem_ArchiveLink::getLink() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_ArchiveLink

Optional link to a specific view of this record.

SilverStripeNavigatorItem_CMSLink::getHTML() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_CMSLink
SilverStripeNavigatorItem_CMSLink::getTitle() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_CMSLink
SilverStripeNavigatorItem_CMSLink::getLink() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_CMSLink

Optional link to a specific view of this record.

SilverStripeNavigatorItem_LiveLink::getHTML() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_LiveLink
SilverStripeNavigatorItem_LiveLink::getTitle() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_LiveLink
SilverStripeNavigatorItem_LiveLink::getMessage() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_LiveLink
SilverStripeNavigatorItem_LiveLink::getLink() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_LiveLink

Optional link to a specific view of this record.

SilverStripeNavigatorItem_StageLink::getHTML() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_StageLink
SilverStripeNavigatorItem_StageLink::getTitle() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_StageLink
SilverStripeNavigatorItem_StageLink::getMessage() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_StageLink
SilverStripeNavigatorItem_StageLink::getLink() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_StageLink

Optional link to a specific view of this record.

AnchorLinkFormFactory::getRequiredContext() — Method in class AnchorLinkFormFactory

Return list of mandatory context keys

AnchorSelectorField::getSchemaDataDefaults() — Method in class AnchorSelectorField

Gets the defaults for $schemaData.

InternalLinkModalExtension::getOwner() — Method in class InternalLinkModalExtension
SiteTreeURLSegmentField::getAttributes() — Method in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField
SiteTreeURLSegmentField::getPage() — Method in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField
SiteTreeURLSegmentField::getHelpText() — Method in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField
SiteTreeURLSegmentField::getURLPrefix() — Method in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField
SiteTreeURLSegmentField::getURLSuffix() — Method in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField
SiteTreeURLSegmentField::getDefaultURL() — Method in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField
SiteTreeURLSegmentField::getURL() — Method in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField
RedirectorPage::getCMSFields() — Method in class RedirectorPage
RedirectorPageController::getContent() — Method in class RedirectorPageController

If we ever get this far, it means that the redirection failed.

SiteTree::get_by_link() — Method in class SiteTree

Fetches the {@link SiteTree} object that maps to a link.

SiteTree::getMimeType() — Method in class SiteTree

To determine preview mechanism (e.g. embedded / iframe)

SiteTree::getAbsoluteLiveLink() — Method in class SiteTree

Get the absolute URL for this page on the Live site.

SiteTree::getBreadcrumbItems() — Method in class SiteTree

Returns a list of breadcrumbs for the current page.

SiteTree::getParent() — Method in class SiteTree

Get the parent of this page.

SiteTree::getCreatableChildrenCache() — Method in class SiteTree
SiteTree::getSiteConfig() — Method in class SiteTree

Stub method to get the site config, unless the current class can provide an alternate.

SiteTree::getPermissionChecker() — Method in class SiteTree
SiteTree::generateURLSegment() — Method in class SiteTree

Generate a URL segment based on the title provided.

SiteTree::getStageURLSegment() — Method in class SiteTree

Gets the URL segment for the latest draft version of this page.

SiteTree::getLiveURLSegment() — Method in class SiteTree

Gets the URL segment for the currently published version of this page.

SiteTree::getCMSFields() — Method in class SiteTree

Returns a FieldList with which to create the main editing form.

SiteTree::getSettingsFields() — Method in class SiteTree

Returns fields related to configuration aspects on this record, e.g. access control. See {@link getCMSFields()} for content-related fields.

SiteTree::getCMSActions() — Method in class SiteTree

Get the actions available in the CMS for this page - eg Save, Publish.

SiteTree::getMenuTitle() — Method in class SiteTree

Get the title for use in menus for this page. If the MenuTitle field is set it returns that, else it returns the Title field.

SiteTree::getStatusFlags() — Method in class SiteTree

A flag provides the user with additional data about the current page status, for example a "removed from draft" status. Each page can have more than one status flag. Returns a map of a unique key to a (localized) title for the flag. The unique key can be reused as a CSS class. Use the 'updateStatusFlags' extension point to customize the flags.

SiteTree::getIconClass() — Method in class SiteTree

Returns the CSS class used for the page icon in the site tree.

SiteTree::getTreeTitle() — Method in class SiteTree

getTreeTitle will return three html DOM elements, an empty with the class 'jstree-pageicon' in front, following by a wrapping around its MenuTitle, then following by a indicating its publication status.

SiteTree::getPageLevel() — Method in class SiteTree

Gets the depth of this page in the sitetree, where 1 is the root level

SiteTree::getControllerName() — Method in class SiteTree

Find the controller name by our convention of {$ModelClass}Controller Can be overriden by config variable

SiteTree::getPageIconURL() — Method in class SiteTree

Generate link to this page's icon

SiteTree::getParentType() — Method in class SiteTree

Returns 'root' if the current page has no parent, or 'subpage' otherwise

SiteTree::getAnchorsOnPage() — Method in class SiteTree
SiteTreeFolderExtension::getUnusedFilesListFilter() — Method in class SiteTreeFolderExtension

Looks for files used in system and create where clause which contains all ID's of files.

SiteTreeLinkTracking::getParser() — Method in class SiteTreeLinkTracking

Parser for link tracking

VirtualPage::getVirtualFields() — Method in class VirtualPage

Generates the array of fields required for the page type.

VirtualPage::getNonVirtualisedFields() — Method in class VirtualPage

List of fields or properties to never virtualise

VirtualPage::getCMSFields() — Method in class VirtualPage

Generate the CMS fields from the fields from the original page.

VirtualPage::getSettingsFields() — Method in class VirtualPage
VirtualPage::getViewerTemplates() — Method in class VirtualPage

Use the target page's class name for fetching templates - as we need to take on its appearance

VirtualPage::getField() — Method in class VirtualPage
VirtualPage::getControllerName() — Method in class VirtualPage


BrokenFilesReport::group() — Method in class BrokenFilesReport
BrokenFilesReport::getParameterFields() — Method in class BrokenFilesReport
BrokenRedirectorPagesReport::group() — Method in class BrokenRedirectorPagesReport
BrokenRedirectorPagesReport::getParameterFields() — Method in class BrokenRedirectorPagesReport
BrokenVirtualPagesReport::group() — Method in class BrokenVirtualPagesReport
BrokenVirtualPagesReport::getParameterFields() — Method in class BrokenVirtualPagesReport
EmptyPagesReport::group() — Method in class EmptyPagesReport
RecentlyEditedReport::group() — Method in class RecentlyEditedReport
SearchForm::getClassesToSearch() — Method in class SearchForm

Get the classes to search

SearchForm::getResults() — Method in class SearchForm

Return dataObjectSet of the results using current request to get info from form.

SearchForm::getSearchQuery() — Method in class SearchForm

Get the search query for display in a "You searched for ..." sentence.

SearchForm::getPageLength() — Method in class SearchForm
RemoveOrphanedPagesTask::getOrphanedPages() — Method in class RemoveOrphanedPagesTask

Gets all orphans from "Stage" and "Live" stages.

CampaignAdmin::getClientConfig() — Method in class CampaignAdmin

Returns configuration required by the client app.

CampaignAdmin::getEditForm() — Method in class CampaignAdmin

Calls {@link SiteTree->getCMSFields()} by default to determine the form fields to display.

CampaignAdmin::getCampaignEditForm() — Method in class CampaignAdmin
CampaignAdmin::getCampaignCreateForm() — Method in class CampaignAdmin

Build create form

CampaignAdminList::getSchemaDataDefaults() — Method in class CampaignAdminList

Gets the defaults for $schemaData.

CachedConfigCollection::getNestFactory() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection

Get callback for nesting the inner collection

CachedConfigCollection::get() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection

Fetches value for a class, or a property on that class

CachedConfigCollection::getAll() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection

Get complete config (excludes middleware)

CachedConfigCollection::getMetadata() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection

Returns the entire metadata

CachedConfigCollection::getHistory() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection
CachedConfigCollection::getCollection() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection

Get or build collection

CachedConfigCollection::getCollectionCreator() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection
CachedConfigCollection::getCache() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection
CachedConfigCollection::getFlush() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection
ConfigCollectionInterface::get() — Method in class ConfigCollectionInterface

Fetches value for a class, or a property on that class

ConfigCollectionInterface::getMetadata() — Method in class ConfigCollectionInterface

Returns the entire metadata

ConfigCollectionInterface::getHistory() — Method in class ConfigCollectionInterface
ConfigCollectionInterface::getMiddlewares() — Method in class ConfigCollectionInterface
ConfigCollectionInterface::getAll() — Method in class ConfigCollectionInterface

Get complete config (excludes middleware)

DeltaConfigCollection::getDeltaMiddleware() — Method in class DeltaConfigCollection

Get middleware for handling deltas

DeltaConfigCollection::getMiddlewares() — Method in class DeltaConfigCollection
DeltaConfigCollection::getDeltas() — Method in class DeltaConfigCollection

Get deltas for the given class

MemoryConfigCollection::get() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection

Fetches value for a class, or a property on that class

MemoryConfigCollection::getAll() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection

Get complete config (excludes middleware-applied config)

MemoryConfigCollection::getMetadata() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection

Returns the entire metadata

MemoryConfigCollection::getHistory() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection
DeltaMiddleware::getCollection() — Method in class DeltaMiddleware
DeltaMiddleware::getClassConfig() — Method in class DeltaMiddleware

Get config for a class

Middleware::getClassConfig() — Method in class Middleware

Get config for a class

MiddlewareAware::getMiddlewares() — Method in class MiddlewareAware
MiddlewareCommon::getDisableFlag() — Method in class MiddlewareCommon

Get flag to use to disable this middleware

PrivateStaticTransformer::getClasses() — Method in class PrivateStaticTransformer
ContentNegotiator::getEnabled() — Method in class ContentNegotiator

Gets the current enabled status, if it is not set this will fallback to config

Controller::getURLParams() — Method in class Controller

Returns the parameters extracted from the URL by the {@link Director}.

Controller::getResponse() — Method in class Controller

Returns the HTTPResponse object that this controller is building up. Can be used to set the status code and headers.

Controller::getAction() — Method in class Controller

Returns the action that is being executed on this controller.

Controller::getViewer() — Method in class Controller

Return the viewer identified being the default handler for this Controller/Action combination.

Controller::get_template_global_variables() — Method in class Controller
Cookie::get_inst() — Method in class Cookie

Fetch the current instance of the cookie backend.

Cookie::get() — Method in class Cookie

Get the cookie value by name. Returns null if not set.

Cookie::get_all() — Method in class Cookie

Get all the cookies.

CookieJar::get() — Method in class CookieJar

Get the cookie value by name

CookieJar::getAll() — Method in class CookieJar

Get all the cookies

Cookie_Backend::get() — Method in class Cookie_Backend

Get the cookie value by name

Cookie_Backend::getAll() — Method in class Cookie_Backend

Get all the cookies

Director::get_current_page() — Method in class Director

Return the {@link SiteTree} object that is currently being viewed. If there is no SiteTree object to return, then this will return the current controller.

Director::getAbsFile() — Method in class Director

Given a filesystem reference relative to the site root, return the full file-system path.

Director::get_environment_type() — Method in class Director

Can also be checked with {@link Director::isDev()}, {@link Director::isTest()}, and {@link Director::isLive()}.

Director::get_template_global_variables() — Method in class Director

Returns an array of strings of the method names of methods on the call that should be exposed as global variables in the templates.

Email::getSendAllEmailsTo() — Method in class Email

Get send_all_emails_to

Email::getCCAllEmailsTo() — Method in class Email

Get cc_all_emails_to

Email::getBCCAllEmailsTo() — Method in class Email

Get bcc_all_emails_to

Email::getSendAllEmailsFrom() — Method in class Email

Get send_all_emails_from

Email::getSwiftMessage() — Method in class Email
Email::getFrom() — Method in class Email
Email::getSender() — Method in class Email
Email::getReturnPath() — Method in class Email
Email::getTo() — Method in class Email
Email::getCC() — Method in class Email
Email::getBCC() — Method in class Email
Email::getReplyTo() — Method in class Email
Email::getSubject() — Method in class Email
Email::getPriority() — Method in class Email
Email::getData() — Method in class Email
Email::getBody() — Method in class Email
Email::getHTMLTemplate() — Method in class Email
Email::getPlainTemplate() — Method in class Email

Get the template to render the plain part with

Email::getFailedRecipients() — Method in class Email
Email::generatePlainPartFromBody() — Method in class Email

Automatically adds a plain part to the email generated from the current Body

SwiftMailer::getSwiftMailer() — Method in class SwiftMailer
HTTP::getLinksIn() — Method in class HTTP
HTTP::getImagesIn() — Method in class HTTP
HTTP::get_mime_type() — Method in class HTTP

Get the MIME type based on a file's extension. If the finfo class exists in PHP, and the file exists relative to the project root, then use that extension, otherwise fallback to a list of commonly known MIME types.

HTTP::gmt_date() — Method in class HTTP

Return an {@link http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2822 RFC 2822} date in the GMT timezone (a timestamp is always in GMT: the number of seconds since January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT)

HTTP::get_cache_age() — Method in class HTTP

Return static variable cache_age in second

HTTPApplication::getFlushDiscoverer() — Method in class HTTPApplication

Returns the current flush discoverer

HTTPApplication::getKernel() — Method in class HTTPApplication

Get the kernel for this application

HTTPRequest::getBody() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::getVars() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::getVar() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::getExtension() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Returns a possible file extension found in parsing the URL as denoted by a "."-character near the end of the URL.

HTTPRequest::getHeaders() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::getHeader() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Remove an existing HTTP header

HTTPRequest::getURL() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Returns the URL used to generate the page

HTTPRequest::getHost() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::getIP() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Returns the client IP address which originated this request.

HTTPRequest::getAcceptMimetypes() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Returns all mimetypes from the HTTP "Accept" header as an array.

HTTPRequest::getScheme() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Return the URL scheme (e.g. "http" or "https").

HTTPRequest::getSession() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPResponse::getProtocolVersion() — Method in class HTTPResponse
HTTPResponse::getStatusCode() — Method in class HTTPResponse
HTTPResponse::getStatusDescription() — Method in class HTTPResponse
HTTPResponse::getBody() — Method in class HTTPResponse
HTTPResponse::getHeader() — Method in class HTTPResponse

Return the HTTP header of the given name.

HTTPResponse::getHeaders() — Method in class HTTPResponse
HTTPResponse_Exception::getResponse() — Method in class HTTPResponse_Exception
HTTPStreamResponse::getStream() — Method in class HTTPStreamResponse
HTTPStreamResponse::getSavedBody() — Method in class HTTPStreamResponse

Get body prior to stream traversal

HTTPStreamResponse::getBody() — Method in class HTTPStreamResponse
HasRequestHandler::getRequestHandler() — Method in class HasRequestHandler
AllowedHostsMiddleware::getAllowedHosts() — Method in class AllowedHostsMiddleware
CanonicalURLMiddleware::getForceSSLPatterns() — Method in class CanonicalURLMiddleware
CanonicalURLMiddleware::getForceSSLDomain() — Method in class CanonicalURLMiddleware
CanonicalURLMiddleware::getForceWWW() — Method in class CanonicalURLMiddleware
CanonicalURLMiddleware::getForceSSL() — Method in class CanonicalURLMiddleware
CanonicalURLMiddleware::getForceBasicAuthToSSL() — Method in class CanonicalURLMiddleware
CanonicalURLMiddleware::getRedirectType() — Method in class CanonicalURLMiddleware
CanonicalURLMiddleware::getEnabledEnvs() — Method in class CanonicalURLMiddleware

Get enabled flag, or list of environments to enable in.

ConfirmationMiddleware::getConfirmationItems() — Method in class ConfirmationMiddleware

Extract the confirmation items from the request and return

EnvironmentBypass::getEnvironments() — Method in class EnvironmentBypass

Returns the list of environments

GetParameterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware\ConfirmationMiddleware

A rule to match a GET parameter within HTTPRequest

GetParameter::getName() — Method in class GetParameter

Return the parameter name

GetParameter::getRequestConfirmationItem() — Method in class GetParameter

Check the request by the rule and return a confirmation item

HttpMethodBypass::getMethods() — Method in class HttpMethodBypass

Returns the list of methods

PathAware::getPath() — Method in class PathAware

Returns the path

Rule::getRequestConfirmationItem() — Method in class Rule

Check the request by the rule and return a confirmation item

Url::getHttpMethods() — Method in class Url

Returns HTTP methods to be checked

Url::getRequestConfirmationItem() — Method in class Url

Check the request by the rule and return a confirmation item

UrlPathStartswith::getRequestConfirmationItem() — Method in class UrlPathStartswith

Check the request by the rule and return a confirmation item

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::getVary() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Get current vary keys

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::getState() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Get current state

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::getStateDirective() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Low level method to get the value of a directive for a state.

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::getDirective() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Get the value of the given directive for the current state

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::getStateDirectives() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Get directives for the given state

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::getDirectives() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Get all directives for the currently active state

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::generateHeadersFor() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Generate all headers to output

HTTPMiddlewareAware::getMiddlewares() — Method in class HTTPMiddlewareAware
PermissionAwareConfirmationMiddleware::getAffectedPermissions() — Method in class PermissionAwareConfirmationMiddleware

Returns the list of permissions that are affected

PermissionAwareConfirmationMiddleware::getEnforceAuthentication() — Method in class PermissionAwareConfirmationMiddleware

Returns flag whether we want to enforce authentication or not

RateLimitMiddleware::getExtraKey() — Method in class RateLimitMiddleware
RateLimitMiddleware::getMaxAttempts() — Method in class RateLimitMiddleware
RateLimitMiddleware::getDecay() — Method in class RateLimitMiddleware
RateLimitMiddleware::getRateLimiter() — Method in class RateLimitMiddleware
RequestHandlerMiddlewareAdapter::getRequestHandler() — Method in class RequestHandlerMiddlewareAdapter
TrustedProxyMiddleware::getTrustedProxyIPs() — Method in class TrustedProxyMiddleware

Return the comma-separated list of IP ranges that are trusted to provide proxy headers Can also be 'none' or '*' (all)

TrustedProxyMiddleware::getProxyHostHeaders() — Method in class TrustedProxyMiddleware

Return the array of headers from which to lookup the hostname

TrustedProxyMiddleware::getProxyIPHeaders() — Method in class TrustedProxyMiddleware

Return the array of headers from which to lookup the client IP

TrustedProxyMiddleware::getProxySchemeHeaders() — Method in class TrustedProxyMiddleware

Return the array of headers from which to lookup the client scheme (http/https)

NestedController::getNestedController() — Method in class NestedController

Get overriding controller

PjaxResponseNegotiator::getResponse() — Method in class PjaxResponseNegotiator
PjaxResponseNegotiator::getFragmentOverride() — Method in class PjaxResponseNegotiator
RSSFeed::getTemplate() — Method in class RSSFeed

Returns the name of the template to use.

RSSFeed::getTemplates() — Method in class RSSFeed

Returns the ordered list of preferred templates for rendering this object.

RequestHandler::getRequest() — Method in class RequestHandler

Returns the HTTPRequest object that this controller is using.

RequestHandler::getBackURL() — Method in class RequestHandler

Safely get the value of the BackURL param, if provided via querystring / posted var

RequestHandler::getReferer() — Method in class RequestHandler

Get referer

Session::get() — Method in class Session

Get session value

Session::getAll() — Method in class Session

Get all values

SimpleResourceURLGenerator::getNonceStyle() — Method in class SimpleResourceURLGenerator
Application::getKernel() — Method in class Application

Get the kernel for this application

RateLimiter::getCache() — Method in class RateLimiter
RateLimiter::getIdentifier() — Method in class RateLimiter
RateLimiter::getMaxAttempts() — Method in class RateLimiter
RateLimiter::getDecay() — Method in class RateLimiter
RateLimiter::getNumAttempts() — Method in class RateLimiter
RateLimiter::getNumAttemptsRemaining() — Method in class RateLimiter
RateLimiter::getTimeToReset() — Method in class RateLimiter
ClassInfo::getValidSubClasses() — Method in class ClassInfo

Returns the manifest of all classes which are present in the database.

ConfigLoader::getManifest() — Method in class ConfigLoader

Returns the currently active class manifest instance that is used for loading classes.

Config_ForClass::get() — Method in class Config_ForClass
ExtensionMiddleware::getClassConfig() — Method in class ExtensionMiddleware

Get config for a class

InheritanceMiddleware::getClassConfig() — Method in class InheritanceMiddleware

Get config for a class

CoreKernel::getEnvironment() — Method in class CoreKernel

Get the environment type

CoreKernel::getNestedFrom() — Method in class CoreKernel
CoreKernel::getContainer() — Method in class CoreKernel
CoreKernel::getInjectorLoader() — Method in class CoreKernel

Get loader for injector instance

CoreKernel::getClassLoader() — Method in class CoreKernel
CoreKernel::getModuleLoader() — Method in class CoreKernel
CoreKernel::getConfigLoader() — Method in class CoreKernel
CoreKernel::getThemeResourceLoader() — Method in class CoreKernel
Environment::getVariables() — Method in class Environment

Extract env vars prior to modification

Environment::getMemoryLimitMax() — Method in class Environment
Environment::getTimeLimitMax() — Method in class Environment
Environment::getEnv() — Method in class Environment

Get value of environment variable

Extensible::get_extensions() — Method in class Extensible
Extensible::get_extra_config_sources() — Method in class Extensible

Get extra config sources for this class

Extensible::getExtensionInstance() — Method in class Extensible

Get an extension instance attached to this object by name.

Extensible::getExtensionInstances() — Method in class Extensible

Get all extension instances for this specific object instance.

Extension::getOwner() — Method in class Extension

Returns the owner of this extension.

Extension::get_classname_without_arguments() — Method in class Extension

Helper method to strip eval'ed arguments from a string that's passed to {@link DataObject::$extensions} or {@link Object::add_extension()}.

Injector::getObjectCreator() — Method in class Injector
Injector::getConfigLocator() — Method in class Injector

Retrieve the configuration locator

Injector::getServiceName() — Method in class Injector

Does the given service exist, and if so, what's the stored name for it?

Injector::get() — Method in class Injector

Get a named managed object

Injector::getServiceSpec() — Method in class Injector

Search for spec, lazy-loading in from config locator.

InjectorLoader::getManifest() — Method in class InjectorLoader

Returns the currently active class manifest instance that is used for loading classes.

Kernel::getContainer() — Method in class Kernel
Kernel::getClassLoader() — Method in class Kernel
Kernel::getInjectorLoader() — Method in class Kernel

Get loader for injector instance

Kernel::getModuleLoader() — Method in class Kernel
Kernel::getConfigLoader() — Method in class Kernel
Kernel::getThemeResourceLoader() — Method in class Kernel
Kernel::getEnvironment() — Method in class Kernel

One of dev, live, or test

ClassLoader::getManifest() — Method in class ClassLoader

Returns the currently active class manifest instance that is used for loading classes.

ClassLoader::getItemPath() — Method in class ClassLoader

Returns the path for a class or interface in the currently active manifest, or any previous ones if later manifests aren't set to "exclusive".

ClassManifest::getParser() — Method in class ClassManifest

Get or create active parser

ClassManifest::getTraverser() — Method in class ClassManifest

Get node traverser for parsing class files

ClassManifest::getVisitor() — Method in class ClassManifest

Get visitor for parsing class files

ClassManifest::getItemPath() — Method in class ClassManifest

Returns the file path to a class or interface if it exists in the manifest.

ClassManifest::getItemName() — Method in class ClassManifest

Return correct case name

ClassManifest::getClasses() — Method in class ClassManifest

Returns a map of lowercased class names to file paths.

ClassManifest::getClassNames() — Method in class ClassManifest

Returns a map of lowercase class names to proper class names in the manifest

ClassManifest::getTraits() — Method in class ClassManifest

Returns a map of lowercased trait names to file paths.

ClassManifest::getTraitNames() — Method in class ClassManifest

Returns a map of lowercase trait names to proper trait names in the manifest

ClassManifest::getDescendants() — Method in class ClassManifest

Returns an array of all the descendant data.

ClassManifest::getDescendantsOf() — Method in class ClassManifest

Returns an array containing all the descendants (direct and indirect) of a class.

ClassManifest::getInterfaces() — Method in class ClassManifest

Returns a map of lowercased interface names to file locations.

ClassManifest::getInterfaceNames() — Method in class ClassManifest

Return map of lowercase interface names to proper case names in the manifest

ClassManifest::getImplementors() — Method in class ClassManifest

Returns a map of lowercased interface names to the classes the implement them.

ClassManifest::getImplementorsOf() — Method in class ClassManifest

Returns an array containing the class names that implement a certain interface.

ClassManifest::getOwnerModule() — Method in class ClassManifest

Get module that owns this class

ClassManifestVisitor::getClasses() — Method in class ClassManifestVisitor
ClassManifestVisitor::getTraits() — Method in class ClassManifestVisitor
ClassManifestVisitor::getInterfaces() — Method in class ClassManifestVisitor
Module::getName() — Method in class Module

Gets name of this module. Used as unique key and identifier for this module.

Module::getComposerName() — Method in class Module

Get full composer name. Will be null if no composer.json is available

Module::getExposedFolders() — Method in class Module

Get list of folders that need to be made available

Module::getShortName() — Method in class Module

Gets "short" name of this module. This is the base directory this module is installed in.

Module::getResourcesDir() — Method in class Module

Name of the resource directory where vendor resources should be exposed as defined by the extra.resources-dir key in the composer file. A blank string will will be returned if the key is undefined.

Module::getPath() — Method in class Module

Get base path for this module

Module::getRelativePath() — Method in class Module

Get path relative to base dir.

Module::getResource() — Method in class Module

Get resource for this module

Module::getRelativeResourcePath() — Method in class Module
Module::getResourcePath() — Method in class Module
Module::getResourceURL() — Method in class Module
ModuleLoader::getModule() — Method in class ModuleLoader

Get module by name from the current manifest.

ModuleLoader::getManifest() — Method in class ModuleLoader

Returns the currently active class manifest instance that is used for loading classes.

ModuleManifest::getModule() — Method in class ModuleManifest

Get module by name

ModuleManifest::getModules() — Method in class ModuleManifest

Get modules found

ModuleManifest::getModuleByPath() — Method in class ModuleManifest

Get module that contains the given path

ModuleResource::getPath() — Method in class ModuleResource

Return the full filesystem path to this resource.

ModuleResource::getRelativePath() — Method in class ModuleResource

Get the path of this resource relative to the base path.

ModuleResource::getURL() — Method in class ModuleResource

Public URL to this resource.

ModuleResource::getModule() — Method in class ModuleResource
ModuleResource::getRelativeResource() — Method in class ModuleResource

Get nested resource relative to this.

ModuleResourceLoader::get_template_global_variables() — Method in class ModuleResourceLoader

Called by SSViewer to get a list of global variables to expose to the template, the static method to call on this class to get the value for those variables, and the class to use for casting the returned value for use in a template

PrioritySorter::getSortedList() — Method in class PrioritySorter

Sorts the items and returns a new version of $this->items

VersionProvider::getVersion() — Method in class VersionProvider

Gets a comma delimited string of package titles and versions

VersionProvider::getModules() — Method in class VersionProvider

Gets the configured core modules to use for the SilverStripe application version. Filtering is used to ensure that modules can turn the result off for other modules, e.g. CMS can disable Framework.

VersionProvider::getModuleVersionFromComposer() — Method in class VersionProvider

Tries to obtain version number from composer.lock if it exists

TempFolder::getTempFolder() — Method in class TempFolder

Returns the temporary folder path that silverstripe should use for its cache files.

TempFolder::getTempFolderUsername() — Method in class TempFolder

Returns as best a representation of the current username as we can glean.

Backtrace::get_rendered_backtrace() — Method in class Backtrace

Render a backtrace array into an appropriate plain-text or HTML string.

BuildTask::getTitle() — Method in class BuildTask
BuildTask::getDescription() — Method in class BuildTask
BulkLoader::getOptionFields() — Method in class BulkLoader

Return a FieldList containing all the options for this form; this doesn't include the actual upload field itself

BulkLoader::getImportSpec() — Method in class BulkLoader

Get a specification of all available columns and relations on the used model.

CSSContentParser::getBySelector() — Method in class CSSContentParser

Returns a number of SimpleXML elements that match the given CSS selector.

CSSContentParser::getByXpath() — Method in class CSSContentParser

Allows querying the content through XPATH selectors.

Deprecation::get_enabled() — Method in class Deprecation

Determine if deprecation notices should be displayed

DevelopmentAdmin::generatesecuretoken() — Method in class DevelopmentAdmin

Generate a secure token which can be used as a crypto key.

FixtureBlueprint::getDefaults() — Method in class FixtureBlueprint
FixtureBlueprint::getClass() — Method in class FixtureBlueprint
FixtureFactory::getId() — Method in class FixtureFactory

Get the ID of an object from the fixture.

FixtureFactory::getIds() — Method in class FixtureFactory

Return all of the IDs in the fixture of a particular class name.

FixtureFactory::get() — Method in class FixtureFactory

Get an object from the fixture.

FixtureFactory::getFixtures() — Method in class FixtureFactory
FixtureFactory::getBlueprints() — Method in class FixtureFactory
FixtureFactory::getBlueprint() — Method in class FixtureFactory
FunctionalTest::get() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Submit a get request

FunctionalTest::get_disable_themes() — Method in class FunctionalTest
FunctionalTest::get_use_draft_site() — Method in class FunctionalTest
DatabaseAdapterRegistry::get_adapters() — Method in class DatabaseAdapterRegistry

Return all registered adapters

DatabaseAdapterRegistry::get_adapter() — Method in class DatabaseAdapterRegistry

Returns registry data for a class

DatabaseAdapterRegistry::get_default_fields() — Method in class DatabaseAdapterRegistry

Retrieves default field configuration

DatabaseAdapterRegistry::getDatabaseConfigurationHelper() — Method in class DatabaseAdapterRegistry

Build configuration helper for a given class

DatabaseConfigurationHelper::getDatabaseVersion() — Method in class DatabaseConfigurationHelper

Determines the version of the database server

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::getDatabaseVersion() — Method in class MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Determines the version of the database server

SapphireTest::getIllegalExtensions() — Method in class SapphireTest

Gets illegal extensions for this class

SapphireTest::getRequiredExtensions() — Method in class SapphireTest

Gets required extensions for this class

SapphireTest::get_fixture_file() — Method in class SapphireTest
SapphireTest::getUsesDatabase() — Method in class SapphireTest
SapphireTest::getUsesTransactions() — Method in class SapphireTest
SapphireTest::getRequireDefaultRecordsFrom() — Method in class SapphireTest
SapphireTest::getFixtureFactory() — Method in class SapphireTest
SapphireTest::getExtraDataObjects() — Method in class SapphireTest

Return all extra objects to scaffold for this test

SapphireTest::getExtraControllers() — Method in class SapphireTest

Get additional controller classes to register routes for

FixtureTestState::getFixtureFactory() — Method in class FixtureTestState
GlobalsTestStateClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\State

Cleans up and reset global env vars between tests

SapphireTestState::getStates() — Method in class SapphireTestState
SapphireTestState::getStateByName() — Method in class SapphireTestState
SapphireTestState::getStateByClass() — Method in class SapphireTestState
MigrateFileTask::getDescription() — Method in class MigrateFileTask
TestSession::get() — Method in class TestSession

Submit a get request

TestSession_STResponseWrapper::getContent() — Method in class TestSession_STResponseWrapper
TestSession_STResponseWrapper::getError() — Method in class TestSession_STResponseWrapper
TestSession_STResponseWrapper::getSent() — Method in class TestSession_STResponseWrapper
TestSession_STResponseWrapper::getHeaders() — Method in class TestSession_STResponseWrapper
TestSession_STResponseWrapper::getMethod() — Method in class TestSession_STResponseWrapper
TestSession_STResponseWrapper::getUrl() — Method in class TestSession_STResponseWrapper
TestSession_STResponseWrapper::getRequestData() — Method in class TestSession_STResponseWrapper
YamlFixture::getFixtureFile() — Method in class YamlFixture
YamlFixture::getFixtureString() — Method in class YamlFixture
ErrorPage::getCMSFields() — Method in class ErrorPage
ErrorPage::get_content_for_errorcode() — Method in class ErrorPage
ErrorPageExtension::getContentForErrorcode() — Method in class ErrorPageExtension

Returns statically cached content for a given error code

ErrorPageExtension::getAssetHandler() — Method in class ErrorPageExtension
ErrorPageExtension::getCodes() — Method in class ErrorPageExtension
ErrorPageExtension::getDefaultRecordsData() — Method in class ErrorPageExtension

Returns an array of arrays, each of which defines properties for a new ErrorPage record.

ErrorPageFileExtension::getErrorRecordFor() — Method in class ErrorPageFileExtension

Used by see FileShortcodeProvider::handle_shortcode()

CheckboxField::getAttributes() — Method in class CheckboxField

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

CheckboxField_Readonly::getValueCast() — Method in class CheckboxField_Readonly

Get custom cating helper for Value() field

CheckboxSetField::getOptions() — Method in class CheckboxSetField

Gets the list of options to render in this formfield

CheckboxSetField::getAttributes() — Method in class CheckboxSetField

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

CompositeField::getSchemaDataDefaults() — Method in class CompositeField

Merge child field data into this form

CompositeField::getChildren() — Method in class CompositeField

Accessor method for $this->children

CompositeField::getName() — Method in class CompositeField

Returns the name (ID) for the element.

CompositeField::getTag() — Method in class CompositeField
CompositeField::getLegend() — Method in class CompositeField
CompositeField::getAttributes() — Method in class CompositeField

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

CompositeField::getColumnCount() — Method in class CompositeField
ConfirmedPasswordField::getChildren() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Returns the children of this field for use in templating.

ConfirmedPasswordField::getShowOnClickTitle() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField
ConfirmedPasswordField::getRequireExistingPassword() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Check if existing password is required

ConfirmedPasswordField::getPasswordField() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField
ConfirmedPasswordField::getConfirmPasswordField() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField
ConfirmedPasswordField::getMinLength() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField
ConfirmedPasswordField::getMaxLength() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField
ConfirmedPasswordField::getRequireStrongPassword() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField
CurrencyField::getSchemaValidation() — Method in class CurrencyField

Return list of validation rules. Each rule is a key value pair.

DatalessField::getAttributes() — Method in class DatalessField

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

DatalessField::getAllowHTML() — Method in class DatalessField
DateField::getHTML5() — Method in class DateField
DateField::getDateLength() — Method in class DateField

Get length of the date format to use. One of:

DateField::getDateFormat() — Method in class DateField

Get date format in CLDR standard format

DateField::getAttributes() — Method in class DateField
DateField::getSchemaDataDefaults() — Method in class DateField

Gets the defaults for $schemaData.

DateField::getLocale() — Method in class DateField

Get locale to use for this field

DateField::getSchemaValidation() — Method in class DateField

Return list of validation rules. Each rule is a key value pair.

DateField::getMinDate() — Method in class DateField
DateField::getMaxDate() — Method in class DateField
DateField_Disabled::getHTML5() — Method in class DateField_Disabled
DatetimeField::getAttributes() — Method in class DatetimeField
DatetimeField::getSchemaDataDefaults() — Method in class DatetimeField
DatetimeField::getHTML5() — Method in class DatetimeField
DatetimeField::getDatetimeFormat() — Method in class DatetimeField

Get date format in CLDR standard format

DatetimeField::getDateLength() — Method in class DatetimeField

Get length of the date format to use. One of:

DatetimeField::getTimeLength() — Method in class DatetimeField

Get length of the date format to use. One of:

DatetimeField::getLocale() — Method in class DatetimeField

Get locale for this field

DatetimeField::getMinDatetime() — Method in class DatetimeField
DatetimeField::getMaxDatetime() — Method in class DatetimeField
DatetimeField::getTimezone() — Method in class DatetimeField
DropdownField::getHasEmptyDefault() — Method in class DropdownField

A required DropdownField must have a user selected attribute, so require an empty default for a required field

EmailField::getSchemaValidation() — Method in class EmailField

Return list of validation rules. Each rule is a key value pair.

FieldGroup::getName() — Method in class FieldGroup

Returns the name (ID) for the element.

FieldGroup::getZebra() — Method in class FieldGroup
FieldGroup::getMessage() — Method in class FieldGroup
FieldGroup::getMessageType() — Method in class FieldGroup
FieldGroup::getMessageCast() — Method in class FieldGroup

Casting type for this message. Will be 'text' or 'html'

FieldList::getContainerField() — Method in class FieldList
FieldList::getIterator() — Method in class FieldList
FileField::getAttributes() — Method in class FileField

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

FileField::getRelationAutoSetting() — Method in class FileField

Check if relation can be automatically assigned to the underlying dataobject

FileHandleField::getAttributes() — Method in class FileHandleField
FileHandleField::getFolderName() — Method in class FileHandleField
FileHandleField::getAllowedExtensions() — Method in class FileHandleField
FileUploadReceiver::getRecord() — Method in class FileUploadReceiver

Get the record to use as "Parent" for uploaded Files (eg a Page with a has_one to File) If none is set, it will use Form->getRecord() or Form->Controller()->data()

FileUploadReceiver::getItems() — Method in class FileUploadReceiver

Retrieves the current list of files

FileUploadReceiver::getItemIDs() — Method in class FileUploadReceiver

Retrieves the list of selected file IDs

FileUploadReceiver::getRelationAutosetClass() — Method in class FileUploadReceiver

Gets the foreign class that needs to be created, or 'File' as default if there is no relationship, or it cannot be determined.

FileUploadReceiver::getRelationAutoSetting() — Method in class FileUploadReceiver

Check if relation can be automatically assigned to the underlying dataobject

Form::getNotifyUnsavedChanges() — Method in class Form
Form::getSessionData() — Method in class Form

Return any form data stored in the session

Form::getSessionValidationResult() — Method in class Form

Return any ValidationResult instance stored for this object

Form::getValidationResponseCallback() — Method in class Form
Form::getRedirectToFormOnValidationError() — Method in class Form

Get whether the user should be redirected back down to the form on the page upon validation errors

Form::getValidator() — Method in class Form

Get the {@link Validator} attached to this form.

Form::getValidationExemptActions() — Method in class Form

Get a list of actions that are exempt from validation

Form::getExtraFields() — Method in class Form

Generate extra special fields - namely the security token field (if required).

Form::getAttribute() — Method in class Form
Form::getAttributes() — Method in class Form
Form::getAttributesHTML() — Method in class Form

Return the attributes of the form tag - used by the templates.

Form::getTemplateHelper() — Method in class Form

Return a {@link FormTemplateHelper} for this form. If one has not been set, return the default helper.

Form::getTemplate() — Method in class Form

Return the template to render this form with.

Form::getTemplates() — Method in class Form

Returs the ordered list of preferred templates for rendering this form If the template isn't set, then default to the form class name e.g "Form".

Form::getEncType() — Method in class Form

Returns the encoding type for the form.

Form::getStrictFormMethodCheck() — Method in class Form
Form::getHTMLID() — Method in class Form
Form::getController() — Method in class Form

Get the controller or parent request handler.

Form::getName() — Method in class Form

Get the name of the form.

Form::getRecord() — Method in class Form

Returns the DataObject that has given this form its data through {@link loadDataFrom()}.

Form::getLegend() — Method in class Form

Get the legend value to be inserted into the

element in Form.ss
Form::getData() — Method in class Form

Get the submitted data from this form through {@link FieldList->dataFields()}, which filters out any form-specific data like form-actions.

Form::getSecurityToken() — Method in class Form

Returns the security token for this form (if any exists).

Form::getRequestHandler() — Method in class Form

Get request handler for this form

FormAction::getSchemaDataDefaults() — Method in class FormAction

Add extra options to data

FormAction::getIcon() — Method in class FormAction

Get button icon, if supported

FormAction::getInputType() — Method in class FormAction

Returns the field input name.

FormAction::getAttributes() — Method in class FormAction

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

FormAction::getButtonContent() — Method in class FormAction

Gets the content inside the button field. This is raw HTML, and should be used sparingly.

FormAction::getUseButtonTag() — Method in class FormAction

Determine if this action is rendered as a

FormAction::getValidationExempt() — Method in class FormAction

Get whether this action can be performed without validating the data

FormFactory::getForm() — Method in class FormFactory

Generates the form

FormFactory::getRequiredContext() — Method in class FormFactory

Return list of mandatory context keys

FormField::getTemplateHelper() — Method in class FormField

Returns the current {@link FormTemplateHelper} on either the parent Form or the global helper set through the {@link Injector} layout.

FormField::getName() — Method in class FormField

Returns the field name.

FormField::getInputType() — Method in class FormField

Returns the field input name.

FormField::getAttribute() — Method in class FormField

Get an HTML attribute defined by the field, or added through {@link setAttribute()}.

FormField::getAttributes() — Method in class FormField

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

FormField::getAttributesHTML() — Method in class FormField

Custom attributes to process. Falls back to {@link getAttributes()}.

FormField::getForm() — Method in class FormField

Get the currently used form.

FormField::getCustomValidationMessage() — Method in class FormField

Get the custom error message for this form field. If a custom message has not been defined then just return blank. The default error is defined on {@link Validator}.

FormField::getTemplate() — Method in class FormField
FormField::getFieldHolderTemplate() — Method in class FormField
FormField::getSmallFieldHolderTemplate() — Method in class FormField
FormField::getTemplates() — Method in class FormField

Returns an array of templates to use for rendering {@link FieldHolder}.

FormField::getFieldHolderTemplates() — Method in class FormField

Returns an array of templates to use for rendering {@link FieldHolder}.

FormField::getSmallFieldHolderTemplates() — Method in class FormField

Returns an array of templates to use for rendering {@link SmallFieldHolder}.

FormField::getDescription() — Method in class FormField
FormField::getContainerFieldList() — Method in class FormField

Get the FieldList that contains this field.

FormField::getSchemaComponent() — Method in class FormField

Gets the type of front-end component the FormField will be rendered as.

FormField::getSchemaData() — Method in class FormField

Gets the schema data used to render the FormField on the front-end.

FormField::getSchemaDataType() — Method in class FormField
FormField::getSchemaDataDefaults() — Method in class FormField

Gets the defaults for $schemaData.

FormField::getSchemaState() — Method in class FormField

Gets the schema state used to render the FormField on the front-end.

FormField::getSchemaStateDefaults() — Method in class FormField

Gets the defaults for $schemaState.

FormField::getSchemaValidation() — Method in class FormField

Return list of validation rules. Each rule is a key value pair.

FormMessage::getMessage() — Method in class FormMessage

Returns the field message, used by form validation.

FormMessage::getMessageType() — Method in class FormMessage

Returns the field message type.

FormMessage::getMessageCast() — Method in class FormMessage

Casting type for this message. Will be 'text' or 'html'

FormMessage::getSchemaMessage() — Method in class FormMessage

Get form schema encoded message

FormMessageBootstrapExtension::getAlertType() — Method in class FormMessageBootstrapExtension

Maps a SilverStripe message type to a Bootstrap alert type

FormScaffolder::getFieldList() — Method in class FormScaffolder

Gets the form fields as defined through the metadata on {@link $obj} and the custom parameters passed to FormScaffolder.

FormTemplateHelper::generateFormID() — Method in class FormTemplateHelper
FormTemplateHelper::generateFieldHolderID() — Method in class FormTemplateHelper
FormTemplateHelper::generateFieldID() — Method in class FormTemplateHelper

Generate the field ID value

AbstractRequestAwareStore::getRequest() — Method in class AbstractRequestAwareStore
GridFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Displays a {@link SS_List} in a grid format.

GridField::getModelClass() — Method in class GridField

Returns a data class that is a DataObject type that this GridField should look like.

GridField::getReadonlyComponents() — Method in class GridField

Return the readonly components

GridField::getConfig() — Method in class GridField
GridField::getComponents() — Method in class GridField
GridField::getCastedValue() — Method in class GridField

Cast an arbitrary value with the help of a $castingDefinition.

GridField::getList() — Method in class GridField

Get the data source.

GridField::getManipulatedList() — Method in class GridField

Get the data source after applying every {@link GridField_DataManipulator} to it.

GridField::getState() — Method in class GridField

Get the current GridState_Data or the GridState.

GridField::getAttributes() — Method in class GridField

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

GridField::getColumns() — Method in class GridField

Get the columns of this GridField, they are provided by attached GridField_ColumnProvider.

GridField::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridField

Get the value from a column.

GridField::getDataFieldValue() — Method in class GridField

Get the value of a named field on the given record.

GridField::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridField

Get extra columns attributes used as HTML attributes.

GridField::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridField

Get metadata for a column.

GridField::getColumnCount() — Method in class GridField

Return how many columns the grid will have.

GridField::gridFieldAlterAction() — Method in class GridField

This is the action that gets executed when a GridField_AlterAction gets clicked.

GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

This class is is responsible for adding objects to another object's has_many and many_many relation, as defined by the {@link RelationList} passed to the {@link GridField} constructor.

GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter
GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter
GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::getManipulatedData() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter

If an object ID is set, add the object to the list

GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::getURLHandlers() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter
GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::getResultsFormat() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter
GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::getSearchFields() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter
GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::getPlaceholderText() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter
GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::getResultsLimit() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter

Gets the maximum number of autocomplete results to display.

GridFieldAddNewButtonClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

This component provides a button for opening the add new form provided by {@link GridFieldDetailForm}.

GridFieldAddNewButton::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldAddNewButton

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridFieldButtonRowClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Adding this class to a {@link GridFieldConfig} of a {@link GridField} adds a button row to that field.

GridFieldButtonRow::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldButtonRow

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridFieldComponentClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Base interface for all components that can be added to GridField.

GridFieldConfigClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Encapsulates a collection of components following the {@link GridFieldComponent} interface. While the {@link GridField} itself has some configuration in the form of setters, most of the details are dealt with through components.

GridFieldConfig::getComponents() — Method in class GridFieldConfig
GridFieldConfig::getComponentsByType() — Method in class GridFieldConfig

Returns all components extending a certain class, or implementing a certain interface.

GridFieldConfig::getComponentByType() — Method in class GridFieldConfig

Returns the first available component with the given class or interface.

GridFieldConfig_BaseClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

A simple readonly, paginated view of records, with sortable and searchable headers.

GridFieldConfig_RecordEditorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Allows editing of records contained within the GridField, instead of only allowing the ability to view records in the GridField.

GridFieldConfig_RecordViewerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Allows viewing readonly details of individual records.

GridFieldConfig_RelationEditorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Similar to {@link GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor}, but adds features to work on has-many or many-many relationships.

GridFieldDataColumnsClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField
GridFieldDataColumns::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns

Names of all columns which are affected by this component.

GridFieldDataColumns::getDisplayFields() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns

Get the DisplayFields

GridFieldDataColumns::getFieldCasting() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns
GridFieldDataColumns::getFieldFormatting() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns
GridFieldDataColumns::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns

HTML for the column, content of the element.

GridFieldDataColumns::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns

Attributes for the element containing the content returned by {@link getColumnContent()}.

GridFieldDataColumns::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns

Additional metadata about the column which can be used by other components, e.g. to set a title for a search column header.

GridFieldDeleteActionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

This class is a {@link GridField} component that adds a delete action for objects.

GridFieldDeleteAction::getTitle() — Method in class GridFieldDeleteAction
GridFieldDeleteAction::getGroup() — Method in class GridFieldDeleteAction
GridFieldDeleteAction::getExtraData() — Method in class GridFieldDeleteAction
GridFieldDeleteAction::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldDeleteAction

Return any special attributes that will be used for FormField::create_tag()

GridFieldDeleteAction::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridFieldDeleteAction

Add the title

GridFieldDeleteAction::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridFieldDeleteAction

Which columns are handled by this component

GridFieldDeleteAction::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldDeleteAction

Which GridField actions are this component handling

GridFieldDeleteAction::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldDeleteAction
GridFieldDeleteAction::getRemoveRelation() — Method in class GridFieldDeleteAction

Get whether to remove or delete the relation

GridFieldDetailFormClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Provides view and edit forms at GridField-specific URLs.

GridFieldDetailForm::getURLHandlers() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm

Return URLs to be handled by this grid field, in an array the same form as $url_handlers.

GridFieldDetailForm::getTemplate() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm::getName() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm::getShowPagination() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm::getShowAdd() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm::getValidator() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm::getFields() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm::getItemRequestClass() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm::getItemEditFormCallback() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequestClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField
GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::getEditLink() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest

Gets the edit link for a record

GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::getPreviousRecordID() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest

Gets the ID of the previous record in the list.

GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::getNextRecordID() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest

Gets the ID of the next record in the list.

GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::getTemplate() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::getTemplates() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest

Get list of templates to use

GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::getController() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::getGridField() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::getRecord() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
GridFieldEditButtonClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Provides the entry point to editing a single record presented by the {@link GridField}.

GridFieldEditButton::getTitle() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton
GridFieldEditButton::getGroup() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton
GridFieldEditButton::getExtraData() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton
GridFieldEditButton::getUrl() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton
GridFieldEditButton::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton

Return any special attributes that will be used for FormField::create_tag()

GridFieldEditButton::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton

Add the title

GridFieldEditButton::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton

Which columns are handled by this component

GridFieldEditButton::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton

Which GridField actions are this component handling.

GridFieldEditButton::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton
GridFieldEditButton::getExtraClass() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton

Get the extra HTML classes to add for edit buttons

GridFieldExportButtonClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Adds an "Export list" button to the bottom of a {@link GridField}.

GridFieldExportButton::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton

Place the export button in a

tag below the field

GridFieldExportButton::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton

export is an action button

GridFieldExportButton::getURLHandlers() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton

it is also a URL

GridFieldExportButton::generateExportFileData() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton

Generate export fields for CSV.

GridFieldExportButton::getExportColumns() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton
GridFieldExportButton::getCsvSeparator() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton
GridFieldExportButton::getCsvEnclosure() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton
GridFieldExportButton::getCsvHasHeader() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton
GridFieldFilterHeaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

GridFieldFilterHeader alters the {@link GridField} with some filtering fields in the header of each column.

GridFieldFilterHeader::getURLHandlers() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader
GridFieldFilterHeader::getThrowExceptionOnBadDataType() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader

See {@link setThrowExceptionOnBadDataType()}

GridFieldFilterHeader::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader

If the GridField has a filterable datalist, return an array of actions

GridFieldFilterHeader::getManipulatedData() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader
GridFieldFilterHeader::getSearchContext() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader

Generate a search context based on the model class of the of the GridField

GridFieldFilterHeader::getSearchFieldSchema() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader

Returns the search field schema for the component

GridFieldFilterHeader::getSearchForm() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader

Returns the search form for the component

GridFieldFilterHeader::getSearchFormSchema() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader

Returns the search form schema for the component

GridFieldFilterHeader::getLegacyFilterHeader() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader

Generate fields for the legacy filter header row

GridFieldFilterHeader::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader

Either returns the legacy filter header or the search button and field

GridFieldFooterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Adding this class to a {@link GridFieldConfig} of a {@link GridField} adds a footer bar to that field.

GridFieldFooter::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldFooter

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridFieldGroupDeleteActionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Adds a delete action for the gridfield to remove a relationship from group.

GridFieldGroupDeleteAction::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldGroupDeleteAction
GridFieldGroupDeleteAction::getGroup() — Method in class GridFieldGroupDeleteAction

Get the ActionMenu group (not related to Member group)

GridFieldImportButtonClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField
GridFieldImportButton::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldImportButton

Place the export button in a

tag below the field

GridFieldImportButton::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldImportButton

export is an action button

GridFieldImportButton::getModalTitle() — Method in class GridFieldImportButton
GridFieldImportButton::getImportForm() — Method in class GridFieldImportButton
GridFieldImportButton::getImportIframe() — Method in class GridFieldImportButton
GridFieldLazyLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

GridFieldLazyLoader alters the {@link GridField} behavior to delay rendering of rows until the tab containing the GridField is selected by the user.

GridFieldLazyLoader::getManipulatedData() — Method in class GridFieldLazyLoader

Empty $datalist if the current request should be lazy loadable.

GridFieldLazyLoader::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldLazyLoader

Apply an appropriate CSS class to $gridField based on whatever the current request is lazy loadable or not.

GridFieldLevelupClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Adds a "level up" link to a GridField table, which is useful when viewing hierarchical data. Requires the managed record to have a "getParent()" method or has_one relationship called "Parent".

GridFieldLevelup::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldLevelup
GridFieldLevelup::getAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldLevelup
GridFieldLevelup::getLinkSpec() — Method in class GridFieldLevelup
GridFieldPageCountClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

GridFieldPage displays a simple current page count summary.

GridFieldPageCount::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldPageCount
GridFieldPaginatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

GridFieldPaginator paginates the {@link GridField} list and adds controls to the bottom of the {@link GridField}.

GridFieldPaginator::getThrowExceptionOnBadDataType() — Method in class GridFieldPaginator

See {@link setThrowExceptionOnBadDataType()}

GridFieldPaginator::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldPaginator
GridFieldPaginator::getManipulatedData() — Method in class GridFieldPaginator
GridFieldPaginator::getTemplateParameters() — Method in class GridFieldPaginator

Determines arguments to be passed to the template for building this field

GridFieldPaginator::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldPaginator
GridFieldPaginator::getItemsPerPage() — Method in class GridFieldPaginator
GridFieldPrintButtonClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Adds an "Print" button to the bottom or top of a GridField.

GridFieldPrintButton::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButton

Place the print button in a

tag below the field

GridFieldPrintButton::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButton

Print is an action button.

GridFieldPrintButton::getURLHandlers() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButton

Print is accessible via the url

GridFieldPrintButton::getTitle() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButton

Return the title of the printed page

GridFieldPrintButton::generatePrintData() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButton

Export core.

GridFieldPrintButton::getPrintColumns() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButton
GridFieldPrintButton::getPrintHasHeader() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButton
GridFieldSortableHeaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

GridFieldSortableHeader adds column headers to a {@link GridField} that can also sort the columns.

GridFieldSortableHeader::getThrowExceptionOnBadDataType() — Method in class GridFieldSortableHeader

See {@link setThrowExceptionOnBadDataType()}

GridFieldSortableHeader::getFieldSorting() — Method in class GridFieldSortableHeader
GridFieldSortableHeader::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldSortableHeader

Returns the header row providing titles with sort buttons

GridFieldSortableHeader::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldSortableHeader
GridFieldSortableHeader::getManipulatedData() — Method in class GridFieldSortableHeader

Returns the manipulated (sorted) DataList. Field names will simply add an 'ORDER BY' clause, relation names will add appropriate joins to the {@link DataQuery} first.

GridFieldStateAwareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

A trait that makes a class able to consume and use a {@link GridFieldStateManagerInterface} implementation

GridFieldStateAware::getStateManager() — Method in class GridFieldStateAware

Fallback on the direct Injector access, but allow a custom implementation to be applied

GridFieldStateManagerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Creates a unique key for the gridfield, and uses that to write to and retrieve its state from the request

GridFieldStateManager::getStateKey() — Method in class GridFieldStateManager
GridFieldStateManager::getStateFromRequest() — Method in class GridFieldStateManager
GridFieldStateManagerInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Defines a class that can create a key for a gridfield and apply its state to a request, and consume state from the request

GridFieldStateManagerInterface::getStateKey() — Method in class GridFieldStateManagerInterface
GridFieldStateManagerInterface::getStateFromRequest() — Method in class GridFieldStateManagerInterface
GridFieldToolbarHeaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Adding this class to a {@link GridFieldConfig} of a {@link GridField} adds a header title to that field.

GridFieldToolbarHeader::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldToolbarHeader
GridFieldVersionedStateClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField
GridFieldViewButtonClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

A button that allows a user to view readonly details of a record. This is disabled by default and intended for use in readonly {@link GridField} instances.

GridFieldViewButton::getTitle() — Method in class GridFieldViewButton
GridFieldViewButton::getGroup() — Method in class GridFieldViewButton
GridFieldViewButton::getExtraData() — Method in class GridFieldViewButton
GridFieldViewButton::getUrl() — Method in class GridFieldViewButton
GridFieldViewButton::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridFieldViewButton

Names of all columns which are affected by this component.

GridFieldViewButton::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldViewButton

HTML for the column, content of the element.

GridFieldViewButton::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldViewButton

Attributes for the element containing the content returned by {@link getColumnContent()}.

GridFieldViewButton::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridFieldViewButton

Additional metadata about the column which can be used by other components, e.g. to set a title for a search column header.

GridField_ActionMenuClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Groups exiting actions in the Actions column in to a menu

GridField_ActionMenu::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridField_ActionMenu

Names of all columns which are affected by this component.

GridField_ActionMenu::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridField_ActionMenu

HTML for the column, content of the element.

GridField_ActionMenu::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridField_ActionMenu

Attributes for the element containing the content returned by {@link getColumnContent()}.

GridField_ActionMenu::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridField_ActionMenu

Additional metadata about the column which can be used by other components, e.g. to set a title for a search column header.

GridField_ActionMenu::getActions() — Method in class GridField_ActionMenu

Return a list of the actions handled by this action provider.

GridField_ActionMenu::getItems() — Method in class GridField_ActionMenu

Gets the list of items setup

GridField_ActionMenuItemClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

GridField action menu item interface, this provides data so the action will be included if there is a {see GridField_ActionMenu}

GridField_ActionMenuItem::getTitle() — Method in class GridField_ActionMenuItem

Gets the title for this menu item

GridField_ActionMenuItem::getExtraData() — Method in class GridField_ActionMenuItem

Gets any extra data that could go in to the schema that the menu generates

GridField_ActionMenuItem::getGroup() — Method in class GridField_ActionMenuItem

Gets the group this menu item will belong to. A null value should indicate the button should not display.

GridField_ActionMenuLinkClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Allows GridField_ActionMenuItem to act as a link

GridField_ActionMenuLink::getUrl() — Method in class GridField_ActionMenuLink

Gets the action url for this menu item

GridField_ActionProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

An action is defined by two things: an action name, and zero or more named arguments.

GridField_ActionProvider::getActions() — Method in class GridField_ActionProvider

Return a list of the actions handled by this action provider.

GridField_ColumnProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Add a new column to the table display body, or modify existing columns.

GridField_ColumnProvider::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridField_ColumnProvider

Names of all columns which are affected by this component.

GridField_ColumnProvider::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridField_ColumnProvider

HTML for the column, content of the element.

GridField_ColumnProvider::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridField_ColumnProvider

Attributes for the element containing the content returned by {@link getColumnContent()}.

GridField_ColumnProvider::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridField_ColumnProvider

Additional metadata about the column which can be used by other components, e.g. to set a title for a search column header.

GridField_DataManipulatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Can modify the data list.

GridField_DataManipulator::getManipulatedData() — Method in class GridField_DataManipulator

Manipulate the {@link SS_List} as needed by this grid modifier.

GridField_FormActionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

This class is the base class when you want to have an action that alters the state of the {@link GridField}, rendered as a button element.

GridField_FormAction::getAttributes() — Method in class GridField_FormAction
GridField_HTMLProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

A GridField manipulator that provides HTML for the header/footer rows, or f or before/after the template.

GridField_HTMLProvider::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridField_HTMLProvider

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridField_SaveHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

A component which is used to handle when a {@link GridField} is saved into a record.

GridField_URLHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Sometimes an action isn't enough: you need to provide additional support URLs for the {@link GridField}.

GridField_URLHandler::getURLHandlers() — Method in class GridField_URLHandler

Return URLs to be handled by this grid field, in an array the same form as $url_handlers.

GridStateClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

This class is a snapshot of the current status of a {@link GridField}.

GridState::getData() — Method in class GridState
GridState::getList() — Method in class GridState
GridState_ComponentClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField
GridState_Component::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridState_Component

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridState_DataClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField

Simple set of data, similar to stdClass, but without the notice-level errors.

GridState_Data::getData() — Method in class GridState_Data

Retrieve the value for the given key

GroupedDropdownFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Grouped dropdown, using optgroup tags.

GroupedDropdownField::getSourceValues() — Method in class GroupedDropdownField
HTMLEditorConfig::get() — Method in class HTMLEditorConfig

Get the HTMLEditorConfig object for the given identifier. This is a correct way to get an HTMLEditorConfig instance - do not call 'new'

HTMLEditorConfig::getThemes() — Method in class HTMLEditorConfig

Gets the current themes, if it is not set this will fallback to config

HTMLEditorConfig::get_active_identifier() — Method in class HTMLEditorConfig

Get the currently active configuration identifier. Will fall back to default_config if unassigned.

HTMLEditorConfig::get_active() — Method in class HTMLEditorConfig

Get the currently active configuration object

HTMLEditorConfig::get_available_configs_map() — Method in class HTMLEditorConfig

Get the available configurations as a map of friendly_name to configuration name.

HTMLEditorConfig::getOption() — Method in class HTMLEditorConfig

Get the current value of an option

HTMLEditorConfig::getAttributes() — Method in class HTMLEditorConfig

Associative array of data-attributes to apply to the underlying text-area

HTMLEditorConfig::getConfigSchemaData() — Method in class HTMLEditorConfig

Provide additional schema data for the field this object configures

HTMLEditorField::getEditorConfig() — Method in class HTMLEditorField

Gets the HTMLEditorConfig instance

HTMLEditorField::getAttributes() — Method in class HTMLEditorField

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

HTMLEditorField::getSchemaStateDefaults() — Method in class HTMLEditorField

Gets the defaults for $schemaState.

TinyMCECombinedGenerator::getAssetHandler() — Method in class TinyMCECombinedGenerator

Get backend for assets

TinyMCECombinedGenerator::getScriptURL() — Method in class TinyMCECombinedGenerator

Generate a script URL for the given config

TinyMCECombinedGenerator::generateContent() — Method in class TinyMCECombinedGenerator

Build raw config for tinymce

TinyMCECombinedGenerator::generateFilename() — Method in class TinyMCECombinedGenerator

Get filename to use for this config

TinyMCEConfig::getTheme() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Get the theme

TinyMCEConfig::getOption() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Get the current value of an option

TinyMCEConfig::getAttributes() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Associative array of data-attributes to apply to the underlying text-area

TinyMCEConfig::getPlugins() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Gets the list of all enabled plugins as an associative array.

TinyMCEConfig::getInternalPlugins() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Get list of plugins without custom locations, which is the set of plugins which can be loaded via the standard plugin path, and could potentially be minified

TinyMCEConfig::getButtons() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Get all button rows, skipping empty rows

TinyMCEConfig::getContentCSS() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Get list of resource paths to css files.

TinyMCEConfig::getScriptURL() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Generate gzipped TinyMCE configuration including plugins and languages.

TinyMCEConfig::getConfigSchemaData() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Provide additional schema data for the field this object configures

TinyMCEConfig::get_tinymce_lang() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Get the current tinyMCE language

TinyMCEConfig::getTinyMCEResourcePath() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Returns the full filesystem path to TinyMCE resources (which could be different from the original tinymce location in the module).

TinyMCEConfig::getTinyMCEResourceURL() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Get front-end url to tinymce resources

TinyMCEConfig::getTinyMCEResource() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Get resource root for TinyMCE, either as a string or ModuleResource instance Path will be relative to BASE_PATH if string.

TinyMCEConfig::getTinyMCEPath() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig
TinyMCEGZIPGenerator::getScriptURL() — Method in class TinyMCEGZIPGenerator

Generate a script URL for the given config

TinyMCEScriptGenerator::getScriptURL() — Method in class TinyMCEScriptGenerator

Generate a script URL for the given config

HeaderField::getHeadingLevel() — Method in class HeaderField
HeaderField::getAttributes() — Method in class HeaderField

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

HeaderField::getSchemaStateDefaults() — Method in class HeaderField

Header fields support dynamic titles via schema state

HeaderField::getSchemaDataDefaults() — Method in class HeaderField

Header fields heading level to be set

ListboxField::getOptions() — Method in class ListboxField

Gets the list of options to render in this formfield

ListboxField::getAttributes() — Method in class ListboxField

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

ListboxField::getSize() — Method in class ListboxField

Get the size of this dropdown in rows.

ListboxField::getDisabledItems() — Method in class ListboxField
LiteralField::getContent() — Method in class LiteralField
LiteralField::getSchemaStateDefaults() — Method in class LiteralField

Header fields support dynamic titles via schema state

LookupField::getHasEmptyDefault() — Method in class LookupField
MoneyField::getCurrencyField() — Method in class MoneyField

Gets field for the currency selector

MoneyField::getAmountField() — Method in class MoneyField

Gets field for the amount input

MoneyField::getAllowedCurrencies() — Method in class MoneyField
MoneyField::getLocale() — Method in class MoneyField

Get locale to format this currency in.

MultiSelectField::getValueArray() — Method in class MultiSelectField

Extracts the value of this field, normalised as an array.

MultiSelectField::getDefaultItems() — Method in class MultiSelectField

Default selections, regardless of the {@link setValue()} settings.

NullableField::getIsNullLabel() — Method in class NullableField

Get the label used for the Is Null checkbox.

NullableField::getIsNullId() — Method in class NullableField

Get the id used for the Is Null check box.

NumericField::getAttributes() — Method in class NumericField
NumericField::getSchemaValidation() — Method in class NumericField

Return list of validation rules. Each rule is a key value pair.

NumericField::getLocale() — Method in class NumericField

Gets the current locale this field is set to.

NumericField::getHTML5() — Method in class NumericField

Determine if we should use html5 number input

NumericField::getStep() — Method in class NumericField

Step attribute for html5. E.g. '0.01' to enable two decimal places.

NumericField::getScale() — Method in class NumericField

Get number of digits to show to the right of the decimal point.

OptionsetField::getAttributes() — Method in class OptionsetField

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

PasswordField::getAllowValuePostback() — Method in class PasswordField
PasswordField::getAttributes() — Method in class PasswordField
PopoverField::getPopoverTitle() — Method in class PopoverField

Get popup title

PopoverField::getButtonTooltip() — Method in class PopoverField
PopoverField::getPlacement() — Method in class PopoverField

Get popup placement

PopoverField::getSchemaDataDefaults() — Method in class PopoverField

Merge child field data into this form

ReadonlyField::getIncludeHiddenField() — Method in class ReadonlyField
ReadonlyField::getSchemaStateDefaults() — Method in class ReadonlyField

Gets the defaults for $schemaState.

