class ManyManyThroughList extends RelationList (View source)

ManyManyList backed by a dataobject join table


Allows an object to have extensions applied to it.

A class that can be instantiated or replaced via DI

Provides extensions to this object to integrate it with standard config API methods.

Allows an object to declare a set of custom methods


static private array $extensions

An array of extension names and parameters to be applied to this object upon construction.

from  Extensible
static private array $casting

An array of objects to cast certain fields to. This is set up as an array in the format:

from  ViewableData
static private string $default_cast

The default object to cast scalar fields to if casting information is not specified, and casting to an object is required.

from  ViewableData


__call(string $method, array $arguments)

Attempts to locate and call a method dynamically added to a class at runtime if a default cannot be located

hasMethod(string $method)

Return TRUE if a method exists on this object

allMethodNames(bool $custom = false)

Return the names of all the methods available on this object

static bool
add_extension(string $classOrExtension, string $extension = null)

Add an extension to a specific class.

remove_extension(string $extension)

Remove an extension from a class.

static array
get_extensions(string $class = null, bool $includeArgumentString = false)

No description

static array|null
get_extra_config_sources(string $class = null)

Get extra config sources for this class

static bool
has_extension(string $classOrExtension, string $requiredExtension = null, bool $strict = false)

Return TRUE if a class has a specified extension.

invokeWithExtensions(string $method, mixed ...$arguments)

Calls a method if available on both this object and all applied {@link Extensions}, and then attempts to merge all results into an array

extend(string $method, mixed ...$arguments)

Run the given function on all of this object's extensions. Note that this method originally returned void, so if you wanted to return results, you're hosed

getExtensionInstance(string $extension)

Get an extension instance attached to this object by name.

hasExtension(string $extension)

Returns TRUE if this object instance has a specific extension applied in {@link $extension_instances}. Extension instances are initialized at constructor time, meaning if you use {@link add_extension()} afterwards, the added extension will just be added to new instances of the extended class. Use the static method {@link has_extension()} to check if a class (not an instance) has a specific extension.


Get all extension instances for this specific object instance.

static Injectable
create(array ...$args)

An implementation of the factory method, allows you to create an instance of a class

static Injectable
singleton(string $class = null)

Creates a class instance by the "singleton" design pattern.

static Config_ForClass

Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).

stat(string $name) deprecated

Get inherited config value

uninherited(string $name)

Gets the uninherited value for the given config option

set_stat(string $name, mixed $value) deprecated

Update the config value for a given property

__construct(string $dataClass, string $joinClass, string $localKey, string $foreignKey, array $extraFields = [], string $foreignClass = null, string $parentClass = null)

Create a new ManyManyRelationList object. This relation will utilise an intermediary dataobject as a join table, unlike ManyManyList which scaffolds a table automatically.

__isset(string $property)

Check if a field exists on this object or its failover.

__get(string $property)

Get the value of a property/field on this object. This will check if a method called get{$property} exists, then check if a field is available using {@link ViewableData::getField()}, then fall back on a failover object.

__set(string $property, mixed $value)

Set a property/field on this object. This will check for the existence of a method called set{$property}, then use the {@link ViewableData::setField()} method.

setFailover(ViewableData $failover)

Set a failover object to attempt to get data from if it is not present on this object.


Get the current failover object if set

hasField(string $field)

Check if a field exists on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.

getField(string $field)

Get the value of a field on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.

setField(string $field, mixed $value)

Set a field on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.


Add methods from the {@link ViewableData::$failover} object, as well as wrapping any methods prefixed with an underscore into a {@link ViewableData::cachedCall()}.

customise(array|ViewableData $data)

Merge some arbitrary data in with this object. This method returns a {@link ViewableData_Customised} instance with references to both this and the new custom data.


