AWRequiredFieldsClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Extends RequiredFields so we can prevent DO writes in AW's controller(s) without needing to catch Exceptions from DO->validate() all over the place.

AbstractQueuedJobClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A base implementation of a queued job that provides some convenience for implementations

AbstractQueuedJob::afterComplete() — Method in class AbstractQueuedJob

Called when the job is determined to be 'complete'

AbstractQueuedJob::addMessage() — Method in class AbstractQueuedJob
AdminRootControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
AdminRootController::add_rule_for_controller() — Method in class AdminRootController

Add the appropriate k/v pair to self::$rules for the given controller.

AdvancedWorkflowActionControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Handles actions triggered from external sources, eg emails or web frontend

AdvancedWorkflowAdminClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ AdvancedWorkflowAdmin#allowed_actionsProperty in class AdvancedWorkflowAdmin
AdvancedWorkflowExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Handles interactions triggered by users in the backend of the CMS. Replicate this type of functionality wherever you need UI interaction with workflow.

$ AdvancedWorkflowExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class AdvancedWorkflowExtension
AfterCallAspectClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

An AfterCallAspect is run after a method is executed

AfterCallAspect::afterCall() — Method in class AfterCallAspect

Call this aspect after a method is executed

AggregateClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Calculate an Aggregate on a particular field of a particular DataObject type (possibly with an additional filter before the aggregate)

Aggregate_RelationshipClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A subclass of Aggregate that calculates aggregates for the result of a has_many query.

AkismetConfigClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Extends {SiteConfig} to allow akismet key to be set via the CMS

AkismetFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Form field to handle akismet error display and handling

AkismetProcessorClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Allows akismet to be configured via siteconfig instead of hard-coded configuration

AkismetServiceClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Describes TijsVerkoyen\Akismet\Akismet

AkismetServiceBackendClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Applies AkismetService to TijsVerkoyen\Akismet\Akismet

AkismetSpamProtectorClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Spam protector for Akismet

$ AkismetSpamProtector#api_keyProperty in class AkismetSpamProtector

Set this to your API key

AkismetSpamProtector::api() — Method in class AkismetSpamProtector

Retrieves Akismet API object singleton, or null if not configured

AopProxyServiceClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A class that proxies another, allowing various functionality to be injected.

$ AopProxyService#afterCallProperty in class AopProxyService
ArchiveWidgetClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ ArchiveWidget#ArchiveTypeProperty in class ArchiveWidget
ArrayDataClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Lets you wrap a bunch of array data, or object members, into a ViewableData object.

$ ArrayData#arrayProperty in class ArrayData
ArrayData::array_to_object() — Method in class ArrayData

Converts an associative array to a simple object

ArrayLibClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Library of static methods for manipulating arrays.

ArrayLib::array_values_recursive() — Method in class ArrayLib
ArrayLib::array_map_recursive() — Method in class ArrayLib

Similar to array_map, but recurses when arrays are encountered.

ArrayLib::array_merge_recursive() — Method in class ArrayLib

Recursively merges two or more arrays.

ArrayListClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A list object that wraps around an array of objects or arrays.

ArrayList::add() — Method in class ArrayList

Add this $item into this list

AssetAdminClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

AssetAdmin is the 'file store' section of the CMS.

$ AssetAdmin#allowed_max_file_sizeProperty in class AssetAdmin
$ AssetAdmin#allowed_actionsProperty in class AssetAdmin
AssetAdmin::addfolder() — Method in class AssetAdmin
AssetAdmin::AddForm() — Method in class AssetAdmin
AssetAdmin_DeleteBatchActionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Delete multiple Folder records (and the associated filesystem nodes).

AssignUsersToWorkflowActionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A workflow action that allows additional users or groups to be assigned to the workflow part-way through the workflow path.

AuthenticatorClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Abstract base class for an authentication method

$ Authenticator#authenticatorsProperty in class Authenticator

This variable holds all authenticators that should be used

Authenticator::authenticate() — Method in class Authenticator

Method to authenticate an user

$ BBCodeParser#autolink_urlsProperty in class BBCodeParser
$ BBCodeParser#allow_similiesProperty in class BBCodeParser
BBCodeParser::autolinkUrls() — Method in class BBCodeParser
BaseElement::all_allowed_elements() — Method in class BaseElement
$ BasePage#api_accessProperty in class BasePage
$ BasePage_Controller#allowed_actionsProperty in class BasePage_Controller
BasicRestfulAuthenticator::authenticate() — Method in class BasicRestfulAuthenticator

The authenticate function

$ Blog#allowed_childrenProperty in class Blog
Blog::assignGroup() — Method in class Blog

Assign users as necessary to the blog group.

$ BlogArchiveWidget#ArchiveTypeProperty in class BlogArchiveWidget
$ BlogPost#allowed_childrenProperty in class BlogPost
$ BlogPost#AuthorNamesProperty in class BlogPost
BlogPost::Authors() — Method in class BlogPost
BlogPostFilter::augmentSQL() — Method in class BlogPostFilter

Augment queries so that we don't fetch unpublished articles.

BlogPostFilter::augmentLoadLazyFields() — Method in class BlogPostFilter

This is a fix so that when we try to fetch subclasses of BlogPost, lazy loading includes the BlogPost table in its query. Leaving this table out means the default sort order column PublishDate causes an error.

$ Blog_Controller#allowed_actionsProperty in class Blog_Controller
Blog_Controller::archive() — Method in class Blog_Controller

Renders an archive for a specified date. This can be by year or year/month.

GridFieldDropdownFilter::addFilterOption() — Method in class GridFieldDropdownFilter

Add an option to the dropdown that provides a filter

$ GridFieldRefreshButton#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldRefreshButton
BulkLoader_Result::addCreated() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result
BulkLoader_Result::addUpdated() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result
BulkLoader_Result::addDeleted() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result
CMSBatchAction::applicablePagesHelper() — Method in class CMSBatchAction

Helper method for applicablePages() methods. Acts as a skeleton implementation.

CMSBatchAction::applicablePages() — Method in class CMSBatchAction

Given a list of object IDs, filter out which items can have this batch action applied to them.

$ CMSBatchActionHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class CMSBatchActionHandler
CMSBatchActionHandler::actionByName() — Method in class CMSBatchActionHandler

Get an action for a given name

CMSBatchAction_Archive::applicablePages() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Archive

Given a list of object IDs, filter out which items can have this batch action applied to them.

CMSBatchAction_Delete::applicablePages() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Delete

Given a list of object IDs, filter out which items can have this batch action applied to them.

CMSBatchAction_DeleteFromLive::applicablePages() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_DeleteFromLive

Given a list of object IDs, filter out which items can have this batch action applied to them.

CMSBatchAction_Publish::applicablePages() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Publish

Given a list of object IDs, filter out which items can have this batch action applied to them.

CMSBatchAction_Restore::applicablePages() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Restore


CMSBatchAction_Unpublish::applicablePages() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Unpublish

Given a list of object IDs, filter out which items can have this batch action applied to them.

$ CMSExternalLinks_Controller#allowed_actionsProperty in class CMSExternalLinks_Controller
$ CMSMain#allowed_actionsProperty in class CMSMain
CMSMain::archive() — Method in class CMSMain

Delete this page from both live and stage

$ CMSMemberLoginForm#authenticator_classProperty in class CMSMemberLoginForm
CMSMenu::add_controller() — Method in class CMSMenu

Add a LeftAndMain controller to the CMS menu.

CMSMenu::add_link() — Method in class CMSMenu

Add an arbitrary URL to the CMS menu.

CMSMenu::add_menu_item() — Method in class CMSMenu

Add a navigation item to the main administration menu showing in the top bar.

CMSMenu::add_menu_item_obj() — Method in class CMSMenu

Add a previously built menu item object to the menu

$ CMSMenuItem#attributesProperty in class CMSMenuItem

Attributes for the link. For instance, custom data attributes or standard HTML anchor properties.

$ CMSPageAddController#allowed_actionsProperty in class CMSPageAddController
CMSPageAddController::AddForm() — Method in class CMSPageAddController
$ CMSPageHistoryController#allowed_actionsProperty in class CMSPageHistoryController
$ CMSSecurity#allowed_actionsProperty in class CMSSecurity
CMSSiteTreeFilter::applyDefaultFilters() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter

Applies the default filters to a specified DataList of pages

CWPSiteConfigExtension::addSocialMedia() — Method in class CWPSiteConfigExtension

Add or extend social media fields

CWPSiteConfigExtension::addLogosAndIcons() — Method in class CWPSiteConfigExtension

Add fields for logo and icon uploads

CWPSiteConfigExtension::addSearchOptions() — Method in class CWPSiteConfigExtension

Add user configurable search field labels

CarouselItem::ArchivedReadable() — Method in class CarouselItem
CheckForUpdatesJob::afterComplete() — Method in class CheckForUpdatesJob
ClassInfo::allClasses() — Method in class ClassInfo

Wrapper for classes getter.

ClassInfo::ancestry() — Method in class ClassInfo

Returns the passed class name along with all its parent class names in an array, sorted with the root class first.

$ CliController#allowed_actionsProperty in class CliController
$ CombinationsArrayIterator#arraysProperty in class CombinationsArrayIterator
$ Comment#AllowHtmlProperty in class Comment

If true, treat $Comment as HTML instead of plain text

Comment::actionLink() — Method in class Comment

Generate a secure admin-action link authorised for the specified member

Comment::ApproveLink() — Method in class Comment

Link to approve this comment

Comment::AllReplies() — Method in class Comment

Returns the list of all replies

Comment::Author() — Method in class Comment

Member object who created this comment

$ CommentAdmin#allowed_actionsProperty in class CommentAdmin
CommentList::add() — Method in class CommentList

Adds the item to this relation.

CommentSpamProtection::alterCommentForm() — Method in class CommentSpamProtection
Comment_SecurityToken::addToUrl() — Method in class Comment_SecurityToken
Commenting::add() — Method in class Commenting

Adds commenting to a DataObject

$ CommentingController#allowed_actionsProperty in class CommentingController
CommentingController::approve() — Method in class CommentingController

Marks a given Comment as approved.

CommentsExtension::AllComments() — Method in class CommentsExtension

Returns the RelationList of all comments against this object. Can be used as a data source for a gridfield with write access.

CommentsExtension::AllVisibleComments() — Method in class CommentsExtension

Returns all comments against this object, with with spam and unmoderated items excluded, for use in the frontend

CommentsExtension::attachedToSiteTree() — Method in class CommentsExtension

Returns whether this extension instance is attached to a SiteTree object

CommentsGridFieldAction::augmentColumns() — Method in class CommentsGridFieldAction

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

$ CommentsGridFieldBulkAction_Handlers#allowed_actionsProperty in class CommentsGridFieldBulkAction_Handlers
CommentsGridFieldBulkAction_Handlers::approve() — Method in class CommentsGridFieldBulkAction_Handlers
ComparisonFilter::applyOne() — Method in class ComparisonFilter

Applies a comparison filter to the query Handles SQL escaping for both numeric and string values

CompositeDBField::addToQuery() — Method in class CompositeDBField

Add all columns which are defined through requireField() and $composite_db, or any additional SQL that is required to get to these columns. Will mostly just write to the SQLQuery->select array.

Config::anything() — Method in class Config

Get a marker class instance that is used to do a "remove anything with this key" by adding $key => Config::anything() to the suppress array

$ ContentController#allowed_actionsProperty in class ContentController
$ ContentControllerSearchExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class ContentControllerSearchExtension
$ ContentReviewCMSExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class ContentReviewCMSExtension
$ Controller#actionProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#allowed_actionsProperty in class Controller
Convert::array2json() — Method in class Convert

Encode an array as a JSON encoded string.

CwpCommentingExtension::alterCommentForm() — Method in class CwpCommentingExtension
DB::affected_rows() — Method in class DB

Return the number of rows affected by the previous operation.

DB::affectedRows() — Method in class DB
DB::alteration_message() — Method in class DB

Show a message about database alteration

DBConnector::affectedRows() — Method in class DBConnector

Determines the number of affected rows from the last SQL query

$ DBField#arrayValueProperty in class DBField
$ DBField#auto_indexableProperty in class DBField

Flag to indicate whether this data type is safe to automatically generate an index for

DBField::addToQuery() — Method in class DBField

Add custom query parameters for this field, mostly SELECT statements for multi-value fields.

DBField::ATT() — Method in class DBField
DBSchemaManager::alterationMessage() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Show a message about database alteration

DBSchemaManager::alterIndex() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Alter an index on a table.

DBSchemaManager::alterTable() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Alter a table's schema.

DMSCartBackendInterface::addItem() — Method in class DMSCartBackendInterface

Add an DMSRequestItem object into the cart.

$ DMSCheckoutController#allowed_actionsProperty in class DMSCheckoutController
$ DMSDocument#actionTasksProperty in class DMSDocument

A key value map of the "actions" tabs that will be added to the CMS fields

DMSDocument::addActionPanelTask() — Method in class DMSDocument

Add an "action panel" task

$ DMSDocumentAddController#allowed_extensionsProperty in class DMSDocumentAddController

Allowed file upload extensions, will be merged with $allowed_extensions from File

$ DMSDocumentAddController#allowed_actionsProperty in class DMSDocumentAddController
DMSDocumentCart::addItem() — Method in class DMSDocumentCart

Add an DMSRequestItem object into the cart.

$ DMSDocumentCartController#allowed_actionsProperty in class DMSDocumentCartController
DMSDocumentCartController::add() — Method in class DMSDocumentCartController

Add quantity to an item that exists in DMSDocumentCart.

DMSDocumentSet::addRequirements() — Method in class DMSDocumentSet

Add required CSS and Javascript requirements for managing documents

DMSDocumentSet::addQueryFields() — Method in class DMSDocumentSet

Adds the query fields to build the document logic to the DMSDocumentSet.

DMSDocumentSet::addEmbargoConditions() — Method in class DMSDocumentSet

Add embargo date conditions to a search query

DMSDocumentSet::addQueryBuilderSearchResults() — Method in class DMSDocumentSet

Remove all ManuallyAdded = 0 original results and add in the new documents returned by the search context

$ DMSDocument_Controller#allowed_actionsProperty in class DMSDocument_Controller
$ DMSGridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest#allowed_actionsProperty in class DMSGridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
DMSJsonField::arrayFilterEmptyRecursive() — Method in class DMSJsonField

Recursively removed empty key-value pairs from $haystack

DMSSessionBackend::addItem() — Method in class DMSSessionBackend

Add an DMSRequestItem object into the cart.

$ DMSUploadField#allowed_actionsProperty in class DMSUploadField
DMSUploadField::attachFile() — Method in class DMSUploadField

Override the default behaviour of the UploadField and take the uploaded file (uploaded to assets) and add it into the DMS storage, deleting the old/uploaded file.

$ DMSUploadField_ItemHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class DMSUploadField_ItemHandler
DataExtension::augmentSQL() — Method in class DataExtension

Edit the given query object to support queries for this extension

DataExtension::augmentDatabase() — Method in class DataExtension

Update the database schema as required by this extension.

DataExtension::augmentWrite() — Method in class DataExtension

Augment a write-record request.

DataList::alterDataQuery() — Method in class DataList

Return a new DataList instance with the underlying DataQuery object altered

DataList::addFilter() — Method in class DataList

Return a new instance of the list with an added filter

DataList::avg() — Method in class DataList

Return the average value of the given field in this DataList

DataList::addMany() — Method in class DataList

Add a number of items to the component set.

DataList::add() — Method in class DataList

This method are overloaded by HasManyList and ManyMany list to perform more sophisticated list manipulation

$ DataObject#api_accessProperty in class DataObject

Allow API access to this object?

$ DataObject#allowed_actionsProperty in class DataObject

Provides a list of allowed methods that can be called via RESTful api.

DataObject::Aggregate() — Method in class DataObject
DataQuery::avg() — Method in class DataQuery

Return the average value of the given field in this DataList

DataQuery::aggregate() — Method in class DataQuery

Runs a raw aggregate expression. Please handle escaping yourself

DataQuery::applyRelation() — Method in class DataQuery

Traverse the relationship fields, and add the table mappings to the query object state. This has to be called in any overloaded SearchFilter->apply() methods manually.

DataQuery::addSelectFromTable() — Method in class DataQuery

Add the given fields from the given table to the select statement.

