abstract class DBSchemaManager (View source)

Represents and handles all schema management for a database


static private bool $check_and_repair_on_build


setDatabase(Database $database)

Injector injection point for database controller

quiet(bool $quiet = true)

Enable supression of database messages.

query(string $sql, int $errorLevel = E_USER_ERROR)

Execute the given SQL query.

preparedQuery(string $sql, array $parameters, int $errorLevel = E_USER_ERROR)

Execute the given SQL parameterised query with the specified arguments

schemaUpdate(callable $callback)

Initiates a schema update within a single callback


Cancels the schema updates requested during (but not after) schemaUpdate() call.


Returns true if we are during a schema update.


Returns true if schema modifications were requested during (but not after) schemaUpdate() call.

transCreateTable(string $table, array $options = null, array $advanced_options = null)

Instruct the schema manager to record a table creation to later execute

transAlterTable(string $table, array $options, array $advanced_options)

Instruct the schema manager to record a table alteration to later execute

transCreateField(string $table, string $field, string $schema)

Instruct the schema manager to record a field to be later created

transCreateIndex(string $table, string $index, array $schema)

Instruct the schema manager to record an index to be later created

transAlterField(string $table, string $field, string $schema)

Instruct the schema manager to record a field to be later updated

transAlterIndex(string $table, string $index, array $schema)

Instruct the schema manager to record an index to be later updated

requireTable(string $table, array $fieldSchema = null, array $indexSchema = null, bool $hasAutoIncPK = true, array $options = array(), array|bool $extensions = false)

Generate the following table in the database, modifying whatever already exists as necessary.

dontRequireTable(string $table)

If the given table exists, move it out of the way by renaming it to obsolete(tablename).

requireIndex(string $table, string $index, string|array|bool $spec)

Generate the given index in the database, modifying whatever already exists as necessary.

hasTable(string $tableName)

Returns true if the given table is exists in the current database

hasField(string $tableName, string $fieldName)

Return true if the table exists and already has a the field specified

requireField(string $table, string $field, array|string $spec)

Generate the given field on the table, modifying whatever already exists as necessary.

dontRequireField(string $table, string $fieldName)

If the given field exists, move it out of the way by renaming it to obsolete(fieldname).

alterationMessage(string $message, string $type = "")

Show a message about database alteration

IdColumn(bool $asDbValue = false, bool $hasAutoIncPK = true)

This returns the data type for the id column which is the primary key for each table

checkAndRepairTable(string $tableName)

Checks a table's integrity and repairs it if necessary.

fixTableCase(string $tableName)

Ensure the given table has the correct case

enumValuesForField(string $tableName, string $fieldName)

Returns the values of the given enum field


No description


Retrieves the list of all databases the user has access to

databaseExists(string $name)

Determine if the database with the specified name exists

createDatabase(string $name)

Create a database with the specified name

dropDatabase(string $name)

Drops a database with the specified name

alterIndex(string $tableName, string $indexName, array $indexSpec)

Alter an index on a table.

indexList(string $table)

Return the list of indexes in a table.


Returns a list of all tables in the database.

createTable(string $table, array $fields = null, array $indexes = null, array $options = null, array $advancedOptions = null)

Create a new table.

alterTable(string $table, array $newFields = null, array $newIndexes = null, array $alteredFields = null, array $alteredIndexes = null, array $alteredOptions = null, array $advancedOptions = null)

Alter a table's schema.

renameTable(string $oldTableName, string $newTableName)

Rename a table.

createField(string $table, string $field, string $spec)

Create a new field on a table.

renameField(string $tableName, string $oldName, string $newName)

Change the database column name of the given field.

fieldList(string $table)

Get a list of all the fields for the given table.

clearCachedFieldlist(string $tableName = null)

This allows the cached values for a table's field list to be erased.

boolean(array $values)

Returns data type for 'boolean' column

date(array $values)

Returns data type for 'date' column

decimal(array $values)

Returns data type for 'decimal' column

enum(array $values)

Returns data type for 'set' column

set(array $values)

Returns data type for 'set' column

float(array $values)

Returns data type for 'float' column

int(array $values)

Returns data type for 'int' column

datetime(array $values)

Returns data type for 'datetime' column

text(array $values)

Returns data type for 'text' column

time(array $values)

Returns data type for 'time' column

varchar(array $values)

Returns data type for 'varchar' column


No description


setDatabase(Database $database)

Injector injection point for database controller


Database $database

quiet(bool $quiet = true)

Enable supression of database messages.


bool $quiet

Query query(string $sql, int $errorLevel = E_USER_ERROR)

Execute the given SQL query.

