class Group extends DataObject (View source)

A security group.


Allows an object to have extensions applied to it.

A class that can be instantiated or replaced via DI

Provides extensions to this object to integrate it with standard config API methods.

Allows an object to declare a set of custom methods



Represents a field that hasn't changed (before === after, thus before == after)


Represents a field that has changed type, although not the loosely defined value.

(before !== after && before == after) E.g. change 1 to true or "true" to true, but not true to 0. Value changes are by nature also considered strict changes.


Represents a field that has changed the loosely defined value (before != after, thus, before !== after)) E.g. change false to true, but not false to 0


static private array $extensions

An array of extension names and parameters to be applied to this object upon construction.

from  Extensible
static private array $casting

An array of objects to cast certain fields to. This is set up as an array in the format:

from  ViewableData
static private string $default_cast

The default object to cast scalar fields to if casting information is not specified, and casting to an object is required.

from  ViewableData
static private string $singular_name

Human-readable singular name.

from  DataObject
static private string $plural_name

Human-readable plural name

from  DataObject
static private $api_access

Allow API access to this object?

from  DataObject
static private string $default_classname

Allows specification of a default value for the ClassName field.

from  DataObject
bool $destroyed from  DataObject
static private bool $validation_enabled

Should dataobjects be validated before they are written?

from  DataObject
static private array $fixed_fields

Base fields which are not defined in static $db

from  DataObject
static private array $cascade_deletes

List of relations that should be cascade deleted, similar to owns Note: This will trigger delete on many_many objects, not only the mapping table.

from  DataObject
static private array $db

Database field definitions.

from  DataObject
static private array $create_table_options

Specify custom options for a CREATE TABLE call.

from  DataObject
static private array $indexes

If a field is in this array, then create a database index on that field. This is a map from fieldname to index type.

from  DataObject
static private array $defaults

Inserts standard column-values when a DataObject is instantiated. Does not insert default records {see $default_records}.

from  DataObject
static private array $default_records

Multidimensional array which inserts default data into the database on a db/build-call as long as the database-table is empty. Please use this only for simple constructs, not for SiteTree-Objects etc. which need special behaviour such as publishing and ParentNodes.

from  DataObject
static private array $has_one

One-to-zero relationship defintion. This is a map of component name to data type. In order to turn this into a true one-to-one relationship you can add a {@link DataObject::$belongs_to} relationship on the child class.

from  DataObject
static private array $belongs_to

A meta-relationship that allows you to define the reverse side of a {@link DataObject::$has_one}.

from  DataObject
static private array $has_many

This defines a one-to-many relationship. It is a map of component name to the remote data class.

from  DataObject
static private array $many_many

many-many relationship definitions.

from  DataObject
static private array $many_many_extraFields

Extra fields to include on the connecting many-many table.

from  DataObject
static private array $belongs_many_many

The inverse side of a many-many relationship.

from  DataObject
static private string $default_sort

The default sort expression. This will be inserted in the ORDER BY clause of a SQL query if no other sort expression is provided.

from  DataObject
static private array $searchable_fields

Default list of fields that can be scaffolded by the ModelAdmin search interface.

from  DataObject
static private array $field_labels

User defined labels for searchable_fields, used to override default display in the search form.

from  DataObject
static private array $summary_fields

Provides a default list of fields to be used by a 'summary' view of this object.

from  DataObject
int $ID

ID of the DataObject, 0 if the DataObject doesn't exist in database.

from  DataObject
int $OldID

ID of object, if deleted

from  DataObject
string $Title

Name of the group

string $ClassName

Class name of the DataObject

from  DataObject
string $LastEdited

Date and time of DataObject's last modification.

from  DataObject
string $Created

Date and time of DataObject creation.

from  DataObject
string $ObsoleteClassName

If ClassName no longer exists this will be set to the legacy value

from  DataObject
string $Description

Description of the group

string $Code

Group code

string $Locked

Boolean indicating whether group is locked in security panel

int $Sort
int $ParentID

ID of parent group


__call(string $method, array $arguments)

Attempts to locate and call a method dynamically added to a class at runtime if a default cannot be located

hasMethod(string $method)

Return TRUE if a method exists on this object

allMethodNames(bool $custom = false)

Return the names of all the methods available on this object

static bool
add_extension(string $classOrExtension, string $extension = null)

Add an extension to a specific class.

remove_extension(string $extension)

Remove an extension from a class.

static array
get_extensions(string $class = null, bool $includeArgumentString = false)

No description

static array|null
get_extra_config_sources(string $class = null)

Get extra config sources for this class

static bool
has_extension(string $classOrExtension, string $requiredExtension = null, bool $strict = false)

Return TRUE if a class has a specified extension.

invokeWithExtensions(string $method, mixed ...$arguments)

Calls a method if available on both this object and all applied {@link Extensions}, and then attempts to merge all results into an array

extend(string $method, mixed ...$arguments)

Run the given function on all of this object's extensions. Note that this method originally returned void, so if you wanted to return results, you're hosed

getExtensionInstance(string $extension)

Get an extension instance attached to this object by name.

hasExtension(string $extension)

Returns TRUE if this object instance has a specific extension applied in {@link $extension_instances}. Extension instances are initialized at constructor time, meaning if you use {@link add_extension()} afterwards, the added extension will just be added to new instances of the extended class. Use the static method {@link has_extension()} to check if a class (not an instance) has a specific extension.


Get all extension instances for this specific object instance.

static Injectable
create(array ...$args)

An implementation of the factory method, allows you to create an instance of a class

static Injectable
singleton(string $class = null)

Creates a class instance by the "singleton" design pattern.

static Config_ForClass

Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).

stat(string $name) deprecated

Get inherited config value

uninherited(string $name)

Gets the uninherited value for the given config option

set_stat(string $name, mixed $value) deprecated

Update the config value for a given property

__construct(array|null $record = null, bool $isSingleton = false, array $queryParams = array())

Construct a new DataObject.

__isset(string $property)

Check if a field exists on this object or its failover.

__get(string $property)

Get the value of a property/field on this object. This will check if a method called get{$property} exists, then check if a field is available using {@link ViewableData::getField()}, then fall back on a failover object.

__set(string $property, mixed $value)

Set a property/field on this object. This will check for the existence of a method called set{$property}, then use the {@link ViewableData::setField()} method.

setFailover(ViewableData $failover)

Set a failover object to attempt to get data from if it is not present on this object.


Get the current failover object if set

hasField(string $field)

Returns true if the given field exists in a database column on any of the objects tables and optionally look up a dynamic getter with get().

getField(string $field)

Gets the value of a field.

setField(string $fieldName, mixed $val)

Set the value of the field Called by {@link __set()} and any setFieldName() methods you might create.