ReadonlyField::getValueCast() — Method in class ReadonlyField

Get custom cating helper for Value() field

RequiredFields::getRequired() — Method in class RequiredFields

Return the required fields

FormSchema::getMultipartSchema() — Method in class FormSchema

Returns a representation of the provided {@link Form} as structured data, based on the request data.

FormSchema::getSchema() — Method in class FormSchema

Gets the schema for this form as a nested array.

FormSchema::getState() — Method in class FormSchema

Gets the current state of this form as a nested array.

FormSchema::getErrors() — Method in class FormSchema
SelectField::getSchemaStateDefaults() — Method in class SelectField

Gets the defaults for $schemaState.

SelectField::getDisabledItems() — Method in class SelectField

Non-associative list of disabled item values

SelectField::getAttributes() — Method in class SelectField

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

SelectField::getValidValues() — Method in class SelectField

Gets all valid values for this field.

SelectField::getSource() — Method in class SelectField

Gets the source array not including any empty default values.

SelectionGroup_Item::getTitle() — Method in class SelectionGroup_Item
SelectionGroup_Item::getValue() — Method in class SelectionGroup_Item
SingleLookupField::getHasEmptyDefault() — Method in class SingleLookupField
SingleLookupField::getTemplate() — Method in class SingleLookupField
SingleSelectField::getSchemaStateDefaults() — Method in class SingleSelectField

Gets the defaults for $schemaState.

SingleSelectField::getDefaultValue() — Method in class SingleSelectField
SingleSelectField::getHasEmptyDefault() — Method in class SingleSelectField
SingleSelectField::getEmptyString() — Method in class SingleSelectField
SingleSelectField::getSourceEmpty() — Method in class SingleSelectField

Gets the source array, including the empty string, if present

Tab::getTabSet() — Method in class Tab

Get parent tabset

Tab::getAttributes() — Method in class Tab

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

TabSet::getTabSet() — Method in class TabSet

Get parent tabset

TabSet::getAttributes() — Method in class TabSet

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

TabSet::getSchemaStateDefaults() — Method in class TabSet

Sets an additional default for $schemaData.

TextField::getMaxLength() — Method in class TextField
TextField::getTip() — Method in class TextField
TextField::getAttributes() — Method in class TextField
TextField::getSchemaDataDefaults() — Method in class TextField

Gets the defaults for $schemaData.

TextField::getSchemaValidation() — Method in class TextField

Return list of validation rules. Each rule is a key value pair.

TextareaField::getSchemaDataDefaults() — Method in class TextareaField

Set textarea specific schema data

TextareaField::getRows() — Method in class TextareaField

Gets number of rows

TextareaField::getColumns() — Method in class TextareaField

Gets the number of columns in this textarea

TextareaField::getMaxLength() — Method in class TextareaField
TextareaField::getAttributes() — Method in class TextareaField

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

TimeField::getHTML5() — Method in class TimeField
TimeField::getTimeFormat() — Method in class TimeField

Get time format in CLDR standard format

TimeField::getTimeLength() — Method in class TimeField

Get length of the time format to use. One of:

TimeField::getAttributes() — Method in class TimeField
TimeField::getSchemaDataDefaults() — Method in class TimeField

Gets the defaults for $schemaData.

TimeField::getMidnight() — Method in class TimeField

Show midnight in current format (adjusts for timezone)

TimeField::getLocale() — Method in class TimeField
TimeField::getTimezone() — Method in class TimeField
Tip::getTipSchema() — Method in class Tip

Outputs props to be passed to the front-end Tip component.

Tip::getImportanceLevel() — Method in class Tip
Tip::getIcon() — Method in class Tip
Tip::getMessage() — Method in class Tip
TippableFieldInterface::getTip() — Method in class TippableFieldInterface
ToggleCompositeField::getAttributes() — Method in class ToggleCompositeField
ToggleCompositeField::getStartClosed() — Method in class ToggleCompositeField
ToggleCompositeField::getHeadingLevel() — Method in class ToggleCompositeField
TreeDropdownField::getTreeBaseID() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Set the ID of the root node of the tree. This defaults to 0 - i.e.

TreeDropdownField::getFilterFunction() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Get a callback used to filter the values of the tree before displaying to the user.

TreeDropdownField::getDisableFunction() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Get the callback used to disable checkboxes for some items in the tree

TreeDropdownField::getSearchFunction() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Set a callback used to search the hierarchy globally, even before applying the filter.

TreeDropdownField::getShowSearch() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Check if search is shown

TreeDropdownField::getChildrenMethod() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Get method to invoke on each node to get the child collection

TreeDropdownField::getNumChildrenMethod() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Get method to invoke on nodes to count children

TreeDropdownField::getAttributes() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Attributes to be given for this field type

TreeDropdownField::getLabelField() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

HTML-encoded label for this node, including css classes and other markup.

TreeDropdownField::getTitleField() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Field to use for plain text item titles.

TreeDropdownField::getKeyField() — Method in class TreeDropdownField
TreeDropdownField::getSourceObject() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Get class of source object

TreeDropdownField::getSchemaStateDefaults() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Gets the defaults for $schemaState.

TreeDropdownField::getSchemaDataDefaults() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Gets the defaults for $schemaData.

TreeDropdownField::getHasEmptyDefault() — Method in class TreeDropdownField
TreeDropdownField::getEmptyString() — Method in class TreeDropdownField
TreeDropdownField::getShowSelectedPath() — Method in class TreeDropdownField
TreeMultiselectField::getSchemaDataDefaults() — Method in class TreeMultiselectField

Gets the defaults for $schemaData.

TreeMultiselectField::getSchemaStateDefaults() — Method in class TreeMultiselectField

Gets the defaults for $schemaState.

TreeMultiselectField::getItems() — Method in class TreeMultiselectField

Return this field's linked items

UploadReceiver::getUpload() — Method in class UploadReceiver

Retrieves the Upload handler

UploadReceiver::getAllowedExtensions() — Method in class UploadReceiver

Returns list of extensions allowed by this field, or an empty array if there is no restriction

UploadReceiver::getValidator() — Method in class UploadReceiver

Get custom validator for this field

UploadReceiver::getFolderName() — Method in class UploadReceiver

Gets the upload folder name

Validator::getErrors() — Method in class Validator

Returns all errors found by a previous call to {@link validate()}. The returned array has a structure resembling:

Validator::getResult() — Method in class Validator

Get last validation result

Validator::getEnabled() — Method in class Validator
Handler::getAuthenticator() — Method in class Handler

Returns the first configured authenticator by highest priority, or null if none are configured

Configuration::get() — Method in class Configuration

Return a setting by dot.separated.syntax

ModelConfiguration::getTypeFormatter() — Method in class ModelConfiguration
ModelConfiguration::getTypePrefix() — Method in class ModelConfiguration
ModelConfiguration::getNestedQueryPlugins() — Method in class ModelConfiguration
ModelConfiguration::getOperationConfig() — Method in class ModelConfiguration
ModelConfiguration::getTypeName() — Method in class ModelConfiguration
ModelConfiguration::getDefaultFields() — Method in class ModelConfiguration

Fields that are added to the model by default. Can be opted out per type

ModelConfiguration::getBaseFields() — Method in class ModelConfiguration

Fields that will appear on all models. Cannot be opted out on any type.

Controller::getAuthHandler() — Method in class Controller

Get an instance of the authorization Handler to manage any authentication requirements

Controller::getToken() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getCorsConfig() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getMergedCorsConfig() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getSchemaKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getQueryHandler() — Method in class Controller
MemberAware::getMemberContext() — Method in class MemberAware

Get the Member for the current context either from a previously set value or the current user

FileProvider::getQueryMapping() — Method in class FileProvider

return a map from to

FileProvider::getByID() — Method in class FileProvider

return a query given an ID

FileProvider::getSchemaMapping() — Method in class FileProvider
GuzzleHTTPClientClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\PersistedQuery
GuzzleHTTPClient::getURL() — Method in class GuzzleHTTPClient
HTTPClient::getURL() — Method in class HTTPClient
HTTPProvider::getQueryMapping() — Method in class HTTPProvider

return a map from to

HTTPProvider::getByID() — Method in class HTTPProvider

return a query given an ID

HTTPProvider::getSchemaMapping() — Method in class HTTPProvider
HTTPProvider::getClient() — Method in class HTTPProvider
JSONStringProvider::getQueryMapping() — Method in class JSONStringProvider

return a map from to

JSONStringProvider::getByID() — Method in class JSONStringProvider

return a query given an ID

JSONStringProvider::getSchemaMapping() — Method in class JSONStringProvider
PersistedQueryMappingProvider::getQueryMapping() — Method in class PersistedQueryMappingProvider

return a map from to

PersistedQueryMappingProvider::getByID() — Method in class PersistedQueryMappingProvider

return a query given an ID

PersistedQueryMappingProvider::getSchemaMapping() — Method in class PersistedQueryMappingProvider
PersistedQueryProvider::getQueryFromPersistedID() — Method in class PersistedQueryProvider
RequestIDProcessor::getRequestQueryVariables() — Method in class RequestIDProcessor

Parse query and variables from the given request

RequestProcessor::getRequestQueryVariables() — Method in class RequestProcessor

Parse query and variables from the given request

QueryHandler::getQueryFromPersistedID() — Method in class QueryHandler

get query from persisted id, return null if not found

QueryHandler::getContext() — Method in class QueryHandler

Get global context to pass to $context for all queries

QueryHandler::getMiddlewares() — Method in class QueryHandler
QueryHandler::getOperationName() — Method in class QueryHandler
QueryStateProvider::get() — Method in class QueryStateProvider

Get the value out of the graphql context array

RequestContextProvider::get() — Method in class RequestContextProvider
SchemaConfigProvider::get() — Method in class SchemaConfigProvider
TokenContextProvider::get() — Method in class TokenContextProvider
UserContextProvider::get() — Method in class UserContextProvider

Get the value out of the graphql context array

AbstractBulkLoader::getIdentifier() — Method in class AbstractBulkLoader
BulkLoaderSet::getLoaders() — Method in class BulkLoaderSet
Collection::getClasses() — Method in class Collection
Collection::getFiles() — Method in class Collection
Collection::getManifest() — Method in class Collection
ExtensionLoader::getIdentifier() — Method in class ExtensionLoader
FilepathLoader::getIdentifier() — Method in class FilepathLoader
InheritanceLoader::getIdentifier() — Method in class InheritanceLoader
NamespaceLoader::getIdentifier() — Method in class NamespaceLoader
RegistryBackend::getByID() — Method in class RegistryBackend
CreateCreator::getFieldAccessor() — Method in class CreateCreator
DataObjectModel::getIdentifier() — Method in class DataObjectModel
DataObjectModel::getField() — Method in class DataObjectModel
DataObjectModel::getDefaultFields() — Method in class DataObjectModel
DataObjectModel::getBaseFields() — Method in class DataObjectModel
DataObjectModel::getBlacklistedFields() — Method in class DataObjectModel
DataObjectModel::getAllFields() — Method in class DataObjectModel
DataObjectModel::getUninheritedFields() — Method in class DataObjectModel
DataObjectModel::getDefaultResolver() — Method in class DataObjectModel
DataObjectModel::getSourceClass() — Method in class DataObjectModel
DataObjectModel::getFieldAccessor() — Method in class DataObjectModel
DataObjectModel::getOperationCreatorByIdentifier() — Method in class DataObjectModel
DataObjectModel::getAllOperationIdentifiers() — Method in class DataObjectModel
DataObjectModel::getModelTypeForField() — Method in class DataObjectModel

Gets a field that resolves to another model, (e.g. an ObjectType from a has_one).

DataObjectModel::getPropertyForField() — Method in class DataObjectModel
DataObjectModel::getDataObject() — Method in class DataObjectModel
DataObjectModel::getTypeName() — Method in class DataObjectModel
DataObjectModel::getSchemaConfig() — Method in class DataObjectModel
DataObjectModel::getModelConfiguration() — Method in class DataObjectModel
FieldAccessor::getAllFields() — Method in class FieldAccessor
InheritanceBuilder::getSchema() — Method in class InheritanceBuilder
InheritanceChain::getAncestralModels() — Method in class InheritanceChain
InheritanceChain::getDescendantModels() — Method in class InheritanceChain
InheritanceChain::getDirectDescendants() — Method in class InheritanceChain
InheritanceChain::getInheritance() — Method in class InheritanceChain
InheritanceChain::getBaseClass() — Method in class InheritanceChain
InheritanceUnionBuilder::getSchema() — Method in class InheritanceUnionBuilder
InterfaceBuilder::getSchema() — Method in class InterfaceBuilder
CanViewPermission::getIdentifier() — Method in class CanViewPermission
DBDateArgs::getEnum() — Method in class DBDateArgs
DBDateArgs::getValues() — Method in class DBDateArgs
DBDatetimeArgs::getEnum() — Method in class DBDatetimeArgs
DBDatetimeArgs::getValues() — Method in class DBDatetimeArgs
DBDecimalArgs::getEnum() — Method in class DBDecimalArgs
DBDecimalArgs::getValues() — Method in class DBDecimalArgs
DBFieldArgs::getEnum() — Method in class DBFieldArgs
DBFieldArgsPlugin::getIdentifier() — Method in class DBFieldArgsPlugin
DBFloatArgs::getEnum() — Method in class DBFloatArgs
DBFloatArgs::getValues() — Method in class DBFloatArgs
DBTextArgs::getEnum() — Method in class DBTextArgs
DBTextArgs::getValues() — Method in class DBTextArgs
DBTimeArgs::getEnum() — Method in class DBTimeArgs
DBTimeArgs::getValues() — Method in class DBTimeArgs
DBFieldTypes::getIdentifier() — Method in class DBFieldTypes
FirstResult::getIdentifier() — Method in class FirstResult
Inheritance::getIdentifier() — Method in class Inheritance
InheritedPlugins::getIdentifier() — Method in class InheritedPlugins
Paginator::getIdentifier() — Method in class Paginator
FieldFilterInterface::getIdentifier() — Method in class FieldFilterInterface
FieldFilterRegistry::getFilterByIdentifier() — Method in class FieldFilterRegistry
FieldFilterRegistry::getAll() — Method in class FieldFilterRegistry
FilterRegistryInterface::getFilterByIdentifier() — Method in class FilterRegistryInterface
FilterRegistryInterface::getAll() — Method in class FilterRegistryInterface
ContainsFilter::getIdentifier() — Method in class ContainsFilter
EndsWithFilter::getIdentifier() — Method in class EndsWithFilter
EqualToFilter::getIdentifier() — Method in class EqualToFilter
GreaterThanFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\QueryFilter\Filters

A query filter that filters records by greater than comparison

GreaterThanFilter::getIdentifier() — Method in class GreaterThanFilter
GreaterThanOrEqualFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\QueryFilter\Filters

A query filter that filters records by greater than or equal comparison

GreaterThanOrEqualFilter::getIdentifier() — Method in class GreaterThanOrEqualFilter
InFilter::getIdentifier() — Method in class InFilter
LessThanFilter::getIdentifier() — Method in class LessThanFilter
LessThanOrEqualFilter::getIdentifier() — Method in class LessThanOrEqualFilter
NotEqualFilter::getIdentifier() — Method in class NotEqualFilter
StartsWithFilter::getIdentifier() — Method in class StartsWithFilter
QueryFilter::getIdentifier() — Method in class QueryFilter
QuerySort::getIdentifier() — Method in class QuerySort
ScalarDBField::getIdentifier() — Method in class ScalarDBField
Resolver::getResolvedField() — Method in class Resolver
UpdateCreator::getFieldAccessor() — Method in class UpdateCreator
Argument::getType() — Method in class Argument
Argument::getName() — Method in class Argument
Argument::getEncodedType() — Method in class Argument
Argument::getDefaultValue() — Method in class Argument
Argument::getDescription() — Method in class Argument
Argument::getSignature() — Method in class Argument
Field::getTypeAsModel() — Method in class Field
Field::getName() — Method in class Field
Field::getType() — Method in class Field
Field::getArgs() — Method in class Field
Field::getEncodedType() — Method in class Field
Field::getNamedType() — Method in class Field

Gets the name of the type, ignoring any nonNull/listOf wrappers

Field::getEncodedResolver() — Method in class Field
Field::getDescription() — Method in class Field
Field::getResolver() — Method in class Field
Field::getResolverContext() — Method in class Field
Field::getResolverMiddlewares() — Method in class Field
Field::getResolverAfterwares() — Method in class Field
Field::getSignature() — Method in class Field
ModelAware::getModel() — Method in class ModelAware
ModelField::getModelType() — Method in class ModelField

For nested field definitions Blog: fields: Comments: fields: Author: fields: Name: String

ModelField::getProperty() — Method in class ModelField
ModelField::getPropertyName() — Method in class ModelField
ModelField::getMetadata() — Method in class ModelField
ModelField::getSignature() — Method in class ModelField
BaseFieldsProvider::getBaseFields() — Method in class BaseFieldsProvider

Fields that must appear on all implementations

ContextProvider::get() — Method in class ContextProvider

Get the value out of the graphql context array

DefaultFieldsProvider::getDefaultFields() — Method in class DefaultFieldsProvider
ExtraTypeProvider::getExtraTypes() — Method in class ExtraTypeProvider
Identifiable::getIdentifier() — Method in class Identifiable
ModelBlacklist::getBlacklistedFields() — Method in class ModelBlacklist
ModelOperation::getModel() — Method in class ModelOperation
OperationProvider::getOperationCreatorByIdentifier() — Method in class OperationProvider
OperationProvider::getAllOperationIdentifiers() — Method in class OperationProvider
PluginInterface::getIdentifier() — Method in class PluginInterface
SchemaComponent::getName() — Method in class SchemaComponent
SchemaModelInterface::getIdentifier() — Method in class SchemaModelInterface
SchemaModelInterface::getField() — Method in class SchemaModelInterface
SchemaModelInterface::getTypeName() — Method in class SchemaModelInterface
SchemaModelInterface::getDefaultResolver() — Method in class SchemaModelInterface
SchemaModelInterface::getSourceClass() — Method in class SchemaModelInterface
SchemaModelInterface::getAllFields() — Method in class SchemaModelInterface
SchemaModelInterface::getModelTypeForField() — Method in class SchemaModelInterface
SchemaModelInterface::getSchemaConfig() — Method in class SchemaModelInterface
SchemaModelInterface::getModelConfiguration() — Method in class SchemaModelInterface
SchemaModelInterface::getPropertyForField() — Method in class SchemaModelInterface
SchemaStorageInterface::getSchema() — Method in class SchemaStorageInterface
SchemaStorageInterface::getConfig() — Method in class SchemaStorageInterface
SignatureProvider::getSignature() — Method in class SignatureProvider
AbstractQueryFilterPlugin::getTypeName() — Method in class AbstractQueryFilterPlugin
AbstractQueryFilterPlugin::getLeafNodeType() — Method in class AbstractQueryFilterPlugin
AbstractQuerySortPlugin::getTypeName() — Method in class AbstractQuerySortPlugin
AbstractQuerySortPlugin::getLeafNodeType() — Method in class AbstractQuerySortPlugin
PaginationPlugin::getIdentifier() — Method in class PaginationPlugin
PluginConsumer::getPlugins() — Method in class PluginConsumer
PluginConsumer::getDefaultPlugins() — Method in class PluginConsumer
PluginConsumer::getPluginRegistry() — Method in class PluginConsumer
PluginConsumer::getSortedPlugins() — Method in class PluginConsumer

Sorts the before/after of plugins using topological sort

SortPlugin::getIdentifier() — Method in class SortPlugin
PluginRegistry::getPluginByID() — Method in class PluginRegistry
DefaultResolverStrategy::getResolverMethod() — Method in class DefaultResolverStrategy
EncodedResolver::getStack() — Method in class EncodedResolver
EncodedResolver::getExpression() — Method in class EncodedResolver
EncodedResolver::getInnerExpression() — Method in class EncodedResolver
EncodedResolver::getContextArgs() — Method in class EncodedResolver
EncodedResolver::getContext() — Method in class EncodedResolver
EncodedResolver::getRef() — Method in class EncodedResolver
EncodedResolver::getResolverMiddlewares() — Method in class EncodedResolver
EncodedResolver::getResolverAfterwares() — Method in class EncodedResolver
ResolverReference::getClass() — Method in class ResolverReference
ResolverReference::getMethod() — Method in class ResolverReference
Schema::getSchemaKey() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getConfig() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getState() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getType() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getCanonicalType() — Method in class Schema

Given a type name, try to resolve it to any model-implementing component

Schema::getModelTypesFromClass() — Method in class Schema

Gets all the models that were generated from a given ancestor, e.g. DataObject

Schema::getTypes() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getQueryType() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getMutationType() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getTypeOrModel() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getEnums() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getEnum() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getScalars() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getScalar() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getModel() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getModelByClassName() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getModels() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getInterface() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getInterfaces() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getImplementorsOf() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getUnion() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getUnions() — Method in class Schema
Schema::getInternalTypes() — Method in class Schema
SchemaBuilder::getConfig() — Method in class SchemaBuilder

Retrieves the context for an already stored schema which does not require booting. Useful for getting data from a saved schema at request time.

SchemaBuilder::getSchema() — Method in class SchemaBuilder

Gets a graphql-php Schema instance that can be queried

SchemaBuilder::getStoreCreator() — Method in class SchemaBuilder
SchemaConfig::getModelConfiguration() — Method in class SchemaConfig
SchemaConfig::getResolvers() — Method in class SchemaConfig
SchemaConfig::getDefaultResolver() — Method in class SchemaConfig
SchemaConfig::getPluraliser() — Method in class SchemaConfig
SchemaConfig::getTypeMapping() — Method in class SchemaConfig
SchemaConfig::getTypeNameForClass() — Method in class SchemaConfig
NestedInputBuilder::getRootType() — Method in class NestedInputBuilder
NestedInputBuilder::getResolveConfig() — Method in class NestedInputBuilder
NestedInputBuilder::getResolver() — Method in class NestedInputBuilder
NestedInputBuilder::getResolveType() — Method in class NestedInputBuilder
NestedInputBuilder::getResolvers() — Method in class NestedInputBuilder
SchemaTranscriber::getRootDir() — Method in class SchemaTranscriber
StorableSchema::getTypes() — Method in class StorableSchema
StorableSchema::getEnums() — Method in class StorableSchema
StorableSchema::getInterfaces() — Method in class StorableSchema
StorableSchema::getUnions() — Method in class StorableSchema
StorableSchema::getScalars() — Method in class StorableSchema
StorableSchema::getConfig() — Method in class StorableSchema
AbstractTypeRegistry::get() — Method in class AbstractTypeRegistry
CodeGenerationStore::getSchema() — Method in class CodeGenerationStore
CodeGenerationStore::getConfig() — Method in class CodeGenerationStore
CodeGenerationStore::getCache() — Method in class CodeGenerationStore
CodeGenerationStore::getRootDir() — Method in class CodeGenerationStore
CodeGenerationStore::getObfuscator() — Method in class CodeGenerationStore
CodeGenerationStore::getTemplateDir() — Method in class CodeGenerationStore
CanonicalModelAware::getCanonicalModel() — Method in class CanonicalModelAware
Enum::getValueList() — Method in class Enum
Enum::getValues() — Method in class Enum
Enum::getSignature() — Method in class Enum

A deterministic representation of everything that gets encoded into the template.

InputType::getIsInput() — Method in class InputType
InterfaceType::getEncodedTypeResolver() — Method in class InterfaceType
InterfaceType::getSignature() — Method in class InterfaceType
ModelType::getFieldByName() — Method in class ModelType
ModelType::getOperations() — Method in class ModelType
ModelType::getOperationCreators() — Method in class ModelType
ModelType::getExtraTypes() — Method in class ModelType
Scalar::getName() — Method in class Scalar
Scalar::getSerialiser() — Method in class Scalar
Scalar::getEncodedSerialiser() — Method in class Scalar
Scalar::getValueParser() — Method in class Scalar
Scalar::getEncodedValueParser() — Method in class Scalar
Scalar::getLiteralParser() — Method in class Scalar
Scalar::getEncodedLiteralParser() — Method in class Scalar
Scalar::getSignature() — Method in class Scalar
Type::getName() — Method in class Type
Type::getFields() — Method in class Type
Type::getFieldByName() — Method in class Type
Type::getDescription() — Method in class Type
Type::getInterfaces() — Method in class Type
Type::getEncodedInterfaces() — Method in class Type
Type::getIsInput() — Method in class Type
Type::getFieldResolver() — Method in class Type
Type::getSignature() — Method in class Type

A deterministic representation of everything that gets encoded into the template.

TypeReference::getDefaultValue() — Method in class TypeReference
TypeReference::getTypeName() — Method in class TypeReference
TypeReference::getNamedType() — Method in class TypeReference
TypeReference::getRawType() — Method in class TypeReference
UnionType::getName() — Method in class UnionType
UnionType::getTypes() — Method in class UnionType
UnionType::getEncodedTypes() — Method in class UnionType
UnionType::getTypeResolver() — Method in class UnionType
UnionType::getEncodedTypeResolver() — Method in class UnionType
UnionType::getDescription() — Method in class UnionType
UnionType::getSignature() — Method in class UnionType
DebugViewFriendlyErrorFormatter::getStatusCode() — Method in class DebugViewFriendlyErrorFormatter

Get default status code

DebugViewFriendlyErrorFormatter::getTitle() — Method in class DebugViewFriendlyErrorFormatter

Get friendly title

DebugViewFriendlyErrorFormatter::getBody() — Method in class DebugViewFriendlyErrorFormatter

Get default error body

HTTPOutputHandler::getContentType() — Method in class HTTPOutputHandler

Get the mime type to use when displaying this error.

HTTPOutputHandler::getStatusCode() — Method in class HTTPOutputHandler

Get the HTTP status code to use when displaying this error.

HTTPOutputHandler::getCLIFormatter() — Method in class HTTPOutputHandler

Return the formatter use if Director::is_cli() is true If none has been set, null is returned, and the getFormatter() result will be used instead

HTTPOutputHandler::getFormatter() — Method in class HTTPOutputHandler

Return the formatter to use in this case.

HTTPOutputHandler::getDefaultFormatter() — Method in class HTTPOutputHandler

Check default formatter to use

MonologErrorHandler::getLogger() — Method in class MonologErrorHandler

Get the first registered PSR-3 logger to send errors & exceptions to

MonologErrorHandler::getLoggers() — Method in class MonologErrorHandler

Returns the stack of PSR-3 loggers

ArrayList::getIterator() — Method in class ArrayList

Returns an Iterator for this ArrayList.

CMSPreviewable::getMimeType() — Method in class CMSPreviewable

To determine preview mechanism (e.g. embedded / iframe)

DBConnector::getVersion() — Method in class DBConnector

Query for the version of the currently connected database

DBConnector::getSelectedDatabase() — Method in class DBConnector

Retrieves the name of the currently selected database

DBConnector::getLastError() — Method in class DBConnector

Retrieves the last error generated from the database connection

DBConnector::getGeneratedID() — Method in class DBConnector

Determines the last ID generated from the specified table.

DBQueryBuilder::getSeparator() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Determines the line separator to use.

Database::getConnector() — Method in class Database

Get the current connector

Database::getSchemaManager() — Method in class Database

Returns the current schema manager

Database::getQueryBuilder() — Method in class Database

Returns the current query builder

Database::getWhitelistQueryArray() — Method in class Database

Get the sql queries that need to be partially or fully matched

Database::getGeneratedID() — Method in class Database

Get the autogenerated ID from the previous INSERT query.

Database::getVersion() — Method in class Database

Query for the version of the currently connected database

Database::getDatabaseServer() — Method in class Database

Get the database server type (e.g. mysql, postgresql).

Database::getLock() — Method in class Database

Sets an application-level lock so that no two processes can run at the same time, also called a "cooperative advisory lock".

Database::getSelectedDatabase() — Method in class Database

Returns the name of the currently selected database

DatabaseException::getSQL() — Method in class DatabaseException

Returns the SQL that generated this error

DatabaseException::getParameters() — Method in class DatabaseException

The parameters given for this query, if any

MySQLDatabase::getDatabaseServer() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Get the database server type (e.g. mysql, postgresql).

MySQLDatabase::getLock() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Sets an application-level lock so that no two processes can run at the same time, also called a "cooperative advisory lock".

MySQLQuery::getIterator() — Method in class MySQLQuery

Return the next record in the query result.

MySQLStatement::getIterator() — Method in class MySQLStatement

Return the next record in the query result.

MySQLiConnector::getVersion() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Query for the version of the currently connected database

MySQLiConnector::getSelectedDatabase() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Retrieves the name of the currently selected database

MySQLiConnector::getGeneratedID() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Determines the last ID generated from the specified table.

MySQLiConnector::getLastError() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Retrieves the last error generated from the database connection

PDOConnector::getOrPrepareStatement() — Method in class PDOConnector

Retrieve a prepared statement for a given SQL string, or return an already prepared version if one exists for the given query

PDOConnector::getDriver() — Method in class PDOConnector

Return the driver for this connector E.g. 'mysql', 'sqlsrv', 'pgsql'

PDOConnector::getVersion() — Method in class PDOConnector

Query for the version of the currently connected database

PDOConnector::getPDOParamType() — Method in class PDOConnector

Determines the PDO::PARAM_* type for a given PHP type string

PDOConnector::getLastError() — Method in class PDOConnector

Retrieves the last error generated from the database connection

PDOConnector::getGeneratedID() — Method in class PDOConnector

Determines the last ID generated from the specified table.

PDOConnector::getSelectedDatabase() — Method in class PDOConnector

Retrieves the name of the currently selected database

PDOQuery::getIterator() — Method in class PDOQuery

Return the next record in the query result.

PDOStatementHandle::getPDOStatement() — Method in class PDOStatementHandle

Return the PDOStatement that this object provides a handle to

Query::getIterator() — Method in class Query

Return the next record in the query result.

DB::get_conn() — Method in class DB

Get the global database connection.

DB::getConn() — Method in class DB
DB::get_schema() — Method in class DB

Retrieves the schema manager for the current database

DB::get_connector() — Method in class DB

Retrieves the connector object for the current database

DB::get_alternative_database_name() — Method in class DB

Get the name of the database in use

DB::getConfig() — Method in class DB

Get the named connection config

DB::get_generated_id() — Method in class DB

Get the autogenerated ID from the previous INSERT query.

DataList::getGenerator() — Method in class DataList

Returns a generator for this DataList

DataList::getQueryParams() — Method in class DataList

Get query parameters for this list.

DataList::getIterator() — Method in class DataList

Returns an Iterator for this DataList.

DataList::getIDList() — Method in class DataList

Returns an array with both the keys and values set to the IDs of the records in this list.

DataObject::getSchema() — Method in class DataObject

Get schema object

DataObject::getObsoleteClassName() — Method in class DataObject

Return obsolete class name, if this is no longer a valid class

DataObject::getClassName() — Method in class DataObject

Gets name of this class

DataObject::getTitle() — Method in class DataObject

Standard implementation of a title/label for a specific record. Tries to find properties 'Title' or 'Name', and falls back to the 'ID'. Useful to provide user-friendly identification of a record, e.g. in errormessages or UI-selections.

DataObject::getQueriedDatabaseFields() — Method in class DataObject

Return all currently fetched database fields.

DataObject::getClassAncestry() — Method in class DataObject

Get the class ancestry, including the current class name.

DataObject::getComponent() — Method in class DataObject

Return a unary component object from a one to one relationship, as a DataObject.

DataObject::getComponents() — Method in class DataObject

Returns a one-to-many relation as a HasManyList

DataObject::getRelationClass() — Method in class DataObject

Find the foreign class of a relation on this DataObject, regardless of the relation type.

DataObject::getRelationType() — Method in class DataObject

Given a relation name, determine the relation type

DataObject::getManyManyComponents() — Method in class DataObject

Returns a many-to-many component, as a ManyManyList.

DataObject::getDefaultSearchContext() — Method in class DataObject

Generates a SearchContext to be used for building and processing a generic search form for properties on this object.

DataObject::getCMSFields() — Method in class DataObject

Centerpiece of every data administration interface in Silverstripe, which returns a {@link FieldList} suitable for a {@link Form} object.

DataObject::getCMSActions() — Method in class DataObject

need to be overload by solid dataobject, so that the customised actions of that dataobject, including that dataobject's extensions customised actions could be added to the EditForm.

DataObject::getFrontEndFields() — Method in class DataObject

Used for simple frontend forms without relation editing or {@link TabSet} behaviour. Uses {@link scaffoldFormFields()} by default. To customize, either overload this method in your subclass, or extend it by {@link DataExtension->updateFrontEndFields()}.

DataObject::getViewerTemplates() — Method in class DataObject

Find appropriate templates for SSViewer to use to render this object

DataObject::getField() — Method in class DataObject

Gets the value of a field.

DataObject::getChangedFields() — Method in class DataObject

Return the fields that have changed since the last write.

DataObject::getReverseAssociation() — Method in class DataObject

Temporary hack to return an association name, based on class, to get around the mangle of having to deal with reverse lookup of relationships to determine autogenerated foreign keys.

DataObject::get() — Method in class DataObject

Return all objects matching the filter sub-classes are automatically selected and included

DataObject::get_one() — Method in class DataObject

Return the first item matching the given query.

DataObject::get_by_id() — Method in class DataObject

Return the given element, searching by ID.

DataObject::getSourceQueryParams() — Method in class DataObject
DataObject::getInheritableQueryParams() — Method in class DataObject

Get list of parameters that should be inherited to relations on this object

DataObject::getSourceQueryParam() — Method in class DataObject
DataObject::getJoin() — Method in class DataObject

If selected through a many_many through relation, this is the instance of the joined record

DataObjectSchema::getTableNames() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Get all table names

DataObjectSchema::getLegacyTableNames() — Method in class DataObjectSchema
DataObjectSchema::getRemoteJoinField() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Tries to find the database key on another object that is used to store a relationship to this class. If no join field can be found it defaults to 'ParentID'.

DataQuery::getFinalisedQuery() — Method in class DataQuery

Ensure that the query is ready to execute.

DataQuery::groupby() — Method in class DataQuery

Append a GROUP BY clause to this query.

DataQuery::getQueryParam() — Method in class DataQuery

Set an arbitrary query parameter, that can be used by decorators to add additional meta-data to the query.

DataQuery::getQueryParams() — Method in class DataQuery

Returns all query parameters

DataQuery::getDataQueryManipulators() — Method in class DataQuery

Get query manipulators

DatabaseAdmin::groupedDataClasses() — Method in class DatabaseAdmin

Get the data classes, grouped by their root class

DBClassName::getBaseClass() — Method in class DBClassName

Get the base dataclass for the list of subclasses

DBClassName::getShortName() — Method in class DBClassName

Get the base name of the current class Useful as a non-fully qualified CSS Class name in templates.

DBClassName::getEnum() — Method in class DBClassName

Get list of classnames that should be selectable

DBClassName::getDefault() — Method in class DBClassName

Get default vwalue

DBComposite::getField() — Method in class DBComposite

get value of a single composite field

DBComposite::getIndexSpecs() — Method in class DBComposite

Returns the index specifications for the field instance, for example:

DBDate::getFormatter() — Method in class DBDate

Get date formatter

DBDate::getCustomFormatter() — Method in class DBDate

Return formatter in a given locale. Useful if localising in a format other than the current locale.

DBDate::getISOFormat() — Method in class DBDate

Get standard ISO date format string

DBDate::getTimestamp() — Method in class DBDate

Get unix timestamp for this date

DBDatetime::get_template_global_variables() — Method in class DBDatetime

Called by SSViewer to get a list of global variables to expose to the template, the static method to call on this class to get the value for those variables, and the class to use for casting the returned value for use in a template

DBDatetime::getFormatter() — Method in class DBDatetime

Get date / time formatter for the current locale

DBDatetime::getCustomFormatter() — Method in class DBDatetime

Return formatter in a given locale. Useful if localising in a format other than the current locale.

DBDatetime::getISOFormat() — Method in class DBDatetime

Get standard ISO date format string

DBEnum::getEnum() — Method in class DBEnum

Get list of enum values

DBEnum::getEnumObsolete() — Method in class DBEnum

Get the list of enum values, including obsolete values still present in the database

DBEnum::getDefault() — Method in class DBEnum

Get default vwalue

DBField::getName() — Method in class DBField

Returns the name of this field.

DBField::getValue() — Method in class DBField

Returns the value of this field.

DBField::getDefaultValue() — Method in class DBField

Get default value assigned at the DB level

DBField::getOptions() — Method in class DBField

Get optional parameters for this field

DBField::getIndexType() — Method in class DBField

Return the desired index type to use. Will return false if the field instance should not be indexed.

DBField::getTable() — Method in class DBField

Get the table this field belongs to, if assigned

DBField::getArrayValue() — Method in class DBField
DBField::getSchemaValue() — Method in class DBField

Get formfield schema value

DBField::getIndexSpecs() — Method in class DBField

Returns the index specifications for the field instance, for example:

DBHTMLText::getProcessShortcodes() — Method in class DBHTMLText

Check if shortcodes are enabled

DBHTMLText::getWhitelist() — Method in class DBHTMLText

List of html properties to whitelist

DBHTMLText::getSchemaValue() — Method in class DBHTMLText

Get formfield schema value

DBHTMLVarchar::getProcessShortcodes() — Method in class DBHTMLVarchar

Check if shortcodes are enabled

DBHTMLVarchar::getSchemaValue() — Method in class DBHTMLVarchar

Get formfield schema value

DBIndexable::getIndexType() — Method in class DBIndexable

Return the desired index type to use. Will return false if the field instance should not be indexed.

DBIndexable::getIndexSpecs() — Method in class DBIndexable

Returns the index specifications for the field instance, for example:

DBLocale::getShortName() — Method in class DBLocale

Resolves the locale to a common english-language name through {@link i18n::get_common_locales()}.

DBLocale::getLongName() — Method in class DBLocale
DBLocale::getNativeName() — Method in class DBLocale

Returns the localized name based on the field's value.

DBMoney::getFormatter() — Method in class DBMoney

Get currency formatter

DBMoney::getValue() — Method in class DBMoney

Standard '0.00 CUR' format (non-localised)

DBMoney::getCurrency() — Method in class DBMoney
DBMoney::getAmount() — Method in class DBMoney
DBMoney::getLocale() — Method in class DBMoney
DBMoney::getSymbol() — Method in class DBMoney

Get currency symbol

DBPolymorphicForeignKey::getClassValue() — Method in class DBPolymorphicForeignKey

Get the value of the "Class" this key points to

DBPolymorphicForeignKey::getIDValue() — Method in class DBPolymorphicForeignKey

Gets the value of the "ID" this key points to

DBPolymorphicForeignKey::getValue() — Method in class DBPolymorphicForeignKey

Returns the value of this field.

DBPrimaryKey::getAutoIncrement() — Method in class DBPrimaryKey
DBString::getNullifyEmpty() — Method in class DBString

Get whether this field stores empty strings rather than converting them to null

DBTime::getFormatter() — Method in class DBTime

Get date / time formatter for the current locale

DBTime::getISOFormat() — Method in class DBTime

Get standard ISO time format string

DBTime::getTimestamp() — Method in class DBTime

Get unix timestamp for this time

DBVarchar::getSize() — Method in class DBVarchar

Allow the ability to access the size of the field programatically. This can be useful if you want to have text fields with a length limit that is dictated by the DB field.

ExactMatchFilter::getSupportedModifiers() — Method in class ExactMatchFilter

Gets supported modifiers for this filter

FulltextFilter::getDbName() — Method in class FulltextFilter

This implementation allows for a list of columns to be passed into MATCH() instead of just one.

GreaterThanFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Filters

Selects numerical/date content greater than the input

GreaterThanOrEqualFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Filters

Selects numerical/date content greater than or equal to the input

PartialMatchFilter::getSupportedModifiers() — Method in class PartialMatchFilter

Gets supported modifiers for this filter

SearchFilter::getValue() — Method in class SearchFilter

Accessor for the current value to be filtered on.

SearchFilter::getSupportedModifiers() — Method in class SearchFilter

Gets supported modifiers for this filter

SearchFilter::getModifiers() — Method in class SearchFilter

Accessor for the current modifiers to apply to the filter.

SearchFilter::getName() — Method in class SearchFilter

The original name of the field.

SearchFilter::getFullName() — Method in class SearchFilter

The full name passed to the constructor, including any (optional) relations in dot notation.

SearchFilter::getDbName() — Method in class SearchFilter

Normalizes the field name to table mapping.

SearchFilter::getDbFormattedValue() — Method in class SearchFilter

Return the value of the field as processed by the DBField class

GroupedListClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

A list decorator that allows a list to be grouped into sub-lists by common values of a field.

GroupedList::groupBy() — Method in class GroupedList
GroupedList::GroupedBy() — Method in class GroupedList

Similar to {@link groupBy()}, but returns the data in a format which is suitable for usage in templates.

HasManyList::getForeignKey() — Method in class HasManyList

Gets the field name which holds the related object ID.

Hierarchy::get_extra_config() — Method in class Hierarchy
Hierarchy::getDescendantIDList() — Method in class Hierarchy

Get a list of this DataObject's and all it's descendants IDs.

Hierarchy::getParent() — Method in class Hierarchy

Get this object's parent, optionally filtered by an SQL clause. If the clause doesn't match the parent, nothing is returned.

Hierarchy::getAncestors() — Method in class Hierarchy

Return all the parents of this class in a set ordered from the closest to furtherest parent.

Hierarchy::getBreadcrumbs() — Method in class Hierarchy

Returns a human-readable, flattened representation of the path to the object, using its {@link Title} attribute.

MarkedSet::getNodeCountThreshold() — Method in class MarkedSet

Get total number of nodes to get. This acts as a soft lower-bounds for number of nodes to search until found.

MarkedSet::getMaxChildNodes() — Method in class MarkedSet

Max number of nodes that can be physically rendered at any level.

MarkedSet::getChildrenMethod() — Method in class MarkedSet

Get method to use for getting children

MarkedSet::getNumChildrenMethod() — Method in class MarkedSet

Get method name for num children

MarkedSet::getChildrenAsArray() — Method in class MarkedSet

Get child data formatted as JSON

MarkedSet::getLimitingEnabled() — Method in class MarkedSet

Check if limiting is enabled

ListDecorator::getList() — Method in class ListDecorator

Returns the list this decorator wraps around.

ListDecorator::getIterator() — Method in class ListDecorator

Return a single-item iterator so you can iterate over the fields of a single record.

ManyManyList::getExtraData() — Method in class ManyManyList

Find the extra field data for a single row of the relationship join table, given the known child ID.

ManyManyList::getJoinTable() — Method in class ManyManyList

Gets the join table used for the relationship.

ManyManyList::getLocalKey() — Method in class ManyManyList

Gets the key used to store the ID of the local/parent object.

ManyManyList::getForeignKey() — Method in class ManyManyList

Gets the key used to store the ID of the foreign/child object.

ManyManyList::getExtraFields() — Method in class ManyManyList

Gets the extra fields included in the relationship.

ManyManyThroughList::getExtraFields() — Method in class ManyManyThroughList

Get extra fields used by this list

ManyManyThroughList::getJoinTable() — Method in class ManyManyThroughList
ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator::getJoinClass() — Method in class ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator
ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator::getLocalKey() — Method in class ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator
ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator::getForeignKey() — Method in class ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator
ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator::getForeignIDKey() — Method in class ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator

Gets ID key name for foreign key component

ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator::getForeignClassKey() — Method in class ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator

Gets Class key name for foreign key component (or null if none)

ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator::getParentRelationship() — Method in class ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator

Get has_many relationship between parent and join table (for a given DataQuery)

ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator::getJoinAlias() — Method in class ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator

Get name of join table alias for use in queries.

ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator::getForeignClass() — Method in class ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator
ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator::getParentClass() — Method in class ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator
Map::getIterator() — Method in class Map

Returns an Map_Iterator instance for iterating over the complete set of items in the map.

PaginatedList::getPaginationGetVar() — Method in class PaginatedList

Returns the GET var that is used to set the page start. This defaults to "start".

PaginatedList::getPageLength() — Method in class PaginatedList

Returns the number of items displayed per page. This defaults to 10.

PaginatedList::getPageStart() — Method in class PaginatedList

Returns the offset of the item the current page starts at.

PaginatedList::getTotalItems() — Method in class PaginatedList

Returns the total number of items in the unpaginated list.

PaginatedList::getLimitItems() — Method in class PaginatedList

Returns whether or not the underlying list is limited to the current pagination range when iterating.

PaginatedList::getIterator() — Method in class PaginatedList
PaginatedList::getRequest() — Method in class PaginatedList

Get the request object for this list

PolymorphicHasManyList::getForeignClass() — Method in class PolymorphicHasManyList

Retrieve the name of the class this relation is filtered by

SQLAssignmentRow::getAssignments() — Method in class SQLAssignmentRow

Retrieves the list of assignments in parameterised format

SQLAssignmentRow::getColumns() — Method in class SQLAssignmentRow

Retrieves the list of columns updated

SQLConditionalExpression::getConnective() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Get the connective property.

SQLConditionalExpression::getFrom() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Return a list of tables queried

SQLConditionalExpression::getJoins() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Retrieves the finalised list of joins

SQLConditionalExpression::getWhere() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Return a list of WHERE clauses used internally.

SQLConditionalExpression::getWhereParameterised() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Return a list of WHERE clauses used internally.

SQLDelete::getDelete() — Method in class SQLDelete

List of tables to limit the delete to, if multiple tables are specified in the condition clause

SQLInsert::getInto() — Method in class SQLInsert

Gets the table name to insert into

SQLInsert::getRows() — Method in class SQLInsert

Returns the current list of rows

SQLInsert::getColumns() — Method in class SQLInsert

Returns the list of distinct column names used in this insert

SQLInsert::getAssignments() — Method in class SQLInsert

Retrieves the list of assignments in parameterised format

SQLSelect::getDistinct() — Method in class SQLSelect

Get the distinct property.

SQLSelect::getLimit() — Method in class SQLSelect

Get the limit property.

SQLSelect::getOrderBy() — Method in class SQLSelect

Returns the current order by as array if not already. To handle legacy statements which are stored as strings. Without clauses and directions, convert the orderby clause to something readable.

SQLSelect::getHaving() — Method in class SQLSelect

Return a list of HAVING clauses used internally.

SQLSelect::getHavingParameterised() — Method in class SQLSelect

Return a list of HAVING clauses used internally.

SQLSelect::getGroupBy() — Method in class SQLSelect

Return a list of GROUP BY clauses used internally.

SQLSelect::getSelect() — Method in class SQLSelect

Return an itemised select list as a map, where keys are the aliases, and values are the column sources.

SQLUpdate::getTable() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Gets the table name to update

SQLUpdate::getAssignments() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Retrieves the list of assignments in parameterised format

SQLWriteExpression::getAssignments() — Method in class SQLWriteExpression

Retrieves the list of assignments in parameterised format

Relation::getIDList() — Method in class Relation

Returns an array with both the keys and values set to the IDs of the records in this list.

RelationList::getForeignID() — Method in class RelationList

Any number of foreign keys to apply to this list

RelationList::getQueryParams() — Method in class RelationList

Get query parameters for this list.

FulltextSearchable::get_extra_config() — Method in class FulltextSearchable
FulltextSearchable::get_searchable_classes() — Method in class FulltextSearchable

Shows all classes that had the {@link FulltextSearchable} extension applied through {@link enable()}.

SearchContext::getSearchFields() — Method in class SearchContext

Returns scaffolded search fields for UI.

SearchContext::getQuery() — Method in class SearchContext

Returns a SQL object representing the search context for the given list of query parameters.

SearchContext::getResults() — Method in class SearchContext

Returns a result set from the given search parameters.

SearchContext::getFilter() — Method in class SearchContext

Accessor for the filter attached to a named field.

SearchContext::getFilters() — Method in class SearchContext

Get the map of filters in the current search context.

SearchContext::getFields() — Method in class SearchContext

Get the list of searchable fields in the current search context.

SearchContext::getSearchParams() — Method in class SearchContext
SearchContext::getSummary() — Method in class SearchContext

Gets a list of what fields were searched and the values provided for each field. Returns an ArrayList of ArrayData, suitable for rendering on a template.

UnsavedRelationList::getIterator() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Returns an Iterator for this relation.

UnsavedRelationList::getIDList() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Returns an array with both the keys and values set to the IDs of the records in this list.

ValidationException::getResult() — Method in class ValidationException

Retrieves the ValidationResult related to this error

ValidationResult::getMessages() — Method in class ValidationResult

Return the full error meta-data, suitable for combining with another ValidationResult.

Report::getTitle() — Method in class Report

Allows access to title as a property

Report::getLink() — Method in class Report
Report::getCount() — Method in class Report

counts the number of objects returned

Report::get_excluded_reports() — Method in class Report

Return an array of excluded reports. That is, reports that will not be included in the list of reports in report admin in the CMS.

Report::get_reports() — Method in class Report

Return the SS_Report objects making up the given list.

Report::getCMSFields() — Method in class Report

Returns a FieldList with which to create the CMS editing form.

Report::getCMSActions() — Method in class Report
Report::getReportField() — Method in class Report

Return a field, such as a {@link GridField} that is used to show and manipulate data relating to this report.

Report::getBreadcrumbs() — Method in class Report

Return additional breadcrumbs for this report. Useful when this report is a child of another.

ReportAdmin::getEditForm() — Method in class ReportAdmin

Calls {@link SiteTree->getCMSFields()} by default to determine the form fields to display.

ReportWrapper::group() — Method in class ReportWrapper
SideReportView::group() — Method in class SideReportView
AuthenticationMiddleware::getAuthenticationHandler() — Method in class AuthenticationMiddleware
Authenticator::getLoginHandler() — Method in class Authenticator

Return RequestHandler to manage the log-in process.

Authenticator::getLogOutHandler() — Method in class Authenticator

Return the RequestHandler to manage the log-out process.

Authenticator::getChangePasswordHandler() — Method in class Authenticator

Return RequestHandler to manage the change-password process.

Authenticator::getLostPasswordHandler() — Method in class Authenticator
BasicAuthMiddleware::getURLPatterns() — Method in class BasicAuthMiddleware

Get list of url patterns

CMSSecurity::getApplicableAuthenticators() — Method in class CMSSecurity

Get all registered authenticators

CMSSecurity::getTargetMember() — Method in class CMSSecurity

Get known logged out member

CMSSecurity::getResponseController() — Method in class CMSSecurity
CMSSecurity::getIsloggedIn() — Method in class CMSSecurity

Check if there is a logged in member

Item::getToken() — Method in class Item

Returns the token of the item

Item::getName() — Method in class Item

Returns the item name (human readable)

Item::getDescription() — Method in class Item

Returns the human readable description of the item

Storage::getHashedItems() — Method in class Storage

Returns the dictionary with the item hashes

Storage::getTokenHash() — Method in class Storage

Returns salted and hashed version of the item token

Storage::getCookieKey() — Method in class Storage

Returns the unique cookie key generated from the session salt

Storage::getCsrfToken() — Method in class Storage

Returns a unique token to use as a CSRF token

Storage::getSessionSalt() — Method in class Storage

Returns the salt generated for the current session

Storage::getItems() — Method in class Storage

Returns the list of registered confirmation items

Storage::getItem() — Method in class Storage

Look up an item by its token key

Storage::getHttpMethod() — Method in class Storage

Returns HTTP method of the success request

Storage::getSuccessPostVars() — Method in class Storage

Returns the list of success request post parameters

Storage::getSuccessUrl() — Method in class Storage

Returns the URL registered by {see self::setSuccessUrl} as a success redirect target

Storage::getFailureUrl() — Method in class Storage

Returns the URL registered by {see self::setFailureUrl} as a success redirect target

DefaultAdminService::getDefaultAdminUsername() — Method in class DefaultAdminService
DefaultAdminService::getDefaultAdminPassword() — Method in class DefaultAdminService
GroupClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

A security group.

Group::getAllChildren() — Method in class Group
Group::getCMSFields() — Method in class Group

Caution: Only call on instances, not through a singleton.

Group::getTreeTitle() — Method in class Group
Group::Groups() — Method in class Group

List of child groups

GroupCsvBulkLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security
InheritedPermissionFlusher::getServices() — Method in class InheritedPermissionFlusher
InheritedPermissions::getGlobalEditPermissions() — Method in class InheritedPermissions
InheritedPermissions::getDefaultPermissions() — Method in class InheritedPermissions

Get root permissions handler, or null if no handler

InheritedPermissions::getBaseClass() — Method in class InheritedPermissions

Get base class

LoginAttempt::getByEmail() — Method in class LoginAttempt

Get all login attempts for the given email address

LoginForm::getAuthenticatorClass() — Method in class LoginForm

Returns the authenticator class name to use

LoginForm::getAuthenticatorName() — Method in class LoginForm

Return the title of the form for use in the frontend For tabs with multiple login methods, for example.

Member::generateAutologinTokenAndStoreHash() — Method in class Member

Generate an auto login token which can be used to reset the password, at the same time hashing it and storing in the database.

Member::getMemberFormFields() — Method in class Member

Returns the fields for the member form - used in the registration/profile module.

Member::getMemberPasswordField() — Method in class Member

Builds "Change / Create Password" field for this member

Member::getValidator() — Method in class Member

Returns the {@link RequiredFields} instance for the Member object. This Validator is used when saving a {@link CMSProfileController} or added to any form responsible for saving a users data.

Member::getLastName() — Method in class Member

Simple proxy method to get the Surname property of the member

Member::getTitle() — Method in class Member

Get the complete name of the member, by default in the format ", ".

Member::get_title_sql() — Method in class Member

Return a SQL CONCAT() fragment suitable for a SELECT statement.

Member::getName() — Method in class Member

Get the complete name of the member

Member::getDateFormat() — Method in class Member

Return the date format based on the user's chosen locale, falling back to the default format defined by the i18n::config()->get('default_locale') config setting.

Member::getLocale() — Method in class Member

Get user locale, falling back to the configured default locale

Member::getTimeFormat() — Method in class Member

Return the time format based on the user's chosen locale, falling back to the default format defined by the i18n::config()->get('default_locale') config setting.

Member::Groups() — Method in class Member

Get a "many-to-many" map that holds for all members their group memberships, including any parent groups where membership is implied.

Member::getCMSFields() — Method in class Member

Return a {@link FieldList} of fields that would appropriate for editing this member.

Member::getHtmlEditorConfigForCMS() — Method in class Member

Get the HtmlEditorConfig for this user to be used in the CMS.

CMSLoginHandler::getReturnReferer() — Method in class CMSLoginHandler
CMSMemberAuthenticator::getLoginHandler() — Method in class CMSMemberAuthenticator
CMSMemberLoginForm::getFormFields() — Method in class CMSMemberLoginForm
CMSMemberLoginForm::getFormActions() — Method in class CMSMemberLoginForm
CMSMemberLoginForm::getExternalLink() — Method in class CMSMemberLoginForm

Get link to use for external security actions

CMSMemberLoginForm::getAuthenticatorName() — Method in class CMSMemberLoginForm
CookieAuthenticationHandler::getDeviceCookieName() — Method in class CookieAuthenticationHandler

Get the name of the cookie used to track this device

CookieAuthenticationHandler::getTokenCookieName() — Method in class CookieAuthenticationHandler

Get the name of the cookie used to store an login token

CookieAuthenticationHandler::getTokenCookieSecure() — Method in class CookieAuthenticationHandler

Get the name of the cookie used to store an login token

CookieAuthenticationHandler::getCascadeInTo() — Method in class CookieAuthenticationHandler

Once a member is found by authenticateRequest() pass it to this identity store

LoginHandler::getReturnReferer() — Method in class LoginHandler
LostPasswordForm::getFormFields() — Method in class LostPasswordForm

Create a single EmailField form that has the capability of using the MemberLoginForm Authenticator

LostPasswordForm::getFormActions() — Method in class LostPasswordForm

Give the member a friendly button to push

MemberAuthenticator::getLostPasswordHandler() — Method in class MemberAuthenticator
MemberAuthenticator::getChangePasswordHandler() — Method in class MemberAuthenticator
MemberAuthenticator::getLoginHandler() — Method in class MemberAuthenticator
MemberAuthenticator::getLogoutHandler() — Method in class MemberAuthenticator
MemberLoginForm::getAuthenticatorName() — Method in class MemberLoginForm

The name of this login form, to display in the frontend Replaces Authenticator::get_name()

SessionAuthenticationHandler::getSessionVariable() — Method in class SessionAuthenticationHandler

Get the session variable name used to track member ID

MemberCsvBulkLoader::getGroups() — Method in class MemberCsvBulkLoader
Member_Validator::getForMember() — Method in class Member_Validator

Get the member this validator applies to.

NullSecurityToken::getValue() — Method in class NullSecurityToken
NullSecurityToken::generate() — Method in class NullSecurityToken
PasswordEncryptor::get_encryptors() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor
PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish::get_cost() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish

Gets the cost that is set for the blowfish algorithm

PasswordEncryptor_PHPHash::getAlgorithm() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_PHPHash
PasswordValidator::getMinLength() — Method in class PasswordValidator
PasswordValidator::getMinTestScore() — Method in class PasswordValidator
PasswordValidator::getTestNames() — Method in class PasswordValidator

Gets the list of tests to use for this validator

PasswordValidator::getHistoricCount() — Method in class PasswordValidator
PasswordValidator::getTests() — Method in class PasswordValidator

Gets all possible tests

Permission::groupList() — Method in class Permission

Get the list of groups that the given member belongs to.

Permission::grant() — Method in class Permission

Grant the given permission code/arg to the given group

Permission::get_members_by_permission() — Method in class Permission

Returns all members for a specific permission.

Permission::get_groups_by_permission() — Method in class Permission

Return all of the groups that have one of the given permission codes

Permission::get_codes() — Method in class Permission

Get a list of all available permission codes, both defined through the {@link PermissionProvider} interface, and all not explicitly defined codes existing as a {@link Permission} database record. By default, the results are grouped as denoted by {@link Permission_Group}.

Permission::get_declared_permissions_list() — Method in class Permission

Get a linear list of the permissions in the system.

Permission::get_label_for_permission() — Method in class Permission

Look up the human-readable title for the permission as defined by Permission::declare_permissions

Permission::get_template_global_variables() — Method in class Permission

Called by SSViewer to get a list of global variables to expose to the template, the static method to call on this class to get the value for those variables, and the class to use for casting the returned value for use in a template

Permission::Group() — Method in class Permission
PermissionCheckboxSetField::getHiddenPermissions() — Method in class PermissionCheckboxSetField
PermissionRole::getCMSFields() — Method in class PermissionRole

Centerpiece of every data administration interface in Silverstripe, which returns a {@link FieldList} suitable for a {@link Form} object.

PermissionRole::Groups() — Method in class PermissionRole

List of Group objects

Permission_Group::getName() — Method in class Permission_Group

Get the name of the permission group

Permission_Group::getPermissions() — Method in class Permission_Group

Get permissions

RandomGenerator::generateEntropy() — Method in class RandomGenerator
RememberLoginHash::getToken() — Method in class RememberLoginHash
RememberLoginHash::getNewHash() — Method in class RememberLoginHash

Creates a new random token and hashes it using the member information

RememberLoginHash::generate() — Method in class RememberLoginHash

Generates a new login hash associated with a device The device is assigned a globally unique device ID The returned login hash stores the hashed token in the database, for this device and this member

Security::getAuthenticators() — Method in class Security
Security::getApplicableAuthenticators() — Method in class Security

Get all registered authenticators

Security::getCurrentUser() — Method in class Security
Security::getLoginForms() — Method in class Security

Get the login forms for all available authentication methods

Security::getRequest() — Method in class Security

Returns the HTTPRequest object that this controller is using.

Security::getPasswordResetLink() — Method in class Security

Create a link to the password reset form.

Security::getTemplatesFor() — Method in class Security

Determine the list of templates to use for rendering the given action.

Security::get_template_global_variables() — Method in class Security

Defines global accessible templates variables.

SecurityToken::get_default_name() — Method in class SecurityToken
SecurityToken::getSecurityID() — Method in class SecurityToken

Returns the value of an the global SecurityToken in the current session

SecurityToken::getName() — Method in class SecurityToken
SecurityToken::getValue() — Method in class SecurityToken
SecurityToken::get_template_global_variables() — Method in class SecurityToken

Called by SSViewer to get a list of global variables to expose to the template, the static method to call on this class to get the value for those variables, and the class to use for casting the returned value for use in a template

SiteConfig::getCMSFields() — Method in class SiteConfig

Get the fields that are sent to the CMS.

SiteConfig::getCMSActions() — Method in class SiteConfig

Get the actions that are sent to the CMS.

SiteConfig::get_template_global_variables() — Method in class SiteConfig

Add $SiteConfig to all SSViewers

SiteConfigLeftAndMain::getEditForm() — Method in class SiteConfigLeftAndMain
ArchiveAdmin::getEditForm() — Method in class ArchiveAdmin

Produces an edit form with relevant prioritised tabs for Pages, Blocks and Files

ArchiveAdmin::getVersionedModels() — Method in class ArchiveAdmin

Returns versioned objects, can be filtered for 'main' (has a tab) or 'other' and is exposed through the 'Others' tab, returns all by default

ArchiveAdmin::getOtherModelSelectorField() — Method in class ArchiveAdmin

Creates a dropdown field that displays other archived models

ArchiveAdmin::getManagedModels() — Method in class ArchiveAdmin

Archive admin needs some extra logic for whether an archive tab should be shown

ArchiveAdmin::getManagedModelTabs() — Method in class ArchiveAdmin

Add the special 'Others' tab

CMSPageHistoryViewerController::getEditForm() — Method in class CMSPageHistoryViewerController
CMSPageHistoryViewerController::getTabIdentifier() — Method in class CMSPageHistoryViewerController

Return the active tab identifier for the CMS. Used by templates to decide which tab to give the active state.

HistoryViewerController::getClientConfig() — Method in class HistoryViewerController

Returns configuration required by the client app.

HistoryViewerController::getVersionForm() — Method in class HistoryViewerController

Returns a {@link Form} showing the version details for a given version of a record

HistoryViewerController::getCompareForm() — Method in class HistoryViewerController

Returns a {@link Form} containing the comparison {@link DiffTransformation} view for a record between two specified versions.

BlockArchiveExtension::getArchiveFieldClass() — Method in class BlockArchiveExtension
BlockArchiveExtension::getArchiveField() — Method in class BlockArchiveExtension
FileArchiveExtension::getArchiveFieldClass() — Method in class FileArchiveExtension
FileArchiveExtension::getArchiveField() — Method in class FileArchiveExtension
SiteTreeArchiveExtension::getArchiveFieldClass() — Method in class SiteTreeArchiveExtension
SiteTreeArchiveExtension::getArchiveField() — Method in class SiteTreeArchiveExtension
DataObjectVersionFormFactory::getForm() — Method in class DataObjectVersionFormFactory

Generates the form

DataObjectVersionFormFactory::getFormType() — Method in class DataObjectVersionFormFactory

Get form type from 'type' context

DataObjectVersionFormFactory::getRequiredContext() — Method in class DataObjectVersionFormFactory

Return list of mandatory context keys

DiffField::getComparisonField() — Method in class DiffField
DiffField::getOutdatedField() — Method in class DiffField

This function is so named not in the manner of chronology, but rather in terms of succession.

DiffField::getSchemaDataDefaults() — Method in class DiffField

Gets the defaults for $schemaData.

DiffField::getSchemaStateDefaults() — Method in class DiffField

Gets the defaults for $schemaState.

GridFieldFileRestoreActionClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionedAdmin\Forms\GridField

Extension of GridFieldRestoreAction to only show action if there is a valid file

GridFieldFileRestoreAction::getRestoreAction() — Method in class GridFieldFileRestoreAction
HistoryViewerField::getSourceRecord() — Method in class HistoryViewerField

Get the source record to view history for

HistoryViewerField::getPreviewEnabled() — Method in class HistoryViewerField

Get whether the record is previewable

HistoryViewerField::getContextKey() — Method in class HistoryViewerField
HistoryViewerField::getSchemaDataDefaults() — Method in class HistoryViewerField

Provide the necessary input data for React to power the history viewer

HistoryViewerField::getAttributes() — Method in class HistoryViewerField

When not used in a React form factory context, this adds the schema data to SilverStripe template rendered attributes lists

ArchiveViewProvider::getArchiveFieldClass() — Method in class ArchiveViewProvider

Returns the classname of the objects displayed in the field

ArchiveViewProvider::getArchiveField() — Method in class ArchiveViewProvider

Method on a {@link DataObject} which returns a custom field (usually {@link GridField}) for viewing and/or interacting with this objects archived records

ProxyCacheAdapter::get() — Method in class ProxyCacheAdapter


ProxyCacheAdapter::getMultiple() — Method in class ProxyCacheAdapter


ChangeSet::getCMSFields() — Method in class ChangeSet

Centerpiece of every data administration interface in Silverstripe, which returns a {@link FieldList} suitable for a {@link Form} object.

ChangeSet::getDetails() — Method in class ChangeSet

Gets summary of items in changeset

ChangeSet::getChangesCount() — Method in class ChangeSet

Required to support the "changes" count display in react gridfield column

ChangeSet::getPublishedLabel() — Method in class ChangeSet

Gets the label for the "last published" date. Special case for "today"

ChangeSet::getStateLabel() — Method in class ChangeSet

Description for state

ChangeSet::getPublisherName() — Method in class ChangeSet

Gets the full name of the user who last published this campaign

ChangeSetItem::getTitle() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Standard implementation of a title/label for a specific record. Tries to find properties 'Title' or 'Name', and falls back to the 'ID'. Useful to provide user-friendly identification of a record, e.g. in errormessages or UI-selections.

ChangeSetItem::getChangeType() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Get the type of change: none, created, deleted, modified, manymany

ChangeSetItem::get_for_object() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Get the ChangeSetItems that reference a passed DataObject

ChangeSetItem::get_for_object_by_id() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Get the ChangeSetItems that reference a passed DataObject

ChangeSetItem::getPreviewLinks() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Gets the list of modes this record can be previewed in.

PublishOperation::getName() — Method in class PublishOperation
Rollback::getName() — Method in class Rollback
GridFieldArchiveActionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned

This class is a {@link GridField} component that replaces the delete action and adds an archive action for objects.

GridFieldArchiveAction::getTitle() — Method in class GridFieldArchiveAction
GridFieldArchiveAction::getGroup() — Method in class GridFieldArchiveAction
GridFieldArchiveAction::getExtraData() — Method in class GridFieldArchiveAction
GridFieldArchiveAction::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldArchiveAction

Return any special attributes that will be used for FormField::create_tag()

GridFieldArchiveAction::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridFieldArchiveAction

Add the title

GridFieldArchiveAction::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridFieldArchiveAction

Which columns are handled by this component

GridFieldArchiveAction::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldArchiveAction

Which GridField actions are this component handling

GridFieldArchiveAction::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldArchiveAction
GridFieldArchiveAction::getArchiveAction() — Method in class GridFieldArchiveAction

Returns the GridField_FormAction if archive can be performed

GridFieldRestoreActionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned

This class is a {@link GridField} component that adds a restore action for versioned objects.