Returns true if this DataList has items

from  DataList

No description

setCustomisedObj(ViewableData $object)

No description

castingHelper(string $field)

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object. This helper will be a subclass of DBField.

castingClass(string $field)

Get the class name a field on this object will be casted to.

escapeTypeForField(string $field)

Return the string-format type for the given field.

renderWith(string|array|SSViewer $template, array $customFields = null)

Render this object into the template, and get the result as a string. You can pass one of the following as the $template parameter:

  • a template name (e.g. Page)
  • an array of possible template names - the first valid one will be used
  • an SSViewer instance

obj(string $fieldName, array $arguments = [], bool $cache = false, string $cacheName = null)

Get the value of a field on this object, automatically inserting the value into any available casting objects that have been specified.

cachedCall(string $field, array $arguments = [], string $identifier = null)

A simple wrapper around {@link ViewableData::obj()} that automatically caches the result so it can be used again without re-running the method.

hasValue(string $field, array $arguments = [], bool $cache = true)

Checks if a given method/field has a valid value. If the result is an object, this will return the result of the exists method, otherwise will check if the result is not just an empty paragraph tag.

XML_val(string $field, array $arguments = [], bool $cache = false)

Get the string value of a field on this object that has been suitable escaped to be inserted directly into a template.

getXMLValues(array $fields)

Get an array of XML-escaped values by field name


Returns an Iterator for this DataList.

from  DataList
getViewerTemplates(string $suffix = '')

Find appropriate templates for SSViewer to use to render this object


When rendering some objects it is necessary to iterate over the object being rendered, to do this, you need access to itself.

ThemeDir() deprecated

Return the directory if the current active theme (relative to the site root).

CSSClasses(string $stopAtClass = self::class)

Get part of the current classes ancestry to be used as a CSS class.


Return debug information about this object that can be rendered into a template


Get the dataClass name for this DataList, ie the DataObject ClassName

from  DataList

When cloning this object, clone the dataQuery object as well

from  DataList

Return a copy of the internal {@link DataQuery} object

from  DataList
alterDataQuery(callable $callback)

Return a new DataList instance with the underlying {@link DataQuery} object altered

from  DataList
setDataQuery(DataQuery $dataQuery)

Return a new DataList instance with the underlying {@link DataQuery} object changed

from  DataList
setDataQueryParam(string|array $keyOrArray, mixed $val = null)

Returns a new DataList instance with the specified query parameter assigned

from  DataList
sql(array $parameters = [])

Returns the SQL query that will be used to get this DataList's records. Good for debugging. :-)

from  DataList
where(string|array|SQLConditionGroup $filter)

Return a new DataList instance with a WHERE clause added to this list's query.

from  DataList
whereAny(string|array|SQLConditionGroup $filter)

Return a new DataList instance with a WHERE clause added to this list's query.

from  DataList
canSortBy(string $fieldName)

Returns true if this DataList can be sorted by the given field.

from  DataList
canFilterBy(string $fieldName)

Returns true if this DataList can be filtered by the given field.

from  DataList
limit(int $limit, int $offset = 0)

Return a new DataList instance with the records returned in this query restricted by a limit clause.

from  DataList
distinct(bool $value)

Return a new DataList instance with distinct records or not

from  DataList

Return a new DataList instance as a copy of this data list with the sort order set.

from  DataList

Return a copy of this list which only includes items with these charactaristics

from  DataList
addFilter(array $filterArray)

Return a new instance of the list with an added filter

from  DataList

Return a copy of this list which contains items matching any of these charactaristics.

from  DataList
filterByCallback(callable $callback)

Note that, in the current implementation, the filtered list will be an ArrayList, but this may change in a future implementation.

from  DataList
applyRelation(string $field, string $columnName = null, bool $linearOnly = false)

Given a field or relation name, apply it safely to this datalist.

from  DataList

Return a copy of this list which does not contain any items that match all params

from  DataList

Return a copy of this list which does not contain any items with any of these params

from  DataList
subtract(DataList $list)

This method returns a copy of this list that does not contain any DataObjects that exists in $list

from  DataList
innerJoin(string $table, string $onClause, string $alias = null, int $order = 20, array $parameters = [])

Return a new DataList instance with an inner join clause added to this list's query.

from  DataList
leftJoin(string $table, string $onClause, string $alias = null, int $order = 20, array $parameters = [])

Return a new DataList instance with a left join clause added to this list's query.

from  DataList

Return an array of the actual items that this DataList contains at this stage.

from  DataList

Return this list as an array and every object it as an sub array as well

from  DataList
each(callable $callback)

Walks the list using the specified callback

from  DataList

Returns a generator for this DataList

from  DataList

No description

from  DataList
map(string $keyField = 'ID', string $titleField = 'Title')

Returns a map of this list

from  DataList
createDataObject(array $row)

Create a DataObject from the given SQL row


Get query parameters for this list.