Adds methods from the extensions.

customise(array|ViewableData $data)

Merge some arbitrary data in with this object. This method returns a {@link ViewableData_Customised} instance with references to both this and the new custom data.


Returns true if this object "exists", i.e., has a sensible value.


No description

setCustomisedObj(ViewableData $object)

No description

castingHelper(string $field)

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object. This helper will be a subclass of DBField.

castingClass(string $field)

Get the class name a field on this object will be casted to.

escapeTypeForField(string $field)

Return the string-format type for the given field.

renderWith(string|array|SSViewer $template, array $customFields = null)

Render this object into the template, and get the result as a string. You can pass one of the following as the $template parameter:

  • a template name (e.g. Page)
  • an array of possible template names - the first valid one will be used
  • an SSViewer instance

obj(string $fieldName, array $arguments = [], bool $cache = false, string $cacheName = null)

Get the value of a field on this object, automatically inserting the value into any available casting objects that have been specified.

cachedCall(string $field, array $arguments = [], string $identifier = null)

A simple wrapper around {@link ViewableData::obj()} that automatically caches the result so it can be used again without re-running the method.

hasValue(string $field, array $arguments = null, bool $cache = true)

Returns true if the given method/parameter has a value (Uses the DBField::hasValue if the parameter is a database field)

XML_val(string $field, array $arguments = [], bool $cache = false)

Get the string value of a field on this object that has been suitable escaped to be inserted directly into a template.

getXMLValues(array $fields)

Get an array of XML-escaped values by field name


Return a single-item iterator so you can iterate over the fields of a single record.

getViewerTemplates(string $suffix = '')

Find appropriate templates for SSViewer to use to render this object


When rendering some objects it is necessary to iterate over the object being rendered, to do this, you need access to itself.

ThemeDir() deprecated

Return the directory if the current active theme (relative to the site root).

CSSClasses(string $stopAtClass = self::class)

Get part of the current classes ancestry to be used as a CSS class.


Return debug information about this object that can be rendered into a template


Get schema object


Destroy all of this objects dependant objects and local caches.

duplicate(bool $doWrite = true, array|null|false $relations = null)

Create a duplicate of this node. Can duplicate many_many relations


Return obsolete class name, if this is no longer a valid class


Gets name of this class

setClassName(string $className)

Set the ClassName attribute. {@link $class} is also updated.

newClassInstance(string $newClassName)

Create a new instance of a different class from this object's record.


Returns TRUE if all values (other than "ID") are considered empty (by weak boolean comparison).

i18n_pluralise(string $count)

Pluralise this item given a specific count.


Get the user friendly singular name of this DataObject.


Get the translated user friendly singular name of this DataObject same as singular_name() but runs it through the translating function


Get the user friendly plural name of this DataObject If the name is not defined (by renaming $plural_name in the subclass), this returns a pluralised version of the class name.


Get the translated user friendly plural name of this DataObject Same as plural_name but runs it through the translation function Translation string is in the form: $this->class.PLURALNAME Example: Page.PLURALNAME


Standard implementation of a title/label for a specific record. Tries to find properties 'Title' or 'Name', and falls back to the 'ID'. Useful to provide user-friendly identification of a record, e.g. in errormessages or UI-selections.


Returns the associated database record - in this case, the object itself.


Convert this object to a map.


Return all currently fetched database fields.

update(array $data)

Update a number of fields on this object, given a map of the desired changes.

castedUpdate(array $data)

Pass changes as a map, and try to get automatic casting for these fields.

merge(DataObject $rightObj, string $priority = 'right', bool $includeRelations = true, bool $overwriteWithEmpty = false)

Merges data and relations from another object of same class, without conflict resolution. Allows to specify which dataset takes priority in case its not empty.


Forces the record to think that all its data has changed.


Validate the current object.


Public accessor for {see DataObject::validate()}

findCascadeDeletes(bool $recursive = true, ArrayList $list = null)

Find all objects that will be cascade deleted if this object is deleted


Load the default values in from the self::$defaults array.

write(bool $showDebug = false, bool $forceInsert = false, bool $forceWrite = false, bool|array $writeComponents = false)

Writes all changes to this object to the database.


Writes cached relation lists to the database, if possible

writeComponents(bool $recursive = false, array $skip = [])

Write the cached components to the database. Cached components could refer to two different instances of the same record.


Delete this data object.

delete_by_id(string $className, int $id)

Delete the record with the given ID.


Get the class ancestry, including the current class name.

getComponent(string $componentName)

Return a unary component object from a one to one relationship, as a DataObject.

setComponent(string $componentName, DataObject|null $item)

Assign an item to the given component

getComponents(string $componentName, int|array $id = null)

Returns a one-to-many relation as a HasManyList

getRelationClass(string $relationName)

Find the foreign class of a relation on this DataObject, regardless of the relation type.

getRelationType(string $component)

Given a relation name, determine the relation type

inferReciprocalComponent(string $remoteClass, string $remoteRelation)

Given a relation declared on a remote class, generate a substitute component for the opposite side of the relation.

getManyManyComponents(string $componentName, int|array $id = null)

Returns a many-to-many component, as a ManyManyList.


Return the class of a one-to-one component. If $component is null, return all of the one-to-one components and their classes. If the selected has_one is a polymorphic field then 'DataObject' will be returned for the type.

belongsTo(bool $classOnly = true)

Returns the class of a remote belongs_to relationship. If no component is specified a map of all components and their class name will be returned.

hasMany(bool $classOnly = true)

Gets the class of a one-to-many relationship. If no $component is specified then an array of all the one-to-many relationships and their classes will be returned.


Return the many-to-many extra fields specification.


Return information about a many-to-many component.

database_extensions(string $class)

This returns an array (if it exists) describing the database extensions that are required, or false if none


Generates a SearchContext to be used for building and processing a generic search form for properties on this object.

scaffoldSearchFields(array $_params = null)

Determine which properties on the DataObject are searchable, and map them to their default {@link FormField} representations. Used for scaffolding a searchform for {@link ModelAdmin}.

scaffoldFormFields(array $_params = null)

Scaffold a simple edit form for all properties on this dataobject, based on default {@link FormField} mapping in {@link DBField::scaffoldFormField()}.


