interface GridField_ActionProvider implements GridFieldComponent (View source)

An action is defined by two things: an action name, and zero or more named arguments.

There is no built-in notion of a record-specific or column-specific action, but you may choose to define an argument such as ColumnName or RecordID in order to implement these.

Does not provide interface elements to call those actions.



Return a list of the actions handled by this action provider.

handleAction(GridField $gridField, string $actionName, array $arguments, array $data)

Handle an action on the given {@link GridField}.


array getActions($gridField)

Return a list of the actions handled by this action provider.

Used to identify the action later on through the $actionName parameter in {@link handleAction}.

There is no namespacing on these actions, so you need to ensure that they don't conflict with other components.



Return Value


with action identifier strings.

handleAction(GridField $gridField, string $actionName, array $arguments, array $data)

Handle an action on the given {@link GridField}.

Calls ALL components for every action handled, so the component needs to ensure it only accepts actions it is actually supposed to handle.


GridField $gridField
string $actionName

Action identifier, see {@link getActions()}.

array $arguments

Arguments relevant for this

array $data

All form data