Return the number of items in this DataList

from  DataList
max(string $fieldName)

Return the maximum value of the given field in this DataList

from  DataList
min(string $fieldName)

Return the minimum value of the given field in this DataList

from  DataList
avg(string $fieldName)

Return the average value of the given field in this DataList

from  DataList
sum(string $fieldName)

Return the sum of the values of the given field in this DataList

from  DataList

Returns the first item in this DataList

from  DataList

Returns the last item in this DataList

from  DataList
find(string $key, mixed $value)

Find the first DataObject of this DataList where the given key = value

from  DataList
setQueriedColumns(array $queriedColumns)

Restrict the columns to fetch into this DataList

from  DataList
byIDs(array $ids)

Filter this list to only contain the given Primary IDs

from  DataList
byID(int $id)

Return the first DataObject with the given ID

from  DataList
column(string $colName = "ID")

Returns an array of a single field value for all items in the list.

from  DataList
columnUnique(string $colName = "ID")

Returns a unique array of a single field value for all items in the list.

from  DataList
setByIDList(array $idList)

Sets the ComponentSet to be the given ID list.

from  DataList

Returns an array with both the keys and values set to the IDs of the records in this list.

from  DataList
relation(string $relationName)

Returns a HasManyList or ManyMany list representing the querying of a relation across all objects in this data list. For it to work, the relation must be defined on the data class that you used to create this DataList.

from  DataList

No description

from  DataList
addMany(array $items)

Add a number of items to the component set.

from  DataList
removeMany(array $idList)

Remove the items from this list with the given IDs

from  DataList
removeByFilter(string|array $filter)

Remove every element in this DataList matching the given $filter.

from  DataList

Shuffle the datalist using a random function provided by the SQL engine

from  DataList

Remove every element in this DataList.

add(mixed $item, array $extraFields = [])

No description

newObject(array $initialFields = null)

Return a new item to add to this DataList.

from  DataList
remove(mixed $item)

Remove the given item from this list.

removeByID(int $itemID)

Remove the given item from this list.


Reverses a list of items.

from  DataList
offsetExists(mixed $key)

Returns whether an item with $key exists

from  DataList
offsetGet(mixed $key)

Returns item stored in list with index $key

from  DataList
offsetSet(mixed $key, mixed $value)

Set an item with the key in $key

from  DataList
offsetUnset(mixed $key)

Unset an item with the key in $key

from  DataList

Any number of foreign keys to apply to this list

forForeignID(mixed $id)

Returns a copy of this list with the ManyMany relationship linked to the given foreign ID.


Get extra fields used by this list


No description


mixed __call(string $method, array $arguments)

Attempts to locate and call a method dynamically added to a class at runtime if a default cannot be located

You can add extra methods to a class using {@link Extensions}, {@link Object::createMethod()} or {@link Object::addWrapperMethod()}


string $method
array $arguments

Return Value




bool hasMethod(string $method)

Return TRUE if a method exists on this object

This should be used rather than PHP's inbuild method_exists() as it takes into account methods added via extensions


string $method

Return Value


array allMethodNames(bool $custom = false)

Return the names of all the methods available on this object


bool $custom

include methods added dynamically at runtime

Return Value


Map of method names with lowercase keys

static bool add_extension(string $classOrExtension, string $extension = null)

Add an extension to a specific class.

The preferred method for adding extensions is through YAML config, since it avoids autoloading the class, and is easier to override in more specific configurations.