Caution: Only call on instances, not through a singleton.


need to be overload by solid dataobject, so that the customised actions of that dataobject, including that dataobject's extensions customised actions could be added to the EditForm.

getFrontEndFields(array $params = null)

Used for simple frontend forms without relation editing or {@link TabSet} behaviour. Uses {@link scaffoldFormFields()} by default. To customize, either overload this method in your subclass, or extend it by {@link DataExtension->updateFrontEndFields()}.

getChangedFields(bool|array $databaseFieldsOnly = false, int $changeLevel = self::CHANGE_STRICT)

Return the fields that have changed since the last write.

isChanged(string $fieldName = null, int $changeLevel = self::CHANGE_STRICT)

Uses {@link getChangedFields()} to determine if fields have been changed since loading them from the database.

setCastedField(string $fieldName, mixed $value)

Set the value of the field, using a casting object.

hasDatabaseField(string $field)

Returns true if the given field exists as a database column

can(string $perm, Member $member = null, array $context = array())

Returns true if the member is allowed to do the given action.

extendedCan(string $methodName, Member|int $member, array $context = array())

Process tri-state responses from permission-alterting extensions. The extensions are expected to return one of three values:

canView(Member $member = null)

Checks for permission-code CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin.

canEdit(Member $member = null)

Checks for permission-code CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin.

canDelete(Member $member = null)

No description

canCreate(Member $member = null, array $context = array())

No description


Debugging used by Debug::show()

dbObject(string $fieldName)

Return the DBField object that represents the given field.

relObject(string $fieldPath)

Traverses to a DBField referenced by relationships between data objects.

relField(string $fieldName)

Traverses to a field referenced by relationships between data objects, returning the value The path to the related field is specified with dot separated syntax (eg: Parent.Child.Child.FieldName)

getReverseAssociation(string $className)

Temporary hack to return an association name, based on class, to get around the mangle of having to deal with reverse lookup of relationships to determine autogenerated foreign keys.

static DataList
get(string $callerClass = null, string|array $filter = "", string|array $sort = "", string $join = "", string|array $limit = null, string $containerClass = DataList::class)

Return all objects matching the filter sub-classes are automatically selected and included

static DataObject|null
get_one(string|null $callerClass = null, string|array $filter = "", bool $cache = true, string $orderBy = "")

Return the first item matching the given query.

flushCache(bool $persistent = true)

Flush the cached results for all relations (has_one, has_many, many_many) Also clears any cached aggregate data.


Flush the get_one global cache and destroy associated objects.


Reset all global caches associated with DataObject.

static DataObject
get_by_id(string|int $classOrID, int|bool $idOrCache = null, bool $cache = true)

Return the given element, searching by ID.


Get the name of the base table for this object


Get the base class for this object


No description


Get list of parameters that should be inherited to relations on this object


No description

setSourceQueryParam(string $key, string $value)

No description

getSourceQueryParam(string $key)

No description


Check the database schema and update it as necessary.


Add default records to database.


Get the default searchable fields for this object, as defined in the $searchable_fields list. If searchable fields are not defined on the data object, uses a default selection of summary fields.

fieldLabels(bool $includerelations = true)

No description

fieldLabel(string $name)

Get a human-readable label for a single field, see {@link fieldLabels()} for more details.


Get the default summary fields for this object.


Defines a default list of filters for the search context.


No description


Temporarily disable subclass access in data object qeur


No description


Returns the list of provided translations for this object.


If selected through a many_many through relation, this is the instance of the joined record

setJoin(DataObject $object, string $alias = null)

Set joining object

findRelatedObjects(string $source, bool $recursive = true, ArrayList $list = null)

Find objects in the given relationships, merging them into the given list

mergeRelatedObjects(ArrayList $list, mixed $items)

Helper method to merge owned/owning items into a list.


No description

Members(string $filter = '')

Get many-many relation to {@link Member}, including all members which are "inherited" from children groups of this record.


Return only the members directly added to this group


Return a set of this record's "family" of IDs - the IDs of this record and all its descendants.


Returns an array of the IDs of this group and all its parents

inGroup(string|int|Group $group)

Check if the group is a child of the given group or any parent groups

inGroups((string|int|Group)[] $groups, bool $requireAll = false)

Check if the group is a child of the given groups or any parent groups


This isn't a descendant of SiteTree, but needs this in case the group is "reorganised";


Override this so groups are ordered in the CMS


No description


Overloaded to ensure the code is always descent.


No description


No description


Returns all of the children for the CMS Tree.


Return parent group


List of group permissions


List of child groups


List of PermissionRoles


mixed __call(string $method, array $arguments)

Attempts to locate and call a method dynamically added to a class at runtime if a default cannot be located

You can add extra methods to a class using {@link Extensions}, {@link Object::createMethod()} or {@link Object::addWrapperMethod()}


string $method
array $arguments

Return Value




bool hasMethod(string $method)

Return TRUE if a method exists on this object

This should be used rather than PHP's inbuild method_exists() as it takes into account methods added via extensions


string $method

Return Value


array allMethodNames(bool $custom = false)

Return the names of all the methods available on this object


bool $custom

include methods added dynamically at runtime

Return Value


Map of method names with lowercase keys

static bool add_extension(string $classOrExtension, string $extension = null)

Add an extension to a specific class.

The preferred method for adding extensions is through YAML config, since it avoids autoloading the class, and is easier to override in more specific configurations.

As an alternative, extensions can be added to a specific class directly in the {@link Object::$extensions} array. See {@link SiteTree::$extensions} for examples. Keep in mind that the extension will only be applied to new instances, not existing ones (including all instances created through {@link singleton()}).


string $classOrExtension

Class that should be extended - has to be a subclass of {@link Object}

string $extension

Subclass of {@link Extension} with optional parameters as a string, e.g. "Versioned" or "Translatable('Param')"

Return Value


Flag if the extension was added

See also

static remove_extension(string $extension)

Remove an extension from a class.

Note: This will not remove extensions from parent classes, and must be called directly on the class assigned the extension.

Keep in mind that this won't revert any datamodel additions of the extension at runtime, unless its used before the schema building kicks in (in your _config.php). Doesn't remove the extension from any {@link Object} instances which are already created, but will have an effect on new extensions. Clears any previously created singletons through {@link singleton()} to avoid side-effects from stale extension information.


string $extension

class name of an {@link Extension} subclass, without parameters

static array get_extensions(string $class = null, bool $includeArgumentString = false)


string $class

If omitted, will get extensions for the current class

bool $includeArgumentString

Include the argument string in the return array, FALSE would return array("Versioned"), TRUE returns array("Versioned('Stage','Live')").

Return Value


Numeric array of either {@link DataExtension} class names, or eval'ed class name strings with constructor arguments.

static array|null get_extra_config_sources(string $class = null)

Get extra config sources for this class


string $class

Name of class. If left null will return for the current class

Return Value


static bool has_extension(string $classOrExtension, string $requiredExtension = null, bool $strict = false)

Return TRUE if a class has a specified extension.