This abstract function must be defined by subclasses as part of the actual implementation. It should return a subclass of SS_Query as the result.


string $sql

The SQL query to execute

int $errorLevel

The level of error reporting to enable for the query

Return Value


Query preparedQuery(string $sql, array $parameters, int $errorLevel = E_USER_ERROR)

Execute the given SQL parameterised query with the specified arguments


string $sql

The SQL query to execute. The ? character will denote parameters.

array $parameters

An ordered list of arguments.

int $errorLevel

The level of error reporting to enable for the query

Return Value


schemaUpdate(callable $callback)

Initiates a schema update within a single callback


callable $callback


Cancels the schema updates requested during (but not after) schemaUpdate() call.

bool isSchemaUpdating()

Returns true if we are during a schema update.

Return Value


bool doesSchemaNeedUpdating()

Returns true if schema modifications were requested during (but not after) schemaUpdate() call.

Return Value


transCreateTable(string $table, array $options = null, array $advanced_options = null)

Instruct the schema manager to record a table creation to later execute


string $table

Name of the table

array $options

Create table options (ENGINE, etc.)

array $advanced_options

Advanced table creation options

transAlterTable(string $table, array $options, array $advanced_options)

Instruct the schema manager to record a table alteration to later execute


string $table

Name of the table

array $options

Create table options (ENGINE, etc.)

array $advanced_options

Advanced table creation options

transCreateField(string $table, string $field, string $schema)

Instruct the schema manager to record a field to be later created


string $table

Name of the table to hold this field

string $field

Name of the field to create

string $schema

Field specification as a string

transCreateIndex(string $table, string $index, array $schema)

Instruct the schema manager to record an index to be later created


string $table

Name of the table to hold this index

string $index

Name of the index to create

array $schema

Already parsed index specification

transAlterField(string $table, string $field, string $schema)

Instruct the schema manager to record a field to be later updated


string $table

Name of the table to hold this field

string $field

Name of the field to update

string $schema

Field specification as a string

transAlterIndex(string $table, string $index, array $schema)

Instruct the schema manager to record an index to be later updated


string $table

Name of the table to hold this index

string $index

Name of the index to update

array $schema

Already parsed index specification

requireTable(string $table, array $fieldSchema = null, array $indexSchema = null, bool $hasAutoIncPK = true, array $options = array(), array|bool $extensions = false)

Generate the following table in the database, modifying whatever already exists as necessary.


string $table

The name of the table

array $fieldSchema

A list of the fields to create, in the same form as DataObject::$db

array $indexSchema

A list of indexes to create. See {@link requireIndex()} The values of the array can be one of:

  • true: Create a single column index on the field named the same as the index.
  • array('fields' => array('A','B','C'), 'type' => 'index/unique/fulltext'): This gives you full control over the index.
bool $hasAutoIncPK

A flag indicating that the primary key on this table is an autoincrement type

array $options

Create table options (ENGINE, etc.)

array|bool $extensions

List of extensions

dontRequireTable(string $table)

If the given table exists, move it out of the way by renaming it to obsolete(tablename).


string $table

The table name.

requireIndex(string $table, string $index, string|array|bool $spec)

Generate the given index in the database, modifying whatever already exists as necessary.

The keys of the array are the names of the index. The values of the array can be one of:

  • true: Create a single column index on the field named the same as the index.
  • array('type' => 'index|unique|fulltext', 'value' => 'FieldA, FieldB'): This gives you full control over the index.


string $table

The table name.

string $index

The index name.

string|array|bool $spec

The specification of the index in any loose format. See requireTable() for more information.

abstract bool hasTable(string $tableName)

Returns true if the given table is exists in the current database


string $tableName

Name of table to check

Return Value


Flag indicating existence of table

bool hasField(string $tableName, string $fieldName)

Return true if the table exists and already has a the field specified


string $tableName
  • The table to check
string $fieldName
  • The field to check

Return Value

  • True if the table exists and the field exists on the table

requireField(string $table, string $field, array|string $spec)

Generate the given field on the table, modifying whatever already exists as necessary.


string $table

The table name.

string $field

The field name.

array|string $spec

The field specification. If passed in array syntax, the specific database driver takes care of the ALTER TABLE syntax. If passed as a string, its assumed to be prepared as a direct SQL framgment ready for insertion into ALTER TABLE. In this case you'll need to take care of database abstraction in your DBField subclass.

dontRequireField(string $table, string $fieldName)

If the given field exists, move it out of the way by renaming it to obsolete(fieldname).


string $table
string $fieldName

alterationMessage(string $message, string $type = "")

Show a message about database alteration


string $message

to display

string $type

one of [created|changed|repaired|obsolete|deleted|error]

abstract string IdColumn(bool $asDbValue = false, bool $hasAutoIncPK = true)

This returns the data type for the id column which is the primary key for each table


bool $asDbValue
bool $hasAutoIncPK

Return Value


abstract bool checkAndRepairTable(string $tableName)

Checks a table's integrity and repairs it if necessary.


string $tableName

The name of the table.

