interface IdentityStore (View source)

Represents an authentication handler that can have identities logged into & out of it.

For example, SessionAuthenticationHandler is an IdentityStore (as we can write a new member to it) but BasicAuthAuthenticationHandler is not (as it's up to the browser to handle log-in / log-out)


logIn(Member $member, bool $persistent = false, HTTPRequest $request = null)

Log the given member into this identity store.

logOut(HTTPRequest $request = null)

Log any logged-in member out of this identity store.


logIn(Member $member, bool $persistent = false, HTTPRequest $request = null)

Log the given member into this identity store.


Member $member

The member to log in.

bool $persistent

boolean If set to true, the login may persist beyond the current session.

HTTPRequest $request

The request of the visitor that is logging in, to get, for example, cookies.

logOut(HTTPRequest $request = null)

Log any logged-in member out of this identity store.


HTTPRequest $request

The request of the visitor that is logging out, to get, for example, cookies.