$ DatabaseAdapterRegistry#adaptersProperty in class DatabaseAdapterRegistry

Internal array of registered database adapters

DatabaseAdapterRegistry::autodiscover() — Method in class DatabaseAdapterRegistry

Detects all _register_database.php files and invokes them

DatabaseAdapterRegistry::autoconfigure() — Method in class DatabaseAdapterRegistry

Detects all _configure_database.php files and invokes them Called by ConfigureFromEnv.php

$ DatabaseAdmin#allowed_actionsProperty in class DatabaseAdmin
DatabaseAdmin::autoBuild() — Method in class DatabaseAdmin

Check if database needs to be built, and build it if it does.

$ DatalessField#allowHTMLProperty in class DatalessField
Date::Ago() — Method in class Date

Returns the number of seconds/minutes/hours/days or months since the timestamp.

DatedUpdateHolder::AllUpdates() — Method in class DatedUpdateHolder

Find all site's updates, based on some filters.

$ DatedUpdateHolder_Controller#allowed_actionsProperty in class DatedUpdateHolder_Controller
DatedUpdateHolder_Controller::AllTagsLink() — Method in class DatedUpdateHolder_Controller

Build the link - keep the date range, reset the rest.

DatedUpdateHolder_Controller::AvailableMonths() — Method in class DatedUpdateHolder_Controller

Extract the available months based on the current query.

DatedUpdateHolder_Controller::atom() — Method in class DatedUpdateHolder_Controller
DebugBarControllerExtension::afterCallActionHandler() — Method in class DebugBarControllerExtension

Due to a bug, this is not always called before 4.0, see https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework/pull/5173

DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::addslashes() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy
DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::alterTable() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy
DebugBarLeftAndMainExtension::accessedCMS() — Method in class DebugBarLeftAndMainExtension
$ DebugBarTemplateParserProxy#allTemplatesProperty in class DebugBarTemplateParserProxy

Tracks all templates used in the current request

$ DevBuildController#allowed_actionsProperty in class DevBuildController
$ DevCheckController#allowed_actionsProperty in class DevCheckController
$ DevHealthController#allowed_actionsProperty in class DevHealthController
$ DevelopmentAdmin#allowed_actionsProperty in class DevelopmentAdmin
$ Director#alternate_base_folderProperty in class Director
$ Director#alternate_protocolProperty in class Director

Setting this explicitly specifies the protocol (http or https) used, overriding the normal behaviour of Director::is_https introspecting it from the request

$ Director#alternate_base_urlProperty in class Director
Director::addRules() — Method in class Director

Add URL matching rules to the Director.

Director::absoluteURL() — Method in class Director

Turns the given URL into an absolute URL.

Director::absoluteBaseURL() — Method in class Director

Returns the Absolute URL of the site root.

Director::absoluteBaseURLWithAuth() — Method in class Director

Returns the Absolute URL of the site root, embedding the current basic-auth credentials into the URL.

$ DocumentImportInnerField#allowed_actionsProperty in class DocumentImportInnerField
$ EditableFileField#allowed_extensions_blacklistProperty in class EditableFileField

Further limit uploadable file extensions in addition to the restrictions imposed by the File.allowed_extensions global configuration.

$ EditableFormField#abstractProperty in class EditableFormField

Define this field as abstract (not inherited)

$ EditableFormField#allowed_cssProperty in class EditableFormField

A list of CSS classes that can be added

$ EditableMultipleOptionField#abstractProperty in class EditableMultipleOptionField

Define this field as abstract (not inherited)

$ EditableOption#allow_empty_valuesProperty in class EditableOption
EditableOption::allow_empty_values() — Method in class EditableOption

Returns whether to allow empty values or not.

$ EditableTextField#autocomplete_optionsProperty in class EditableTextField
ElementalArea::AllElements() — Method in class ElementalArea

Returns all the BaseElement instances in this area, regardless if they are enabled or not.

$ ElementalContentControllerExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class ElementalContentControllerExtension
$ Email#attachmentsProperty in class Email
$ Email#admin_emailProperty in class Email

This will be set in the config on a site-by-site basis

Email::attachFileFromString() — Method in class Email

Attach a file based on provided raw data.

Email::attachFile() — Method in class Email

Attach the specified file to this email message.

Email::addCustomHeader() — Method in class Email

Add a custom header to this email message. Useful for implementing all those cool features that we didn't think of.

EnvironmentCheckSuiteResult::addResult() — Method in class EnvironmentCheckSuiteResult
$ ErrorPage#allowed_childrenProperty in class ErrorPage
ErrorPageSubsite::alternateFilepathForErrorcode() — Method in class ErrorPageSubsite

Alter file path to generated a static (static) error page file to handle error page template on different sub-sites

$ EventHolder#allowed_childrenProperty in class EventHolder
EventHolder::AllUpdates() — Method in class EventHolder

Find all site's news items, based on some filters.

ExactMatchFilter::applyOne() — Method in class ExactMatchFilter

Applies an exact match (equals) on a field value.

ExactMatchFilter::applyMany() — Method in class ExactMatchFilter

Applies an exact match (equals) on a field value against multiple possible values.

$ Extension#allowed_actionsProperty in class Extension

This is used by extensions designed to be applied to controllers.

Extension::add_to_class() — Method in class Extension

Called when this extension is added to a particular class

FieldList::addFieldToTab() — Method in class FieldList

Add an extra field to a tab within this FieldList.

FieldList::addFieldsToTab() — Method in class FieldList

Add a number of extra fields to a tab within this FieldList.

$ File#allowed_extensionsProperty in class File
$ File#app_categoriesProperty in class File
$ File#apply_restrictions_to_adminProperty in class File
File::AbsoluteLink() — Method in class File

Just an alias function to keep a consistent API with SiteTree

File::appCategory() — Method in class File

Returns a category based on the file extension.

FileSubsites::alternateTreeTitle() — Method in class FileSubsites

Amends the CMS tree title for folders in the Files & Images section.

FileSubsites::augmentSQL() — Method in class FileSubsites

Update any requests to limit the results to the current site

FixtureBlueprint::addCallback() — Method in class FixtureBlueprint

See class documentation.

Fluent::any_match() — Method in class Fluent

Helper function to check if the value given is present in any of the patterns.

Fluent::alias() — Method in class Fluent

Determine the alias to use for a specific locale

FluentExtension::augmentDataQueryCreation() — Method in class FluentExtension

Amend freshly created DataQuery objects with the current locale and frontend status

FluentExtension::augmentSQL() — Method in class FluentExtension

Edit the given query object to support queries for this extension

FluentExtension::augmentWrite() — Method in class FluentExtension

Augment a write-record request.

FluentExtension::addLocaleIndicatorMessage() — Method in class FluentExtension

Adds a UI message to indicate whether you're editing in the default locale or not

FluentFilteredExtension::augmentDataQueryCreation() — Method in class FluentFilteredExtension

Amend freshly created DataQuery objects with the "should filter admin?" option, current locale and frontend status

FluentFilteredExtension::augmentSQL() — Method in class FluentFilteredExtension

Edit the given query object to support queries for this extension

FluentMenuExtension::augmentSQL() — Method in class FluentMenuExtension

Edit the given query object to support queries for this extension

FluentMySQLSearch::augmentSearch() — Method in class FluentMySQLSearch

Detect and rewrite any full text search in this query

FluentMySQLSearch::augmentSelect() — Method in class FluentMySQLSearch

Rewrites the SELECT fragment of a query.

FluentMySQLSearch::augmentFilter() — Method in class FluentMySQLSearch

Rewrites the WHERE fragment of a query

FluentSearchAdapter::augmentSearch() — Method in class FluentSearchAdapter

Detect and rewrite any full text search in this query

Folder::addUploadToFolder() — Method in class Folder

Take a file uploaded via a POST form, and save it inside this folder.

$ Form#actionsProperty in class Form
$ Form#attributesProperty in class Form
$ Form#allowed_actionsProperty in class Form
Form::addErrorMessage() — Method in class Form

Add a plain text error message to a field on this form. It will be saved into the session and used the next time this form is displayed.

Form::Actions() — Method in class Form

Return the form's action buttons - used by the templates

Form::addExtraClass() — Method in class Form

Add a CSS-class to the form-container. If needed, multiple classes can be added by delimiting a string with spaces.

$ FormAction#actionProperty in class FormAction

Action name, normally prefixed with 'action_'

FormAction::actionName() — Method in class FormAction

Get the action name

$ FormField#attributesProperty in class FormField

All attributes on the form field (not the field holder).

FormField::addExtraClass() — Method in class FormField

Add one or more CSS-classes to the FormField container.

FormField::attrTitle() — Method in class FormField

Returns a version of a title suitable for insertion into an HTML attribute.

FormField::attrValue() — Method in class FormField

Returns a version of a title suitable for insertion into an HTML attribute.

$ FormScaffolder#ajaxSafeProperty in class FormScaffolder
$ FullTextSearch#all_indexesProperty in class FullTextSearch
FulltextFilter::applyOne() — Method in class FulltextFilter

Apply filter criteria to a SQL query with a single value.

$ FunctionalTest#autoFollowRedirectionProperty in class FunctionalTest

If this is true, then 30x Location headers will be automatically followed.

FunctionalTest::assertPartialMatchBySelector() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.

FunctionalTest::assertExactMatchBySelector() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.

FunctionalTest::assertPartialHTMLMatchBySelector() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.

FunctionalTest::assertExactHTMLMatchBySelector() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.

$ GridField#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridField
GridField::addDataFields() — Method in class GridField

Add additional calculated data fields to be used on this GridField

$ GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton
$ GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandler
GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandler::add() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandler
$ GridFieldAddNewMultiClass#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldAddNewMultiClass
$ GridFieldBulkActionDeleteHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldBulkActionDeleteHandler

RequestHandler allowed actions.

$ GridFieldBulkActionEditHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldBulkActionEditHandler

RequestHandler allowed actions.

$ GridFieldBulkActionUnlinkHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldBulkActionUnlinkHandler

RequestHandler allowed actions.

GridFieldBulkManager::addBulkAction() — Method in class GridFieldBulkManager

Lets you add custom bulk actions to the bulk manager interface.

GridFieldBulkManager::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldBulkManager

Add bulk select column.

$ GridFieldBulkUpload_Request#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldBulkUpload_Request

RequestHandler allowed actions.

GridFieldBulkUpload_Request::attach() — Method in class GridFieldBulkUpload_Request

Retrieve Files to be attached and generated DataObjects for each one.

GridFieldConfig::addComponent() — Method in class GridFieldConfig
GridFieldConfig::addComponents() — Method in class GridFieldConfig
GridFieldDataColumns::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

GridFieldDeleteAction::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldDeleteAction

Add a column 'Delete'

$ GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
GridFieldEditButton::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton

Add a column 'Delete'

$ GridFieldEditableColumns#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldEditableColumns
GridFieldExportAction::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldExportAction

Add a column 'Delete'

GridFieldExternalLink::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldExternalLink

Add a column for the actions

$ GridFieldLevelup#attributesProperty in class GridFieldLevelup
GridFieldMergeAction::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldMergeAction

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

$ GridFieldOrderableRows#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldOrderableRows
GridFieldOrderableRows::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldOrderableRows

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

$ GridFieldQueuedJobExecute#actionProperty in class GridFieldQueuedJobExecute
GridFieldQueuedJobExecute::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldQueuedJobExecute

Add a column 'Delete'

$ GridFieldRequestHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldRequestHandler
GridFieldSiteTreeState::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldSiteTreeState

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

$ GridFieldSortableRows#append_to_topProperty in class GridFieldSortableRows
$ GridFieldSubsiteDetailForm_ItemRequest#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldSubsiteDetailForm_ItemRequest
GridFieldViewButton::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldViewButton

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

GridFieldWorkflowRestrictedEditButton::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldWorkflowRestrictedEditButton

Add a column

GridField_ColumnProvider::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridField_ColumnProvider

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

$ GridField_FormAction#argsProperty in class GridField_FormAction
$ GridField_FormAction#actionNameProperty in class GridField_FormAction
GridState::array_to_object() — Method in class GridState
GridState::attrValue() — Method in class GridState
Group::AllChildrenIncludingDeleted() — Method in class Group

Returns all of the children for the CMS Tree.

GroupSubsites::alternateTreeTitle() — Method in class GroupSubsites

If this group belongs to a subsite, append the subsites title to the group title to make it easy to distinguish in the tree-view of the security admin interface.

GroupSubsites::augmentSQL() — Method in class GroupSubsites

Update any requests to limit the results to the current site

GroupSubsites::alternateCanEdit() — Method in class GroupSubsites
HTMLText::AbsoluteLinks() — Method in class HTMLText

Return the value of the field with relative links converted to absolute urls (with placeholders parsed).

HTTP::absoluteURLs() — Method in class HTTP

Turn all relative URLs in the content to absolute URLs

HTTP::add_cache_headers() — Method in class HTTP

Add the appropriate caching headers to the response, including If-Modified-Since / 304 handling.

$ HTTPCacheControl#allowed_directivesProperty in class HTTPCacheControl

A list of allowed cache directives for HTTPResponses

HTTPCacheControl::applyChangeLevel() — Method in class HTTPCacheControl

Instruct the cache to apply a change with a given level, optionally modifying it with a force flag to increase priority of this action.

HTTPCacheControl::applyToResponse() — Method in class HTTPCacheControl

Generate and add the Cache-Control header to a response object

HasManyList::add() — Method in class HasManyList

Adds the item to this relation.

Hierarchy::AllChildren() — Method in class Hierarchy

Return all children, including those 'not in menus'.

Hierarchy::AllChildrenIncludingDeleted() — Method in class Hierarchy

Return all children, including those that have been deleted but are still in live.

Hierarchy::AllHistoricalChildren() — Method in class Hierarchy

Return all the children that this page had, including pages that were deleted from both stage & live.

HtmlEditorConfig::addButtonsToLine() — Method in class HtmlEditorConfig

Add buttons to the end of a line

HtmlEditorField_Embed::appCategory() — Method in class HtmlEditorField_Embed
HtmlEditorField_File::appCategory() — Method in class HtmlEditorField_File
$ HtmlEditorField_Toolbar#allowed_actionsProperty in class HtmlEditorField_Toolbar
HtmlEditorSanitiser::addValidElements() — Method in class HtmlEditorSanitiser

Given a valid_elements string, parse out the actual element and attribute rules and add to the internal whitelist

HtmlEditorSanitiser::attributeMatchesRule() — Method in class HtmlEditorSanitiser

Given a DOMAttr and an attribute rule, check if that attribute passes the rule

$ Image#asset_thumbnail_widthProperty in class Image
$ Image#asset_thumbnail_heightProperty in class Image
$ Image#asset_preview_widthProperty in class Image
$ Image#asset_preview_heightProperty in class Image
Injector::addAutoProperty() — Method in class Injector

Add an object that should be automatically set on managed objects

$ InstallerTest#allowed_actionsProperty in class InstallerTest
$ JSONDataFormatter#api_baseProperty in class JSONDataFormatter
$ JSTestRunner#allowed_actionsProperty in class JSTestRunner
JSTestRunner::all() — Method in class JSTestRunner

Run all test classes

$ LDAPAuthenticator#allow_email_loginProperty in class LDAPAuthenticator

Set to 'yes' to indicate if this module should look up usernames in LDAP by matching the email addresses.

LDAPAuthenticator::authenticate() — Method in class LDAPAuthenticator

Performs the login, but will also create and sync the Member record on-the-fly, if not found.

$ LDAPDebugController#allowed_actionsProperty in class LDAPDebugController
LDAPGateway::authenticate() — Method in class LDAPGateway

Authenticate the given username and password with LDAP.

LDAPGateway::add() — Method in class LDAPGateway

Add an LDAP object.

$ LDAPLoginForm#authenticator_classProperty in class LDAPLoginForm
$ LDAPSecurityController#allowed_actionsProperty in class LDAPSecurityController
LDAPService::authenticate() — Method in class LDAPService

Authenticate the given username and password with LDAP.

LDAPService::addLDAPUserToGroup() — Method in class LDAPService

Add LDAP user by DN to LDAP group.

LDAPService::add() — Method in class LDAPService

A simple proxy to LDAP add operation.

$ LanguageDropdownField#allowed_actionsProperty in class LanguageDropdownField
$ LeftAndMain#allowed_actionsProperty in class LeftAndMain
$ LeftAndMain#application_linkProperty in class LeftAndMain

The href for the anchor on the Silverstripe logo.

$ LeftAndMain#application_nameProperty in class LeftAndMain

The application name. Customisable by calling LeftAndMain::setApplicationName() - the first parameter.