As an alternative, extensions can be added to a specific class directly in the {@link Object::$extensions} array. See {@link SiteTree::$extensions} for examples. Keep in mind that the extension will only be applied to new instances, not existing ones (including all instances created through {@link singleton()}).


string $classOrExtension

Class that should be extended - has to be a subclass of {@link Object}

string $extension

Subclass of {@link Extension} with optional parameters as a string, e.g. "Versioned" or "Translatable('Param')"

Return Value


Flag if the extension was added

See also

static remove_extension(string $extension)

Remove an extension from a class.

Note: This will not remove extensions from parent classes, and must be called directly on the class assigned the extension.

Keep in mind that this won't revert any datamodel additions of the extension at runtime, unless its used before the schema building kicks in (in your _config.php). Doesn't remove the extension from any {@link Object} instances which are already created, but will have an effect on new extensions. Clears any previously created singletons through {@link singleton()} to avoid side-effects from stale extension information.


string $extension

class name of an {@link Extension} subclass, without parameters

static array get_extensions(string $class = null, bool $includeArgumentString = false)


string $class

If omitted, will get extensions for the current class

bool $includeArgumentString

Include the argument string in the return array, FALSE would return array("Versioned"), TRUE returns array("Versioned('Stage','Live')").

Return Value


Numeric array of either {@link DataExtension} class names, or eval'ed class name strings with constructor arguments.

static array|null get_extra_config_sources(string $class = null)

Get extra config sources for this class


string $class

Name of class. If left null will return for the current class

Return Value


static bool has_extension(string $classOrExtension, string $requiredExtension = null, bool $strict = false)

Return TRUE if a class has a specified extension.

This supports backwards-compatible format (static Object::has_extension($requiredExtension)) and new format ($object->has_extension($class, $requiredExtension))


string $classOrExtension

Class to check extension for, or the extension name to check if the second argument is null.

string $requiredExtension

If the first argument is the parent class, this is the extension to check. If left null, the first parameter will be treated as the extension.

bool $strict

if the extension has to match the required extension and not be a subclass

Return Value


Flag if the extension exists

array invokeWithExtensions(string $method, mixed ...$arguments)

Calls a method if available on both this object and all applied {@link Extensions}, and then attempts to merge all results into an array


string $method

the method name to call

mixed ...$arguments

List of arguments

Return Value


List of results with nulls filtered out

array extend(string $method, mixed ...$arguments)

Run the given function on all of this object's extensions. Note that this method originally returned void, so if you wanted to return results, you're hosed

Currently returns an array, with an index resulting every time the function is called. Only adds returns if they're not NULL, to avoid bogus results from methods just defined on the parent extension. This is important for permission-checks through extend, as they use min() to determine if any of the returns is FALSE. As min() doesn't do type checking, an included NULL return would fail the permission checks.

The extension methods are defined during {@link __construct()} in {@link defineMethods()}.


string $method

the name of the method to call on each extension

mixed ...$arguments

Return Value


Extension|null getExtensionInstance(string $extension)

Get an extension instance attached to this object by name.


string $extension

Return Value


bool hasExtension(string $extension)

Returns TRUE if this object instance has a specific extension applied in {@link $extension_instances}. Extension instances are initialized at constructor time, meaning if you use {@link add_extension()} afterwards, the added extension will just be added to new instances of the extended class. Use the static method {@link has_extension()} to check if a class (not an instance) has a specific extension.

Caution: Don't use singleton()->hasExtension() as it will give you inconsistent results based on when the singleton was first accessed.


string $extension

Classname of an {@link Extension} subclass without parameters

Return Value


Extension[] getExtensionInstances()

Get all extension instances for this specific object instance.

See {@link get_extensions()} to get all applied extension classes for this class (not the instance).

This method also provides lazy-population of the extension_instances property.

Return Value


Map of {@link DataExtension} instances, keyed by classname.

static Injectable create(array ...$args)

An implementation of the factory method, allows you to create an instance of a class

This method will defer class substitution to the Injector API, which can be customised via the Config API to declare substitution classes.

This can be called in one of two ways - either calling via the class directly, or calling on Object and passing the class name as the first parameter. The following are equivalent: $list = DataList::create('SiteTree'); $list = SiteTree::get();


array ...$args

Return Value


static Injectable singleton(string $class = null)

Creates a class instance by the "singleton" design pattern.