This supports backwards-compatible format (static Object::has_extension($requiredExtension)) and new format ($object->has_extension($class, $requiredExtension))


string $classOrExtension

Class to check extension for, or the extension name to check if the second argument is null.

string $requiredExtension

If the first argument is the parent class, this is the extension to check. If left null, the first parameter will be treated as the extension.

bool $strict

if the extension has to match the required extension and not be a subclass

Return Value


Flag if the extension exists

array invokeWithExtensions(string $method, mixed ...$arguments)

Calls a method if available on both this object and all applied {@link Extensions}, and then attempts to merge all results into an array


string $method

the method name to call

mixed ...$arguments

List of arguments

Return Value


List of results with nulls filtered out

array extend(string $method, mixed ...$arguments)

Run the given function on all of this object's extensions. Note that this method originally returned void, so if you wanted to return results, you're hosed

Currently returns an array, with an index resulting every time the function is called. Only adds returns if they're not NULL, to avoid bogus results from methods just defined on the parent extension. This is important for permission-checks through extend, as they use min() to determine if any of the returns is FALSE. As min() doesn't do type checking, an included NULL return would fail the permission checks.

The extension methods are defined during {@link __construct()} in {@link defineMethods()}.


string $method

the name of the method to call on each extension

mixed ...$arguments

Return Value


Extension|null getExtensionInstance(string $extension)

Get an extension instance attached to this object by name.


string $extension

Return Value


bool hasExtension(string $extension)

Returns TRUE if this object instance has a specific extension applied in {@link $extension_instances}. Extension instances are initialized at constructor time, meaning if you use {@link add_extension()} afterwards, the added extension will just be added to new instances of the extended class. Use the static method {@link has_extension()} to check if a class (not an instance) has a specific extension.

Caution: Don't use singleton()->hasExtension() as it will give you inconsistent results based on when the singleton was first accessed.


string $extension

Classname of an {@link Extension} subclass without parameters

Return Value


Extension[] getExtensionInstances()

Get all extension instances for this specific object instance.

See {@link get_extensions()} to get all applied extension classes for this class (not the instance).

This method also provides lazy-population of the extension_instances property.

Return Value


Map of {@link DataExtension} instances, keyed by classname.

static Injectable create(array ...$args)

An implementation of the factory method, allows you to create an instance of a class

This method will defer class substitution to the Injector API, which can be customised via the Config API to declare substitution classes.

This can be called in one of two ways - either calling via the class directly, or calling on Object and passing the class name as the first parameter. The following are equivalent: $list = DataList::create('SiteTree'); $list = SiteTree::get();


array ...$args

Return Value


static Injectable singleton(string $class = null)

Creates a class instance by the "singleton" design pattern.

It will always return the same instance for this class, which can be used for performance reasons and as a simple way to access instance methods which don't rely on instance data (e.g. the custom SilverStripe static handling).


string $class

Optional classname to create, if the called class should not be used

Return Value


The singleton instance

static Config_ForClass config()

Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).

Return Value


mixed stat(string $name) deprecated

deprecated 5.0 Use ->config()->get() instead

Get inherited config value


string $name

Return Value


mixed uninherited(string $name)

Gets the uninherited value for the given config option


string $name

Return Value


$this set_stat(string $name, mixed $value) deprecated

deprecated 5.0 Use ->config()->set() instead

Update the config value for a given property


string $name
mixed $value

Return Value


__construct(array|null $record = null, bool $isSingleton = false, array $queryParams = array())

Construct a new DataObject.


array|null $record

Used internally for rehydrating an object from database content. Bypasses setters on this class, and hence should not be used for populating data on new records.

bool $isSingleton

This this to true if this is a singleton() object, a stub for calling methods. Singletons don't have their defaults set.

array $queryParams

List of DataQuery params necessary to lazy load, or load related objects.

bool __isset(string $property)

Check if a field exists on this object or its failover.

Note that, unlike the core isset() implementation, this will return true if the property is defined and set to null.


string $property

Return Value


mixed __get(string $property)

Get the value of a property/field on this object. This will check if a method called get{$property} exists, then check if a field is available using {@link ViewableData::getField()}, then fall back on a failover object.


string $property

Return Value


__set(string $property, mixed $value)

Set a property/field on this object. This will check for the existence of a method called set{$property}, then use the {@link ViewableData::setField()} method.


string $property
mixed $value

setFailover(ViewableData $failover)

Set a failover object to attempt to get data from if it is not present on this object.


ViewableData $failover

ViewableData|null getFailover()

Get the current failover object if set

Return Value


bool hasField(string $field)

Returns true if the given field exists in a database column on any of the objects tables and optionally look up a dynamic getter with get().


string $field

Return Value


mixed getField(string $field)

Gets the value of a field.

Called by {@link __get()} and any getFieldName() methods you might create.


string $field

Return Value


$this setField(string $fieldName, mixed $val)

Set the value of the field Called by {@link __set()} and any setFieldName() methods you might create.


string $fieldName

Name of the field

mixed $val

New field value

Return Value



Adds methods from the extensions.

Called by Object::__construct() once per class.

ViewableData_Customised customise(array|ViewableData $data)

Merge some arbitrary data in with this object. This method returns a {@link ViewableData_Customised} instance with references to both this and the new custom data.

Note that any fields you specify will take precedence over the fields on this object.


array|ViewableData $data

Return Value


bool exists()

Returns true if this object "exists", i.e., has a sensible value.

The default behaviour for a DataObject is to return true if the object exists in the database, you can override this in subclasses.

Return Value


string __toString()

Return Value


the class name

ViewableData getCustomisedObj()

Return Value


setCustomisedObj(ViewableData $object)


ViewableData $object

string castingHelper(string $field)

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object. This helper will be a subclass of DBField.


string $field

Return Value


Casting helper As a constructor pattern, and may include arguments.



string castingClass(string $field)

Get the class name a field on this object will be casted to.


string $field

Return Value


string escapeTypeForField(string $field)

Return the string-format type for the given field.


string $field

Return Value



DBHTMLText renderWith(string|array|SSViewer $template, array $customFields = null)

Render this object into the template, and get the result as a string. You can pass one of the following as the $template parameter:

  • a template name (e.g. Page)
  • an array of possible template names - the first valid one will be used
  • an SSViewer instance


string|array|SSViewer $template

the template to render into

array $customFields

fields to customise() the object with before rendering

Return Value


object|DBField obj(string $fieldName, array $arguments = [], bool $cache = false, string $cacheName = null)

Get the value of a field on this object, automatically inserting the value into any available casting objects that have been specified.


string $fieldName
array $arguments
bool $cache

Cache this object

string $cacheName

a custom cache name

Return Value


object|DBField cachedCall(string $field, array $arguments = [], string $identifier = null)

A simple wrapper around {@link ViewableData::obj()} that automatically caches the result so it can be used again without re-running the method.


string $field
array $arguments
string $identifier

an optional custom cache identifier

Return Value


bool hasValue(string $field, array $arguments = null, bool $cache = true)

Returns true if the given method/parameter has a value (Uses the DBField::hasValue if the parameter is a database field)


string $field
array $arguments
bool $cache

Return Value


string XML_val(string $field, array $arguments = [], bool $cache = false)

Get the string value of a field on this object that has been suitable escaped to be inserted directly into a template.


string $field
array $arguments
bool $cache

Return Value


array getXMLValues(array $fields)

Get an array of XML-escaped values by field name


array $fields

an array of field names

Return Value


ArrayIterator getIterator()

Return a single-item iterator so you can iterate over the fields of a single record.