LeftAndMain::ApplicationLink() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMainExtension::accessedCMS() — Method in class LeftAndMainExtension
LeftAndMainExtension::augmentNewSiteTreeItem() — Method in class LeftAndMainExtension
$ LeftAndMainSubsites#allowed_actionsProperty in class LeftAndMainSubsites
LeftAndMainSubsites::alternateMenuDisplayCheck() — Method in class LeftAndMainSubsites
LeftAndMainSubsites::alternateAccessCheck() — Method in class LeftAndMainSubsites

Prevent accessing disallowed resources. This happens after onBeforeInit has executed, so all redirections should've already taken place.

LeftAndMainSubsites::augmentNewSiteTreeItem() — Method in class LeftAndMainSubsites
$ LoginForm#authenticator_classProperty in class LoginForm

Authenticator class to use with this login form

ManifestFileFinder::acceptDir() — Method in class ManifestFileFinder

Returns TRUE if the directory should be traversed. This can be overloaded to customise functionality, or extended with callbacks.

ManyManyList::appendExtraFieldsToQuery() — Method in class ManyManyList

Adds the many_many_extraFields to the select of the underlying DataQuery.

ManyManyList::add() — Method in class ManyManyList

Add an item to this many_many relationship Does so by adding an entry to the joinTable.

$ Member#AutoLoginHashProperty in class Member
$ Member#AutoLoginExpiredProperty in class Member
Member::addVisit() — Method in class Member
Member::autoLogin() — Method in class Member

Log the user in if the "remember login" cookie is set

Member::addToGroupByCode() — Method in class Member

Adds the member to a group. This will create the group if the given group code does not return a valid group object.

MemberAuthenticator::authenticate_member() — Method in class MemberAuthenticator

Attempt to find and authenticate member if possible from the given data

MemberAuthenticator::authenticate() — Method in class MemberAuthenticator

Method to authenticate an user

$ MemberLoginForm#authenticator_classProperty in class MemberLoginForm
$ MemberLoginForm#allowed_actionsProperty in class MemberLoginForm

Since the logout and dologin actions may be conditionally removed, it's necessary to ensure these remain valid actions regardless of the member login state.

Member_GroupSet::add() — Method in class Member_GroupSet

Add an item to this many_many relationship Does so by adding an entry to the joinTable.

MigrateToDocumentSetsTask::addDefaultDocumentSet() — Method in class MigrateToDocumentSetsTask

Create a "default" document set and add it to the given Page via the ORM relationship added by DMSSiteTreeExtension

MigrateToDocumentSetsTask::addDocumentToSet() — Method in class MigrateToDocumentSetsTask

Add the given document to the given document set

MigrateToDocumentSetsTask::addResult() — Method in class MigrateToDocumentSetsTask

Add the $increment to the result key identified by $key

$ ModelAdmin#allowed_actionsProperty in class ModelAdmin
$ Money#amountProperty in class Money
$ Money#allowedCurrenciesProperty in class Money

Limit the currencies

Money::addToQuery() — Method in class Money

Add custom query parameters for this field, mostly SELECT statements for multi-value fields.

$ MoneyField#allowedCurrenciesProperty in class MoneyField

Limit the currencies

MultiValueField::addToQuery() — Method in class MultiValueField

Add custom query parameters for this field, mostly SELECT statements for multi-value fields.

$ MultipleArrayIterator#arraysProperty in class MultipleArrayIterator
$ MultipleArrayIterator#activeProperty in class MultipleArrayIterator
MySQLSchemaManager::alterTable() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Alter a table's schema.

MySQLSchemaManager::alterField() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Change the database type of the given field.

MySQLSchemaManager::alterIndex() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Alter an index on a table.

MySQLiConnector::affectedRows() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Determines the number of affected rows from the last SQL query

NestedForm::Actions() — Method in class NestedForm
$ NewsHolder#allowed_childrenProperty in class NewsHolder
NewsHolder::AllUpdates() — Method in class NewsHolder

Find all site's news items, based on some filters.

$ NewsHolder_Controller#allowed_actionsProperty in class NewsHolder_Controller
NewsHolder_Controller::atom() — Method in class NewsHolder_Controller
NullSecurityToken::addToUrl() — Method in class NullSecurityToken
Oembed::autodiscover_from_url() — Method in class Oembed

Performs a HTTP request to the URL and scans the response for resource links that mention oembed in their type.

Oembed::autodiscover_from_body() — Method in class Oembed

Given a response body, determine if there is an autodiscover url

PDOConnector::affectedRows() — Method in class PDOConnector

Determines the number of affected rows from the last SQL query

Package::addBadge() — Method in class Package

Adds a badge to the list of badges {$badges}

PartialMatchFilter::applyOne() — Method in class PartialMatchFilter

Apply filter criteria to a SQL query with a single value.

PartialMatchFilter::applyMany() — Method in class PartialMatchFilter

Apply filter criteria to a SQL query with an array of values.

$ PasswordEncryptor_PHPHash#algorithmProperty in class PasswordEncryptor_PHPHash
$ PasswordField#autocompleteProperty in class PasswordField

Controls the autocomplete attribute on the field.

$ PasswordField#allowValuePostbackProperty in class PasswordField

If true, the field can accept a value attribute, e.g. from posted form data

$ Permission#admin_implies_allProperty in class Permission

Set to false to prevent the 'ADMIN' permission from implying all permissions in the system

Permission::add_to_hidden_permissions() — Method in class Permission

add a permission represented by the $code to the slef::$hidden_permissions list

PhockitoClassManifestUpdater::addDouble() — Method in class PhockitoClassManifestUpdater
$ PhoneNumberField#areaCodeProperty in class PhoneNumberField
PhpUnitWrapper::afterRunTests() — Method in class PhpUnitWrapper

This method is called after the unittests are performed.

PhpUnitWrapper_3_4::afterRunTests() — Method in class PhpUnitWrapper_3_4

Overwrites afterRunTests. Creates coverage report and clover report if required.

PhpUnitWrapper_Generic::afterRunTests() — Method in class PhpUnitWrapper_Generic

Overwrites afterRunTests. Creates coverage report and clover report if required.

PolymorphicForeignKey::addToQuery() — Method in class PolymorphicForeignKey

Add custom query parameters for this field, mostly SELECT statements for multi-value fields.

PolymorphicHasManyList::add() — Method in class PolymorphicHasManyList

Adds the item to this relation.

PostgreSQLConnector::affectedRows() — Method in class PostgreSQLConnector

Determines the number of affected rows from the last SQL query

PostgreSQLDatabase::allow_query_master_postgres() — Method in class PostgreSQLDatabase

Determines whether to check a database exists on the host by querying the 'postgres' database and running createDatabase.

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::alterTable() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Alter a table's schema.

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::alterField() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Change the database type of the given field.

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::alterIndex() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Alter an index on a table.

QJUtils::ajaxResponse() — Method in class QJUtils
QueuedJob::addMessage() — Method in class QueuedJob

Add an arbitrary text message into a job

QueuedJobDescriptor::activateOnQueue() — Method in class QueuedJobDescriptor

Called to indicate that the job is ready to be run on the queue. This is done either as the result of creating the job and adding it, or when resuming.

$ QueuedJobsAdmin#allowed_actionsProperty in class QueuedJobsAdmin
$ QueuedTaskRunner#allowed_actionsProperty in class QueuedTaskRunner
$ RSSFeed#authorFieldProperty in class RSSFeed

Name of the author field of feed entries

$ RSSFeed_Entry#authorFieldProperty in class RSSFeed_Entry

Name of the author field of feed entries

RSSFeed_Entry::Author() — Method in class RSSFeed_Entry

Get the author of this entry

RSSFeed_Entry::AbsoluteLink() — Method in class RSSFeed_Entry

Get a link to this entry

$ RealMeLoginForm#allowed_actionsProperty in class RealMeLoginForm
$ RealMeLoginForm#action_button_nameProperty in class RealMeLoginForm
$ RealMeLoginForm#authenticator_classProperty in class RealMeLoginForm
$ RealMeSecurityExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class RealMeSecurityExtension
$ RealMeService#allowed_realme_environmentsProperty in class RealMeService
$ RealMeService#allowed_realme_integration_typesProperty in class RealMeService
$ RealMeService#authn_contextsProperty in class RealMeService
$ RealMeService#allowed_authn_context_listProperty in class RealMeService
$ RegistryImportFeed_Controller#allowed_actionsProperty in class RegistryImportFeed_Controller
$ RegistryPage_Controller#allowed_actionsProperty in class RegistryPage_Controller
RegistryPage_Controller::AllQueryVars() — Method in class RegistryPage_Controller

Get all search query vars, compiled into a query string for a URL.

$ RemoveOrphanedPagesTask#allowed_actionsProperty in class RemoveOrphanedPagesTask
$ RequestHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class RequestHandler

Define a list of action handling methods that are allowed to be called directly by URLs.

RequestHandler::allowedActions() — Method in class RequestHandler

Get a array of allowed actions defined on this controller, any parent classes or extensions.

RequiredFields::addRequiredField() — Method in class RequiredFields

Adds a single required field to required fields stack.

RequiredFields::appendRequiredFields() — Method in class RequiredFields

Add RequiredField objects together

Requirements::add_i18n_javascript() — Method in class Requirements

Add i18n files from the given javascript directory. SilverStripe expects that the given directory will contain a number of JavaScript files named by language: en_US.js, de_DE.js, etc.

Requirements_Backend::add_i18n_javascript() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Add i18n files from the given javascript directory. SilverStripe expects that the given directory will contain a number of JavaScript files named by language: en_US.js, de_DE.js, etc.

$ RestfulServer#api_baseProperty in class RestfulServer
$ RestfulServer#authenticatorProperty in class RestfulServer
$ RestfulServer#allowed_actionsProperty in class RestfulServer
RestfulServer::authenticate() — Method in class RestfulServer

A function to authenticate a user

$ RestfulService#authUsernameProperty in class RestfulService
$ RestfulService#authPasswordProperty in class RestfulService
$ SAMLAuthenticator#additional_get_query_paramsProperty in class SAMLAuthenticator
SAMLAuthenticator::authenticate() — Method in class SAMLAuthenticator

Sends the authentication process down the SAML rabbit hole. It will trigger the IdP redirection via the 3rd party implementation, and if successful, the user will be delivered to the SAMLController::acs.

$ SAMLConfiguration#allow_insecure_email_linkingProperty in class SAMLConfiguration
SAMLConfiguration::asArray() — Method in class SAMLConfiguration
$ SAMLController#allowed_actionsProperty in class SAMLController
SAMLController::acs() — Method in class SAMLController

Assertion Consumer Service

$ SAMLLoginForm#authenticator_classProperty in class SAMLLoginForm
$ SQLAssignmentRow#assignmentsProperty in class SQLAssignmentRow

List of field values to store for this query

SQLAssignmentRow::addAssignments() — Method in class SQLAssignmentRow

Adds assignments for a list of several fields

SQLAssignmentRow::assign() — Method in class SQLAssignmentRow

Set the value for a single field

SQLAssignmentRow::assignSQL() — Method in class SQLAssignmentRow

Assigns a value to a field using the literal SQL expression, rather than a value to be escaped

SQLConditionalExpression::addFrom() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Add a table to include in the query or update

SQLConditionalExpression::addLeftJoin() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Add a LEFT JOIN criteria to the tables list.

SQLConditionalExpression::addInnerJoin() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Add an INNER JOIN criteria

SQLConditionalExpression::addFilterToJoin() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Add an additional filter (part of the ON clause) on a join.

SQLConditionalExpression::addWhere() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Adds a WHERE clause.

SQLConditionalExpression::addWhereAny() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression
SQLDelete::addDelete() — Method in class SQLDelete

Sets the list of tables to limit the delete to, if multiple tables are specified in the condition clause

SQLFormatter::addNewlines() — Method in class SQLFormatter

Newlines for tokens defined in $newline_before_tokens.

SQLInsert::addRow() — Method in class SQLInsert

Appends a new row to insert

SQLInsert::addRows() — Method in class SQLInsert

Adds the list of rows to the array

SQLInsert::addAssignments() — Method in class SQLInsert

Adds assignments for a list of several fields.

SQLInsert::assign() — Method in class SQLInsert

Set the value for a single field

SQLInsert::assignSQL() — Method in class SQLInsert

Assigns a value to a field using the literal SQL expression, rather than a value to be escaped

SQLSelect::addSelect() — Method in class SQLSelect

Add to the list of columns to be selected by the query.

SQLSelect::addOrderBy() — Method in class SQLSelect

Add ORDER BY clause either as SQL snippet or in array format.

SQLSelect::addGroupBy() — Method in class SQLSelect

Add a GROUP BY clause.

SQLSelect::addHaving() — Method in class SQLSelect

Add a HAVING clause

SQLSelect::aggregate() — Method in class SQLSelect

Return a new SQLSelect that calls the given aggregate functions on this data.

$ SQLUpdate#assignmentProperty in class SQLUpdate

The assignment to create for this update

SQLUpdate::addAssignments() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Adds assignments for a list of several fields.

SQLUpdate::assign() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Set the value for a single field

SQLUpdate::assignSQL() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Assigns a value to a field using the literal SQL expression, rather than a value to be escaped

SQLWriteExpression::addAssignments() — Method in class SQLWriteExpression

Adds assignments for a list of several fields.

SQLWriteExpression::assign() — Method in class SQLWriteExpression

Set the value for a single field

SQLWriteExpression::assignSQL() — Method in class SQLWriteExpression

Assigns a value to a field using the literal SQL expression, rather than a value to be escaped

SQLite3Connector::affectedRows() — Method in class SQLite3Connector

Determines the number of affected rows from the last SQL query

SQLite3SchemaManager::alterTable() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Alter a table's schema.

SQLite3SchemaManager::alterField() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Change the database type of the given field.

SQLite3SchemaManager::alterIndex() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Alter an index on a table.

SSHTMLBBCodeParser::addFilter() — Method in class SSHTMLBBCodeParser

Add a new filter

SSHTMLBBCodeParser::addFilters() — Method in class SSHTMLBBCodeParser

Add new filters

SSTemplateParser::addClosedBlock() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

Add a closed block callable to allow <% name %><% end_name %> syntax

SSTemplateParser::addOpenBlock() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

Add a closed block callable to allow <% name %> syntax

SSTemplateParser::Argument_DollarMarkedLookup() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

If we get a bare value, we don't know enough to determine exactly what php would be the translation, because we don't know if the position of use indicates a lookup or a string argument.

SSTemplateParser::Argument_QuotedString() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Argument_Lookup() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Argument_FreeString() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SS_Cache::add_backend() — Method in class SS_Cache

Add a new named cache backend.

SS_ConfigManifest::addModule() — Method in class SS_ConfigManifest

Adds a path as a module

SS_ConfigManifest::activateConfig() — Method in class SS_ConfigManifest

Includes all of the php _config.php files found by this manifest. Called by SS_Config when adding this manifest

SS_ConfigManifest::addSourceConfigFile() — Method in class SS_ConfigManifest

Handle finding a php file. We just keep a record of all php files found, we don't include them at this stage

SS_ConfigManifest::addYAMLConfigFile() — Method in class SS_ConfigManifest

Handle finding a yml file. Parse the file by spliting it into header/fragment pairs, and normalising some of the header values (especially: give anonymous name if none assigned, splt/complete before and after matchers)

SS_ConfigManifest::addVariantKeySpecRules() — Method in class SS_ConfigManifest

Adds any variables referenced in the passed rules to the $this->variantKeySpec array

SS_DAG::additem() — Method in class SS_DAG

Add another node/vertex

SS_DAG::addedge() — Method in class SS_DAG

Add an edge from one vertex to another.

SS_Database::affectedRows() — Method in class SS_Database

Return the number of rows affected by the previous operation.

SS_Database::allDatabaseNames() — Method in class SS_Database
SS_Database::alterTable() — Method in class SS_Database
SS_Database::addslashes() — Method in class SS_Database
SS_FileFinder::acceptDir() — Method in class SS_FileFinder

Returns TRUE if the directory should be traversed. This can be overloaded to customise functionality, or extended with callbacks.

SS_FileFinder::acceptFile() — Method in class SS_FileFinder

Returns TRUE if the file should be included in the results. This can be overloaded to customise functionality, or extended via callbacks.

$ SS_HTTPRequest#allParamsProperty in class SS_HTTPRequest
SS_HTTPRequest::addHeader() — Method in class SS_HTTPRequest

Add a HTTP header to the response, replacing any header of the same name.