GridFieldRestoreAction::getTitle() — Method in class GridFieldRestoreAction
GridFieldRestoreAction::getGroup() — Method in class GridFieldRestoreAction
GridFieldRestoreAction::getExtraData() — Method in class GridFieldRestoreAction
GridFieldRestoreAction::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldRestoreAction

Return any special attributes that will be used for FormField::create_tag()

GridFieldRestoreAction::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridFieldRestoreAction

Add the title

GridFieldRestoreAction::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridFieldRestoreAction

Which columns are handled by this component

GridFieldRestoreAction::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldRestoreAction

Which GridField actions are this component handling.

GridFieldRestoreAction::getRestoreAction() — Method in class GridFieldRestoreAction

Creates a restore action if the action is able to be preformed

GridFieldRestoreAction::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldRestoreAction
RestoreAction::getRestoreMessage() — Method in class RestoreAction

Returns a message which notifies the user of a successful restoration and if anything has changed

Versioned::getAtVersion() — Method in class Versioned

Get this record at a specific version

Versioned::getNextWriteWithoutVersion() — Method in class Versioned

Check if next write is without version

Versioned::getDeleteWritesVersion() — Method in class Versioned

Check if delete() should write _Version rows or not

Versioned::getMigratingVersion() — Method in class Versioned

Get version migrated to

Versioned::get_reading_mode() — Method in class Versioned

Get the current reading mode.

Versioned::get_stage() — Method in class Versioned

Get the current reading stage.

Versioned::get_default_reading_mode() — Method in class Versioned

Get default reading mode

Versioned::get_draft_site_secured() — Method in class Versioned

Check if draft site should be secured.

Versioned::get_one_by_stage() — Method in class Versioned

Get a singleton instance of a class in the given stage.

Versioned::get_versionnumber_by_stage() — Method in class Versioned

Gets the current version number of a specific record.

Versioned::get_by_stage() — Method in class Versioned

Get a set of class instances by the given stage.

Versioned::get_latest_version() — Method in class Versioned

Return the latest version of the given record.

Versioned::get_including_deleted() — Method in class Versioned

Return the equivalent of a DataList::create() call, querying the latest version of each record stored in the (class)_Versions tables.

Versioned::get_version() — Method in class Versioned

Return the specific version of the given id.

Versioned::get_all_versions() — Method in class Versioned

Return a list of all versions for a given id.

Versioned::getVersionedStages() — Method in class Versioned

Returns an array of possible stages.

Versioned::get_template_global_variables() — Method in class Versioned

Called by SSViewer to get a list of global variables to expose to the template, the static method to call on this class to get the value for those variables, and the class to use for casting the returned value for use in a template

VersionedGridFieldState::getColumn() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldState

Column to decorate with version state

VersionedGridFieldState::getVersionedLabelFields() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldState

Search list for default column

VersionedGridFieldState::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldState

Names of all columns which are affected by this component.

VersionedGridFieldState::getColumnContent() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldState

HTML for the column, content of the element.

VersionedGridFieldState::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldState

Attributes for the element containing the content returned by {@link getColumnContent()}.

VersionedGridFieldState::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldState

Additional metadata about the column which can be used by other components, e.g. to set a title for a search column header.

ArrayData::getField() — Method in class ArrayData

Gets a field from this object.

EmbedResource::getWidth() — Method in class EmbedResource

Get width of this Embed

EmbedResource::getHeight() — Method in class EmbedResource

Get height of this Embed

EmbedResource::getPreviewURL() — Method in class EmbedResource

Get preview url

EmbedResource::getName() — Method in class EmbedResource

Get human readable name for this resource

EmbedResource::getType() — Method in class EmbedResource

Get Embed type

EmbedResource::getOptions() — Method in class EmbedResource
EmbedResource::getDispatcher() — Method in class EmbedResource
EmbedResource::getEmbed() — Method in class EmbedResource

Returns a bootstrapped Embed object

Embeddable::getWidth() — Method in class Embeddable

Get width of this Embed

Embeddable::getHeight() — Method in class Embeddable

Get height of this Embed

Embeddable::getPreviewURL() — Method in class Embeddable

Get preview url

Embeddable::getName() — Method in class Embeddable

Get human readable name for this resource

Embeddable::getType() — Method in class Embeddable

Get Embed type

GenericTemplateGlobalProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\View
GenericTemplateGlobalProvider::get_template_global_variables() — Method in class GenericTemplateGlobalProvider

Called by SSViewer to get a list of global variables to expose to the template, the static method to call on this class to get the value for those variables, and the class to use for casting the returned value for use in a template

GenericTemplateGlobalProvider::getDataList() — Method in class GenericTemplateGlobalProvider

This allows templates to create a new DataList from a known DataObject class name, and call methods such as aggregates.

Diff::getHTMLChunks() — Method in class Diff
HTMLCleaner::getConfig() — Method in class HTMLCleaner
HTMLValue::getContent() — Method in class HTMLValue
HTMLValue::getDocument() — Method in class HTMLValue

Get the DOMDocument for the passed content

HTMLValue::getBody() — Method in class HTMLValue

Get the body element, or false if there isn't one (we haven't loaded any content or this instance is in an invalid state)

ShortcodeHandler::get_shortcodes() — Method in class ShortcodeHandler

Gets the list of shortcodes provided by this handler

ShortcodeParser::get() — Method in class ShortcodeParser

Get the {@link ShortcodeParser} instance that is attached to a particular identifier.

ShortcodeParser::get_active() — Method in class ShortcodeParser

Get the currently active/default {@link ShortcodeParser} instance.

ShortcodeParser::getRegisteredShortcodes() — Method in class ShortcodeParser

Get an array containing information about registered shortcodes

ShortcodeParser::getShortcodeReplacementText() — Method in class ShortcodeParser

Return the text to insert in place of a shoprtcode.

URLSegmentFilter::getReplacements() — Method in class URLSegmentFilter
URLSegmentFilter::getTransliterator() — Method in class URLSegmentFilter
URLSegmentFilter::getAllowMultibyte() — Method in class URLSegmentFilter
PublicThemes::getThemes() — Method in class PublicThemes

Returns a map of all themes information. The map is in the following format:

Requirements::get_combined_files_enabled() — Method in class Requirements

Checks whether combining of css/javascript files is enabled.

Requirements::get_suffix_requirements() — Method in class Requirements

Check whether we want to suffix requirements

Requirements::get_custom_scripts() — Method in class Requirements

Return all registered custom scripts

Requirements::get_combine_files() — Method in class Requirements

Return all combined files; keys are the combined file names, values are lists of associative arrays with 'files', 'type', and 'media' keys for details about this combined file.

Requirements::get_write_js_to_body() — Method in class Requirements

Set whether you want to write the JS to the body of the page rather than at the end of the head tag.

Requirements::get_force_js_to_bottom() — Method in class Requirements

Get whether to force the JavaScript to end of the body. Useful if you use inline script tags that don't rely on scripts included via {@link Requirements::javascript()).

Requirements::get_minify_combined_js_files() — Method in class Requirements

Check if JS minification is enabled

Requirements::get_write_header_comments() — Method in class Requirements

Check if header comments are written

Requirements_Backend::getAssetHandler() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Gets the backend storage for generated files

Requirements_Backend::getMinifier() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Gets the minification service for this backend

Requirements_Backend::getWriteHeaderComment() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Check if header comments are written

Requirements_Backend::getCombinedFilesFolder() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Retrieve the combined files folder prefix

Requirements_Backend::getSuffixRequirements() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Check whether we want to suffix requirements

Requirements_Backend::getWriteJavascriptToBody() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Check whether you want to write the JS to the body of the page rather than at the end of the head tag.

Requirements_Backend::getForceJSToBottom() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Check if the JavaScript requirements are written to the end of the body, right before the closing tag

Requirements_Backend::getMinifyCombinedFiles() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Check if minify files should be combined

Requirements_Backend::getProvidedScripts() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Gets all scripts that are already provided by prior scripts.

Requirements_Backend::getJavascript() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Returns an array of required JavaScript, excluding blocked and duplicates of provided files.

Requirements_Backend::getCustomScripts() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Return all registered custom scripts

Requirements_Backend::getCustomCSS() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Return all registered custom CSS

Requirements_Backend::getCustomHeadTags() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Return all custom head tags

Requirements_Backend::getCSS() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Get the list of registered CSS file requirements, excluding blocked files

Requirements_Backend::getBlocked() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Gets the list of all blocked files

Requirements_Backend::getCombinedFiles() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Return all combined files; keys are the combined file names, values are lists of associative arrays with 'files', 'type', and 'media' keys for details about this combined file.

Requirements_Backend::getCombinedFilesEnabled() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Check if combined files are enabled

$ SSViewer#global_keyProperty in class SSViewer

Default prepended cache key for partial caching

SSViewer::get_themes() — Method in class SSViewer

Get the list of active themes

SSViewer::get_templates_by_class() — Method in class SSViewer

Traverses the given the given class context looking for candidate template names which match each item in the class hierarchy. The resulting list of template candidates may or may not exist, but you can invoke {see SSViewer::chooseTemplate} on any list to determine the best candidate based on the current themes.

SSViewer::getRewriteHashLinks() — Method in class SSViewer

Check if rewrite hash links are enabled on this instance

SSViewer::getRewriteHashLinksDefault() — Method in class SSViewer

Get default value for rewrite hash links for all modules

SSViewer::getParser() — Method in class SSViewer

Returns the parser that is set for template generation

SSViewer::getTemplateFileByType() — Method in class SSViewer
SSViewer::getPartialCacheStore() — Method in class SSViewer

Get the cache object to use when storing / retrieving partial cache blocks.

SSViewer::get_base_tag() — Method in class SSViewer

Return an appropriate base tag for the given template.

SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport::get_template_iterator_variables() — Method in class SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport
SSViewer_DataPresenter::getInjectedValue() — Method in class SSViewer_DataPresenter

Look up injected value - it may be part of an "overlay" (arguments passed to <% include %>), set on the current item, part of an "underlay" ($Layout or $Content), or an iterator/global property

SSViewer_DataPresenter::getObj() — Method in class SSViewer_DataPresenter
SSViewer_FromString::getCacheTemplate() — Method in class SSViewer_FromString
SSViewer_Scope::getItem() — Method in class SSViewer_Scope

Returns the current "active" item

SSViewer_Scope::getObj() — Method in class SSViewer_Scope
EmbedShortcodeProvider::get_shortcodes() — Method in class EmbedShortcodeProvider

Gets the list of shortcodes provided by this handler

TemplateGlobalProvider::get_template_global_variables() — Method in class TemplateGlobalProvider

Called by SSViewer to get a list of global variables to expose to the template, the static method to call on this class to get the value for those variables, and the class to use for casting the returned value for use in a template

TemplateIteratorProvider::get_template_iterator_variables() — Method in class TemplateIteratorProvider

Called by SSViewer to get a list of iterator variables to expose to the template, the instance method to call on an instance of this class to get the value for those variables, and the class to use for casting the returned value for use in a template

ThemeList::getThemes() — Method in class ThemeList

Returns a map of all themes information. The map is in the following format:

ThemeManifest::getBase() — Method in class ThemeManifest
ThemeManifest::getCacheKey() — Method in class ThemeManifest

Generate a unique cache key to avoid manifest cache collisions.

ThemeManifest::getThemes() — Method in class ThemeManifest
ThemeResourceLoader::getSet() — Method in class ThemeResourceLoader

Get a named theme set

ThemeResourceLoader::getPath() — Method in class ThemeResourceLoader

Given a theme identifier, determine the path from the root directory

ThemeResourceLoader::getThemePaths() — Method in class ThemeResourceLoader

Resolve all themes to the list of root folders relative to site root

ThemeResourceLoader::getCache() — Method in class ThemeResourceLoader
ViewableData::getFailover() — Method in class ViewableData

Get the current failover object if set

ViewableData::getField() — Method in class ViewableData

Get the value of a field on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.

ViewableData::getCustomisedObj() — Method in class ViewableData
ViewableData::getXMLValues() — Method in class ViewableData

Get an array of XML-escaped values by field name

ViewableData::getIterator() — Method in class ViewableData

Return a single-item iterator so you can iterate over the fields of a single record.

ViewableData::getViewerTemplates() — Method in class ViewableData

Find appropriate templates for SSViewer to use to render this object

IntlLocales::getLocales() — Method in class IntlLocales

Get all locale codes and names

IntlLocales::getLanguages() — Method in class IntlLocales

Get all language codes and names

IntlLocales::getCountries() — Method in class IntlLocales

Get all country codes and names

Locales::getCountries() — Method in class Locales

Get all country codes and names

Locales::getLanguages() — Method in class Locales

Get all language codes and names

Locales::getLocales() — Method in class Locales

Get all locale codes and names

Sources::getSortedModules() — Method in class Sources

Get sorted modules

Sources::getLangDirs() — Method in class Sources

Find the list of prioritised /lang folders in this application

Sources::getKnownLocales() — Method in class Sources

Searches the root-directory for module-directories (identified by having a _config.php on their first directory-level).

FlushInvalidatedResource::getResource() — Method in class FlushInvalidatedResource
ModuleYamlLoader::getReader() — Method in class ModuleYamlLoader
SymfonyMessageProvider::getTranslator() — Method in class SymfonyMessageProvider
SymfonyMessageProvider::getSourceDirs() — Method in class SymfonyMessageProvider

Get the list of /lang dirs to load localisations from

YamlWriter::getYaml() — Method in class YamlWriter

Convert messages to yml ready to write

Parser::getTranslatables() — Method in class Parser

Parses a template and returns any translatable entities

Parser::getEntities() — Method in class Parser
i18nTextCollector::getWriter() — Method in class i18nTextCollector

Gets the currently assigned writer, or the default if none is specified.

i18nTextCollector::getReader() — Method in class i18nTextCollector

Get reader

i18nTextCollector::getDefaultLocale() — Method in class i18nTextCollector
i18nTextCollector::getWarnOnEmptyDefault() — Method in class i18nTextCollector
i18n::get_closest_translation() — Method in class i18n

Matches a given locale with the closest translation available in the system

i18n::get_locale() — Method in class i18n

Get the current locale.

i18n::get_script_direction() — Method in class i18n

Returns the script direction in format compatible with the HTML "dir" attribute.

i18n::get_template_global_variables() — Method in class i18n

Called by SSViewer to get a list of global variables to expose to the template, the static method to call on this class to get the value for those variables, and the class to use for casting the returned value for use in a template

i18n::getMessageProvider() — Method in class i18n
i18n::getData() — Method in class i18n

Localisation data source

i18n::getSources() — Method in class i18n

Get data sources for localisation strings


AdminRootController::handleRequest() — Method in class AdminRootController

Executes this controller, and return an {@link HTTPResponse} object with the result.

CMSBatchActionHandler::handleBatchAction() — Method in class CMSBatchActionHandler

Invoke a batch action

CMSBatchActionHandler::handleApplicablePages() — Method in class CMSBatchActionHandler

Respond with the list of applicable pages for a given filter

CMSBatchActionHandler::handleConfirmation() — Method in class CMSBatchActionHandler

Check if this action has a confirmation step

$ LeftAndMain#help_linkProperty in class LeftAndMain
$ LeftAndMain#help_linksProperty in class LeftAndMain

The urls used for the links in the Help dropdown in the backend

LeftAndMain::handleRequest() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Executes this controller, and return an {@link HTTPResponse} object with the result.

AssetAdminFile::humanizedChanges() — Method in class AssetAdminFile
HistoryListFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Forms

History view for file editor form

File::hasRestrictedAccess() — Method in class File

Check if the File has a CanViewType set or inherited at "LoggedInUsers or above"

Folder::hasChildren() — Method in class Folder

Returns true if this folder has children

Folder::hasChildFolders() — Method in class Folder

Returns true if this folder has children

FileShortcodeProvider::handle_shortcode() — Method in class FileShortcodeProvider

Replace "[file_link id=n]" shortcode with an anchor tag or link to the file.

ImageShortcodeProvider::handle_shortcode() — Method in class ImageShortcodeProvider

Replace"[image id=n]" shortcode with an image reference.

$ DBFile#HashProperty in class DBFile

SHA of the file

ProtectedFileController::handleFile() — Method in class ProtectedFileController

Provide a response for the given file request

ContentController::handleRequest() — Method in class ContentController

This acts the same as {@link Controller::handleRequest()}, but if an action cannot be found this will attempt to fall over to a child controller in order to provide functionality for nested URLs.

ModelAsController::handleRequest() — Method in class ModelAsController
RootURLController::handleRequest() — Method in class RootURLController
$ SiteTree#hide_ancestorProperty in class SiteTree

If you extend a class, and don't want to be able to select the old class in the cms, set this to the old class name. Eg, if you extended Product to make ImprovedProduct, then you would set $hide_ancestor to Product.

$ SiteTree#HasBrokenFileProperty in class SiteTree

True if this page has a broken file shortcode

$ SiteTree#HasBrokenLinkProperty in class SiteTree

True if this page has a broken page shortcode

VirtualPage::hasField() — Method in class VirtualPage
AddToCampaignHandler::handle() — Method in class AddToCampaignHandler

Perform the action. Either returns a Form or performs the action, as per the class doc

ContentNegotiator::html() — Method in class ContentNegotiator

Performs the following replacements:

  • Check user defined content type and use it, if it's empty use the text/html.
Controller::handleRequest() — Method in class Controller

Executes this controller, and return an {@link HTTPResponse} object with the result.

Controller::hasAction() — Method in class Controller
Controller::hasActionTemplate() — Method in class Controller

Returns TRUE if this controller has a template that is specifically designed to handle a specific action.

Controller::has_curr() — Method in class Controller

Tests whether we have a currently active controller or not. True if there is at least 1 controller in the stack.

Director::handleRequest() — Method in class Director

Process the given URL, creating the appropriate controller and executing it.

Director::host() — Method in class Director

A helper to determine the current hostname used to access the site.

Director::hostName() — Method in class Director

Return host name without port

Email::hasPlainPart() — Method in class Email
HTTPClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

A class with HTTP-related helpers. Like Debug, this is more a bundle of methods than a class.

HTTPApplicationClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

Invokes the HTTP application within an ErrorControlChain

HTTPApplication::handle() — Method in class HTTPApplication

Handle the given HTTP request

HTTPRequestClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

Represents a HTTP-request, including a URL that is tokenised for parsing, and a request method (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE). This is used by {@link RequestHandler} objects to decide what to do.

HTTPRequest::httpMethod() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::hasSession() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Determines whether the request has a session

HTTPRequestBuilderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control
HTTPResponseClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

Represents a response returned by a controller.

HTTPResponse_ExceptionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

A {@link HTTPResponse} encapsulated in an exception, which can interrupt the processing flow and be caught by the {@link RequestHandler} and returned to the user.

HTTPStreamResponseClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

A response which contains a streamable data source.

HasRequestHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

Indicator for a class which cannot handle requests directly, but is able to generate a delegate for those requests.

HttpMethodBypassClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware\ConfirmationMiddleware

Allows to bypass requests of a particular HTTP method

HTTPCacheControlMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware
HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::hasStateDirective() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Low level method to check if a directive is currently set

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::hasDirective() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Check if the current state has the given directive.

HTTPMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware

HTTP Request middleware Based on https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/proposed/http-middleware/middleware.md#21-psrhttpservermiddlewaremiddlewareinterface

HTTPMiddlewareAwareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware

Adds middleware support to an object.

PermissionAwareConfirmationMiddleware::hasAccess() — Method in class PermissionAwareConfirmationMiddleware

Check whether the user has permissions to perform the target operation Otherwise we may want to skip the confirmation dialog.

RequestHandlerMiddlewareAdapter::handleRequest() — Method in class RequestHandlerMiddlewareAdapter

Handles URL requests.

RequestHandler::handleRequest() — Method in class RequestHandler

Handles URL requests.

RequestHandler::hasAction() — Method in class RequestHandler

Checks if this request handler has a specific action, even if the current user cannot access it.

RequestHandler::httpError() — Method in class RequestHandler

Throws a HTTP error response encased in a {@link HTTPResponse_Exception}, which is later caught in {@link RequestHandler::handleAction()} and returned to the user.

RateLimiter::hit() — Method in class RateLimiter

Store a hit in the rate limit cache

ClassInfo::hasTable() — Method in class ClassInfo
ClassInfo::has_method_from() — Method in class ClassInfo

Determine if the given class method is implemented at the given comparison class

ClassInfo::hasMethod() — Method in class ClassInfo

Helper to determine if the given object has a method

ConfigLoader::hasManifest() — Method in class ConfigLoader

Returns true if this class loader has a manifest.

Convert::html2raw() — Method in class Convert

Simple conversion of HTML to plaintext.

CustomMethods::hasMethod() — Method in class CustomMethods

Return TRUE if a method exists on this object

Extensible::has_extension() — Method in class Extensible

Return TRUE if a class has a specified extension.

Extensible::hasExtension() — Method in class Extensible

Returns TRUE if this object instance has a specific extension applied in {@link $extension_instances}. Extension instances are initialized at constructor time, meaning if you use {@link add_extension()} afterwards, the added extension will just be added to new instances of the extended class. Use the static method {@link has_extension()} to check if a class (not an instance) has a specific extension.

Injector::hasService() — Method in class Injector
Injector::has() — Method in class Injector

Does the given service exist?

InjectorLoader::hasManifest() — Method in class InjectorLoader

Returns true if this class loader has a manifest.

ClassLoader::hasManifest() — Method in class ClassLoader

Returns true if this class loader has a manifest.

ClassManifest::handleFile() — Method in class ClassManifest

Visit a file to inspect for classes, interfaces and traits

ClassManifestErrorHandler::handleError() — Method in class ClassManifestErrorHandler
Module::hasResource() — Method in class Module
ModuleLoader::hasManifest() — Method in class ModuleLoader

Returns true if this class loader has a manifest.

$ CsvBulkLoader#hasHeaderRowProperty in class CsvBulkLoader

Identifies if csv the has a header row.

CsvBulkLoader::hasHeaderRow() — Method in class CsvBulkLoader

Determine whether any loaded files should be parsed with a header-row (otherwise we rely on {@link self::$columnMap}.

ErrorPageController::handleRequest() — Method in class ErrorPageController

Overload the provided see Controller::handleRequest() to append the correct status code post request since otherwise permission related error pages such as 401 and 403 pages won't be rendered due to

ErrorPageExtension::hasStaticPage() — Method in class ErrorPageExtension

Determine if static content is cached for this page

CompositeField::hasData() — Method in class CompositeField

Returns true if this field has its own data.

DatalessField::hasData() — Method in class DatalessField

function that returns whether this field contains data.

FieldList::hasTabSet() — Method in class FieldList
FieldList::HiddenFields() — Method in class FieldList

Return all fields in a form - including fields nested in {@link CompositeFields}.

Form::HiddenFields() — Method in class Form

Return all fields in a form - including fields nested in {@link CompositeFields}.

FormField::HolderID() — Method in class FormField

Returns the HTML ID for the form field holder element.

FormField::hasData() — Method in class FormField

Returns true if this field has its own data.

FormField::hasClass() — Method in class FormField

Returns whether the current field has the given class added

FormRequestHandler::httpSubmission() — Method in class FormRequestHandler

Handle a form submission. GET and POST requests behave identically.

FormRequestHandler::handleField() — Method in class FormRequestHandler

Handle a field request.

Form_FieldMap::hasMethod() — Method in class Form_FieldMap

Ensure that all potential method calls get passed to __call(), therefore to dataFieldByName

GridField::handleAlterAction() — Method in class GridField

Pass an action on the first GridField_ActionProvider that matches the $actionName.

GridField::handleRequest() — Method in class GridField

Custom request handler that will check component handlers before proceeding to the default implementation.

GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::handleAction() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter

Manipulate the state to add a new relation

GridFieldDeleteAction::handleAction() — Method in class GridFieldDeleteAction

Handle the actions and apply any changes to the GridField

GridFieldDetailForm::handleItem() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::httpError() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest

Throws a HTTP error response encased in a {@link HTTPResponse_Exception}, which is later caught in {@link RequestHandler::handleAction()} and returned to the user.

GridFieldEditButton::handleAction() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton

Handle the actions and apply any changes to the GridField.

GridFieldExportButton::handleAction() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton

Handle an action on the given {@link GridField}.

GridFieldExportButton::handleExport() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton

Handle the export, for both the action button and the URL

GridFieldFilterHeader::handleAction() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader

If the GridField has a filterable datalist, return an array of actions

GridFieldGroupDeleteAction::handleAction() — Method in class GridFieldGroupDeleteAction

Handle the actions and apply any changes to the GridField

GridFieldPaginator::handleAction() — Method in class GridFieldPaginator
GridFieldPrintButton::handleAction() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButton

Handle the print action.

GridFieldPrintButton::handlePrint() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButton

Handle the print, for both the action button and the URL

GridFieldSortableHeader::handleAction() — Method in class GridFieldSortableHeader

Handle an action on the given {@link GridField}.

GridField_ActionMenu::handleAction() — Method in class GridField_ActionMenu

Handle an action on the given {@link GridField}.

GridField_ActionProvider::handleAction() — Method in class GridField_ActionProvider

Handle an action on the given {@link GridField}.

GridField_SaveHandler::handleSave() — Method in class GridField_SaveHandler

Called when a grid field is saved - i.e. the form is submitted.

HTMLEditorConfigClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\HTMLEditor

A PHP version of TinyMCE's configuration, to allow various parameters to be configured on a site or section basis

HTMLEditorFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\HTMLEditor

A TinyMCE-powered WYSIWYG HTML editor field with image and link insertion and tracking capabilities. Editor fields are created from <textarea> tags, which are then converted with JavaScript.

HTMLEditorField_ReadonlyClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\HTMLEditor

Readonly version of an {@link HTMLEditorField}.

HTMLEditorSanitiserClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\HTMLEditor

Sanitises an HTMLValue so it's contents are the elements and attributes that are whitelisted using the same configuration as TinyMCE

HTMLReadonlyFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Readonly field equivalent for literal HTML

HeaderFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Field that generates a heading tag.

HiddenFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Hidden field.

SelectionGroup::hasData() — Method in class SelectionGroup

Returns true if this field has its own data.

HandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Auth

The authentication Handler is responsible for handling authentication requirements and providing a Member to the Manager if required, so it can be used in request contexts.

HTTPMethodMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Middleware

Ensures mutations use POST requests

HTTPClientClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\PersistedQuery
HTTPProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\PersistedQuery

Class HTTPProvider

DevErrorHandler::handleError() — Method in class DevErrorHandler
DataObjectModel::hasField() — Method in class DataObjectModel
FieldAccessor::hasField() — Method in class FieldAccessor
FieldAccessor::hasNativeField() — Method in class FieldAccessor

Returns true if the field is part of the ORM data structure

InheritanceChain::hasAncestors() — Method in class InheritanceChain
InheritanceChain::hideAncestors() — Method in class InheritanceChain

Hides ancestors by classname, e.g. SiteTree::class

InheritanceChain::hasDescendants() — Method in class InheritanceChain
InheritanceChain::hideDescendants() — Method in class InheritanceChain
InheritanceChain::hasInheritance() — Method in class InheritanceChain
SchemaModelInterface::hasField() — Method in class SchemaModelInterface
PluginConsumer::hasPlugin() — Method in class PluginConsumer
SchemaConfig::hasModel() — Method in class SchemaConfig
HashNameObfuscatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Storage

For the most obscure approach, hash the file names so they're completely undiscoverable.

HybridObfuscatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Storage

Hashed for less discoverability, but still readable if you focus on it

HTTPOutputHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Logging

Output the error to the browser, with the given HTTP status code.

DBSchemaManager::hasTable() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Returns true if the given table is exists in the current database

DBSchemaManager::hasField() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Return true if the table exists and already has a the field specified

MySQLSchemaManager::hasTable() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Returns true if the given table is exists in the current database

$ DataObject#has_oneProperty in class DataObject

One-to-zero relationship defintion. This is a map of component name to data type. In order to turn this into a true one-to-one relationship you can add a {@link DataObject::$belongs_to} relationship on the child class.

$ DataObject#has_manyProperty in class DataObject

This defines a one-to-many relationship. It is a map of component name to the remote data class.

DataObject::hasOne() — Method in class DataObject

Return the class of a one-to-one component. If $component is null, return all of the one-to-one components and their classes. If the selected has_one is a polymorphic field then 'DataObject' will be returned for the type.

DataObject::hasMany() — Method in class DataObject

Gets the class of a one-to-many relationship. If no $component is specified then an array of all the one-to-many relationships and their classes will be returned.

DataObject::hasField() — Method in class DataObject

Returns true if the given field exists in a database column on any of the objects tables and optionally look up a dynamic getter with get().

DataObject::hasDatabaseField() — Method in class DataObject

Returns true if the given field exists as a database column

DataObject::hasValue() — Method in class DataObject

Returns true if the given method/parameter has a value (Uses the DBField::hasValue if the parameter is a database field)

DataObjectSchema::hasManyComponent() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Return data for a specific has_many component.

DataObjectSchema::hasOneComponent() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Return data for a specific has_one component.

DataQuery::having() — Method in class DataQuery

Append a HAVING clause to this query.

DBComposite::hasField() — Method in class DBComposite

Check if a field exists on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.

DBField::HTMLATT() — Method in class DBField

Gets the value appropriate for a HTML attribute string

DBField::HTML() — Method in class DBField

Alias for {see XML()}

DBMoney::hasAmount() — Method in class DBMoney

Determine if this has a non-zero amount

HasManyListClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Subclass of {@link DataList} representing a has_many relation.

HiddenClassClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Anything that implements HiddenClass won't be shown in user-interface elements. For example, DataObjects that implement HiddenClass won't be showing in the "new page" dropdown.

HierarchyClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Hierarchy

DataObjects that use the Hierarchy extension can be be organised as a hierarchy, with children and parents. The most obvious example of this is SiteTree.

$ Hierarchy#hide_from_hierarchyProperty in class Hierarchy

A list of classnames to exclude from display in both the CMS and front end displays. ->Children() and ->AllChildren affected.

$ Hierarchy#hide_from_cms_treeProperty in class Hierarchy

A list of classnames to exclude from display in the page tree views of the CMS, unlike $hide_from_hierarchy above which effects both CMS and front end.

ReportAdmin::handleAction() — Method in class ReportAdmin
ReportAdmin::has_reports() — Method in class ReportAdmin

Determine if we have reports and need to display the "Reports" main menu item in the CMS.

HandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\Confirmation

Confirmation form handler implementation

DefaultAdminService::hasDefaultAdmin() — Method in class DefaultAdminService

Check if there is a default admin

$ Member#hidden_fieldsProperty in class Member

Internal-use only fields

$ PasswordValidator#historic_countProperty in class PasswordValidator
$ Permission#hidden_permissionsProperty in class Permission

a list of permission codes which doesn't appear in the Permission list when make the {@link PermissionCheckboxSetField}

$ RememberLoginHash#HashProperty in class RememberLoginHash
Security::hasAuthenticator() — Method in class Security

Check if a given authenticator is registered

Security::has_default_admin() — Method in class Security

Check that the default admin account has been set.

HistoryControllerFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionedAdmin\Controllers

The history controller factory decides which CMS history controller to use, out of the default from the silverstripe/cms module or the history viewer controller from this module, depending on the current page type

HistoryViewerControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionedAdmin\Controllers

The HistoryViewerController provides AJAX endpoints for React to enable functionality, such as retrieving the form schema.

HistoryViewerFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionedAdmin\Forms
ProxyCacheAdapter::has() — Method in class ProxyCacheAdapter


ChangeSet::hasChanges() — Method in class ChangeSet

Determine if there are changes to publish

ChangeSetItem::hasChange() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Determine if this item has changes

GridFieldArchiveAction::handleAction() — Method in class GridFieldArchiveAction

Handle the actions and apply any changes to the GridField

GridFieldRestoreAction::handleAction() — Method in class GridFieldRestoreAction

Handle the actions and apply any changes to the GridField.

RecursivePublishable::hasOwned() — Method in class RecursivePublishable

Returns true if the record has any owned relationships that exist

Versioned::hasVersionField() — Method in class Versioned

Check if a certain table has the 'Version' field.

Versioned::hasPublishedOwners() — Method in class Versioned

Determine if this object is published, and has any published owners.

Versioned::hasStages() — Method in class Versioned

Check if this object has stages

ArrayData::hasField() — Method in class ArrayData

Check array to see if field isset

HTMLClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

HTML Helper class

$ Diff#html_cleaner_classProperty in class Diff
HTML4ValueClass in namespace SilverStripe\View\Parsers
HTMLCleanerClass in namespace SilverStripe\View\Parsers

Base class for HTML cleaning implementations.

HTMLValueClass in namespace SilverStripe\View\Parsers

This class handles the converting of HTML fragments between a string and a DOMDocument based representation.

ShortcodeHandler::handle_shortcode() — Method in class ShortcodeHandler

Generate content with a shortcode value

SSViewer::hasTemplate() — Method in class SSViewer

Returns true if at least one of the listed templates exists.

EmbedShortcodeProvider::handle_shortcode() — Method in class EmbedShortcodeProvider

Embed shortcode parser from Oembed. This is a temporary workaround.

ThemeManifest::handleDirectory() — Method in class ThemeManifest

Add a directory to the manifest

ViewableData::hasField() — Method in class ViewableData

Check if a field exists on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.

ViewableData::hasValue() — Method in class ViewableData

Checks if a given method/field has a valid value. If the result is an object, this will return the result of the exists method, otherwise will check if the result is not just an empty paragraph tag.

ViewableData_Customised::hasMethod() — Method in class ViewableData_Customised

Return TRUE if a method exists on this object


$ CMSMenuItem#iconClassProperty in class CMSMenuItem
LeftAndMain::index() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::isCurrentPage() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Compares a given record to the currently selected one (if any).

LeftAndMainExtension::init() — Method in class LeftAndMainExtension
LeftAndMain_HTTPResponse::isFinished() — Method in class LeftAndMain_HTTPResponse

Returns true if this response is "finished", that is, no more script execution should be done.

LeftAndMain_SearchFilter::isPageIncluded() — Method in class LeftAndMain_SearchFilter

Returns TRUE if the given page should be included in the tree.

ModelAdmin::ImportForm() — Method in class ModelAdmin

Generate a CSV import form for a single {@link DataObject} subclass.

ModelAdmin::import() — Method in class ModelAdmin

Imports the submitted CSV file based on specifications given in {@link self::model_importers}.

$ AssetAdmin#image_retry_minProperty in class AssetAdmin

If an image load fails in JS, retry it after this many seconds.

$ AssetAdmin#image_retry_maxProperty in class AssetAdmin

Stop retrying after we reach this retry period.

$ AssetAdmin#image_retry_failure_expiryProperty in class AssetAdmin

If we fail after max_image_retry, a reload can be re-attempted again after this period, but won't be automatically started.

AssetAdmin::init() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Set up the controller

AssetAdminFieldsExtension::init() — Method in class AssetAdminFieldsExtension
$ AssetAdminFile#insert_widthProperty in class AssetAdminFile

Max width for inserted images

$ AssetAdminFile#insert_heightProperty in class AssetAdminFile

Max height for inserted images

ImageFormFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Forms
FileTypeCreator::interfaces() — Method in class FileTypeCreator
ImageThumbnailHelperClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Helper
InterventionBackendCacheFlushTaskClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Dev\Tasks

A task to manually flush InterventionBackend cache

TestAssetStore::isGranted() — Method in class TestAssetStore

Allows testing of grant status

File::isTrackedFormUpload() — Method in class File

If the file was uploaded via a form and tracked in the database

File::ini2bytes() — Method in class File

Convert a php.ini value (eg: 512M) to bytes

Filesystem::isAbsolute() — Method in class Filesystem

Returns true if the given filename is an absolute file reference.

ImageClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets

Represents an Image

ImageBackendFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets

Creates backends for images as necessary, avoiding redundant asset writes and loads

ImageManipulationClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets

Provides image manipulation functionality.

ImageManipulation::IconTag() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Get HTML for img containing the icon for this file

ImageManipulation::isSize() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Determine if this image is of the specified size

ImageManipulation::isWidth() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Determine if this image is of the specified width

ImageManipulation::isHeight() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Determine if this image is of the specified width

Image_BackendClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets


InterventionBackendClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets
FileLinkTracking::ImageTracking() — Method in class FileLinkTracking
ImageShortcodeProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Shortcodes

Class ImageShortcodeProvider

ProtectedFileController::isValidFilename() — Method in class ProtectedFileController

Check if the given filename is safe to pass to the route handler.

Upload::index() — Method in class Upload
Upload::isError() — Method in class Upload

Determines wether previous operations caused an error.

Upload_Validator::isValidSize() — Method in class Upload_Validator

Determines if the bytesize of an uploaded file is valid - can be defined on an extension-by-extension basis in {@link $allowedMaxFileSize}

Upload_Validator::isFileEmpty() — Method in class Upload_Validator

Determine if this file is valid but empty

Upload_Validator::isValidExtension() — Method in class Upload_Validator

Determines if the temporary file has a valid extension An empty string in the validation map indicates files without an extension.

Upload_Validator::isValidUpload() — Method in class Upload_Validator

Check that a valid file was given for upload (ignores file size)

Upload_Validator::isCompleteUpload() — Method in class Upload_Validator

Check whether the file was fully uploaded

CMSMain::index() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSPagesController::isCurrentPage() — Method in class CMSPagesController

Compares a given record to the currently selected one (if any).

CMSSiteTreeFilter::isPageIncluded() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter

Returns TRUE if the given page should be included in the tree.

LeftAndMainPageIconsExtension::init() — Method in class LeftAndMainPageIconsExtension
SilverStripeNavigatorItem::isActive() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem

As items might convey different record states like a "stage" or "live" table, an item can be active (showing the record in this state).

SilverStripeNavigatorItem::isArchived() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem

Counts as "archived" if the current record is a different version from both live and draft.

SilverStripeNavigatorItem_ArchiveLink::isActive() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_ArchiveLink

As items might convey different record states like a "stage" or "live" table, an item can be active (showing the record in this state).

SilverStripeNavigatorItem_CMSLink::isActive() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_CMSLink

As items might convey different record states like a "stage" or "live" table, an item can be active (showing the record in this state).

SilverStripeNavigatorItem_LiveLink::isActive() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_LiveLink

As items might convey different record states like a "stage" or "live" table, an item can be active (showing the record in this state).

SilverStripeNavigatorItem_StageLink::isActive() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_StageLink

As items might convey different record states like a "stage" or "live" table, an item can be active (showing the record in this state).

InternalLinkFormFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Forms

Provides a form factory for inserting internal page links in a HTML editor

InternalLinkModalExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Forms

Decorates ModalController with insert internal link

CurrentPageIdentifier::isCurrentPage() — Method in class CurrentPageIdentifier

Check if the given DataObject is the current page.

RedirectorPageController::index() — Method in class RedirectorPageController

Check we don't already have a redirect code set

$ SiteTree#iconProperty in class SiteTree

Icon to use in the CMS page tree. This should be the full filename, relative to the webroot.

$ SiteTree#icon_classProperty in class SiteTree

Class attached to page icons in the CMS page tree. Also supports font-icon set.

SiteTree::isCurrent() — Method in class SiteTree

Returns true if this is the currently active page being used to handle this request.

SiteTree::isSection() — Method in class SiteTree

Check if this page is in the currently active section (e.g. it is either current or one of its children is currently being viewed).

SiteTree::isOrphaned() — Method in class SiteTree

Check if the parent of this page has been removed (or made otherwise unavailable), and is still referenced by this child. Any such orphaned page may still require access via the CMS, but should not be shown as accessible to external users.

SiteTree::InSection() — Method in class SiteTree

Check if this page is in the given current section.

SiteTree::isNew() — Method in class SiteTree

Check if this page is new - that is, if it has yet to have been written to the database.

SiteTree::i18n_classDescription() — Method in class SiteTree

Get localised description for this page

VirtualPage::isPublishable() — Method in class VirtualPage

Returns true if is page is publishable by anyone at all Return false if the source page isn't published yet.

VirtualPage::isFieldVirtualised() — Method in class VirtualPage

Check if given field is virtualised

RemoveOrphanedPagesTask::index() — Method in class RemoveOrphanedPagesTask
CampaignAdmin::init() — Method in class CampaignAdmin
CampaignAdmin::ItemLink() — Method in class CampaignAdmin

Gets user-visible url to edit a specific {see ChangeSetItem}

CampaignAdminExtension::init() — Method in class CampaignAdminExtension
DeltaConfigCollection::isDeltaReset() — Method in class DeltaConfigCollection

Check if config should be completely reset before getting config

YamlTransformer::ignoreRule() — Method in class YamlTransformer

This allows config to ignore only/except rules that have been set. This enables apps to ignore built-in rules without causing errors where a rule is undefined.

CliController::index() — Method in class CliController
Director::isManifestFlushed() — Method in class Director

Returns indication whether the manifest cache has been flushed in the beginning of the current request.

Director::is_https() — Method in class Director

Return whether the site is running as under HTTPS.

Director::is_absolute() — Method in class Director

Returns true if a given path is absolute. Works under both *nix and windows systems.

Director::is_root_relative_url() — Method in class Director

Determine if the url is root relative (i.e. starts with /, but not with //) SilverStripe considers root relative urls as a subset of relative urls.

Director::is_absolute_url() — Method in class Director

Checks if a given URL is absolute (e.g. starts with 'http://' etc.). URLs beginning with "//" are treated as absolute, as browsers take this to mean the same protocol as currently being used.

Director::is_relative_url() — Method in class Director

Checks if a given URL is relative (or root relative) by checking {@link is_absolute_url()}.

Director::is_site_url() — Method in class Director

Checks if the given URL is belonging to this "site" (not an external link). That's the case if the URL is relative, as defined by {@link is_relative_url()}, or if the host matches {@link protocolAndHost()}.

Director::is_ajax() — Method in class Director

Checks if the current HTTP-Request is an "Ajax-Request" by checking for a custom header set by jQuery or whether a manually set request-parameter 'ajax' is present.

Director::is_cli() — Method in class Director

Returns true if this script is being run from the command line rather than the web server.

Director::isLive() — Method in class Director

This function will return true if the site is in a live environment. For information about environment types, see {@link Director::set_environment_type()}.

Director::isDev() — Method in class Director

This function will return true if the site is in a development environment. For information about environment types, see {@link Director::set_environment_type()}.

Director::isTest() — Method in class Director

This function will return true if the site is in a test environment. For information about environment types, see {@link Director::set_environment_type()}.

Email::is_valid_address() — Method in class Email

Checks for RFC822-valid email format.

Email::IsEmail() — Method in class Email

Used by {@link SSViewer} templates to detect if we're rendering an email template rather than a page template

HTTPRequest::isGET() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::isPOST() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::isPUT() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::isDELETE() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::isHEAD() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::isMedia() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Checks if the {@link HTTPRequest->getExtension()} on this request matches one of the more common media types embedded into a webpage - e.g. css, png.

HTTPRequest::isAjax() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Returns true if this request an ajax request, based on custom HTTP ajax added by common JavaScript libraries, or based on an explicit "ajax" request parameter.

HTTPRequest::isEmptyPattern() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Returns true if this is a URL that will match without shifting off any of the URL.

HTTPResponse::isError() — Method in class HTTPResponse

Returns true if this HTTP response is in error

HTTPResponse::isFinished() — Method in class HTTPResponse

Returns true if this response is "finished", that is, no more script execution should be done.

HTTPResponse::isRedirect() — Method in class HTTPResponse

Determine if this response is a redirect

IPUtilsClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

Http utility functions.

Session::init() — Method in class Session

Init this session instance before usage, if a session identifier is part of the passed in request.

Session::isStarted() — Method in class Session

Determine if this session has started

ClassInfo::implementorsOf() — Method in class ClassInfo
Config::inst() — Method in class Config

Get the current active Config instance.

ConfigLoader::inst() — Method in class ConfigLoader
InheritanceMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Config\Middleware
CoreKernel::isFlushed() — Method in class CoreKernel

Returns whether the Kernel has been flushed on boot

Environment::increaseMemoryLimitTo() — Method in class Environment

Increase the memory limit to the given level if it's currently too low.

Environment::increaseTimeLimitTo() — Method in class Environment

Increase the time limit of this script. By default, the time will be unlimited.

Environment::isCli() — Method in class Environment

Returns true if this script is being run from the command line rather than the web server

Extensible::invokeWithExtensions() — Method in class Extensible

Calls a method if available on both this object and all applied {@link Extensions}, and then attempts to merge all results into an array

Extension::invokeExtension() — Method in class Extension

Invoke extension point. This will prefer explicit extend prefixed methods.

InjectableClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Injector

A class that can be instantiated or replaced via DI

InjectionCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Injector

A class for creating new objects by the injector.

InjectorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Injector

A simple injection manager that manages creating objects and injecting dependencies between them. It borrows quite a lot from ideas taken from Spring's configuration, but is adapted to the stateless PHP way of doing things.

Injector::inst() — Method in class Injector
Injector::inject() — Method in class Injector

Inject $object with available objects from the service cache

InjectorLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Injector

Registers chained injectors

InjectorLoader::inst() — Method in class InjectorLoader
InjectorNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Injector
ClassLoader::inst() — Method in class ClassLoader
ClassLoader::init() — Method in class ClassLoader

Initialise the class loader

ClassManifest::init() — Method in class ClassManifest

Initialise the class manifest

ManifestFileFinder::isInsideVendor() — Method in class ManifestFileFinder

Check if the given dir is, or is inside the vendor folder

ManifestFileFinder::isInsideThemes() — Method in class ManifestFileFinder

Check if the given dir is, or is inside the themes folder

ManifestFileFinder::isInsideIgnored() — Method in class ManifestFileFinder

Check if this folder or any parent is ignored

ManifestFileFinder::isInsideModule() — Method in class ManifestFileFinder

Check if this folder is inside any module

ManifestFileFinder::isDirectoryModule() — Method in class ManifestFileFinder

Check if the given dir is a module root (not a subdir)

ManifestFileFinder::isDirectoryIgnored() — Method in class ManifestFileFinder

Check if the given directory is ignored

ModuleLoader::inst() — Method in class ModuleLoader
ModuleLoader::init() — Method in class ModuleLoader

Initialise the module loader

ModuleManifest::init() — Method in class ModuleManifest
BuildTask::isEnabled() — Method in class BuildTask
DevConfirmationController::index() — Method in class DevConfirmationController

URL handler for the log-in screen

DevelopmentAdmin::index() — Method in class DevelopmentAdmin
InstallerTestClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Simple controller that the installer uses to test that URL rewriting is working.

SapphireREPL::index() — Method in class SapphireREPL
TaskRunner::index() — Method in class TaskRunner
i18nTextCollectorTaskClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\Tasks

Collects i18n strings

$ ErrorPageExtension#icon_classProperty in class ErrorPageExtension
CompositeField::isComposite() — Method in class CompositeField

Returns true if this field is a composite field.

CompositeField::insertBefore() — Method in class CompositeField
CompositeField::insertAfter() — Method in class CompositeField
CompositeField::IsReadonly() — Method in class CompositeField
ConfirmedPasswordField::isSaveable() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Determines if the field was actually shown on the client side - if not, we don't validate or save it.

DatetimeField::internalToFrontend() — Method in class DatetimeField

Convert the internal date representation (ISO 8601) to a format used by the frontend, as defined by {@link $dateFormat}. With $html5=true, the frontend date will also be in ISO 8601.

FieldList::insertBefore() — Method in class FieldList

Inserts a field before a particular field in a FieldList.

FieldList::insertAfter() — Method in class FieldList

Inserts a field after a particular field in a FieldList.

$ Form#IncludeFormTagProperty in class Form

Accessed by Form.ss; modified by {@link formHtmlContent()}.

FormField::ID() — Method in class FormField

Returns the HTML ID of the field.

FormField::isComposite() — Method in class FormField

Returns true if this field is a composite field.

FormField::isReadonly() — Method in class FormField
FormField::isDisabled() — Method in class FormField
FormField::isAutofocus() — Method in class FormField
$ FormScaffolder#includeRelationsProperty in class FormScaffolder
GridField::index() — Method in class GridField
GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::ItemEditForm() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest

Builds an item edit form. The arguments to getCMSFields() are the popupController and popupFormName, however this is an experimental API and may change.

HTMLEditorConfig::init() — Method in class HTMLEditorConfig

Initialise the editor on the client side

$ TinyMCEConfig#image_size_presetsProperty in class TinyMCEConfig

List of image size preset that will appear when you select an image. Each preset can have the following:

  • name to store an internal name for the preset (required)
  • i18n to store a translation key (e.g.: SilverStripe\Forms\HTMLEditor\TinyMCEConfig.BESTFIT)
  • text that will appear in the button (should be the default English translation)
  • width which will define the horizontal size of the preset. If not provided, the preset will match the original size of the image.
TinyMCEConfig::insertButtonsBefore() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Insert buttons before the first occurance of another button

TinyMCEConfig::insertButtonsAfter() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Insert buttons after the first occurance of another button

TinyMCEConfig::init() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Initialise the editor on the client side

HiddenField::IsHidden() — Method in class HiddenField
SelectField::isSelectedValue() — Method in class SelectField

Determine if the current value of this field matches the given option value

Tab::ID() — Method in class Tab

Returns the HTML ID of the field.

TabSet::ID() — Method in class TabSet

Returns the HTML ID of the field.

TabSet::insertBefore() — Method in class TabSet

Inserts a field before a particular field in a FieldList.

TabSet::insertAfter() — Method in class TabSet

Inserts a field after a particular field in a FieldList.

TextField::InternallyLabelledField() — Method in class TextField
AuthenticatorInterface::isApplicable() — Method in class AuthenticatorInterface

Determine if this authenticator is applicable to the current request

BasicAuthAuthenticator::isApplicable() — Method in class BasicAuthAuthenticator

Determine if this authenticator is applicable to the current request

Controller::index() — Method in class Controller

Handles requests to the index action (e.g. /graphql)

DevelopmentAdmin::index() — Method in class DevelopmentAdmin
QueryHandler::isMutation() — Method in class QueryHandler
AbstractBulkLoader::include() — Method in class AbstractBulkLoader
ExtensionLoader::include() — Method in class ExtensionLoader
InheritanceLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\BulkLoader

Loads classes that are in a given inheritance tree, e.g. MyApp\Models\Page

InheritanceLoader::include() — Method in class InheritanceLoader
Registry::inst() — Method in class Registry
InheritanceBuilderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject

A schema-aware service for DataObject model types that builds out their inheritance chain in an ORM-like way, applying inherited fields and implicitly exposing ancestral types, etc.

InheritanceBuilder::isBaseModel() — Method in class InheritanceBuilder
InheritanceBuilder::isLeafModel() — Method in class InheritanceBuilder
InheritanceChainClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject

Utility class that abstracts away class ancestry computations and creates an inheritance "type" for a DataObject

InheritanceUnionBuilderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject

A schema-aware services for DataObject model types that creates union types for all the members of an inheritance chain. Can also apply these unions to queries to enforce unions when return types have descendants.

InterfaceBuilderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject

A schema-aware service for DataObject model types that emulates class inheritance by capturing groups of common fields into interfaces and applying one or many interfaces to concrete model types. Also creates a "base" interface for fields common to all DataObjects (i.e. "extends DataObject" pattern)

InterfaceBuilder::interfaceName() — Method in class InterfaceBuilder
CanViewPermission::itemPermissionCheck() — Method in class CanViewPermission
InheritanceClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin

Adds inheritance fields to a DataObject type, and exposes its ancestry

InheritedPluginsClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin

Ensures DataObject models merge their plugins with ancestors

InFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\QueryFilter\Filters

A query filter that filters records by the presence of a value in an array

Field::isList() — Method in class Field
Field::isRequired() — Method in class Field
IdentifiableClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

Used by any class that declares an identifier

InputTypeProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

Implementors of this interface provide input types back to the schema

Logger::info() — Method in class Logger
Schema::isInternalType() — Method in class Schema
Schema::invariant() — Method in class Schema
AbstractTypeRegistry::ID() — Method in class AbstractTypeRegistry
AbstractTypeRegistry::Int() — Method in class AbstractTypeRegistry
InputTypeClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Type

Abstraction that can express input types as code

InterfaceTypeClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Type

Defines a GraphQL interface. It may seem counter-intuitive that an abstraction would inherit from the concretion, but since these are just value objects that end up getting rendered as code, an unconventional architecture is probably okay. The irrelevant fields just just ignored in rendering.

Type::implements() — Method in class Type
TypeReference::isList() — Method in class TypeReference
TypeReference::isRequired() — Method in class TypeReference
TypeReference::isInternal() — Method in class TypeReference
ArrayLib::invert() — Method in class ArrayLib

Inverses the first and second level keys of an associative array, keying the result by the second level, and combines all first level entries within them.

ArrayLib::is_associative() — Method in class ArrayLib

Determines if an array is associative by checking for existing keys via array_key_exists().

ArrayLib::in_array_recursive() — Method in class ArrayLib

Recursively searches an array $haystack for the value(s) $needle.

ArrayLib::iterateVolatile() — Method in class ArrayLib

Iterate list, but allowing for modifications to the underlying list.

DBConnector::isQueryMutable() — Method in class DBConnector

Determine if this SQL statement is a destructive operation (write or ddl)

DBConnector::isQueryDDL() — Method in class DBConnector

Determine if this SQL statement is a DDL operation

DBConnector::isQueryWrite() — Method in class DBConnector

Determine if this SQL statement is a write operation (alters content but not structure)

DBConnector::isActive() — Method in class DBConnector

Determines if we are connected to a server AND have a valid database selected.

DBSchemaManager::isSchemaUpdating() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Returns true if we are during a schema update.

DBSchemaManager::IdColumn() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

This returns the data type for the id column which is the primary key for each table

DBSchemaManager::indexList() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Return the list of indexes in a table.

DBSchemaManager::int() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Returns data type for 'int' column

Database::isActive() — Method in class Database

Determines if we are connected to a server AND have a valid database selected.

MySQLSchemaManager::isView() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager
MySQLSchemaManager::indexList() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return the list of indexes in a table.

MySQLSchemaManager::int() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return a int type-formatted string

MySQLSchemaManager::IdColumn() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

This returns the data type for the id column which is the primary key for each table

MySQLiConnector::isActive() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Determines if we are connected to a server AND have a valid database selected.

PDOConnector::is_emulate_prepare() — Method in class PDOConnector

Is PDO running in emulated mode

PDOConnector::isActive() — Method in class PDOConnector

Determines if we are connected to a server AND have a valid database selected.

TempDatabase::isUsed() — Method in class TempDatabase

Returns true if we are currently using a temporary database

DB::inline_parameters() — Method in class DB
DB::is_active() — Method in class DB

Check if the connection to the database is active.

DataList::innerJoin() — Method in class DataList

Return a new DataList instance with an inner join clause added to this list's query.

$ DataObject#indexesProperty in class DataObject

If a field is in this array, then create a database index on that field. This is a map from fieldname to index type.

$ DataObject#IDProperty in class DataObject

ID of the DataObject, 0 if the DataObject doesn't exist in database.

DataObject::isEmpty() — Method in class DataObject

Returns TRUE if all values (other than "ID") are considered empty (by weak boolean comparison).

DataObject::i18n_pluralise() — Method in class DataObject

Pluralise this item given a specific count.

DataObject::i18n_singular_name() — Method in class DataObject

Get the translated user friendly singular name of this DataObject same as singular_name() but runs it through the translating function

DataObject::i18n_plural_name() — Method in class DataObject

Get the translated user friendly plural name of this DataObject Same as plural_name but runs it through the translation function Translation string is in the form: $this->class.PLURALNAME Example: Page.PLURALNAME

DataObject::inferReciprocalComponent() — Method in class DataObject

Given a relation declared on a remote class, generate a substitute component for the opposite side of the relation.

DataObject::isChanged() — Method in class DataObject

Uses {@link getChangedFields()} to determine if fields have been changed since loading them from the database.

DataObject::isInDB() — Method in class DataObject
DataQuery::innerJoin() — Method in class DataQuery

Add an INNER JOIN clause to this query.

DatabaseAdmin::index() — Method in class DatabaseAdmin

When we're called as /dev/build, that's actually the index. Do the same as /dev/build/build.

DBComposite::isChanged() — Method in class DBComposite

Returns true if this composite field has changed.

DBDate::InPast() — Method in class DBDate

Returns true if date is in the past.

DBDate::InFuture() — Method in class DBDate

Returns true if date is in the future.

DBDate::IsToday() — Method in class DBDate

Returns true if date is today.

DBDecimal::Int() — Method in class DBDecimal
$ DBField#indexProperty in class DBField

The type of index to use for this field. Can either be a string (one of the DBIndexable type options) or a boolean. When a boolean is given, false will not index the field, and true will use the default index type.

DBVarchar::Initial() — Method in class DBVarchar

Return the first letter of the string followed by a .

ComparisonFilter::isEmpty() — Method in class ComparisonFilter

Determines if a field has a value, and that the filter should be applied.

ExactMatchFilter::isEmpty() — Method in class ExactMatchFilter

Determines if a field has a value, and that the filter should be applied.

FulltextFilter::isEmpty() — Method in class FulltextFilter

Determines if a field has a value, and that the filter should be applied.

PartialMatchFilter::isEmpty() — Method in class PartialMatchFilter

Determines if a field has a value, and that the filter should be applied.

SearchFilter::isEmpty() — Method in class SearchFilter

Determines if a field has a value, and that the filter should be applied.

MarkedSet::isMarked() — Method in class MarkedSet

Check if this DataObject is marked.

MarkedSet::isExpanded() — Method in class MarkedSet

Check if this DataObject is expanded.

MarkedSet::isTreeOpened() — Method in class MarkedSet

Check if this DataObject's tree is opened.

SQLAssignmentRow::isEmpty() — Method in class SQLAssignmentRow

Determine if this assignment is empty

SQLConditionalExpression::isJoinedTo() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Returns true if we are already joining to the given table alias

SQLConditionalExpression::isEmpty() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Determine if this query is empty, and thus cannot be executed

SQLExpression::isEmpty() — Method in class SQLExpression

Determine if this query is empty, and thus cannot be executed

SQLInsert::isEmpty() — Method in class SQLInsert

Determine if this query is empty, and thus cannot be executed

SQLUpdate::isEmpty() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Determine if this query is empty, and thus cannot be executed

ValidationResult::isValid() — Method in class ValidationResult

Returns true if the result is valid.

ReportAdmin::init() — Method in class ReportAdmin
ReportWrapper::ID() — Method in class ReportWrapper
Handler::index() — Method in class Handler

URL handler for the log-in screen

ItemClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\Confirmation

Confirmation item is a simple data object incapsulating a single confirmation unit, its unique identifier (token), its human friendly name, description and the status whether it has already been confirmed.

Item::isConfirmed() — Method in class Item

Returns whether the item has been confirmed

DefaultAdminService::isDefaultAdmin() — Method in class DefaultAdminService

Check if the user is a default admin.

DefaultAdminService::isDefaultAdminCredentials() — Method in class DefaultAdminService

Check if the user credentials match the default admin.

Group::inGroup() — Method in class Group

Check if the group is a child of the given group or any parent groups

Group::inGroups() — Method in class Group

Check if the group is a child of the given groups or any parent groups

IdentityStoreClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Represents an authentication handler that can have identities logged into & out of it.

InheritedPermissionFlusherClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security
InheritedPermissionsClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Calculates batch permissions for nested objects for:

  • canView: Supports 'Anyone' type
  • canEdit
  • canDelete: Includes special logic for ensuring parent objects can only be deleted if their children can be deleted also.
InheritedPermissionsExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Provides standard permission fields for inheritable permissions

$ LoginAttempt#IPProperty in class LoginAttempt

IP address of user attempting to login

Member::isDefaultAdmin() — Method in class Member

Check if this user is the currently configured default admin

Member::isLockedOut() — Method in class Member

Returns true if this user is locked out

Member::isPasswordExpired() — Method in class Member
Member::inGroups() — Method in class Member

Check if the member is in one of the given groups.

Member::inGroup() — Method in class Member

Check if the member is in the given group or any parent groups.

Security::index() — Method in class Security
Security::ignore_disallowed_actions() — Method in class Security
SecurityToken::inst() — Method in class SecurityToken

Gets a global token (or creates one if it doesnt exist already).

SecurityToken::is_enabled() — Method in class SecurityToken
SecurityToken::isEnabled() — Method in class SecurityToken

You can't disable an existing instance, it will need to be overwritten like this: $old = SecurityToken::inst(); // isEnabled() returns true SecurityToken::disable(); $new = SecurityToken::inst(); // isEnabled() returns false

SiteConfigLeftAndMain::init() — Method in class SiteConfigLeftAndMain

Initialises the {@link SiteConfig} controller.

HistoryControllerFactory::isEnabled() — Method in class HistoryControllerFactory

Only deactivate for pages that have a history viewer capability removed. Extensions can provide their own two cents about this criteria.

BlockArchiveExtension::isArchiveFieldEnabled() — Method in class BlockArchiveExtension
CMSMainExtension::init() — Method in class CMSMainExtension
FileArchiveExtension::isArchiveFieldEnabled() — Method in class FileArchiveExtension

The files archive is only useful if archived assets are stored so this checks if this option is enabled

SiteTreeArchiveExtension::isArchiveFieldEnabled() — Method in class SiteTreeArchiveExtension
DataObjectVersionFormFactory::isReadonlyFormType() — Method in class DataObjectVersionFormFactory

Get whether the current form type should be treated as readonly

ArchiveViewProvider::isArchiveFieldEnabled() — Method in class ArchiveViewProvider

Returns whether the archive panel should be shown

$ ChangeSet#important_classesProperty in class ChangeSet

List of classes to set apart in description

$ ChangeSet#IsInferredProperty in class ChangeSet
ChangeSet::isSynced() — Method in class ChangeSet

Verify that any objects in this changeset include all owned changes

ChangeSetItem::isVersioned() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Check if the object attached to this changesetitem is versionable

DataDifferencer::ignoreFields() — Method in class DataDifferencer

Specify some fields to ignore changes from. Repeated calls are cumulative.

VersionableExtension::isVersionedTable() — Method in class VersionableExtension

Determine if the given table is versionable

Versioned::isLatestVersion() — Method in class Versioned

Returns whether the current record is the latest one.

Versioned::isLiveVersion() — Method in class Versioned

Returns whether the current record's version is the current live/published version

Versioned::isLatestDraftVersion() — Method in class Versioned

Returns whether the current record's version is the current draft/modified version

Versioned::isPublished() — Method in class Versioned

Check if this record exists on live

Versioned::isArchived() — Method in class Versioned

Check if page doesn't exist on any stage, but used to be

Versioned::isOnDraft() — Method in class Versioned

Check if this record exists on the draft stage

Versioned::isOnLiveOnly() — Method in class Versioned

Compares current draft with live version, and returns true if no draft version of this page exists but the page is still published (eg, after triggering "Delete from draft site" in the CMS).

Versioned::isOnDraftOnly() — Method in class Versioned

Compares current draft with live version, and returns true if no live version exists, meaning the page was never published.

Versioned::isModifiedOnDraft() — Method in class Versioned

Compares current draft with live version, and returns true if these versions differ, meaning there have been unpublished changes to the draft site.

HTMLCleaner::inst() — Method in class HTMLCleaner

Experimental inst class to create a default html cleaner class

HTMLValue::isValid() — Method in class HTMLValue

Is this HTMLValue in an errored state?

ShortcodeParser::img_shortcode() — Method in class ShortcodeParser
Requirements::insertHeadTags() — Method in class Requirements

Add the following custom HTML code to the <head> section of the page

Requirements::includeInHTML() — Method in class Requirements

Update the given HTML content with the appropriate include tags for the registered requirements. Needs to receive a valid HTML/XHTML template in the $content parameter, including a head and body tag.

Requirements::include_in_response() — Method in class Requirements

Attach requirements inclusion to X-Include-JS and X-Include-CSS headers on the given HTTP Response

Requirements_Backend::insertHeadTags() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Add the following custom HTML code to the <head> section of the page

Requirements_Backend::includeInHTML() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Update the given HTML content with the appropriate include tags for the registered requirements. Needs to receive a valid HTML/XHTML template in the $content parameter, including a head and body tag.

Requirements_Backend::includeInResponse() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Attach requirements inclusion to X-Include-JS and X-Include-CSS headers on the given HTTP Response

SSTemplateParser::InjectionVariables__construct() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::InjectionVariables_InjectionName() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::InjectionVariables_Argument() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::InjectionVariables__finalise() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Injection_STR() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::IfArgumentPortion_STR() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::IfArgument_IfArgumentPortion() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::IfArgument_BooleanOperator() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::If_IfPart() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::If_ElseIfPart() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::If_ElsePart() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Include__construct() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Include_Template() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Include_NamedArgument() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Include__finalise() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSViewer::includeRequirements() — Method in class SSViewer

Flag whether to include the requirements in this response.

SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport::iteratorProperties() — Method in class SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport

Set the current iterator properties - where we are on the iterator.

TemplateIteratorProvider::iteratorProperties() — Method in class TemplateIteratorProvider

Set the current iterator properties - where we are on the iterator.

ThemeManifest::init() — Method in class ThemeManifest
ThemeResourceLoader::inst() — Method in class ThemeResourceLoader
IntlLocalesClass in namespace SilverStripe\i18n\Data\Intl

Locale metadata

FlushInvalidatedResource::isFresh() — Method in class FlushInvalidatedResource
i18nTextCollectorClass in namespace SilverStripe\i18n\TextCollection

SilverStripe-variant of the "gettext" tool: Parses the string content of all PHP-files and SilverStripe templates for ocurrences of the _t() translation method. Also uses the {@link i18nEntityProvider} interface to get dynamically defined entities by executing the {@link provideI18nEntities()} method on all implementors of this interface.

i18nClass in namespace SilverStripe\i18n

Base-class for storage and retrieval of translated entities.

i18nEntityProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\i18n

Dynamically provide translatable entites for the {@link i18n} logic.


LeftAndMain::jsonError() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Return an error HTTPResponse encoded as json

File::join_paths() — Method in class File

Joins one or more segments together to build a Filename identifier.