This is useful so you can use a single record inside a <% control %> block in a template - and then use to access individual fields on this object.

Return Value


array getViewerTemplates(string $suffix = '')

Find appropriate templates for SSViewer to use to render this object


string $suffix

Return Value


ViewableData Me()

When rendering some objects it is necessary to iterate over the object being rendered, to do this, you need access to itself.

Return Value


string ThemeDir() deprecated

deprecated 4.0.0:5.0.0 Use $resourcePath or $resourceURL template helpers instead

Return the directory if the current active theme (relative to the site root).

This method is useful for things such as accessing theme images from your template without hardcoding the theme page - e.g. .

This method should only be used when a theme is currently active. However, it will fall over to the current project directory.

Return Value


URL to the current theme

string CSSClasses(string $stopAtClass = self::class)

Get part of the current classes ancestry to be used as a CSS class.

This method returns an escaped string of CSS classes representing the current classes ancestry until it hits a stop point - e.g. "Page DataObject ViewableData".


string $stopAtClass

the class to stop at (default: ViewableData)

Return Value


ViewableData_Debugger Debug()

Return debug information about this object that can be rendered into a template

Return Value


static DataObjectSchema getSchema()

Get schema object

Return Value



Destroy all of this objects dependant objects and local caches.

You'll need to call this to get the memory of an object that has components or extensions freed.

DataObject duplicate(bool $doWrite = true, array|null|false $relations = null)

Create a duplicate of this node. Can duplicate many_many relations


bool $doWrite

Perform a write() operation before returning the object. If this is true, it will create the duplicate in the database.

array|null|false $relations

List of relations to duplicate. Will default to cascade_duplicates if null. Set to 'false' to force none. Set to specific array of names to duplicate to override these. Note: If using versioned, this will additionally failover to owns config.

Return Value


A duplicate of this node. The exact type will be the type of this node.

string getObsoleteClassName()

Return obsolete class name, if this is no longer a valid class

Return Value


string getClassName()

Gets name of this class

Return Value


$this setClassName(string $className)

Set the ClassName attribute. {@link $class} is also updated.

Warning: This will produce an inconsistent record, as the object instance will not automatically switch to the new subclass. Please use {@link newClassInstance()} for this purpose, or destroy and reinstanciate the record.


string $className

The new ClassName attribute (a subclass of {@link DataObject})

Return Value


DataObject newClassInstance(string $newClassName)

Create a new instance of a different class from this object's record.

This is useful when dynamically changing the type of an instance. Specifically, it ensures that the instance of the class is a match for the className of the record. Don't set the {@link DataObject->class} or {@link DataObject->ClassName} property manually before calling this method, as it will confuse change detection.

If the new class is different to the original class, defaults are populated again because this will only occur automatically on instantiation of a DataObject if there is no record, or the record has no ID. In this case, we do have an ID but we still need to repopulate the defaults.


string $newClassName

The name of the new class

Return Value


The new instance of the new class, The exact type will be of the class name provided.

bool isEmpty()

Returns TRUE if all values (other than "ID") are considered empty (by weak boolean comparison).

Return Value


string i18n_pluralise(string $count)

Pluralise this item given a specific count.

E.g. "0 Pages", "1 File", "3 Images"


string $count

Return Value


string singular_name()

Get the user friendly singular name of this DataObject.

If the name is not defined (by redefining $singular_name in the subclass), this returns the class name.

Return Value


User friendly singular name of this DataObject

string i18n_singular_name()

Get the translated user friendly singular name of this DataObject same as singular_name() but runs it through the translating function

Translating string is in the form: $this->class.SINGULARNAME Example: Page.SINGULARNAME

Return Value


User friendly translated singular name of this DataObject

string plural_name()

Get the user friendly plural name of this DataObject If the name is not defined (by renaming $plural_name in the subclass), this returns a pluralised version of the class name.

Return Value


User friendly plural name of this DataObject

string i18n_plural_name()

Get the translated user friendly plural name of this DataObject Same as plural_name but runs it through the translation function Translation string is in the form: $this->class.PLURALNAME Example: Page.PLURALNAME

Return Value


User friendly translated plural name of this DataObject

string getTitle()

Standard implementation of a title/label for a specific record. Tries to find properties 'Title' or 'Name', and falls back to the 'ID'. Useful to provide user-friendly identification of a record, e.g. in errormessages or UI-selections.

Overload this method to have a more specialized implementation, e.g. for an Address record this could be: function getTitle() { return "{$this->StreetNumber} {$this->StreetName} {$this->City}"; }

Return Value


DataObject data()

Returns the associated database record - in this case, the object itself.

This is included so that you can call $dataOrController->data() and get a DataObject all the time.

Return Value


Associated database record

array toMap()

Convert this object to a map.

Return Value


The data as a map.

array getQueriedDatabaseFields()

Return all currently fetched database fields.

This function is similar to toMap() but doesn't trigger the lazy-loading of all unfetched fields. Obviously, this makes it a lot faster.

Return Value


The data as a map.

DataObject update(array $data)

Update a number of fields on this object, given a map of the desired changes.

The field names can be simple names, or you can use a dot syntax to access $has_one relations. For example, array("Author.FirstName" => "Jim") will set $this->Author()->FirstName to "Jim".

Doesn't write the main object, but if you use the dot syntax, it will write() the related objects that it alters.

When using this method with user supplied data, it's very important to whitelist the allowed keys.


array $data

A map of field name to data values to update.

Return Value



DataObject castedUpdate(array $data)

Pass changes as a map, and try to get automatic casting for these fields.

Doesn't write to the database. To write the data, use the write() method.


array $data

A map of field name to data values to update.

Return Value



bool merge(DataObject $rightObj, string $priority = 'right', bool $includeRelations = true, bool $overwriteWithEmpty = false)

Merges data and relations from another object of same class, without conflict resolution. Allows to specify which dataset takes priority in case its not empty.

has_one-relations are just transferred with priority 'right'. has_many and many_many-relations are added regardless of priority.