SS_HTTPRequest::allParams() — Method in class SS_HTTPRequest
SS_HTTPRequest::allParsed() — Method in class SS_HTTPRequest

Returns true if the URL has been completely parsed.

SS_HTTPResponse::addHeader() — Method in class SS_HTTPResponse

Add a HTTP header to the response, replacing any header of the same name.

SS_List::add() — Method in class SS_List

Adds an item to the list, making no guarantees about where it will appear.

SS_ListDecorator::add() — Method in class SS_ListDecorator

Adds an item to the list, making no guarantees about where it will appear.

SS_Log::add_writer() — Method in class SS_Log

Add a writer instance to the logger.

$ SS_Object#afterExtendCallbacksProperty in class SS_Object

List of callbacks to call after extensions having extend called on them, each grouped by methodName.

SS_Object::afterExtending() — Method in class SS_Object

Allows user code to hook into Object::extend after control being delegated to extensions. Each callback will be reset once called.

SS_Object::addStaticVars() — Method in class SS_Object
SS_Object::add_static_var() — Method in class SS_Object
SS_Object::add_extension() — Method in class SS_Object

Add an extension to a specific class.

SS_Object::allMethodNames() — Method in class SS_Object

Return the names of all the methods available on this object

SS_Object::addMethodsFrom() — Method in class SS_Object

Add all the methods from an object property (which is an Extension) to this object.

SS_Object::addWrapperMethod() — Method in class SS_Object

Add a wrapper method - a method which points to another method with a different name. For example, Thumbnail(x) can be wrapped to generateThumbnail(x)

SS_Report::add_excluded_reports() — Method in class SS_Report

Exclude certain reports classes from the list of Reports in the CMS

SS_ReportWrapper::afterQuery() — Method in class SS_ReportWrapper

Override this method to perform some actions after querying.

SS_TestListener::addError() — Method in class SS_TestListener
SS_TestListener::addFailure() — Method in class SS_TestListener
SS_TestListener::addIncompleteTest() — Method in class SS_TestListener
SS_TestListener::addSkippedTest() — Method in class SS_TestListener
SS_TestListener::addRiskyTest() — Method in class SS_TestListener

Risky test.

$ SapphireInfo#allowed_actionsProperty in class SapphireInfo
$ SapphireREPL#allowed_actionsProperty in class SapphireREPL
SapphireTest::allFixtureIDs() — Method in class SapphireTest

Return all of the IDs in the fixture of a particular class name.

SapphireTest::assertContains() — Method in class SapphireTest
SapphireTest::assertNotContains() — Method in class SapphireTest
SapphireTest::assertEmailSent() — Method in class SapphireTest

Assert that the matching email was sent since the last call to clearEmails() All of the parameters can either be a string, or, if they start with "/", a PREG-compatible regular expression.

SapphireTest::assertDOSContains() — Method in class SapphireTest

Assert that the given SS_List includes DataObjects matching the given key-value pairs. Each match must correspond to 1 distinct record.

SapphireTest::assertDOSEquals() — Method in class SapphireTest

Assert that the given SS_List includes only DataObjects matching the given key-value pairs. Each match must correspond to 1 distinct record.

SapphireTest::assertDOSAllMatch() — Method in class SapphireTest

Assert that the every record in the given SS_List matches the given key-value pairs.

SapphireTest::assertSQLEquals() — Method in class SapphireTest

Asserts that two SQL queries are equivalent

SapphireTest::assertSQLContains() — Method in class SapphireTest

Asserts that a SQL query contains a SQL fragment

SapphireTest::assertSQLNotContains() — Method in class SapphireTest

Asserts that a SQL query contains a SQL fragment

SapphireTestReporter::addStatus() — Method in class SapphireTestReporter

Logs the specified status to the current test, or if no test is currently run, to the test suite.

SapphireTestReporter::addFailure() — Method in class SapphireTestReporter

Adds the failure detail to the current test and increases the failure count for the current suite

SapphireTestReporter::addError() — Method in class SapphireTestReporter

Adds the error detail to the current test and increases the error count for the current suite

SapphireTestReporter::addIncompleteTest() — Method in class SapphireTestReporter

Adds the test incomplete detail to the current test and increases the incomplete count for the current suite

SapphireTestReporter::addSkippedTest() — Method in class SapphireTestReporter

Not used

SapphireTestReporter::addRiskyTest() — Method in class SapphireTestReporter

Risky test.

SearchContext::applyBaseTableFields() — Method in class SearchContext
SearchContext::addFilter() — Method in class SearchContext

Adds a instance of SearchFilter.

SearchContext::addField() — Method in class SearchContext

Adds a new FormField instance.

SearchFilter::addRelation() — Method in class SearchFilter

Called by constructor to convert a string pathname into a well defined relationship sequence.

SearchFilter::apply() — Method in class SearchFilter

Apply filter criteria to a SQL query.

SearchFilter::applyOne() — Method in class SearchFilter

Apply filter criteria to a SQL query with a single value.

SearchFilter::applyMany() — Method in class SearchFilter

Apply filter criteria to a SQL query with an array of values.

SearchForm::addStarsToKeywords() — Method in class SearchForm
SearchIndex::addClass() — Method in class SearchIndex

Add a DataObject subclass whose instances should be included in this index

SearchIndex::addFulltextField() — Method in class SearchIndex

Add a field that should be fulltext searchable

SearchIndex::addFilterField() — Method in class SearchIndex

Add a field that should be filterable

SearchIndex::addSortField() — Method in class SearchIndex

Add a field that should be sortable

SearchIndex::addAllFulltextFields() — Method in class SearchIndex

Add all database-backed text fields as fulltext searchable fields.

SearchIndex::add() — Method in class SearchIndex

!! These should be implemented by the full text search engine

SearchIndex_Null::add() — Method in class SearchIndex_Null

!! These should be implemented by the full text search engine

$ SearchIndex_Recording#addedProperty in class SearchIndex_Recording
SearchIndex_Recording::add() — Method in class SearchIndex_Recording

!! These should be implemented by the full text search engine

$ SearchIntrospection#ancestryProperty in class SearchIntrospection
SearchIntrospection::add_unique_by_ancestor() — Method in class SearchIntrospection

Add classes to list, keeping only the parent when parent & child are both in list after add

SearchUpdateCommitJobProcessor::afterComplete() — Method in class SearchUpdateCommitJobProcessor
SearchUpdateCommitJobProcessor::addMessage() — Method in class SearchUpdateCommitJobProcessor

Add an arbitrary text message into a job

SearchUpdateProcessor::addDirtyIDs() — Method in class SearchUpdateProcessor
SearchUpdateQueuedJobProcessor::afterComplete() — Method in class SearchUpdateQueuedJobProcessor
SearchUpdateQueuedJobProcessor::addMessage() — Method in class SearchUpdateQueuedJobProcessor

Add an arbitrary text message into a job

SearchVariant::appliesToEnvironment() — Method in class SearchVariant

Return false if there is something missing from the environment (probably a not installed module) that means this variant can't apply to any class

SearchVariant::appliesTo() — Method in class SearchVariant

Return true if this variant applies to the passed class & subclass

SearchVariant::activateState() — Method in class SearchVariant

Activate the passed state

SearchVariant::alterQuery() — Method in class SearchVariant

Apply this variant to a search query

SearchVariant::activate_state() — Method in class SearchVariant

Activate all the states in the passed argument

SearchVariant::addFilterField() — Method in class SearchVariant

Add new filter field to index safely.

SearchVariantSiteTreeSubsitesPolyhome::appliesToEnvironment() — Method in class SearchVariantSiteTreeSubsitesPolyhome

Return false if there is something missing from the environment (probably a not installed module) that means this variant can't apply to any class

SearchVariantSiteTreeSubsitesPolyhome::appliesTo() — Method in class SearchVariantSiteTreeSubsitesPolyhome

Return true if this variant applies to the passed class & subclass

SearchVariantSiteTreeSubsitesPolyhome::activateState() — Method in class SearchVariantSiteTreeSubsitesPolyhome

Activate the passed state

SearchVariantSiteTreeSubsitesPolyhome::alterDefinition() — Method in class SearchVariantSiteTreeSubsitesPolyhome
SearchVariantSiteTreeSubsitesPolyhome::alterQuery() — Method in class SearchVariantSiteTreeSubsitesPolyhome

Apply this variant to a search query

SearchVariantSubsites::appliesToEnvironment() — Method in class SearchVariantSubsites

Return false if there is something missing from the environment (probably a not installed module) that means this variant can't apply to any class

SearchVariantSubsites::appliesTo() — Method in class SearchVariantSubsites

Return true if this variant applies to the passed class & subclass

SearchVariantSubsites::activateState() — Method in class SearchVariantSubsites

Activate the passed state

SearchVariantSubsites::alterDefinition() — Method in class SearchVariantSubsites
SearchVariantSubsites::alterQuery() — Method in class SearchVariantSubsites

This field has been altered to allow a user to obtain search results for a particular subsite When attempting to do this in project code, SearchVariantSubsites kicks and overwrites any filter you've applied This fix prevents the module from doing this if a filter is applied on the index or the query, or if a field is being excluded specifically before being executed.

SearchVariantVersioned::appliesToEnvironment() — Method in class SearchVariantVersioned

Return false if there is something missing from the environment (probably a not installed module) that means this variant can't apply to any class

SearchVariantVersioned::appliesTo() — Method in class SearchVariantVersioned

Return true if this variant applies to the passed class & subclass

SearchVariantVersioned::activateState() — Method in class SearchVariantVersioned

Activate the passed state

SearchVariantVersioned::alterDefinition() — Method in class SearchVariantVersioned
SearchVariantVersioned::alterQuery() — Method in class SearchVariantVersioned

Apply this variant to a search query

$ SecureFileExtension#access_configProperty in class SecureFileExtension
$ Security#allowed_actionsProperty in class Security
$ Security#autologin_enabledProperty in class Security

Showing "Remember me"-checkbox on loginform, and saving encrypted credentials to a cookie.

$ SecurityAdmin#allowed_actionsProperty in class SecurityAdmin
SecurityAdmin::add_hidden_permission() — Method in class SecurityAdmin

The permissions represented in the $codes will not appearing in the form containing PermissionCheckboxSetField so as not to be checked / unchecked.

SecurityToken::addToUrl() — Method in class SecurityToken
$ SelectUploadField#allowed_actionsProperty in class SelectUploadField
Session::add_to_array() — Method in class Session

Add a value to a specific key in the session array

$ ShareDraftContentControllerExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class ShareDraftContentControllerExtension
$ ShareDraftContentSiteTreeExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class ShareDraftContentSiteTreeExtension
$ ShareDraftController#allowed_actionsProperty in class ShareDraftController
$ ShortcodeParser#active_instanceProperty in class ShortcodeParser
$ ShortcodeParser#attrrxProperty in class ShortcodeParser
ShortcodeParser::attrrx() — Method in class ShortcodeParser
SilverStripeListener::addError() — Method in class SilverStripeListener
SilverStripeListener::addFailure() — Method in class SilverStripeListener
SilverStripeListener::addIncompleteTest() — Method in class SilverStripeListener
SilverStripeListener::addSkippedTest() — Method in class SilverStripeListener
SilverStripeListener::addRiskyTest() — Method in class SilverStripeListener

Risky test.

AuditFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Auditor

Logs are written using a side-channel, because audit trail should not be mixed up with regular PHP errors.

AuditHookClass in namespace SilverStripe\Auditor

Provides logging hooks that are inserted into Framework objects.

AuditHook::authenticationFailed() — Method in class AuditHook

Log failed login attempts.

AuditHookManyManyListClass in namespace SilverStripe\Auditor
AuditHookMemberGroupSetClass in namespace SilverStripe\Auditor
BasicContext::appendErrorHandlerBeforeStep() — Method in class BasicContext
FixtureContext::afterResetDatabase() — Method in class FixtureContext
FixtureContext::afterResetAssets() — Method in class FixtureContext
FixtureContext::aRecordWasLastEditedRelative() — Method in class FixtureContext
$ SilverStripeAwareInitializer#ajaxStepsProperty in class SilverStripeAwareInitializer
$ SilverStripeAwareInitializer#ajaxTimeoutProperty in class SilverStripeAwareInitializer
$ SilverStripeAwareInitializer#adminUrlProperty in class SilverStripeAwareInitializer
$ SilverStripeContext#ajaxStepsProperty in class SilverStripeContext
$ SilverStripeContext#ajaxTimeoutProperty in class SilverStripeContext
$ SilverStripeContext#adminUrlProperty in class SilverStripeContext
ConfigCollectionInterface::addMiddleware() — Method in class ConfigCollectionInterface
DeltaConfigCollection::addDelta() — Method in class DeltaConfigCollection

Push new delta

DeltaMiddleware::applyDelta() — Method in class DeltaMiddleware

Apply a single delta to a class config

MiddlewareAware::addMiddleware() — Method in class MiddlewareAware
YamlTransformer::addRule() — Method in class YamlTransformer

This allows external rules to be added to only/except checks. Config is only supposed to be setup once, so adding rules is a one-way system. You cannot remove rules after being set. This also prevent built-in rules from being removed.

YamlTransformer::addDependencies() — Method in class YamlTransformer

Incapsulates the logic for adding before/after dependencies.

$ LoginForm#allowed_actionsProperty in class LoginForm
Method::applyRequirements() — Method in class Method

Leverage the Requirements API to ensure client requirements are included. This is called just after the base module requirements are specified

AdminRegistrationControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\Controller

This controller handles actions that a user may perform on MFA methods registered on their own account while logged in. This includes deleting methods, registering new methods and replacing (re-registering) existing methods.

$ AdminRegistrationController#allowed_actionsProperty in class AdminRegistrationController
AuthenticationFailedExceptionClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\Exception
AccountResetHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\Extension\AccountReset

Designates that a class needs to apply changes during an Account Reset process

$ SecurityAdminExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class SecurityAdminExtension
$ SecurityExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class SecurityExtension
$ ChangePasswordExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class ChangePasswordExtension
MemberExtension::afterMemberLoggedIn() — Method in class MemberExtension

Clear any temporary multi-factor authentication related session keys when a member is successfully logged in.

MethodInterface::applyRequirements() — Method in class MethodInterface

Leverage the Requirements API to ensure client requirements are included. This is called just after the base module requirements are specified

BaseHandlerTrait::applyRequirements() — Method in class BaseHandlerTrait

Perform the necessary "Requirements" calls to ensure client side scripts are available in the response

AvailableMethodDetailsClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\State
AvailableMethodDetailsInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\State

Used to provide details about an available \SilverStripe\MFA\Method\MethodInterface instance, for example when being used in the multi-factor application schema.

$ BackupCode#algorithmProperty in class BackupCode
SessionStore::addState() — Method in class SessionStore

Add to the state in the store

SessionStore::addVerifiedMethod() — Method in class SessionStore

Add and keep track of methods that have been verified

StoreInterface::addState() — Method in class StoreInterface

Add to the state in the store

StoreInterface::addVerifiedMethod() — Method in class StoreInterface

Add and keep track of methods that have been verified

Method::applyRequirements() — Method in class Method

Leverage the Requirements API to ensure client requirements are included. This is called just after the base module requirements are specified

CredentialRepository::assertCredentialID() — Method in class CredentialRepository

Assert that the given credential ID matches a stored credential

Method::applyRequirements() — Method in class Method

Leverage the Requirements API to ensure client requirements are included. This is called just after the base module requirements are specified

$ RegisterHandler#authenticator_attachmentProperty in class RegisterHandler

The default attachment mode to use for Authentication Selection Criteria.

SiteConfigSubsites::augmentSQL() — Method in class SiteConfigSubsites

Update any requests to limit the results to the current site

$ SiteTree#allowed_childrenProperty in class SiteTree

Indicates what kind of children this page type can have.

SiteTree::AbsoluteLink() — Method in class SiteTree

Get the absolute URL for this page, including protocol and host.

SiteTree::allowedChildren() — Method in class SiteTree

Returns an array of the class names of classes that are allowed to be children of this class.

SiteTreeContentReview::addReviewNote() — Method in class SiteTreeContentReview

Creates a ContentReviewLog and connects it to this Page.

SiteTreeContentReview::advanceReviewDate() — Method in class SiteTreeContentReview

Advance review date to the next date based on review period or set it to null if there is no schedule. Returns true if date was required and false is content review is 'off'.

