class GridFieldFooter implements GridField_HTMLProvider (View source)

Adding this class to a {@link GridFieldConfig} of a {@link GridField} adds a footer bar to that field.

The footer looks just like the {@link GridFieldPaginator} control, except without the pagination controls.

It only display the "Viewing 1-8 of 8" status text and (optionally) a configurable status message.

The purpose of this class is to have a footer that can round off {@link GridField} without having to use pagination.


__construct(string $message = null, bool $showrecordcount = true)

No description

getHTMLFragments(GridField $gridField)

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.


__construct(string $message = null, bool $showrecordcount = true)


string $message

A message to display in the footer

bool $showrecordcount

array getHTMLFragments(GridField $gridField)

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

Here are 4 built-in fragments: 'header', 'footer', 'before', and 'after', but components may also specify fragments of their own.

To specify a new fragment, specify a new fragment by including the text "$DefineFragment(fragmentname)" in the HTML that you return.

Fragment names should only contain alphanumerics, -, and _.

If you attempt to return HTML for a fragment that doesn't exist, an exception will be thrown when the {@link GridField} is rendered.


GridField $gridField

Return Value