Caution: has_many/many_many relations are moved rather than duplicated, meaning they are not connected to the merged object any longer. Caution: Just saves updated has_many/many_many relations to the database, doesn't write the updated object itself (just writes the object-properties). Caution: Does not delete the merged object. Caution: Does now overwrite Created date on the original object.


DataObject $rightObj
string $priority

left|right Determines who wins in case of a conflict (optional)

bool $includeRelations

Merge any existing relations (optional)

bool $overwriteWithEmpty

Overwrite existing left values with empty right values. Only applicable with $priority='right'. (optional)

Return Value


$this forceChange()

Forces the record to think that all its data has changed.

Doesn't write to the database. Force-change preseved until next write. Existing CHANGE_VALUE or CHANGE_STRICT values are preserved.

Return Value


ValidationResult validate()

Validate the current object.

By default, there is no validation - objects are always valid! However, you can overload this method in your DataObject sub-classes to specify custom validation, or use the hook through DataExtension.

Invalid objects won't be able to be written - a warning will be thrown and no write will occur. onBeforeWrite() and onAfterWrite() won't get called either.

It is expected that you call validate() in your own application to test that an object is valid before attempting a write, and respond appropriately if it isn't.

Return Value


ValidationResult doValidate()

Public accessor for {see DataObject::validate()}

Return Value


ArrayList findCascadeDeletes(bool $recursive = true, ArrayList $list = null)

Find all objects that will be cascade deleted if this object is deleted


  • If this object is versioned, objects will only be searched in the same stage as the given record.
  • This will only be useful prior to deletion, as post-deletion this record will no longer exist.


bool $recursive

True if recursive

ArrayList $list

Optional list to add items to

Return Value


list of objects

DataObject populateDefaults()

Load the default values in from the self::$defaults array.

Will traverse the defaults of the current class and all its parent classes. Called by the constructor when creating new records.

Return Value



write(bool $showDebug = false, bool $forceInsert = false, bool $forceWrite = false, bool|array $writeComponents = false)

Writes all changes to this object to the database.

  • It will insert a record whenever ID isn't set, otherwise update.
  • All relevant tables will be updated.
  • $this->onBeforeWrite() gets called beforehand.
  • Extensions such as Versioned will ammend the database-write to ensure that a version is saved.


bool $showDebug

Show debugging information

bool $forceInsert

Run INSERT command rather than UPDATE, even if record already exists

bool $forceWrite

Write to database even if there are no changes

bool|array $writeComponents

Call write() on all associated component instances which were previously retrieved through {@link getComponent()}, {@link getComponents()} or {@link getManyManyComponents()}. Default to false. The parameter can also be provided in the form of an array: ['recursive' => true, skip => ['Page'=>[1,2,3]]. This avoid infinite loops when one DataObject are components of each other.



Exception that can be caught and handled by the calling function


Writes cached relation lists to the database, if possible

DataObject writeComponents(bool $recursive = false, array $skip = [])

Write the cached components to the database. Cached components could refer to two different instances of the same record.


bool $recursive

Recursively write components

array $skip

List of DataObject references to skip

Return Value




Delete this data object.

$this->onBeforeDelete() gets called. Note that in Versioned objects, both Stage and Live will be deleted.

static delete_by_id(string $className, int $id)

Delete the record with the given ID.


string $className

The class name of the record to be deleted

int $id

ID of record to be deleted

array getClassAncestry()

Get the class ancestry, including the current class name.

The ancestry will be returned as an array of class names, where the 0th element will be the class that inherits directly from DataObject, and the last element will be the current class.

Return Value


Class ancestry

DataObject getComponent(string $componentName)

Return a unary component object from a one to one relationship, as a DataObject.

If no component is available, an 'empty component' will be returned for non-polymorphic relations, or for polymorphic relations with a class set.


string $componentName

Name of the component

Return Value


The component object. It's exact type will be that of the component.



$this setComponent(string $componentName, DataObject|null $item)

Assign an item to the given component


string $componentName
DataObject|null $item

Return Value


HasManyList|UnsavedRelationList getComponents(string $componentName, int|array $id = null)

Returns a one-to-many relation as a HasManyList


string $componentName

Name of the component

int|array $id

Optional ID(s) for parent of this relation, if not the current record

Return Value


The components of the one-to-many relationship.

string getRelationClass(string $relationName)

Find the foreign class of a relation on this DataObject, regardless of the relation type.


string $relationName

Relation name.

Return Value


Class name, or null if not found.

string getRelationType(string $component)

Given a relation name, determine the relation type


string $component

Name of component

Return Value


has_one, has_many, many_many, belongs_many_many or belongs_to

DataList|DataObject inferReciprocalComponent(string $remoteClass, string $remoteRelation)

Given a relation declared on a remote class, generate a substitute component for the opposite side of the relation.

Notes on behaviour:

  • This can still be used on components that are defined on both sides, but do not need to be.
  • All has_ones on remote class will be treated as local has_many, even if they are belongs_to
  • Polymorphic relationships do not have two natural endpoints (only on one side) and thus attempting to infer them will return nothing.
  • Cannot be used on unsaved objects.


string $remoteClass
string $remoteRelation

Return Value


The component, either as a list or single object



ManyManyList|UnsavedRelationList getManyManyComponents(string $componentName, int|array $id = null)

Returns a many-to-many component, as a ManyManyList.


string $componentName

Name of the many-many component

int|array $id

Optional ID for parent of this relation, if not the current record

Return Value


The set of components

string|array hasOne()

Return the class of a one-to-one component. If $component is null, return all of the one-to-one components and their classes. If the selected has_one is a polymorphic field then 'DataObject' will be returned for the type.

Return Value


The class of the one-to-one component, or an array of all one-to-one components and their classes.

string|array belongsTo(bool $classOnly = true)

Returns the class of a remote belongs_to relationship. If no component is specified a map of all components and their class name will be returned.


bool $classOnly

If this is TRUE, than any has_many relationships in the form "ClassName.Field" will have the field data stripped off. It defaults to TRUE.

Return Value


string|array|false hasMany(bool $classOnly = true)

Gets the class of a one-to-many relationship. If no $component is specified then an array of all the one-to-many relationships and their classes will be returned.


bool $classOnly

If this is TRUE, than any has_many relationships in the form "ClassName.Field" will have the field data stripped off. It defaults to TRUE.

Return Value


array|null manyManyExtraFields()

Return the many-to-many extra fields specification.

If you don't specify a component name, it returns all extra fields for all components available.

Return Value


array|null manyMany()

Return information about a many-to-many component.

The return value is an array of (parentclass, childclass). If $component is null, then all many-many components are returned.

Return Value


An array of (parentclass, childclass), or an array of all many-many components

See also


array|false database_extensions(string $class)

This returns an array (if it exists) describing the database extensions that are required, or false if none

This is experimental, and is currently only a Postgres-specific enhancement.


string $class

Return Value


SearchContext getDefaultSearchContext()

Generates a SearchContext to be used for building and processing a generic search form for properties on this object.