SiteTreeLinkTracking::augmentSyncLinkTracking() — Method in class SiteTreeLinkTracking

Find HTMLText fields on owner to scrape for links that need tracking

$ SiteTreeMaintenanceTask#allowed_actionsProperty in class SiteTreeMaintenanceTask
SiteTreeSubsites::augmentSQL() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites

Update any requests to limit the results to the current site

SiteTreeSubsites::alternateSiteConfig() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites
SiteTreeSubsites::alternateAbsoluteLink() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites
SiteTreeSubsites::alternatePreviewLink() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites

Use the CMS domain for iframed CMS previews to prevent single-origin violations and SSL cert problems.

SiteTreeSubsites::augmentSyncLinkTracking() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites
SiteTreeSubsites::augmentValidURLSegment() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites

Ensure that valid url segments are checked within the correct subsite of the owner object, even if the current subsiteID is set to some other subsite.

$ SiteTreeURLSegmentField#allowed_actionsProperty in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField
$ SitemapPage_Controller#allowed_actionsProperty in class SitemapPage_Controller
Solr4Service_Core::addDocument() — Method in class Solr4Service_Core
Solr4Service_Core::addDocuments() — Method in class Solr4Service_Core

Solr 4.0 compat http://wiki.apache.org/solr/UpdateXmlMessages#Optional_attributes_for_.22add.22 Remove allowDups, overwritePending and overwriteComitted

$ SolrIndex#analyzerFieldsProperty in class SolrIndex
SolrIndex::addAnalyzer() — Method in class SolrIndex

Index-time analyzer which is applied to a specific field.

SolrIndex::addStoredField() — Method in class SolrIndex

Add a field that should be stored

SolrIndex::addBoostedField() — Method in class SolrIndex

Add a fulltext field with a boosted value

SolrIndex::addCopyField() — Method in class SolrIndex
SolrIndex::add() — Method in class SolrIndex

!! These should be implemented by the full text search engine

SolrReindexQueuedJobBase::afterComplete() — Method in class SolrReindexQueuedJobBase
SolrReindexQueuedJobBase::addMessage() — Method in class SolrReindexQueuedJobBase

Add an arbitrary text message into a job

StaticPagesQueue::add_to_queue() — Method in class StaticPagesQueue
$ StringTagField#allowed_actionsProperty in class StringTagField
$ Subsite#allowed_themesProperty in class Subsite
Subsite::all_sites() — Method in class Subsite

Return all subsites, regardless of permissions (augmented with main site).

Subsite::all_accessible_sites() — Method in class Subsite
Subsite::accessible_sites() — Method in class Subsite

Return the subsites that the current user can access by given permission.

Subsite::allowedThemes() — Method in class Subsite

Return the themes that can be used with this subsite, as an array of themecode => description

Subsite::absoluteBaseURL() — Method in class Subsite

Get the absolute URL for this subsite

Subsite::adminDuplicate() — Method in class Subsite

Javascript admin action to duplicate this subsite

Subsite::activate() — Method in class Subsite

Make this subsite the current one

SubsiteDomain::absoluteBaseURL() — Method in class SubsiteDomain

Get absolute baseURL for this domain

SubsiteReportWrapper::afterQuery() — Method in class SubsiteReportWrapper

Override this method to perform some actions after querying.

$ SubsitesTreeDropdownField#allowed_actionsProperty in class SubsitesTreeDropdownField
TabularStyle::AsTableRow() — Method in class TabularStyle

Return a representation of this form as a table row

$ TagField#allowed_actionsProperty in class TagField
$ TaskRunner#allowed_actionsProperty in class TaskRunner
$ TaxonomyDirectoryController#allowed_actionsProperty in class TaxonomyDirectoryController
$ TaxonomyTermExtension#api_accessProperty in class TaxonomyTermExtension
TeamCityListener::addError() — Method in class TeamCityListener
TeamCityListener::addFailure() — Method in class TeamCityListener
TeamCityListener::addIncompleteTest() — Method in class TeamCityListener
TeamCityListener::addSkippedTest() — Method in class TeamCityListener
TeamCityListener::addRiskyTest() — Method in class TeamCityListener

Risky test.

$ TestRunner#allowed_actionsProperty in class TestRunner
TestRunner::all() — Method in class TestRunner

Run test classes that should be run with every commit.

$ Text#auto_indexableProperty in class Text
Text::AbsoluteLinks() — Method in class Text

Return the value of the field with relative links converted to absolute urls.

$ Translatable#allowed_localesProperty in class Translatable
Translatable::augmentSQL() — Method in class Translatable

Changes any SELECT query thats not filtering on an ID to limit by the current language defined in get_current_locale().

Translatable::augmentDataQueryCreation() — Method in class Translatable
Translatable::augmentDatabase() — Method in class Translatable


_translation database table to enable tracking of "translation groups" in which each related translation of an object acts as a sibling, rather than a parent->child relation.

Translatable::addTranslationGroup() — Method in class Translatable

Add a record to a "translation group", so its relationship to other translations based off the same object can be determined later on.

Translatable::alternateGetByLink() — Method in class Translatable

Attempt to get the page for a link in the default language that has been translated.

Translatable::applyTranslatableFieldsUpdate() — Method in class Translatable
Translatable::addTranslatableFields() — Method in class Translatable

This method can be called multiple times on the same FieldList because it checks which fields have already been added or modified.

Translatable::AllChildrenIncludingDeleted() — Method in class Translatable
Translatable::augmentValidURLSegment() — Method in class Translatable

Extends the SiteTree::validURLSegment() method, to do checks appropriate to Translatable

$ TranslatableCMSMainExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class TranslatableCMSMainExtension
$ TreeDropdownField#allowed_actionsProperty in class TreeDropdownField
URLArrayObject::addObject() — Method in class URLArrayObject

Adds metadata into the URL.

URLArrayObject::addObjects() — Method in class URLArrayObject

Adds metadata into all URLs in the array.

URLArrayObject::addUrlsOnBehalf() — Method in class URLArrayObject

Adds urls to the queue after injecting the objects' metadata.

URLArrayObject::addUrls() — Method in class URLArrayObject

The format of the urls should be array( 'URLSegment' => '50')

$ URLSegmentFilter#allowMultibyteProperty in class URLSegmentFilter
UnsavedRelationList::add() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Add an item to this relationship

UnsavedRelationList::addMany() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Add a number of items to the relation.

$ UpdatePackageInfoTask#allowed_typesProperty in class UpdatePackageInfoTask

The "types" of composer libraries that will be processed. Anything without these types will be ignored.

$ UpgradeSiteTreePermissionSchemaTask#allowed_actionsProperty in class UpgradeSiteTreePermissionSchemaTask
$ Upload#allowed_actionsProperty in class Upload
$ UploadField#allowed_actionsProperty in class UploadField
UploadField::attach() — Method in class UploadField

Retrieves details for files that this field wishes to attache to the client-side form

$ UploadField_ItemHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class UploadField_ItemHandler
$ UploadField_SelectHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class UploadField_SelectHandler
$ Upload_Validator#allowedMaxFileSizeProperty in class Upload_Validator

Restrict filesize for either all filetypes or a specific extension, with extension-name as array-key and the size-restriction in bytes as array-value.

$ Upload_Validator#allowedExtensionsProperty in class Upload_Validator
$ UserDefinedForm_Controller#allowed_actionsProperty in class UserDefinedForm_Controller
$ UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient#allow_unbound_recipient_fieldsProperty in class UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient

Setting this to true will allow you to select "risky" fields as email recipient, such as free-text entry fields.

$ UserFormRecipientItemRequest#allowed_actionsProperty in class UserFormRecipientItemRequest
$ VersionFeed#allchanges_enabledProperty in class VersionFeed

Enable the allchanges feed

$ VersionFeed#allchanges_limitProperty in class VersionFeed

Allchanges feed limit of items.

$ VersionFeed_Controller#allowed_actionsProperty in class VersionFeed_Controller
VersionFeed_Controller::allchanges() — Method in class VersionFeed_Controller

Get all changes from the site in a RSS feed.

$ Versioned#archive_tablesProperty in class Versioned

Keep track of the archive tables that have been created.

$ Versioned#AuthorIDProperty in class Versioned
Versioned::augmentDataQueryCreation() — Method in class Versioned

Amend freshly created DataQuery objects with versioned-specific information.

Versioned::augmentSQL() — Method in class Versioned

Augment the the SQLQuery that is created by the DataQuery.

Versioned::augmentLoadLazyFields() — Method in class Versioned

For lazy loaded fields requiring extra SQL manipulation, ie versioning.

Versioned::augmentDatabase() — Method in class Versioned

Update the database schema as required by this extension.

Versioned::augmentWriteVersioned() — Method in class Versioned

Generates a ($table)_version DB manipulation and injects it into the current $manipulation

Versioned::augmentWriteStaged() — Method in class Versioned

Rewrite the given manipulation to update the selected (non-default) stage

Versioned::augmentWrite() — Method in class Versioned
Versioned::allVersions() — Method in class Versioned

Get a list of versions for this object, optionally with additional SQL parameters

$ VersionedFileUploadField#allowed_actionsProperty in class VersionedFileUploadField
Versioned_Version::Author() — Method in class Versioned_Version

Gets this version's author (the person who saved to Stage).

ViewableData::ATT_val() — Method in class ViewableData

Return the value of a field escaped suitable to be inserted into an XML node attribute.

VirtualPage::allowedChildren() — Method in class VirtualPage
$ VirtualPage_Controller#allowed_actionsProperty in class VirtualPage_Controller
WidgetAreaEditor::AvailableWidgets() — Method in class WidgetAreaEditor
$ WidgetContentControllerExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class WidgetContentControllerExtension
$ WidgetController#allowed_actionsProperty in class WidgetController
WithinRangeFilter::applyOne() — Method in class WithinRangeFilter

Apply filter criteria to a SQL query with a single value.

WorkflowActionInstance::actionStart() — Method in class WorkflowActionInstance

Called when this instance is started within the workflow

WorkflowActionInstance::actionComplete() — Method in class WorkflowActionInstance

Called when this action has been completed within the workflow

WorkflowApplicable::AbsoluteEditLink() — Method in class WorkflowApplicable

Included in CMS-generated email templates for a NotifyUsersWorkflowAction.

$ WorkflowField#allowed_actionsProperty in class WorkflowField
WorkflowField::action() — Method in class WorkflowField
WorkflowField::ActionLink() — Method in class WorkflowField
$ WorkflowFieldActionController#allowed_actionsProperty in class WorkflowFieldActionController
$ WorkflowFieldItemController#allowed_actionsProperty in class WorkflowFieldItemController
$ WorkflowFieldTransitionController#allowed_actionsProperty in class WorkflowFieldTransitionController
WorkflowTemplate::addManyManyToObject() — Method in class WorkflowTemplate

Given an object, first check it has a ManyMany relation on it and add() Member and Group relations as required.

$ XMLDataFormatter#api_baseProperty in class XMLDataFormatter
YamlFixture::allFixtureIDs() — Method in class YamlFixture

Return all of the IDs in the fixture of a particular class name.

$ i18n#all_localesProperty in class i18n

An exhaustive list of possible locales (code => language and country)


$ AkismetSpamProtector#bypass_permissionProperty in class AkismetSpamProtector

Permission required to bypass check

$ AkismetSpamProtector#bypass_membersProperty in class AkismetSpamProtector

Set to try to bypass check for all logged in users

$ AopProxyService#beforeCallProperty in class AopProxyService
ArrayList::byIDs() — Method in class ArrayList

Filter this list to only contain the given Primary IDs

ArrayList::byID() — Method in class ArrayList
AssetAdmin::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class AssetAdmin
BBCodeParserClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

BBCode parser object.

BaseElementClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BaseElementExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BaseElement_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Each BaseElement is wrapped inside a controller in order to provide form submission handling and Link() method support.

BaseHomePageClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

BaseHomePage is the basic home page.

BaseHomePage_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BasePageClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

BasePage is the foundation which can be used for constructing your own pages.

BasePage_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BaseRunnerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Description of BaseRunner

BasicAuthClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Provides an interface to HTTP basic authentication.

BasicRestfulAuthenticatorClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A simple authenticator for the Restful server.

BeforeCallAspectClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A BeforeCallAspect is run before a method is executed.

BeforeCallAspect::beforeCall() — Method in class BeforeCallAspect

Call this aspect before a method is executed

BehatFixtureFactoryClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BigIntClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Represents a signed 8 byte integer field. Do note PHP running as 32-bit might not work with Bigint properly, as it would convert the value to a float when queried from the database since the value is a 64-bit one.

BlogClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Blog Holder

BlogAdminSidebarClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BlogArchiveWidgetClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BlogArchiveWidget::Blog() — Method in class BlogArchiveWidget
BlogArchiveWidget_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BlogCategoriesWidgetClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BlogCategoriesWidget::Blog() — Method in class BlogCategoriesWidget
BlogCategoriesWidget_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BlogCategoryClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A blog category for generalising blog posts.

$ BlogCategory#belongs_many_manyProperty in class BlogCategory
$ BlogCategory#BlogIDProperty in class BlogCategory
BlogCategory::BlogPosts() — Method in class BlogCategory
BlogCategory::Blog() — Method in class BlogCategory
BlogCommentExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Adds Blog specific behaviour to Comment.

BlogEntryClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BlogEntry_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BlogFilterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This class is responsible for filtering the SiteTree when necessary and also overlaps into filtering only published posts.

BlogFilter_GridFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Enables children of non-editable pages to be edited.

BlogHolderClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BlogHolder_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BlogMemberExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This class is responsible for add Blog specific behaviour to Members.

$ BlogMemberExtension#belongs_many_manyProperty in class BlogMemberExtension
BlogMigrationTaskClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BlogPostClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

An individual blog post.

BlogPostFilterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This is responsible for filtering only published posts to users who do not have permission to view non-published posts.

BlogPostNotificationsClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Customise blog post to support comment notifications.

BlogPost_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BlogRecentPostsWidgetClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BlogRecentPostsWidget::Blog() — Method in class BlogRecentPostsWidget
BlogRecentPostsWidget_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BlogTagClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A blog tag for keyword descriptions of a blog post.

$ BlogTag#belongs_many_manyProperty in class BlogTag
$ BlogTag#BlogIDProperty in class BlogTag
BlogTag::BlogPosts() — Method in class BlogTag
BlogTag::Blog() — Method in class BlogTag
BlogTagsCloudWidgetClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BlogTagsCloudWidget::Blog() — Method in class BlogTagsCloudWidget
BlogTagsCloudWidget_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BlogTagsWidgetClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BlogTagsWidget::Blog() — Method in class BlogTagsWidget
BlogTagsWidget_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BlogTreeClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BlogTree_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
Blog_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ Blog_Controller#blogPostsProperty in class Blog_Controller

The current Blog Post DataList query.

BooleanClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Represents a boolean field.

$ ComposerLoader#basePathProperty in class ComposerLoader
ComposerLoader::build() — Method in class ComposerLoader

Load and build the composer.json and composer.lock files

BrokenExternalLinkClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Represents a single link checked for a single run that is broken

BrokenExternalLinksReportClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Content side-report listing pages with external broken links

BrokenExternalPageTrackClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Represents a track for a single page

BrokenExternalPageTrackStatusClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Represents the status of a track run

BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus::BrokenLinks() — Method in class BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus
BrokenFilesReportClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BrokenLinksReportClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Content side-report listing pages with broken links

BrokenRedirectorPagesReportClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BrokenVirtualPagesReportClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BuildStaticCacheFromQueueClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This tasks takes care of republishing pages that has been queues in the StaticPagesQueue.

BuildStaticCacheFromQueue::buildCache() — Method in class BuildStaticCacheFromQueue
BuildStaticCacheSummaryClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Holds data about runs from the task BuildStaticCacheFromQueue

BuildStaticCacheSummaryReportClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Shows and report from the BuildStaticCacheSummary dataobject

BuildTaskClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Interface for a generic build task. Does not support dependencies. This will simply run a chunk of code when called.

BuildTransifexTranslationsClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
BulkLoaderClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A base for bulk loaders of content into the SilverStripe database.

BulkLoader_ResultClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Encapsulates the result of a BulkLoader import (usually through the BulkLoader->processAll() method).

BulkUploadFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Custom UploadField used to override Link() and redirect UploadField action properly through the GridField.

CMSBatchAction::batchaction() — Method in class CMSBatchAction

Helper method for processing batch actions.

