class FixtureFactory (View source)
Manages a set of database fixtures for {@link DataObject} records as well as raw database table rows.
Delegates creation of objects to {@link FixtureBlueprint}, which can implement class- and use-case specific fixture setup.
Supports referencing model relations through a specialized syntax:
$factory = new FixtureFactory();
$relatedObj = $factory->createObject(
$obj = $factory->createObject(
array('MyRelationName' => '=>MyRelatedClass.relation1')
Relation loading is order dependant.
Writes the fixture into the database using DataObjects
Writes the fixture into the database directly using a database manipulation.
Get the ID of an object from the fixture.
Return all of the IDs in the fixture of a particular class name.
No description
Get an object from the fixture.
No description
Remove all fixtures previously defined through {@link createObject()} or {@link createRaw()}, both from the internal fixture mapping and the database.
No description
No description
define(string $name, array|FixtureBlueprint $defaults = array())
createObject(string $name, string $identifier, array $data = null)
Writes the fixture into the database using DataObjects
createRaw(string $table, string $identifier, array $data)
Writes the fixture into the database directly using a database manipulation.
Does not use blueprints. Only supports tables with a primary key.
getId(string $class, string $identifier)
Get the ID of an object from the fixture.
getIds(string $class)
Return all of the IDs in the fixture of a particular class name.
setId(string $class, string $identifier, int $databaseId)
get(string $class, string $identifier)
Get an object from the fixture.
clear(string $limitToClass = null, bool $metadata = false)
Remove all fixtures previously defined through {@link createObject()} or {@link createRaw()}, both from the internal fixture mapping and the database.
If the $class argument is set, limit clearing to items of this class.