Controller::join_links() — Method in class Controller

Joins two or more link segments together, putting a slash between them if necessary. Use this for building the results of {@link Link()} methods. If either of the links have query strings, then they will be combined and put at the end of the resulting url.

Convert::json2obj() — Method in class Convert

Convert a JSON encoded string into an object.

Convert::json2array() — Method in class Convert

Convert a JSON string into an array.

Path::join() — Method in class Path

Joins one or more paths, normalising all separators to DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR

JSONStringProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\PersistedQuery

Class ConfigStringProvider

JSONResolverClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Resolver
DBField::JS() — Method in class DBField

Gets javascript string literal value

DBField::JSON() — Method in class DBField

Return JSON encoded value

Requirements::javascript() — Method in class Requirements

Register the given JavaScript file as required.

Requirements::javascriptTemplate() — Method in class Requirements

Include the content of the given JavaScript file in the list of requirements. Dollar-sign variables will be interpolated with values from $vars similar to a .ss template.

Requirements_Backend::javascript() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Register the given JavaScript file as required.

Requirements_Backend::javascriptTemplate() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Include the content of the given JavaScript file in the list of requirements. Dollar-sign variables will be interpolated with values from $vars similar to a .ss template.


$ AssetControlExtension#keep_archived_assetsProperty in class AssetControlExtension

When archiving versioned dataobjects, should assets be archived with them? If false, assets will be deleted when the dataobject is archived.

$ FlysystemAssetStore#keep_empty_dirsProperty in class FlysystemAssetStore

Flag if empty folders are allowed.

DefaultAssetNameGenerator::key() — Method in class DefaultAssetNameGenerator
KernelClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core

Represents the core state of a SilverStripe application Based loosely on symfony/http-kernel's KernelInterface component

CSVParser::key() — Method in class CSVParser
KernelTestStateClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\State

Handles nesting of kernel before / after tests

Query::keyedColumn() — Method in class Query

Return an array containing all values in the leftmost column, where the keys are the same as the values.

TempDatabase::kill() — Method in class TempDatabase

Destroy the current temp database

Map::keys() — Method in class Map

Return all the keys of this map.


CMSBatchActionHandler::Link() — Method in class CMSBatchActionHandler

Returns a link to this controller. Overload with your own Link rules if they exist.

LinkFormFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin\Forms

Abstract form builder for insert link form

LeftAndMainClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin

LeftAndMain is the parent class of all the two-pane views in the CMS.

LeftAndMain::Link() — Method in class LeftAndMain

You should implement a Link() function in your subclass of LeftAndMain, to point to the URL of that particular controller.

LeftAndMain::LinkPreview() — Method in class LeftAndMain

URL to a previewable record which is shown through this controller.

LeftAndMain::LogoutURL() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Generate a logout url with BackURL to the CMS

LeftAndMain::Locale() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMainExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin

Plug-ins for additional functionality in your LeftAndMain classes.

LeftAndMainFormRequestHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin

Allows CMS forms to be decorated with additional context arguments.

LeftAndMainFormRequestHandler::Link() — Method in class LeftAndMainFormRequestHandler

Get link for this form

LeftAndMain_HTTPResponseClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin

Allow overriding finished state for faux redirects.

LeftAndMain_SearchFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin

Abstract interface for a class which may be used to filter the results displayed in a nested tree

ModalController::Link() — Method in class ModalController

Returns a link to this controller. Overload with your own Link rules if they exist.

ModelAdmin::Link() — Method in class ModelAdmin

Overrides {@link \SilverStripe\Admin\LeftAndMain} to ensure the active model class (the DataObject we are currently viewing) is included in the URL.

AssetAdmin::legacyRedirectForEditView() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Redirects 3.x style detail links to new 4.x style routing.

LegacyThumbnailMigrationHelperClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Dev\Tasks

Service to migrate legacy format thumbnails, to avoid regenerating them on demand.

File::Link() — Method in class File

Just an alias function to keep a consistent API with SiteTree

$ FlysystemAssetStore#legacy_filenamesProperty in class FlysystemAssetStore

Enable to use legacy filename behaviour (omits hash and uses the natural filename).

Image_Backend::loadFromContainer() — Method in class Image_Backend

Populate the backend with a given object

Image_Backend::loadFrom() — Method in class Image_Backend

Populate the backend from a local path

$ InterventionBackend#local_temp_pathProperty in class InterventionBackend

Configure where cached intervention files will be stored

InterventionBackend::loadFromContainer() — Method in class InterventionBackend

Populate the backend with a given object

InterventionBackend::loadFrom() — Method in class InterventionBackend

Populate the backend from a local path

FileLink::Linked() — Method in class FileLink

File being linked to

DBFile::Link() — Method in class DBFile

Return URL for this image. Alias for getURL()

Upload::load() — Method in class Upload

Save an file passed from a form post into the AssetStore directly

Upload::loadIntoFile() — Method in class Upload

Save an file passed from a form post into this object.

CMSMain::Link() — Method in class CMSMain

Override {@link LeftAndMain} Link to allow blank URL segment for CMSMain.

CMSMain::LinkPages() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::LinkPagesWithSearch() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::LinkTreeView() — Method in class CMSMain

Get link to tree view

CMSMain::LinkListView() — Method in class CMSMain

Get link to list view

CMSMain::LinkListViewChildren() — Method in class CMSMain

Link to list view for children of a parent page

CMSMain::LinkListViewRoot() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::LinkTreeViewDeferred() — Method in class CMSMain

Link to lazy-load deferred tree view

CMSMain::LinkListViewDeferred() — Method in class CMSMain

Link to lazy-load deferred list view

CMSMain::LinkPageEdit() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::LinkPageSettings() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::LinkPageHistory() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::LinkWithSearch() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::LinkPageAdd() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::LinkPreview() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::listview() — Method in class CMSMain

Returns deferred listview for the current level

CMSMain::ListViewForm() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSPagesController::LinkPreview() — Method in class CMSPagesController
ContentController::Link() — Method in class ContentController

Return the link to this controller, but force the expanded link to be returned so that form methods and similar will function properly.

ContentController::LoginForm() — Method in class ContentController

Returns the default log-in form.

LeftAndMainPageIconsExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

Extension to include custom page icons

$ RedirectorPage#LinkToIDProperty in class RedirectorPage
RedirectorPage::Link() — Method in class RedirectorPage

Return the the link that should be used for this redirector page, in navigation, etc.

RedirectorPage::LinkTo() — Method in class RedirectorPage

Page to link to if $RedirectionType is 'Internal'

SiteTree::link_shortcode_handler() — Method in class SiteTree

Replace a "[sitetree_link id=n]" shortcode with a link to the page with the corresponding ID.

SiteTree::Link() — Method in class SiteTree

Return the link for this {@link SiteTree} object, with the {@link Director::baseURL()} included.

SiteTree::LinkOrCurrent() — Method in class SiteTree

Return "link" or "current" depending on if this is the {@link SiteTree::isCurrent()} current page.

SiteTree::LinkOrSection() — Method in class SiteTree

Return "link" or "section" depending on if this is the {@link SiteTree::isSeciton()} current section.

SiteTree::LinkingMode() — Method in class SiteTree

Return "link", "current" or "section" depending on if this page is the current page, or not on the current page but in the current section.

SiteTree::Level() — Method in class SiteTree

Returns the page in the current page stack of the given level. Level(1) will return the main menu item that we're currently inside, etc.

SiteTreeLink::Linked() — Method in class SiteTreeLink

Page being linked to

Run MigrateSiteTreeLinkingTask to migrate from old table to this.

SiteTreeLinkTracking::LinkTracking() — Method in class SiteTreeLinkTracking

List of site pages linked on this dataobject

RemoveOrphanedPagesTask::Link() — Method in class RemoveOrphanedPagesTask

Returns a link to this controller. Overload with your own Link rules if they exist.

SiteTreeMaintenanceTask::Link() — Method in class SiteTreeMaintenanceTask

Returns a link to this controller. Overload with your own Link rules if they exist.

HTTPRequest::latestParams() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::latestParam() — Method in class HTTPRequest
RequestHandlerMiddlewareAdapter::Link() — Method in class RequestHandlerMiddlewareAdapter

Returns a link to this controller. Overload with your own Link rules if they exist.

RSSFeed::linkToFeed() — Method in class RSSFeed

Include an link to the feed

RSSFeed::Link() — Method in class RSSFeed

Get the URL of this feed

RequestHandler::Link() — Method in class RequestHandler

Returns a link to this controller. Overload with your own Link rules if they exist.

Convert::linkIfMatch() — Method in class Convert

Create a link if the string is a valid URL

EnvironmentLoader::loadFile() — Method in class EnvironmentLoader

Load environment variables from .env file

Injector::load() — Method in class Injector

Load services using the passed in configuration for those services

ServiceConfigurationLocator::locateConfigFor() — Method in class ServiceConfigurationLocator

Finds the Injector config for a named service.

SilverStripeServiceConfigurationLocator::locateConfigFor() — Method in class SilverStripeServiceConfigurationLocator

Finds the Injector config for a named service.

ClassLoader::loadClass() — Method in class ClassLoader

Loads a class or interface if it is present in the currently active manifest.

ModuleResource::Link() — Method in class ModuleResource

Synonym for getURL() for APIs that expect a Link method

BulkLoader::load() — Method in class BulkLoader
BulkLoader_Result::LastChange() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result

Returns the last change.

$ CsvBulkLoader#linesProperty in class CsvBulkLoader

Number of lines to split large CSV files into.

SapphireTest::loadFixture() — Method in class SapphireTest

Load a YAML fixture file into the database.

SapphireTest::logInWithPermission() — Method in class SapphireTest

Create a member and group with the given permission code, and log in with it.

SapphireTest::logInAs() — Method in class SapphireTest

Log in as the given member

SapphireTest::logOut() — Method in class SapphireTest

Log out the current user

LoggerStateClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\State

Disables any user configured loggers by pushing a NullHandler during PHPUnit tests.

TestSession::lastResponse() — Method in class TestSession

Get the most recent response

TestSession::lastUrl() — Method in class TestSession

Return the fake HTTP_REFERER; set each time get() or post() is called.

TestSession::lastContent() — Method in class TestSession

Get the most recent response's content

TestSession::lastPage() — Method in class TestSession

Get the last response as a SimplePage object

Form::loadMessagesFrom() — Method in class Form

Populate this form with messages from the given ValidationResult.

Form::loadDataFrom() — Method in class Form

Load data from the given DataObject or array.

FormField::Link() — Method in class FormField

Return a link to this field

FormField::LeftTitle() — Method in class FormField
FormRequestHandler::Link() — Method in class FormRequestHandler

Get link for this form

AttributeStore::load() — Method in class AttributeStore

Load state for a given ID

SessionStore::load() — Method in class SessionStore

Load state for a given ID

StateStore::load() — Method in class StateStore

Load state for a given ID

GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::Link() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest

Returns a link to this controller. Overload with your own Link rules if they exist.

LabelFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Simple label, to add extra text in your forms.

ListboxFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Multi-line listbox field, created from a select tag.

LiteralFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

This field lets you put an arbitrary piece of HTML into your forms.

LookupFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Read-only complement of {@link MultiSelectField}.

MultiSelectField::loadFrom() — Method in class MultiSelectField

Load the value from the dataobject into this field

CanViewPermission::listPermissionCheck() — Method in class CanViewPermission
LessThanFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\QueryFilter\Filters

A query filter that filters records by a less than comparison

LessThanOrEqualFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\QueryFilter\Filters

A query filter that filters records by a less than or equal comparison

ListFieldFilterInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\QueryFilter

A special type of filter that accepts list values

LoggerClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema
Logger::log() — Method in class Logger
PluginConsumer::loadPlugins() — Method in class PluginConsumer

Translates all the ID and config settings to first class instances

Schema::lazyLoad() — Method in class Schema
AbstractTypeRegistry::listOf() — Method in class AbstractTypeRegistry
ArrayList::limit() — Method in class ArrayList

Get a sub-range of this dataobjectset as an array

ArrayList::last() — Method in class ArrayList

Returns the last item in the list

$ PDOConnector#legacy_typesProperty in class PDOConnector

Should we return everything as a string in order to allow transaction savepoints? This preserves the behaviour of <= 4.3, including some bugs.

$ DB#lastQueryProperty in class DB

The last SQL query run.

DataList::limit() — Method in class DataList

Return a new DataList instance with the records returned in this query restricted by a limit clause.

DataList::leftJoin() — Method in class DataList

Return a new DataList instance with a left join clause added to this list's query.

DataList::last() — Method in class DataList

Returns the last item in this DataList

$ DataObject#LastEditedProperty in class DataObject

Date and time of DataObject's last modification.

DataQuery::lastRow() — Method in class DataQuery

Return the last row that would be returned by this full DataQuery Note that this will issue a separate SELECT ... LIMIT query.

DataQuery::limit() — Method in class DataQuery

Set the limit of this query.

DataQuery::leftJoin() — Method in class DataQuery

Add a LEFT JOIN clause to this query.

DatabaseAdmin::lastBuilt() — Method in class DatabaseAdmin

Returns the timestamp of the time that the database was last built

DBDate::Long() — Method in class DBDate

Returns the date in the localised long format

DBString::LimitCharacters() — Method in class DBString

Limit this field's content by a number of characters.

DBString::LimitCharactersToClosestWord() — Method in class DBString

Limit this field's content by a number of characters and truncate the field to the closest complete word. All HTML tags are stripped from the field.

DBString::LimitWordCount() — Method in class DBString

Limit this field's content by a number of words.

DBString::LowerCase() — Method in class DBString

Converts the current value for this StringField to lowercase.

DBText::LimitSentences() — Method in class DBText

Limit sentences, can be controlled by passing an integer.

LessThanFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Filters

Selects numerical/date content less than the input

LessThanOrEqualFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Filters

Selects numerical/date content less than or equal to the input

Hierarchy::liveChildren() — Method in class Hierarchy

Return children in the live site, if it exists.

LimitableClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Additional interface for {@link SS_List} classes that are limitable - able to have a subset of the list extracted.

Limitable::limit() — Method in class Limitable

Returns a new instance of this list where no more than $limit records are included.

ListDecoratorClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

A base class for decorators that wrap around a list to provide additional functionality. It passes through list methods to the underlying list implementation.

ListDecorator::last() — Method in class ListDecorator

Returns the last item in the list.

ListDecorator::limit() — Method in class ListDecorator

Returns a new instance of this list where no more than $limit records are included.

PaginatedList::LastItem() — Method in class PaginatedList

Returns the number of the last item being displayed on this page.

PaginatedList::LastLink() — Method in class PaginatedList

Returns a link to the last page.

SQLSelect::lastRow() — Method in class SQLSelect

Returns a query that returns only the last row of this query

SS_List::last() — Method in class SS_List

Returns the last item in the list.

UnsavedRelationList::last() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Returns the last item in the list

ReportAdmin::Link() — Method in class ReportAdmin

Returns the link to the report admin section, or the specific report that is currently displayed

CMSSecurity::login() — Method in class CMSSecurity

Show the "login" page

CMSSecurity::Link() — Method in class CMSSecurity

Get a link to a security action

Handler::Link() — Method in class Handler

Returns a link to this controller. Overload with your own Link rules if they exist.

$ Group#LockedProperty in class Group

Boolean indicating whether group is locked in security panel

IdentityStore::logIn() — Method in class IdentityStore

Log the given member into this identity store.

IdentityStore::logOut() — Method in class IdentityStore

Log any logged-in member out of this identity store.

LoginAttemptClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Record all login attempts through the {@link LoginForm} object.

LoginFormClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Abstract base class for a login form

LogoutFormClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Log out form to display to users who arrive at 'Security/logout' without a CSRF token. It's preferable to link to {@link Security::logout_url()} directly - we only use a form so that we can preserve the "BackURL" if set

$ Member#lock_out_after_incorrect_loginsProperty in class Member
$ Member#lock_out_delay_minsProperty in class Member
$ Member#login_marker_cookieProperty in class Member
$ Member#LockedOutUntilProperty in class Member
$ Member#LocaleProperty in class Member
Member::logIn() — Method in class Member
Member::logged_in_session_exists() — Method in class Member

Check if the member ID logged in session actually has a database record of the same ID. If there is no logged in user, FALSE is returned anyway.

Member::logOut() — Method in class Member
Member::LoggedPasswords() — Method in class Member
CMSLoginHandler::loginForm() — Method in class CMSLoginHandler

Return the CMSMemberLoginForm form

ChangePasswordHandler::Link() — Method in class ChangePasswordHandler

Return a link to this request handler.

CookieAuthenticationHandler::logIn() — Method in class CookieAuthenticationHandler
CookieAuthenticationHandler::logOut() — Method in class CookieAuthenticationHandler
LoginHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator

Handle login requests from MemberLoginForm

LoginHandler::Link() — Method in class LoginHandler

Return a link to this request handler.

LoginHandler::login() — Method in class LoginHandler

URL handler for the log-in screen

LoginHandler::loginForm() — Method in class LoginHandler

Return the MemberLoginForm form

LogoutHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator

Class LogoutHandler handles logging out Members from their session and/or cookie.

LogoutHandler::logout() — Method in class LogoutHandler

Log out form handler method

LogoutHandler::logoutForm() — Method in class LogoutHandler
LostPasswordFormClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator

Class LostPasswordForm handles the requests for lost password form generation

LostPasswordHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator

Handle login requests from MemberLoginForm

LostPasswordHandler::Link() — Method in class LostPasswordHandler

Return a link to this request handler.

LostPasswordHandler::lostpassword() — Method in class LostPasswordHandler

URL handler for the initial lost-password screen

LostPasswordHandler::lostPasswordForm() — Method in class LostPasswordHandler

Factory method for the lost password form

$ MemberLoginForm#loggedInAsFieldProperty in class MemberLoginForm

This field is used in the "You are logged in as %s" message

SessionAuthenticationHandler::logIn() — Method in class SessionAuthenticationHandler
SessionAuthenticationHandler::logOut() — Method in class SessionAuthenticationHandler
MemberPassword::log() — Method in class MemberPassword

Log a password change from the given member.

$ RememberLoginHash#logout_across_devicesProperty in class RememberLoginHash

Determines if logging out on one device also clears existing login tokens on all other devices owned by the member.

RequestAuthenticationHandler::logIn() — Method in class RequestAuthenticationHandler

Log into the identity-store handlers attached to this request filter

RequestAuthenticationHandler::logOut() — Method in class RequestAuthenticationHandler

Log out of all the identity-store handlers attached to this request filter

$ Security#login_urlProperty in class Security

The default login URL

$ Security#logout_urlProperty in class Security

The default logout URL

$ Security#lost_password_urlProperty in class Security

The default lost password URL

$ Security#login_recordingProperty in class Security

Enable or disable recording of login attempts through the {@link LoginRecord} object.

Security::Link() — Method in class Security

Get a link to a security action

Security::login() — Method in class Security

Show the "login" page

Security::logout() — Method in class Security

Log the currently logged in user out

Security::lostpassword() — Method in class Security

Show the "lost password" page

Security::login_url() — Method in class Security

Get the URL of the log-in page.

Security::logout_url() — Method in class Security

Get the URL of the logout page.

Security::lost_password_url() — Method in class Security

Get the URL of the logout page.

$ ChangeSet#LastSyncedProperty in class ChangeSet

Last synced date

Versioned::latestPublished() — Method in class Versioned

Determines if the current draft version is the same as live or rather, that there are no outstanding draft changes

$ HTML#legal_empty_attributesProperty in class HTML

List of attributes that should be rendered even if they contain no value

SSTemplateParser::Lookup__construct() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Lookup_AddLookupStep() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

The basic generated PHP of LookupStep and LastLookupStep is the same, except that LookupStep calls 'obj' to get the next ViewableData in the sequence, and LastLookupStep calls different methods (XML_val, hasValue, obj) depending on the context the lookup is used in.

SSTemplateParser::Lookup_LookupStep() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Lookup_LastLookupStep() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport::Last() — Method in class SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport

Returns true if this object is the last in a set.

SSViewer_Scope::locally() — Method in class SSViewer_Scope

Called at the start of every lookup chain by SSTemplateParser to indicate a new lookup from local scope

$ IntlLocales#localesProperty in class IntlLocales

An exhaustive list of possible locales (code => language and country)

$ IntlLocales#languagesProperty in class IntlLocales

List of language names

$ IntlLocales#likely_subtagsProperty in class IntlLocales
IntlLocales::localeFromLang() — Method in class IntlLocales

Provides you "likely locales" for a given "short" language code. This is a guess, as we can't disambiguate from e.g. "en" to "en_US" - it could also mean "en_UK". Based on the Unicode CLDR project.

IntlLocales::langFromLocale() — Method in class IntlLocales

Returns the "short" language name from a locale, e.g. "en_US" would return "en".

IntlLocales::localeName() — Method in class IntlLocales

Get name of locale

IntlLocales::languageName() — Method in class IntlLocales

Get language name for this language or locale code

LocalesClass in namespace SilverStripe\i18n\Data

Locales data source

Locales::languageName() — Method in class Locales

Get language name for this language or locale code

Locales::localeName() — Method in class Locales

Get name of locale

Locales::localeFromLang() — Method in class Locales

Provides you "likely locales" for a given "short" language code. This is a guess, as we can't disambiguate from e.g. "en" to "en_US" - it could also mean "en_UK". Based on the Unicode CLDR project.

Locales::langFromLocale() — Method in class Locales

Returns the "short" language name from a locale, e.g. "en_US" would return "en".

ModuleYamlLoader::load() — Method in class ModuleYamlLoader


$ LeftAndMain#menu_titleProperty in class LeftAndMain
$ LeftAndMain#menu_iconProperty in class LeftAndMain
$ LeftAndMain#menu_priorityProperty in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::methodSchema() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::menu_title_for_class() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::menu_title() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Get menu title for this section (translated)

LeftAndMain::menu_icon_for_class() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Return styling for the menu icon, if a custom icon is set for this class

LeftAndMain::menu_icon_class_for_class() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Return the web font icon class name for this interface icon. Uses the built in SilveStripe webfont. {see menu_icon_for_class()} for providing a background image.

LeftAndMain::MainMenu() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Returns the main menu of the CMS. This is also used by init() to work out which sections the user has access to.

LeftAndMain::Menu() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::MenuCurrentItem() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::Modals() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Handler for all global modals

MemberImportFormClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin

Imports {@link Member} records by CSV upload, as defined in {@link MemberCsvBulkLoader}.

ModalControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin

Parent controller for all CMS-global modals

ModelAdminClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin

Generates a three-pane UI for editing model classes, tabular results and edit forms.

$ ModelAdmin#managed_modelsProperty in class ModelAdmin

List of all managed {@link DataObject}s in this interface.

$ ModelAdmin#model_importersProperty in class ModelAdmin

List of all {@link DataObject}s which can be imported through a subclass of {@link BulkLoader} (mostly CSV data).

SecurityAdmin::memberimport() — Method in class SecurityAdmin
SecurityAdmin::MemberImportForm() — Method in class SecurityAdmin
$ AssetAdmin#max_history_entriesProperty in class AssetAdmin
$ AssetAdmin#max_upload_sizeProperty in class AssetAdmin
AssetAdmin::moveForm() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Get form for moving files/folders to a new location

MoveFormFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Forms
MoveFilesMutationCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL
$ ThumbnailGenerator#max_thumbnail_bytesProperty in class ThumbnailGenerator

Safely limit max inline thumbnail size to 200kb.

$ ThumbnailGenerator#methodProperty in class ThumbnailGenerator
VersionedFilesMigrator::migrate() — Method in class VersionedFilesMigrator
Filesystem::makeFolder() — Method in class Filesystem

Create a folder on the filesystem, recursively.

$ FlysystemAssetStore#missing_response_codeProperty in class FlysystemAssetStore

Set HTTP error code to use for missing secure assets

Folder::myChildren() — Method in class Folder

Returns all children of this folder

ImageManipulation::manipulateImage() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Wrapper for manipulate that passes in and stores Image_Backend objects instead of tuples

ImageManipulation::manipulate() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Generate a new DBFile instance using the given callback if it hasn't been created yet, or return the existing one if it has.

ContentController::Menu() — Method in class ContentController
ModelAsControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

ModelAsController deals with mapping the initial request to the first {@link SiteTree}/{@link ContentController} pair, which are then used to handle the request.

$ SiteTree#meta_generatorProperty in class SiteTree

The value used for the meta generator tag. Leave blank to omit the tag.

$ SiteTree#MenuTitleProperty in class SiteTree
$ SiteTree#MetaDescriptionProperty in class SiteTree
SiteTree::MetaComponents() — Method in class SiteTree

Return attributes for various meta tags, plus a title tag, in a keyed array.

SiteTree::MetaTags() — Method in class SiteTree

Return the title, description, keywords and language metatags.

VirtualPage::MetaTags() — Method in class VirtualPage

For VirtualPage, add a canonical link tag linking to the original page See TRAC #6828 & http://support.google.com/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=139394

MigrateSiteTreeLinkingTaskClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Tasks

Updates legacy SiteTree link tracking into new polymorphic many_many relation.

SiteTreeMaintenanceTask::makelinksunique() — Method in class SiteTreeMaintenanceTask
DeltaConfigCollection::merge() — Method in class DeltaConfigCollection

Merge a config for a class, or a field on that class

MemoryConfigCollectionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Config\Collections

Basic mutable config collection stored in memory

MemoryConfigCollection::merge() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection

Merge a config for a class, or a field on that class

MutableConfigCollectionInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\Config\Collections
MutableConfigCollectionInterface::merge() — Method in class MutableConfigCollectionInterface

Merge a config for a class, or a field on that class

Priority::merge() — Method in class Priority

Merges an array of values into a collection

Priority::mergeArray() — Method in class Priority

Deep merges a high priorty array into a lower priority array, overwriting duplicate keys. If the keys are integers, then the merges acts like array_merge() and adds a new item.

MiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Config\Middleware
MiddlewareAwareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Config\Middleware
MiddlewareCommonClass in namespace SilverStripe\Config\Middleware

Abstract flag-aware middleware

Director::mockRequest() — Method in class Director

Mock a request, passing this to the given callback, before resetting.

Director::makeRelative() — Method in class Director

Turns an absolute URL or folder into one that's relative to the root of the site. This is useful when turning a URL into a filesystem reference, or vice versa.

MailerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Email
$ HTTP#MimeTypesProperty in class HTTP

Mapping of extension to mime types

HTTPRequest::match() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Matches a URL pattern The pattern can contain a number of segments, separated by / (and an extension indicated by a .)

ManifestCacheFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Cache

Assists with building of manifest cache prior to config being available

MemberCacheFlusherClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Cache

Defines a service that can flush its cache for a list of members

MemcachedCacheFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Cache
Config::modify() — Method in class Config

Make this config available to be modified

Config_ForClass::merge() — Method in class Config_ForClass

Merge a given config

Convert::memstring2bytes() — Method in class Convert

Turn a memory string, such as 512M into an actual number of bytes.

ManifestFileFinderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Manifest

An extension to the default file finder with some extra filters to faciliate autoload and template manifest generation:

  • Only modules with _config.php files are scanned.
ModuleClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Manifest

Abstraction of a PHP Package. Can be used to retrieve information about SilverStripe modules, and other packages managed via composer, by reading their composer.json file.

ModuleLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Manifest

Module manifest holder

ModuleManifestClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Manifest

A utility class which builds a manifest of configuration items

$ ModuleManifest#module_priorityProperty in class ModuleManifest

List of modules sorted by priority

ModuleManifest::moduleExists() — Method in class ModuleManifest

Returns true if the passed module exists

ModuleResourceClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Manifest

This object represents a single resource file attached to a module, and can be used as a reference to this to be later turned into either a URL or file path.

ModuleResourceLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Manifest

Helper for mapping module resources to paths / urls

BulkLoader_Result::merge() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result

Merges another BulkLoader_Result into this one.

CSVParser::mapColumns() — Method in class CSVParser

Re-map columns in the CSV file.

Debug::message() — Method in class Debug

Show a debugging message.

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelperClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\Install

This is a helper class for the SS installer.

MigrationTaskClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

A migration task is a build task that is reversible.

MigrateFileTaskClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\Tasks

Migrates all 3.x file dataobjects to use the new DBFile field.

CompositeField::makeFieldReadonly() — Method in class CompositeField

Transform the named field into a readonly feld.

$ ConfirmedPasswordField#minLengthProperty in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Minimum character length of the password.

$ ConfirmedPasswordField#maxLengthProperty in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Maximum character length of the password.

FieldList::makeReadonly() — Method in class FieldList

Transforms this FieldList instance to readonly.

FieldList::makeFieldReadonly() — Method in class FieldList

Transform the named field into a readonly field.

Form::makeReadonly() — Method in class Form

Convert this form into a readonly form

$ HTMLEditorField#media_alignmentProperty in class HTMLEditorField
MoneyFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

A form field that can save into a {@link Money} database field.

MultiSelectFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Represents a SelectField that may potentially have multiple selections, and may have a {@link ManyManyList} as a data source.

ModelConfigurationClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Config
MemberAwareClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Permission

Allows any class to hold Member state

ModelCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject

Creates a model for a DataObject

MutationExceptionClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Exception

Thrown when a mutation operation fails

Field::mergeWith() — Method in class Field
ModelAwareClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Field

Used for a variety of classes that rely on SchemaModelInterface

ModelFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Field

A field that appears on model type

ModelField::mergeWith() — Method in class ModelField
ModelMutationClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Field

Defines a mutation created by a model

ModelQueryClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Field

Defines a query generated by a model

MutationClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Field

Defines a generic mutation

ModelBlacklistClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

Implementors of this interface can prevent a given set of fields from being added

ModelFieldPluginClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces
ModelMutationPluginClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

A plugin that applies only to mutations created by models

ModelOperationClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

Applies to an operation that was crated by a model

ModelQueryPluginClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

A plugin that applies only to queries generated by models

ModelTypePluginClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

A plugin that only applies to types generated by models

MutationPluginClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

A plugin that applies to a generic mutation

$ PaginationPlugin#max_limitProperty in class PaginationPlugin
PluginConsumer::mergePlugins() — Method in class PluginConsumer
SchemaConfig::mapField() — Method in class SchemaConfig
SchemaConfig::mapFieldByClassName() — Method in class SchemaConfig
SchemaConfig::mapPath() — Method in class SchemaConfig
InterfaceType::mergeWith() — Method in class InterfaceType
ModelInterfaceTypeClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Type

Defines an interface that is backed by a model

ModelTypeClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Type

A type that is generated by a model

ModelType::mergeWith() — Method in class ModelType
ModelUnionTypeClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Type

Defines a union that is backed by a model definition

Type::mergeWith() — Method in class Type
UnionType::mergeWith() — Method in class UnionType
MonologErrorHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Logging
ArrayList::merge() — Method in class ArrayList

Merges with another array or list by pushing all the items in it onto the end of this list.

ArrayList::map() — Method in class ArrayList

Returns a map of this list

Database::manipulate() — Method in class Database

Execute a complex manipulation on the database.

MySQLDatabaseClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Connect

MySQL connector class.

MySQLQueryClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Connect

A result-set from a MySQL database (using MySQLiConnector) Note that this class is only used for the results of non-prepared statements

MySQLQueryBuilderClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Connect

Builds a SQL query string from a SQLExpression object

MySQLSchemaManagerClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Connect

Represents schema management object for MySQL

MySQLStatementClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Connect

Provides a record-view for mysqli prepared statements

MySQLTransactionManagerClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Connect

TransactionManager that executes MySQL-compatible transaction control queries

MySQLiConnectorClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Connect

Connector for MySQL using the MySQLi method

Query::map() — Method in class Query

Return a map from the first column to the second column.

DB::manipulate() — Method in class DB

Execute a complex manipulation on the database.

DataList::map() — Method in class DataList

Returns a map of this list

DataList::max() — Method in class DataList

Return the maximum value of the given field in this DataList

DataList::min() — Method in class DataList

Return the minimum value of the given field in this DataList

$ DataObject#many_manyProperty in class DataObject

many-many relationship definitions.

$ DataObject#many_many_extraFieldsProperty in class DataObject

Extra fields to include on the connecting many-many table.

DataObject::merge() — Method in class DataObject

Merges data and relations from another object of same class, without conflict resolution. Allows to specify which dataset takes priority in case its not empty.

DataObject::manyManyExtraFields() — Method in class DataObject

Return the many-to-many extra fields specification.

DataObject::manyMany() — Method in class DataObject

Return information about a many-to-many component.

DataObject::mergeRelatedObjects() — Method in class DataObject

Helper method to merge owned/owning items into a list.

DataObjectSchema::manyManyComponent() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Return information about a specific many_many component. Returns a numeric array.

DataObjectSchema::manyManyExtraFieldsForComponent() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Return the many-to-many extra fields specification for a specific component.

DataQuery::max() — Method in class DataQuery

Return the maximum value of the given field in this DataList

DataQuery::min() — Method in class DataQuery

Return the minimum value of the given field in this DataList

DBDate::Month() — Method in class DBDate

Returns a full textual representation of a month, such as January.

DBDate::modify() — Method in class DBDate

Adjusts the current instance by the given adjustment, in a PHP strtotime() style date/time modifier.

MarkedSetClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Hierarchy

Contains a set of hierarchical objects generated from a marking compilation run.

$ MarkedSet#markingFilterProperty in class MarkedSet

Optional filter callback for filtering nodes to mark

MarkedSet::markPartialTree() — Method in class MarkedSet

Mark a segment of the tree, by calling mark().

MarkedSet::markById() — Method in class MarkedSet

Mark the children of the DataObject with the given ID.

MarkedSet::markToExpose() — Method in class MarkedSet

Expose the given object in the tree, by marking this page and all it ancestors.

MarkedSet::markedNodeIDs() — Method in class MarkedSet

Return the IDs of all the marked nodes.

MarkedSet::markExpanded() — Method in class MarkedSet

Mark this DataObject as expanded.

MarkedSet::markUnexpanded() — Method in class MarkedSet

Mark this DataObject as unexpanded.

MarkedSet::markOpened() — Method in class MarkedSet

Mark this DataObject's tree as opened.

MarkedSet::markClosed() — Method in class MarkedSet

Mark this DataObject's tree as closed.

ListDecorator::map() — Method in class ListDecorator

Returns a map of a key field to a value field of all the items in the list.

ManyManyListClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Subclass of {@link DataList} representing a many_many relation.

ManyManyThroughListClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

ManyManyList backed by a dataobject join table

ManyManyThroughQueryManipulatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Injected into DataQuery to augment getFinalisedQuery() with a join table

MapClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Creates a map from an SS_List by defining a key column and a value column.

PaginatedList::MoreThanOnePage() — Method in class PaginatedList
SS_List::map() — Method in class SS_List

Returns a map of a key field to a value field of all the items in the list.

Group::Members() — Method in class Group

Get many-many relation to {@link Member}, including all members which are "inherited" from children groups of this record.

$ LoginAttempt#MemberIDProperty in class LoginAttempt

ID of the Member, only if Member with Email exists

LoginAttempt::Member() — Method in class LoginAttempt

Member object of the user trying to log in, only if Member with Email exists

MemberClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

The member class which represents the users of the system

Member::member_from_autologinhash() — Method in class Member

Return the member for the auto login hash

Member::member_from_tempid() — Method in class Member

Find a member record with the given TempIDHash value

Member::map_in_groups() — Method in class Member

Get a member SQLMap of members in specific groups

Member::mapInCMSGroups() — Method in class Member

Get a map of all members in the groups given that have CMS permissions

Member::memberNotInGroups() — Method in class Member

Get the groups in which the member is NOT in

MemberAuthenticatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator

Authenticator for the default "member" method

MemberLoginFormClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator

Log-in form for the "member" authentication method.

MemberCsvBulkLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Imports member records, and checks/updates duplicates based on their 'Email' property.

MemberPasswordClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Keep track of users' previous passwords, so that we can check that new passwords aren't changed back to old ones.

$ MemberPassword#MemberIDProperty in class MemberPassword

ID of the Member

MemberPassword::Member() — Method in class MemberPassword

Owner of the password

Member_GroupSetClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Represents a set of Groups attached to a member.

Member_ValidatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Member Validator

$ PasswordExpirationMiddleware#mimetypes_allowing_redirectProperty in class PasswordExpirationMiddleware

The list of mimetypes allowing a redirect to a change password form.

$ PasswordValidator#min_lengthProperty in class PasswordValidator
$ PasswordValidator#min_test_scoreProperty in class PasswordValidator
PasswordValidator::minLength() — Method in class PasswordValidator
RememberLoginHash::Member() — Method in class RememberLoginHash
SiteConfig::make_site_config() — Method in class SiteConfig

Create SiteConfig with defaults from language file.

ManagerExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\GraphQL\Extensions
GenericTemplateGlobalProvider::ModulePath() — Method in class GenericTemplateGlobalProvider

Given some pre-defined modules, return the filesystem path of the module.

Requirements_Minifier::minify() — Method in class Requirements_Minifier

Minify the given content

SSTemplateParser::match_Template() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Word() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_NamespacedWord() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Number() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Value() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_CallArguments() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Call() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_LookupStep() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_LastLookupStep() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Lookup() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Translate() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_InjectionVariables() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Entity() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_SimpleInjection() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_BracketInjection() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Injection() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_DollarMarkedLookup() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_QuotedString() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Null() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Boolean() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Sign() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Float() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Hexadecimal() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Octal() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Binary() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Decimal() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_IntegerOrFloat() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_FreeString() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Argument() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_ComparisonOperator() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Comparison() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_PresenceCheck() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_IfArgumentPortion() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_BooleanOperator() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_IfArgument() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_IfPart() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_ElseIfPart() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_ElsePart() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_If() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Require() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_CacheBlockArgument() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_CacheBlockArguments() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_CacheBlockTemplate() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_UncachedBlock() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_CacheRestrictedTemplate() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_CacheBlock() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_OldTPart() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_N() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_OldTTag() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_OldSprintfTag() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_OldI18NTag() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_NamedArgument() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Include() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_BlockArguments() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_NotBlockTag() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_ClosedBlock() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_OpenBlock() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_MismatchedEndBlock() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::MismatchedEndBlock__finalise() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_MalformedOpenTag() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::MalformedOpenTag__finalise() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_MalformedCloseTag() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::MalformedCloseTag__finalise() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_MalformedBlock() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Comment() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_TopTemplate() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::match_Text() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport::Middle() — Method in class SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport

Return true if this object is between the first & last objects.

SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport::MiddleString() — Method in class SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport

Return 'middle' if this object is between the first & last objects.

SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport::Modulus() — Method in class SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport

Returns the modulus of the numerical position of the item in the data set.

SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport::MultipleOf() — Method in class SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport

Returns true or false depending on if the pos of the iterator is a multiple of a specific number.

ViewableData::Me() — Method in class ViewableData

When rendering some objects it is necessary to iterate over the object being rendered, to do this, you need access to itself.

$ Sources#module_priorityProperty in class Sources

List of prioritised modules, in lowest to highest priority.

MessageProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\i18n\Messages

Provides localisation of messages

ModuleYamlLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\i18n\Messages\Symfony

Loads yaml localisations across all modules simultaneously.

$ i18n#missing_default_warningProperty in class i18n

Warn if _t() invoked without a default.


AssetAdminFile::nestedFolderIDs() — Method in class AssetAdminFile

Get recursive parent IDs

NoticeClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL

Represents a notice related to a graphql Action. This could be a failure, warning, or recoverable query (e.g. "are you sure you want to publish this item?")

NormaliseAccessMigrationHelperClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Dev\Tasks

Service to help identify and migrate Files that have been saved to the wrong asset store and restore them to the appropriate physical location.

NormaliseAccessMigrationHelper::needToMove() — Method in class NormaliseAccessMigrationHelper

Determine if the versions of the provided file are stored in the correct asset store.

$ File#non_live_permissionsProperty in class File

Anyone with CMS access can view draft files

$ File#NameProperty in class File

Basename of the file

AssetAdapter::normalisePermissions() — Method in class AssetAdapter

Converts strings to octal permission codes. E.g. '0700' => 0700

FlysystemAssetStore::normalisePath() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore
FlysystemAssetStore::normalise() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore
Folder::numChildFolders() — Method in class Folder

Get the number of children of this folder that are also folders.

DefaultAssetNameGenerator::next() — Method in class DefaultAssetNameGenerator
$ SiteTree#need_permissionProperty in class SiteTree

List of permission codes a user can have to allow a user to create a page of this type.

$ SiteTree#nested_urlsProperty in class SiteTree
SiteTree::NestedTitle() — Method in class SiteTree

Return a string of the form "parent - page" or "grandparent - parent - page" using page titles

CachedConfigCollection::nest() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection

Get nested version of this config, which is normally duplicated version of this config, but could be a subclass.

ConfigCollectionInterface::nest() — Method in class ConfigCollectionInterface

Get nested version of this config, which is normally duplicated version of this config, but could be a subclass.

MemoryConfigCollection::nest() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection

Get nested version of this config, which is normally duplicated version of this config, but could be a subclass.

NestedControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

Interface that is implemented by controllers that are designed to hand control over to another controller.

NullHTTPRequestClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

Implements the "Null Object" pattern for a missing http request.

Config::nest() — Method in class Config

Make the newly active {@link Config} be a copy of the current active {@link Config} instance.

ConfigLoader::nest() — Method in class ConfigLoader

Nest the config loader and activates it

Convert::nl2os() — Method in class Convert

Normalises newline sequences to conform to (an) OS specific format.

CoreKernel::nest() — Method in class CoreKernel

Nests this kernel, all components, and returns the nested value.

Injector::nest() — Method in class Injector

Make the newly active {@link Injector} be a copy of the current active {@link Injector} instance.

InjectorLoader::nest() — Method in class InjectorLoader

Nest the config loader

Kernel::nest() — Method in class Kernel

Nests this kernel, all components, and returns the nested value.

Path::normalise() — Method in class Path

Normalise absolute or relative filesystem path.

CSVParser::next() — Method in class CSVParser
$ Deprecation#notice_levelProperty in class Deprecation
Deprecation::notification_version() — Method in class Deprecation

Set the version that is used to check against the version passed to notice. If the ::notice version is greater than or equal to this version, a message will be raised

Deprecation::notice() — Method in class Deprecation

Raise a notice indicating the method is deprecated if the version passed as the second argument is greater than or equal to the check version set via ::notification_version

FormField::name_to_label() — Method in class FormField

Takes a field name and converts camelcase to spaced words. Also resolves combined field names with dot syntax to spaced words.

GridField_FormAction::nameEncode() — Method in class GridField_FormAction

Encode all non-word characters.

NullableFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

NullableField is a field that wraps other fields when you want to allow the user to specify whether the value of the field is null or not.

NumericFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Text input field with validation for numeric values. Supports validating the numeric value as to the {@link i18n::get_locale()} value, or an overridden locale specific to this field.

$ TreeDropdownField#node_threshold_totalProperty in class TreeDropdownField
TreeDropdownField::nodeIsDisabled() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Marking a specific node in the tree as disabled

NamespaceLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\BulkLoader

Loads classes based on fuzzy match of FQCN, e.g. App\Models*

FieldAccessor::normaliseField() — Method in class FieldAccessor

Get the field as it is defined on the DataObject for case-sensitive access

NotEqualFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\QueryFilter\Filters

A query filter that filters records by negating an exact match

Logger::notice() — Method in class Logger
PaginationPlugin::noop() — Method in class PaginationPlugin

"node" is just structural and should use a noop

DefaultResolver::noop() — Method in class DefaultResolver
NestedInputBuilderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Services

An agnostic service that builds an input type based on a given field, with nesting.

AbstractTypeRegistry::nonNull() — Method in class AbstractTypeRegistry
$ CodeGenerationStore#namespacePrefixProperty in class CodeGenerationStore
NaiveNameObfuscatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Storage

Naive implementation for debugging. Allow the class file name to be the same as the class

NameObfuscatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Storage

Defines a service that can obfuscate classnames to make their files less discoverable

Database::nullCheckClause() — Method in class Database

Generates a WHERE clause for null comparison check

Database::now() — Method in class Database

Return SQL expression used to represent the current date/time

MySQLDatabase::now() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Return SQL expression used to represent the current date/time

MySQLQuery::numRecords() — Method in class MySQLQuery

Return the total number of items in the query result.

MySQLQuery::nextRecord() — Method in class MySQLQuery
MySQLStatement::numRecords() — Method in class MySQLStatement

Return the total number of items in the query result.

MySQLStatement::nextRecord() — Method in class MySQLStatement
NestedTransactionManagerClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Connect

TransactionManager decorator that adds virtual nesting support.

PDOQuery::numRecords() — Method in class PDOQuery

Return the total number of items in the query result.

Query::numRecords() — Method in class Query

Return the total number of items in the query result.

DataList::newObject() — Method in class DataList

Return a new item to add to this DataList.

DataObject::newClassInstance() — Method in class DataObject

Create a new instance of a different class from this object's record.

DBBoolean::Nice() — Method in class DBBoolean
DBBoolean::NiceAsBoolean() — Method in class DBBoolean
DBBoolean::nullValue() — Method in class DBBoolean

Returns the value to be set in the database to blank this field.

DBCurrency::Nice() — Method in class DBCurrency

Returns the number as a currency, eg “$1,000.00”.

DBDate::Nice() — Method in class DBDate

Returns the standard localised medium date

DBDatetime::now() — Method in class DBDatetime

Returns either the current system date as determined by date(), or a mocked date through {@link set_mock_now()}.

DBDecimal::Nice() — Method in class DBDecimal
DBDecimal::nullValue() — Method in class DBDecimal
DBField::nullValue() — Method in class DBField

Returns the value to be set in the database to blank this field.

DBFloat::Nice() — Method in class DBFloat

Returns the number, with commas and decimal places as appropriate, eg “1,000.00”.

DBFloat::NiceRound() — Method in class DBFloat
DBFloat::nullValue() — Method in class DBFloat

Returns the value to be set in the database to blank this field.

DBInt::Nice() — Method in class DBInt
DBInt::nullValue() — Method in class DBInt

Returns the value to be set in the database to blank this field.

DBLocale::Nice() — Method in class DBLocale

See {@link getShortName()} and {@link getNativeName()}.

DBMoney::Nice() — Method in class DBMoney

Get nicely formatted currency (based on current locale)

DBPercentage::Nice() — Method in class DBPercentage

Returns the number, expressed as a percentage. For example, “36.30%”

DBTime::Nice() — Method in class DBTime

Returns the standard localised medium time e.g. "3:15pm"

$ Hierarchy#node_threshold_totalProperty in class Hierarchy

The lower bounds for the amount of nodes to mark. If set, the logic will expand nodes until it reaches at least this number, and then stops. Root nodes will always show regardless of this settting. Further nodes can be lazy-loaded via ajax. This isn't a hard limit. Example: On a value of 10, with 20 root nodes, each having 30 children, the actual node count will be 50 (all root nodes plus first expanded child).

$ Hierarchy#node_threshold_leafProperty in class Hierarchy

Limit on the maximum children a specific node can display. Serves as a hard limit to avoid exceeding available server resources in generating the tree, and browser resources in rendering it. Nodes with children exceeding this value typically won't display any children, although this is configurable through the $nodeCountCallback parameter in {@link getChildrenAsUL()}. "Root" nodes will always show all children, regardless of this setting.

$ Hierarchy#non_virtual_fieldsProperty in class Hierarchy

Prevent virtual page virtualising these fields

Hierarchy::numHistoricalChildren() — Method in class Hierarchy

Return the number of children that this page ever had, including pages that were deleted.

Hierarchy::numChildren() — Method in class Hierarchy

Return the number of direct children. By default, values are cached after the first invocation. Can be augumented by {@link augmentNumChildrenCountQuery()}.

PaginatedList::NotFirstPage() — Method in class PaginatedList
PaginatedList::NotLastPage() — Method in class PaginatedList
PaginatedList::NextLink() — Method in class PaginatedList

Returns a link to the next page, if there is another page after the current one.

$ Member#notify_password_changeProperty in class Member
NullSecurityTokenClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Specialized subclass for disabled security tokens - always returns TRUE for token checks. Use through {@link SecurityToken::disable()}.

$ ChangeSet#NameProperty in class ChangeSet
$ Versioned#non_virtual_fieldsProperty in class Versioned

Ensure versioned page doesn't attempt to virtualise these non-db fields

$ Versioned#non_live_permissionsProperty in class Versioned

Permissions necessary to view records outside of the live stage (e.g. archive / draft stage).

SSTemplateParser::NamedArgument_Name() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::NamedArgument_Value() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSViewer_Scope::next() — Method in class SSViewer_Scope

Fast-forwards the current iterator to the next item


$ AssetAdminFile#ownerProperty in class AssetAdminFile
$ AssetControlExtension#ownerProperty in class AssetControlExtension

A {see \SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject}, potentially decorated with {see \SilverStripe\Versioned\Versioned} extension.

AssetControlExtension::onAfterDelete() — Method in class AssetControlExtension

Ensure that deletes records remove their underlying file assets, without affecting other staged records.

AssetControlExtension::onBeforeWrite() — Method in class AssetControlExtension

Ensure that changes to records flush overwritten files, and update the visibility of other assets.

$ File#OwnerIDProperty in class File

ID of Member who owns the file

File::onAfterUpload() — Method in class File

Should be called after the file was uploaded

File::onAfterRevertToLive() — Method in class File
File::Owner() — Method in class File

Returns Member object of file owner.

Folder::onBeforeDelete() — Method in class Folder
Folder::onBeforeWrite() — Method in class Folder
Folder::onAfterWrite() — Method in class Folder
Folder::onAfterDelete() — Method in class Folder
Folder::onAfterSkippedWrite() — Method in class Folder

If a write is skipped due to no changes, ensure that nested records still get asked to update

$ FileLinkTracking#ownerProperty in class FileLinkTracking
FileLinkTracking::onBeforeWrite() — Method in class FileLinkTracking
FileLinkTracking::onAfterDelete() — Method in class FileLinkTracking
OldPageRedirectorClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers
OldPageRedirector::onBeforeHTTPError404() — Method in class OldPageRedirector

On every URL that generates a 404, we'll capture it here and see if we can find an old URL that it should be redirecting to.

RedirectorPage::onBeforeWrite() — Method in class RedirectorPage
SiteTree::onBeforeDuplicate() — Method in class SiteTree

Reset Sort on duped page

SiteTree::onBeforeDelete() — Method in class SiteTree
SiteTree::onAfterDelete() — Method in class SiteTree
SiteTree::onAfterPublish() — Method in class SiteTree
SiteTree::onAfterRevertToLive() — Method in class SiteTree

Update draft dependant pages

SiteTreeExtension::onBeforePublish() — Method in class SiteTreeExtension

Hook called before the page's {@link Versioned::publishSingle()} action is completed

SiteTreeExtension::onAfterPublish() — Method in class SiteTreeExtension

Hook called after the page's {@link Versioned::publishSingle()} action is completed

SiteTreeExtension::onBeforeUnpublish() — Method in class SiteTreeExtension

Hook called before the page's {@link Versioned::doUnpublish()} action is completed

SiteTreeExtension::onAfterUnpublish() — Method in class SiteTreeExtension

Hook called after the page's {@link SiteTree::doUnpublish()} action is completed

$ SiteTreeFileExtension#ownerProperty in class SiteTreeFileExtension
$ SiteTreeFileFormFactoryExtension#ownerProperty in class SiteTreeFileFormFactoryExtension
$ SiteTreeLinkTracking#ownerProperty in class SiteTreeLinkTracking
SiteTreeLinkTracking::onBeforeWrite() — Method in class SiteTreeLinkTracking
SiteTreeLinkTracking::onAfterDelete() — Method in class SiteTreeLinkTracking
VirtualPage::onBeforeWrite() — Method in class VirtualPage
Email::obfuscate() — Method in class Email

Encode an email-address to protect it from spambots.

HTTPRequest::offsetExists() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Enables the existence of a key-value pair in the request to be checked using array syntax, so isset($request['title']) will check for $_POST['title'] and $_GET['title']

HTTPRequest::offsetGet() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Access a request variable using array syntax. eg: $request['title'] instead of $request->postVar('title')

HTTPRequest::offsetSet() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::offsetUnset() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPResponse::output() — Method in class HTTPResponse

Send this HTTPResponse to the browser

RSSFeed::outputToBrowser() — Method in class RSSFeed

Output the feed to the browser.

$ BulkLoader#objectClassProperty in class BulkLoader

Each row in the imported dataset should map to one instance of this class (with optional property translation through {@self::$columnMaps}.

$ ErrorPageControllerExtension#ownerProperty in class ErrorPageControllerExtension
ErrorPageControllerExtension::onBeforeHTTPError() — Method in class ErrorPageControllerExtension

Used by see RequestHandler::httpError

ErrorPageErrorFormatter::output() — Method in class ErrorPageErrorFormatter
$ ErrorPageExtension#ownerProperty in class ErrorPageExtension
ErrorPageExtension::onAfterPublish() — Method in class ErrorPageExtension

Extension point in see Versioned::publishSingle

$ ErrorPageFileExtension#ownerProperty in class ErrorPageFileExtension
OptionsetFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Set of radio buttons designed to emulate a dropdown.

DevBuildExtension::onAfterBuild() — Method in class DevBuildExtension
TestSessionEnvironmentExtension::onAfterStartTestSession() — Method in class TestSessionEnvironmentExtension

Build the graphql schema after a new testsession is started This is to ensure that the schema is available when a behat test is run, particularly on CI This does laregely the same thing as SilverStripe\GraphQL\Dev\Build::buildSchema(), though it also checks for the existance of persisted schemas first do that the schema is not rebuilt after each behat scenario

$ DataObjectModel#operationsProperty in class DataObjectModel
OperationCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

Implementors of this interface can create queries and mutations dynamically

OperationProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

Implementors of this interface provide a lookup for operations by identifiers

Logger::output() — Method in class Logger
HashNameObfuscator::obfuscate() — Method in class HashNameObfuscator
HybridObfuscator::obfuscate() — Method in class HybridObfuscator
NaiveNameObfuscator::obfuscate() — Method in class NaiveNameObfuscator
NameObfuscator::obfuscate() — Method in class NameObfuscator
DebugViewFriendlyErrorFormatter::output() — Method in class DebugViewFriendlyErrorFormatter

Return the appropriate error content for the given status code

ArrayList::offsetExists() — Method in class ArrayList

Returns whether an item with $key exists

ArrayList::offsetGet() — Method in class ArrayList

Returns item stored in list with index $key

ArrayList::offsetSet() — Method in class ArrayList

Set an item with the key in $key

ArrayList::offsetUnset() — Method in class ArrayList

Unset an item with the key in $key

$ DataExtension#ownerProperty in class DataExtension
DataExtension::onBeforeWrite() — Method in class DataExtension
DataExtension::onAfterWrite() — Method in class DataExtension
DataExtension::onBeforeDelete() — Method in class DataExtension
DataExtension::onAfterDelete() — Method in class DataExtension
DataList::offsetExists() — Method in class DataList

Returns whether an item with $key exists

DataList::offsetGet() — Method in class DataList

Returns item stored in list with index $key

DataList::offsetSet() — Method in class DataList

Set an item with the key in $key

DataList::offsetUnset() — Method in class DataList

Unset an item with the key in $key

$ DataObject#OldIDProperty in class DataObject

ID of object, if deleted

$ DataObject#ObsoleteClassNameProperty in class DataObject

If ClassName no longer exists this will be set to the legacy value

$ Hierarchy#ownerProperty in class Hierarchy
ListDecorator::offsetExists() — Method in class ListDecorator
ListDecorator::offsetGet() — Method in class ListDecorator
ListDecorator::offsetSet() — Method in class ListDecorator
ListDecorator::offsetUnset() — Method in class ListDecorator
Map::offsetExists() — Method in class Map
Map::offsetGet() — Method in class Map
Map::offsetSet() — Method in class Map

Sets a value in the map by a given key that has been set via {@link Map::push()} or {@link Map::unshift()}

Map::offsetUnset() — Method in class Map

Removes a value in the map by a given key which has been added to the map via {@link Map::push()} or {@link Map::unshift()}

Group::onBeforeWrite() — Method in class Group
Group::onBeforeDelete() — Method in class Group
Member::onBeforeWrite() — Method in class Member

Event handler called before writing to the database.

Member::onAfterWrite() — Method in class Member
Member::onAfterDelete() — Method in class Member
Member::onChangeGroups() — Method in class Member

Filter out admin groups to avoid privilege escalation, If any admin groups are requested, deny the whole save operation.

Permission::onBeforeWrite() — Method in class Permission
PermissionRole::onAfterDelete() — Method in class PermissionRole
ChangeSet::Owner() — Method in class ChangeSet
$ ChangeSetItem#ObjectClassProperty in class ChangeSetItem

The base data class for the referenced DataObject

$ ChangeSetItem#ObjectIDProperty in class ChangeSetItem

The numeric ID for the referenced object

ChangeSetItem::onBeforeWrite() — Method in class ChangeSetItem
ChangeSetItem::Object() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

The object attached to this item

$ VersionedTestSessionExtension#ownerProperty in class VersionedTestSessionExtension
DataObjectScaffolderExtension::onBeforeAddToManager() — Method in class DataObjectScaffolderExtension

Adds the "Version" and "Versions" fields to any dataobject that has the Versioned extension.

$ ReadExtension#ownerProperty in class ReadExtension
SchemaScaffolderExtension::onBeforeAddToManager() — Method in class SchemaScaffolderExtension

If any types are using Versioned, make sure Member is added as a type. Because the Versioned_Version object is just ViewableData, it has to be added explicitly.

$ RecursivePublishable#ownsProperty in class RecursivePublishable

List of relationships on this object that are "owned" by this object.

$ RecursivePublishable#ownerProperty in class RecursivePublishable
RecursivePublishable::onBeforeDuplicate() — Method in class RecursivePublishable

If cascade_duplications is empty, default to owns config

RecursivePublishableHandler::onAfterSave() — Method in class RecursivePublishableHandler

Ensure that non-versioned records are published on save.

$ Versioned#ownerProperty in class Versioned
Versioned::onAfterWrite() — Method in class Versioned
Versioned::onAfterSkippedWrite() — Method in class Versioned

If a write was skipped, then we need to ensure that we don't leave a migrateVersion() value lying around for the next write.

Versioned::onAfterDelete() — Method in class Versioned
Versioned::onAfterRevertToLive() — Method in class Versioned
Versioned::onPrepopulateTreeDataCache() — Method in class Versioned

Hook into {@link Hierarchy::prepopulateTreeDataCache}.

Versioned::onAfterRollback() — Method in class Versioned
Versioned::onBeforeDuplicate() — Method in class Versioned

Ensure version ID is reset to 0 on duplicate

$ VersionedGridFieldItemRequest#ownerProperty in class VersionedGridFieldItemRequest
$ VersionedStateExtension#ownerProperty in class VersionedStateExtension
$ VersionedTableDataQueryExtension#ownerProperty in class VersionedTableDataQueryExtension
SSTemplateParser::OldTPart__construct() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::OldTPart_QuotedString() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::OldTPart_CallArguments() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::OldTPart__finalise() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::OldTTag_OldTPart() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::OldSprintfTag__construct() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::OldSprintfTag_OldTPart() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::OldSprintfTag_CallArguments() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::OldI18NTag_STR() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::OpenBlock__construct() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::OpenBlock_BlockArguments() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::OpenBlock__finalise() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::OpenBlock_Handle_Debug() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

This is an open block handler, for the <% debug %> utility tag

SSTemplateParser::OpenBlock_Handle_Base_tag() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

This is an open block handler, for the <% base_tag %> tag

SSTemplateParser::OpenBlock_Handle_Current_page() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

This is an open block handler, for the <% current_page %> tag

SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport::Odd() — Method in class SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport

Return true if this is an odd item in the set.

SSViewer_DataPresenter::obj() — Method in class SSViewer_DataPresenter

$Up and $Top need to restore the overlay from the parent and top-level scope respectively.

SSViewer_Scope::obj() — Method in class SSViewer_Scope
ViewableData::obj() — Method in class ViewableData

Get the value of a field on this object, automatically inserting the value into any available casting objects that have been specified.

ViewableData_Customised::obj() — Method in class ViewableData_Customised

Get the value of a field on this object, automatically inserting the value into any available casting objects that have been specified.


CMSMenu::populate_menu() — Method in class CMSMenu

Generate CMS main menu items by collecting valid subclasses of {@link LeftAndMain}

CMSMenu::provideI18nEntities() — Method in class CMSMenu

Provide menu titles to the i18n entity provider

$ CMSMenuItem#priorityProperty in class CMSMenuItem

Menu priority (sort order)

LeftAndMain::PreviewPanel() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Render $PreviewPanel content

LeftAndMain::printable() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::providePermissions() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Return a map of permission codes to add to the dropdown shown in the Security section of the CMS.

$ ModelAdmin#page_lengthProperty in class ModelAdmin
SecurityAdmin::providePermissions() — Method in class SecurityAdmin

Return a map of permission codes to add to the dropdown shown in the Security section of the CMS.

$ AssetAdmin#page_lengthProperty in class AssetAdmin

Amount of results showing on a single page.

AssetAdmin::providePermissions() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Return a map of permission codes to add to the dropdown shown in the Security section of the CMS.

AssetAdmin::publish() — Method in class AssetAdmin
PreviewImageFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Forms

For providing schema data to the client side to build a preview field with upload replacement feature

PreviewImageField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class PreviewImageField

Returns a read-only version of this field.

UploadField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class UploadField

Returns a read-only version of this field.

UploadField::performDisabledTransformation() — Method in class UploadField

Return a disabled version of this field.

PublicationMutationCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL
PublicationNoticeTypeClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL
PublicationResultTypeClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL
PublishFileMutationCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL
UnpublishFileMutationCreator::provideI18nEntities() — Method in class UnpublishFileMutationCreator

Returns the list of provided translations for this object.

TestAssetStore::parseFileID() — Method in class TestAssetStore
$ File#ParentIDProperty in class File

ID of parent File/Folder

File::publishFile() — Method in class File

Publicly expose the file (and all variants) identified by the given filename and hash {see AssetStore::publish}

File::protectFile() — Method in class File

Protect a file (and all variants) from public access, identified by the given filename and hash.

File::PreviewLink() — Method in class File

Determine the preview link, if available, for this object.

File::providePermissions() — Method in class File

Return a map of permission codes to add to the dropdown shown in the Security section of the CMS.

File::Parent() — Method in class File

Returns parent File

$ FlysystemAssetStore#permanent_redirect_response_codeProperty in class FlysystemAssetStore

Define the HTTP Response code for request that should be permanently redirected to a different URL. Defaults to 301.

FlysystemAssetStore::publish() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Publicly expose the file (and all variants) identified by the given filename and hash

FlysystemAssetStore::protect() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Protect a file (and all variants) from public access, identified by the given filename and hash.

ProtectedAdapterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Flysystem

An adapter which does not publicly expose protected files

ProtectedAssetAdapterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Flysystem
PublicAdapterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Flysystem

Represents an AbstractAdapter which exposes its assets via public urls

PublicAssetAdapterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Flysystem
$ Image#plural_nameProperty in class Image
Image::PreviewLink() — Method in class Image
ImageManipulation::Pad() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Fit image to specified dimensions and fill leftover space with a solid colour (default white). Use in templates with $Pad.

ImageManipulation::PreviewThumbnail() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Get preview for this file

Image_Backend::paddedResize() — Method in class Image_Backend

Return a clone of this image resized, with space filled in with the given colour

InterventionBackend::paddedResize() — Method in class InterventionBackend

Return a clone of this image resized, with space filled in with the given colour

FileLink::Parent() — Method in class FileLink

Parent object

FileLinkTrackingParser::process() — Method in class FileLinkTrackingParser

Finds the links that are of interest for the link tracking automation. Checks for brokenness and attaches extracted metadata so consumers can decide what to do with the DOM element (provided as DOMReference).

AssetContainer::publishFile() — Method in class AssetContainer

Publicly expose the file (and all variants) identified by the given filename and hash {see AssetStore::publish}

AssetContainer::protectFile() — Method in class AssetContainer

Protect a file (and all variants) from public access, identified by the given filename and hash.

AssetStore::publish() — Method in class AssetStore

Publicly expose the file (and all variants) identified by the given filename and hash

AssetStore::protect() — Method in class AssetStore

Protect a file (and all variants) from public access, identified by the given filename and hash.

DBFile::publishFile() — Method in class DBFile

Publicly expose the file (and all variants) identified by the given filename and hash {see AssetStore::publish}

DBFile::protectFile() — Method in class DBFile

Protect a file (and all variants) from public access, identified by the given filename and hash.

ProtectedFileControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Storage

Provides routing for session-whitelisted protected files

$ CMSMain#page_lengthProperty in class CMSMain

Amount of results showing on a single page.

CMSMain::PageList() — Method in class CMSMain

Get pages listing area

CMSMain::PageListSidebar() — Method in class CMSMain

Page list view for edit-form

CMSMain::PageTypes() — Method in class CMSMain

Populates an array of classes in the CMS which allows the user to change the page type.

CMSMain::performPublish() — Method in class CMSMain

Actually perform the publication step

CMSMain::publish() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::publishall() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::providePermissions() — Method in class CMSMain

Return a map of permission codes to add to the dropdown shown in the Security section of the CMS.

CMSSiteTreeFilter::pagesIncluded() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter
ContentController::Page() — Method in class ContentController
ContentController::project() — Method in class ContentController

Get the project name

$ SilverStripeNavigatorItem_ArchiveLink#priorityProperty in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_ArchiveLink
$ SilverStripeNavigatorItem_CMSLink#priorityProperty in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_CMSLink
$ SilverStripeNavigatorItem_LiveLink#priorityProperty in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_LiveLink
$ SilverStripeNavigatorItem_StageLink#priorityProperty in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_StageLink
SiteTreeURLSegmentField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField

Returns a read-only version of this field.

SiteTreeURLSegmentField_Readonly::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField_Readonly

Returns a read-only version of this field.

SiteTree::page_type_classes() — Method in class SiteTree

Return a subclass map of SiteTree that shouldn't be hidden through {@link SiteTree::$hide_ancestor}

SiteTree::PreviewLink() — Method in class SiteTree

Base link used for previewing. Defaults to absolute URL, in order to account for domain changes, e.g. on multi site setups. Does not contain hints about the stage, see {@link SilverStripeNavigator} for details.

SiteTree::providePermissions() — Method in class SiteTree

Return a map of permission codes to add to the dropdown shown in the Security section of the CMS.