$ CMSBatchActionHandler#batch_actionsProperty in class CMSBatchActionHandler
CMSBatchActionHandler::batchActionList() — Method in class CMSBatchActionHandler

Return a SS_List of ArrayData objects containing the following pieces of info about each batch action:

  • Link
  • Title
CMSBatchActionHandler::buildAction() — Method in class CMSBatchActionHandler

Safely generate batch action object for a given classname

CMSBatchActionHandler::batchActions() — Method in class CMSBatchActionHandler

Get all registered actions through the static defaults set by register().

CMSFileAddController::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class CMSFileAddController
CMSMain::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::batchactions() — Method in class CMSMain

Batch Actions Handler

CMSMain::BatchActionParameters() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::BatchActionList() — Method in class CMSMain

Returns a list of batch actions

CMSMain::buildbrokenlinks() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSPageHistoryController::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class CMSPageHistoryController
CMSPageSettingsController::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class CMSPageSettingsController
CMSPagesController::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class CMSPagesController
CMSProfileController::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class CMSProfileController

Only show first element, as the profile form is limited to editing the current member it doesn't make much sense to show the member name in the breadcrumbs.

CategorisationObject::BlogPosts() — Method in class CategorisationObject
ClassInfo::baseDataClass() — Method in class ClassInfo

Returns the root class (the first to extend from DataObject) for the passed class.

$ Comment#BaseClassProperty in class Comment
$ Controller#basicAuthEnabledProperty in class Controller
$ Controller#baseInitCalledProperty in class Controller
Convert::base64url_encode() — Method in class Convert

Encode a value into a string that can be used as part of a filename.

Convert::base64url_decode() — Method in class Convert

Decode a value that was encoded with Convert::base64url_encode.

$ CurlLinkChecker#BypassCacheProperty in class CurlLinkChecker

If we want to bypass the cache Set via YAML file

CwpSiteTreeFileExtension::BackLinkHTMLList() — Method in class CwpSiteTreeFileExtension

Generate an HTML list which provides links to where a file is used.

DB::build_sql() — Method in class DB

Builds a sql query with the specified connection

DBQueryBuilder::buildSQL() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Builds a sql query with the specified connection

DBQueryBuilder::buildSelectQuery() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Builds a query from a SQLSelect expression

DBQueryBuilder::buildDeleteQuery() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Builds a query from a SQLDelete expression

DBQueryBuilder::buildInsertQuery() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Builds a query from a SQLInsert expression

DBQueryBuilder::buildUpdateQuery() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Builds a query from a SQLUpdate expression

DBQueryBuilder::buildSelectFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Returns the SELECT clauses ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildDeleteFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Return the DELETE clause ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildUpdateFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Return the UPDATE clause ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildFromFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Return the FROM clause ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildWhereFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Returns the WHERE clauses ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildOrderByFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Returns the ORDER BY clauses ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildGroupByFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Returns the GROUP BY clauses ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildHavingFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Returns the HAVING clauses ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildLimitFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Return the LIMIT clause ready for inserting into a query.

$ DMSDocument#belongs_many_manyProperty in class DMSDocument
DMSDocumentAddController::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class DMSDocumentAddController
DMSDocumentAddController::Backlink() — Method in class DMSDocumentAddController

Returns the link to be used to return the user after uploading a document. Scenarios:

$ DMSDocumentCart#backendProperty in class DMSDocumentCart

A handle to the classes' DMSCartBackendInterface

DataList::byIDs() — Method in class DataList

Filter this list to only contain the given Primary IDs

DataList::byID() — Method in class DataList

Return the first DataObject with the given ID

$ DataObject#brokenOnDeleteProperty in class DataObject

Used by onBeforeDelete() to ensure child classes call parent::onBeforeDelete()

$ DataObject#brokenOnWriteProperty in class DataObject

Used by onBeforeWrite() to ensure child classes call parent::onBeforeWrite()

$ DataObject#belongs_toProperty in class DataObject

A meta-relationship that allows you to define the reverse side of a DataObject::$has_one.

$ DataObject#belongs_many_manyProperty in class DataObject

The inverse side of a many-many relationship.

DataObject::belongs_to() — Method in class DataObject
DataObject::belongsTo() — Method in class DataObject

Returns the class of a remote belongs_to relationship. If no component is specified a map of all components and their class name will be returned.

DataObject::belongsToComponent() — Method in class DataObject

Return data for a specific belongs_to component.

DataObject::beforeUpdateCMSFields() — Method in class DataObject

Allows user code to hook into DataObject::getCMSFields prior to updateCMSFields being called on extensions

DataObject::baseTable() — Method in class DataObject

Get the name of the base table for this object

DatabaseAdmin::build() — Method in class DatabaseAdmin

Updates the database schema, creating tables & fields as necessary.

DatabaseAdmin::buildDefaults() — Method in class DatabaseAdmin

Build the default data, calling requireDefaultRecords on all DataObject classes

$ DebugBar#bufferingEnabledProperty in class DebugBar
DebugBarControllerExtension::beforeCallActionHandler() — Method in class DebugBarControllerExtension

Due to a bug, this could be called twice before 4.0, see https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework/pull/5173

DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::benchmarkQuery() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy

Allows the display and benchmarking of queries as they are being run

DebugView::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class DebugView

Generate breadcrumb links to the URL path being displayed

DevBuildController::build() — Method in class DevBuildController
DevelopmentAdmin::buildDefaults() — Method in class DevelopmentAdmin

Build the default data, calling requireDefaultRecords on all DataObject classes Should match the $url_handlers rule: 'build/defaults' => 'buildDefaults',

Director::baseURL() — Method in class Director

Returns the root URL for the site.

Director::baseFolder() — Method in class Director

Returns the root filesystem folder for the site.

EditableCustomRule::buildExpression() — Method in class EditableCustomRule

Substitutes configured rule logic with it's JS equivalents and returns them as array elements

$ EditableFieldGroupEnd#belongs_toProperty in class EditableFieldGroupEnd
$ Email#bodyProperty in class Email

Passed straight into $ss_template as $Body variable.

$ Email#bccProperty in class Email
$ Email#bcc_all_emails_toProperty in class Email
Email::Body() — Method in class Email
Email::Bcc() — Method in class Email
Email::BaseURL() — Method in class Email
Email::bcc_all_emails_to() — Method in class Email

BCC every email generated by the Email class to the given address.

$ FixtureFactory#blueprintsProperty in class FixtureFactory
FluentExtension::base_indexes() — Method in class FluentExtension
FluentExtension::BaseURLForLocale() — Method in class FluentExtension

Determine the baseurl within a specified $locale.

$ Form#buttonClickedFuncProperty in class Form
Form::buttonClicked() — Method in class Form
$ FormAction#buttonContentProperty in class FormAction

Literal button content, used when useButtonTag is true.

GridField::buildColumnDispatch() — Method in class GridField

Build an columnDispatch that maps a GridField_ColumnProvider to a column for reference later.

$ GridFieldAddClassesButton#buttonNameProperty in class GridFieldAddClassesButton

Button title

$ GridFieldAddClassesButton#buttonClassProperty in class GridFieldAddClassesButton

Additonal CSS classes for the button

$ GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandler#buttonProperty in class GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandler
$ GridFieldAddNewButton#buttonNameProperty in class GridFieldAddNewButton
GridFieldBulkActionEditHandler::bulkEditForm() — Method in class GridFieldBulkActionEditHandler

Return a form for all the selected DataObjects with their respective editable fields.

GridFieldBulkActionHandler::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class GridFieldBulkActionHandler

Edited version of the GridFieldEditForm function adds the 'Bulk Upload' at the end of the crums.

GridFieldBulkUpload::bulkUploadField() — Method in class GridFieldBulkUpload

Returned a configured UploadField instance embedded in the gridfield heard.

GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest

CMS-specific functionality: Passes through navigation breadcrumbs to the template, and includes the currently edited record (if any).

$ HtmlEditorConfig#buttonsProperty in class HtmlEditorConfig

Holder list of buttons, organised by line

$ Image#backendProperty in class Image
JSTestRunner::browse() — Method in class JSTestRunner

Browse all enabled test cases in the environment

LDAPUtil::bin_to_str_guid() — Method in class LDAPUtil
LDAPUtil::bin_to_str_sid() — Method in class LDAPUtil
LeftAndMain::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::batchactions() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Batch Actions Handler

LeftAndMain::BatchActionsForm() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::BaseCSSClasses() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Same as ViewableData->CSSClasses(), but with a changed name to avoid problems when using ViewableData->customise() (which always returns "ArrayData" from the $original object).

$ Mailer#bounceEmailProperty in class Mailer

Email used for bounces

$ Member#belongs_many_manyProperty in class Member
$ MemberPassword#belongs_many_manyProperty in class MemberPassword
ModelAdmin::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class ModelAdmin
MySQLQueryBuilder::buildLimitFragment() — Method in class MySQLQueryBuilder

Return the LIMIT clause ready for inserting into a query.

MySQLSchemaManager::boolean() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return a boolean type-formatted string

MySQLSchemaManager::bigint() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return a bigint type-formatted string

$ MySQLStatement#boundProperty in class MySQLStatement

Is the statement bound to the current resultset?

$ MySQLStatement#boundValuesProperty in class MySQLStatement

List of bound variables in the current row

MySQLStatement::bind() — Method in class MySQLStatement

Binds this statement to the variables

MySQLiConnector::beforeQuery() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Invoked before any query is executed

MySQLiConnector::bindParameters() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Binds a list of parameters to a statement

$ PDFTextExtractor#binary_locationProperty in class PDFTextExtractor

Set to bin path this extractor can execute

PDFTextExtractor::bin() — Method in class PDFTextExtractor

Accessor to get the location of the binary

PDOConnector::beforeQuery() — Method in class PDOConnector

Invoked before any query is executed

PDOConnector::bindParameters() — Method in class PDOConnector

Bind all parameters to a PDOStatement

$ Package#badgesProperty in class Package
$ Permission#belongs_many_manyProperty in class Permission
$ PermissionRole#belongs_many_manyProperty in class PermissionRole
PhpUnitWrapper::beforeRunTests() — Method in class PhpUnitWrapper

This method is called before the unittests are performed.

PhpUnitWrapper_3_4::beforeRunTests() — Method in class PhpUnitWrapper_3_4

Overwrites beforeRunTests. Initiates coverage-report generation if $coverage has been set to true (setCoverageStatus).

PhpUnitWrapper_Generic::beforeRunTests() — Method in class PhpUnitWrapper_Generic

Overwrites beforeRunTests. Initiates coverage-report generation if $coverage has been set to true (setCoverageStatus).

PostgreSQLQueryBuilder::buildLimitFragment() — Method in class PostgreSQLQueryBuilder

Return the LIMIT clause ready for inserting into a query.

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::buildPostgresIndexName() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Builds the internal Postgres index name given the silverstripe table and index name

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::buildPostgresTriggerName() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Builds the internal Postgres trigger name given the silverstripe table and trigger name

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::boolean() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Return a boolean type-formatted string

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::bigint() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Return a bigint type-formatted string

$ RealMeFederatedIdentity#BirthInfoQualityProperty in class RealMeFederatedIdentity
$ RealMeFederatedIdentity#BirthYearProperty in class RealMeFederatedIdentity
$ RealMeFederatedIdentity#BirthMonthProperty in class RealMeFederatedIdentity
$ RealMeFederatedIdentity#BirthDayProperty in class RealMeFederatedIdentity
$ RealMeFederatedIdentity#BirthPlaceQualityProperty in class RealMeFederatedIdentity
$ RealMeFederatedIdentity#BirthPlaceCountryProperty in class RealMeFederatedIdentity
$ RealMeFederatedIdentity#BirthPlaceLocalityProperty in class RealMeFederatedIdentity
RealMeSecurityExtension::beforeCallActionHandler() — Method in class RealMeSecurityExtension

Support the default security logout procedure by ensuring that RealMe hooks are cleared when the standard logout is called.

RegistryPage::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class RegistryPage

Modified version of Breadcrumbs, to cater for viewing items.

ReportAdmin::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class ReportAdmin

Returns the Breadcrumbs for the ReportAdmin

$ RequestHandler#brokenOnConstructProperty in class RequestHandler

This variable records whether RequestHandler::construct() was called or not. Useful for checking if subclasses have called parent::construct()

$ Requirements#backendProperty in class Requirements

Instance of the requirements for storage. You can create your own backend to change the default JS and CSS inclusion behaviour.

Requirements::backend() — Method in class Requirements
Requirements::block() — Method in class Requirements

Block inclusion of a specific file

$ Requirements_Backend#blockedProperty in class Requirements_Backend

The file paths (relative to docroot) or uniquenessIDs of any included requirements which should be blocked when executing inlcudeInHTML(). This is useful, for example, to block scripts included by a superclass without having to override entire functions and duplicate a lot of code.

Requirements_Backend::block() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Block inclusion of a specific file

$ RestfulService#baseURLProperty in class RestfulService
RestfulService::basicAuth() — Method in class RestfulService

Set basic authentication

SQLite3QueryBuilder::buildInsertQuery() — Method in class SQLite3QueryBuilder
SQLite3QueryBuilder::buildLimitFragment() — Method in class SQLite3QueryBuilder

Return the LIMIT clause ready for inserting into a query.

SQLite3SchemaManager::buildSQLiteIndexName() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Builds the internal SQLLite index name given the silverstripe table and index name.

SQLite3SchemaManager::boolean() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Return a boolean type-formatted string

SQLite3SchemaManager::bigint() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Return a bigint type-formatted string

SS_Backtrace::backtrace() — Method in class SS_Backtrace

Render or return a backtrace from the given scope.

$ SS_Cache#backendsProperty in class SS_Cache
$ SS_Cache#backend_picksProperty in class SS_Cache
$ SS_ClassManifest#baseProperty in class SS_ClassManifest
$ SS_ConfigManifest#baseProperty in class SS_ConfigManifest
SS_ConfigManifest::buildVariantKeySpec() — Method in class SS_ConfigManifest

Builds the variant key spec - the list of values that need to be build to give a key that uniquely identifies this variant.

SS_ConfigManifest::buildYamlConfigVariant() — Method in class SS_ConfigManifest

Calculates which yaml config fragments are applicable in this variant, and merge those all together into the $this->yamlConfig propperty

$ SS_ConfigStaticManifest#baseProperty in class SS_ConfigStaticManifest
SS_Database::benchmarkQuery() — Method in class SS_Database

Allows the display and benchmarking of queries as they are being run

SS_Database::beginSchemaUpdate() — Method in class SS_Database
$ SS_HTTPRequest#bodyProperty in class SS_HTTPRequest

Raw HTTP body, used by PUT and POST requests.

$ SS_HTTPResponse#bodyProperty in class SS_HTTPResponse
SS_ListDecorator::byID() — Method in class SS_ListDecorator

Return the first item with the given ID

SS_ListDecorator::byIDs() — Method in class SS_ListDecorator

Filter this list to only contain the given Primary IDs

$ SS_Object#built_in_methodsProperty in class SS_Object
$ SS_Object#beforeExtendCallbacksProperty in class SS_Object

List of callbacks to call prior to extensions having extend called on them, each grouped by methodName.

SS_Object::beforeExtending() — Method in class SS_Object

Allows user code to hook into Object::extend prior to control being delegated to extensions. Each callback will be reset once called.

$ SS_ReportWrapper#baseReportProperty in class SS_ReportWrapper
SS_ReportWrapper::beforeQuery() — Method in class SS_ReportWrapper

Override this method to perform some actions prior to querying.

$ SS_TemplateManifest#baseProperty in class SS_TemplateManifest
SapphireInfo::BaseURL() — Method in class SapphireInfo
$ SapphireTest#backupGlobalsProperty in class SapphireTest

We need to disabling backing up of globals to avoid overriding the few globals SilverStripe relies on, like $lang for the i18n subsystem.

SearchIndex::buildDependancyList() — Method in class SearchIndex
$ SearchUpdateBatchedProcessor#batchesProperty in class SearchUpdateBatchedProcessor

List of batches to be processed

$ SearchUpdateBatchedProcessor#batch_sizeProperty in class SearchUpdateBatchedProcessor

Maximum number of record-states to process in one batch.

$ SearchUpdateBatchedProcessor#batch_soft_capProperty in class SearchUpdateBatchedProcessor

Up to this number of additional ids can be added to any batch in order to reduce the number of batches

SearchUpdateBatchedProcessor::batchData() — Method in class SearchUpdateBatchedProcessor
SearchUpdater::bind_manipulation_capture() — Method in class SearchUpdater

Replace the database object with a subclass that captures all manipulations and passes them to us

Security::basicauthlogin() — Method in class Security
SecurityAdmin::Backlink() — Method in class SecurityAdmin

Disable GridFieldDetailForm backlinks for this view, as its

SecurityAdmin::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class SecurityAdmin
$ ShortcodeParser#block_level_elementsProperty in class ShortcodeParser
AuditHook::bind_manipulation_capture() — Method in class AuditHook

This will bind a new class dynamically so we can hook into manipulation and capture it. It creates a new PHP file in the temp folder, then loads it and sets it as the active DB class.