Return Value


FieldList scaffoldSearchFields(array $_params = null)

Determine which properties on the DataObject are searchable, and map them to their default {@link FormField} representations. Used for scaffolding a searchform for {@link ModelAdmin}.

Some additional logic is included for switching field labels, based on how generic or specific the field type is.

Used by {@link SearchContext}.


array $_params

'fieldClasses': Associative array of field names as keys and FormField classes as values 'restrictFields': Numeric array of a field name whitelist

Return Value


FieldList scaffoldFormFields(array $_params = null)

Scaffold a simple edit form for all properties on this dataobject, based on default {@link FormField} mapping in {@link DBField::scaffoldFormField()}.

Field labels/titles will be auto generated from {@link DataObject::fieldLabels()}.


array $_params

Associative array passing through properties to {@link FormScaffolder}.

Return Value


FieldList getCMSFields()

Caution: Only call on instances, not through a singleton.

The "root group" fields will be created through {@link SecurityAdmin->EditForm()}.

Return Value


Returns a TabSet for usage within the CMS - don't use for frontend forms.

FieldList getCMSActions()

need to be overload by solid dataobject, so that the customised actions of that dataobject, including that dataobject's extensions customised actions could be added to the EditForm.

Return Value


an Empty FieldList(); need to be overload by solid subclass

FieldList getFrontEndFields(array $params = null)

Used for simple frontend forms without relation editing or {@link TabSet} behaviour. Uses {@link scaffoldFormFields()} by default. To customize, either overload this method in your subclass, or extend it by {@link DataExtension->updateFrontEndFields()}.


array $params

See {@link scaffoldFormFields()}

Return Value


Always returns a simple field collection without TabSet.

array getChangedFields(bool|array $databaseFieldsOnly = false, int $changeLevel = self::CHANGE_STRICT)

Return the fields that have changed since the last write.

The change level affects what the functions defines as "changed":

  • Level CHANGE_STRICT (integer 1) will return strict changes, even !== ones.
  • Level CHANGE_VALUE (integer 2) is more lenient, it will only return real data changes, for example a change from 0 to null would not be included.

Example return: array( 'Title' = array('before' => 'Home', 'after' => 'Home-Changed', 'level' => DataObject::CHANGE_VALUE) )


bool|array $databaseFieldsOnly

Filter to determine which fields to return. Set to true to return all database fields, or an array for an explicit filter. false returns all fields.

int $changeLevel

The strictness of what is defined as change. Defaults to strict

Return Value


bool isChanged(string $fieldName = null, int $changeLevel = self::CHANGE_STRICT)

Uses {@link getChangedFields()} to determine if fields have been changed since loading them from the database.


string $fieldName

Name of the database field to check, will check for any if not given

int $changeLevel

See {@link getChangedFields()}

Return Value


$this setCastedField(string $fieldName, mixed $value)

Set the value of the field, using a casting object.

This is useful when you aren't sure that a date is in SQL format, for example. setCastedField() can also be used, by forms, to set related data. For example, uploaded images can be saved into the Image table.


string $fieldName
mixed $value

New field value

Return Value


bool hasDatabaseField(string $field)

Returns true if the given field exists as a database column


string $field

Name of the field

Return Value


bool can(string $perm, Member $member = null, array $context = array())

Returns true if the member is allowed to do the given action.

See {@link extendedCan()} for a more versatile tri-state permission control.


string $perm

The permission to be checked, such as 'View'.

Member $member

The member whose permissions need checking. Defaults to the currently logged in user.

array $context

Additional $context to pass to extendedCan()

Return Value


True if the the member is allowed to do the given action

bool|null extendedCan(string $methodName, Member|int $member, array $context = array())

Process tri-state responses from permission-alterting extensions. The extensions are expected to return one of three values:

  • false: Disallow this permission, regardless of what other extensions say
    • true: Allow this permission, as long as no other extensions return false
    • NULL: Don't affect the outcome

This method itself returns a tri-state value, and is designed to be used like this:

$extended = $this->extendedCan('canDoSomething', $member); if($extended !== null) return $extended; else return $normalValue;


string $methodName

Method on the same object, e.g. {@link canEdit()}

Member|int $member
array $context

Optional context

Return Value


bool canView(Member $member = null)

Checks for permission-code CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin.


Member $member

Return Value


bool canEdit(Member $member = null)

Checks for permission-code CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin.

If the group has ADMIN permissions, it requires the user to have ADMIN permissions as well.


Member $member

Return Value


bool canDelete(Member $member = null)


Member $member

Return Value


bool canCreate(Member $member = null, array $context = array())


Member $member
array $context

Additional context-specific data which might affect whether (or where) this object could be created.

Return Value


string debug()

Debugging used by Debug::show()

Return Value


HTML data representing this object

DBField dbObject(string $fieldName)

Return the DBField object that represents the given field.

This works similarly to obj() with 2 key differences:

  • it still returns an object even when the field has no value.
  • it only matches fields and not methods
  • it matches foreign keys generated by has_one relationships, eg, "ParentID"


string $fieldName

Name of the field

Return Value


The field as a DBField object

mixed relObject(string $fieldPath)

Traverses to a DBField referenced by relationships between data objects.

The path to the related field is specified with dot separated syntax (eg: Parent.Child.Child.FieldName).

If a relation is blank, this will return null instead. If a relation name is invalid (e.g. non-relation on a parent) this can throw a LogicException.


string $fieldPath

List of paths on this object. All items in this path must be ViewableData implementors

Return Value


DBField of the field on the object or a DataList instance.



If accessing invalid relations

mixed relField(string $fieldName)

Traverses to a field referenced by relationships between data objects, returning the value The path to the related field is specified with dot separated syntax (eg: Parent.Child.Child.FieldName)


string $fieldName


Return Value


Will return null on a missing value

string getReverseAssociation(string $className)

Temporary hack to return an association name, based on class, to get around the mangle of having to deal with reverse lookup of relationships to determine autogenerated foreign keys.


string $className

Return Value


static DataList get(string $callerClass = null, string|array $filter = "", string|array $sort = "", string $join = "", string|array $limit = null, string $containerClass = DataList::class)

Return all objects matching the filter sub-classes are automatically selected and included


string $callerClass

The class of objects to be returned

string|array $filter

A filter to be inserted into the WHERE clause. Supports parameterised queries. See SQLSelect::addWhere() for syntax examples.

string|array $sort

A sort expression to be inserted into the ORDER BY clause. If omitted, self::$default_sort will be used.

string $join

Deprecated 3.0 Join clause. Use leftJoin($table, $joinClause) instead.

string|array $limit

A limit expression to be inserted into the LIMIT clause.

string $containerClass

The container class to return the results in.