SiteTree::plural_name() — Method in class SiteTree

Default plural name for page / sitetree

SiteTree::provideI18nEntities() — Method in class SiteTree

Overloaded to also provide entities for 'Page' class which is usually located in custom code, hence textcollector picks it up for the wrong folder.

SiteTree::Parent() — Method in class SiteTree
SiteTreeLink::Parent() — Method in class SiteTreeLink

Parent object

SiteTreeLinkTracking_Parser::process() — Method in class SiteTreeLinkTracking_Parser

Finds the links that are of interest for the link tracking automation. Checks for brokenness and attaches extracted metadata so consumers can decide what to do with the DOM element (provided as DOMReference).

BrokenLinksReport::parameterFields() — Method in class BrokenLinksReport
AddToCampaignValidator::php() — Method in class AddToCampaignValidator

Allows validation of fields via specification of a php function for validation which is executed after the form is submitted.

CampaignAdmin::publishCampaign() — Method in class CampaignAdmin

REST endpoint to publish a {@link ChangeSet} and all of its items.

CampaignAdmin::providePermissions() — Method in class CampaignAdmin

Return a map of permission codes to add to the dropdown shown in the Security section of the CMS.

PriorityClass in namespace SilverStripe\Config\MergeStrategy
PrivateStaticTransformerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Config\Transformer
CliController::process() — Method in class CliController

Overload this method to contain the task logic.

ContentNegotiator::process() — Method in class ContentNegotiator
Controller::pushCurrent() — Method in class Controller

Pushes this controller onto the stack of current controllers. This means that any redirection, session setting, or other things that rely on Controller::curr() will now write to this controller object.

Controller::popCurrent() — Method in class Controller

Pop this controller off the top of the stack.

Director::port() — Method in class Director

Return port used for the base URL.

Director::protocolAndHost() — Method in class Director

Returns the domain part of the URL 'http://www.mysite.com'. Returns FALSE is this environment variable isn't set.

Director::protocol() — Method in class Director

Return the current protocol that the site is running under.

Director::publicDir() — Method in class Director

Check if using a seperate public dir, and if so return this directory name.

Director::publicFolder() — Method in class Director

Gets the webroot of the project, which may be a subfolder of {see baseFolder()}

HTTPRequest::postVars() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::postVar() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::params() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::param() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Finds a named URL parameter (denoted by "$"-prefix in $url_handlers) from the full URL, or a parameter specified in the route table

AllowedHostsMiddleware::process() — Method in class AllowedHostsMiddleware
CanonicalURLMiddleware::process() — Method in class CanonicalURLMiddleware

Generate response for the given request

ChangeDetectionMiddleware::process() — Method in class ChangeDetectionMiddleware

Generate response for the given request

ConfirmationMiddleware::process() — Method in class ConfirmationMiddleware

Generate response for the given request

PathAwareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware\ConfirmationMiddleware

Path aware trait for rules and bypasses

ExecMetricMiddleware::process() — Method in class ExecMetricMiddleware

Generate response for the given request

FlushMiddleware::process() — Method in class FlushMiddleware

Generate response for the given request

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::process() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Generate response for the given request

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::privateCache() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Advanced way to set cache control header to a non-cacheable state.

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::publicCache() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Advanced way to set cache control header to a cacheable state.

HTTPMiddleware::process() — Method in class HTTPMiddleware

Generate response for the given request

PermissionAwareConfirmationMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware

Extends the ConfirmationMiddleware with checks for user permissions

RateLimitMiddleware::process() — Method in class RateLimitMiddleware
SessionMiddleware::process() — Method in class SessionMiddleware
TrustedProxyMiddleware::process() — Method in class TrustedProxyMiddleware

Generate response for the given request

PjaxResponseNegotiatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

Handle the X-Pjax header that AJAX responses may provide, returning the fragment, or, in the case of non-AJAX form submissions, redirecting back to the submitter.

RequestFilter::preRequest() — Method in class RequestFilter

Filter executed before a request processes

RequestFilter::postRequest() — Method in class RequestFilter

Filter executed AFTER a request

RequestProcessor::process() — Method in class RequestProcessor
ClassInfo::parse_class_spec() — Method in class ClassInfo

Parses a class-spec, such as "Versioned('Stage','Live')", as passed to create_from_string().

ConfigLoader::pushManifest() — Method in class ConfigLoader

Pushes a class manifest instance onto the top of the stack.

ConfigLoader::popManifest() — Method in class ConfigLoader
Environment::putEnv() — Method in class Environment

Set environment variable using php.ini syntax.

$ AopProxyService#proxiedProperty in class AopProxyService
InjectorLoader::pushManifest() — Method in class InjectorLoader

Pushes a class manifest instance onto the top of the stack.

InjectorLoader::popManifest() — Method in class InjectorLoader
ClassLoader::pushManifest() — Method in class ClassLoader

Pushes a class manifest instance onto the top of the stack.

ClassLoader::popManifest() — Method in class ClassLoader
ModuleLoader::pushManifest() — Method in class ModuleLoader

Pushes a module manifest instance onto the top of the stack.

ModuleLoader::popManifest() — Method in class ModuleLoader
$ ModuleManifest#projectProperty in class ModuleManifest

Project name

PrioritySorterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Manifest

Sorts an associative array of items given a list of priorities, where priorities are the keys of the items in the order they are desired.

PathClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core

Path manipulation helpers

BulkLoader::preview() — Method in class BulkLoader

Preview a file import (don't write anything to the database).

CSVParser::provideHeaderRow() — Method in class CSVParser

If your CSV file doesn't have a header row, then you can call this function to provide one.

CsvBulkLoader::preview() — Method in class CsvBulkLoader
FunctionalTest::post() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Submit a post request

TestSession::post() — Method in class TestSession

Submit a post request

CheckboxField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class CheckboxField

Returns a readonly version of this field

CheckboxField_Readonly::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class CheckboxField_Readonly

Returns a read-only version of this field.

CompositeField::push() — Method in class CompositeField

Add a new child field to the end of the set.

CompositeField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class CompositeField

Return a readonly version of this field. Keeps the composition but returns readonly versions of all the child {@link FormField} objects.

CompositeField::performDisabledTransformation() — Method in class CompositeField

Return a disabled version of this field. Keeps the composition but returns disabled versions of all the child {@link FormField} objects.

ConfirmedPasswordField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Makes a read only field with some stars in it to replace the password

ConfirmedPasswordField::performDisabledTransformation() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Return a disabled version of this field.

CurrencyField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class CurrencyField

Create a new class for this field

CurrencyField_Readonly::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class CurrencyField_Readonly

This already is a readonly field.

DatalessField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class DatalessField

Returns a readonly version of this field

DateField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class DateField

Returns a read-only version of this field.

DatetimeField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class DatetimeField

Returns a read-only version of this field.

FieldList::push() — Method in class FieldList

Push a single field onto the end of this FieldList instance.

FormAction::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class FormAction

Does not transform to readonly by purpose.

FormField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class FormField

Returns a read-only version of this field.

FormField::performDisabledTransformation() — Method in class FormField

Return a disabled version of this field.

GridField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class GridField

Custom Readonly transformation to remove actions which shouldn't be present for a readonly state.

GridField::performDisabledTransformation() — Method in class GridField

Disabling the gridfield should have the same affect as making it readonly (removing all action items).

HTMLEditorField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class HTMLEditorField
HTMLEditorField::performDisabledTransformation() — Method in class HTMLEditorField

Return a disabled version of this field.

TinyMCEConfig::provideI18nEntities() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Returns the list of provided translations for this object.

HiddenField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class HiddenField
LiteralField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class LiteralField
LookupField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class LookupField
MoneyField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class MoneyField

Returns a readonly version of this field.

MultiSelectField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class MultiSelectField

Transforms the source data for this CheckboxSetField into a comma separated list of values.

NumericField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class NumericField

Returns a read-only version of this field.

PasswordFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Password input field.

PasswordField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class PasswordField

Creates a read-only version of the field.

PopoverFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Popup form action menu for "more options"

PrintableTransformationClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Transformation that will make a form printable.

PrintableTransformation_TabSetClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Class representing printable tabsets

ReadonlyField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class ReadonlyField

Returns a read-only version of this field.

RequiredFields::php() — Method in class RequiredFields

Allows validation of fields via specification of a php function for validation which is executed after the form is submitted.

SelectField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class SelectField

Returns a read-only version of this field.

SelectField::performDisabledTransformation() — Method in class SelectField

Return a disabled version of this field.

SingleLookupField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class SingleLookupField
SingleSelectField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class SingleSelectField
TabSet::push() — Method in class TabSet

Add a new child field to the end of the set.

TimeField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class TimeField

Creates a new readonly field specified below

TreeDropdownField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Changes this field to the readonly field.

TreeMultiselectField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class TreeMultiselectField

Changes this field to the readonly field.

Validator::php() — Method in class Validator
Handler::prioritiseAuthenticators() — Method in class Handler

Sort the configured authenticators by their "priority" (highest to lowest). This allows modules to contribute to the decision of which authenticator should be used first. Users can rewrite this in their own configuration if necessary.

CSRFMiddleware::process() — Method in class CSRFMiddleware
HTTPMethodMiddleware::process() — Method in class HTTPMethodMiddleware
QueryMiddleware::process() — Method in class QueryMiddleware
PersistedQueryMappingProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\PersistedQuery
PersistedQueryProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\PersistedQuery

Implementations of query persistence must use this interface. At a minimum, they must be able to fetch a query given an ID.

QueryStateProvider::provideContext() — Method in class QueryStateProvider

Should return key/value pairs that will merge into a separate query context

RequestContextProvider::provideContext() — Method in class RequestContextProvider
SchemaConfigProvider::provideContext() — Method in class SchemaConfigProvider
TokenContextProvider::provideContext() — Method in class TokenContextProvider
UserContextProvider::provideContext() — Method in class UserContextProvider
BulkLoaderSet::process() — Method in class BulkLoaderSet
CreateCreator::provideInputTypes() — Method in class CreateCreator
CanViewPermission::permissionCheck() — Method in class CanViewPermission
CanViewPermission::paginatedPermissionCheck() — Method in class CanViewPermission
PaginatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin

Adds pagination to a DataList query

Paginator::paginate() — Method in class Paginator
UpdateCreator::provideInputTypes() — Method in class UpdateCreator
PermissionsExceptionClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Exception

Thrown when an operation encounters a permissions problem, e.g. lack of read/write permissions

Field::parseName() — Method in class Field

Negotiates a variety of syntax that can appear in a field name definition.

ContextProvider::provideContext() — Method in class ContextProvider

Should return key/value pairs that will merge into a separate query context

InputTypeProvider::provideInputTypes() — Method in class InputTypeProvider
PluginInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

Base plugin interface. There is a lot of "duck programming" happening in this API that will go away once we have better type variance in PHP 7.4: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/covariant-returns-and-contravariant-parameters

PluginValidatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

Validates that a given plugin is acceptable for the implementing class

SchemaStorageInterface::persistSchema() — Method in class SchemaStorageInterface
PaginationPluginClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Plugin

Generic pagination functionality for a query that can be customised in subclasses

PluginConsumerClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Plugin

Allows adding, loading, and sorting of plugins

PluginRegistryClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Registry

A central place for all the plugins to be registered and accessed by ID

JSONResolver::parseValue() — Method in class JSONResolver
JSONResolver::parseLiteral() — Method in class JSONResolver
$ Schema#pluraliserProperty in class Schema
Schema::pluralise() — Method in class Schema

Pluralise a name

SchemaConfig::pluralise() — Method in class SchemaConfig
$ NestedInputBuilder#prefixProperty in class NestedInputBuilder
NestedInputBuilder::populateSchema() — Method in class NestedInputBuilder
CodeGenerationStore::persistSchema() — Method in class CodeGenerationStore
MonologErrorHandler::pushLogger() — Method in class MonologErrorHandler

Adds a PSR-3 logger to send messages to, to the end of the stack

ArrayList::push() — Method in class ArrayList

Pushes an item onto the end of this list.

ArrayList::pop() — Method in class ArrayList

Pops the last element off the end of the list and returns it.

CMSPreviewable::PreviewLink() — Method in class CMSPreviewable

Determine the preview link, if available, for this object.

DBConnector::preparedQuery() — Method in class DBConnector

Execute the given SQL parameterised query with the specified arguments

DBSchemaManager::preparedQuery() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Execute the given SQL parameterised query with the specified arguments

Database::preparedQuery() — Method in class Database

Execute the given SQL parameterised query with the specified arguments

MySQLDatabase::preparedQuery() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Execute the given SQL parameterised query with the specified arguments

MySQLiConnector::prepareStatement() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Retrieve a prepared statement for a given SQL string

MySQLiConnector::parsePreparedParameters() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Prepares the list of parameters in preparation for passing to mysqli_stmt_bind_param

MySQLiConnector::preparedQuery() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Execute the given SQL parameterised query with the specified arguments

PDOConnectorClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Connect

PDO driver database connector

PDOConnector::preparedQuery() — Method in class PDOConnector

Execute the given SQL parameterised query with the specified arguments

PDOQueryClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Connect

A result-set from a PDO database.

PDOStatementHandleClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Connect

A handle to a PDOStatement, with cached column metadata, and type conversion

DB::placeholders() — Method in class DB

Helper function for generating a list of parameter placeholders for the given argument(s)

DB::prepared_query() — Method in class DB

Execute the given SQL parameterised query with the specified arguments

DataExtension::populateDefaults() — Method in class DataExtension
$ DataObject#plural_nameProperty in class DataObject

Human-readable plural name

DataObject::plural_name() — Method in class DataObject

Get the user friendly plural name of this DataObject If the name is not defined (by renaming $plural_name in the subclass), this returns a pluralised version of the class name.

DataObject::populateDefaults() — Method in class DataObject

Load the default values in from the self::$defaults array.

DataObject::provideI18nEntities() — Method in class DataObject

Returns the list of provided translations for this object.

DataQuery::pushQueryManipulator() — Method in class DataQuery

Assign callback to be invoked in getFinalisedQuery()

DBBoolean::prepValueForDB() — Method in class DBBoolean

Return the transformed value ready to be sent to the database. This value will be escaped automatically by the prepared query processor, so it should not be escaped or quoted at all.

DBDecimal::prepValueForDB() — Method in class DBDecimal

Return the transformed value ready to be sent to the database. This value will be escaped automatically by the prepared query processor, so it should not be escaped or quoted at all.

DBField::prepValueForDB() — Method in class DBField

Return the transformed value ready to be sent to the database. This value will be escaped automatically by the prepared query processor, so it should not be escaped or quoted at all.

DBFloat::prepValueForDB() — Method in class DBFloat

Return the transformed value ready to be sent to the database. This value will be escaped automatically by the prepared query processor, so it should not be escaped or quoted at all.

DBHTMLText::prepValueForDB() — Method in class DBHTMLText

Return the transformed value ready to be sent to the database. This value will be escaped automatically by the prepared query processor, so it should not be escaped or quoted at all.

DBHTMLText::Plain() — Method in class DBHTMLText

Get plain-text version

DBHTMLVarchar::Plain() — Method in class DBHTMLVarchar

Get plain-text version.

DBInt::prepValueForDB() — Method in class DBInt

Return the transformed value ready to be sent to the database. This value will be escaped automatically by the prepared query processor, so it should not be escaped or quoted at all.

DBString::prepValueForDB() — Method in class DBString

Return the transformed value ready to be sent to the database. This value will be escaped automatically by the prepared query processor, so it should not be escaped or quoted at all.

DBString::Plain() — Method in class DBString

Plain text version of this string

PartialMatchFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Filters

Matches textual content with a LIKE '%keyword%' construct.

$ Hierarchy#prepopulate_numchildren_cacheProperty in class Hierarchy

Used to enable or disable the prepopulation of the numchildren cache.

$ Hierarchy#ParentIDProperty in class Hierarchy
Hierarchy::prepopulateTreeDataCache() — Method in class Hierarchy

Pre-populate any appropriate caches prior to rendering a tree.

Hierarchy::prepopulate_numchildren_cache() — Method in class Hierarchy

Pre-populate the cache for Versioned::get_versionnumber_by_stage() for a list of record IDs, for more efficient database querying. If $idList is null, then every record will be pre-cached.

Hierarchy::Parent() — Method in class Hierarchy
Map::push() — Method in class Map

Pushes an item onto the end of the map.

PaginatedListClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

A decorator that wraps around a data list in order to provide pagination.

PaginatedList::Pages() — Method in class PaginatedList

Returns a set of links to all the pages in the list. This is useful for basic pagination.

PaginatedList::PaginationSummary() — Method in class PaginatedList

Returns a summarised pagination which limits the number of pages shown around the current page for visually balanced.

PaginatedList::PrevLink() — Method in class PaginatedList

Returns a link to the previous page, if the first page is not currently active.

PolymorphicHasManyListClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Represents a has_many list linked against a polymorphic relationship

UnsavedRelationList::push() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Pushes an item onto the end of this list.

ReportAdmin::providePermissions() — Method in class ReportAdmin

Return a map of permission codes to add to the dropdown shown in the Security section of the CMS.

ReportWrapper::parameterFields() — Method in class ReportWrapper
AuthenticationMiddleware::process() — Method in class AuthenticationMiddleware

Identify the current user from the request

BasicAuth::protect_entire_site() — Method in class BasicAuth

Enable protection of all requests handed by SilverStripe with basic authentication.

BasicAuth::protect_site_if_necessary() — Method in class BasicAuth

Call {@link BasicAuth::requireLogin()} if {@link BasicAuth::protect_entire_site()} has been called.

BasicAuthMiddleware::process() — Method in class BasicAuthMiddleware

Generate response for the given request

Storage::putItem() — Method in class Storage

Adds a new object to the list of confirmation items Replaces the item if there is already one with the same token

$ Group#ParentIDProperty in class Group

ID of parent group

Group::Parent() — Method in class Group

Return parent group

Group::Permissions() — Method in class Group

List of group permissions

GroupCsvBulkLoader::processRecord() — Method in class GroupCsvBulkLoader
InheritedPermissions::prePopulatePermissionCache() — Method in class InheritedPermissions

Force pre-calculation of a list of permissions for optimisation

$ Member#password_expiry_daysProperty in class Member
$ Member#password_logging_enabledProperty in class Member
$ Member#PasswordProperty in class Member
$ Member#PasswordEncryptionProperty in class Member
$ Member#PasswordExpiryProperty in class Member
Member::populateDefaults() — Method in class Member

Ensure the locale is set to something sensible by default.

Member::password_validator() — Method in class Member

Returns the default {@link PasswordValidator}

LoginHandler::performLogin() — Method in class LoginHandler

Try to authenticate the user

LostPasswordHandler::passwordsent() — Method in class LostPasswordHandler

Show the "password sent" page, after a user has requested to reset their password.

MemberCsvBulkLoader::processRecord() — Method in class MemberCsvBulkLoader
$ MemberPassword#PasswordProperty in class MemberPassword
$ MemberPassword#PasswordEncryptionProperty in class MemberPassword
Member_Validator::php() — Method in class Member_Validator

Check if the submitted member data is valid (server-side)

PasswordEncryptorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Allows pluggable password encryption.

PasswordEncryptor_BlowfishClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Blowfish encryption - this is the default from SilverStripe 3.

PasswordEncryptor_EncryptionFailedClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security
PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHashClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Legacy implementation for SilverStripe 2.1 - 2.3, which had a design flaw in password hashing that caused the hashes to differ between architectures due to floating point precision problems in base_convert().

PasswordEncryptor_MySQLOldPasswordClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Uses MySQL's OLD_PASSWORD encyrption. Requires an active DB connection.

PasswordEncryptor_MySQLPasswordClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Uses MySQL's PASSWORD encryption. Requires an active DB connection.

PasswordEncryptor_NoneClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Cleartext passwords (used in SilverStripe 2.1).

PasswordEncryptor_NotFoundExceptionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security
PasswordEncryptor_PHPHashClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Encryption using built-in hash types in PHP.

PasswordExpirationMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Check if authenticated user has password expired.

PasswordExpirationMiddleware::process() — Method in class PasswordExpirationMiddleware

Generate response for the given request

PasswordValidatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

This class represents a validator for member passwords.

PermissionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Represents a permission assigned to a group.

$ Permission#privileged_permissionsProperty in class Permission
Permission::permissions_for_member() — Method in class Permission

Get all the 'any' permission codes available to the given member.

Permission::provideI18nEntities() — Method in class Permission

Returns the list of provided translations for this object.

PermissionCheckboxSetFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Shows a categorized list of available permissions (through {@link Permission::get_codes()}).

PermissionCheckboxSetField::performReadonlyTransformation() — Method in class PermissionCheckboxSetField
PermissionCheckboxSetField_ReadonlyClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Readonly version of a {@link PermissionCheckboxSetField} - uses the same structure, but has all checkboxes disabled.

PermissionCheckerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Calculates edit / view / delete permissions for one or more objects

PermissionFailureExceptionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Throw this exception to register that a user doesn't have permission to do the given action and potentially redirect them to the log-in page. The exception message may be presented to the user, so it shouldn't be in nerd-speak.

PermissionProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Used to let classes provide new permission codes.

PermissionProvider::providePermissions() — Method in class PermissionProvider

Return a map of permission codes to add to the dropdown shown in the Security section of the CMS.

PermissionRoleClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

A PermissionRole represents a collection of permission codes that can be applied to groups.

PermissionRoleCodeClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

A PermissionRoleCode represents a single permission code assigned to a {@link PermissionRole}.

Permission_GroupClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Permission_Group class

$ Security#password_encryption_algorithmProperty in class Security

The password encryption algorithm to use by default.

$ Security#page_classProperty in class Security

Class to use for page rendering

Security::permissionFailure() — Method in class Security

Register that we've had a permission failure trying to view the given page

Security::ping() — Method in class Security

This action is available as a keep alive, so user sessions don't timeout. A common use is in the admin.

SiteConfig::populateDefaults() — Method in class SiteConfig

Load the default values in from the self::$defaults array.

SiteConfig::providePermissions() — Method in class SiteConfig
ProxyCacheAdapterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\Caching

psr-6 cache proxy for an internal cache, which provides segmentation of cache keys based on current versioned mode. This ensures that cross-stage content cannot cross-pollenate each other.

ProxyCacheAdapter::prune() — Method in class ProxyCacheAdapter


ProxyCacheFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\Caching

Allows injection of a psr-6 proxy over an inner cache backend.

ChangeSet::publish() — Method in class ChangeSet

Publish this changeset, then closes it.

ChangeSet::provideI18nEntities() — Method in class ChangeSet

Returns the list of provided translations for this object.

ChangeSet::Publisher() — Method in class ChangeSet
ChangeSetItem::publish() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Publish this item, then close it.

PublishClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\GraphQL\Operations

Scaffolds a generic update operation for DataObjects.

PublishOperationClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\GraphQL\Operations

Scaffolds a generic update operation for DataObjects.

RecursivePublishable::publishRecursive() — Method in class RecursivePublishable

Publish this object and all owned objects to Live

$ Versioned#prepopulate_versionnumber_cacheProperty in class Versioned

Used to enable or disable the prepopulation of the version number cache.

Versioned::publishSingle() — Method in class Versioned

Publishes this object to Live, but doesn't publish owned objects.

Versioned::prepopulate_versionnumber_cache() — Method in class Versioned

Pre-populate the cache for Versioned::get_versionnumber_by_stage() for a list of record IDs, for more efficient database querying. If $idList is null, then every record will be pre-cached.

Versioned::Publisher() — Method in class Versioned

Get publisher of this record.

VersionedHTTPMiddleware::process() — Method in class VersionedHTTPMiddleware

Generate response for the given request

PurifierHTMLCleanerClass in namespace SilverStripe\View\Parsers

Cleans HTML using the HTMLPurifier package http://htmlpurifier.org/

ShortcodeParser::parse() — Method in class ShortcodeParser

Parse a string, and replace any registered shortcodes within it with the result of the mapped callback.

PublicThemesClass in namespace SilverStripe\View
Requirements::process_combined_files() — Method in class Requirements

Do the heavy lifting involved in combining the combined files.

Requirements_Backend::processCombinedFiles() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Do the heavy lifting involved in combining the combined files.

SSTemplateParser::PresenceCheck_Not() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::PresenceCheck_Argument() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSViewer::process() — Method in class SSViewer

The process() method handles the "meat" of the template processing.

SSViewer::parseTemplateContent() — Method in class SSViewer

Parse given template contents

SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport::Pos() — Method in class SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport

Return the numerical position of this object in the container set. The count starts at $startIndex.

SSViewer_DataPresenter::pushScope() — Method in class SSViewer_DataPresenter

Store the current overlay (as it doesn't directly apply to the new scope that's being pushed). We want to store the overlay against the next item "up" in the stack (hence upIndex), rather than the current item, because SSViewer_Scope::obj() has already been called and pushed the new item to the stack by this point

SSViewer_DataPresenter::popScope() — Method in class SSViewer_DataPresenter

Now that we're going to jump up an item in the item stack, we need to restore the overlay that was previously stored against the next item "up" in the stack from the current one

SSViewer_FromString::process() — Method in class SSViewer_FromString

The process() method handles the "meat" of the template processing.

SSViewer_Scope::pushScope() — Method in class SSViewer_Scope

Jump to the last item in the stack, called when a new item is added before a loop/with

SSViewer_Scope::popScope() — Method in class SSViewer_Scope

Jump back to "previous" item in the stack, called after a loop/with block

MessageProvider::pluralise() — Method in class MessageProvider

Pluralise a message

SymfonyMessageProvider::pluralise() — Method in class SymfonyMessageProvider

Pluralise a message

ParserClass in namespace SilverStripe\i18n\TextCollection

Parser that scans through a template and extracts the parameters to the _t and <%t calls

$ i18n#pluralsProperty in class i18n

Map of rails plurals into standard order (fewest to most) Note: Default locale only supplies one|other, but non-default locales can specify custom plurals.

i18n::parse_plurals() — Method in class i18n

Split plural string into standard CLDR array form.

i18nEntityProvider::provideI18nEntities() — Method in class i18nEntityProvider

Returns the list of provided translations for this object.


ImageManipulation::Quality() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Set the quality of the resampled image

QueryRecorderExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Extensions

Attaches itself to {see DataQuery} and records any classes that are queried within a closure context.

QueryMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Middleware

Represents middleware for evaluating a graphql query

QueryExceptionClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\QueryHandler

An exception that was thrown during execution of a query

QueryHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\QueryHandler

This class is responsible for taking query information from a controller, processing it through middlewares, extracting the results from the GraphQL schema, and formatting it into a suitable JSON response.

QueryHandler::query() — Method in class QueryHandler
QueryHandler::queryAndReturnResult() — Method in class QueryHandler
QueryHandlerInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\QueryHandler

Query handlers are responsible for applying a query as a string to a Schema object and returning a result.

QueryHandlerInterface::query() — Method in class QueryHandlerInterface
QueryStateProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\QueryHandler

Provides an arbitrary state container that can be passed through the resolver chain. It is empty by default and derives no state from the actual schema

QueryCollectorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin
QueryFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\QueryFilter

Adds a filter parameter to a DataObject query

QuerySortClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin

Adds a sort parameter to a DataObject query

QueryClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Field

Defines a generic query

QueryPluginClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

A plugin that is used for a generic query

DBConnector::quoteString() — Method in class DBConnector

Given a value escape and quote this appropriately for the current database connector.

DBConnector::query() — Method in class DBConnector

Executes the following query with the specified error level.

DBSchemaManager::quiet() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Enable supression of database messages.

DBSchemaManager::query() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Execute the given SQL query.

Database::query() — Method in class Database

Execute the given SQL query.

Database::quoteString() — Method in class Database

Wrap a string into DB-specific quotes.

Database::quiet() — Method in class Database

Enable supression of database messages.

MySQLDatabase::query() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Execute the given SQL query.

MySQLiConnector::quoteString() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Given a value escape and quote this appropriately for the current database connector.

MySQLiConnector::query() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Executes the following query with the specified error level.

PDOConnector::quoteString() — Method in class PDOConnector

Given a value escape and quote this appropriately for the current database connector.

PDOConnector::query() — Method in class PDOConnector

Executes the following query with the specified error level.

QueryClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Connect

Abstract query-result class. A query result provides an iterator that returns a map for each record of a query result.

DB::query() — Method in class DB

Execute the given SQL query.

DB::quiet() — Method in class DB

Enable supression of database messages.

DataQuery::query() — Method in class DataQuery

Return the {@link SQLSelect} object that represents the current query; note that it will be a clone of the object.

SQLConditionalExpression::queriedTables() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Return a list of tables that this query is selecting from.

HTMLValue::query() — Method in class HTMLValue

Make an xpath query against this HTML


AdminRootController::rules() — Method in class AdminRootController

Gets a list of url_pattern => controller k/v pairs for each LeftAndMain derived controller

CMSBatchAction::run() — Method in class CMSBatchAction

Run this action for the given set of pages.

CMSBatchAction::response() — Method in class CMSBatchAction

Helper method for responding to a back action request

CMSBatchActionHandler::registeredActions() — Method in class CMSBatchActionHandler

Get all registered actions

CMSBatchActionHandler::register() — Method in class CMSBatchActionHandler

Register a new batch action. Each batch action needs to be represented by a subclass of {@link CMSBatchAction}.

CMSMenu::remove_menu_item() — Method in class CMSMenu

Removes an existing item from the menu.

CMSMenu::remove_menu_class() — Method in class CMSMenu

Remove menu item by class name.

CMSMenu::replace_menu_item() — Method in class CMSMenu

Replace a navigation item to the main administration menu showing in the top bar.

$ LeftAndMain#required_permission_codesProperty in class LeftAndMain

Codes which are required from the current user to view this controller.

LeftAndMain::redirect() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Overloaded redirection logic to trigger a fake redirect on ajax requests.

SecurityAdmin::roles() — Method in class SecurityAdmin

Shortcut action for setting the correct active tab.

DeleteAssets::run() — Method in class DeleteAssets

Run this action for the given set of pages.

RemoteFileModalExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Extensions

Decorates ModalController with an insert-oembed modal

RemoteFileModalExtension::remoteCreateForm() — Method in class RemoteFileModalExtension

Form for creating a new OEmbed object in the WYSIWYG, used by the InsertEmbedModal component

RemoteFileModalExtension::remoteEditForm() — Method in class RemoteFileModalExtension

Form for editing a OEmbed object in the WYSIWYG, used by the InsertEmbedModal component

RemoteFileModalExtension::remoteEditFormSchema() — Method in class RemoteFileModalExtension

Capture the schema handling process, as there is validation done to the URL provided before form is generated

RemoteFileFormFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Forms
CreateFileMutationCreator::resolve() — Method in class CreateFileMutationCreator
CreateFolderMutationCreator::resolve() — Method in class CreateFolderMutationCreator
DeleteFileMutationCreator::resolve() — Method in class DeleteFileMutationCreator
FileInputTypeCreator::resolveField() — Method in class FileInputTypeCreator
FileInterfaceTypeCreator::resolveType() — Method in class FileInterfaceTypeCreator
FileTypeCreator::resolveTypeField() — Method in class FileTypeCreator
FileTypeCreator::resolveCategoryField() — Method in class FileTypeCreator
FileTypeCreator::resolveUrlField() — Method in class FileTypeCreator
FileTypeCreator::resolveSizeField() — Method in class FileTypeCreator
FileTypeCreator::resolveSmallThumbnailField() — Method in class FileTypeCreator
FileTypeCreator::resolveThumbnailField() — Method in class FileTypeCreator
FileTypeCreator::resolveDraftField() — Method in class FileTypeCreator
FileTypeCreator::resolvePublishedField() — Method in class FileTypeCreator
FileTypeCreator::resolveModifiedField() — Method in class FileTypeCreator
FileTypeCreator::resolveField() — Method in class FileTypeCreator
FileTypeCreator::resolveInUseCountField() — Method in class FileTypeCreator
FileTypeCreator::resolveThumbnailFieldGraceful() — Method in class FileTypeCreator
FileTypeCreator::resolveSmallThumbnailFieldGraceful() — Method in class FileTypeCreator
FolderInputTypeCreator::resolveField() — Method in class FolderInputTypeCreator
FolderTypeCreator::resolveChildrenConnection() — Method in class FolderTypeCreator
FolderTypeCreator::resolveFilesInUseCountField() — Method in class FolderTypeCreator
FolderTypeCreator::resolveParentsField() — Method in class FolderTypeCreator
MoveFilesMutationCreator::resolve() — Method in class MoveFilesMutationCreator
PublicationMutationCreator::resolve() — Method in class PublicationMutationCreator
PublicationNoticeType::resolveField() — Method in class PublicationNoticeType
ReadFileQueryCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL
ReadFileQueryCreator::resolveConnection() — Method in class ReadFileQueryCreator
ReadFileUsageQueryCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL

GraphQL Query to retrieve usage count for files and folders on GraphQL request.

ReadFileUsageQueryCreator::resolve() — Method in class ReadFileUsageQueryCreator
UpdateFileMutationCreator::resolve() — Method in class UpdateFileMutationCreator
ImageThumbnailHelper::run() — Method in class ImageThumbnailHelper
FileMigrationHelper::run() — Method in class FileMigrationHelper

Perform migration

InterventionBackendCacheFlushTask::run() — Method in class InterventionBackendCacheFlushTask
LegacyThumbnailMigrationHelper::run() — Method in class LegacyThumbnailMigrationHelper

Perform migration

NormaliseAccessMigrationHelper::run() — Method in class NormaliseAccessMigrationHelper

Perform migration

TagsToShortcodeHelper::run() — Method in class TagsToShortcodeHelper
TagsToShortcodeTask::run() — Method in class TagsToShortcodeTask
VersionedFilesMigrationTask::run() — Method in class VersionedFilesMigrationTask
TestAssetStore::reset() — Method in class TestAssetStore

Reset defaults for this store

TestAssetStore::removeVariant() — Method in class TestAssetStore
File::RelativeLink() — Method in class File
File::renameFile() — Method in class File

Rename this file.

File::revokeFile() — Method in class File

Revoke access to the given file for the current user.

File::reset() — Method in class File

Reset all global caches associated with DataObject.

$ FileNameFilter#replacementsProperty in class FileNameFilter
Filesystem::removeFolder() — Method in class Filesystem

Remove a directory and all subdirectories and files.

Filesystem::remove_folder_if_empty() — Method in class Filesystem

Remove a directory, but only if it is empty.

$ FlysystemAssetStore#redirect_response_codeProperty in class FlysystemAssetStore

Define the HTTP Response code for request that should be temporarily redirected to a different URL. Defaults to 302.

FlysystemAssetStore::rename() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Rename a file (and all variants) to a new filename

FlysystemAssetStore::revoke() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Revoke access to the given file for the current user.

GeneratedAssets::removeContent() — Method in class GeneratedAssets

Remove any content under the given file.

ImageManipulation::Resampled() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Forces the image to be resampled, if possible

ImageManipulation::ResizedImage() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Generate a resized copy of this image with the given width & height.

Image_Backend::resize() — Method in class Image_Backend

Resize an image, skewing it as necessary.

Image_Backend::resizeRatio() — Method in class Image_Backend

Resize the image by preserving aspect ratio. By default, it will keep the image inside the maxWidth and maxHeight. Passing useAsMinimum will make the smaller dimension equal to the maximum corresponding dimension

Image_Backend::resizeByWidth() — Method in class Image_Backend

Resize an image by width. Preserves aspect ratio.

Image_Backend::resizeByHeight() — Method in class Image_Backend

Resize an image by height. Preserves aspect ratio.

InterventionBackend::resize() — Method in class InterventionBackend

Resize an image, skewing it as necessary.

InterventionBackend::resizeRatio() — Method in class InterventionBackend

Resize the image by preserving aspect ratio. By default, it will keep the image inside the maxWidth and maxHeight. Passing useAsMinimum will make the smaller dimension equal to the maximum corresponding dimension

InterventionBackend::resizeByWidth() — Method in class InterventionBackend

Resize an image by width. Preserves aspect ratio.

InterventionBackend::resizeByHeight() — Method in class InterventionBackend

Resize an image by height. Preserves aspect ratio.

ImageShortcodeProvider::regenerate_shortcode() — Method in class ImageShortcodeProvider

Regenerates "[image id=n]" shortcode with new src attribute prior to being edited within the CMS.

ImageShortcodeProvider::regenerate_html_links() — Method in class ImageShortcodeProvider

Helper method to regenerate all shortcode links.

AssetContainer::renameFile() — Method in class AssetContainer

Rename to new filename, and point to new file

AssetContainer::revokeFile() — Method in class AssetContainer

Revoke access to the given file for the current user.

AssetStore::rename() — Method in class AssetStore

Rename a file (and all variants) to a new filename

AssetStore::revoke() — Method in class AssetStore

Revoke access to the given file for the current user.

DBFile::revokeFile() — Method in class DBFile

Revoke access to the given file for the current user.

DBFile::renameFile() — Method in class DBFile

Rename to new filename, and point to new file

DefaultAssetNameGenerator::rewind() — Method in class DefaultAssetNameGenerator
GeneratedAssetHandler::removeContent() — Method in class GeneratedAssetHandler

Remove any content under the given file.

CMSBatchAction_Archive::run() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Archive

Run this action for the given set of pages.

CMSBatchAction_Publish::run() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Publish

Run this action for the given set of pages.

CMSBatchAction_Restore::run() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Restore

Run this action for the given set of pages.

CMSBatchAction_Unpublish::run() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Unpublish

Run this action for the given set of pages.

CMSMain::revert() — Method in class CMSMain

Reverts a page by publishing it to live.

CMSMain::rollback() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::restore() — Method in class CMSMain

Restore a completely deleted page from the SiteTree_versions table.

RootURLControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers
RootURLController::reset() — Method in class RootURLController

Resets the cached homepage link value - useful for testing.

RedirectorPageClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Model

A redirector page redirects when the page is visited.

$ RedirectorPage#RedirectionTypeProperty in class RedirectorPage

Either 'Internal' or 'External'

RedirectorPage::regularLink() — Method in class RedirectorPage

Return the normal link directly to this page. Once you visit this link, a 30x redirection will take you to your final destination.

RedirectorPage::redirectionLink() — Method in class RedirectorPage

Return the link that we should redirect to.

RedirectorPageControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Model

Controller for the {@link RedirectorPage}.

$ SiteTree#ReportClassProperty in class SiteTree
SiteTree::RelativeLink() — Method in class SiteTree

Return the link for this {@link SiteTree} object relative to the SilverStripe root.

SiteTree::requireDefaultRecords() — Method in class SiteTree

Add default records to database.

SiteTree::reset() — Method in class SiteTree

Clear the permissions cache for SiteTree

RecentlyEditedReportClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Reports
ContentControllerSearchExtension::results() — Method in class ContentControllerSearchExtension

Process and render search results.

MigrateSiteTreeLinkingTask::run() — Method in class MigrateSiteTreeLinkingTask

Implement this method in the task subclass to execute via the TaskRunner

RemoveOrphanedPagesTaskClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Tasks

Identify "orphaned" pages which point to a parent that no longer exists in a specific stage.

RemoveOrphanedPagesTask::run() — Method in class RemoveOrphanedPagesTask
CampaignAdmin::readCampaigns() — Method in class CampaignAdmin

REST endpoint to get a list of campaigns.

CampaignAdmin::readCampaign() — Method in class CampaignAdmin

REST endpoint to get a campaign.

CampaignAdmin::removeCampaignItem() — Method in class CampaignAdmin

REST endpoint to delete a campaign item.

DeltaConfigCollection::remove() — Method in class DeltaConfigCollection

Remove config for a given class, or field on that class

DeltaConfigCollection::removeAll() — Method in class DeltaConfigCollection

Delete all entries

MemoryConfigCollection::remove() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection

Remove config for a given class, or field on that class

MemoryConfigCollection::removeAll() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection

Delete all entries

MutableConfigCollectionInterface::remove() — Method in class MutableConfigCollectionInterface

Remove config for a given class, or field on that class

MutableConfigCollectionInterface::removeAll() — Method in class MutableConfigCollectionInterface

Delete all entries

Controller::removeAction() — Method in class Controller

Removes all the "action" part of the current URL and returns the result. If no action parameter is present, returns the full URL.

Controller::render() — Method in class Controller

Render the current controller with the templates determined by {@link getViewer()}.

Controller::redirect() — Method in class Controller

Redirect to the given URL.

Controller::redirectedTo() — Method in class Controller

Tests whether a redirection has been requested. If redirect() has been called, it will return the URL redirected to. Otherwise, it will return null.

$ Cookie#report_errorsProperty in class Cookie
$ Director#rulesProperty in class Director
Email::removeData() — Method in class Email

Remove a datum from the message

Email::render() — Method in class Email

Render the email

HTTP::RAW_setGetVar() — Method in class HTTP
HTTP::register_modification_date() — Method in class HTTP
HTTP::register_modification_timestamp() — Method in class HTTP
HTTP::register_etag() — Method in class HTTP
HTTPRequest::requestVars() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Returns all combined HTTP GET and POST parameters passed into this request. If a parameter with the same name exists in both arrays, the POST value is returned.

HTTPRequest::requestVar() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::removeHeader() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Remove an existing HTTP header by its name, e.g. "Content-Type".

HTTPRequest::routeParams() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::remaining() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Returns the unparsed part of the original URL separated by commas. This is used by {@link RequestHandler->handleRequest()} to determine if further URL processing is necessary.

HTTPResponse::removeHeader() — Method in class HTTPResponse

Remove an existing HTTP header by its name, e.g. "Content-Type".

HTTPResponse::redirect() — Method in class HTTPResponse
RuleClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware\ConfirmationMiddleware

A rule for checking whether we need to protect a Request

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::registerModificationDate() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Register a modification date. Used to calculate the "Last-Modified" HTTP header.

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::removeStateDirective() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Low level method for removing directives

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::reset() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Reset registered http cache control and force a fresh instance to be built

RateLimitMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware
RequestHandlerMiddlewareAdapterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware

Decorates a request handler with the HTTP Middleware pattern

PjaxResponseNegotiator::respond() — Method in class PjaxResponseNegotiator

Out of the box, the handler "CurrentForm" value, which will return the rendered form.

RSSFeedClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\RSS

RSSFeed class

RSSFeed_EntryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\RSS

RSSFeed_Entry class

RSSFeed_Entry::rssField() — Method in class RSSFeed_Entry

Return the safely casted field

RequestFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

A request filter is an object that's executed before and after a request occurs. By returning 'false' from the preRequest method, request execution will be stopped from continuing

RequestHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

This class is the base class of any SilverStripe object that can be used to handle HTTP requests.

RequestHandler::redirect() — Method in class RequestHandler

Redirect to the given URL.

RequestHandler::redirectBack() — Method in class RequestHandler

Redirect back. Uses either the HTTP-Referer or a manually set request-variable called "BackURL".

RequestProcessorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

Middleware that provides back-support for the deprecated RequestFilter API.

Session::restart() — Method in class Session

Destroy existing session and restart

Session::requestContainsSessionId() — Method in class Session
RateLimiterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Cache
ClassInfo::reset_db_cache() — Method in class ClassInfo
Config_ForClass::remove() — Method in class Config_ForClass

Remove the given config key

Convert::raw2att() — Method in class Convert

Convert a value to be suitable for an XML attribute.

Convert::raw2htmlatt() — Method in class Convert

Convert a value to be suitable for an HTML attribute.

Convert::raw2htmlname() — Method in class Convert

Convert a value to be suitable for an HTML ID attribute. Replaces non supported characters with a space.

Convert::raw2htmlid() — Method in class Convert

Convert a value to be suitable for an HTML ID attribute. Replaces non supported characters with an underscore.

Convert::raw2xml() — Method in class Convert

Ensure that text is properly escaped for XML.

Convert::raw2js() — Method in class Convert

Ensure that text is properly escaped for Javascript.

Convert::raw2json() — Method in class Convert

Encode a value as a JSON encoded string. You can optionally pass a bitmask of JSON constants as options through to the encode function.

Convert::raw2sql() — Method in class Convert

Safely encodes a value (or list of values) using the current database's safe string encoding method

Convert::raw2mailto() — Method in class Convert

There are no real specifications on correctly encoding mailto-links, but this seems to be compatible with most of the user-agents.

Convert::raw2url() — Method in class Convert

Convert a string (normally a title) to a string suitable for using in urls and other html attributes. Uses {@link URLSegmentFilter}.

Extensible::remove_extension() — Method in class Extensible

Remove an extension from a class.

Injector::registerService() — Method in class Injector

Register a service object with an optional name to register it as the service for

ClassContentRemover::remove_class_content() — Method in class ClassContentRemover
ClassLoader::registerAutoloader() — Method in class ClassLoader
ClassManifest::regenerate() — Method in class ClassManifest

Completely regenerates the manifest file.

ClassManifestVisitor::resetState() — Method in class ClassManifestVisitor
ModuleManifest::regenerate() — Method in class ModuleManifest

Completely regenerates the manifest file. Scans through finding all php _config.php and yaml _config/*.ya?ml files,parses the yaml files into fragments, sorts them and figures out what values need to be checked to pick the correct variant.

ModuleResourceLoader::resolvePath() — Method in class ModuleResourceLoader

Convert a file of the form "vendor/package:resource" into a BASE_PATH-relative file For other files, return original value

ModuleResourceLoader::resolveURL() — Method in class ModuleResourceLoader

Resolves resource specifier to the given url.

ModuleResourceLoader::resourcePath() — Method in class ModuleResourceLoader

Template wrapper for resolvePath

ModuleResourceLoader::resourceURL() — Method in class ModuleResourceLoader

Template wrapper for resolveURL

ModuleResourceLoader::resolveResource() — Method in class ModuleResourceLoader

Return module resource for the given path, if specified as one.

ResourceURLGeneratorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Manifest

Generate URLs for client-side assets and perform any preparation of those assets needed.

ResettableClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core

Represents a class with a local cache which normally invalidates itself between requests.

Resettable::reset() — Method in class Resettable

Reset the local cache of this object

RequestFlushDiscovererClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Startup

The default flush discovery implementation

BuildTask::run() — Method in class BuildTask

Implement this method in the task subclass to execute via the TaskRunner

$ BulkLoader#relationCallbacksProperty in class BulkLoader

Find a has_one relation based on a specific column value.

CSVParser::rewind() — Method in class CSVParser
CliDebugView::renderHeader() — Method in class CliDebugView

Render HTML header for development views

CliDebugView::renderFooter() — Method in class CliDebugView

Render HTML footer for development views

CliDebugView::renderError() — Method in class CliDebugView

Write information about the error to the screen

CliDebugView::renderSourceFragment() — Method in class CliDebugView

Write a fragment of the a source file

CliDebugView::renderTrace() — Method in class CliDebugView

Write a backtrace

CliDebugView::renderParagraph() — Method in class CliDebugView

Render an arbitrary paragraph.

CliDebugView::renderInfo() — Method in class CliDebugView

Render the information header for the view

CliDebugView::renderVariable() — Method in class CliDebugView

Outputs a variable in a user presentable way

CliDebugView::renderMessage() — Method in class CliDebugView
Debug::require_developer_login() — Method in class Debug

Check if the user has permissions to run URL debug tools, else redirect them to log in.

DebugView::renderHeader() — Method in class DebugView

Render HTML header for development views

DebugView::renderInfo() — Method in class DebugView

Render the information header for the view

DebugView::renderFooter() — Method in class DebugView

Render HTML footer for development views

DebugView::renderError() — Method in class DebugView

Render an error.

DebugView::renderSourceFragment() — Method in class DebugView

Render a fragment of the a source file

DebugView::renderTrace() — Method in class DebugView

Render a call track

DebugView::renderParagraph() — Method in class DebugView

Render an arbitrary paragraph.

DebugView::renderVariable() — Method in class DebugView

Outputs a variable in a user presentable way

DebugView::renderMessage() — Method in class DebugView
Deprecation::restore_settings() — Method in class Deprecation

Method for when testing. Restore all the current version settings from a variable

DevelopmentAdmin::runRegisteredController() — Method in class DevelopmentAdmin
FixtureBlueprint::removeCallback() — Method in class FixtureBlueprint
DatabaseAdapterRegistry::register() — Method in class DatabaseAdapterRegistry

Add new adapter to the registry

DatabaseConfigurationHelper::requireDatabaseFunctions() — Method in class DatabaseConfigurationHelper

Ensure that the database function for connectivity is available.

DatabaseConfigurationHelper::requireDatabaseServer() — Method in class DatabaseConfigurationHelper

Ensure that the database server exists.

DatabaseConfigurationHelper::requireDatabaseConnection() — Method in class DatabaseConfigurationHelper

Ensure a database connection is possible using credentials provided.

DatabaseConfigurationHelper::requireDatabaseVersion() — Method in class DatabaseConfigurationHelper

Check database version is greater than the minimum supported

DatabaseConfigurationHelper::requireDatabaseOrCreatePermissions() — Method in class DatabaseConfigurationHelper

Ensure that the database connection is able to use an existing database, or be able to create one if it doesn't exist.

DatabaseConfigurationHelper::requireDatabaseAlterPermissions() — Method in class DatabaseConfigurationHelper

Ensure we have permissions to alter tables.

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::requireDatabaseFunctions() — Method in class MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Ensure that the database function for connectivity is available.

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::requireDatabaseServer() — Method in class MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Ensure that the database server exists.

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::requireDatabaseVersion() — Method in class MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Ensure that the MySQL server version is at least 5.0.

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::requireDatabaseConnection() — Method in class MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Ensure a database connection is possible using credentials provided.

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::requireDatabaseOrCreatePermissions() — Method in class MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Ensure that the database connection is able to use an existing database, or be able to create one if it doesn't exist.

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::requireDatabaseAlterPermissions() — Method in class MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Ensure we have permissions to alter tables.

MigrationTask::run() — Method in class MigrationTask

Implement this method in the task subclass to execute via the TaskRunner

SapphireTest::resetDBSchema() — Method in class SapphireTest

Reset the testing database's schema, but only if it is active

TaskRunner::runTask() — Method in class TaskRunner

Runs a BuildTask

CleanupTestDatabasesTask::run() — Method in class CleanupTestDatabasesTask

Implement this method in the task subclass to execute via the TaskRunner

FixFolderPermissionsHelper::run() — Method in class FixFolderPermissionsHelper
MigrateFileTask::run() — Method in class MigrateFileTask

Implement this method in the task subclass to execute via the TaskRunner

i18nTextCollectorTask::run() — Method in class i18nTextCollectorTask

This is the main method to build the master string tables with the original strings.

TestKernel::reset() — Method in class TestKernel

Reset kernel between tests.

ErrorPage::response_for() — Method in class ErrorPage
ErrorPageExtension::responseFor() — Method in class ErrorPageExtension

Get a {@link HTTPResponse} to response to a HTTP error code if an {@link ErrorPage} for that code is present. First tries to serve it through the standard SilverStripe request method. Falls back to a static file generated when the user hit's save and publish in the CMS

ErrorPageExtension::requireDefaultRecords() — Method in class ErrorPageExtension

Ensures that there is always a 404 page by checking if there's an instance of ErrorPage with a 404 and 500 error code. If there is not, one is created when the DB is built.

CompositeField::removeByName() — Method in class CompositeField

Remove a field from this CompositeField by Name.

CompositeField::replaceField() — Method in class CompositeField
CompositeField::rootFieldList() — Method in class CompositeField
$ ConfirmedPasswordField#requireStrongPasswordProperty in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Enforces at least one digit and one alphanumeric character (in addition to {$minLength} and {$maxLength}

FieldList::recursiveWalk() — Method in class FieldList

Iterate over each field in the current list recursively

FieldList::removeFieldFromTab() — Method in class FieldList

Remove the given field from the given tab in the field.

FieldList::removeFieldsFromTab() — Method in class FieldList

Removes a number of fields from a Tab/TabSet within this FieldList.

FieldList::removeByName() — Method in class FieldList

Remove a field or fields from this FieldList by Name.

FieldList::replaceField() — Method in class FieldList

Replace a single field with another. Ignores dataless fields such as Tabs and TabSets

FieldList::renameField() — Method in class FieldList

Rename the title of a particular field name in this set.

FieldList::rootFieldList() — Method in class FieldList

Returns the root field set that this belongs to

$ FileUploadReceiver#relationAutoSettingProperty in class FileUploadReceiver

Flag to automatically determine and save a has_one-relationship on the saved record (e.g. a "Player" has_one "PlayerImage" would trigger saving the ID of newly created file into "PlayerImageID" on the record).

Form::restoreFormState() — Method in class Form

Load form state from session state

Form::renderWithoutActionButton() — Method in class Form

Render this form using the given template, and return the result as a string You can pass either an SSViewer or a template name

Form::removeExtraClass() — Method in class Form

Remove a CSS-class from the form-container. Multiple class names can be passed through as a space delimited string

FormField::RightTitle() — Method in class FormField

Gets the contextual label than can be used for additional field description.

FormField::removeExtraClass() — Method in class FormField

Remove one or more CSS-classes from the FormField container.

FormField::Required() — Method in class FormField
FormField::rootFieldList() — Method in class FormField
FormRequestHandler::redirectBackToForm() — Method in class FormRequestHandler

Redirect back to this form with an added #anchor link

$ FormScaffolder#restrictFieldsProperty in class FormScaffolder
GridFieldConfig::removeComponent() — Method in class GridFieldConfig
GridFieldConfig::removeComponentsByType() — Method in class GridFieldConfig
GridFieldEditButton::removeExtraClass() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton

Remove an HTML class

$ GridFieldPageCount#require_paginatorProperty in class GridFieldPageCount

Flag indicating whether or not this control should throw an error if a {@link GridFieldPaginator} is not present on the same {@link GridField}

TinyMCEConfig::removeButtons() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Remove the first occurance of buttons

ReadonlyFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Read-only field to display a non-editable value with a label.

ReadonlyTransformationClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Transformation that will turn a form into a readonly version of itself

RequiredFieldsClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Required Fields allows you to set which fields need to be present before submitting the form. Submit an array of arguments or each field as a separate argument.

RequiredFields::removeValidation() — Method in class RequiredFields

Clears all the validation from this object.

RequiredFields::removeRequiredField() — Method in class RequiredFields

Removes a required field

Validator::removeValidation() — Method in class Validator
Handler::requireAuthentication() — Method in class Handler

If required, enforce authentication for non-session authenticated requests. The Member returned from the authentication method will returned for use in the OperationResolver context.

DevelopmentAdmin::runRegisteredController() — Method in class DevelopmentAdmin
QueryRecorderExtension::recordClasses() — Method in class QueryRecorderExtension

Create a new nesting level, record all classes queried during the callback, and unnest.

RequestIDProcessorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\PersistedQuery
RequestProcessorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\PersistedQuery

Implementations of query persistence must use this interface. At a minimum, they must be able to fetch a query given an ID.

RequestContextProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\QueryHandler
Collection::removeClass() — Method in class Collection
Collection::removeFile() — Method in class Collection
RegistryClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\BulkLoader

Frontend for creating a cached registry instance based on all the qualifying subclasses.

RegistryBackendClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\BulkLoader

The instance of the registry, as composed by the Registry frontend

AbstractTypeResolver::resolveType() — Method in class AbstractTypeResolver
CreateCreator::resolve() — Method in class CreateCreator
DeleteCreator::resolve() — Method in class DeleteCreator
DBDateArgs::resolve() — Method in class DBDateArgs
DBHTMLTextArgs::resolve() — Method in class DBHTMLTextArgs
DBTextArgs::resolve() — Method in class DBTextArgs
DBTimeArgs::resolve() — Method in class DBTimeArgs
DBFieldTypes::resolveComposite() — Method in class DBFieldTypes
$ Paginator#resolverProperty in class Paginator
ScalarDBField::resolve() — Method in class ScalarDBField
ReadCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject

Creates a read operation for a DataObject

ReadCreator::resolve() — Method in class ReadCreator
ReadOneCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject

Creates a readOne query for a DataObject

ResolverClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject

Generic resolver for DataObjects

Resolver::resolve() — Method in class Resolver
UpdateCreator::resolve() — Method in class UpdateCreator
ResolverFailureClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Exception

Captures a failure that happened within a resolver. Designed to add context to the failure, as a chain of closures in a nested query can be very hard to debug.

$ PaginationPlugin#resolverProperty in class PaginationPlugin
PluginConsumer::removePlugin() — Method in class PluginConsumer
$ SortPlugin#resolverProperty in class SortPlugin
ResolverReferenceClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Resolver

A uniform way of referring to a resolver callable. Normalises the string/array variants

Schema::removeType() — Method in class Schema
Schema::removeEnum() — Method in class Schema
Schema::removeScalar() — Method in class Schema
Schema::removeModelByClassName() — Method in class Schema
Schema::removeModel() — Method in class Schema
Schema::removeInterface() — Method in class Schema
Schema::removeUnion() — Method in class Schema
SchemaTranscriber::removeSchemaFromFilesystem() — Method in class SchemaTranscriber
Enum::removeValue() — Method in class Enum
ModelType::removeOperation() — Method in class ModelType
Type::removeField() — Method in class Type
ArrayList::remove() — Method in class ArrayList

Remove this item from this list

ArrayList::replace() — Method in class ArrayList

Replaces an item in this list with another item.

ArrayList::removeDuplicates() — Method in class ArrayList

Removes items from this list which have a duplicate value for a certain field. This is especially useful when combining lists.

ArrayList::reverse() — Method in class ArrayList

Reverses an {@link ArrayList}

DBSchemaManager::requireTable() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Generate the following table in the database, modifying whatever already exists as necessary.

DBSchemaManager::requireIndex() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Generate the given index in the database, modifying whatever already exists as necessary.

DBSchemaManager::requireField() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Generate the given field on the table, modifying whatever already exists as necessary.

DBSchemaManager::renameTable() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Rename a table.

DBSchemaManager::renameField() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Change the database column name of the given field.

Database::releaseLock() — Method in class Database

Remove an application-level lock file to allow another process to run (if the execution aborts (e.g. due to an error) all locks are automatically released).

Database::random() — Method in class Database

Returns the database-specific version of the random() function

MySQLDatabase::releaseLock() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Remove an application-level lock file to allow another process to run (if the execution aborts (e.g. due to an error) all locks are automatically released).

MySQLDatabase::random() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Returns the database-specific version of the random() function

MySQLSchemaManager::renameTable() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Renames a table

MySQLSchemaManager::renameField() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Change the database column name of the given field.

PDOStatementHandle::rowCount() — Method in class PDOStatementHandle

Returns the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement (PDOStatement::rowCount)

Query::record() — Method in class Query

Returns the first record in the result

TempDatabase::rollbackTransaction() — Method in class TempDatabase

Rollback a transaction (or trash all data if the DB doesn't support databases

TempDatabase::resetDBSchema() — Method in class TempDatabase

Reset the testing database's schema.

DB::require_table() — Method in class DB

Generate the following table in the database, modifying whatever already exists as necessary.

DB::require_field() — Method in class DB

Generate the given field on the table, modifying whatever already exists as necessary.

DB::require_index() — Method in class DB

Generate the given index in the database, modifying whatever already exists as necessary.

DataExtension::requireDefaultRecords() — Method in class DataExtension
DataList::relation() — Method in class DataList

Returns a HasManyList or ManyMany list representing the querying of a relation across all objects in this data list. For it to work, the relation must be defined on the data class that you used to create this DataList.

DataList::removeMany() — Method in class DataList

Remove the items from this list with the given IDs

DataList::removeByFilter() — Method in class DataList

Remove every element in this DataList matching the given $filter.

DataList::removeAll() — Method in class DataList

Remove every element in this DataList.

DataList::remove() — Method in class DataList

Remove this item by deleting it

DataList::removeByID() — Method in class DataList

Remove an item from this DataList by ID

DataList::reverse() — Method in class DataList

Reverses a list of items.

DataObject::relObject() — Method in class DataObject

Traverses to a DBField referenced by relationships between data objects.

DataObject::relField() — Method in class DataObject

Traverses to a field referenced by relationships between data objects, returning the value The path to the related field is specified with dot separated syntax (eg: Parent.Child.Child.FieldName)

DataObject::reset() — Method in class DataObject

Reset all global caches associated with DataObject.

DataObject::requireTable() — Method in class DataObject

Check the database schema and update it as necessary.

DataObject::requireDefaultRecords() — Method in class DataObject

Add default records to database. This function is called whenever the database is built, after the database tables have all been created. Overload this to add default records when the database is built, but make sure you call parent::requireDefaultRecords().

DataObjectSchema::reset() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Clear cached table names

DataQuery::removeFilterOn() — Method in class DataQuery

Remove a filter from the query

DataQuery::reverseSort() — Method in class DataQuery

Reverse order by clause

DBBigInt::requireField() — Method in class DBBigInt

Add the field to the underlying database.

DBBoolean::requireField() — Method in class DBBoolean

Add the field to the underlying database.

DBClassName::requireField() — Method in class DBClassName
DBComposite::requireField() — Method in class DBComposite

Add the field to the underlying database.

DBDate::RangeString() — Method in class DBDate

Return a string in the form "12 - 16 Sept" or "12 Aug - 16 Sept"

DBDate::Rfc822() — Method in class DBDate

Return string in RFC822 format

DBDate::Rfc2822() — Method in class DBDate

Return date in RFC2822 format

DBDate::Rfc3339() — Method in class DBDate

Date in RFC3339 format

DBDate::requireField() — Method in class DBDate

Add the field to the underlying database.

DBDatetime::requireField() — Method in class DBDatetime

Add the field to the underlying database.

DBDecimal::requireField() — Method in class DBDecimal

Add the field to the underlying database.

DBDouble::requireField() — Method in class DBDouble

Add the field to the underlying database.

DBEnum::requireField() — Method in class DBEnum
DBField::RAWURLATT() — Method in class DBField

rawurlencode this string

DBField::RAW() — Method in class DBField

Gets the raw value for this field.

DBField::requireField() — Method in class DBField

Add the field to the underlying database.

DBFloat::requireField() — Method in class DBFloat

Add the field to the underlying database.

DBFloat::Round() — Method in class DBFloat
DBHTMLText::RAW() — Method in class DBHTMLText

Gets the raw value for this field.

DBHTMLVarchar::RAW() — Method in class DBHTMLVarchar

Gets the raw value for this field.

DBInt::requireField() — Method in class DBInt

Add the field to the underlying database.

DBLocale::RFC1766() — Method in class DBLocale
DBMultiEnum::requireField() — Method in class DBMultiEnum
DBPrimaryKey::requireField() — Method in class DBPrimaryKey

Add the field to the underlying database.

DBText::requireField() — Method in class DBText


DBTime::requireField() — Method in class DBTime

Add the field to the underlying database.

DBVarchar::requireField() — Method in class DBVarchar


DBVarchar::RTF() — Method in class DBVarchar

Return the value of the field in rich text format

DBYear::requireField() — Method in class DBYear

Add the field to the underlying database.

HasManyList::removeByID() — Method in class HasManyList

Remove an item from this relation.

HasManyList::remove() — Method in class HasManyList

Remove an item from this relation.

MarkedSet::renderChildren() — Method in class MarkedSet

Returns the children of this DataObject as an XHTML UL. This will be called recursively on each child, so if they have children they will be displayed as a UL inside a LI.

ListDecorator::remove() — Method in class ListDecorator

Removes an item from the list.

ListDecorator::reverse() — Method in class ListDecorator

Return a new instance of this list based on reversing the current sort.

ManyManyList::remove() — Method in class ManyManyList

Remove the given item from this list.

ManyManyList::removeByID() — Method in class ManyManyList

Remove the given item from this list.

ManyManyList::removeAll() — Method in class ManyManyList

Remove all items from this many-many join. To remove a subset of items, filter it first.

ManyManyThroughList::remove() — Method in class ManyManyThroughList

Remove the given item from this list.

ManyManyThroughList::removeByID() — Method in class ManyManyThroughList

Remove the given item from this list.

ManyManyThroughList::removeAll() — Method in class ManyManyThroughList

Remove every element in this DataList.

PolymorphicHasManyList::remove() — Method in class PolymorphicHasManyList

Remove an item from this relation.

SQLExpression::replaceText() — Method in class SQLExpression

Swap some text in the SQL query with another.

SQLExpression::renameTable() — Method in class SQLExpression

Swap the use of one table with another.

SQLSelect::reverseOrderBy() — Method in class SQLSelect

Reverses the order by clause by replacing ASC or DESC references in the current order by with it's corollary.

RelationClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Abstract representation of a DB relation field, either saved or in memory

Relation::relation() — Method in class Relation
RelationListClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

A DataList that represents a relation.

SS_List::remove() — Method in class SS_List

Removes an item from the list.

SearchContext::removeFilterByName() — Method in class SearchContext

Removes a filter by name.

SearchContext::removeFieldByName() — Method in class SearchContext

Removes an existing formfield instance by its name.

Sortable::reverse() — Method in class Sortable

Return a new instance of this list based on reversing the current sort.

UnsavedRelationList::removeAll() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Remove all items from this relation.

UnsavedRelationList::removeMany() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Remove the items from this list with the given IDs

UnsavedRelationList::removeDuplicates() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Removes items from this list which are equal.

UnsavedRelationList::relation() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList
ReportClass in namespace SilverStripe\Reports

Base "abstract" class creating reports on your data.

Report::records() — Method in class Report

Return a SS_List records for this report.

ReportAdminClass in namespace SilverStripe\Reports

Reports section of the CMS.

ReportAdmin::Reports() — Method in class ReportAdmin

Return a SS_List of SS_Report subclasses that are available for use.

ReportWrapperClass in namespace SilverStripe\Reports

SS_ReportWrapper is a base class for creating report wappers.

BasicAuth::requireLogin() — Method in class BasicAuth

Require basic authentication. Will request a username and password if none is given.

$ CMSSecurity#reauth_enabledProperty in class CMSSecurity

Enable in-cms reauthentication

Group::requireDefaultRecords() — Method in class Group

Add default records to database.

Group::Roles() — Method in class Group

List of PermissionRoles

Member::requireDefaultRecords() — Method in class Member

Add default records to database. This function is called whenever the database is built, after the database tables have all been created. Overload this to add default records when the database is built, but make sure you call parent::requireDefaultRecords().

Member::regenerateTempID() — Method in class Member

Trigger regeneration of TempID.

Member::removeFromGroupByCode() — Method in class Member

Removes a member from a group.

Member::registerFailedLogin() — Method in class Member

Tell this member that someone made a failed attempt at logging in as them.