BasicContextClass in namespace SilverStripe\BehatExtension\Context
EmailContext::before() — Method in class EmailContext
FixtureContext::beforeDatabaseDefaults() — Method in class FixtureContext
SilverStripeContext::before() — Method in class SilverStripeContext
ModuleInitialisationController::baseExecute() — Method in class ModuleInitialisationController
$ CachedConfigCollection#buildingProperty in class CachedConfigCollection

Set to true while building config.

$ YamlTransformer#baseDirectoryProperty in class YamlTransformer

Base directory used to find yaml files.

EnablerExtension::beforeCallActionHandler() — Method in class EnablerExtension
BaseHandlerTraitClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\RequestHandler
BackupCodeGeneratorClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\Service
$ BackupCodeGenerator#backup_code_countProperty in class BackupCodeGenerator

The number of back-up codes that should be generated for a user. Note that changing this value will not regenerate or generate new codes to meet the new number. The user will have to manually regenerate codes to receive the new number of codes.

$ BackupCodeGenerator#backup_code_lengthProperty in class BackupCodeGenerator

The length of each individual backup code.

BackupCodeGeneratorInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\Service

A service class implementation for generating and hashing backup codes.

BackupCodeClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\State

A container for a backup code and its hash, normally used during backup code generation

BaseHandlerTraitClass in namespace SilverStripe\WebAuthn

Contains logic which is shared between both WebAuthn's RegisterHandler and VerifyHandler, such as the attestation configuration options.

SiteConfigLeftAndMain::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class SiteConfigLeftAndMain
$ SiteTree#belongs_many_manyProperty in class SiteTree
SiteTree::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class SiteTree

Return a breadcrumb trail to this page. Excludes "hidden" pages (with ShowInMenus=0) by default.

SiteTree::batch_permission_check() — Method in class SiteTree

This method is NOT a full replacement for the individual can*() methods, e.g. canEdit(). Rather than checking (potentially slow) PHP logic, it relies on the database group associations, e.g. the "CanEditType" field plus the "SiteTree_EditorGroups" many-many table. By batch checking multiple records, we can combine the queries efficiently.

SiteTree::BackLinkTracking() — Method in class SiteTree

List of site pages that link to this page.

$ SiteTreeContentReview#belongs_many_manyProperty in class SiteTreeContentReview
$ SiteTreeFileExtension#belongs_many_manyProperty in class SiteTreeFileExtension
SiteTreeFileExtension::BackLinkHTMLList() — Method in class SiteTreeFileExtension

Generate an HTML list which provides links to where a file is used.

SiteTreeFileExtension::BackLinkTracking() — Method in class SiteTreeFileExtension

Extend through updateBackLinkTracking()} in your own {@link Extension.

SiteTreeFileExtension::BackLinkTrackingCount() — Method in class SiteTreeFileExtension
$ SolrCellTextExtractor#base_urlProperty in class SolrCellTextExtractor

Base URL to use for solr text extraction.

$ SolrIndex#boostedFieldsProperty in class SolrIndex

List of boosted fields

$ SolrReindexQueuedJob#batchSizeProperty in class SolrReindexQueuedJob

Size of each batch to run

$ Subsite#belongs_many_manyProperty in class Subsite
SubsiteReportWrapper::beforeQuery() — Method in class SubsiteReportWrapper

Override this method to perform some actions prior to querying.

$ TaxonomyTermExtension#belongs_many_manyProperty in class TaxonomyTermExtension
TestRunner::build() — Method in class TestRunner

Run test classes that should be run before build - i.e., everything possible.

TestRunner::browse() — Method in class TestRunner

Browse all enabled test cases in the environment

Text::BigSummary() — Method in class Text

Performs the same function as the big summary, but doesn't trim new paragraphs off data.

Translatable::baseTable() — Method in class Translatable

Return the base table - the class that directly extends DataObject.

Translatable_Transformation::baseTransform() — Method in class Translatable_Transformation

Transform a translatable field to show the field value from the default language DataObject below the translated field.

$ TreeDropdownField#baseIDProperty in class TreeDropdownField
$ UnsavedRelationList#baseClassProperty in class UnsavedRelationList

The DataObject class name that this relation is on

UserDefinedForm_Controller::buildWatchJS() — Method in class UserDefinedForm_Controller

Outputs the required JS from the $watch input

Versioned::baseTable() — Method in class Versioned

Return the base table - the class that directly extends DataObject.

ViewableData::buildCastingCache() — Method in class ViewableData

Save the casting cache for this object (including data from any failovers) into a variable

WorkflowInstance::beginWorkflow() — Method in class WorkflowInstance

Start a workflow based on a particular definition for a particular object.

$ i18nTextCollector#basePathProperty in class i18nTextCollector

The directory base on which the collector should act.

$ i18nTextCollector#baseSavePathProperty in class i18nTextCollector

Save path


$ AWRequiredFields#callerProperty in class AWRequiredFields
$ AbstractQueuedJob#currentStepProperty in class AbstractQueuedJob
AdvancedWorkflowAdmin::columns() — Method in class AdvancedWorkflowAdmin
$ Aggregate#cacheProperty in class Aggregate
Aggregate::cache() — Method in class Aggregate

Build & cache the cache object

AkismetField::confirmationField() — Method in class AkismetField

Get the nested confirmation checkbox field

ArchiveWidget::canCreate() — Method in class ArchiveWidget
ArrayList::count() — Method in class ArrayList

Return the number of items in this list

ArrayList::column() — Method in class ArrayList

Returns an array of a single field value for all items in the list.

ArrayList::canSortBy() — Method in class ArrayList

You can always sort a ArrayList

ArrayList::canFilterBy() — Method in class ArrayList

Returns true if the given column can be used to filter the records.

AssetAdmin::currentPageID() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Return fake-ID 0 (root) if no ID is found (needed to upload files into the root-folder)

AssetAdmin::currentPage() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Custom currentPage() method to handle opening the 'root' folder

BaseElement::ControllerTop() — Method in class BaseElement
BaseElementExtension::canView() — Method in class BaseElementExtension
BaseElementExtension::canEdit() — Method in class BaseElementExtension
BaseElementExtension::canDelete() — Method in class BaseElementExtension
BaseElementExtension::canCreate() — Method in class BaseElementExtension
$ BasePage_Controller#classes_to_searchProperty in class BasePage_Controller

Which classes should be queried when searching?

BasePage_Controller::CurrentDatetime() — Method in class BasePage_Controller

Provide current year.

BehatFixtureFactory::createObject() — Method in class BehatFixtureFactory

Writes the fixture into the database using DataObjects

Blog::canEdit() — Method in class Blog
Blog::canAddChildren() — Method in class Blog
Blog::canEditEditors() — Method in class Blog

Determine if this user can edit the editors list.

Blog::canEditWriters() — Method in class Blog

Determine if this user can edit writers list.

Blog::canEditContributors() — Method in class Blog

Determines if this user can edit the contributors list.

Blog::Categories() — Method in class Blog

List of categories in this blog

Blog::Contributors() — Method in class Blog

List of contributors

$ BlogArchiveWidget#cmsTitleProperty in class BlogArchiveWidget
$ BlogCategoriesWidget#cmsTitleProperty in class BlogCategoriesWidget
BlogCategory::canView() — Method in class BlogCategory

Inherits from the parent blog or can be overwritten using a DataExtension.

BlogCategory::canCreate() — Method in class BlogCategory

Inherits from the parent blog or can be overwritten using a DataExtension.

BlogCategory::canDelete() — Method in class BlogCategory

Inherits from the parent blog or can be overwritten using a DataExtension.

BlogCategory::canEdit() — Method in class BlogCategory

Inherits from the parent blog or can be overwritten using a DataExtension.

BlogEntry::canCreate() — Method in class BlogEntry
BlogHolder::canCreate() — Method in class BlogHolder
$ BlogPost#castingProperty in class BlogPost
$ BlogPost#can_be_rootProperty in class BlogPost
BlogPost::canEditAuthors() — Method in class BlogPost

Determine if this user can edit the authors list.

BlogPost::canCreateCategories() — Method in class BlogPost

Determine whether user can create new categories.

BlogPost::canCreateTags() — Method in class BlogPost

Determine whether user can create new tags.

BlogPost::canView() — Method in class BlogPost
BlogPost::canPublish() — Method in class BlogPost
BlogPost::canEdit() — Method in class BlogPost
BlogPost::Categories() — Method in class BlogPost
$ BlogRecentPostsWidget#cmsTitleProperty in class BlogRecentPostsWidget
BlogTag::canView() — Method in class BlogTag

Inherits from the parent blog or can be overwritten using a DataExtension.

BlogTag::canCreate() — Method in class BlogTag

Inherits from the parent blog or can be overwritten using a DataExtension.

BlogTag::canDelete() — Method in class BlogTag

Inherits from the parent blog or can be overwritten using a DataExtension.

BlogTag::canEdit() — Method in class BlogTag

Inherits from the parent blog or can be overwritten using a DataExtension.

$ BlogTagsCloudWidget#cmsTitleProperty in class BlogTagsCloudWidget
$ BlogTagsWidget#cmsTitleProperty in class BlogTagsWidget
BlogTree::canCreate() — Method in class BlogTree
$ Blog_Controller#castingProperty in class Blog_Controller
Blog_Controller::category() — Method in class Blog_Controller

Renders the blog posts for a given category.

ComposerLoaderClass in namespace BringYourOwnIdeas\Maintenance\Util

The composer loader class is responsible for dealing directly with composer.json and composer.lock files, in terms of loading and parsing their contents.

$ SupportedAddonsLoader#cacheProperty in class SupportedAddonsLoader
SupportedAddonsLoader::createRequest() — Method in class SupportedAddonsLoader

Create a request with some standard headers

CheckComposerUpdatesExtensionClass in namespace BringYourOwnIdeas\UpdateChecker\Extensions

Task which does the actual checking of updates

ComposerLoaderExtensionClass in namespace BringYourOwnIdeas\UpdateChecker\Extensions
$ ComposerLoaderExtension#composerProperty in class ComposerLoaderExtension
ComposerUpdateExtensionClass in namespace BringYourOwnIdeas\UpdateChecker\Extensions

Describes any available updates to an installed Composer package

UpdateChecker::checkForUpdates() — Method in class UpdateChecker

Checks the given package for available and latest updates, and writes them to data models if found

BrokenExternalLink::canEdit() — Method in class BrokenExternalLink
BrokenExternalLink::canView() — Method in class BrokenExternalLink
BrokenExternalLinksReport::columns() — Method in class BrokenExternalLinksReport
$ BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus#CompletedPagesProperty in class BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus

Get completed pages count

BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus::create_status() — Method in class BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus
BrokenFilesReport::columns() — Method in class BrokenFilesReport
BrokenLinksReport::columns() — Method in class BrokenLinksReport
BrokenRedirectorPagesReport::columns() — Method in class BrokenRedirectorPagesReport
BrokenVirtualPagesReport::columns() — Method in class BrokenVirtualPagesReport
$ BuildStaticCacheFromQueue#current_urlProperty in class BuildStaticCacheFromQueue

Should be self exploratory. Note: needs to public due to error handling

BuildStaticCacheFromQueue::createCachedFiles() — Method in class BuildStaticCacheFromQueue

Builds cached files and stale files that is a copy of an existing cached page but with a notice that the page is stale.

BuildStaticCacheFromQueue::cleanOldSummaryLog() — Method in class BuildStaticCacheFromQueue
BuildStaticCacheSummaryReport::columns() — Method in class BuildStaticCacheSummaryReport
$ BulkLoader#columnMapProperty in class BulkLoader

Map columns to DataObject-properties.

$ BulkLoader_Result#createdProperty in class BulkLoader_Result
BulkLoader_Result::Count() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result

Returns the count of all objects which were created or updated.

BulkLoader_Result::CreatedCount() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result
BulkLoader_Result::Created() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result

Returns all created objects. Each object might contain specific importer feedback in the "_BulkLoaderMessage" property.

CMSBatchActionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A class representing back actions.

CMSBatchAction::canView() — Method in class CMSBatchAction

If you wish to restrict the batch action to some users, overload this function.

CMSBatchActionHandlerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Special request handler for admin/batchaction

CMSBatchActionHandler::cleanIDs() — Method in class CMSBatchActionHandler

Sanitise ID list from string input

CMSBatchAction_ArchiveClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Archives a page, removing it from both live and stage

CMSBatchAction_DeleteClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Delete items batch action.

CMSBatchAction_DeleteFromLiveClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Unpublish (delete from live site) items batch action.

CMSBatchAction_PublishClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Publish items batch action.

CMSBatchAction_RestoreClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Batch restore of pages

CMSBatchAction_UnpublishClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Unpublish items batch action.

CMSExternalLinks_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CMSFileAddControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CMSFileAddController::currentPage() — Method in class CMSFileAddController

Custom currentPage() method to handle opening the 'root' folder

CMSFileAddController::currentPageID() — Method in class CMSFileAddController

Return fake-ID "root" if no ID is found (needed to upload files into the root-folder)

CMSFormClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Deals with special form handling in CMS, mainly around PjaxResponseNegotiator

CMSMainClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

The main "content" area of the CMS.

CMSMain::childfilter() — Method in class CMSMain

Callback to request the list of page types allowed under a given page instance.

CMSMain::currentPageID() — Method in class CMSMain

Get the page id from this request

CMSMemberLoginFormClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Provides the in-cms session re-authentication form for the "member" authenticator

CMSMenuClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

The object manages the main CMS menu. See LeftAndMain::init() for example usage.

CMSMenu::clear_menu() — Method in class CMSMenu

Clears the entire menu

CMSMenuItemClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A simple CMS menu item.

$ CMSMenuItem#controllerProperty in class CMSMenuItem

Parent controller class name

CMSPageAddControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CMSPageAddControllerExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CMSPageEditControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CMSPageHistoryControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CMSPageHistoryController::compare() — Method in class CMSPageHistoryController
CMSPageHistoryController::CompareVersionsForm() — Method in class CMSPageHistoryController
CMSPageSettingsControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CMSPagesControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CMSPreviewableClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Interface to provide enough information about a record to make it previewable through the CMS. It uses the record database ID, its "frontend" and "backend" links to link up the edit form with its preview.

CMSPreviewable::CMSEditLink() — Method in class CMSPreviewable
CMSProfileControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CMSProfileController::canView() — Method in class CMSProfileController
CMSSecurityClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Provides a security interface functionality within the cms

$ CMSSecurity#castingProperty in class CMSSecurity
CMSSettingsControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CMSSiteTreeFilterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Base class for filtering the subtree for certain node statuses.

$ CMSSiteTreeFilter#childrenMethodProperty in class CMSSiteTreeFilter
CMSSiteTreeFilter_ChangedPagesClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Gets all pages which have changed on stage.

CMSSiteTreeFilter_DeletedPagesClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Works a bit different than the other filters: Shows all pages including those deleted from stage and live.

$ CMSSiteTreeFilter_DeletedPages#childrenMethodProperty in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_DeletedPages
CMSSiteTreeFilter_PublishedPagesClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This filter will display the SiteTree as a site visitor might see the site, i.e only the pages that is currently published.

$ CMSSiteTreeFilter_PublishedPages#childrenMethodProperty in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_PublishedPages
CMSSiteTreeFilter_SearchClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDeletedPagesClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Filters pages which have a status "Deleted".

$ CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDeletedPages#childrenMethodProperty in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDeletedPages
CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDraftPagesClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Filters pages which have a status "Draft".

CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusRemovedFromDraftPagesClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Filters pages which have a status "Removed from Draft".

CSSContentParserClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

CSSContentParser enables parsing & assertion running of HTML content via CSS selectors.

CSVParserClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Class to handle parsing of CSV files, where the column headers are in the first row.

$ CSVParser#columnMapProperty in class CSVParser

Map of source columns to output columns.

$ CSVParser#currentRowProperty in class CSVParser

The data of the current row.

CSVParser::closeFile() — Method in class CSVParser

Close the CSV file and re-set all of the internal variables.