It will always return the same instance for this class, which can be used for performance reasons and as a simple way to access instance methods which don't rely on instance data (e.g. the custom SilverStripe static handling).


string $class

Optional classname to create, if the called class should not be used

Return Value


The singleton instance

static Config_ForClass config()

Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).

Return Value


mixed stat(string $name) deprecated

deprecated 5.0 Use ->config()->get() instead

Get inherited config value


string $name

Return Value


mixed uninherited(string $name)

Gets the uninherited value for the given config option


string $name

Return Value


$this set_stat(string $name, mixed $value) deprecated

deprecated 5.0 Use ->config()->set() instead

Update the config value for a given property


string $name
mixed $value

Return Value


__construct(string $dataClass, string $joinClass, string $localKey, string $foreignKey, array $extraFields = [], string $foreignClass = null, string $parentClass = null)

Create a new ManyManyRelationList object. This relation will utilise an intermediary dataobject as a join table, unlike ManyManyList which scaffolds a table automatically.


string $dataClass
  • The DataObject class to query.
string $joinClass

Class name of the joined dataobject record

string $localKey

The key in the join table that maps to the dataClass' PK.

string $foreignKey

The key in the join table that maps to joined class' PK.

array $extraFields

Ignored for ManyManyThroughList

string $foreignClass

'from' class

string $parentClass

Parent class (should be subclass of 'from')

bool __isset(string $property)

Check if a field exists on this object or its failover.

Note that, unlike the core isset() implementation, this will return true if the property is defined and set to null.


string $property

Return Value


mixed __get(string $property)

Get the value of a property/field on this object. This will check if a method called get{$property} exists, then check if a field is available using {@link ViewableData::getField()}, then fall back on a failover object.


string $property

Return Value


__set(string $property, mixed $value)

Set a property/field on this object. This will check for the existence of a method called set{$property}, then use the {@link ViewableData::setField()} method.


string $property
mixed $value

setFailover(ViewableData $failover)

Set a failover object to attempt to get data from if it is not present on this object.


ViewableData $failover

ViewableData|null getFailover()

Get the current failover object if set

Return Value


bool hasField(string $field)

Check if a field exists on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.


string $field

Return Value


mixed getField(string $field)

Get the value of a field on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.


string $field

Return Value


$this setField(string $field, mixed $value)

Set a field on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.


string $field
mixed $value

Return Value



Add methods from the {@link ViewableData::$failover} object, as well as wrapping any methods prefixed with an underscore into a {@link ViewableData::cachedCall()}.



ViewableData_Customised customise(array|ViewableData $data)

Merge some arbitrary data in with this object. This method returns a {@link ViewableData_Customised} instance with references to both this and the new custom data.

Note that any fields you specify will take precedence over the fields on this object.


array|ViewableData $data

Return Value


bool exists()

Returns true if this DataList has items

Return Value


string __toString()

Return Value


the class name

ViewableData getCustomisedObj()

Return Value


setCustomisedObj(ViewableData $object)


ViewableData $object

string castingHelper(string $field)

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object. This helper will be a subclass of DBField.


string $field

Return Value


Casting helper As a constructor pattern, and may include arguments.



string castingClass(string $field)

Get the class name a field on this object will be casted to.


string $field

Return Value


string escapeTypeForField(string $field)

Return the string-format type for the given field.


string $field

Return Value



DBHTMLText renderWith(string|array|SSViewer $template, array $customFields = null)

Render this object into the template, and get the result as a string. You can pass one of the following as the $template parameter:

  • a template name (e.g. Page)
  • an array of possible template names - the first valid one will be used
  • an SSViewer instance


string|array|SSViewer $template

the template to render into

array $customFields

fields to customise() the object with before rendering

Return Value


object|DBField obj(string $fieldName, array $arguments = [], bool $cache = false, string $cacheName = null)

Get the value of a field on this object, automatically inserting the value into any available casting objects that have been specified.