Member::registerSuccessfulLogin() — Method in class Member

Tell this member that a successful login has been made

Member::RememberLoginHashes() — Method in class Member
CMSLoginHandler::redirectBackToForm() — Method in class CMSLoginHandler
ChangePasswordHandler::redirectBackToForm() — Method in class ChangePasswordHandler

Something went wrong, go back to the changepassword

LostPasswordHandler::redirectToLostPassword() — Method in class LostPasswordHandler

Redirect to password recovery form

$ MemberLoginForm#required_fieldsProperty in class MemberLoginForm

Required fields for validation

MemberLoginForm::restoreFormState() — Method in class MemberLoginForm

Load form state from session state

Member_GroupSet::removeAll() — Method in class Member_GroupSet

Remove all items from this many-many join. To remove a subset of items, filter it first.

Permission::reset() — Method in class Permission

Flush the permission cache, for example if you have edited group membership or a permission record.

PermissionRoleCode::Role() — Method in class PermissionRoleCode
RandomGeneratorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Convenience class for generating cryptographically secure pseudo-random strings/tokens

RandomGenerator::randomToken() — Method in class RandomGenerator

Generates a random token that can be used for session IDs, CSRF tokens etc., based on hash algorithms.

RememberLoginHashClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Persists a token associated with a device for users who opted for the "Remember Me" feature when logging in.

RememberLoginHash::renew() — Method in class RememberLoginHash

Generates a new hash for this member but keeps the device ID intact

RequestAuthenticationHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Core authentication handler / store

$ Security#remember_usernameProperty in class Security

Determine if login username may be remembered between login sessions If set to false this will disable auto-complete and prevent username persisting in the session

$ Security#robots_tagProperty in class Security

Value of the X-Robots-Tag header (for the Security section)

SecurityToken::reset() — Method in class SecurityToken

Reset the token to a new value.

$ SiteConfig#required_permissionProperty in class SiteConfig

Default permission to check for 'LoggedInUsers' to create or edit pages

SiteConfig::requireDefaultRecords() — Method in class SiteConfig

Setup a default SiteConfig record if none exists.

$ DataObjectVersionFormFactory#readonly_typesProperty in class DataObjectVersionFormFactory

Define context types that will automatically be converted to readonly forms

ProxyCacheAdapter::reset() — Method in class ProxyCacheAdapter


$ ChangeSet#required_permissionProperty in class ChangeSet

Default permission to require for publishers.

ChangeSet::removeObject() — Method in class ChangeSet

Remove an item from this changeset. Will automatically remove all changes which own (and thus depend on) the removed item.

ChangeSetItem::revert() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Reverts this item, then close it. *

ChangeSetItem::ReferencedBy() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

List of explicit items that require this change

ChangeSetItem::References() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

List of implicit items required by this change

ReadExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\GraphQL\Extensions

Decorator for either a Read or ReadOne query scaffolder

PublishOperation::resolve() — Method in class PublishOperation
ReadVersionsClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\GraphQL\Operations

Scaffolds a generic read operation for DataObjects.

ReadVersions::resolve() — Method in class ReadVersions
RollbackClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\GraphQL\Operations

Scaffolds a "rollback recursive" operation for DataObjects.

Rollback::resolve() — Method in class Rollback

Invoked by the Executor class to resolve this mutation / query

ReadingModeClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned

Converter helpers for versioned args

RecursivePublishableClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned

Provides owns / owned_by and recursive publishing API for all objects.

RecursivePublishableHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned

Provides recursive publishable behaviour for LeftAndMain and GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest

RestoreActionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned

Generic restore action to restore an archived item to draft

RestoreAction::restore() — Method in class RestoreAction

Returns a message which notifies the user of a successful restoration and if anything has changed

Versioned::reset() — Method in class Versioned

Reset static configuration variables to their default values.

Versioned::reading_archived_date() — Method in class Versioned

Set the reading archive date.

Versioned::rollbackRecursive() — Method in class Versioned

Recursively rollback draft to the given version. This will also rollback any owned objects at that point in time to the same date. Objects which didn't exist (or weren't attached) to the record at the target point in time will be "unlinked", which dis-associates the record without requiring a hard deletion.

Versioned::rollbackSingle() — Method in class Versioned

Rollback draft to a given version

RequirementsTestStateClass in namespace SilverStripe\View\Dev

Resets requirements for test state

ShortcodeParser::register() — Method in class ShortcodeParser

Register a shortcode, and attach it to a PHP callback.

ShortcodeParser::registered() — Method in class ShortcodeParser

Check if a shortcode has been registered.

$ URLSegmentFilter#replacementsProperty in class URLSegmentFilter
RequirementsClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

Requirements tracker for JavaScript and CSS.

Requirements::restore() — Method in class Requirements

Restore requirements cleared by call to Requirements::clear

Requirements_BackendClass in namespace SilverStripe\View
Requirements_Backend::restore() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Restore requirements cleared by call to Requirements::clear

Requirements_MinifierClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

Provides an abstract interface for minifying content

SSTemplateParser::Require_Call() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
$ SSViewer#rewrite_hash_linksProperty in class SSViewer

Set if hash links should be rewritten

SSViewer_Scope::resetLocalScope() — Method in class SSViewer_Scope

Reset the local scope - restores saved state to the "global" item stack. Typically called after a lookup chain has been completed

ThemeManifest::regenerate() — Method in class ThemeManifest

Regenerates the manifest by scanning the base path.

ViewableData::renderWith() — Method in class ViewableData

Render this object into the template, and get the result as a string. You can pass one of the following as the $template parameter:

  • a template name (e.g. Page)
  • an array of possible template names - the first valid one will be used
  • an SSViewer instance
IntlLocales::reset() — Method in class IntlLocales

Reset the local cache of this object

Sources::reset() — Method in class Sources

Reset the local cache of this object

ReaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\i18n\Messages

Message reader. Inverse of Writer

Reader::read() — Method in class Reader

Get messages from this locale

YamlReader::read() — Method in class YamlReader

Get messages from this locale

i18nTextCollector::run() — Method in class i18nTextCollector

This is the main method to build the master string tables with the original strings. It will search for existent modules that use the i18n feature, parse the _t() calls and write the resultant files in the lang folder of each module.


CMSMenuItem::setAttributes() — Method in class CMSMenuItem
CMSProfileController::save() — Method in class CMSProfileController

Save handler

UsedOnTable::setRecord() — Method in class UsedOnTable
$ LeftAndMain#session_namespaceProperty in class LeftAndMain

Namespace for session info, e.g. current record.

$ LeftAndMain#session_keepalive_pingProperty in class LeftAndMain

If true, call a keepalive ping every 5 minutes from the CMS interface, to ensure that the session never dies.

$ LeftAndMain#section_nameProperty in class LeftAndMain

The configuration passed to the supporting JS for each CMS section includes a 'name' key that by default matches the FQCN of the current class. This setting allows you to change the key if necessary (for example, if you are overloading CMSMain or another core class and want to keep the core JS - which depends on the core class names - functioning, you would need to set this to the FQCN of the class you are overloading).

LeftAndMain::setFormSchema() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Set form schema helper for this controller

LeftAndMain::schema() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Gets a JSON schema representing the current edit form.

LeftAndMain::ShowSwitchView() — Method in class LeftAndMain

If this is set to true, the "switchView" context in the template is shown, with links to the staging and publish site.

LeftAndMain::show() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::save() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Save handler

LeftAndMain::setCurrentPageID() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Forces the current page to be set in session, which can be retrieved later through {@link currentPageID()}.

LeftAndMain::SwitchView() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::SiteConfig() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::SectionTitle() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Return the title of the current section. Either this is pulled from the current panel's menu_title or from the first active menu

LeftAndMain::setVersionProvider() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Set the SilverStripe version provider to use

LeftAndMain_HTTPResponse::setIsFinished() — Method in class LeftAndMain_HTTPResponse
MemberImportForm::setGroup() — Method in class MemberImportForm
$ ModelAdmin#showImportFormProperty in class ModelAdmin

Change this variable if you don't want the Import from CSV form to appear.

$ ModelAdmin#showSearchFormProperty in class ModelAdmin

Change this variable if you don't want the gridfield search to appear.

ModelAdmin::SearchSummary() — Method in class ModelAdmin

Gets a list of fields that have been searched

ModelAdmin::SearchForm() — Method in class ModelAdmin

Returns the search form

SecurityAdminClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin

Security section of the CMS

AssetAdmin::schema() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Gets a JSON schema representing the current edit form.

AssetAdmin::save() — Method in class AssetAdmin
AssetAdmin::setThumbnailGenerator() — Method in class AssetAdmin
HistoryListField::setRecord() — Method in class HistoryListField
PreviewImageField::setRecordID() — Method in class PreviewImageField
UploadField::setIsMultiUpload() — Method in class UploadField

Set upload type to multiple or single

UploadField::setAllowedMaxFileNumber() — Method in class UploadField

Sets the number of files allowed for this field

UploadField::setUploadEnabled() — Method in class UploadField

Set if uploading files is enabled

UploadField::setAttachEnabled() — Method in class UploadField

Set if attaching files is enabled

FileTypeCreator::setThumbnailGenerator() — Method in class FileTypeCreator
Notice::setType() — Method in class Notice
Notice::setIDs() — Method in class Notice
Notice::setMessage() — Method in class Notice
ImageThumbnailHelper::setLogger() — Method in class ImageThumbnailHelper
ImageThumbnailHelper::setMaxImageFileSize() — Method in class ImageThumbnailHelper

Set the maximum file size for which thumbnails will be generated. Set to 0 to disable the limit.

ThumbnailGenerator::setGenerates() — Method in class ThumbnailGenerator
FileMigrationHelper::setLogger() — Method in class FileMigrationHelper
LegacyThumbnailMigrationHelper::setLogger() — Method in class LegacyThumbnailMigrationHelper
NormaliseAccessMigrationHelper::setLogger() — Method in class NormaliseAccessMigrationHelper
TagsToShortcodeHelper::setLogger() — Method in class TagsToShortcodeHelper
$ TestAssetStore#seekable_overrideProperty in class TestAssetStore

Set to true|false to override all isSeekableStream calls

VersionedFilesMigrator::setFinder() — Method in class VersionedFilesMigrator
$ File#singular_nameProperty in class File
$ File#ShowInSearchProperty in class File

Boolean that indicates if file is shown in search. Doesn't apply to Folders

File::setFilename() — Method in class File

Update the ParentID and Name for the given filename.

File::set_class_for_file_extension() — Method in class File

See {@link get_class_for_file_extension()}.

File::setFromLocalFile() — Method in class File

Assign a local file to the backend.

File::setFromStream() — Method in class File

Assign a stream to the backend

File::setFromString() — Method in class File

Assign a set of data to the backend

FileFinder::setOption() — Method in class FileFinder

Set an option on this finder instance. See {@link SS_FileFinder} for the list of options available.

FileFinder::setOptions() — Method in class FileFinder

Sets several options at once.

FileNameFilter::setReplacements() — Method in class FileNameFilter

Take care not to add replacements which might invalidate the file structure, e.g. removing dots will remove file extension information.

FileNameFilter::setTransliterator() — Method in class FileNameFilter
$ AssetAdapter#server_configurationProperty in class AssetAdapter

Server specific configuration necessary to block http traffic to a local folder

FlysystemAssetStore::setPublicFilesystem() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Assign new flysystem backend

FlysystemAssetStore::setProtectedFilesystem() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Assign filesystem to use for non-public files

FlysystemAssetStore::setFromLocalFile() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Assign a local file to the backend.

FlysystemAssetStore::setFromString() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Assign a set of data to the backend

FlysystemAssetStore::setFromStream() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Assign a stream to the backend

FlysystemAssetStore::swapPublish() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Similar to publish, only any existing files that would be overriden by publishing will be moved back to the protected store.

GeneratedAssets::setFilesystem() — Method in class GeneratedAssets

Assign the asset backend. This must be a filesystem with an adapter of type {see PublicAdapter}.

GeneratedAssets::setContent() — Method in class GeneratedAssets

Update content with new value

$ ProtectedAssetAdapter#secure_folderProperty in class ProtectedAssetAdapter

Name of default folder to save secure assets in under ASSETS_PATH.

$ PublicAssetAdapter#server_configurationProperty in class PublicAssetAdapter

Server specific configuration necessary to block http traffic to a local folder

Folder::setTitle() — Method in class Folder

Override setting the Title of Folders to that Name and Title are always in sync.

Folder::StripThumbnail() — Method in class Folder

Generates a thumbnail for use in the gridfield view

$ Image#singular_nameProperty in class Image
$ ImageManipulation#strip_thumbnail_widthProperty in class ImageManipulation
$ ImageManipulation#strip_thumbnail_heightProperty in class ImageManipulation
ImageManipulation::setAllowGeneration() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Set whether image resizes are allowed

ImageManipulation::ScaleWidth() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Scale image proportionally by width. Use in templates with $ScaleWidth.

ImageManipulation::ScaleMaxWidth() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Proportionally scale down this image if it is wider than the specified width.

ImageManipulation::ScaleHeight() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Scale image proportionally by height. Use in templates with $ScaleHeight.

ImageManipulation::ScaleMaxHeight() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Proportionally scale down this image if it is taller than the specified height.

ImageManipulation::StripThumbnail() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Generates a thumbnail for use in the gridfield view

ImageManipulation::setImageBackend() — Method in class ImageManipulation
Image_Backend::setImageResource() — Method in class Image_Backend

Set the currently assigned image resource

Image_Backend::setQuality() — Method in class Image_Backend

Set the quality to a value between 0 and 100

InterventionBackend::setTempPath() — Method in class InterventionBackend
InterventionBackend::setCache() — Method in class InterventionBackend
InterventionBackend::setAssetContainer() — Method in class InterventionBackend
InterventionBackend::setImageManager() — Method in class InterventionBackend
InterventionBackend::setImageResource() — Method in class InterventionBackend
InterventionBackend::setQuality() — Method in class InterventionBackend

Set the quality to a value between 0 and 100

$ FileLinkTracking#show_file_link_trackingProperty in class FileLinkTracking

Controls visibility of the File Tracking tab

FileLinkTracking::setFileParser() — Method in class FileLinkTracking
FileLinkTracking::syncLinkTracking() — Method in class FileLinkTracking

Public method to call when triggering symlink extension. Can be called externally, or overridden by class implementations.

$ FileShortcodeProvider#shortcodes_inherit_canviewProperty in class FileShortcodeProvider

Assume canView() = true for all files provided via shortcodes.

AssetContainer::setFromString() — Method in class AssetContainer

Assign a set of data to the backend

AssetContainer::setFromLocalFile() — Method in class AssetContainer

Assign a local file to the backend.

AssetContainer::setFromStream() — Method in class AssetContainer

Assign a stream to the backend

AssetStore::setFromString() — Method in class AssetStore

Assign a set of data to the backend

AssetStore::setFromLocalFile() — Method in class AssetStore

Assign a local file to the backend.

AssetStore::setFromStream() — Method in class AssetStore

Assign a stream to the backend

$ DBFile#supported_imagesProperty in class DBFile

List of image mime types supported by the image manipulations API

DBFile::scaffoldFormField() — Method in class DBFile

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for form scaffolding.

DBFile::setFromLocalFile() — Method in class DBFile

Assign a local file to the backend.

DBFile::setFromStream() — Method in class DBFile

Assign a stream to the backend

DBFile::setFromString() — Method in class DBFile

Assign a set of data to the backend

DBFile::setOriginal() — Method in class DBFile

Customise this object with an "original" record for getting other customised fields

DBFile::setAllowedCategories() — Method in class DBFile

Assign allowed categories

DBFile::setField() — Method in class DBFile

Set value of a single composite field

GeneratedAssetHandler::setContent() — Method in class GeneratedAssetHandler

Update content with new value

ProtectedFileController::setRouteHandler() — Method in class ProtectedFileController
Upload::setValidator() — Method in class Upload

Set a different instance than {@link Upload_Validator} for this upload session.

Upload::setReplaceFile() — Method in class Upload
Upload::setFile() — Method in class Upload

Set a file-object (similiar to {loadIntoFile()})

Upload::setDefaultVisibility() — Method in class Upload

Assign default visibility for uploaded files. {see AssetStore} One of the values of AssetStore::VISIBILITY_* constants

Upload_Validator::setTmpFile() — Method in class Upload_Validator

Set information about temporary file produced by PHP.

Upload_Validator::setAllowedMaxFileSize() — Method in class Upload_Validator

Set filesize maximums (in bytes or INI format).

Upload_Validator::setAllowedExtensions() — Method in class Upload_Validator

Limit allowed file extensions. Empty by default, allowing all extensions.

CMSMain::ShowSwitchView() — Method in class CMSMain

If this is set to true, the "switchView" context in the template is shown, with links to the staging and publish site.

CMSMain::SwitchView() — Method in class CMSMain

Overloads the LeftAndMain::ShowView. Allows to pass a page as a parameter, so we are able to switch view also for archived versions.

CMSMain::setHintsCache() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::SiteTreeAsUL() — Method in class CMSMain

Return the entire site tree as a nested set of ULs

CMSMain::savetreenode() — Method in class CMSMain

Update the position and parent of a tree node.

CMSMain::SiteTreeHints() — Method in class CMSMain

Create serialized JSON string with site tree hints data to be injected into 'data-hints' attribute of root node of jsTree.

CMSMain::save() — Method in class CMSMain

Save and Publish page handler

ContentController::SilverStripeNavigator() — Method in class ContentController
ContentController::SiteConfig() — Method in class ContentController
ContentController::successfullyinstalled() — Method in class ContentController

This action is called by the installation system

RootURLController::should_be_on_root() — Method in class RootURLController

Returns TRUE if a request to a certain page should be redirected to the site root (i.e. if the page acts as the home page).

SilverStripeNavigatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

Utility class representing links to different views of a record for CMS authors, usually for {@link SiteTree} objects with "stage" and "live" links.

SilverStripeNavigatorItemClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

Navigator items are links that appear in the $SilverStripeNavigator bar.

SilverStripeNavigatorItem_ArchiveLinkClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers
SilverStripeNavigatorItem_CMSLinkClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers
SilverStripeNavigatorItem_LiveLinkClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers
SilverStripeNavigatorItem_StageLinkClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers
SiteTreeURLSegmentFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Forms

Used to edit the SiteTree->URLSegment property, and suggest input based on the serverside rules defined through {@link SiteTree->generateURLSegment()} and {@link URLSegmentFilter}.

SiteTreeURLSegmentField::suggest() — Method in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField
SiteTreeURLSegmentField::setHelpText() — Method in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField
SiteTreeURLSegmentField::setURLPrefix() — Method in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField
SiteTreeURLSegmentField::setDefaultURL() — Method in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField
SiteTreeURLSegmentField::setURLSuffix() — Method in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField
SiteTreeURLSegmentField_ReadonlyClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Forms

Readonly version of a site tree URL segment field

RedirectorPage::syncLinkTracking() — Method in class RedirectorPage
RedirectorPage::subPagesToCache() — Method in class RedirectorPage
SiteTreeClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Model

Basic data-object representing all pages within the site tree. All page types that live within the hierarchy should inherit from this. In addition, it contains a number of static methods for querying the site tree and working with draft and published states.

$ SiteTree#ShowInMenusProperty in class SiteTree
$ SiteTree#ShowInSearchProperty in class SiteTree
$ SiteTree#SortProperty in class SiteTree

Integer value denoting the sort order.

SiteTree::setParent() — Method in class SiteTree

Make this page a child of another page.

SiteTree::setCreatableChildrenCache() — Method in class SiteTree
SiteTree::syncLinkTracking() — Method in class SiteTree

Trigger synchronisation of link tracking

SiteTree::setMenuTitle() — Method in class SiteTree

Set the menu title for this page.

SiteTree::singular_name() — Method in class SiteTree

Default singular name for page / sitetree

SiteTreeExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Model

Plug-ins for additional functionality in your SiteTree classes.

SiteTreeFileExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Model
SiteTreeFileFormFactoryExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Model
SiteTreeFolderExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Model
SiteTreeLinkClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Model

Represents a link between a dataobject parent and a page in a HTML content area

SiteTreeLinkTrackingClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Model

Adds tracking of links in any HTMLText fields which reference SiteTree or File items.

$ SiteTreeLinkTracking#show_sitetree_link_trackingProperty in class SiteTreeLinkTracking

Controls visibility of the Link Tracking tab

SiteTreeLinkTracking::setParser() — Method in class SiteTreeLinkTracking
SiteTreeLinkTracking::syncLinkTracking() — Method in class SiteTreeLinkTracking

Public method to call when triggering symlink extension. Can be called externally, or overridden by class implementations.

SiteTreeLinkTracking_ParserClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Model

A helper object for extracting information about links.

VirtualPage::setCopyContentFromID() — Method in class VirtualPage
VirtualPage::syncLinkTracking() — Method in class VirtualPage
BrokenFilesReport::sourceRecords() — Method in class BrokenFilesReport

List of records to show for this report

BrokenLinksReport::sourceRecords() — Method in class BrokenLinksReport

List of records to show for this report

BrokenRedirectorPagesReport::sourceRecords() — Method in class BrokenRedirectorPagesReport

List of records to show for this report

BrokenVirtualPagesReport::sourceRecords() — Method in class BrokenVirtualPagesReport

List of records to show for this report

EmptyPagesReport::sort() — Method in class EmptyPagesReport
EmptyPagesReport::sourceRecords() — Method in class EmptyPagesReport

Gets the source records

RecentlyEditedReport::sort() — Method in class RecentlyEditedReport
RecentlyEditedReport::sourceRecords() — Method in class RecentlyEditedReport

List of records to show for this report

ContentControllerSearchExtension::SearchForm() — Method in class ContentControllerSearchExtension

Site search form

SearchFormClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Search

Standard basic search form which conducts a fulltext search on all {@link SiteTree} objects.

SearchForm::setPageLength() — Method in class SearchForm

Set the maximum number of records shown on each page.

SiteTreeMaintenanceTaskClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Tasks
$ CampaignAdmin#sync_expiresProperty in class CampaignAdmin

When listing campaigns, re-sync items automatically after this many seconds.

$ CampaignAdmin#show_publishedProperty in class CampaignAdmin

Show published changesets

$ CampaignAdmin#show_inferredProperty in class CampaignAdmin

Show inferred changesets (automatically created when you publish a page)

CampaignAdmin::save() — Method in class CampaignAdmin

Save handler

CampaignAdmin::SetLink() — Method in class CampaignAdmin

Gets user-visible url to edit a specific {see ChangeSet}

SiteTreeExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\CampaignAdmin

Handles adding the "Add to Campaign" button to a page's secondary actions menu

CachedConfigCollection::setNestFactory() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection

Set callback for nesting the inner collection

CachedConfigCollection::setCache() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection

Set a PSR-16 cache

CachedConfigCollection::setCollectionCreator() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection
CachedConfigCollection::setFlush() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection
CachedConfigCollection::setMiddlewares() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection
ConfigCollectionInterface::setMiddlewares() — Method in class ConfigCollectionInterface
DeltaConfigCollection::set() — Method in class DeltaConfigCollection

Sets config for a given field.

MemoryConfigCollection::set() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection

Sets config for a given field.

MemoryConfigCollection::serialize() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection
MutableConfigCollectionInterface::set() — Method in class MutableConfigCollectionInterface

Sets config for a given field.

DeltaMiddleware::setCollection() — Method in class DeltaMiddleware
MiddlewareAware::setMiddlewares() — Method in class MiddlewareAware
MiddlewareCommon::setDisableFlag() — Method in class MiddlewareCommon

Set flag to use to disable this middleware

MiddlewareCommon::serialize() — Method in class MiddlewareCommon
ContentNegotiator::setEnabled() — Method in class ContentNegotiator

Sets the current enabled status

Controller::setRequest() — Method in class Controller

Typically the request is set through {@link handleAction()} or {@link handleRequest()}, but in some based we want to set it manually.

Controller::setURLParams() — Method in class Controller
Controller::setResponse() — Method in class Controller

Sets the HTTPResponse object that this controller is building up.

Cookie::set() — Method in class Cookie

Set a cookie variable.

CookieJar::set() — Method in class CookieJar

Set a cookie

Cookie_Backend::set() — Method in class Cookie_Backend

Set a cookie

Director::set_current_page() — Method in class Director

Set the currently active {@link SiteTree} object that is being used to respond to the request.

$ Email#send_all_emails_toProperty in class Email
$ Email#send_all_emails_fromProperty in class Email
Email::setSwiftMessage() — Method in class Email
Email::setFrom() — Method in class Email
Email::setSender() — Method in class Email
Email::setReturnPath() — Method in class Email

The bounce handler address

Email::setTo() — Method in class Email

Set recipient(s) of the email

Email::setCC() — Method in class Email
Email::setBCC() — Method in class Email
Email::setReplyTo() — Method in class Email
Email::setSubject() — Method in class Email
Email::setPriority() — Method in class Email
Email::setData() — Method in class Email
Email::setBody() — Method in class Email
Email::setHTMLTemplate() — Method in class Email

Set the template to render the email with

Email::setPlainTemplate() — Method in class Email

Set the template to render the plain part with

Email::setFailedRecipients() — Method in class Email
Email::send() — Method in class Email

Send the message to the recipients

Email::sendPlain() — Method in class Email
Mailer::send() — Method in class Mailer
SwiftMailerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Email

Mailer objects are responsible for actually sending emails.

$ SwiftMailer#swift_pluginsProperty in class SwiftMailer
SwiftMailer::send() — Method in class SwiftMailer
SwiftMailer::setSwiftMailer() — Method in class SwiftMailer
SwiftPluginClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Email
SwiftPlugin::sendPerformed() — Method in class SwiftPlugin
HTTP::setGetVar() — Method in class HTTP

Will try to include a GET parameter for an existing URL, preserving existing parameters and fragments. If no URL is given, falls back to $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']. Uses parse_url() to dissect the URL, and http_build_query() to reconstruct it with the additional parameter.

HTTP::set_cache_age() — Method in class HTTP

Set the maximum age of this page in web caches, in seconds.

HTTPApplication::setFlushDiscoverer() — Method in class HTTPApplication

Override the default flush discovery

HTTPRequest::setUrl() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Allow the setting of a URL

HTTPRequest::setBody() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::send_file() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Construct an HTTPResponse that will deliver a file to the client.

HTTPRequest::shiftAllParams() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Shift all the parameter values down a key space, and return the shifted value.

HTTPRequest::setRouteParams() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::shift() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Shift one or more parts off the beginning of the URL.

HTTPRequest::setIP() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Sets the client IP address which originated this request.

HTTPRequest::setScheme() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Set the URL scheme (e.g. "http" or "https").

HTTPRequest::setSession() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPResponse::setProtocolVersion() — Method in class HTTPResponse

The HTTP version used to respond to this request (typically 1.0 or 1.1)

HTTPResponse::setStatusCode() — Method in class HTTPResponse
HTTPResponse::setStatusDescription() — Method in class HTTPResponse

The text to be given alongside the status code ("reason phrase").

HTTPResponse::setBody() — Method in class HTTPResponse
HTTPResponse_Exception::setResponse() — Method in class HTTPResponse_Exception
HTTPStreamResponse::setStream() — Method in class HTTPStreamResponse
AllowedHostsMiddleware::setAllowedHosts() — Method in class AllowedHostsMiddleware

Sets the list of allowed Host header values Can also specify a comma separated list

CanonicalURLMiddleware::setForceSSLPatterns() — Method in class CanonicalURLMiddleware
CanonicalURLMiddleware::setForceSSLDomain() — Method in class CanonicalURLMiddleware
CanonicalURLMiddleware::setForceWWW() — Method in class CanonicalURLMiddleware
CanonicalURLMiddleware::setForceSSL() — Method in class CanonicalURLMiddleware
CanonicalURLMiddleware::setForceBasicAuthToSSL() — Method in class CanonicalURLMiddleware
CanonicalURLMiddleware::setRedirectType() — Method in class CanonicalURLMiddleware
CanonicalURLMiddleware::setEnabledEnvs() — Method in class CanonicalURLMiddleware

Set enabled flag, or list of environments to enable in.

ConfirmationMiddleware::setDeclineUrl() — Method in class ConfirmationMiddleware

Override the default decline url

ConfirmationMiddleware::setConfirmationStorageId() — Method in class ConfirmationMiddleware

Override the confirmation storage ID

ConfirmationMiddleware::setConfirmationFormUrl() — Method in class ConfirmationMiddleware

Override the confirmation form url

ConfirmationMiddleware::setBypasses() — Method in class ConfirmationMiddleware

Set the list of bypasses for the confirmation

EnvironmentBypass::setEnvironments() — Method in class EnvironmentBypass

Set the list of environments allowing a bypass

GetParameter::setName() — Method in class GetParameter

Set the parameter name

PathAware::setPath() — Method in class PathAware

Update the path

Url::setParams() — Method in class Url

Set the GET parameters null to skip parameter check

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::setVary() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Set vary

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::setStateDirective() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Low level method for setting directives include any experimental or custom ones added via config.

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::setStateDirectivesFromArray() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Low level method to set directives from an associative array

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::setNoStore() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

The cache should not store anything about the client request or server response.

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::setNoCache() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Forces caches to submit the request to the origin server for validation before releasing a cached copy.

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::setMaxAge() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Specifies the maximum amount of time (seconds) a resource will be considered fresh.

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::setSharedMaxAge() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Overrides max-age or the Expires header, but it only applies to shared caches (e.g., proxies) and is ignored by a private cache.

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::setMustRevalidate() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

The cache must verify the status of the stale resources before using it and expired ones should not be used.

HTTPMiddlewareAware::setMiddlewares() — Method in class HTTPMiddlewareAware
PermissionAwareConfirmationMiddleware::setAffectedPermissions() — Method in class PermissionAwareConfirmationMiddleware

Set the list of affected permissions

PermissionAwareConfirmationMiddleware::setEnforceAuthentication() — Method in class PermissionAwareConfirmationMiddleware

Set whether we want to enforce authentication

RateLimitMiddleware::setExtraKey() — Method in class RateLimitMiddleware
RateLimitMiddleware::setMaxAttempts() — Method in class RateLimitMiddleware
RateLimitMiddleware::setDecay() — Method in class RateLimitMiddleware
RateLimitMiddleware::setRateLimiter() — Method in class RateLimitMiddleware
RequestHandlerMiddlewareAdapter::setRequestHandler() — Method in class RequestHandlerMiddlewareAdapter
SessionMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware
TrustedProxyMiddleware::setTrustedProxyIPs() — Method in class TrustedProxyMiddleware

Set the comma-separated list of IP ranges that are trusted to provide proxy headers Can also be 'none' or '*' (all)

TrustedProxyMiddleware::setProxyHostHeaders() — Method in class TrustedProxyMiddleware

Set the array of headers from which to lookup the hostname.

TrustedProxyMiddleware::setProxyIPHeaders() — Method in class TrustedProxyMiddleware

Set the array of headers from which to lookup the client IP.

TrustedProxyMiddleware::setProxySchemeHeaders() — Method in class TrustedProxyMiddleware

Set array of headers from which to lookup the client scheme (http/https) Can also specify comma-separated list as a single string.

FlushScheduler::scheduleFlush() — Method in class FlushScheduler

Schedules the manifest flush operation for a following request

SessionEnvTypeSwitcherClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware\URLSpecialsMiddleware

Implements switching user session into Test and Dev environment types

SessionEnvTypeSwitcher::setSessionEnvType() — Method in class SessionEnvTypeSwitcher

Checks whether the request has GET flags to control environment type and amends the user session accordingly

PjaxResponseNegotiator::setResponse() — Method in class PjaxResponseNegotiator
PjaxResponseNegotiator::setCallback() — Method in class PjaxResponseNegotiator
PjaxResponseNegotiator::setFragmentOverride() — Method in class PjaxResponseNegotiator

Set up fragment overriding - will completely replace the incoming fragments.

RSSFeed::setTemplate() — Method in class RSSFeed

Set the name of the template to use. Actual template will be resolved via the standard template inclusion process.

RequestHandler::setRequest() — Method in class RequestHandler

Typically the request is set through {@link handleAction()} or {@link handleRequest()}, but in some based we want to set it manually.

RequestProcessor::setFilters() — Method in class RequestProcessor

Assign a list of request filters

SessionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

Handles all manipulation of the session.

$ Session#session_ipsProperty in class Session
$ Session#session_store_pathProperty in class Session
$ Session#strict_user_agent_checkProperty in class Session

Invalidate the session if user agent header changes between request. Defaults to true. Disabling this checks is not recommended.

Session::start() — Method in class Session

Begin session, regardless if a session identifier is present in the request, or whether any session data needs to be written.

Session::set() — Method in class Session

Set session value

Session::save() — Method in class Session

Save data to session Only save the changes, so that anyone manipulating $_SESSION directly doesn't get burned.

SimpleResourceURLGeneratorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

Generate URLs assuming that BASE_PATH is also the webroot Standard SilverStripe 3 operation

SimpleResourceURLGenerator::setNonceStyle() — Method in class SimpleResourceURLGenerator
RateLimiter::setCache() — Method in class RateLimiter
RateLimiter::setIdentifier() — Method in class RateLimiter
RateLimiter::setMaxAttempts() — Method in class RateLimiter
RateLimiter::setDecay() — Method in class RateLimiter
ClassInfo::subclassesFor() — Method in class ClassInfo

Returns a list of classes that inherit from the given class.

ClassInfo::shortName() — Method in class ClassInfo

Strip namespace from class

Config_ForClass::set() — Method in class Config_ForClass

Replace config value

Configurable::stat() — Method in class Configurable

Get inherited config value

Configurable::set_stat() — Method in class Configurable

Update the config value for a given property

Convert::symbol2sql() — Method in class Convert

Safely encodes a SQL symbolic identifier (or list of identifiers), such as a database, table, or column name. Supports encoding of multi identfiers separated by a delimiter (e.g. ".")

Convert::slashes() — Method in class Convert

Convert slashes in relative or asolute filesystem path. Defaults to DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR

CoreKernel::shutdown() — Method in class CoreKernel

Shutdowns the kernel.

CoreKernel::setInjectorLoader() — Method in class CoreKernel
CoreKernel::setClassLoader() — Method in class CoreKernel
CoreKernel::setModuleLoader() — Method in class CoreKernel
CoreKernel::setEnvironment() — Method in class CoreKernel

Sets new environment

CoreKernel::setConfigLoader() — Method in class CoreKernel
CoreKernel::setThemeResourceLoader() — Method in class CoreKernel
Environment::setVariables() — Method in class Environment

Restore a backed up or modified list of vars to $globals

Environment::setMemoryLimitMax() — Method in class Environment

Set the maximum allowed value for {@link increaseMemoryLimitTo()}.

Environment::setTimeLimitMax() — Method in class Environment

Set the maximum allowed value for {@link increaseTimeLimitTo()};

Environment::setEnv() — Method in class Environment

Set environment variable via $name / $value pair

Extension::setOwner() — Method in class Extension

Set the owner of this extension.

Injectable::singleton() — Method in class Injectable

Creates a class instance by the "singleton" design pattern.

Injector::setAutoScanProperties() — Method in class Injector

Indicate whether we auto scan injected objects for properties to set.

Injector::setObjectCreator() — Method in class Injector

Sets the default factory to use for creating new objects.

Injector::setConfigLocator() — Method in class Injector

Set the configuration locator

Injector::setInjectMapping() — Method in class Injector

Add in a specific mapping that should be catered for on a type.

ServiceConfigurationLocatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Injector

Used to locate configuration for a particular named service.

SilverStripeServiceConfigurationLocatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Injector

Use the SilverStripe configuration system to lookup config for a particular service.

Kernel::shutdown() — Method in class Kernel

Shutdowns the kernel.

Kernel::setClassLoader() — Method in class Kernel
Kernel::setInjectorLoader() — Method in class Kernel
Kernel::setModuleLoader() — Method in class Kernel
Kernel::setConfigLoader() — Method in class Kernel
Kernel::setThemeResourceLoader() — Method in class Kernel
Kernel::setEnvironment() — Method in class Kernel

Sets new environment

Module::serialize() — Method in class Module
ModuleManifest::sort() — Method in class ModuleManifest

Sort modules sorted by priority

PrioritySorter::setPriorities() — Method in class PrioritySorter

Set the priorities for the items

PrioritySorter::setItems() — Method in class PrioritySorter

Sets the list of all items

PrioritySorter::setVariable() — Method in class PrioritySorter

Add a variable for replacination, e.g. addVariable->('$project', 'myproject')

PrioritySorter::setRestKey() — Method in class PrioritySorter

The key used for "all other items"

CallbackFlushDiscoverer::shouldFlush() — Method in class CallbackFlushDiscoverer

Check whether we have to flush manifest

CompositeFlushDiscoverer::shouldFlush() — Method in class CompositeFlushDiscoverer

Check whether we have to flush manifest

DeployFlushDiscoverer::shouldFlush() — Method in class DeployFlushDiscoverer

Returns true if the deploy timestamp greater than the cache generation timestamp

FlushDiscoverer::shouldFlush() — Method in class FlushDiscoverer

Check whether we have to flush manifest

RequestFlushDiscoverer::shouldFlush() — Method in class RequestFlushDiscoverer

Check whether we have to flush manifest

ScheduledFlushDiscovererClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Startup

Checks the manifest cache for flush being scheduled in a previous request

ScheduledFlushDiscoverer::shouldFlush() — Method in class ScheduledFlushDiscoverer

Check whether we have to flush manifest

$ BuildTask#segmentProperty in class BuildTask

Set a custom url segment (to follow dev/tasks/)

CLI::supports_colour() — Method in class CLI

Returns true if the current STDOUT supports the use of colour control codes.

CLI::start_colour() — Method in class CLI

Send control codes for changing text to the given colour

CSSContentParser::selector2xpath() — Method in class CSSContentParser

Converts a CSS selector into an equivalent xpath expression.

SSListContainsClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\Constraint

Constraint for checking if a SS_List contains items matching the given key-value pairs.

SSListContainsOnlyClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\Constraint

Constraint for checking if a SS_List contains only items matching the given key-value pairs. Each match must correspond to 1 distinct record.

SSListContainsOnlyMatchingItemsClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\Constraint

Constraint for checking if every item in a SS_List matches a given match, e.g. every Member has isActive set to true

Debug::show() — Method in class Debug

Show the contents of val in a debug-friendly way.

Deprecation::set_enabled() — Method in class Deprecation

Toggle on or off deprecation notices. Will be ignored in live.

FixtureBlueprint::setDefaults() — Method in class FixtureBlueprint
FixtureFactory::setId() — Method in class FixtureFactory
FunctionalTest::session() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Returns the {@link Session} object for this test

FunctionalTest::submitForm() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Submit the form with the given HTML ID, filling it out with the given data.

SSListExporterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

A custom exporter for prettier formatting of SilverStripe specific Objects in PHPUnit's failing test messages.

SapphireInfoClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Returns information about the current site instance.

SapphireREPLClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev
SapphireTestClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Test case class for the Sapphire framework.

SapphireTest::setUpBeforeClass() — Method in class SapphireTest

Called once per test case ({@link SapphireTest} subclass).

SapphireTest::setFixtureFactory() — Method in class SapphireTest

Sets a new fixture factory

SapphireTest::start() — Method in class SapphireTest

Start test environment

ExtensionTestState::setUp() — Method in class ExtensionTestState

Called on setup

ExtensionTestState::setUpOnce() — Method in class ExtensionTestState

Called once on setup

FixtureTestState::setUp() — Method in class FixtureTestState

Called on setup

FixtureTestState::setUpOnce() — Method in class FixtureTestState

Called once on setup

FixtureTestState::setFixtureFactory() — Method in class FixtureTestState
FlushableTestState::setUp() — Method in class FlushableTestState

Called on setup

FlushableTestState::setUpOnce() — Method in class FlushableTestState

Called once on setup

GlobalsTestState::setUp() — Method in class GlobalsTestState

Called on setup

GlobalsTestState::setUpOnce() — Method in class GlobalsTestState

Called once on setup

KernelTestState::setUp() — Method in class KernelTestState

Called on setup

KernelTestState::setUpOnce() — Method in class KernelTestState

Called once on setup

LoggerState::setUp() — Method in class LoggerState

Called on setup

LoggerState::setUpOnce() — Method in class LoggerState

Called once on setup

SapphireTestStateClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\State
SapphireTestState::setStates() — Method in class SapphireTestState
SapphireTestState::setUp() — Method in class SapphireTestState

Called on setup

SapphireTestState::setUpOnce() — Method in class SapphireTestState

Called once on setup

TestState::setUp() — Method in class TestState

Called on setup

TestState::setUpOnce() — Method in class TestState

Called once on setup

FixFolderPermissionsHelper::setLogger() — Method in class FixFolderPermissionsHelper
MigrateFileTask::setLogger() — Method in class MigrateFileTask
TestMailer::send() — Method in class TestMailer
TestSession::sendRequest() — Method in class TestSession

Submit a request of any type

TestSession::submitForm() — Method in class TestSession

Submit the form with the given HTML ID, filling it out with the given data.

TestSession::session() — Method in class TestSession

Get the current session, as a Session object

$ ErrorPageExtension#store_filepathProperty in class ErrorPageExtension

Prefix for storing error files in the see GeneratedAssetHandler store.

CheckboxField::setValue() — Method in class CheckboxField

Set the field value.

CompositeField::setChildren() — Method in class CompositeField
CompositeField::setTag() — Method in class CompositeField
CompositeField::setLegend() — Method in class CompositeField
CompositeField::setForm() — Method in class CompositeField

Set the container form.

CompositeField::setDisabled() — Method in class CompositeField

Sets a disabled flag on this FormField.

CompositeField::setReadonly() — Method in class CompositeField

Sets a read-only flag on this FormField.

CompositeField::setColumnCount() — Method in class CompositeField
$ ConfirmedPasswordField#showOnClickTitleProperty in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Title for the link that triggers the visibility of password fields.

ConfirmedPasswordField::setTitle() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Set the title of this formfield.

ConfirmedPasswordField::setCanBeEmpty() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Can be empty is a flag that turns on / off empty field checking.

ConfirmedPasswordField::setShowOnClickTitle() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField

The title on the link which triggers display of the "password" and "confirm password" formfields. Only used if {@link setShowOnClick()} is set to TRUE.

ConfirmedPasswordField::setRightTitle() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField
ConfirmedPasswordField::setChildrenTitles() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Set child field titles. Titles in order should be:

  • "Current Password" (if getRequireExistingPassword() is set)
  • "Password"
  • "Confirm Password"
ConfirmedPasswordField::setValue() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Value is sometimes an array, and sometimes a single value, so we need to handle both cases.

ConfirmedPasswordField::setName() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Update the names of the child fields when updating name of field.

ConfirmedPasswordField::saveInto() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Only save if field was shown on the client, and is not empty.

ConfirmedPasswordField::setRequireExistingPassword() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Set if the existing password should be required

ConfirmedPasswordField::setMinLength() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Set the minimum length required for passwords

ConfirmedPasswordField::setMaxLength() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Set the maximum length required for passwords

ConfirmedPasswordField::setRequireStrongPassword() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField
CurrencyField::setValue() — Method in class CurrencyField

allows the value to be set. removes the first character if it is not a number (probably a currency symbol)

DatalessField::SmallFieldHolder() — Method in class DatalessField

Returns the field's representation in a field group.

DatalessField::setAllowHTML() — Method in class DatalessField
DateField::setHTML5() — Method in class DateField
DateField::setDateLength() — Method in class DateField

Get length of the date format to use.

DateField::setDateFormat() — Method in class DateField

Set date format in CLDR standard format.

DateField::setSubmittedValue() — Method in class DateField

Assign value posted from form submission

DateField::setValue() — Method in class DateField

Assign value based on {@link $datetimeFormat}, which might be localised.

DateField::setLocale() — Method in class DateField

Determines the presented/processed format based on locale defaults, instead of explicitly setting {@link setDateFormat()}.

DateField::setMinDate() — Method in class DateField
DateField::setMaxDate() — Method in class DateField
DatetimeField::setHTML5() — Method in class DatetimeField
DatetimeField::setSubmittedValue() — Method in class DatetimeField

Assign value posted from form submission, based on {@link $datetimeFormat}.

DatetimeField::setDatetimeFormat() — Method in class DatetimeField

Set date format in CLDR standard format.

DatetimeField::setValue() — Method in class DatetimeField

Assign value based on {@link $datetimeFormat}, which might be localised.

DatetimeField::setDateLength() — Method in class DatetimeField

Get length of the date format to use.

DatetimeField::setTimeLength() — Method in class DatetimeField

Get length of the date format to use.

DatetimeField::setDisabled() — Method in class DatetimeField

Sets a disabled flag on this FormField.

DatetimeField::setReadonly() — Method in class DatetimeField

Sets a read-only flag on this FormField.

DatetimeField::setLocale() — Method in class DatetimeField

Set default locale for this field. If omitted will default to the current locale.

DatetimeField::setMinDatetime() — Method in class DatetimeField
DatetimeField::setMaxDatetime() — Method in class DatetimeField
DatetimeField::setTimezone() — Method in class DatetimeField
FieldGroup::setZebra() — Method in class FieldGroup

Set an odd/even class

FieldList::saveableFields() — Method in class FieldList
FieldList::setForm() — Method in class FieldList

Set the Form instance for this FieldList.

FieldList::setValues() — Method in class FieldList

Load the given data into this form.

FieldList::setContainerField() — Method in class FieldList
FileField::saveInto() — Method in class FileField
FileField::setRelationAutoSetting() — Method in class FileField

Set if relation can be automatically assigned to the underlying dataobject

FileHandleField::setAllowedExtensions() — Method in class FileHandleField
FileHandleField::setAllowedFileCategories() — Method in class FileHandleField
FileHandleField::setFolderName() — Method in class FileHandleField
FileUploadReceiver::setRecord() — Method in class FileUploadReceiver

Force a record to be used as "Parent" for uploaded Files (eg a Page with a has_one to File)

FileUploadReceiver::setValue() — Method in class FileUploadReceiver

Loads the related record values into this field. This can be uploaded in one of three ways:

FileUploadReceiver::setItems() — Method in class FileUploadReceiver

Sets the items assigned to this field as an SS_List of File objects.

FileUploadReceiver::saveInto() — Method in class FileUploadReceiver
FileUploadReceiver::setRelationAutoSetting() — Method in class FileUploadReceiver

Set if relation can be automatically assigned to the underlying dataobject

Form::setNotifyUnsavedChanges() — Method in class Form
Form::setSessionData() — Method in class Form

Store the given form data in the session

Form::setSessionValidationResult() — Method in class Form

Sets the ValidationResult in the session to be used with the next view of this form.

Form::setFieldMessage() — Method in class Form

Set message on a given field name. This message will not persist via redirect.

Form::setValidationResponseCallback() — Method in class Form

Overrules validation error behaviour in {@link httpSubmission()} when validation has failed. Useful for optional handling of a certain accepted content type.

Form::setRedirectToFormOnValidationError() — Method in class Form

Set whether the user should be redirected back down to the form on the page upon validation errors in the form or if they just need to redirect back to the page

Form::setValidator() — Method in class Form

Set the {@link Validator} on this form.

Form::setValidationExemptActions() — Method in class Form

Set actions that are exempt from validation

Form::setFields() — Method in class Form

Setter for the form fields.

Form::setActions() — Method in class Form

Setter for the form actions.

Form::setAttribute() — Method in class Form
Form::setTemplateHelper() — Method in class Form

Set the target of this form to any value - useful for opening the form contents in a new window or refreshing another frame

Form::setTarget() — Method in class Form

Set the target of this form to any value - useful for opening the form contents in a new window or refreshing another frame.

Form::setLegend() — Method in class Form

Set the legend value to be inserted into the element in the Form.ss template.

Form::setTemplate() — Method in class Form

Set the SS template that this form should use to render with. The default is "Form".

Form::setEncType() — Method in class Form

Sets the form encoding type. The most common encoding types are defined in {@link ENC_TYPE_URLENCODED} and {@link ENC_TYPE_MULTIPART}.

Form::setFormMethod() — Method in class Form

Set the form method: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.

Form::setStrictFormMethodCheck() — Method in class Form

If set to true (the default), enforces the matching of the form method.

Form::setFormAction() — Method in class Form

Set the form action attribute to a custom URL.

Form::setHTMLID() — Method in class Form

Set the HTML ID attribute of the form.

Form::setController() — Method in class Form

Set the controller or parent request handler.

Form::setName() — Method in class Form

Set the name of the form.

Form::sessionMessage() — Method in class Form

Set a message to the session, for display next time this form is shown.

Form::sessionError() — Method in class Form

Set an error to the session, for display next time this form is shown.

Form::saveInto() — Method in class Form

Save the contents of this form into the given data object.

Form::setRequestHandler() — Method in class Form

Assign a specific request handler for this form

FormAction::setIcon() — Method in class FormAction

Sets button icon

FormAction::setFullAction() — Method in class FormAction

Set the full action name, including action_ This provides an opportunity to replace it with something else

FormAction::setButtonContent() — Method in class FormAction

Add content inside a button field. This should be pre-escaped raw HTML and should be used sparingly.

FormAction::setUseButtonTag() — Method in class FormAction

Enable or disable the rendering of this action as a

FormAction::setValidationExempt() — Method in class FormAction

Set whether this action can be performed without validating the data

FormField::saveInto() — Method in class FormField

Method to save this form field into the given {@link DataObject}.

FormField::setTitle() — Method in class FormField

Set the title of this formfield.

FormField::setRightTitle() — Method in class FormField

Sets the right title for this formfield

FormField::setLeftTitle() — Method in class FormField
FormField::setAttribute() — Method in class FormField

Set an HTML attribute on the field element, mostly an input tag.

FormField::setValue() — Method in class FormField

Set the field value.

FormField::setSubmittedValue() — Method in class FormField

Set value assigned from a submitted form postback.

FormField::setName() — Method in class FormField

Set the field name.

FormField::setInputType() — Method in class FormField

Set the field input type.

FormField::setForm() — Method in class FormField

Set the container form.

FormField::securityTokenEnabled() — Method in class FormField

Return true if security token protection is enabled on the parent {@link Form}.

FormField::setCustomValidationMessage() — Method in class FormField

Set the custom error message to show instead of the default format.

FormField::setTemplate() — Method in class FormField

Set name of template (without path or extension).

FormField::setFieldHolderTemplate() — Method in class FormField

Set name of template (without path or extension) for the holder, which in turn is responsible for rendering {@link Field()}.

FormField::setSmallFieldHolderTemplate() — Method in class FormField

Set name of template (without path or extension) for the small holder, which in turn is responsible for rendering {@link Field()}.

FormField::SmallFieldHolder() — Method in class FormField

Returns a restricted field holder used within things like FieldGroups.

FormField::setReadonly() — Method in class FormField

Sets a read-only flag on this FormField.

FormField::setDisabled() — Method in class FormField

Sets a disabled flag on this FormField.

FormField::setAutofocus() — Method in class FormField

Sets a autofocus flag on this FormField.

FormField::setDescription() — Method in class FormField

Describe this field, provide help text for it.

FormField::setContainerFieldList() — Method in class FormField

Set the FieldList that contains this field.

FormField::setSchemaComponent() — Method in class FormField

Sets the component type the FormField will be rendered as on the front-end.

FormField::setSchemaData() — Method in class FormField

Sets the schema data used for rendering the field on the front-end.

FormField::setSchemaState() — Method in class FormField

Sets the schema data used for rendering the field on the front-end.

FormMessage::setMessage() — Method in class FormMessage

Sets the error message to be displayed on the form field.

FormRequestHandler::setButtonClicked() — Method in class FormRequestHandler

Sets the button that was clicked. This should only be called by the Controller.

AttributeStore::save() — Method in class AttributeStore

Save the given state against the given ID returning an associative array to be added as attributes on the form action

SessionStoreClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\FormAction

Stores GridField action state in the session in exactly the same way it has in the past

SessionStore::save() — Method in class SessionStore

Save the given state against the given ID returning an associative array to be added as attributes on the form action

StateStoreClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\FormAction
StateStore::save() — Method in class StateStore

Save the given state against the given ID returning an associative array to be added as attributes on the form action

$ GridField#StateProperty in class GridField

The gridstate of this object

GridField::setModelClass() — Method in class GridField

Set the modelClass (data object) that this field will get it column headers from.

GridField::setReadonlyComponents() — Method in class GridField

Overload the readonly components for this gridfield.

GridField::setConfig() — Method in class GridField
GridField::setReadonly() — Method in class GridField
GridField::setList() — Method in class GridField

Set the data source.

GridField::saveInto() — Method in class GridField

Method to save this form field into the given {@link DataObject}.

GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::setResultsFormat() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter
GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::setSearchList() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter

Sets the base list instance which will be used for the autocomplete search.

GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::setSearchFields() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter
GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::scaffoldSearchFields() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter

Detect searchable fields and searchable relations.

GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::setPlaceholderText() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter
GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::setResultsLimit() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter
GridFieldAddNewButton::setButtonName() — Method in class GridFieldAddNewButton
GridFieldDataColumns::setDisplayFields() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns

Override the default behaviour of showing the models summaryFields with these fields instead Example: array( 'Name' => 'Members name', 'Email' => 'Email address')

GridFieldDataColumns::setFieldCasting() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns

Specify castings with fieldname as the key, and the desired casting as value.

GridFieldDataColumns::setFieldFormatting() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns

Specify custom formatting for fields, e.g. to render a link instead of pure text.

GridFieldDeleteAction::setRemoveRelation() — Method in class GridFieldDeleteAction

Set whether to remove or delete the relation

GridFieldDetailForm::setTemplate() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm::setName() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm::setShowPagination() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm::setShowAdd() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm::setValidator() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm::setFields() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm::setItemRequestClass() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm::setItemEditFormCallback() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::setTemplate() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
GridFieldExportButton::setExportColumns() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton
GridFieldExportButton::setCsvSeparator() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton
GridFieldExportButton::setCsvEnclosure() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton
GridFieldExportButton::setCsvHasHeader() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton
GridFieldFilterHeader::setThrowExceptionOnBadDataType() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader

Determine what happens when this component is used with a list that isn't {@link SS_Filterable}.

GridFieldImportButton::setModalTitle() — Method in class GridFieldImportButton
GridFieldImportButton::setImportForm() — Method in class GridFieldImportButton
GridFieldImportButton::setImportIframe() — Method in class GridFieldImportButton
GridFieldLevelup::setAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldLevelup
GridFieldLevelup::setLinkSpec() — Method in class GridFieldLevelup
GridFieldPaginator::setThrowExceptionOnBadDataType() — Method in class GridFieldPaginator

Determine what happens when this component is used with a list that isn't {@link SS_Filterable}.

GridFieldPaginator::setItemsPerPage() — Method in class GridFieldPaginator
GridFieldPrintButton::setPrintColumns() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButton
GridFieldPrintButton::setPrintHasHeader() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButton
GridFieldSortableHeader::setThrowExceptionOnBadDataType() — Method in class GridFieldSortableHeader

Determine what happens when this component is used with a list that isn't {@link SS_Filterable}.

GridFieldSortableHeader::setFieldSorting() — Method in class GridFieldSortableHeader

Specify sortings with fieldname as the key, and actual fieldname to sort as value.

GridFieldStateAware::setStateManager() — Method in class GridFieldStateAware
GridState::setValue() — Method in class GridState

Set the field value.

HTMLEditorConfig::set_config() — Method in class HTMLEditorConfig

Assign a new config, or clear existing, for the given identifier

HTMLEditorConfig::setThemes() — Method in class HTMLEditorConfig

Sets the current theme

HTMLEditorConfig::set_active_identifier() — Method in class HTMLEditorConfig

Set the currently active configuration object. Note that the existing active config will not be renamed to the new identifier.

HTMLEditorConfig::set_active() — Method in class HTMLEditorConfig

Assigns the currently active config an explicit instance

HTMLEditorConfig::setOption() — Method in class HTMLEditorConfig

Set the value of one option

HTMLEditorConfig::setOptions() — Method in class HTMLEditorConfig

Set multiple options. This does not merge recursively, but only at the top level.

$ HTMLEditorField#sanitise_server_sideProperty in class HTMLEditorField

Should we check the valid_elements (& extended_valid_elements) rules from HTMLEditorConfig server side?

HTMLEditorField::setEditorConfig() — Method in class HTMLEditorField

Assign a new configuration instance or identifier

HTMLEditorField::saveInto() — Method in class HTMLEditorField
HTMLEditorField::setValue() — Method in class HTMLEditorField

Set the field value.

HTMLEditorSanitiser::sanitise() — Method in class HTMLEditorSanitiser

Given an SS_HTMLValue instance, will remove and elements and attributes that are not explicitly included in the whitelist passed to __construct on instance creation

TinyMCECombinedGenerator::setAssetHandler() — Method in class TinyMCECombinedGenerator

Assign backend store for generated assets

TinyMCEConfig::setTheme() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Set the theme name

TinyMCEConfig::setOption() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Set the value of one option

TinyMCEConfig::setOptions() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Set multiple options. This does not merge recursively, but only at the top level.

TinyMCEConfig::setButtonsForLine() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Totally re-set the buttons on a given line

TinyMCEConfig::setContentCSS() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Set explicit set of CSS resources to use for content_css option.

TinyMCEConfig::setFolderName() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Sets the upload folder name used by the insert media dialog

HeaderField::setHeadingLevel() — Method in class HeaderField
HiddenField::SmallFieldHolder() — Method in class HiddenField

Returns a restricted field holder used within things like FieldGroups.

ListboxField::setSize() — Method in class ListboxField

Sets the size of this dropdown in rows.

ListboxField::setDisabledItems() — Method in class ListboxField

Mark certain elements as disabled, regardless of the {@link setDisabled()} settings.

LiteralField::setContent() — Method in class LiteralField

Sets the content of this field to a new value.

LiteralField::setValue() — Method in class LiteralField

Synonym of {@link setContent()} so that LiteralField is more compatible with other field types.

LookupField::saveInto() — Method in class LookupField

Stubbed so invalid data doesn't save into the DB

MoneyField::setSubmittedValue() — Method in class MoneyField

Set value assigned from a submitted form postback.

MoneyField::setValue() — Method in class MoneyField

Set the field value.

MoneyField::saveInto() — Method in class MoneyField

30/06/2009 - Enhancement: SaveInto checks if set-methods are available and use them instead of setting the values in the money class directly. saveInto initiates a new Money class object to pass through the values to the setter method.

MoneyField::setReadonly() — Method in class MoneyField

Sets a read-only flag on this FormField.

MoneyField::setDisabled() — Method in class MoneyField

Sets a disabled flag on this FormField.

MoneyField::setAllowedCurrencies() — Method in class MoneyField

Set list of currencies. Currencies should be in the 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.

MoneyField::setLocale() — Method in class MoneyField

Assign locale to format this currency in

MoneyField::setForm() — Method in class MoneyField

Set the container form.

MultiSelectField::setDefaultItems() — Method in class MultiSelectField

Default selections, regardless of the {@link setValue()} settings.

MultiSelectField::setValue() — Method in class MultiSelectField

Load a value into this MultiSelectField

MultiSelectField::saveInto() — Method in class MultiSelectField

Save the current value of this MultiSelectField into a DataObject.

MultiSelectField::stringEncode() — Method in class MultiSelectField

Encode a list of values into a string, or null if empty (to simplify empty checks)

NullableField::setIsNullLabel() — Method in class NullableField

Set the label used for the Is Null checkbox.

NullableField::setValue() — Method in class NullableField

Value is sometimes an array, and sometimes a single value, so we need to handle both cases

NullableField::setName() — Method in class NullableField
NumericField::setSubmittedValue() — Method in class NumericField

Set value assigned from a submitted form postback.

NumericField::setValue() — Method in class NumericField

Set the field value.

NumericField::setLocale() — Method in class NumericField

Override the locale for this field.

NumericField::setHTML5() — Method in class NumericField

Set whether this field should use html5 number input type.

NumericField::setScale() — Method in class NumericField

Get number of digits to show to the right of the decimal point.

PasswordField::setAllowValuePostback() — Method in class PasswordField
PopoverField::setPopoverTitle() — Method in class PopoverField

Set popup title

PopoverField::setButtonTooltip() — Method in class PopoverField
PopoverField::setPlacement() — Method in class PopoverField
ReadonlyField::setIncludeHiddenField() — Method in class ReadonlyField

If true, a hidden field will be included in the HTML for the readonly field.

SelectFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Represents a field that allows users to select one or more items from a list

SelectField::setDisabledItems() — Method in class SelectField

Mark certain elements as disabled, regardless of the {@link setDisabled()} settings.

SelectField::setSource() — Method in class SelectField

Set the source for this list

SelectionGroupClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Represents a number of fields which are selectable by a radio button that appears at the beginning of each item. Using CSS, you can configure the field to only display its contents if the corresponding radio button is selected. Each item is defined through {@link SelectionGroup_Item}.

SelectionGroup_ItemClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms
SelectionGroup_Item::setTitle() — Method in class SelectionGroup_Item

Set the title of this formfield.

SelectionGroup_Item::setValue() — Method in class SelectionGroup_Item

Set the field value.

SingleLookupFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Read-only complement of {@link DropdownField}.

SingleLookupField::saveInto() — Method in class SingleLookupField

Stubbed so invalid data doesn't save into the DB

SingleSelectFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Represents the base class for a single-select field

SingleSelectField::setHasEmptyDefault() — Method in class SingleSelectField
SingleSelectField::setEmptyString() — Method in class SingleSelectField

Set the default selection label, e.g. "select...".

Tab::setID() — Method in class Tab

Set custom HTML ID to use for this tabset

Tab::setTabSet() — Method in class Tab

Assign to a TabSet instance

TabSet::setID() — Method in class TabSet

Set custom HTML ID to use for this tabset

TabSet::setTabs() — Method in class TabSet
TabSet::setTabSet() — Method in class TabSet

Assign to a TabSet instance

TextField::setMaxLength() — Method in class TextField
TextField::setTip() — Method in class TextField

Applies a Tip to the field, which shows a popover on the right side of the input to place additional context or explanation of the field's purpose in. Currently only supported in React-based forms.

TextareaField::setRows() — Method in class TextareaField

Set the number of rows in the textarea

TextareaField::setColumns() — Method in class TextareaField

Set the number of columns in the textarea

TextareaField::setMaxLength() — Method in class TextareaField
TimeField::setHTML5() — Method in class TimeField
TimeField::setTimeFormat() — Method in class TimeField

Set time format in CLDR standard format.

TimeField::setTimeLength() — Method in class TimeField

Get length of the time format to use.

TimeField::setSubmittedValue() — Method in class TimeField

Assign value posted from form submission

TimeField::setValue() — Method in class TimeField

Set time assigned from database value

TimeField::setLocale() — Method in class TimeField

Determines the presented/processed format based on locale defaults, instead of explicitly setting {@link setTimeFormat()}.

TimeField::setTimezone() — Method in class TimeField
Tip::setImportanceLevel() — Method in class Tip
Tip::setIcon() — Method in class Tip
Tip::setMessage() — Method in class Tip
TippableFieldInterface::setTip() — Method in class TippableFieldInterface
ToggleCompositeField::setStartClosed() — Method in class ToggleCompositeField

Controls whether the field is open or closed by default. By default the field is closed.

ToggleCompositeField::setHeadingLevel() — Method in class ToggleCompositeField
TreeDropdownField::setTreeBaseID() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Set the ID of the root node of the tree. This defaults to 0 - i.e.

TreeDropdownField::setFilterFunction() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Set a callback used to filter the values of the tree before displaying to the user.

TreeDropdownField::setDisableFunction() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Set a callback used to disable checkboxes for some items in the tree

TreeDropdownField::setSearchFunction() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Set a callback used to search the hierarchy globally, even before applying the filter.

TreeDropdownField::setShowSearch() — Method in class TreeDropdownField
TreeDropdownField::setChildrenMethod() — Method in class TreeDropdownField
TreeDropdownField::setNumChildrenMethod() — Method in class TreeDropdownField
TreeDropdownField::setLabelField() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

HTML-encoded label for this node, including css classes and other markup.

TreeDropdownField::setTitleField() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Set field to use for item title

TreeDropdownField::setKeyField() — Method in class TreeDropdownField
TreeDropdownField::setSourceObject() — Method in class TreeDropdownField
TreeDropdownField::setHasEmptyDefault() — Method in class TreeDropdownField
TreeDropdownField::setEmptyString() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Set the default selection label, e.g. "select...".

TreeDropdownField::setShowSelectedPath() — Method in class TreeDropdownField
TreeMultiselectField::setValue() — Method in class TreeMultiselectField

Set the field value.

TreeMultiselectField::saveInto() — Method in class TreeMultiselectField

Save the results into the form Calls function $record->onChange($items) before saving to the assummed Component set.

UploadReceiver::setUpload() — Method in class UploadReceiver

Sets the upload handler

UploadReceiver::setAllowedExtensions() — Method in class UploadReceiver

Limit allowed file extensions. Empty by default, allowing all extensions.

UploadReceiver::setAllowedFileCategories() — Method in class UploadReceiver

Limit allowed file extensions by specifying categories of file types.