Return Value


The objects matching the filter, in the class specified by $containerClass

static DataObject|null get_one(string|null $callerClass = null, string|array $filter = "", bool $cache = true, string $orderBy = "")

Return the first item matching the given query.

All calls to get_one() are cached.

The filter argument supports parameterised queries (see SQLSelect::addWhere() for syntax examples). Because of that (and differently from e.g. DataList::filter()) you need to manually escape the field names: $member = DataObject::get_one('Member', [ '"FirstName"' => 'John' ]);


string|null $callerClass

The class of objects to be returned. Defaults to the class that calls the method e.g. MyObject::get_one() will return a MyObject

string|array $filter

A filter to be inserted into the WHERE clause. Supports parameterised queries. See SQLSelect::addWhere() for syntax examples.

bool $cache

Use caching

string $orderBy

A sort expression to be inserted into the ORDER BY clause.

Return Value


The first item matching the query

DataObject flushCache(bool $persistent = true)

Flush the cached results for all relations (has_one, has_many, many_many) Also clears any cached aggregate data.


bool $persistent

When true will also clear persistent data stored in the Cache system. When false will just clear session-local cached data

Return Value



static flush_and_destroy_cache()

Flush the get_one global cache and destroy associated objects.

static reset()

Reset all global caches associated with DataObject.

static DataObject get_by_id(string|int $classOrID, int|bool $idOrCache = null, bool $cache = true)

Return the given element, searching by ID.

This can be called either via DataObject::get_by_id(MyClass::class, $id) or MyClass::get_by_id($id)


string|int $classOrID

The class of the object to be returned, or id if called on target class

int|bool $idOrCache

The id of the element, or cache if called on target class

bool $cache

See {@link get_one()}

Return Value


The element

string baseTable()

Get the name of the base table for this object

Return Value


string baseClass()

Get the base class for this object

Return Value


array getSourceQueryParams()

Return Value


See also


array getInheritableQueryParams()

Get list of parameters that should be inherited to relations on this object

Return Value





See also


setSourceQueryParam(string $key, string $value)


string $key
string $value

See also


string getSourceQueryParam(string $key)


string $key

Return Value


See also



Check the database schema and update it as necessary.


Add default records to database.

This function is called whenever the database is built, after the database tables have all been created.

array searchableFields()

Get the default searchable fields for this object, as defined in the $searchable_fields list. If searchable fields are not defined on the data object, uses a default selection of summary fields.

Return Value


array fieldLabels(bool $includerelations = true)


bool $includerelations

a boolean value to indicate if the labels returned include relation fields

Return Value


Array of all element labels

string fieldLabel(string $name)

Get a human-readable label for a single field, see {@link fieldLabels()} for more details.


string $name

Name of the field

Return Value


Label of the field

array summaryFields()

Get the default summary fields for this object.

Return Value


array defaultSearchFilters()

Defines a default list of filters for the search context.

If a filter class mapping is defined on the data object, it is constructed here. Otherwise, the default filter specified in {@link DBField} is used.

Return Value


bool isInDB()

Return Value


True if the object is in the database

static disable_subclass_access()

Temporarily disable subclass access in data object qeur

static enable_subclass_access()

array provideI18nEntities()

Returns the list of provided translations for this object.

Note: Pluralised forms are always returned in array format.

Example usage: class MyTestClass implements i18nEntityProvider { public function provideI18nEntities() { $entities = []; foreach($this->config()->get('my_static_array') as $key => $value) { $entities["MyTestClass.my_staticarray{$key}"] = $value; } $entities["MyTestClass.PLURALS"] = [ 'one' => 'A test class', 'other' => '{count} test classes', ] return $entities; } }

Example usage in {@link DataObject->provideI18nEntities()}.

You can ask textcollector to add the provided entity to a different module. Simply wrap the returned value for any item in an array with the format: [ 'default' => $defaultValue, 'module' => $module ]

class MyTestClass implements i18nEntityProvider { public function provideI18nEntities() { $entities = [ 'MyOtherModuleClass.MYENTITY' => [ 'default' => $value, 'module' => 'myothermodule', ] ]; } return $entities; }

Return Value


Map of keys to default values, which are strings in the default case, and array-form for pluralisations.

DataObject getJoin()

If selected through a many_many through relation, this is the instance of the joined record

Return Value


$this setJoin(DataObject $object, string $alias = null)

Set joining object


DataObject $object
string $alias


Return Value


ArrayList findRelatedObjects(string $source, bool $recursive = true, ArrayList $list = null)

Find objects in the given relationships, merging them into the given list


string $source

Config property to extract relationships from

bool $recursive

True if recursive

ArrayList $list

If specified, items will be added to this list. If not, a new instance of ArrayList will be constructed and returned

Return Value


The list of related objects

ArrayList mergeRelatedObjects(ArrayList $list, mixed $items)

Helper method to merge owned/owning items into a list.

Items already present in the list will be skipped.


ArrayList $list

Items to merge into

mixed $items

List of new items to merge

Return Value


List of all newly added items that did not already exist in $list


ManyManyList Members(string $filter = '')

Get many-many relation to {@link Member}, including all members which are "inherited" from children groups of this record.

See {@link DirectMembers()} for retrieving members without any inheritance.


string $filter

Return Value



Return only the members directly added to this group

array collateFamilyIDs()

Return a set of this record's "family" of IDs - the IDs of this record and all its descendants.

Return Value


array collateAncestorIDs()

Returns an array of the IDs of this group and all its parents

Return Value


bool inGroup(string|int|Group $group)

Check if the group is a child of the given group or any parent groups


string|int|Group $group

Group instance, Group Code or ID

Return Value


Returns TRUE if the Group is a child of the given group, otherwise FALSE

bool inGroups((string|int|Group)[] $groups, bool $requireAll = false)

Check if the group is a child of the given groups or any parent groups


(string|int|Group)[] $groups
bool $requireAll

set to TRUE if must be in ALL groups, or FALSE if must be in ANY

Return Value


Returns TRUE if the Group is a child of any of the given groups, otherwise FALSE


This isn't a descendant of SiteTree, but needs this in case the group is "reorganised";


Override this so groups are ordered in the CMS

string getTreeTitle()

Return Value



Overloaded to ensure the code is always descent.





ArrayList AllChildrenIncludingDeleted()

Returns all of the children for the CMS Tree.

Filters to only those groups that the current user can edit

Return Value


Group Parent()

Return parent group

Return Value


HasManyList Permissions()

List of group permissions

Return Value


HasManyList Groups()

List of child groups

Return Value


ManyManyList Roles()

List of PermissionRoles

Return Value