string $fieldName
array $arguments
bool $cache

Cache this object

string $cacheName

a custom cache name

Return Value


object|DBField cachedCall(string $field, array $arguments = [], string $identifier = null)

A simple wrapper around {@link ViewableData::obj()} that automatically caches the result so it can be used again without re-running the method.


string $field
array $arguments
string $identifier

an optional custom cache identifier

Return Value


bool hasValue(string $field, array $arguments = [], bool $cache = true)

Checks if a given method/field has a valid value. If the result is an object, this will return the result of the exists method, otherwise will check if the result is not just an empty paragraph tag.


string $field
array $arguments
bool $cache

Return Value


string XML_val(string $field, array $arguments = [], bool $cache = false)

Get the string value of a field on this object that has been suitable escaped to be inserted directly into a template.


string $field
array $arguments
bool $cache

Return Value


array getXMLValues(array $fields)

Get an array of XML-escaped values by field name


array $fields

an array of field names

Return Value


ArrayIterator getIterator()

Returns an Iterator for this DataList.

This function allows you to use DataLists in foreach loops

Return Value


array getViewerTemplates(string $suffix = '')

Find appropriate templates for SSViewer to use to render this object


string $suffix

Return Value


ViewableData Me()

When rendering some objects it is necessary to iterate over the object being rendered, to do this, you need access to itself.

Return Value


string ThemeDir() deprecated

deprecated 4.0.0:5.0.0 Use $resourcePath or $resourceURL template helpers instead

Return the directory if the current active theme (relative to the site root).

This method is useful for things such as accessing theme images from your template without hardcoding the theme page - e.g. .

This method should only be used when a theme is currently active. However, it will fall over to the current project directory.

Return Value


URL to the current theme

string CSSClasses(string $stopAtClass = self::class)

Get part of the current classes ancestry to be used as a CSS class.

This method returns an escaped string of CSS classes representing the current classes ancestry until it hits a stop point - e.g. "Page DataObject ViewableData".


string $stopAtClass

the class to stop at (default: ViewableData)

Return Value


ViewableData_Debugger Debug()

Return debug information about this object that can be rendered into a template

Return Value


string dataClass()

Get the dataClass name for this DataList, ie the DataObject ClassName

Return Value



When cloning this object, clone the dataQuery object as well

DataQuery dataQuery()

Return a copy of the internal {@link DataQuery} object

Because the returned value is a copy, modifying it won't affect this list's contents. If you want to alter the data query directly, use the alterDataQuery method

Return Value


DataList alterDataQuery(callable $callback)

Return a new DataList instance with the underlying {@link DataQuery} object altered

If you want to alter the underlying dataQuery for this list, this wrapper method will ensure that you can do so without mutating the existing List object.

It clones this list, calls the passed callback function with the dataQuery of the new list as it's first parameter (and the list as it's second), then returns the list

Note that this function is re-entrant - it's safe to call this inside a callback passed to alterDataQuery


callable $callback

Return Value




DataList setDataQuery(DataQuery $dataQuery)

Return a new DataList instance with the underlying {@link DataQuery} object changed


DataQuery $dataQuery

Return Value


DataList setDataQueryParam(string|array $keyOrArray, mixed $val = null)

Returns a new DataList instance with the specified query parameter assigned


string|array $keyOrArray

Either the single key to set, or an array of key value pairs to set

mixed $val

If $keyOrArray is not an array, this is the value to set

Return Value


string sql(array $parameters = [])

Returns the SQL query that will be used to get this DataList's records. Good for debugging. :-)


array $parameters

Out variable for parameters required for this query

Return Value


The resulting SQL query (may be paramaterised)

DataList where(string|array|SQLConditionGroup $filter)

Return a new DataList instance with a WHERE clause added to this list's query.

Supports parameterised queries. See SQLSelect::addWhere() for syntax examples, although DataList won't expand multiple method arguments as SQLSelect does.


string|array|SQLConditionGroup $filter

Predicate(s) to set, as escaped SQL statements or paramaterised queries

Return Value


DataList whereAny(string|array|SQLConditionGroup $filter)

Return a new DataList instance with a WHERE clause added to this list's query.