UploadReceiver::setValidator() — Method in class UploadReceiver

Set custom validator for this field

UploadReceiver::setFolderName() — Method in class UploadReceiver

Sets the upload folder name

Validator::setForm() — Method in class Validator
Validator::setEnabled() — Method in class Validator
Configuration::set() — Method in class Configuration
Controller::setAutobuildSchema() — Method in class Controller
Controller::setCorsConfig() — Method in class Controller
Controller::setSchemaKey() — Method in class Controller
Controller::setQueryHandler() — Method in class Controller
DebugSchemaState::setUp() — Method in class DebugSchemaState

Called on setup

DebugSchemaState::setUpOnce() — Method in class DebugSchemaState

Called once on setup

DisableTypeCacheState::setUp() — Method in class DisableTypeCacheState

Called on setup

DisableTypeCacheState::setUpOnce() — Method in class DisableTypeCacheState

Called once on setup

MemberAware::setMemberContext() — Method in class MemberAware

Set the Member for the current context

$ FileProvider#schemaToPathProperty in class FileProvider

Example: SilverStripe\Core\Injector\Injector: SilverStripe\GraphQL\PersistedQuery\PersistedQueryMappingProvider: class: SilverStripe\GraphQL\PersistedQuery\FileProvider: properties: schemaMapping: default: '/var/www/project/persisted-graphql-query-mapping.json'

FileProvider::setSchemaMapping() — Method in class FileProvider

Sets mapping of query mapping to schema keys

$ HTTPProvider#schemaToURLProperty in class HTTPProvider

Example: SilverStripe\Core\Injector\Injector: SilverStripe\GraphQL\PersistedQuery\PersistedQueryMappingProvider: class :SilverStripe\GraphQL\PersistedQuery\HTTPProvider: properties: schemaMapping: default: 'http://example.com/mapping.json'

HTTPProvider::setSchemaMapping() — Method in class HTTPProvider

Sets mapping of query mapping to schema keys

HTTPProvider::setClient() — Method in class HTTPProvider
$ JSONStringProvider#schemaToJSONProperty in class JSONStringProvider

Example: SilverStripe\Core\Injector\Injector: SilverStripe\GraphQL\PersistedQuery\PersistedQueryMappingProvider: class: SilverStripe\GraphQL\PersistedQuery\JSONStringProvider: properties: schemaMapping: default: '{"uuid-1":"query{ID+Email}"}'

JSONStringProvider::setSchemaMapping() — Method in class JSONStringProvider

Sets mapping of query mapping to schema keys

PersistedQueryMappingProvider::setSchemaMapping() — Method in class PersistedQueryMappingProvider

Sets mapping of query mapping to schema keys

QueryHandler::serialiseResult() — Method in class QueryHandler

Serialise a Graphql result object for output

QueryHandler::setErrorFormatter() — Method in class QueryHandler
QueryHandler::setErrorHandler() — Method in class QueryHandler
QueryHandler::setMiddlewares() — Method in class QueryHandler
QueryHandlerInterface::serialiseResult() — Method in class QueryHandlerInterface

Serialise a Graphql result object for output

SchemaConfigProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\QueryHandler
BulkLoaderSet::setLoaders() — Method in class BulkLoaderSet
Collection::setManifest() — Method in class Collection
RegistryBackend::setInstances() — Method in class RegistryBackend
CreateCreator::setFieldAccessor() — Method in class CreateCreator
DataObjectModel::setFieldAccessor() — Method in class DataObjectModel
InheritanceBuilder::setSchema() — Method in class InheritanceBuilder
InheritanceUnionBuilder::setSchema() — Method in class InheritanceUnionBuilder
InterfaceBuilder::setSchema() — Method in class InterfaceBuilder
StartsWithFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\QueryFilter\Filters

A query filter that filters records by the start of a field's content

QuerySort::sort() — Method in class QuerySort
ScalarDBFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin

Ensures any field that ends up as ViewableData, e.g. DBField, invokes forTemplate() after resolving.

UpdateCreator::setFieldAccessor() — Method in class UpdateCreator
SchemaBuilderExceptionClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Exception

The primary exception thrown by the Schema and its components. Used whenever the schema is put into a state where it cannot build a valid schema.

SchemaNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Exception
Argument::setType() — Method in class Argument
Argument::setName() — Method in class Argument
Argument::setDefaultValue() — Method in class Argument
Argument::setDescription() — Method in class Argument
Field::setArgs() — Method in class Field
Field::setType() — Method in class Field
Field::setTypeAsModel() — Method in class Field
Field::setName() — Method in class Field
Field::setNamedType() — Method in class Field

[MyType!]! becomes [MyNewType!]!

Field::setDescription() — Method in class Field
Field::setResolver() — Method in class Field
Field::setResolverContext() — Method in class Field
ModelAware::setModel() — Method in class ModelAware
ModelField::setProperty() — Method in class ModelField
SchemaComponentClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces
SchemaModelCreatorInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

Implementors of this class can create a model for a given classname, e.g. Blog -> DataObjectModel

SchemaModelInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

Implementors of this interface can be models that generate types and operations

SchemaStorageCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

Given a name, create a SchemaStorageInterface implementation

SchemaStorageInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

Persists a graphql-php Schema object, and retrieves it

SchemaUpdaterClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

Implementors of this interface can make a one-time, context-free update to the schema, e.g. adding a shared Enum type

SchemaValidatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

Implementors of this class that can validate that they are ready to be encoded into the schema

SignatureProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

Any class that can represent its state as a string. Kind of like serialize, but doesn't need to support unserialization

Logger::setVerbosity() — Method in class Logger
PluginConsumer::setPlugins() — Method in class PluginConsumer
PluginConsumer::setDefaultPlugins() — Method in class PluginConsumer
SortPluginClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Plugin
SortPlugin::sort() — Method in class SortPlugin
EncodedResolver::setContext() — Method in class EncodedResolver
JSONResolver::serialise() — Method in class JSONResolver
SchemaClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema

The main Schema definition. A docking station for all type, model and interface abstractions.

SchemaBuilderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema
SchemaBuilder::setStoreCreator() — Method in class SchemaBuilder
SchemaConfigClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema

Encapsulates configuration required for a {@link Schema} object.

SchemaConfig::setTypeMapping() — Method in class SchemaConfig
SchemaConfig::setFieldMapping() — Method in class SchemaConfig
NestedInputBuilder::setFieldFilter() — Method in class NestedInputBuilder
NestedInputBuilder::setTypeNameHandler() — Method in class NestedInputBuilder
NestedInputBuilder::setLeafNodeHandler() — Method in class NestedInputBuilder
NestedInputBuilder::setResolveConfig() — Method in class NestedInputBuilder
SchemaTranscribeHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Services
SchemaTranscriberClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Services

Persists a graphql schema to a json document consumable by Apollo

SchemaTranscriber::setRootDir() — Method in class SchemaTranscriber
StorableSchemaClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema

A readonly value object that represents a schema in its final consumable state. It knows nothing about models or operations, plugins, or all the abstractions surrounding how the schema gets defined

AbstractTypeRegistry::String() — Method in class AbstractTypeRegistry
$ CodeGenerationStore#schemaFilenameProperty in class CodeGenerationStore
CodeGenerationStore::setCache() — Method in class CodeGenerationStore
CodeGenerationStore::setRootDir() — Method in class CodeGenerationStore
CodeGenerationStore::setObfuscator() — Method in class CodeGenerationStore
CodeGenerationStore::setVerbose() — Method in class CodeGenerationStore
CanonicalModelAware::setCanonicalModel() — Method in class CanonicalModelAware
Enum::setValues() — Method in class Enum
Enum::sanitise() — Method in class Enum
InterfaceType::setTypeResolver() — Method in class InterfaceType
ScalarClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Type
Scalar::setName() — Method in class Scalar
Scalar::setSerialiser() — Method in class Scalar
Scalar::setValueParser() — Method in class Scalar
Scalar::setLiteralParser() — Method in class Scalar
Type::setName() — Method in class Type
Type::setFields() — Method in class Type
Type::setDescription() — Method in class Type
Type::setInterfaces() — Method in class Type
Type::setIsInput() — Method in class Type
Type::setFieldResolver() — Method in class Type
UnionType::setName() — Method in class UnionType
UnionType::setTypes() — Method in class UnionType
UnionType::setTypeResolver() — Method in class UnionType
UnionType::setDescription() — Method in class UnionType
DebugViewFriendlyErrorFormatter::setStatusCode() — Method in class DebugViewFriendlyErrorFormatter

Set default status code

DebugViewFriendlyErrorFormatter::setTitle() — Method in class DebugViewFriendlyErrorFormatter

Set friendly title

DebugViewFriendlyErrorFormatter::setBody() — Method in class DebugViewFriendlyErrorFormatter

Set default error body

ErrorHandler::start() — Method in class ErrorHandler

Register and begin handling errors with this handler

HTTPOutputHandler::setContentType() — Method in class HTTPOutputHandler

Set the mime type to use when displaying this error.

HTTPOutputHandler::setStatusCode() — Method in class HTTPOutputHandler

Set the HTTP status code to use when displaying this error.

HTTPOutputHandler::setCLIFormatter() — Method in class HTTPOutputHandler

Set a formatter to use if Director::is_cli() is true

HTTPOutputHandler::setDefaultFormatter() — Method in class HTTPOutputHandler

Set default formatter

MonologErrorHandler::setLogger() — Method in class MonologErrorHandler

Set the PSR-3 logger to send errors & exceptions to. Will overwrite any previously configured loggers

MonologErrorHandler::setLoggers() — Method in class MonologErrorHandler

Set the PSR-3 loggers (overwrites any previously configured values)

MonologErrorHandler::start() — Method in class MonologErrorHandler

Register and begin handling errors with this handler

ArrayList::setDataClass() — Method in class ArrayList

Hint this list to a specific type

ArrayList::shift() — Method in class ArrayList

Shifts the item off the beginning of the list and returns it.

ArrayList::sort() — Method in class ArrayList

Sorts this list by one or more fields. You can either pass in a single field name and direction, or a map of field names to sort directions.

ArrayList::shuffle() — Method in class ArrayList

Shuffle the items in this array list

DBConnector::selectDatabase() — Method in class DBConnector

Select a database by name

DBSchemaManager::setDatabase() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Injector injection point for database controller

DBSchemaManager::schemaUpdate() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Initiates a schema update within a single callback

DBSchemaManager::set() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Returns data type for 'set' column

Database::setConnector() — Method in class Database

Injector injection point for connector dependency

Database::setSchemaManager() — Method in class Database

Injector injection point for schema manager

Database::setQueryBuilder() — Method in class Database

Injector injection point for schema manager

Database::setWhitelistQueryArray() — Method in class Database

Add the sql queries that need to be partially or fully matched

Database::supportsCollations() — Method in class Database

Returns true if this database supports collations

Database::supportsTimezoneOverride() — Method in class Database

Can the database override timezone as a connection setting, or does it use the system timezone exclusively?

Database::searchEngine() — Method in class Database

The core search engine, used by this class and its subclasses to do fun stuff.

Database::supportsTransactions() — Method in class Database

Determines if this database supports transactions

Database::supportsSavepoints() — Method in class Database

Does this database support savepoints in transactions By default it is assumed that they don't unless they are explicitly enabled.

Database::supportsTransactionMode() — Method in class Database

Determines if the used database supports given transactionMode as an argument to startTransaction() If transactions are completely unsupported, returns false.

Database::supportsExtensions() — Method in class Database
Database::supportsLocks() — Method in class Database

Determines if the used database supports application-level locks, which is different from table- or row-level locking.

Database::selectDatabase() — Method in class Database

Change the connection to the specified database, optionally creating the database if it doesn't exist in the current schema.

MySQLDatabase::setSQLMode() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Sets the SQL mode

MySQLDatabase::selectTimezone() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Sets the system timezone for the database connection

MySQLDatabase::supportsCollations() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Returns true if this database supports collations

MySQLDatabase::supportsTimezoneOverride() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Can the database override timezone as a connection setting, or does it use the system timezone exclusively?

MySQLDatabase::searchEngine() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

The core search engine, used by this class and its subclasses to do fun stuff.

MySQLDatabase::supportsTransactions() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Determines if this database supports transactions

MySQLDatabase::supportsSavepoints() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Does this database support savepoints in transactions By default it is assumed that they don't unless they are explicitly enabled.

MySQLDatabase::supportsLocks() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Determines if the used database supports application-level locks, which is different from table- or row-level locking.

MySQLSchemaManager::set() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return a set type-formatted string

MySQLTransactionManager::supportsSavepoints() — Method in class MySQLTransactionManager

Return true if savepoints are supported by this transaction manager.

$ MySQLiConnector#ssl_cipher_defaultProperty in class MySQLiConnector

Default strong SSL cipher to be used

MySQLiConnector::selectDatabase() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Select a database by name

NestedTransactionManager::supportsSavepoints() — Method in class NestedTransactionManager

Return true if savepoints are supported by this transaction manager.

$ PDOConnector#ssl_cipher_defaultProperty in class PDOConnector

Default strong SSL cipher to be used

PDOConnector::selectDatabase() — Method in class PDOConnector

Select a database by name

PDOConnector::supportsSavepoints() — Method in class PDOConnector

Return true if savepoints are supported by this transaction manager.

TempDatabase::supportsTransactions() — Method in class TempDatabase
TempDatabase::startTransaction() — Method in class TempDatabase

Start a transaction for easy rollback after tests

TransactionManager::supportsSavepoints() — Method in class TransactionManager

Return true if savepoints are supported by this transaction manager.

DB::set_conn() — Method in class DB

Set the global database connection.

DB::set_alternative_database_name() — Method in class DB

Set an alternative database in a browser cookie, with the cookie lifetime set to the browser session.

DB::setConfig() — Method in class DB

Set config for a lazy-connected database

DataList::setDataQuery() — Method in class DataList

Return a new DataList instance with the underlying {@link DataQuery} object changed

DataList::setDataQueryParam() — Method in class DataList

Returns a new DataList instance with the specified query parameter assigned

DataList::sql() — Method in class DataList

Returns the SQL query that will be used to get this DataList's records. Good for debugging. :-)

DataList::sort() — Method in class DataList

Return a new DataList instance as a copy of this data list with the sort order set.

DataList::subtract() — Method in class DataList

This method returns a copy of this list that does not contain any DataObjects that exists in $list

DataList::sum() — Method in class DataList

Return the sum of the values of the given field in this DataList

DataList::setQueriedColumns() — Method in class DataList

Restrict the columns to fetch into this DataList

DataList::setByIDList() — Method in class DataList

Sets the ComponentSet to be the given ID list.

DataList::shuffle() — Method in class DataList

Shuffle the datalist using a random function provided by the SQL engine

$ DataObject#singular_nameProperty in class DataObject

Human-readable singular name.

$ DataObject#searchable_fieldsProperty in class DataObject

Default list of fields that can be scaffolded by the ModelAdmin search interface.

$ DataObject#summary_fieldsProperty in class DataObject

Provides a default list of fields to be used by a 'summary' view of this object.

DataObject::setClassName() — Method in class DataObject

Set the ClassName attribute. {@link $class} is also updated.

DataObject::singular_name() — Method in class DataObject

Get the user friendly singular name of this DataObject.

DataObject::setComponent() — Method in class DataObject

Assign an item to the given component

DataObject::scaffoldSearchFields() — Method in class DataObject

Determine which properties on the DataObject are searchable, and map them to their default {@link FormField} representations. Used for scaffolding a searchform for {@link ModelAdmin}.

DataObject::scaffoldFormFields() — Method in class DataObject

Scaffold a simple edit form for all properties on this dataobject, based on default {@link FormField} mapping in {@link DBField::scaffoldFormField()}.

DataObject::setField() — Method in class DataObject

Set the value of the field Called by {@link __set()} and any setFieldName() methods you might create.

DataObject::setCastedField() — Method in class DataObject

Set the value of the field, using a casting object.

DataObject::setSourceQueryParams() — Method in class DataObject
DataObject::setSourceQueryParam() — Method in class DataObject
DataObject::searchableFields() — Method in class DataObject

Get the default searchable fields for this object, as defined in the $searchable_fields list. If searchable fields are not defined on the data object, uses a default selection of summary fields.

DataObject::summaryFields() — Method in class DataObject

Get the default summary fields for this object.

DataObject::setJoin() — Method in class DataObject

Set joining object

DataObjectInterface::setCastedField() — Method in class DataObjectInterface

Save content from a form into a field on this data object.

DataObjectSchema::sqlColumnForField() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Given a DataObject class and a field on that class, determine the appropriate SQL for selecting / filtering on in a SQL string. Note that $class must be a valid class, not an arbitrary table.

DataQuery::setQueriedColumns() — Method in class DataQuery
DataQuery::sql() — Method in class DataQuery

Return this query's SQL

DataQuery::sum() — Method in class DataQuery

Return the sum of the values of the given field in this DataList

DataQuery::sort() — Method in class DataQuery

Set the ORDER BY clause of this query

DataQuery::subtract() — Method in class DataQuery

Removes the result of query from this query.

DataQuery::selectFromTable() — Method in class DataQuery

Select the only given fields from the given table.

DataQuery::selectField() — Method in class DataQuery

Select the given field expressions.

DataQuery::setQueryParam() — Method in class DataQuery

Set an arbitrary query parameter, that can be used by decorators to add additional meta-data to the query.

DBBoolean::saveInto() — Method in class DBBoolean

Saves this field to the given data object.

DBBoolean::scaffoldFormField() — Method in class DBBoolean

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for form scaffolding.

DBBoolean::scaffoldSearchField() — Method in class DBBoolean

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for searchform scaffolding.

DBClassName::setBaseClass() — Method in class DBClassName

Assign the base class

DBClassName::setValue() — Method in class DBClassName

Set the value of this field in various formats.

DBComposite::setValue() — Method in class DBComposite

Assign the given value.

DBComposite::saveInto() — Method in class DBComposite

Saves this field to the given data object.

DBComposite::setField() — Method in class DBComposite

Set value of a single composite field

DBComposite::scalarValueOnly() — Method in class DBComposite

Whether or not this DBField only accepts scalar values.

DBCurrency::setValue() — Method in class DBCurrency

Set the value of this field in various formats.

DBCurrency::scaffoldFormField() — Method in class DBCurrency
DBDate::setValue() — Method in class DBDate

Set the value of this field in various formats.

DBDate::ShortMonth() — Method in class DBDate

Returns the short version of the month such as Jan

DBDate::Short() — Method in class DBDate

Returns the date in the localised short format

DBDate::scaffoldFormField() — Method in class DBDate

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for form scaffolding.

DBDatetime::scaffoldFormField() — Method in class DBDatetime

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for form scaffolding.

DBDatetime::set_mock_now() — Method in class DBDatetime

Mock the system date temporarily, which is useful for time-based unit testing.

DBDecimal::saveInto() — Method in class DBDecimal

Saves this field to the given data object.

DBDecimal::scaffoldFormField() — Method in class DBDecimal
DBEnum::scaffoldFormField() — Method in class DBEnum

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for form scaffolding.

DBEnum::scaffoldSearchField() — Method in class DBEnum
DBEnum::setEnum() — Method in class DBEnum

Set enum options

DBEnum::setDefault() — Method in class DBEnum

Set default value

DBField::setName() — Method in class DBField

Set the name of this field.

DBField::setValue() — Method in class DBField

Set the value of this field in various formats.

DBField::setDefaultValue() — Method in class DBField

Set default value to use at the DB level

DBField::setOptions() — Method in class DBField

Update the optional parameters for this field

DBField::setIndexType() — Method in class DBField

Set the desired index type to use

DBField::setTable() — Method in class DBField

Assign this DBField to a table

DBField::saveInto() — Method in class DBField

Saves this field to the given data object.

DBField::scaffoldFormField() — Method in class DBField

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for form scaffolding.

DBField::scaffoldSearchField() — Method in class DBField

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for searchform scaffolding.

DBField::setArrayValue() — Method in class DBField
DBField::scalarValueOnly() — Method in class DBField

Whether or not this DBField only accepts scalar values.

DBFloat::scaffoldFormField() — Method in class DBFloat

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for form scaffolding.

DBForeignKey::scaffoldFormField() — Method in class DBForeignKey

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for form scaffolding.

DBForeignKey::setValue() — Method in class DBForeignKey

Set the value of this field in various formats.

DBHTMLText::setProcessShortcodes() — Method in class DBHTMLText

Set shortcodes on or off by default

DBHTMLText::setWhitelist() — Method in class DBHTMLText

Set list of html properties to whitelist

DBHTMLText::setOptions() — Method in class DBHTMLText
DBHTMLText::scaffoldFormField() — Method in class DBHTMLText

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for form scaffolding.

DBHTMLText::scaffoldSearchField() — Method in class DBHTMLText

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for searchform scaffolding.

DBHTMLVarchar::setProcessShortcodes() — Method in class DBHTMLVarchar

Set shortcodes on or off by default

DBHTMLVarchar::setOptions() — Method in class DBHTMLVarchar
DBHTMLVarchar::scaffoldFormField() — Method in class DBHTMLVarchar

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for form scaffolding.

DBHTMLVarchar::scaffoldSearchField() — Method in class DBHTMLVarchar

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for searchform scaffolding.

DBIndexable::setIndexType() — Method in class DBIndexable

Set the desired index type to use

DBInt::scaffoldFormField() — Method in class DBInt

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for form scaffolding.

DBMoney::setCurrency() — Method in class DBMoney
DBMoney::setAmount() — Method in class DBMoney
DBMoney::setLocale() — Method in class DBMoney
DBMoney::scaffoldFormField() — Method in class DBMoney

Returns a CompositeField instance used as a default for form scaffolding.

DBPercentage::saveInto() — Method in class DBPercentage

Saves this field to the given data object.

DBPolymorphicForeignKey::scaffoldFormField() — Method in class DBPolymorphicForeignKey

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for form scaffolding.

DBPolymorphicForeignKey::setClassValue() — Method in class DBPolymorphicForeignKey

Set the value of the "Class" this key points to

DBPolymorphicForeignKey::setIDValue() — Method in class DBPolymorphicForeignKey

Sets the value of the "ID" this key points to

DBPolymorphicForeignKey::setValue() — Method in class DBPolymorphicForeignKey

Assign the given value.

DBPrimaryKey::setAutoIncrement() — Method in class DBPrimaryKey
DBPrimaryKey::scaffoldFormField() — Method in class DBPrimaryKey

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for form scaffolding.

DBPrimaryKey::scaffoldSearchField() — Method in class DBPrimaryKey

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for searchform scaffolding.

DBPrimaryKey::setValue() — Method in class DBPrimaryKey

Set the value of this field in various formats.

DBString::setOptions() — Method in class DBString

Update the optional parameters for this field.

DBString::setNullifyEmpty() — Method in class DBString

Set whether this field stores empty strings rather than converting them to null.

DBText::Summary() — Method in class DBText

Builds a basic summary, up to a maximum number of words

DBText::scaffoldFormField() — Method in class DBText

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for form scaffolding.

DBText::scaffoldSearchField() — Method in class DBText

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for searchform scaffolding.

DBTime::setValue() — Method in class DBTime

Set the value of this field in various formats.

DBTime::Short() — Method in class DBTime

Returns the date in the localised short format

DBTime::scaffoldFormField() — Method in class DBTime

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for form scaffolding.

DBVarchar::scaffoldFormField() — Method in class DBVarchar

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for form scaffolding.

DBYear::scaffoldFormField() — Method in class DBYear

Returns a FormField instance used as a default for form scaffolding.

SearchFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Filters

Base class for filtering implementations, which work together with {@link SearchContext} to create or amend a query for {@link DataObject} instances.

SearchFilter::setModel() — Method in class SearchFilter

Set the root model class to be selected by this search query.

SearchFilter::setValue() — Method in class SearchFilter

Set the current value(s) to be filtered on.

SearchFilter::setModifiers() — Method in class SearchFilter

Set the current modifiers to apply to the filter

SearchFilter::setName() — Method in class SearchFilter
SearchFilter::setFullName() — Method in class SearchFilter
StartsWithFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Filters

Matches textual content with a substring match from the beginning of the string.

WithinRangeFilter::setMin() — Method in class WithinRangeFilter
WithinRangeFilter::setMax() — Method in class WithinRangeFilter
Hierarchy::showingCMSTree() — Method in class Hierarchy

Checks if we're on a controller where we should filter. ie. Are we loading the SiteTree?

Hierarchy::stageChildren() — Method in class Hierarchy

Return children in the stage site.

MarkedSet::setMaxChildNodes() — Method in class MarkedSet

Set hard limit of number of nodes to get for this level

MarkedSet::setNodeCountThreshold() — Method in class MarkedSet

Set max node count

MarkedSet::setChildrenMethod() — Method in class MarkedSet

Set method to use for getting children

MarkedSet::setNumChildrenMethod() — Method in class MarkedSet

Set method name to get num children

MarkedSet::setMarkingFilter() — Method in class MarkedSet

Filter the marking to only those object with $node->$parameterName == $parameterValue

MarkedSet::setMarkingFilterFunction() — Method in class MarkedSet

Filter the marking to only those where the function returns true. The node in question will be passed to the function.

MarkedSet::setLimitingEnabled() — Method in class MarkedSet

Toggle limiting on or off

ListDecorator::setList() — Method in class ListDecorator

Set the list this decorator wraps around.

ListDecorator::sort() — Method in class ListDecorator

Sorts this list by one or more fields. You can either pass in a single field name and direction, or a map of field names to sort directions.

ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator::setJoinClass() — Method in class ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator
ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator::setLocalKey() — Method in class ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator
ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator::setForeignKey() — Method in class ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator
ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator::setForeignClass() — Method in class ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator
ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator::setParentClass() — Method in class ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator
Map::setKeyField() — Method in class Map

Set the key field for this map.

Map::setValueField() — Method in class Map

Set the value field for this map.

PaginatedList::setPaginationGetVar() — Method in class PaginatedList

Sets the GET var used to set the page start.

PaginatedList::setPageLength() — Method in class PaginatedList

Set the number of items displayed per page. Set to zero to disable paging.

PaginatedList::setCurrentPage() — Method in class PaginatedList

Sets the current page.

PaginatedList::setPageStart() — Method in class PaginatedList

Sets the offset of the item that current page starts at. This should be a multiple of the page length.

PaginatedList::setTotalItems() — Method in class PaginatedList

Sets the total number of items in the list. This is useful when doing custom pagination.

PaginatedList::setPaginationFromQuery() — Method in class PaginatedList

Sets the page length, page start and total items from a query object's limit, offset and unlimited count. The query MUST have a limit clause.

PaginatedList::setLimitItems() — Method in class PaginatedList
PaginatedList::setRequest() — Method in class PaginatedList

Set the request object for this list

SQLAssignmentRowClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Queries

Represents a list of updates / inserts made to a single row in a table

SQLAssignmentRow::setAssignments() — Method in class SQLAssignmentRow

Sets the list of assignments to the given list

SQLConditionGroupClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Queries

Represents a where condition that is dynamically generated. Maybe be stored within a list of conditions, altered, and be allowed to affect the result of the parent sql query during future execution.

SQLConditionalExpressionClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Queries

Represents a SQL query for an expression which interacts with existing rows (SELECT / DELETE / UPDATE) with a WHERE clause

SQLConditionalExpression::setFrom() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Sets the list of tables to query from or update

SQLConditionalExpression::setConnective() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Set the connective property.

SQLConditionalExpression::setJoinFilter() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Set the filter (part of the ON clause) on a join.

SQLConditionalExpression::setWhere() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Set a WHERE clause.

SQLConditionalExpression::setWhereAny() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression
SQLConditionalExpression::splitQueryParameters() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Given a list of conditions as per the format of $this->where, split this into an array of predicates, and a separate array of ordered parameters

SQLDeleteClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Queries

Object representing a SQL DELETE query.

SQLDelete::setDelete() — Method in class SQLDelete

Sets the list of tables to limit the delete to, if multiple tables are specified in the condition clause

SQLExpressionClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Queries

Abstract base class for an object representing an SQL query.

SQLExpression::sql() — Method in class SQLExpression

Generate the SQL statement for this query.

SQLInsertClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Queries

Object representing a SQL INSERT query.

SQLInsert::setInto() — Method in class SQLInsert

Sets the table name to insert into

SQLInsert::setRows() — Method in class SQLInsert

Sets all rows to the given array

SQLInsert::setAssignments() — Method in class SQLInsert

Sets the list of assignments to the given list

SQLSelectClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Queries

Object representing a SQL SELECT query.

SQLSelect::setSelect() — Method in class SQLSelect

Set the list of columns to be selected by the query.

SQLSelect::selectField() — Method in class SQLSelect

Select an additional field.

SQLSelect::setDistinct() — Method in class SQLSelect

Set distinct property.

SQLSelect::setLimit() — Method in class SQLSelect

Pass LIMIT clause either as SQL snippet or in array format.

SQLSelect::setOrderBy() — Method in class SQLSelect

Set ORDER BY clause either as SQL snippet or in array format.

SQLSelect::setGroupBy() — Method in class SQLSelect

Set a GROUP BY clause.

SQLSelect::setHaving() — Method in class SQLSelect

Set a HAVING clause.

SQLUpdateClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Queries

Object representing a SQL UPDATE query.

SQLUpdate::setTable() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Sets the table name to update

SQLUpdate::setAssignments() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Sets the list of assignments to the given list

SQLWriteExpressionClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Queries

Represents a SQL expression which may have field values assigned (UPDATE/INSERT Expressions)

SQLWriteExpression::setAssignments() — Method in class SQLWriteExpression

Sets the list of assignments to the given list

Relation::setByIDList() — Method in class Relation

Sets the ComponentSet to be the given ID list.

SS_ListClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

An interface that a class can implement to be treated as a list container.

SearchContextClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Search

Manages searching of properties on one or more {@link DataObject} types, based on a given set of input parameters.

SearchContext::setFilters() — Method in class SearchContext

Overwrite the current search context filter map.

SearchContext::setFields() — Method in class SearchContext

Apply a list of searchable fields to the current search context.

SearchContext::setSearchParams() — Method in class SearchContext

Set search param values

SortableClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Additional interface for {@link SS_List} classes that are sortable.

Sortable::sort() — Method in class Sortable

Return a new instance of this list that is sorted by one or more fields. You can either pass in a single field name and direction, or a map of field names to sort directions.

UnsavedRelationList::setByIDList() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Sets the Relation to be the given ID list.

ValidationResult::serialize() — Method in class ValidationResult

String representation of object

Report::sourceQuery() — Method in class Report

Return the {@link DataQuery} that provides your report data.

Report::sourceRecords() — Method in class Report

List of records to show for this report

ReportWrapper::sourceQuery() — Method in class ReportWrapper

Return the {@link DataQuery} that provides your report data.

ReportWrapper::sourceRecords() — Method in class ReportWrapper

List of records to show for this report

ReportWrapper::sort() — Method in class ReportWrapper
SideReportViewClass in namespace SilverStripe\Reports

Renderer for showing SideReports in CMSMain

SideReportView::sort() — Method in class SideReportView
SideReportView::setParameters() — Method in class SideReportView
SideReportWrapperClass in namespace SilverStripe\Reports

A report wrapper that makes it easier to define slightly different behaviour for side-reports.

AuthenticationMiddleware::setAuthenticationHandler() — Method in class AuthenticationMiddleware
Authenticator::supportedServices() — Method in class Authenticator

Returns the services supported by this authenticator

BasicAuthMiddleware::setURLPatterns() — Method in class BasicAuthMiddleware
CMSSecurity::success() — Method in class CMSSecurity

Given a successful login, tell the parent frame to close the dialog

Handler::securityTokenEnabled() — Method in class Handler

This method is being used by Form to check whether it needs to use SecurityToken

StorageClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\Confirmation

Confirmation Storage implemented on top of SilverStripe Session and Cookie

Storage::setSuccessRequest() — Method in class Storage

This request should be performed on success Usually the original request which triggered the confirmation

Storage::setSuccessUrl() — Method in class Storage

The URL the form should redirect to on success

Storage::setFailureUrl() — Method in class Storage

The URL the form should redirect to on failure

DefaultAdminService::setDefaultAdmin() — Method in class DefaultAdminService

Set the default admin credentials

$ Group#SortProperty in class Group
Group::stageChildren() — Method in class Group

Override this so groups are ordered in the CMS

Group::setCode() — Method in class Group

Overloaded to ensure the code is always descent.

InheritedPermissionFlusher::setOwner() — Method in class InheritedPermissionFlusher
InheritedPermissionFlusher::setServices() — Method in class InheritedPermissionFlusher
InheritedPermissions::setDefaultPermissions() — Method in class InheritedPermissions
InheritedPermissions::setGlobalEditPermissions() — Method in class InheritedPermissions

Global permissions required to edit

$ LoginAttempt#StatusProperty in class LoginAttempt

Status of the login attempt, either 'Success' or 'Failure'

LoginAttempt::setEmail() — Method in class LoginAttempt

Set email used for this attempt

LoginForm::setAuthenticatorClass() — Method in class LoginForm

Set the authenticator class name to use

$ Member#summary_fieldsProperty in class Member
$ Member#session_regenerate_idProperty in class Member

Indicates that when a {@link Member} logs in, Member:session_regenerate_id() should be called as a security precaution.

$ Member#SurnameProperty in class Member
$ Member#SaltProperty in class Member
Member::set_password_validator() — Method in class Member

Set a {@link PasswordValidator} object to use to validate member's passwords.

Member::set_title_columns() — Method in class Member
Member::setName() — Method in class Member

Set first- and surname

Member::splitName() — Method in class Member

Alias for {@link setName}

CMSMemberAuthenticator::supportedServices() — Method in class CMSMemberAuthenticator

Returns the services supported by this authenticator

CookieAuthenticationHandler::setDeviceCookieName() — Method in class CookieAuthenticationHandler

Set the name of the cookie used to track this device

CookieAuthenticationHandler::setTokenCookieName() — Method in class CookieAuthenticationHandler

Set the name of the cookie used to store an login token

CookieAuthenticationHandler::setTokenCookieSecure() — Method in class CookieAuthenticationHandler

Set cookie with HTTPS only flag

CookieAuthenticationHandler::setCascadeInTo() — Method in class CookieAuthenticationHandler

Set the name of the cookie used to store an login token

MemberAuthenticator::supportedServices() — Method in class MemberAuthenticator

Returns the services supported by this authenticator

SessionAuthenticationHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator

Authenticate a member pased on a session cookie

SessionAuthenticationHandler::setSessionVariable() — Method in class SessionAuthenticationHandler

Set the session variable name used to track member ID

MemberCsvBulkLoader::setGroups() — Method in class MemberCsvBulkLoader
$ MemberPassword#SaltProperty in class MemberPassword
Member_Validator::setForMember() — Method in class Member_Validator

Set the Member this validator applies to.

NullSecurityToken::setValue() — Method in class NullSecurityToken
PasswordEncryptor::salt() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor

Return a string value stored in the {@link Member->Salt} property.

PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish::set_cost() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish

Sets the cost of the blowfish algorithm.

PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish::salt() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish

self::$cost param is forced to be two digits with leading zeroes for ints 4-9

PasswordEncryptor_MySQLOldPassword::salt() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_MySQLOldPassword

Return a string value stored in the {@link Member->Salt} property.

PasswordEncryptor_MySQLPassword::salt() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_MySQLPassword

Return a string value stored in the {@link Member->Salt} property.

PasswordEncryptor_None::salt() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_None

Return a string value stored in the {@link Member->Salt} property.

PasswordExpirationMiddleware::setRedirect() — Method in class PasswordExpirationMiddleware

Preserve the password change URL in the session That URL is to be redirected to to force users change expired passwords

PasswordValidator::setMinLength() — Method in class PasswordValidator
PasswordValidator::setMinTestScore() — Method in class PasswordValidator
PasswordValidator::setTestNames() — Method in class PasswordValidator

Set list of tests to use for this validator

PasswordValidator::setHistoricCount() — Method in class PasswordValidator
$ Permission#strict_checkingProperty in class Permission
Permission::sort_permissions() — Method in class Permission

Sort permissions based on their sort value, or name

PermissionCheckboxSetField::setHiddenPermissions() — Method in class PermissionCheckboxSetField
PermissionCheckboxSetField::saveInto() — Method in class PermissionCheckboxSetField

Update the permission set associated with $record DataObject

PermissionCheckboxSetField_Readonly::saveInto() — Method in class PermissionCheckboxSetField_Readonly

Update the permission set associated with $record DataObject

RememberLoginHash::setToken() — Method in class RememberLoginHash
RequestAuthenticationHandler::setHandlers() — Method in class RequestAuthenticationHandler

Set an associative array of handlers

SecurityClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Implements a basic security model

$ Security#strict_path_checkingProperty in class Security

If set to TRUE to prevent sharing of the session across several sites in the domain.

Security::setAuthenticators() — Method in class Security
Security::setCurrentUser() — Method in class Security
Security::setSessionMessage() — Method in class Security

Set the next message to display for the security login page. Defaults to warning

Security::setDefaultAdmin() — Method in class Security

Set a default admin in dev-mode

Security::set_ignore_disallowed_actions() — Method in class Security

Set to true to ignore access to disallowed actions, rather than returning permission failure Note that this is just a flag that other code needs to check with Security::ignore_disallowed_actions()

SecurityTokenClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection for the {@link Form} class and other GET links.

SecurityToken::setName() — Method in class SecurityToken
SecurityToken::setValue() — Method in class SecurityToken
SiteConfigClass in namespace SilverStripe\SiteConfig


SiteConfigLeftAndMainClass in namespace SilverStripe\SiteConfig
SiteConfigLeftAndMain::save_siteconfig() — Method in class SiteConfigLeftAndMain

Save the current sites {@link SiteConfig} into the database.

SiteConfigPagePermissionsClass in namespace SilverStripe\SiteConfig

Root permission provider for pages in the SiteTree root

$ ArchiveAdmin#showSearchFormProperty in class ArchiveAdmin
SiteTreeArchiveExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionedAdmin\Extensions

Adds a archive view for Pages

DiffField::setComparisonField() — Method in class DiffField
HistoryViewerField::setContextKey() — Method in class HistoryViewerField
ProxyCacheAdapter::set() — Method in class ProxyCacheAdapter


ProxyCacheAdapter::setMultiple() — Method in class ProxyCacheAdapter


$ ChangeSet#StateProperty in class ChangeSet

one of 'open', 'published', or 'reverted'

ChangeSet::sync() — Method in class ChangeSet

Add implicit changes that should be included in this changeset

VersionedTestState::setUp() — Method in class VersionedTestState

Called on setup

VersionedTestState::setUpOnce() — Method in class VersionedTestState

Called once on setup

SchemaScaffolderExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\GraphQL\Extensions
RestoreAction::shouldRestoreToRoot() — Method in class RestoreAction

Determines whether this record can be restored to it's original location

Versioned::setNextWriteWithoutVersion() — Method in class Versioned

Set if next write should be without version or not

Versioned::setDeleteWritesVersion() — Method in class Versioned

Set if delete() should write _Version rows

Versioned::setMigratingVersion() — Method in class Versioned

Set the migrating version.

Versioned::stagesDiffer() — Method in class Versioned

Compare two stages to see if they're different.

Versioned::stageTable() — Method in class Versioned

Given a table and stage determine the table name.

Versioned::set_reading_mode() — Method in class Versioned

Set the current reading mode.

Versioned::set_stage() — Method in class Versioned

Set the reading stage.

Versioned::set_default_reading_mode() — Method in class Versioned

Replace default mode.

Versioned::set_draft_site_secured() — Method in class Versioned

Set if the draft site should be secured or not

VersionedGridFieldItemRequest::saveFormIntoRecord() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldItemRequest

If a record is recursive publishable, but not versioned, all saves should trigger a recursive publish.

VersionedGridFieldState::setColumn() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldState
VersionedGridFieldState::setVersionedLabelFields() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldState
ArrayData::setField() — Method in class ArrayData

Add or set a field on this object.

RequirementsTestState::setUp() — Method in class RequirementsTestState

Called on setup

RequirementsTestState::setUpOnce() — Method in class RequirementsTestState

Called once on setup

SSViewerTestStateClass in namespace SilverStripe\View\Dev
SSViewerTestState::setUp() — Method in class SSViewerTestState

Called on setup

SSViewerTestState::setUpOnce() — Method in class SSViewerTestState

Called once on setup

EmbedResource::setOptions() — Method in class EmbedResource
EmbedResource::setDispatcher() — Method in class EmbedResource
HTML4Value::setContent() — Method in class HTML4Value
HTMLCleaner::setConfig() — Method in class HTMLCleaner
HTMLValue::setContent() — Method in class HTMLValue
HTMLValue::setDocument() — Method in class HTMLValue
HTMLValue::setInvalid() — Method in class HTMLValue
SQLFormatterClass in namespace SilverStripe\View\Parsers

Format a SQL Query for better readable output in HTML or Plaintext.

ShortcodeHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\View\Parsers

Abstract interface for a class which handles shortcodes

ShortcodeParserClass in namespace SilverStripe\View\Parsers

A simple parser that allows you to map BBCode-like "shortcodes" to an arbitrary callback.

ShortcodeParser::set_active() — Method in class ShortcodeParser

Set the identifier to use for the current active/default {@link ShortcodeParser} instance.

URLSegmentFilter::setReplacements() — Method in class URLSegmentFilter
URLSegmentFilter::setTransliterator() — Method in class URLSegmentFilter
URLSegmentFilter::setAllowMultibyte() — Method in class URLSegmentFilter
Requirements::set_combined_files_enabled() — Method in class Requirements

Enable combining of css/javascript files.

Requirements::set_combined_files_folder() — Method in class Requirements

Set the relative folder e.g. 'assets' for where to store combined files

Requirements::set_suffix_requirements() — Method in class Requirements

Set whether to add caching query params to the requests for file-based requirements.

Requirements::set_backend() — Method in class Requirements

Setter method for changing the Requirements backend

Requirements::set_write_js_to_body() — Method in class Requirements

Set whether you want to write the JS to the body of the page rather than at the end of the head tag.

Requirements::set_force_js_to_bottom() — Method in class Requirements

Set whether to force the JavaScript to end of the body. Useful if you use inline script tags that don't rely on scripts included via {@link Requirements::javascript()).

Requirements::set_minify_combined_js_files() — Method in class Requirements

Enable or disable js minification

Requirements::set_write_header_comments() — Method in class Requirements

Flag whether header comments should be written for each combined file

Requirements_Backend::setAssetHandler() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Set a new asset handler for this backend

Requirements_Backend::setMinifier() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Set a new minification service for this backend

Requirements_Backend::setCombinedFilesEnabled() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Enable or disable the combination of CSS and JavaScript files

Requirements_Backend::setWriteHeaderComment() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Flag whether header comments should be written for each combined file

Requirements_Backend::setCombinedFilesFolder() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Set the folder to save combined files in. By default they're placed in _combinedfiles, however this may be an issue depending on your setup, especially for CSS files which often contain relative paths.

Requirements_Backend::setSuffixRequirements() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Set whether to add caching query params to the requests for file-based requirements.

Requirements_Backend::setWriteJavascriptToBody() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Set whether you want to write the JS to the body of the page rather than at the end of the head tag.

Requirements_Backend::setForceJSToBottom() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Forces the JavaScript requirements to the end of the body, right before the closing tag

Requirements_Backend::setMinifyCombinedFiles() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Set if combined files should be minified

SSTemplateParseExceptionClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

This is the exception raised when failing to parse a template. Note that we don't currently do any static analysis, so we can't know if the template will run, just if it's malformed. It also won't catch mistakes that still look valid.

SSTemplateParserClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

This is the parser for the SilverStripe template language. It gets called on a string and uses a php-peg parser to match that string against the language structure, building up the PHP code to execute that structure as it parses

SSTemplateParser::setClosedBlocks() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

Set the closed blocks that the template parser should use

SSTemplateParser::setOpenBlocks() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

Set the open blocks that the template parser should use

SSViewerClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

Parses a template file with an *.ss file extension.

$ SSViewer#source_file_commentsProperty in class SSViewer
SSViewer::set_themes() — Method in class SSViewer

Assign the list of active themes to apply.

SSViewer::set_theme() — Method in class SSViewer
SSViewer::setRewriteHashLinks() — Method in class SSViewer

Set if hash links are rewritten for this instance

SSViewer::setRewriteHashLinksDefault() — Method in class SSViewer

Set default rewrite hash links

SSViewer::setTemplate() — Method in class SSViewer
SSViewer::setParser() — Method in class SSViewer

Set the template parser that will be used in template generation

SSViewer::setPartialCacheStore() — Method in class SSViewer

Set the cache object to use when storing / retrieving partial cache blocks.

SSViewer::setTemplateFile() — Method in class SSViewer
SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupportClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

Defines an extra set of basic methods that can be used in templates that are not defined on sub-classes of {@link ViewableData}.

SSViewer_DataPresenterClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

This extends SSViewer_Scope to mix in data on top of what the item provides. This can be "global" data that is scope-independant (like BaseURL), or type-specific data that is layered on top cross-cut like (like $FirstLast etc).

SSViewer_FromStringClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

Special SSViewer that will process a template passed as a string, rather than a filename.

SSViewer_FromString::setCacheTemplate() — Method in class SSViewer_FromString
SSViewer_ScopeClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

This tracks the current scope for an SSViewer instance. It has three goals:

  • Handle entering & leaving sub-scopes in loops and withs
  • Track Up and Top
  • (As a side effect) Inject data that needs to be available globally (used to live in ViewableData)
SSViewer_Scope::self() — Method in class SSViewer_Scope

Gets the current object and resets the scope.

ThemeManifest::setProject() — Method in class ThemeManifest

Sets the project

ThemeResourceLoader::set_instance() — Method in class ThemeResourceLoader

Set instance

ThemeResourceLoader::setCache() — Method in class ThemeResourceLoader
ViewableData::setFailover() — Method in class ViewableData

Set a failover object to attempt to get data from if it is not present on this object.

ViewableData::setField() — Method in class ViewableData

Set a field on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.

ViewableData::setCustomisedObj() — Method in class ViewableData
IntlLocales::scriptDirection() — Method in class IntlLocales

Returns the script direction in format compatible with the HTML "dir" attribute.

Locales::scriptDirection() — Method in class Locales

Returns the script direction in format compatible with the HTML "dir" attribute.

SourcesClass in namespace SilverStripe\i18n\Data

Data sources for localisation strings. I.e. yml files stored within the /lang folder in any installed module.

FlushInvalidatedResource::serialize() — Method in class FlushInvalidatedResource
ModuleYamlLoader::setReader() — Method in class ModuleYamlLoader
SymfonyMessageProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\i18n\Messages\Symfony

Implement message localisation using a symfony/translate backend

SymfonyMessageProvider::setTranslator() — Method in class SymfonyMessageProvider
SymfonyMessageProvider::setSourceDirs() — Method in class SymfonyMessageProvider

Set the list of /lang dirs to load localisations from

i18nTextCollector::setWriter() — Method in class i18nTextCollector

Assign a writer

i18nTextCollector::setReader() — Method in class i18nTextCollector

Set reader

i18nTextCollector::setDefaultLocale() — Method in class i18nTextCollector
i18nTextCollector::setWarnOnEmptyDefault() — Method in class i18nTextCollector
i18n::set_locale() — Method in class i18n

Set the current locale, used as the default for any localized classes, such as {@link FormField} or {@link DBField} instances. Locales can also be persisted in {@link Member->Locale}, for example in the {@link CMSMain} interface the Member locale overrules the global locale value set here.


$ CMSMenuItem#titleProperty in class CMSMenuItem

The (translated) menu title

$ LeftAndMain#tree_classProperty in class LeftAndMain

A subclass of {@link DataObject}.

LeftAndMain::Tools() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Renders a panel containing tools which apply to all displayed "content" (mostly through {@link EditForm()}), for example a tree navigation or a filter panel.

LeftAndMain::Title() — Method in class LeftAndMain
$ AssetAdmin#thumbnail_widthProperty in class AssetAdmin

Retina thumbnail image (native size: 176)

$ AssetAdmin#thumbnail_heightProperty in class AssetAdmin

Retina thumbnail height (native size: 132)

$ UploadField#thumbnail_widthProperty in class UploadField
$ UploadField#thumbnail_heightProperty in class UploadField
UploadField::Type() — Method in class UploadField

Returns the field type.

CreateFileMutationCreator::type() — Method in class CreateFileMutationCreator
CreateFolderMutationCreator::type() — Method in class CreateFolderMutationCreator
DeleteFileMutationCreator::type() — Method in class DeleteFileMutationCreator
MoveFilesMutationCreator::type() — Method in class MoveFilesMutationCreator
PublicationMutationCreator::type() — Method in class PublicationMutationCreator
PublicationResultType::toType() — Method in class PublicationResultType
ReadFileUsageQueryCreator::type() — Method in class ReadFileUsageQueryCreator
UpdateFileMutationCreator::type() — Method in class UpdateFileMutationCreator
ThumbnailGeneratorClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Model

Generate thumbnails and thumbnail links

$ ThumbnailGenerator#thumbnail_linksProperty in class ThumbnailGenerator

Determine how thumbnails are serialised List of visibility to either 'inline' or 'url' form.

TagsToShortcodeHelperClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Dev\Tasks

SS4 and its File Migration Task changes the way in which files are stored in the assets folder, with files placed in subfolders named with partial hashmap values of the file version. This helper class goes through the HTML content fields looking for instances of image links, and corrects the link path to what it should be, with an image shortcode.

TagsToShortcodeTaskClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Dev\Tasks

SS4 and its File Migration Task changes the way in which files are stored in the assets folder, with files placed in subfolders named with partial hashmap values of the file version. This build task goes through the HTML content fields looking for instances of image links, and corrects the link path to what it should be, with an image shortcode.

TestAssetStoreClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Dev

Allows you to mock a backend store in a custom directory beneath assets.

$ File#TitleProperty in class File

Title of the file

$ Image#table_nameProperty in class Image
ImageManipulation::Thumbnail() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Default thumbnail generation for Images

ImageManipulation::ThumbnailIcon() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Thumbnail generation for all file types.

ImageManipulation::ThumbnailURL() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Get URL to thumbnail of the given size.

FileLinkTracking::trackLinksInField() — Method in class FileLinkTracking

Scrape the content of a field to detect anly links to local SiteTree pages or files

ThumbnailClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets

An object which may have a thumbnail url

Thumbnail::ThumbnailURL() — Method in class Thumbnail

Get a thumbnail for this object

CMSMain::TreeIsFiltered() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::treeview() — Method in class CMSMain

This method exclusively handles deferred ajax requests to render the pages tree deferred handler (no pjax-fragment)

CMSSiteTreeFilter_ChangedPages::title() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_ChangedPages
CMSSiteTreeFilter_DeletedPages::title() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_DeletedPages
CMSSiteTreeFilter_PublishedPages::title() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_PublishedPages
CMSSiteTreeFilter_Search::title() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_Search
CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDeletedPages::title() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDeletedPages
CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDraftPages::title() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDraftPages
CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusRemovedFromDraftPages::title() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusRemovedFromDraftPages
SiteTreeURLSegmentField::Type() — Method in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField

Returns the field type.

$ SiteTree#TitleProperty in class SiteTree
SiteTreeLinkTracking::trackLinksInField() — Method in class SiteTreeLinkTracking

Scrape the content of a field to detect anly links to local SiteTree pages or files

BrokenFilesReport::title() — Method in class BrokenFilesReport

Return the title of this report.

BrokenLinksReport::title() — Method in class BrokenLinksReport

Return the title of this report.

BrokenRedirectorPagesReport::title() — Method in class BrokenRedirectorPagesReport

Return the title of this report.

BrokenVirtualPagesReport::title() — Method in class BrokenVirtualPagesReport

Return the title of this report.

EmptyPagesReport::title() — Method in class EmptyPagesReport

Return the title of this report.

RecentlyEditedReport::title() — Method in class RecentlyEditedReport

Return the title of this report.

$ CampaignAdmin#thumbnail_widthProperty in class CampaignAdmin

Size of thumbnail width

$ CampaignAdmin#thumbnail_heightProperty in class CampaignAdmin

Size of thumbnail height

MemoryConfigCollection::transform() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection

Trigger transformers to load into this store

PrivateStaticTransformer::transform() — Method in class PrivateStaticTransformer

This loops through each class and fetches the private static config for each class.

TransformerInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\Config\Transformer
TransformerInterface::transform() — Method in class TransformerInterface

This is responsible for parsing a single yaml file and returning it into a format that Config can understand. Config will then be responsible for turning thie output into the final merged config.

YamlTransformer::transform() — Method in class YamlTransformer

This is responsible for parsing a single yaml file and returning it into a format that Config can understand. Config will then be responsible for turning thie output into the final merged config.

Director::test() — Method in class Director

Test a URL request, returning a response object. This method is a wrapper around Director::handleRequest() to assist with functional testing. It will execute the URL given, and return the result as an HTTPResponse object.

CanonicalURLMiddleware::throwRedirectIfNeeded() — Method in class CanonicalURLMiddleware

Handles redirection to canonical urls outside of the main middleware chain using HTTPResponseException.

TrustedProxyMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware

This middleware will rewrite headers that provide IP and host details from an upstream proxy.

RSSFeed::Title() — Method in class RSSFeed

Get the title of thisfeed

RSSFeed_Entry::Title() — Method in class RSSFeed_Entry

Get the description of this entry

$ Session#timeoutProperty in class Session

Set session timeout in seconds.

ClassInfo::table_for_object_field() — Method in class ClassInfo
TempFolderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core

Guesses location for temp folder

$ BulkLoader#titleProperty in class BulkLoader

Override this on subclasses to give the specific functions names.

BulkLoader::Title() — Method in class BulkLoader

Return a human-readable name for this object.

CLI::text() — Method in class CLI

Return text encoded for CLI output, optionally coloured

ArraySubset::toString() — Method in class ArraySubset

Returns a string representation of the constraint.

SSListContains::toString() — Method in class SSListContains

Returns a string representation of the object.

SSListContainsOnlyMatchingItems::toString() — Method in class SSListContainsOnlyMatchingItems

Returns a string representation of the object.

ViewableDataContains::toString() — Method in class ViewableDataContains

Returns a string representation of the object.

Debug::text() — Method in class Debug

Get debug text for this object

InstallerTest::testrewrite() — Method in class InstallerTest
SSListExporter::toMap() — Method in class SSListExporter
SapphireTest::tempDB() — Method in class SapphireTest
SapphireTest::tearDownAfterClass() — Method in class SapphireTest

tearDown method that's called once per test class rather once per test method.

ExtensionTestState::tearDown() — Method in class ExtensionTestState

Called on tear down

ExtensionTestState::tearDownOnce() — Method in class ExtensionTestState

Called once on tear down

FixtureTestState::tearDown() — Method in class FixtureTestState

Called on tear down

FixtureTestState::tearDownOnce() — Method in class FixtureTestState

Called once on tear down

FlushableTestState::tearDown() — Method in class FlushableTestState

Called on tear down

FlushableTestState::tearDownOnce() — Method in class FlushableTestState

Called once on tear down

GlobalsTestState::tearDown() — Method in class GlobalsTestState

Called on tear down

GlobalsTestState::tearDownOnce() — Method in class GlobalsTestState

Called once on tear down

KernelTestState::tearDown() — Method in class KernelTestState

Called on tear down

KernelTestState::tearDownOnce() — Method in class KernelTestState

Called once on tear down

LoggerState::tearDown() — Method in class LoggerState

Called on tear down

LoggerState::tearDownOnce() — Method in class LoggerState

Called once on tear down

SapphireTestState::tearDown() — Method in class SapphireTestState

Called on tear down

SapphireTestState::tearDownOnce() — Method in class SapphireTestState

Called once on tear down

TestStateClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\State

Helper for resetting, booting, or cleaning up test state.

TestState::tearDown() — Method in class TestState

Called on tear down

TestState::tearDownOnce() — Method in class TestState

Called once on tear down

TaskRunnerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev
TestKernelClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Kernel for running unit tests

TestMailerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev
TestOnlyClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Classes that implement TestOnly are only to be used during testing

TestSessionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Represents a test usage session of a web-app It will maintain session-state from request to request

TestSession_STResponseWrapperClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Wrapper around HTTPResponse to make it look like a SimpleHTTPResposne

CheckboxSetField::Type() — Method in class CheckboxSetField

Returns the field type.

ConfirmedPasswordField::Title() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Returns the field label - used by templates.

CurrencyField::Type() — Method in class CurrencyField

Returns the field type.

DatalessField::Type() — Method in class DatalessField

Returns the field type.

DateField::Type() — Method in class DateField

Returns the field type.

DateField_Disabled::Type() — Method in class DateField_Disabled

Returns the field type.

DatetimeField::Type() — Method in class DatetimeField
DatetimeField::tidyInternal() — Method in class DatetimeField

Tidy up the internal date representation (ISO 8601), and fall back to strtotime() if there's parsing errors.

DisabledTransformation::transform() — Method in class DisabledTransformation
EmailField::Type() — Method in class EmailField

Returns the field type.

FieldList::transform() — Method in class FieldList

Transform this FieldList with a given tranform method, e.g. $this->transform(new ReadonlyTransformation())

Form::transform() — Method in class Form
FormAction::Type() — Method in class FormAction

Returns the field type.

FormField::Title() — Method in class FormField

Returns the field label - used by templates.

FormField::transform() — Method in class FormField
FormField::Type() — Method in class FormField

Returns the field type.

$ FormScaffolder#tabbedProperty in class FormScaffolder
FormTransformation::transform() — Method in class FormTransformation
GridState_Data::toArray() — Method in class GridState_Data
GroupedDropdownField::Type() — Method in class GroupedDropdownField

Returns the field type.

HTMLEditorField_Readonly::Type() — Method in class HTMLEditorField_Readonly

Returns the field type.

TinyMCECombinedGeneratorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\HTMLEditor

Generates tinymce config using a combined file generated via a standard SilverStripe {@link GeneratedAssetHandler}

TinyMCEConfigClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\HTMLEditor

Default configuration for HtmlEditor specific to tinymce

$ TinyMCEConfig#tinymce_langProperty in class TinyMCEConfig
TinyMCEGZIPGeneratorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\HTMLEditor

Uses the default tiny_mc_gzip.php handler

TinyMCEScriptGeneratorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\HTMLEditor

Declares a service which can generate a script URL for a given HTMLEditor config

HeaderField::Type() — Method in class HeaderField
LookupField::Type() — Method in class LookupField
NumericField::Type() — Method in class NumericField

Returns the field type.

PasswordField::Type() — Method in class PasswordField

Returns the field type.

PrintableTransformation::transformTabSet() — Method in class PrintableTransformation
ReadonlyField::Type() — Method in class ReadonlyField

Returns the field type.

SingleLookupField::Type() — Method in class SingleLookupField
TabClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Implements a single tab in a {@link TabSet}.

TabSetClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Defines a set of tabs in a form.

TabSet::Tabs() — Method in class TabSet

Return a set of all this classes tabs

TextFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Text input field.

TextareaFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

TextareaField creates a multi-line text field, allowing more data to be entered than a standard text field. It creates the <textarea> tag in the form HTML.

TextareaField::Type() — Method in class TextareaField

Returns the field type.

TimeFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Form field to display editable time values in an field.

TimeField::Type() — Method in class TimeField

Returns the field type.

TimeField_ReadonlyClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

The readonly class for our {@link TimeField}.

TimeField_Readonly::Type() — Method in class TimeField_Readonly

Returns the field type.

TipClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Represents a Tip which can be rendered alongside a form field in the front-end.

TippableFieldInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Declares that a form field has the ability to accept and render Tips.

ToggleCompositeFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Allows visibility of a group of fields to be toggled.

TreeDropdownFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Dropdown-like field that allows you to select an item from a hierarchical AJAX-expandable tree.

TreeDropdownField::tree() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Get the whole tree of a part of the tree via an AJAX request.

TreeDropdownField_ReadonlyClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms
TreeMultiselectFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

This formfield represents many-many joins using a tree selector shown in a dropdown styled element which can be added to any form usually in the CMS.

TreeMultiselectField_ReadonlyClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms
Configuration::toArray() — Method in class Configuration
DebugSchemaState::tearDown() — Method in class DebugSchemaState

Called on tear down

DebugSchemaState::tearDownOnce() — Method in class DebugSchemaState

Called once on tear down

DisableTypeCacheState::tearDown() — Method in class DisableTypeCacheState

Called on tear down

DisableTypeCacheState::tearDownOnce() — Method in class DisableTypeCacheState

Called once on tear down

TestSessionEnvironmentExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Extensions
$ HTTPProvider#timeoutProperty in class HTTPProvider

Timeout for the HTTP request

TokenContextProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\QueryHandler
TypePluginClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

A plugin that applies to a generic Type

ComposedResolver::toClosure() — Method in class ComposedResolver
ResolverReference::toArray() — Method in class ResolverReference
ResolverReference::toString() — Method in class ResolverReference
TypeClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Type

Abstraction for a generic type

TypeReferenceClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Type

Uniform way of referring to a type as a string. Accepts default value syntax

TypeReference::toAST() — Method in class TypeReference
ArrayList::toArray() — Method in class ArrayList

Return an array of the actual items that this ArrayList contains.

ArrayList::toNestedArray() — Method in class ArrayList

Return this list as an array and every object it as an sub array as well

DBSchemaManager::transCreateTable() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Instruct the schema manager to record a table creation to later execute

DBSchemaManager::transAlterTable() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Instruct the schema manager to record a table alteration to later execute

DBSchemaManager::transCreateField() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Instruct the schema manager to record a field to be later created

DBSchemaManager::transCreateIndex() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Instruct the schema manager to record an index to be later created

DBSchemaManager::transAlterField() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Instruct the schema manager to record a field to be later updated

DBSchemaManager::transAlterIndex() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Instruct the schema manager to record an index to be later updated

DBSchemaManager::tableList() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Returns a list of all tables in the database.

DBSchemaManager::text() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Returns data type for 'text' column

DBSchemaManager::time() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Returns data type for 'time' column

Database::transactionStart() — Method in class Database

Start a prepared transaction See http://developer.postgresql.org/pgdocs/postgres/sql-set-transaction.html for details on transaction isolation options

Database::transactionSavepoint() — Method in class Database

Create a savepoint that you can jump back to if you encounter problems

Database::transactionRollback() — Method in class Database

Rollback or revert to a savepoint if your queries encounter problems If you encounter a problem at any point during a transaction, you may need to rollback that particular query, or return to a savepoint

Database::transactionEnd() — Method in class Database

Commit everything inside this transaction so far

Database::transactionDepth() — Method in class Database

Return depth of current transaction

MySQLDatabase::transactionStart() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Start a prepared transaction See http://developer.postgresql.org/pgdocs/postgres/sql-set-transaction.html for details on transaction isolation options

MySQLDatabase::transactionSavepoint() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Create a savepoint that you can jump back to if you encounter problems

MySQLDatabase::transactionRollback() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Rollback or revert to a savepoint if your queries encounter problems If you encounter a problem at any point during a transaction, you may need to rollback that particular query, or return to a savepoint

MySQLDatabase::transactionDepth() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Return depth of current transaction

MySQLDatabase::transactionEnd() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Commit everything inside this transaction so far

MySQLSchemaManager::tableList() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Returns a list of all tables in the database.

MySQLSchemaManager::text() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return a text type-formatted string

MySQLSchemaManager::time() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return a time type-formatted string For MySQL, we simply return the word 'time', no other parameters are necessary

MySQLTransactionManager::transactionStart() — Method in class MySQLTransactionManager

Start a prepared transaction

MySQLTransactionManager::transactionEnd() — Method in class MySQLTransactionManager

Complete a transaction

MySQLTransactionManager::transactionRollback() — Method in class MySQLTransactionManager

Roll-back a transaction

MySQLTransactionManager::transactionSavepoint() — Method in class MySQLTransactionManager

Create a new savepoint

MySQLTransactionManager::transactionDepth() — Method in class MySQLTransactionManager

Return the depth of the transaction For unnested transactions returns 1 while in a transaction, 0 otherwise

NestedTransactionManager::transactionStart() — Method in class NestedTransactionManager

Start a transaction

NestedTransactionManager::transactionEnd() — Method in class NestedTransactionManager

Complete a transaction

NestedTransactionManager::transactionRollback() — Method in class NestedTransactionManager

Roll-back a transaction

NestedTransactionManager::transactionDepth() — Method in class NestedTransactionManager

Return the depth of the transaction.

NestedTransactionManager::transactionSavepoint() — Method in class NestedTransactionManager

Create a new savepoint

PDOConnector::transactionStart() — Method in class PDOConnector

Start a prepared transaction

PDOConnector::transactionEnd() — Method in class PDOConnector

Complete a transaction

PDOConnector::transactionRollback() — Method in class PDOConnector

Roll-back a transaction

PDOConnector::transactionDepth() — Method in class PDOConnector

Return the depth of the transaction For unnested transactions returns 1 while in a transaction, 0 otherwise

PDOConnector::transactionSavepoint() — Method in class PDOConnector

Create a new savepoint

PDOStatementHandle::typeCorrectedFetchAll() — Method in class PDOStatementHandle

Fetch a record form the statement with its type data corrected Returns data as an array of maps

Query::table() — Method in class Query

Return an HTML table containing the full result-set

TempDatabaseClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Connect
TransactionManagerClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Connect

Represents an object that is capable of controlling transactions.

TransactionManager::transactionStart() — Method in class TransactionManager

Start a prepared transaction

TransactionManager::transactionEnd() — Method in class TransactionManager

Complete a transaction

TransactionManager::transactionRollback() — Method in class TransactionManager

Roll-back a transaction

TransactionManager::transactionSavepoint() — Method in class TransactionManager

Create a new savepoint

TransactionManager::transactionDepth() — Method in class TransactionManager

Return the depth of the transaction For unnested transactions returns 1 while in a transaction, 0 otherwise

DB::table_list() — Method in class DB

Returns a list of all tables in the database.

DataList::toArray() — Method in class DataList

Return an array of the actual items that this DataList contains at this stage.

DataList::toNestedArray() — Method in class DataList

Return this list as an array and every object it as an sub array as well

$ DataObject#TitleProperty in class DataObject
DataObject::toMap() — Method in class DataObject

Convert this object to a map.

$ DataObjectSchema#table_namespace_separatorProperty in class DataObjectSchema

Default separate for table namespaces. Can be set to any string for databases that do not support some characters.

DataObjectSchema::tableName() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Get table name for the given class.

DataObjectSchema::tableClass() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Find the class for the given table

DataObjectSchema::tableForField() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Returns the table name in the class hierarchy which contains a given field column for a {@link DataObject}. If the field does not exist, this will return null.

DBDate::TimeDiff() — Method in class DBDate
DBDate::TimeDiffIn() — Method in class DBDate

Gets the time difference, but always returns it in a certain format

DBDatetime::Time() — Method in class DBDatetime

Returns the standard localised time

DBDatetime::Time12() — Method in class DBDatetime

Returns the time in 12-hour format using the format string 'h:mm a' e.g. '1:32 pm'.

DBDatetime::Time24() — Method in class DBDatetime

Returns the time in 24-hour format using the format string 'H:mm' e.g. '13:32'.

DBInt::Times() — Method in class DBInt
ListDecorator::toArray() — Method in class ListDecorator

Returns all the items in the list in an array.

ListDecorator::toNestedArray() — Method in class ListDecorator

Returns the contents of the list as an array of maps.

ListDecorator::TotalItems() — Method in class ListDecorator
Map::toArray() — Method in class Map

Return an array equivalent to this map.

PaginatedList::toArray() — Method in class PaginatedList
PaginatedList::TotalPages() — Method in class PaginatedList
PaginatedList::TotalItems() — Method in class PaginatedList

Returns the total number of items in the list

SQLConditionalExpression::toDelete() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Generates an SQLDelete object using the currently specified parameters

SQLConditionalExpression::toSelect() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Generates an SQLSelect object using the currently specified parameters.

SQLConditionalExpression::toUpdate() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Generates an SQLUpdate object using the currently specified parameters.

SS_List::toArray() — Method in class SS_List

Returns all the items in the list in an array.