Return Value


Return true if the table has integrity after the method is complete.

fixTableCase(string $tableName)

Ensure the given table has the correct case


string $tableName

Name of table in desired case

abstract array enumValuesForField(string $tableName, string $fieldName)

Returns the values of the given enum field


string $tableName

Name of table to check

string $fieldName

name of enum field to check

Return Value


List of enum values

abstract dbDataType($type)



abstract array databaseList()

Retrieves the list of all databases the user has access to

Return Value


List of database names

abstract bool databaseExists(string $name)

Determine if the database with the specified name exists


string $name

Name of the database to check for

Return Value


Flag indicating whether this database exists

abstract bool createDatabase(string $name)

Create a database with the specified name


string $name

Name of the database to create

Return Value


True if successful

abstract dropDatabase(string $name)

Drops a database with the specified name


string $name

Name of the database to drop

abstract alterIndex(string $tableName, string $indexName, array $indexSpec)

Alter an index on a table.


string $tableName

The name of the table.

string $indexName

The name of the index.

array $indexSpec

The specification of the index, see Database::requireIndex() for more details.

abstract indexList(string $table)

Return the list of indexes in a table.


string $table

The table name.

abstract array tableList()

Returns a list of all tables in the database.

Keys are table names in lower case, values are table names in case that database expects.

Return Value


abstract string createTable(string $table, array $fields = null, array $indexes = null, array $options = null, array $advancedOptions = null)

Create a new table.


string $table

The name of the table

array $fields

A map of field names to field types

array $indexes

A map of indexes

array $options

An map of additional options. The available keys are as follows:

  • 'MSSQLDatabase'/'MySQLDatabase'/'PostgreSQLDatabase' - database-specific options such as "engine" for MySQL.
  • 'temporary' - If true, then a temporary table will be created
array $advancedOptions

Advanced creation options

Return Value


The table name generated. This may be different from the table name, for example with temporary tables.

abstract alterTable(string $table, array $newFields = null, array $newIndexes = null, array $alteredFields = null, array $alteredIndexes = null, array $alteredOptions = null, array $advancedOptions = null)

Alter a table's schema.


string $table

The name of the table to alter

array $newFields

New fields, a map of field name => field schema

array $newIndexes

New indexes, a map of index name => index type

array $alteredFields

Updated fields, a map of field name => field schema

array $alteredIndexes

Updated indexes, a map of index name => index type

array $alteredOptions
array $advancedOptions

abstract renameTable(string $oldTableName, string $newTableName)

Rename a table.


string $oldTableName

The old table name.

string $newTableName

The new table name.

abstract createField(string $table, string $field, string $spec)

Create a new field on a table.


string $table

Name of the table.

string $field

Name of the field to add.

string $spec

The field specification, eg 'INTEGER NOT NULL'

abstract renameField(string $tableName, string $oldName, string $newName)

Change the database column name of the given field.


string $tableName

The name of the tbale the field is in.

string $oldName

The name of the field to change.

string $newName

The new name of the field

abstract array fieldList(string $table)

Get a list of all the fields for the given table.

Returns a map of field name => field spec.


string $table

The table name.

Return Value


bool clearCachedFieldlist(string $tableName = null)

This allows the cached values for a table's field list to be erased.

If $tablename is empty, then the whole cache is erased.


string $tableName

Return Value


abstract string boolean(array $values)

Returns data type for 'boolean' column


array $values

Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type

Return Value


abstract string date(array $values)

Returns data type for 'date' column


array $values

Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type

Return Value


abstract string decimal(array $values)

Returns data type for 'decimal' column


array $values

Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type

Return Value


abstract string enum(array $values)

Returns data type for 'set' column


array $values

Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type

Return Value


abstract string set(array $values)

Returns data type for 'set' column


array $values

Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type

Return Value


abstract string float(array $values)

Returns data type for 'float' column


array $values

Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type

Return Value


abstract string int(array $values)

Returns data type for 'int' column


array $values

Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type

Return Value


abstract string datetime(array $values)

Returns data type for 'datetime' column


array $values

Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type

Return Value


abstract string text(array $values)

Returns data type for 'text' column


array $values

Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type

Return Value


abstract string time(array $values)

Returns data type for 'time' column


array $values

Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type

Return Value


abstract string varchar(array $values)

Returns data type for 'varchar' column


array $values

Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type

Return Value


abstract year($values)