All conditions provided in the filter will be joined with an OR

Supports parameterised queries. See SQLSelect::addWhere() for syntax examples, although DataList won't expand multiple method arguments as SQLSelect does.


string|array|SQLConditionGroup $filter

Predicate(s) to set, as escaped SQL statements or paramaterised queries

Return Value


bool canSortBy(string $fieldName)

Returns true if this DataList can be sorted by the given field.


string $fieldName

Return Value


bool canFilterBy(string $fieldName)

Returns true if this DataList can be filtered by the given field.


string $fieldName

(May be a related field in dot notation like Member.FirstName)

Return Value


Limitable limit(int $limit, int $offset = 0)

Return a new DataList instance with the records returned in this query restricted by a limit clause.


int $limit
int $offset

Return Value


DataList distinct(bool $value)

Return a new DataList instance with distinct records or not


bool $value

Return Value


Sortable sort()

Return a new DataList instance as a copy of this data list with the sort order set.

Return Value


See also


Filterable filter()

Return a copy of this list which only includes items with these charactaristics

Return Value


See also


$this addFilter(array $filterArray)

Return a new instance of the list with an added filter


array $filterArray

Return Value


Filterable filterAny()

Return a copy of this list which contains items matching any of these charactaristics.

Return Value


Filterable filterByCallback(callable $callback)

Note that, in the current implementation, the filtered list will be an ArrayList, but this may change in a future implementation.


callable $callback

Return Value


See also


$this applyRelation(string $field, string $columnName = null, bool $linearOnly = false)

Given a field or relation name, apply it safely to this datalist.

Unlike getRelationName, this is immutable and will fallback to the quoted field name if not a relation.

Example use (simple WHERE condition on data sitting in a related table):

$columnName = null; $list = Page::get() ->applyRelation('TaxonomyTerms.ID', $columnName) ->where([$columnName => 'my value']);


string $field

Name of field or relation to apply

string $columnName

Quoted column name

bool $linearOnly

Set to true to restrict to linear relations only. Set this if this relation will be used for sorting, and should not include duplicate rows.

Return Value


DataList with this relation applied

Filterable exclude()

Return a copy of this list which does not contain any items that match all params

Return Value


$this excludeAny()

Return a copy of this list which does not contain any items with any of these params

Return Value


DataList subtract(DataList $list)

This method returns a copy of this list that does not contain any DataObjects that exists in $list

The $list passed needs to contain the same dataclass as $this


DataList $list

Return Value




DataList innerJoin(string $table, string $onClause, string $alias = null, int $order = 20, array $parameters = [])

Return a new DataList instance with an inner join clause added to this list's query.


string $table

Table name (unquoted and as escaped SQL)

string $onClause

Escaped SQL statement, e.g. '"Table1"."ID" = "Table2"."ID"'

string $alias
  • if you want this table to be aliased under another name
int $order

A numerical index to control the order that joins are added to the query; lower order values will cause the query to appear first. The default is 20, and joins created automatically by the ORM have a value of 10.

array $parameters

Any additional parameters if the join is a parameterised subquery

Return Value


DataList leftJoin(string $table, string $onClause, string $alias = null, int $order = 20, array $parameters = [])

Return a new DataList instance with a left join clause added to this list's query.


string $table

Table name (unquoted and as escaped SQL)

string $onClause

Escaped SQL statement, e.g. '"Table1"."ID" = "Table2"."ID"'

string $alias
  • if you want this table to be aliased under another name
int $order

A numerical index to control the order that joins are added to the query; lower order values will cause the query to appear first. The default is 20, and joins created automatically by the ORM have a value of 10.

array $parameters

Any additional parameters if the join is a parameterised subquery

Return Value


array toArray()

Return an array of the actual items that this DataList contains at this stage.

This is when the query is actually executed.

Return Value


array toNestedArray()

Return this list as an array and every object it as an sub array as well

Return Value


$this each(callable $callback)

Walks the list using the specified callback


callable $callback

Return Value


DataObject[] getGenerator()

Returns a generator for this DataList

Return Value


Map map(string $keyField = 'ID', string $titleField = 'Title')

Returns a map of this list


string $keyField
  • the 'key' field of the result array
string $titleField
  • the value field of the result array

Return Value


DataObject createDataObject(array $row)

Create a DataObject from the given SQL row


array $row

Return Value


array getQueryParams()

Get query parameters for this list.