SS_List::toNestedArray() — Method in class SS_List

Returns the contents of the list as an array of maps.

UnsavedRelationList::toArray() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Return an array of the actual items that this relation contains at this stage.

Report::title() — Method in class Report

Return the title of this report.

Report::TreeTitle() — Method in class Report

Return the name of this report, which is used by the templates to render the name of the report in the report tree, the left hand pane inside ReportAdmin.

ReportWrapper::title() — Method in class ReportWrapper

Return the title of this report.

$ Group#TitleProperty in class Group

Name of the group

$ Member#title_formatProperty in class Member
$ Member#temp_id_lifetimeProperty in class Member

Default lifetime of temporary ids.

$ Member#TempIDHashProperty in class Member
$ Member#TempIDExpiredProperty in class Member
$ Member#TimeFormatProperty in class Member
$ RememberLoginHash#token_expiry_daysProperty in class RememberLoginHash

Number of days the token will be valid for

$ Security#templateProperty in class Security
$ Security#template_mainProperty in class Security

Template that is used to render the pages.

DiffTransformation::transform() — Method in class DiffTransformation
HistoryViewerField::Type() — Method in class HistoryViewerField

Returns the field type.

ChangeSetItem::ThumbnailURL() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Get a thumbnail for this object

VersionedTestState::tearDown() — Method in class VersionedTestState

Called on tear down

VersionedTestState::tearDownOnce() — Method in class VersionedTestState

Called once on tear down

VersionedQueryMode::toType() — Method in class VersionedQueryMode
VersionedStage::toType() — Method in class VersionedStage
VersionedStatus::toType() — Method in class VersionedStatus
ReadingMode::toDataQueryParams() — Method in class ReadingMode

Convert reading mode string to dataquery params.

ReadingMode::toQueryString() — Method in class ReadingMode

Build querystring arguments for current reading mode.

ArrayData::toMap() — Method in class ArrayData

Get the source array

RequirementsTestState::tearDown() — Method in class RequirementsTestState

Called on tear down

RequirementsTestState::tearDownOnce() — Method in class RequirementsTestState

Called once on tear down

SSViewerTestState::tearDown() — Method in class SSViewerTestState

Called on tear down

SSViewerTestState::tearDownOnce() — Method in class SSViewerTestState

Called once on tear down

TidyHTMLCleanerClass in namespace SilverStripe\View\Parsers

Cleans HTML using the Tidy package http://php.net/manual/en/book.tidy.php

TransliteratorClass in namespace SilverStripe\View\Parsers

Support class for converting unicode strings into a suitable 7-bit ASCII equivalent.

Transliterator::toASCII() — Method in class Transliterator

Convert the given utf8 string to a safe ASCII source

Requirements::themedCSS() — Method in class Requirements

Registers the given themeable stylesheet as required.

Requirements::themedJavascript() — Method in class Requirements

Registers the given themeable javascript as required.

Requirements_Backend::themedCSS() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Registers the given themeable stylesheet as required.

Requirements_Backend::themedJavascript() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Registers the given themeable javascript as required.

SSTemplateParser::Template_STR() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Translate__construct() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Translate_Entity() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Translate_Default() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Translate_Context() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Translate_InjectionVariables() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Translate__finalise() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::TopTemplate__construct() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

The TopTemplate also includes the opening stanza to start off the template

SSTemplateParser::Text__finalise() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

We convert text

$ SSViewer#themesProperty in class SSViewer

A list (highest priority first) of themes to use Only used when {@link $theme_enabled} is set to TRUE.

$ SSViewer#themeProperty in class SSViewer

The used "theme", which usually consists of templates, images and stylesheets.

$ SSViewer#theme_enabledProperty in class SSViewer

Use the theme. Set to FALSE in order to disable themes, which can be useful for scenarios where theme overrides are temporarily undesired, such as an administrative interface separate from the website theme.

SSViewer::topLevel() — Method in class SSViewer

Get the current item being processed

SSViewer::templates() — Method in class SSViewer

Returns the filenames of the template that will be rendered. It is a map that may contain 'Content' & 'Layout', and will have to contain 'main'

SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport::TotalItems() — Method in class SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport

Return the total number of "sibling" items in the dataset.

TemplateGlobalProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

Interface that is implemented by any classes that want to expose a method that can be called in any scope in a template.

TemplateIteratorProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

Interface that is implemented by any classes that want to expose a method that can be called in any scope in a template that returns values dependant on the state of the iterator of the current scope.

TemplateParserClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

This interface needs to be implemented by any template parser that is used in SSViewer

ThemeListClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

Contains references to any number of themes or theme directories

ThemeManifestClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

A class which builds a manifest of all themes (which is really just a directory called "templates")

ThemeResourceLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

Handles finding templates from a stack of template manifest objects.

ViewableData::ThemeDir() — Method in class ViewableData

Return the directory if the current active theme (relative to the site root).

$ IntlLocales#text_directionProperty in class IntlLocales

Config for ltr/rtr of specific locales.

MessageProvider::translate() — Method in class MessageProvider

Localise this message

SymfonyMessageProvider::translate() — Method in class SymfonyMessageProvider

Localise this message

Parser::Translate__construct() — Method in class Parser
Parser::Translate_Entity() — Method in class Parser
Parser::Translate_Default() — Method in class Parser
Parser::Translate_Context() — Method in class Parser
Parser::Translate__finalise() — Method in class Parser
$ i18n#time_formatProperty in class i18n

System-wide time format. Will be overruled for CMS UI display by the format defaults inferred from the browser as well as any user-specific locale preferences.


$ AdminRootController#url_baseProperty in class AdminRootController

Fallback admin URL in case this cannot be infered from Director.rules

$ CMSMenuItem#urlProperty in class CMSMenuItem

Relative URL

GridFieldPrintButtonExtension::updatePrintData() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButtonExtension
UsedOnTableClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin\Forms

Provides a table which displays the provided record's owners

UsedOnTable::usage() — Method in class UsedOnTable
$ LeftAndMain#url_segmentProperty in class LeftAndMain

The current url segment attached to the LeftAndMain instance

$ LeftAndMain#url_ruleProperty in class LeftAndMain
$ LeftAndMain#url_priorityProperty in class LeftAndMain
SecurityAdmin::users() — Method in class SecurityAdmin

Shortcut action for setting the correct active tab.

AssetAdmin::unpublish() — Method in class AssetAdmin
AssetAdminFile::updateCMSEditLink() — Method in class AssetAdminFile
CampaignAdminExtension::updatePopoverActions() — Method in class CampaignAdminExtension

Update the Popover menu of FileFormFactory with the "Add to campaign" button.

UsedOnTableExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Extensions

Hides File Links on the "Used On" tab when viewing files

UsedOnTableExtension::updateUsage() — Method in class UsedOnTableExtension
UploadFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Forms

Represents a file upload field with ReactJS based frontend.

UploadField::upload() — Method in class UploadField

Creates a single file based on a form-urlencoded upload.

UnpublishFileMutationCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL
UpdateFileMutationCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL

Handles create and update

$ File#update_filesystemProperty in class File
File::updateFilesystem() — Method in class File

This will check if the parent record and/or name do not match the name on the underlying DBFile record, and if so, copy this file to the new location, and update the record to point to this new file.

Folder::updateFilesystem() — Method in class Folder

This will check if the parent record and/or name do not match the name on the underlying DBFile record, and if so, copy this file to the new location, and update the record to point to this new file.

Folder::updateChildFilesystem() — Method in class Folder

Update filesystem of all children

ImageManipulation::updateURL() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Update the url to point to a resampled version if forcing

FileLinkTracking::updateCMSFields() — Method in class FileLinkTracking

This function is used to provide modifications to the form in the CMS by the extension. By default, no changes are made. {@link DataObject->getCMSFields()}.

UploadClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets

Manages uploads via HTML forms processed by PHP, uploads to Silverstripe's default upload directory, and either creates a new or uses an existing File-object for syncing with the database.

$ Upload#uploads_folderProperty in class Upload

A foldername relative to /assets, where all uploaded files are stored by default.

Upload_ValidatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets
$ Upload_Validator#use_is_uploaded_fileProperty in class Upload_Validator

Set to false to assume is_uploaded_file() is true, Set to true to actually call is_uploaded_file() Useful to use when testing uploads

CMSMain::updatetreenodes() — Method in class CMSMain

Allows requesting a view update on specific tree nodes.

CMSMain::unpublish() — Method in class CMSMain
$ SiteTree#URLSegmentProperty in class SiteTree
SiteTreeExtension::updateRelativeLink() — Method in class SiteTreeExtension

Hook called to modify the $base url of this page, with a given $action, before {@link SiteTree::RelativeLink()} calls {@link Controller::join_links()} on the $base and $action

SiteTreeFileFormFactoryExtension::updateFormFields() — Method in class SiteTreeFileFormFactoryExtension
SiteTreeLinkTracking::updateCMSFields() — Method in class SiteTreeLinkTracking

This function is used to provide modifications to the form in the CMS by the extension. By default, no changes are made. {@link DataObject->getCMSFields()}.

VirtualPage::updateImageTracking() — Method in class VirtualPage
SiteTreeExtension::updateCMSActions() — Method in class SiteTreeExtension

This is used to provide modifications to the form actions used in the CMS. {@link DataObject->getCMSActions()}.

CachedConfigCollection::update() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection
DeltaConfigCollection::unserialize() — Method in class DeltaConfigCollection
MemoryConfigCollection::update() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection
MemoryConfigCollection::unserialize() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection
MiddlewareCommon::unserialize() — Method in class MiddlewareCommon
HTTP::urlRewriter() — Method in class HTTP

Rewrite all the URLs in the given content, evaluating the given string as PHP code.

UrlClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware\ConfirmationMiddleware

A rule to match a particular URL

UrlPathStartswithClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware\ConfirmationMiddleware

A rule to match beginning of URL

UrlPathStartswithCaseInsensitiveClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware\ConfirmationMiddleware

A case insensitive rule to match beginning of URL

URLSpecialsMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware

Check the request for the URL special variables.

$ RequestHandler#url_segmentProperty in class RequestHandler

Optional url_segment for this request handler

$ RequestHandler#url_handlersProperty in class RequestHandler

The default URL handling rules. This specifies that the next component of the URL corresponds to a method to be called on this RequestHandlingData object.

$ SimpleResourceURLGenerator#url_rewritesProperty in class SimpleResourceURLGenerator

Rewrites applied after generating url.

SimpleResourceURLGenerator::urlForResource() — Method in class SimpleResourceURLGenerator

Return the URL for a resource, prefixing with Director::baseURL() and suffixing with a nonce

Config::unnest() — Method in class Config

Change the active Config back to the Config instance the current active Config object was copied from.

Config_ForClass::update() — Method in class Config_ForClass

Explicit pass-through to Config::update()

Config_ForClass::uninherited() — Method in class Config_ForClass

Get uninherited config

Configurable::uninherited() — Method in class Configurable

Gets the uninherited value for the given config option

Convert::upperCamelToLowerCamel() — Method in class Convert

Converts upper camel case names to lower camel case, with leading upper case characters replaced with lower case.

Injector::unnest() — Method in class Injector

Change the active Injector back to the Injector instance the current active Injector object was copied from.

Injector::updateSpec() — Method in class Injector

Update the configuration of an already defined service

Injector::unregisterNamedObject() — Method in class Injector

Removes a named object from the cached list of objects managed by the inject

Injector::unregisterObjects() — Method in class Injector

Clear out objects of one or more types that are managed by the injetor.

Module::unserialize() — Method in class Module
ResourceURLGenerator::urlForResource() — Method in class ResourceURLGenerator

Return the URL for a given resource within the project.

BulkLoader_Result::UpdatedCount() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result
BulkLoader_Result::Updated() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result
FunctionalTest::useDraftSite() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Use the draft (stage) site for testing.

DatabaseAdapterRegistry::unregister() — Method in class DatabaseAdapterRegistry

Unregisters a database connector by classname

MigrationTask::up() — Method in class MigrationTask
UpgradeBootstrapClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\Upgrade

Provides upgrade interface for bootstrapping.

ErrorPageExtension::updateFieldLabels() — Method in class ErrorPageExtension

Extension point in see DataObject::fieldLabels

CompositeField::unshift() — Method in class CompositeField

Add a new child field to the beginning of the set.

FieldList::unshift() — Method in class FieldList

Push a single field onto the beginning of this FieldList instance.

Form::unsetValidator() — Method in class Form

Remove the {@link Validator} from this from.

Form::unsetAllActions() — Method in class Form

Unset all form actions

$ FormAction#useButtonTagProperty in class FormAction

Enables the use of <button> instead of <input> in {@link Field()} - for more customisable styling.

$ FormRequestHandler#url_handlersProperty in class FormRequestHandler
$ GridFieldFilterHeader#useLegacyFilterHeaderProperty in class GridFieldFilterHeader

Indicates that this component should revert to displaying it's legacy table header style rather than the react driven search box

$ GridField_FormAction#useButtonTagProperty in class GridField_FormAction
$ HTMLEditorConfig#user_themesProperty in class HTMLEditorConfig

List of themes defined for the frontend

TabSet::unshift() — Method in class TabSet

Add a new child field to the beginning of the set.

UploadReceiverClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Represents a form field which has an Upload() instance and can upload to a folder

Configuration::unset() — Method in class Configuration
ClientConfigProvider::updateClientConfig() — Method in class ClientConfigProvider
UserContextProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\QueryHandler
InheritanceUnionBuilder::unionName() — Method in class InheritanceUnionBuilder
DBFieldArgsPlugin::updateSchema() — Method in class DBFieldArgsPlugin
Inheritance::updateSchema() — Method in class Inheritance
UpdateCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject

Creates an update operation for a DataObject

SchemaUpdater::updateSchema() — Method in class SchemaUpdater
AbstractQueryFilterPlugin::updateSchema() — Method in class AbstractQueryFilterPlugin

Creates all the { eq: String, lte: String }, { eq: Int, lte: Int } etc types for comparisons

AbstractQuerySortPlugin::updateSchema() — Method in class AbstractQuerySortPlugin
PaginationPlugin::updateSchema() — Method in class PaginationPlugin
SortPlugin::updateSchema() — Method in class SortPlugin
ModelType::updateOperation() — Method in class ModelType
UnionTypeClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Type

Abstraction of a union type

ArrayList::unshift() — Method in class ArrayList

Add an item onto the beginning of the list.

DBConnector::unloadDatabase() — Method in class DBConnector

De-selects the currently selected database

MySQLiConnector::unloadDatabase() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

De-selects the currently selected database

PDOConnector::unloadDatabase() — Method in class PDOConnector

De-selects the currently selected database

DataExtension::unload_extra_statics() — Method in class DataExtension
DataExtension::updateCMSFields() — Method in class DataExtension

This function is used to provide modifications to the form in the CMS by the extension. By default, no changes are made. {@link DataObject->getCMSFields()}.

DataExtension::updateFrontEndFields() — Method in class DataExtension

This function is used to provide modifications to the form used for front end forms. {@link DataObject->getFrontEndFields()}

DataExtension::updateCMSActions() — Method in class DataExtension

This is used to provide modifications to the form actions used in the CMS. {@link DataObject->getCMSActions()}.

DataExtension::updateSummaryFields() — Method in class DataExtension

this function is used to provide modifications to the summary fields in CMS by the extension By default, the summaryField() of its owner will merge more fields defined in the extension's $extra_fields['summary_fields']

DataExtension::updateFieldLabels() — Method in class DataExtension

this function is used to provide modifications to the fields labels in CMS by the extension By default, the fieldLabels() of its owner will merge more fields defined in the extension's $extra_fields['field_labels']

DataObject::update() — Method in class DataObject

Update a number of fields on this object, given a map of the desired changes.

DataObjectSchema::unaryComponent() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Check class for any unary component

DBDate::URLDate() — Method in class DBDate

Returns a date suitable for insertion into a URL and use by the system.

DBDatetime::URLDatetime() — Method in class DBDatetime

Returns the url encoded date and time in ISO 6801 format using format string 'y-MM-dd%20HH:mm:ss' e.g. '2014-02-28%2013:32:22'.

DBField::URLATT() — Method in class DBField

urlencode this string

DBString::UpperCase() — Method in class DBString

Converts the current value for this StringField to uppercase.

DBVarchar::URL() — Method in class DBVarchar

Ensure that the given value is an absolute URL.

Map::unshift() — Method in class Map

Unshift an item onto the start of the map.

SQLConditionalExpression::useDisjunction() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Use the disjunctive operator 'OR' to join filter expressions in the WHERE clause.

SQLConditionalExpression::useConjunction() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Use the conjunctive operator 'AND' to join filter expressions in the WHERE clause.

SQLSelect::unlimitedRowCount() — Method in class SQLSelect

Return the number of rows in this query if the limit were removed. Useful in paged data sets.

UnexpectedDataExceptionClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Throw this exception whenever unexpected data is found.

UnsavedRelationListClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

An {@link ArrayList} that represents an unsaved relation.

ValidationResult::unserialize() — Method in class ValidationResult

Constructs the object

$ Member#unique_identifier_fieldProperty in class Member

The unique field used to identify this member.

NullSecurityToken::updateFieldSet() — Method in class NullSecurityToken
SecurityToken::updateFieldSet() — Method in class SecurityToken

Note: Doesn't call {@link FormField->setForm()} on the returned {@link HiddenField}, you'll need to take care of this yourself.

ArchiveRestoreAction::updateItemEditForm() — Method in class ArchiveRestoreAction

Updates the edit form with a restore button if it is being viewed

ChangeSetItem::unlinkDisownedObjects() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Once this item (and all owned objects) are published, unlink all disowned objects

VersionedTestSessionExtension::updateLink() — Method in class VersionedTestSessionExtension

Update link

VersionedTestSessionExtension::updateGetURL() — Method in class VersionedTestSessionExtension

Decorate link prior to http get request

VersionedTestSessionExtension::updatePostURL() — Method in class VersionedTestSessionExtension

Decorate link prior to http post request

ManagerExtension::updateConfig() — Method in class ManagerExtension

Adds the versioned types to all schemas

ReadExtension::updateList() — Method in class ReadExtension
ReadExtension::updateArgs() — Method in class ReadExtension
UnpublishClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\GraphQL\Operations

Scaffolds a generic update operation for DataObjects.

RecursivePublishable::unlinkDisownedObjects() — Method in class RecursivePublishable

Set foreign keys of has_many objects to 0 where those objects were disowned as a result of a partial publish / unpublish.

RecursivePublishable::unlinkDisownedRelationship() — Method in class RecursivePublishable

Unlink an object with a specific named relationship against the owner.

VersionableExtension::updateVersionableFields() — Method in class VersionableExtension

Update fields and indexes for the versonable suffix table

$ Versioned#use_conditions_over_inner_joinsProperty in class Versioned

Indicates whether augmentSQL operations should add subselects as WHERE conditions instead of INNER JOIN intersections. Performance of the INNER JOIN scales on the size of _Versions tables where as the condition scales on the number of records being returned from the base query.

$ Versioned#use_sessionProperty in class Versioned

Use PHP's session storage for the "reading mode" and "unsecuredDraftSite", instead of explicitly relying on the "stage" query parameter.

Versioned::updateInheritableQueryParams() — Method in class Versioned

Updates query parameters of relations attached to versioned dataobjects

Versioned::updateFieldLabels() — Method in class Versioned
Versioned::updateCMSFields() — Method in class Versioned
VersionedGridFieldArchiveExtension::updateConfig() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldArchiveExtension
VersionedGridFieldDetailForm::updateItemRequestClass() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldDetailForm
VersionedGridFieldStateExtension::updateConfig() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldStateExtension
VersionedStateExtension::updateLink() — Method in class VersionedStateExtension

Auto-append current stage if we're in draft, to avoid relying on session state for this, and the related potential of showing draft content without varying the URL itself.

VersionedTableDataQueryExtension::updateJoinTableName() — Method in class VersionedTableDataQueryExtension

Extension point in see DataQuery::getJoinTableName()

ShortcodeParser::unregister() — Method in class ShortcodeParser

Remove a specific registered shortcode.

$ Transliterator#use_iconvProperty in class Transliterator
URLSegmentFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\View\Parsers

Filter certain characters from "URL segments" (also called "slugs"), for nicer (more SEO-friendly) URLs.

Requirements::unblock() — Method in class Requirements

Remove an item from the block list

Requirements::unblock_all() — Method in class Requirements

Removes all items from the block list

Requirements_Backend::unblock() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Remove an item from the block list

Requirements_Backend::unblockAll() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Removes all items from the block list

SSTemplateParser::UncachedBlock_Template() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
FlushInvalidatedResource::unserialize() — Method in class FlushInvalidatedResource


UploadField::validate() — Method in class UploadField

Checks if the number of files attached adheres to the $allowedMaxFileNumber defined

VersionedFilesMigrationTaskClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Dev\Tasks
VersionedFilesMigratorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Dev
File::validate() — Method in class File
Folder::validate() — Method in class Folder
ImageManipulation::variantName() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Name a variant based on a format with arbitrary parameters

ImageManipulation::variantParts() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Reverses {@link variantName()}.

$ DBFile#VariantProperty in class DBFile

Variant of the file

DBFile::validate() — Method in class DBFile

Hook to validate this record against a validation result

$ DefaultAssetNameGenerator#version_prefixProperty in class DefaultAssetNameGenerator

A prefix for the version number added to an uploaded file when a file with the same name already exists.

DefaultAssetNameGenerator::valid() — Method in class DefaultAssetNameGenerator
$ Upload#version_prefixProperty in class Upload

A prefix for the version number added to an uploaded file when a file with the same name already exists.

Upload::validate() — Method in class Upload

Container for all validation on the file (e.g. size and extension restrictions).

Upload_Validator::validate() — Method in class Upload_Validator

Run through the rules for this validator checking against the temporary file set by {@link setTmpFile()} to see if the file is deemed valid or not.

CMSMain::ViewState() — Method in class CMSMain

Get view state based on the current action

SiteTreeURLSegmentField::Value() — Method in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField

Returns the field value.

SiteTree::validate() — Method in class SiteTree

Validate the current object.

SiteTree::validURLSegment() — Method in class SiteTree

Returns true if this object has a URLSegment value that does not conflict with any other objects. This method checks for:

  • A page with the same URLSegment that has a conflict
  • Conflicts with actions on the parent page
  • A conflict caused by a root page having the same URLSegment as a class name
SiteTree::VirtualPages() — Method in class SiteTree

Return all virtual pages that link to this page.

SiteTree::ViewerGroups() — Method in class SiteTree

List of groups that can view this object.

VirtualPageClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Model

Virtual Page creates an instance of a page, with the same fields that the original page had, but readonly.

$ VirtualPage#virtualFieldsProperty in class VirtualPage
VirtualPage::validate() — Method in class VirtualPage
$ HTTP#varyProperty in class HTTP

Vary string; A comma separated list of var header names

VersionProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Manifest

The version provider will look up configured modules and examine the composer.lock file to find the current version installed for each. This is used for the logo title in the CMS via {@link LeftAndMain::CMSVersion()}

CSVParser::valid() — Method in class CSVParser
ViewableDataContainsClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\Constraint

Constraint for checking if a ViewableData (e.g. ArrayData or any DataObject) contains fields matching the given key-value pairs.

SapphireInfo::Version() — Method in class SapphireInfo
CheckboxField::Value() — Method in class CheckboxField

Returns the field value.

CheckboxField_Readonly::Value() — Method in class CheckboxField_Readonly
CompositeField::validate() — Method in class CompositeField

Validate this field

ConfirmedPasswordField::validate() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Validate this field

CurrencyField::validate() — Method in class CurrencyField

Validate this field

DateField::Value() — Method in class DateField

Returns the field value.

DateField::validate() — Method in class DateField
DatetimeField::Value() — Method in class DatetimeField

Returns the frontend representation of the field value, according to the defined {@link dateFormat}.

DatetimeField::validate() — Method in class DatetimeField
EmailField::validate() — Method in class EmailField

Validates for RFC 2822 compliant email addresses.

FieldList::VisibleFields() — Method in class FieldList

Return all fields except for the hidden fields.

FileField::Value() — Method in class FileField

Returns the field value.

FileField::validate() — Method in class FileField

Abstract method each {@link FormField} subclass must implement, determines whether the field is valid or not based on the value.

FileUploadReceiver::Value() — Method in class FileUploadReceiver
Form::VisibleFields() — Method in class Form

Return all fields except for the hidden fields.

Form::validationResult() — Method in class Form

Processing that occurs before a form is executed.

FormField::Value() — Method in class FormField

Returns the field value.

FormField::validate() — Method in class FormField

Abstract method each {@link FormField} subclass must implement, determines whether the field is valid or not based on the value.

FormRequestHandler::validationResult() — Method in class FormRequestHandler

Processing that occurs before a form is executed.

GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::view() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
GridState::Value() — Method in class GridState

Returns a json encoded string representation of this state.

HTMLReadonlyField::ValueEntities() — Method in class HTMLReadonlyField

Return value with all values encoded in html entities

LookupField::validate() — Method in class LookupField

Ignore validation as the field is readonly

MoneyField::Value() — Method in class MoneyField

Returns the field value.

MoneyField::validate() — Method in class MoneyField

Validate this field

MultiSelectField::validate() — Method in class MultiSelectField

Validate this field

NumericField::Value() — Method in class NumericField

Format value for output

NumericField::validate() — Method in class NumericField

Validate this field

OptionsetField::validate() — Method in class OptionsetField

Validate this field

ReadonlyField::Value() — Method in class ReadonlyField
SingleLookupField::validate() — Method in class SingleLookupField

Ignore validation as the field is readonly

SingleLookupField::Value() — Method in class SingleLookupField

Note: we need to transform value in here becaue React fields do not use Field() to display value

SingleSelectField::validate() — Method in class SingleSelectField

Validate this field

TextField::validate() — Method in class TextField

Validate this field

TextareaField::ValueEntities() — Method in class TextareaField

Return value with all values encoded in html entities

TimeField::Value() — Method in class TimeField

Returns the field value.

TimeField::validate() — Method in class TimeField

Validate this field

ValidatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

This validation class handles all form and custom form validation through the use of Required fields. It relies on javascript for client-side validation, and marking fields after server-side validation. It acts as a visitor to individual form fields.

Validator::validate() — Method in class Validator

Returns any errors there may be.

Validator::validationError() — Method in class Validator

Callback to register an error on a field (Called from implementations of {@link FormField::validate}). The optional error message type parameter is loaded into the HTML class attribute.

ApplyVersionFilters::validateArgs() — Method in class ApplyVersionFilters
Field::validate() — Method in class Field
Field::validatePlugin() — Method in class Field
ModelField::validatePlugin() — Method in class ModelField
ModelMutation::validatePlugin() — Method in class ModelMutation
ModelQuery::validatePlugin() — Method in class ModelQuery
Mutation::validatePlugin() — Method in class Mutation
Query::validatePlugin() — Method in class Query
PluginValidator::validatePlugin() — Method in class PluginValidator
SchemaValidator::validate() — Method in class SchemaValidator
StorableSchema::validate() — Method in class StorableSchema
Enum::validate() — Method in class Enum
InterfaceType::validate() — Method in class InterfaceType
ModelType::validate() — Method in class ModelType
Scalar::validate() — Method in class Scalar
Type::validate() — Method in class Type
UnionType::validate() — Method in class UnionType
ArrayLib::valuekey() — Method in class ArrayLib

Return an array where the keys are all equal to the values.

DBSchemaManager::varchar() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Returns data type for 'varchar' column

MySQLSchemaManager::varchar() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return a varchar type-formatted string

Query::value() — Method in class Query

Returns the first column of the first record.

DB::valid_alternative_database_name() — Method in class DB

Determines if the name is valid, as a security measure against setting arbitrary databases.

DataExtension::validate() — Method in class DataExtension

Hook for extension-specific validation.

$ DataObject#validation_enabledProperty in class DataObject

Should dataobjects be validated before they are written?

DataObject::validate() — Method in class DataObject

Validate the current object.

Hierarchy::validate() — Method in class Hierarchy

Validate the owner object - check for existence of infinite loops.

Map::values() — Method in class Map

Return all the values of this map.

ValidationExceptionClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Exception thrown by {@link DataObject}::write if validation fails. By throwing an exception rather than a user error, the exception can be caught in unit tests and as such can be used as a successful test.

ValidationResultClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

A class that combined as a boolean result with an optional list of error messages.

Group::validate() — Method in class Group

Validate the current object.

InheritedPermissionsExtension::ViewerGroups() — Method in class InheritedPermissionsExtension
Member::validateCanLogin() — Method in class Member

Returns a valid {@link ValidationResult} if this member can currently log in, or an invalid one with error messages to display if the member is locked out.

Member::validateAutoLoginToken() — Method in class Member

Check the token against the member.

Member::validate() — Method in class Member

Validate this member object.

PasswordValidator::validate() — Method in class PasswordValidator
PermissionRoleCode::validate() — Method in class PermissionRoleCode

Validate the current object.

SiteConfig::ViewerGroups() — Method in class SiteConfig

List of groups that can view SiteConfig.

HistoryViewerController::versionForm() — Method in class HistoryViewerController
DiffField::Value() — Method in class DiffField
VersionedCacheAdapterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\Caching
$ ChangeSetItem#VersionBeforeProperty in class ChangeSetItem
$ ChangeSetItem#VersionAfterProperty in class ChangeSetItem
VersionedTestSessionExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\Dev

Decorates TestSession object to update get / post requests with versioned querystring arguments.

VersionedTestStateClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\Dev

Decorate sapphire test with versioning

VersionedInputTypeClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\GraphQL\Types
VersionedQueryModeClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\GraphQL\Types
VersionedStageClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\GraphQL\Types
VersionedStatusClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\GraphQL\Types
ReadingMode::validateStage() — Method in class ReadingMode

Validate the stage is valid, throwing an exception if it's not

VersionableExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned

Minimum level extra fields required by extensions that are versonable

VersionedClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned

The Versioned extension allows your DataObjects to have several versions, allowing you to rollback changes and view history. An example of this is the pages used in the CMS.

$ Versioned#versionableExtensionsProperty in class Versioned

An array of DataObject extensions that may require versioning for extra tables The array value is a set of suffixes to form these table names, assuming a preceding '_'.

$ Versioned#VersionProperty in class Versioned
Versioned::Versions() — Method in class Versioned

Return all versions of the current object

VersionedGridFieldArchiveExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned

Decorates a GridFieldConfig with a archive action

VersionedGridFieldDetailFormClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned

Extends {see GridFieldDetailForm}

VersionedGridFieldItemRequestClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned

Provides versioned dataobject support to {see GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest}

VersionedGridFieldStateExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned

Decorates a GridFieldConfig with gridfield publishing state

VersionedGridFieldStateClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\VersionedGridFieldState
VersionedHTTPMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned

Initialises the versioned stage when a request is made.

VersionedStateExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned

Persists versioned state between requests via querystring arguments

VersionedTableDataQueryExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned

Applies correct stage to tables

EmbedResource::validate() — Method in class EmbedResource

Validate this resource

Embeddable::validate() — Method in class Embeddable

Validate this resource

$ HTML#void_elementsProperty in class HTML

List of HTML5 void elements

ViewableDataClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

A ViewableData object is any object that can be rendered into a template/view.

ViewableData_CustomisedClass in namespace SilverStripe\View
ViewableData_DebuggerClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

Allows you to render debug information about a {@link ViewableData} object into a template.

IntlLocales::validate() — Method in class IntlLocales

Validates a "long" locale format (e.g. "en_US") by checking it against {@link $locales}.

Locales::validate() — Method in class Locales

Validates a "long" locale format (e.g. "en_US") by checking it against {@link $locales}.


Image_Backend::writeToStore() — Method in class Image_Backend

Write to the given asset store

Image_Backend::writeTo() — Method in class Image_Backend

Write the backend to a local path

InterventionBackend::writeToStore() — Method in class InterventionBackend

Write to the given asset store

InterventionBackend::writeTo() — Method in class InterventionBackend

Write the backend to a local path

Config::withConfig() — Method in class Config

Perform the given operation in an isolated config state.

Extension::withOwner() — Method in class Extension

Temporarily modify the owner. The original owner is ensured to be restored

DebugView::writeHeader() — Method in class DebugView
DebugView::writeInfo() — Method in class DebugView
DebugView::writeFooter() — Method in class DebugView
DebugView::writeError() — Method in class DebugView
DebugView::writeSourceFragment() — Method in class DebugView
DebugView::writeTrace() — Method in class DebugView
DebugView::writeVariable() — Method in class DebugView
TestSession::wasRedirected() — Method in class TestSession

Returns true if the last response was a 3xx redirection

YamlFixture::writeInto() — Method in class YamlFixture

Persists the YAML data in a FixtureFactory, which in turn saves them into the database.

ErrorPageExtension::writeStaticPage() — Method in class ErrorPageExtension

Write out the published version of the page to the filesystem.

Logger::warning() — Method in class Logger
SchemaTranscriber::writeSchemaToFilesystem() — Method in class SchemaTranscriber

Introspect the schema and persist it to the filesystem

SchemaTranscriber::writeTypes() — Method in class SchemaTranscriber
$ DBConnector#write_operationsProperty in class DBConnector

List of operations to treat as write Implicitly includes all ddl_operations

Database::withTransaction() — Method in class Database

Invoke $callback within a transaction

DataList::where() — Method in class DataList

Return a new DataList instance with a WHERE clause added to this list's query.

DataList::whereAny() — Method in class DataList

Return a new DataList instance with a WHERE clause added to this list's query.

DataObject::write() — Method in class DataObject

Writes all changes to this object to the database.

DataObject::writeRelations() — Method in class DataObject

Writes cached relation lists to the database, if possible

DataObject::writeComponents() — Method in class DataObject

Write the cached components to the database. Cached components could refer to two different instances of the same record.

DataObjectInterface::write() — Method in class DataObjectInterface

Write the current object back to the database. It should know whether this is a new object, in which case this would be an insert command, or if this is an existing object queried from the database, in which case thes would be

DataQuery::where() — Method in class DataQuery

Adds a WHERE clause.

DataQuery::whereAny() — Method in class DataQuery

Append a WHERE with OR.

DataQuery_SubGroup::where() — Method in class DataQuery_SubGroup

Adds a WHERE clause.

DataQuery_SubGroup::whereAny() — Method in class DataQuery_SubGroup

Append a WHERE with OR.

DBComposite::writeToManipulation() — Method in class DBComposite

Write all nested fields into a manipulation

DBCurrency::Whole() — Method in class DBCurrency

Returns the number as a whole-number currency, eg “$1,000”.

DBField::writeToManipulation() — Method in class DBField

Prepare the current field for usage in a database-manipulation (works on a manipulation reference).

DBHTMLText::whitelistContent() — Method in class DBHTMLText

Filter the given $value string through the whitelist filter

WithinRangeFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Filters


$ PasswordExpirationMiddleware#whitelisted_url_startswithProperty in class PasswordExpirationMiddleware

List of URL patterns allowed for users to visit where URL starts with the pattern

$ Security#word_listProperty in class Security

Location of word list to use for generating passwords

Versioned::writeWithoutVersion() — Method in class Versioned

Perform a write without affecting the version table.

Versioned::writeToStage() — Method in class Versioned

Write the given record to the given stage.

Versioned::withVersionedMode() — Method in class Versioned

Invoke a callback which may modify reading mode, but ensures this mode is restored after completion, without modifying global state.

$ Requirements_Backend#writeJavascriptToBodyProperty in class Requirements_Backend

Put all JavaScript includes at the bottom of the template before the closing <body> tag, rather than the default behaviour of placing them at the end of the <head> tag. This means script downloads won't block other HTTP requests, which can be a performance improvement.

WriterClass in namespace SilverStripe\i18n\Messages

Allows serialization of entity definitions collected through {@link i18nTextCollector} into a persistent format, usually on the filesystem.

Writer::write() — Method in class Writer
YamlWriter::write() — Method in class YamlWriter
i18nTextCollector::write() — Method in class i18nTextCollector

Write entities to a module

i18n::with_locale() — Method in class i18n

Temporarily set the locale while invoking a callback


DBFile::XML() — Method in class DBFile

Return a html5 tag of the appropriate for this file (normally img or a)

ContentNegotiator::xhtml() — Method in class ContentNegotiator

Check user defined content type and use it, if it's empty use the strict application/xhtml+xml.

Convert::xml2raw() — Method in class Convert

Convert XML to raw text.

Convert::xml2array() — Method in class Convert

Converts an XML string to a PHP array See http://phpsecurity.readthedocs.org/en/latest/Injection-Attacks.html#xml-external-entity-injection

$ GridFieldExportButton#xls_export_disabledProperty in class GridFieldExportButton

Set to true to disable XLS sanitisation [SS-2017-007] Ensure all cells with leading [@=+] have a leading tab

DBField::XML() — Method in class DBField

XML encode this value

ViewableData::XML_val() — Method in class ViewableData

Get the string value of a field on this object that has been suitable escaped to be inserted directly into a template.


YamlTransformExceptionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Config\Exceptions
YamlTransformerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Config\Transformer
YamlFixtureClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Uses Symfony's YAML component to parse a YAML document (see http://yaml.org).

DBSchemaManager::year() — Method in class DBSchemaManager
MySQLSchemaManager::year() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager
DBDate::Year() — Method in class DBDate

Returns the year from the given date

YamlReaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\i18n\Messages
YamlWriterClass in namespace SilverStripe\i18n\Messages

Write yml files compatible with ModuleYamlLoader


CMSBatchActionHandler::__construct() — Method in class CMSBatchActionHandler
CMSMenuItem::__construct() — Method in class CMSMenuItem

Create a new CMS Menu Item

GroupImportForm::__construct() — Method in class GroupImportForm

Create a new form, with the given fields an action buttons.

LeftAndMainFormRequestHandler::__construct() — Method in class LeftAndMainFormRequestHandler

Build a new request handler for a given Form model

MemberImportForm::__construct() — Method in class MemberImportForm

Create a new form, with the given fields an action buttons.

ModalController::__construct() — Method in class ModalController
AssetFormFactory::__construct() — Method in class AssetFormFactory
FileSearchFormFactory::__construct() — Method in class FileSearchFormFactory
UploadField::__construct() — Method in class UploadField

Create a new file field.

CreateFileMutationCreator::__construct() — Method in class CreateFileMutationCreator
CreateFolderMutationCreator::__construct() — Method in class CreateFolderMutationCreator
FileInputTypeCreator::__construct() — Method in class FileInputTypeCreator
FileTypeCreator::__construct() — Method in class FileTypeCreator
FolderInputTypeCreator::__construct() — Method in class FolderInputTypeCreator
MoveFilesMutationCreator::__construct() — Method in class MoveFilesMutationCreator
Notice::__construct() — Method in class Notice

Notice constructor.

UpdateFileMutationCreator::__construct() — Method in class UpdateFileMutationCreator
ImageThumbnailHelper::__construct() — Method in class ImageThumbnailHelper
FileMigrationHelper::__construct() — Method in class FileMigrationHelper
LegacyThumbnailMigrationHelper::__construct() — Method in class LegacyThumbnailMigrationHelper
NormaliseAccessMigrationHelper::__construct() — Method in class NormaliseAccessMigrationHelper
TagsToShortcodeHelper::__construct() — Method in class TagsToShortcodeHelper

TagsToShortcodeHelper constructor.

VersionedFilesMigrator::__construct() — Method in class VersionedFilesMigrator

VersionedFilesMigrationTask constructor.

FileFinder::__construct() — Method in class FileFinder
AssetAdapter::__construct() — Method in class AssetAdapter
Image::__construct() — Method in class Image

Construct a new DataObject.

ImageBackendFactory::__construct() — Method in class ImageBackendFactory
Image_Backend::__construct() — Method in class Image_Backend

Create a new backend with the given object

InterventionBackend::__construct() — Method in class InterventionBackend

Create a new backend with the given object

InterventionBackend::__destruct() — Method in class InterventionBackend

Make sure we clean up the image resource when this object is destroyed

AssetNameGenerator::__construct() — Method in class AssetNameGenerator

Construct a generator for the given filename

DBFile::__construct() — Method in class DBFile

Create a new image manipulation

DefaultAssetNameGenerator::__construct() — Method in class DefaultAssetNameGenerator

Construct a generator for the given filename

Upload::__construct() — Method in class Upload
CMSSiteTreeFilter::__construct() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter
ContentController::__construct() — Method in class ContentController

The ContentController will take the URLSegment parameter from the URL and use that to look up a SiteTree record.

SilverStripeNavigator::__construct() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigator
SilverStripeNavigatorItem::__construct() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem
SiteTreeFolderExtension::__construct() — Method in class SiteTreeFolderExtension
VirtualPage::__get() — Method in class VirtualPage

Allow attributes on the master page to pass through to the virtual page

VirtualPage::__call() — Method in class VirtualPage

Pass unrecognized method calls on to the original data object

SearchForm::__construct() — Method in class SearchForm
AddToCampaignHandler::__construct() — Method in class AddToCampaignHandler

AddToCampaignHandler constructor.

AddToCampaignHandler_FormAction::__construct() — Method in class AddToCampaignHandler_FormAction

Create a new action button.

CachedConfigCollection::__destruct() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection

Commits the cache

DeltaConfigCollection::__construct() — Method in class DeltaConfigCollection

Construct a delta collection

DeltaConfigCollection::__clone() — Method in class DeltaConfigCollection
MemoryConfigCollection::__construct() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection

ConfigCollection constructor.

DeltaMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class DeltaMiddleware

DeltaMiddleware constructor.

PrivateStaticTransformer::__construct() — Method in class PrivateStaticTransformer
YamlTransformer::__construct() — Method in class YamlTransformer
CookieJar::__construct() — Method in class CookieJar

When creating the backend we want to store the existing cookies in our "existing" array. This allows us to distinguish between cookies we received or we set ourselves (and didn't get from the browser)

Cookie_Backend::__construct() — Method in class Cookie_Backend

When creating the backend we want to store the existing cookies in our "existing" array. This allows us to distinguish between cookies we recieved or we set ourselves (and didn't get from the browser)

Director::__construct() — Method in class Director
Email::__construct() — Method in class Email

Email constructor.

HTTPApplication::__construct() — Method in class HTTPApplication

Initialize the application with a kernel instance

HTTPRequest::__construct() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Construct a HTTPRequest from a URL relative to the site root.

HTTPResponse::__construct() — Method in class HTTPResponse

Create a new HTTP response

HTTPResponse::__toString() — Method in class HTTPResponse

The HTTP response represented as a raw string

HTTPResponse_Exception::__construct() — Method in class HTTPResponse_Exception
HTTPStreamResponse::__construct() — Method in class HTTPStreamResponse

HTTPStreamResponse constructor.

ConfirmationMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class ConfirmationMiddleware

Init the middleware with the rules

EnvironmentBypass::__construct() — Method in class EnvironmentBypass

Initialize the bypass with the list of environment types

GetParameter::__construct() — Method in class GetParameter

Initialize the rule with a parameter name

HttpMethodBypass::__construct() — Method in class HttpMethodBypass

Initialize the bypass with HTTP methods

Url::__construct() — Method in class Url

Initialize the rule with the parameters

UrlPathStartswith::__construct() — Method in class UrlPathStartswith

Initialize the rule with the path

RequestHandlerMiddlewareAdapter::__construct() — Method in class RequestHandlerMiddlewareAdapter
URLSpecialsMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class URLSpecialsMiddleware

Initializes the middleware with the required rules

NullHTTPRequest::__construct() — Method in class NullHTTPRequest

Construct a HTTPRequest from a URL relative to the site root.

PjaxResponseNegotiator::__construct() — Method in class PjaxResponseNegotiator
RSSFeed::__construct() — Method in class RSSFeed


RSSFeed_Entry::__construct() — Method in class RSSFeed_Entry

Create a new RSSFeed entry.

RequestHandler::__construct() — Method in class RequestHandler
RequestProcessor::__construct() — Method in class RequestProcessor

Construct new RequestFilter with a list of filter objects

Session::__construct() — Method in class Session

Start PHP session, then create a new Session object with the given start data.

ApcuCacheFactory::__construct() — Method in class ApcuCacheFactory
DefaultCacheFactory::__construct() — Method in class DefaultCacheFactory
FilesystemCacheFactory::__construct() — Method in class FilesystemCacheFactory
ManifestCacheFactory::__construct() — Method in class ManifestCacheFactory
MemcachedCacheFactory::__construct() — Method in class MemcachedCacheFactory
RateLimiter::__construct() — Method in class RateLimiter

RateLimiter constructor.

Config_ForClass::__construct() — Method in class Config_ForClass
Config_ForClass::__get() — Method in class Config_ForClass
Config_ForClass::__set() — Method in class Config_ForClass
Config_ForClass::__isset() — Method in class Config_ForClass
CoreConfigFactory::__construct() — Method in class CoreConfigFactory

Create factory

ExtensionMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class ExtensionMiddleware
InheritanceMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class InheritanceMiddleware
CoreKernel::__construct() — Method in class CoreKernel

Create a new kernel for this application

CustomMethods::__call() — Method in class CustomMethods

Attempts to locate and call a method dynamically added to a class at runtime if a default cannot be located

Extension::__construct() — Method in class Extension
AopProxyService::__construct() — Method in class AopProxyService

Because we don't know exactly how the proxied class is usually called, provide a default constructor

AopProxyService::__call() — Method in class AopProxyService
Injector::__construct() — Method in class Injector

Create a new injector.

Injector::__get() — Method in class Injector

Magic method to return an item directly

ClassManifest::__construct() — Method in class ClassManifest

Constructs and initialises a new class manifest, either loading the data from the cache or re-scanning for classes.

ClassManifestErrorHandler::__construct() — Method in class ClassManifestErrorHandler
Module::__construct() — Method in class Module

Construct a module

ModuleManifest::__construct() — Method in class ModuleManifest

Constructs and initialises a new configuration object, either loading from the cache or re-scanning for classes.

ModuleResource::__construct() — Method in class ModuleResource

ModuleResource constructor.

ModuleResource::__toString() — Method in class ModuleResource

Get relative path

PrioritySorter::__construct() — Method in class PrioritySorter

PrioritySorter constructor.

CallbackFlushDiscoverer::__construct() — Method in class CallbackFlushDiscoverer

Construct the discoverer from a callback

DeployFlushDiscoverer::__construct() — Method in class DeployFlushDiscoverer
RequestFlushDiscoverer::__construct() — Method in class RequestFlushDiscoverer

Initialize it with active Request and Kernel

ScheduledFlushDiscoverer::__construct() — Method in class ScheduledFlushDiscoverer
BuildTask::__construct() — Method in class BuildTask
BulkLoader::__construct() — Method in class BulkLoader
CSSContentParser::__construct() — Method in class CSSContentParser
CSVParser::__construct() — Method in class CSVParser

Open a CSV file for parsing.

CSVParser::__destruct() — Method in class CSVParser
ArraySubset::__construct() — Method in class ArraySubset
SSListContains::__construct() — Method in class SSListContains
SSListContainsOnlyMatchingItems::__construct() — Method in class SSListContainsOnlyMatchingItems
ViewableDataContains::__construct() — Method in class ViewableDataContains

ViewableDataContains constructor.

FixtureBlueprint::__construct() — Method in class FixtureBlueprint
FixFolderPermissionsHelper::__construct() — Method in class FixFolderPermissionsHelper
TestKernel::__construct() — Method in class TestKernel

Create a new kernel for this application

TestSession::__construct() — Method in class TestSession
TestSession::__destruct() — Method in class TestSession
TestSession_STResponseWrapper::__construct() — Method in class TestSession_STResponseWrapper
UpgradeBootstrap::__invoke() — Method in class UpgradeBootstrap
YamlFixture::__construct() — Method in class YamlFixture
CompositeField::__construct() — Method in class CompositeField

Creates a new field.

CompositeField::__clone() — Method in class CompositeField
ConfirmedPasswordField::__construct() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField
FieldGroup::__construct() — Method in class FieldGroup

Create a new field group.

FieldList::__construct() — Method in class FieldList
FieldList::__clone() — Method in class FieldList
FileField::__construct() — Method in class FileField

Create a new file field.

Form::__construct() — Method in class Form

Create a new form, with the given fields an action buttons.

FormAction::__construct() — Method in class FormAction

Create a new action button.

FormField::__construct() — Method in class FormField

Creates a new field.

FormRequestHandler::__construct() — Method in class FormRequestHandler

Build a new request handler for a given Form model

FormScaffolder::__construct() — Method in class FormScaffolder
FormTransformation::__construct() — Method in class FormTransformation
Form_FieldMap::__construct() — Method in class Form_FieldMap
Form_FieldMap::__call() — Method in class Form_FieldMap

Attempts to locate and call a method dynamically added to a class at runtime if a default cannot be located

GridField::__construct() — Method in class GridField
GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter
GridFieldAddNewButton::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldAddNewButton
GridFieldButtonRow::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldButtonRow
GridFieldConfig::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldConfig
GridFieldConfig_Base::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldConfig_Base
GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor
GridFieldConfig_RecordViewer::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldConfig_RecordViewer
GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor
GridFieldDeleteAction::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldDeleteAction
GridFieldDetailForm::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm

Create a popup component. The two arguments will specify how the popup form's HTML and behaviour is created. The given controller will be customised, putting the edit form into the template with the given name.

GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
GridFieldExportButton::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton
GridFieldFilterHeader::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader
GridFieldFooter::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldFooter
GridFieldGroupDeleteAction::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldGroupDeleteAction
GridFieldImportButton::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldImportButton
GridFieldLevelup::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldLevelup
GridFieldPageCount::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldPageCount
GridFieldPaginator::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldPaginator
GridFieldPrintButton::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButton
GridFieldVersionedState::__construct() — Method in class GridFieldVersionedState
GridField_FormAction::__construct() — Method in class GridField_FormAction
GridField_FormAction::_nameEncode() — Method in class GridField_FormAction
GridState::__construct() — Method in class GridState
GridState::__toString() — Method in class GridState
GridState_Data::__construct() — Method in class GridState_Data
GridState_Data::__get() — Method in class GridState_Data
GridState_Data::__call() — Method in class GridState_Data
GridState_Data::__set() — Method in class GridState_Data
GridState_Data::__isset() — Method in class GridState_Data
GridState_Data::__unset() — Method in class GridState_Data
GridState_Data::__toString() — Method in class GridState_Data
HTMLEditorField::__construct() — Method in class HTMLEditorField

Creates a new HTMLEditorField.

HTMLEditorSanitiser::__construct() — Method in class HTMLEditorSanitiser

Construct a sanitiser from a given HTMLEditorConfig

TinyMCEGZIPGenerator::__construct() — Method in class TinyMCEGZIPGenerator
HeaderField::__construct() — Method in class HeaderField
LabelField::__construct() — Method in class LabelField
ListboxField::__construct() — Method in class ListboxField

Creates a new dropdown field.

LiteralField::__construct() — Method in class LiteralField
MoneyField::__construct() — Method in class MoneyField

Creates a new field.

MoneyField::__clone() — Method in class MoneyField
NullableField::__construct() — Method in class NullableField

Create a new nullable field

PasswordField::__construct() — Method in class PasswordField

Returns an input field.

PrintableTransformation_TabSet::__construct() — Method in class PrintableTransformation_TabSet
RequiredFields::__construct() — Method in class RequiredFields

Pass each field to be validated as a seperate argument to the constructor of this object. (an array of elements are ok).

SelectField::__construct() — Method in class SelectField
SelectionGroup::__construct() — Method in class SelectionGroup

Create a new selection group.

SelectionGroup_Item::__construct() — Method in class SelectionGroup_Item
Tab::__construct() — Method in class Tab
TabSet::__construct() — Method in class TabSet
TextField::__construct() — Method in class TextField

Returns an input field.

Tip::__construct() — Method in class Tip
ToggleCompositeField::__construct() — Method in class ToggleCompositeField
TreeDropdownField::__construct() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

CAVEAT: for search to work properly $labelField must be a database field, or you need to setSearchFunction.

TreeMultiselectField::__construct() — Method in class TreeMultiselectField

CAVEAT: for search to work properly $labelField must be a database field, or you need to setSearchFunction.

Validator::__construct() — Method in class Validator
Configuration::__construct() — Method in class Configuration

ModelConfiguration constructor.

Controller::__construct() — Method in class Controller
HTTPProvider::__construct() — Method in class HTTPProvider

HTTPProvider constructor.

QueryHandler::__construct() — Method in class QueryHandler

QueryHandler constructor.

QueryStateProvider::__construct() — Method in class QueryStateProvider

QueryStateProvider constructor.

RequestContextProvider::__construct() — Method in class RequestContextProvider

HTTPMethodProvider constructor.

SchemaConfigProvider::__construct() — Method in class SchemaConfigProvider

SchemaConfigProvider constructor.

TokenContextProvider::__construct() — Method in class TokenContextProvider

TokenContextProvider constructor.

UserContextProvider::__construct() — Method in class UserContextProvider
AbstractBulkLoader::__construct() — Method in class AbstractBulkLoader

AbstractBulkLoader constructor.

BulkLoaderSet::__construct() — Method in class BulkLoaderSet

BulkLoaderSet constructor.

Collection::__construct() — Method in class Collection

Collection constructor.

RegistryBackend::__construct() — Method in class RegistryBackend

RegistryBackend constructor.

DataObjectModel::__construct() — Method in class DataObjectModel

DataObjectModel constructor.

InheritanceBuilder::__construct() — Method in class InheritanceBuilder

InheritanceBuilder constructor.

InheritanceChain::__construct() — Method in class InheritanceChain

InheritanceChain constructor.

InheritanceUnionBuilder::__construct() — Method in class InheritanceUnionBuilder

InheritanceUnionBuilder constructor.

InterfaceBuilder::__construct() — Method in class InterfaceBuilder

InterfaceBuilderTest constructor.

QueryCollector::__construct() — Method in class QueryCollector
FieldFilterRegistry::__construct() — Method in class FieldFilterRegistry

FilterRegistry constructor.

ResolverFailure::__construct() — Method in class ResolverFailure
Argument::__construct() — Method in class Argument

Argument constructor.

Field::__construct() — Method in class Field

Field constructor.

ModelField::__construct() — Method in class ModelField

ModelField constructor.

ModelMutation::__construct() — Method in class ModelMutation

ModelMutation constructor.

ModelQuery::__construct() — Method in class ModelQuery

ModelQuery constructor.

PluginRegistry::__construct() — Method in class PluginRegistry
ComposedResolver::__construct() — Method in class ComposedResolver
EncodedResolver::__construct() — Method in class EncodedResolver
ResolverReference::__construct() — Method in class ResolverReference
Schema::__construct() — Method in class Schema
SchemaBuilder::__construct() — Method in class SchemaBuilder
NestedInputBuilder::__construct() — Method in class NestedInputBuilder
SchemaTranscriber::__construct() — Method in class SchemaTranscriber

SchemaTranscriber constructor.

StorableSchema::__construct() — Method in class StorableSchema
CodeGenerationStore::__construct() — Method in class CodeGenerationStore
Encoder::__construct() — Method in class Encoder
EncodedType::__construct() — Method in class EncodedType
Enum::__construct() — Method in class Enum
ModelInterfaceType::__construct() — Method in class ModelInterfaceType
ModelType::__construct() — Method in class ModelType
ModelUnionType::__construct() — Method in class ModelUnionType
Scalar::__construct() — Method in class Scalar
Type::__construct() — Method in class Type
TypeReference::__construct() — Method in class TypeReference
UnionType::__construct() — Method in class UnionType
ArrayList::__construct() — Method in class ArrayList
DatabaseException::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseException

Constructs the database exception

MySQLQuery::__construct() — Method in class MySQLQuery

Hook the result-set given into a Query class, suitable for use by SilverStripe.

MySQLQuery::__destruct() — Method in class MySQLQuery
MySQLStatement::__construct() — Method in class MySQLStatement

Hook the result-set given into a Query class, suitable for use by SilverStripe.

MySQLStatement::__destruct() — Method in class MySQLStatement
MySQLTransactionManager::__construct() — Method in class MySQLTransactionManager
MySQLiConnector::__destruct() — Method in class MySQLiConnector
NestedTransactionManager::__construct() — Method in class NestedTransactionManager

Create a NestedTransactionManager

PDOQuery::__construct() — Method in class PDOQuery

Hook the result-set given into a Query class, suitable for use by SilverStripe.

PDOStatementHandle::__construct() — Method in class PDOStatementHandle

Create a new handle.

TempDatabase::__construct() — Method in class TempDatabase

Create a new temp database

DataList::__construct() — Method in class DataList

Create a new DataList.

DataList::__clone() — Method in class DataList

When cloning this object, clone the dataQuery object as well

DataObject::__construct() — Method in class DataObject

Construct a new DataObject.

DataObjectInterface::__construct() — Method in class DataObjectInterface

Create a new data object, not yet in the database. To load an object into the database, a null object should be constructed, its fields set, and the write() method called.

DataObjectInterface::__get() — Method in class DataObjectInterface

Get the named field.

DataQuery::__construct() — Method in class DataQuery

Create a new DataQuery.

DataQuery::__clone() — Method in class DataQuery

Clone this object

DataQuery_SubGroup::__construct() — Method in class DataQuery_SubGroup

Create a new DataQuery.

DBBoolean::__construct() — Method in class DBBoolean

Provide the DBField name and an array of options, e.g. ['index' => true], or ['nullifyEmpty' => false]

DBClassName::__construct() — Method in class DBClassName

Create a new DBClassName field

DBComposite::__set() — Method in class DBComposite

Set a property/field on this object. This will check for the existence of a method called set{$property}, then use the {@link ViewableData::setField()} method.

DBComposite::__get() — Method in class DBComposite

Get the value of a property/field on this object. This will check if a method called get{$property} exists, then check if a field is available using {@link ViewableData::getField()}, then fall back on a failover object.

DBCurrency::__construct() — Method in class DBCurrency

Create a new Decimal field.

DBDecimal::__construct() — Method in class DBDecimal

Create a new Decimal field.

DBEnum::__construct() — Method in class DBEnum

Create a new Enum field, which is a value within a defined set, with an optional default.

DBField::__construct() — Method in class DBField

Provide the DBField name and an array of options, e.g. ['index' => true], or ['nullifyEmpty' => false]

DBField::__toString() — Method in class DBField
DBFloat::__construct() — Method in class DBFloat

Provide the DBField name and an array of options, e.g. ['index' => true], or ['nullifyEmpty' => false]

DBForeignKey::__construct() — Method in class DBForeignKey

Provide the DBField name and an array of options, e.g. ['index' => true], or ['nullifyEmpty' => false]

DBInt::__construct() — Method in class DBInt

Provide the DBField name and an array of options, e.g. ['index' => true], or ['nullifyEmpty' => false]

DBLocale::__construct() — Method in class DBLocale

Construct a new short text field

DBMultiEnum::__construct() — Method in class DBMultiEnum

Create a new Enum field, which is a value within a defined set, with an optional default.

DBPercentage::__construct() — Method in class DBPercentage

Create a new Decimal field.

DBPrimaryKey::__construct() — Method in class DBPrimaryKey
DBString::__construct() — Method in class DBString

Set the default value for "nullify empty"

DBVarchar::__construct() — Method in class DBVarchar

Construct a new short text field

SearchFilter::__construct() — Method in class SearchFilter
HasManyList::__construct() — Method in class HasManyList
MarkedSet::__construct() — Method in class MarkedSet

Create an empty set with the given class

ListDecorator::__construct() — Method in class ListDecorator
ManyManyList::__construct() — Method in class ManyManyList
ManyManyThroughList::__construct() — Method in class ManyManyThroughList

Create a new ManyManyRelationList object. This relation will utilise an intermediary dataobject as a join table, unlike ManyManyList which scaffolds a table automatically.

ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator::__construct() — Method in class ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator

Build query manipulator for a given join table. Additional parameters (foreign key, etc) will be inferred at evaluation from query parameters set via the ManyManyThroughList

Map::__construct() — Method in class Map

Construct a new map around an SS_list.

PaginatedList::__construct() — Method in class PaginatedList

Constructs a new paginated list instance around a list.

PolymorphicHasManyList::__construct() — Method in class PolymorphicHasManyList

Create a new PolymorphicHasManyList relation list.

SQLAssignmentRow::__construct() — Method in class SQLAssignmentRow

Instantiate a new SQLAssignmentRow object with the given values

SQLConditionalExpression::__construct() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Construct a new SQLInteractExpression.

SQLDelete::__construct() — Method in class SQLDelete

Construct a new SQLDelete.

SQLExpression::__toString() — Method in class SQLExpression

Return the generated SQL string for this query

SQLInsert::__construct() — Method in class SQLInsert

Construct a new SQLInsert object

SQLSelect::__construct() — Method in class SQLSelect

Construct a new SQLSelect.

SQLUpdate::__construct() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Construct a new SQLUpdate object

FulltextSearchable::__construct() — Method in class FulltextSearchable
SearchContext::__construct() — Method in class SearchContext

A key value pair of values that should be searched for.

UnsavedRelationList::__construct() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Create a new UnsavedRelationList

ValidationException::__construct() — Method in class ValidationException

Construct a new ValidationException with an optional ValidationResult object

ValidationResult::__construct() — Method in class ValidationResult

Create a new ValidationResult.

ReportWrapper::__construct() — Method in class ReportWrapper
SideReportView::__construct() — Method in class SideReportView
Form::__construct() — Method in class Form
Item::__construct() — Method in class Item
Storage::__construct() — Method in class Storage
DefaultAdminService::__construct() — Method in class DefaultAdminService
GroupCsvBulkLoader::__construct() — Method in class GroupCsvBulkLoader
InheritedPermissions::__construct() — Method in class InheritedPermissions

Construct new permissions object

InheritedPermissions::__destruct() — Method in class InheritedPermissions

Commits the cache

LogoutForm::__construct() — Method in class LogoutForm

Create a new form, with the given fields an action buttons.

CMSMemberLoginForm::__construct() — Method in class CMSMemberLoginForm

CMSMemberLoginForm constructor.

ChangePasswordForm::__construct() — Method in class ChangePasswordForm


ChangePasswordHandler::__construct() — Method in class ChangePasswordHandler
LoginHandler::__construct() — Method in class LoginHandler
LostPasswordHandler::__construct() — Method in class LostPasswordHandler
MemberLoginForm::__construct() — Method in class MemberLoginForm


MemberCsvBulkLoader::__construct() — Method in class MemberCsvBulkLoader
Member_Validator::__construct() — Method in class Member_Validator


PasswordEncryptor_PHPHash::__construct() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_PHPHash
PermissionCheckboxSetField::__construct() — Method in class PermissionCheckboxSetField
Permission_Group::__construct() — Method in class Permission_Group


SecurityToken::__construct() — Method in class SecurityToken
HistoryViewerField::__construct() — Method in class HistoryViewerField

Creates a new field.

ProxyCacheAdapter::__construct() — Method in class ProxyCacheAdapter

Create container cache controlling an inner pool cache

DataDifferencer::__construct() — Method in class DataDifferencer

Construct a DataDifferencer to show the changes between $fromRecord and $toRecord.

PublishOperation::__construct() — Method in class PublishOperation
ReadVersions::__construct() — Method in class ReadVersions

ReadOperationScaffolder constructor.

Rollback::__construct() — Method in class Rollback

CreateOperationScaffolder constructor.

Versioned::__construct() — Method in class Versioned

Construct a new Versioned object.

VersionedGridFieldState::__construct() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldState
ArrayData::__construct() — Method in class ArrayData
EmbedResource::__construct() — Method in class EmbedResource
HTMLCleaner::__construct() — Method in class HTMLCleaner
HTMLValue::__construct() — Method in class HTMLValue
HTMLValue::__call() — Method in class HTMLValue

Pass through any missed method calls to DOMDocument (if they exist) so that HTMLValue can be treated mostly like an instance of DOMDocument

ShortcodeParser::__construct() — Method in class ShortcodeParser
SSTemplateParseException::__construct() — Method in class SSTemplateParseException

SSTemplateParseException constructor.

SSTemplateParser::__construct() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

Allow the injection of new closed & open block callables

SSViewer::__construct() — Method in class SSViewer
SSViewer_DataPresenter::__construct() — Method in class SSViewer_DataPresenter
SSViewer_DataPresenter::__call() — Method in class SSViewer_DataPresenter
SSViewer_FromString::__construct() — Method in class SSViewer_FromString
SSViewer_Scope::__construct() — Method in class SSViewer_Scope
SSViewer_Scope::__call() — Method in class SSViewer_Scope
ThemeManifest::__construct() — Method in class ThemeManifest

Constructs a new template manifest. The manifest is not actually built or loaded from cache until needed.

ThemeResourceLoader::__construct() — Method in class ThemeResourceLoader
ViewableData::__construct() — Method in class ViewableData
ViewableData::__isset() — Method in class ViewableData

Check if a field exists on this object or its failover.

ViewableData::__get() — Method in class ViewableData

Get the value of a property/field on this object. This will check if a method called get{$property} exists, then check if a field is available using {@link ViewableData::getField()}, then fall back on a failover object.

ViewableData::__set() — Method in class ViewableData

Set a property/field on this object. This will check for the existence of a method called set{$property}, then use the {@link ViewableData::setField()} method.

ViewableData::__toString() — Method in class ViewableData
ViewableData_Customised::__construct() — Method in class ViewableData_Customised

Instantiate a new customised ViewableData object

ViewableData_Customised::__call() — Method in class ViewableData_Customised

Attempts to locate and call a method dynamically added to a class at runtime if a default cannot be located

ViewableData_Customised::__get() — Method in class ViewableData_Customised

Get the value of a property/field on this object. This will check if a method called get{$property} exists, then check if a field is available using {@link ViewableData::getField()}, then fall back on a failover object.

ViewableData_Customised::__set() — Method in class ViewableData_Customised

Set a property/field on this object. This will check for the existence of a method called set{$property}, then use the {@link ViewableData::setField()} method.

ViewableData_Customised::__isset() — Method in class ViewableData_Customised

Check if a field exists on this object or its failover.

ViewableData_Debugger::__construct() — Method in class ViewableData_Debugger
ViewableData_Debugger::__toString() — Method in class ViewableData_Debugger
IntlLocales::__construct() — Method in class IntlLocales
FlushInvalidatedResource::__toString() — Method in class FlushInvalidatedResource
Parser::__construct() — Method in class Parser
i18nTextCollector::__construct() — Method in class i18nTextCollector
i18n::_t() — Method in class i18n

This is the main translator function. Returns the string defined by $entity according to the currently set locale.