These values will be assigned as query parameters to newly created objects from this list.

Return Value


int count()

Return the number of items in this DataList

Return Value


mixed max(string $fieldName)

Return the maximum value of the given field in this DataList


string $fieldName

Return Value


mixed min(string $fieldName)

Return the minimum value of the given field in this DataList


string $fieldName

Return Value


mixed avg(string $fieldName)

Return the average value of the given field in this DataList


string $fieldName

Return Value


mixed sum(string $fieldName)

Return the sum of the values of the given field in this DataList


string $fieldName

Return Value


mixed first()

Returns the first item in this DataList

Return Value


mixed last()

Returns the last item in this DataList

@return DataObject

Return Value


mixed find(string $key, mixed $value)

Find the first DataObject of this DataList where the given key = value


string $key
mixed $value

Return Value


DataList setQueriedColumns(array $queriedColumns)

Restrict the columns to fetch into this DataList


array $queriedColumns

Return Value


SS_List byIDs(array $ids)

Filter this list to only contain the given Primary IDs


array $ids

Array of integers

Return Value




mixed byID(int $id)

Return the first DataObject with the given ID


int $id

Return Value




array column(string $colName = "ID")

Returns an array of a single field value for all items in the list.


string $colName

Return Value


array columnUnique(string $colName = "ID")

Returns a unique array of a single field value for all items in the list.


string $colName

Return Value


setByIDList(array $idList)

Sets the ComponentSet to be the given ID list.

Records will be added and deleted as appropriate.


array $idList

List of IDs.

array getIDList()

Returns an array with both the keys and values set to the IDs of the records in this list.

Does not respect sort order. Use ->column("ID") to get an ID list with the current sort.

Return Value


HasManyList|ManyManyList relation(string $relationName)

Returns a HasManyList or ManyMany list representing the querying of a relation across all objects in this data list. For it to work, the relation must be defined on the data class that you used to create this DataList.

Example: Get members from all Groups:



string $relationName

Return Value





$this addMany(array $items)

Add a number of items to the component set.


array $items

Items to add, as either DataObjects or IDs.

Return Value


$this removeMany(array $idList)

Remove the items from this list with the given IDs


array $idList

Return Value


$this removeByFilter(string|array $filter)

Remove every element in this DataList matching the given $filter.


string|array $filter
  • a sql type where filter

Return Value


$this shuffle()

Shuffle the datalist using a random function provided by the SQL engine

Return Value


$this removeAll()

Remove every element in this DataList.

Return Value


add(mixed $item, array $extraFields = [])


mixed $item
array $extraFields

DataObject newObject(array $initialFields = null)

Return a new item to add to this DataList.


array $initialFields

Return Value


remove(mixed $item)

Remove the given item from this list.

Note that for a ManyManyList, the item is never actually deleted, only the join table is affected.


mixed $item

removeByID(int $itemID)

Remove the given item from this list.

Note that for a ManyManyList, the item is never actually deleted, only the join table is affected


int $itemID

The primary ID

Sortable reverse()

Reverses a list of items.

Return Value


bool offsetExists(mixed $key)

Returns whether an item with $key exists


mixed $key

Return Value


DataObject offsetGet(mixed $key)

Returns item stored in list with index $key


mixed $key

Return Value


offsetSet(mixed $key, mixed $value)

Set an item with the key in $key


mixed $key
mixed $value

offsetUnset(mixed $key)

Unset an item with the key in $key


mixed $key

string|array|null getForeignID()

Any number of foreign keys to apply to this list

Return Value


Relation forForeignID(mixed $id)

Returns a copy of this list with the ManyMany relationship linked to the given foreign ID.


mixed $id

Return Value


array getExtraFields()

Get extra fields used by this list

Return Value


a map of field names to types

string getJoinTable()

Return Value