CSVParser::current() — Method in class CSVParser
CWPBaseHomePageExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CWPPageExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Class CWPPageExtension

CWPSiteConfigExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Class CWPCleanupSiteConfigExtension

CacheProxyClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A decorator for a Zend_Cache_Backend cache service that mutates cache keys dynamically depending on versioned state

$ CacheProxy#cacheProperty in class CacheProxy
CacheProxy::clean() — Method in class CacheProxy
CancelWorkflowActionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CarouselItemClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CarouselItem::canCreate() — Method in class CarouselItem
CarouselItem::canEdit() — Method in class CarouselItem
CarouselItem::canDelete() — Method in class CarouselItem
CarouselItem::canView() — Method in class CarouselItem
CarouselPageExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CategorisationObjectClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ChangePasswordFormClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Standard Change Password Form

CheckExternalLinksJobClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A Job for running a external link check for published pages

CheckExternalLinksTaskClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CheckExternalLinksTask::checkPageLink() — Method in class CheckExternalLinksTask

Check the status of a single link on a page

CheckForUpdatesJobClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Refresh report job. Runs as a queued job.

CheckboxFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Single checkbox field.

CheckboxField_ReadonlyClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Readonly version of a checkbox field - "Yes" or "No".

CheckboxSetFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Displays a set of checkboxes as a logical group.

ClassInfoClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Provides introspection information about the class tree.

ClassInfo::class_name() — Method in class ClassInfo

Convert a class name in any case and return it as it was defined in PHP

ClassInfo::classImplements() — Method in class ClassInfo

Returns true if the given class implements the given interface

ClassInfo::classes_for_file() — Method in class ClassInfo

Get all classes contained in a file.

ClassInfo::classes_for_folder() — Method in class ClassInfo

Returns all classes contained in a certain folder.

CleanImageManipulationCacheClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Wipe the cache of failed image manipulations. When GDBackend attempts to resample an image, it will write the attempted manipulation to the cache and remove it from the cache if the resample is successful. The objective of the cache is to prevent fatal errors (for example from exceeded memory limits) from occurring more than once.

CleanupGeneratedPdfBuildTaskClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CleanupGeneratedPdfDailyTaskClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CleanupJobClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

An queued job to clean out the QueuedJobDescriptor Table which often gets too full

$ CleanupJob#cleanup_methodProperty in class CleanupJob

How we will determine "stale" Possible values: age, number

$ CleanupJob#cleanup_valueProperty in class CleanupJob

Value associated with cleanupMethod age => days, number => integer

$ CleanupJob#cleanup_statusesProperty in class CleanupJob

Which JobStatus values are OK to be deleted

CleanupJob::config() — Method in class CleanupJob

Required because we aren't extending object

CliControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Base class invoked from CLI rather than the webserver (Cron jobs, handling email bounces).

CliDebugViewClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A basic HTML wrapper for stylish rendering of a developement info view.

CliTestReporterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Test reporter optimised for CLI (ie, plain-text) output

CombinationsArrayIteratorClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CombinationsArrayIterator::current() — Method in class CombinationsArrayIterator
CommentClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Represents a single comment object.

$ Comment#castingProperty in class Comment
$ Comment#CommentProperty in class Comment
Comment::castingHelper() — Method in class Comment

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object.

Comment::canCreate() — Method in class Comment
Comment::canView() — Method in class Comment

Checks for association with a page, and SiteTree->ProvidePermission flag being set to true.

Comment::canEdit() — Method in class Comment

Checks if the comment can be edited.

Comment::canDelete() — Method in class Comment

Checks if the comment can be deleted.

Comment::ChildComments() — Method in class Comment

List of child comments

CommentAdminClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Comment administration system within the CMS

CommentListClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Handles polymorphic relation for commentlist

CommentNotifiableClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Apply this to a class which may have comments applied to it, and is aware of users who should be notified of such comments

CommentNotifierClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Extension applied to CommentingController to invoke notifications

CommentSpamProtectionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Apply the spam protection to the comments module if it is installed.

Comment_SecurityTokenClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Provides the ability to generate cryptographically secure tokens for comment moderation

Comment_SecurityToken::checkRequest() — Method in class Comment_SecurityToken
CommentingClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Helper Class for storing the configuration options. Retains the mapping between objects which have comments attached and the related configuration options.

Commenting::config_value_equals() — Method in class Commenting

Determines whether a config value on the commenting extension matches a given value.

Commenting::can_member_post() — Method in class Commenting

Return whether a user can post on a given commenting instance

CommentingControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CommentingController::CommentsForm() — Method in class CommentingController

Post a comment form

CommentsExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Extension to DataObject to enable tracking comments.

$ CommentsExtension#commentsProperty in class CommentsExtension

Default configuration values

CommentsExtension::Comments() — Method in class CommentsExtension

Returns the root level comments, with spam and unmoderated items excluded, for use in the frontend

CommentsExtension::canPost() — Method in class CommentsExtension
CommentsExtension::canPostComment() — Method in class CommentsExtension

Determine if a user can post comments on this item

CommentsExtension::canModerateComments() — Method in class CommentsExtension

Determine if this member can moderate comments in the CMS

CommentsExtension::CommentsForm() — Method in class CommentsExtension

Comments interface for the front end. Includes the CommentAddForm and the composition of the comments display.

CommentsGridFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CommentsGridFieldActionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CommentsGridFieldBulkActionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CommentsGridFieldBulkAction_HandlersClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A GridFieldBulkActionHandler for bulk marking comments as spam

CommentsGridFieldConfigClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ComparisonFilterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Base class for creating comparison filters, eg; greater than, less than, greater than or equal, etc

CompositeDBFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Apply this interface to any DBField that doesn't have a 1-1 mapping with a database field.

CompositeDBField::compositeDatabaseFields() — Method in class CompositeDBField

Return array in the format of $composite_db.

CompositeFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Base class for all fields that contain other fields.

$ CompositeField#childrenProperty in class CompositeField
$ CompositeField#columnCountProperty in class CompositeField
CompositeField::collateDataFields() — Method in class CompositeField

Add all of the non-composite fields contained within this field to the list.

ConfigClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

The configuration system works like this:

$ Config#cacheProperty in class Config
Config::check_value_contained_in_suppress_array() — Method in class Config
Config::check_key_or_value_contained_in_suppress_array() — Method in class Config
Config_ForClassClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ Config_ForClass#classProperty in class Config_ForClass
Config_LRUClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ Config_LRU#cacheProperty in class Config_LRU
$ Config_LRU#cProperty in class Config_LRU
Config_LRU::checkAndGet() — Method in class Config_LRU

Checks for a cache hit and looks up the value by returning multiple values.

Config_LRU::clean() — Method in class Config_LRU
Config_MemCacheClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ Config_MemCache#cacheProperty in class Config_MemCache
$ Config_MemCache#cProperty in class Config_MemCache
Config_MemCache::checkAndGet() — Method in class Config_MemCache

Checks for a cache hit and returns the value as a multi-value return

Config_MemCache::clean() — Method in class Config_MemCache
ConfirmedPasswordFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Two masked input fields, checks for matching passwords.

$ ConfirmedPasswordField#canBeEmptyProperty in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Allow empty fields in serverside validation

$ ConfirmedPasswordField#confirmValueProperty in class ConfirmedPasswordField

A place to temporarily store the confirm password value

$ ConfirmedPasswordField#currentPasswordValueProperty in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Store value of "Current Password" field

$ ConfirmedPasswordField#childrenProperty in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Child fields (_Password, _ConfirmPassword)

ContentControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

The most common kind of controller; effectively a controller linked to a DataObject.

ContentController::ChildrenOf() — Method in class ContentController

Return the children of a given page. The parent reference can either be a page link or an ID.

ContentController::ContentLocale() — Method in class ContentController

Returns an RFC1766 compliant locale string, e.g. 'fr-CA'.

ContentControllerSearchExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Extension to provide a search interface when applied to ContentController

ContentNegotiatorClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

The content negotiator performs "text/html" or "application/xhtml+xml" switching.

$ ContentNegotiator#content_typeProperty in class ContentNegotiator
ContentReviewCMSExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

CMSPageEditController extension to receive the additional action button from SiteTreeContentReview::updateCMSActions()

ContentReviewCompatabilityClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This is a helper class which lets us do things with content review data without subsites and translatable messing our SQL queries up.

ContentReviewDefaultSettingsClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This extensions add a default schema for new pages and pages without a content review setting.

$ ContentReviewDefaultSettings#content_review_templateProperty in class ContentReviewDefaultSettings

Template to use for content review emails.

$ ContentReviewDefaultSettings#content_review_gridfield_thresholdProperty in class ContentReviewDefaultSettings

The number of members in which the dropdown will morph into a gridfield

ContentReviewDefaultSettings::ContentReviewOwners() — Method in class ContentReviewDefaultSettings

Get all Members that are default Content Owners. This includes checking group hierarchy and adding any direct users.

ContentReviewEmailsClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Daily task to send emails to the owners of content items when the review date rolls around.

ContentReviewLogClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ContentReviewLog::canView() — Method in class ContentReviewLog
ContentReviewNotificationJobClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Allows the content review module to use the optional queued jobs module to automatically process content review emails. If the module isn't installed, nothing is done - SilverStripe will never include this class declaration.

ContentReviewOwnerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Description of GroupContentReview.

ContentReviewOwnerMigrationTaskClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Task which migrates the ContentReview Module's SiteTree->OwnerID column to a new column name.

ContentWidgetClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Content Widget

$ ContentWidget#cmsTitleProperty in class ContentWidget
ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Base controller class.

$ Controller#controller_stackProperty in class Controller

Stack of current controllers.

Controller::curr() — Method in class Controller

Returns the current controller

Controller::can() — Method in class Controller

Returns true if the member is allowed to do the given action.

ControllerSubsitesClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ControllerSubsites::controllerAugmentInit() — Method in class ControllerSubsites
ControllerSubsites::CurrentSubsite() — Method in class ControllerSubsites
ConvertClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Library of conversion functions, implemented as static methods.

ConvertTranslatableExceptionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ConvertTranslatableTaskClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Provides migration from the Translatable module to the Fluent format

ConvertTranslatableTask::checkInstalled() — Method in class ConvertTranslatableTask

Checks that fluent is configured correctly

CookieClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A set of static methods for manipulating cookies.

CookieJarClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A default backend for the setting and getting of cookies

$ CookieJar#currentProperty in class CookieJar

Hold the current cookies (ie: a mix of those that were sent to us and we have set without the ones we've cleared)

Cookie_BackendClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

The Cookie_Backend interface for use with Cookie::$inst.

CountryDropdownFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A simple extension to dropdown field, pre-configured to list countries.

CreateQueuedJobTaskClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A task that can be used to create a queued job.

CreditCardFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Allows input of credit card numbers via four separate form fields, including generic validation of its numeric values.

CronTaskClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

By implementing this interface a /dev/cron will be able to start in on the expression that you return frmo getSchedule();

CronTaskControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This is the controller that finds, checks and process all crontasks

CronTaskStatusClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Record status of each cron task execution

CsvBulkLoaderClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Utility class to facilitate complex CSV-imports by defining column-mappings and custom converters.

CurlLinkCheckerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Check links using curl

CurlLinkChecker::checkLink() — Method in class CurlLinkChecker

Determine the http status code for a given link

CurrencyClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Represents a decimal field containing a currency amount.

$ Currency#currency_symbolProperty in class Currency
CurrencyFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Renders a text field, validating its input as a currency.

CurrencyField_DisabledClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Readonly version of a CurrencyField.

CurrencyField_ReadonlyClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Readonly version of a CurrencyField.

CurrentPageIdentifierClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This interface lets us set up objects that will tell us what the current page is.

CurrentPageIdentifier::currentPageID() — Method in class CurrentPageIdentifier

Get the current page ID.

CustomHtmlEditorFieldToolbarClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CustomSiteConfigClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Adds new global settings.

CwpAtomFeedClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

CwpAtomFeed class

CwpCommentingExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Customises the comment form to conform to government usability standards

CwpControllerExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CwpControllerExtension::callWithSubsitesDisabled() — Method in class CwpControllerExtension

This executes the passed callback with subsite filter disabled, then enabled the filter again before returning the callback result (or throwing the exception the callback raised)

CwpHtmlEditorConfigClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CwpInitialisationFilterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Initialises CWP-specific configuration settings, to avoid _config.php.

CwpSearchBoostExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Adds field boosting capabilities to fulltext search for pages

CwpSearchEngineClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Provides interface for generating search results for a SolrIndex

CwpSearchIndexClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Abstract wrapper for all cwp-core features

$ CwpSearchIndex#copy_fieldsProperty in class CwpSearchIndex

Copy all fields into both search and spellcheck data source

CwpSearchPageClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Dummy page to assist with display of search results

CwpSearchPage::canViewStage() — Method in class CwpSearchPage
CwpSearchPage_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Description of SearchPageController

CwpSearchResultClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Container for a set of search results

$ CwpSearchResult#castingProperty in class CwpSearchResult
CwpSecurityClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Extends {Security} with CWP specific extensions

CwpSiteSummaryExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Extends the site summary report to list the appropriate versions in the report header

CwpSiteTreeExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CwpSiteTreeFileExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
CwpSolrClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

CwpSolr configures Solr in a CWP-compatible manner.

CwpSolr::configure() — Method in class CwpSolr

Configure Solr.

CwpSolrConfigStoreClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Class SolrConfigStore_CWP

CwpStatsReportClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Summary report on the page and file counts managed by this CMS.

CwpStatsReport::columns() — Method in class CwpStatsReport
CwpThemeHelperClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

The CWP theme helper provides some quick helper methods to support the CWP themes

CwpWorkflowDefinitionExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Ensures that the default template is created

$ CwpWorkflowDefinitionExtension#create_default_workflowProperty in class CwpWorkflowDefinitionExtension

Create the default 'Two-step Workflow' when this extension is loaded

$ DB#connectionsProperty in class DB

The global database connection.

$ DB#connection_attemptedProperty in class DB

Internal flag to keep track of when db connection was attempted.

DB::connect() — Method in class DB

Connect to a database.

DB::connection_attempted() — Method in class DB

Returns true if a database connection has been attempted.

DB::create_database() — Method in class DB

Create the database and connect to it. This can be called if the initial database connection is not successful because the database does not exist.

DB::createDatabase() — Method in class DB
DB::create_table() — Method in class DB

Create a new table.

DB::createTable() — Method in class DB
DB::create_field() — Method in class DB

Create a new field on a table.

DB::createField() — Method in class DB
DB::check_and_repair_table() — Method in class DB

Checks a table's integrity and repairs it if necessary.

DB::checkAndRepairTable() — Method in class DB
DBConnector::connect() — Method in class DBConnector

Link this connector to the database given the specified parameters Will throw an exception rather than return a success state.

DBField::create_field() — Method in class DBField

Create a DBField object that's not bound to any particular field.

$ DBSchemaManager#check_and_repair_on_buildProperty in class DBSchemaManager
DBSchemaManager::cancelSchemaUpdate() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Cancels the schema updates requested during (but not after) schemaUpdate() call.

DBSchemaManager::convertIndexSpec() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

This takes the index spec which has been provided by a class (ie static $indexes = blah blah) and turns it into a proper string.

DBSchemaManager::checkAndRepairTable() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Checks a table's integrity and repairs it if necessary.

DBSchemaManager::createDatabase() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Create a database with the specified name

DBSchemaManager::createTable() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Create a new table.

DBSchemaManager::createField() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Create a new field on a table.

DBSchemaManager::clearCachedFieldlist() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

This allows the cached values for a table's field list to be erased.

DMS::createStorageFolder() — Method in class DMS

Creates a storage folder for the given path

DMSCheckoutController::complete() — Method in class DMSCheckoutController

Displays the preconfigured thank you message to the user upon completion

DMSDocument::canView() — Method in class DMSDocument
DMSDocument::canEdit() — Method in class DMSDocument
DMSDocument::canCreate() — Method in class DMSDocument
DMSDocument::canDelete() — Method in class DMSDocument
DMSDocument::clearEmbargo() — Method in class DMSDocument

Clears any previously set embargos, so the Document always shows up in all queries.

DMSDocument::clearExpiry() — Method in class DMSDocument

Clears any previously set expiry.

DMSDocument::CreatedBy() — Method in class DMSDocument
DMSDocumentAddController::currentPage() — Method in class DMSDocumentAddController

Custom currentPage() method to handle opening the 'root' folder

DMSDocumentAddController::currentPageID() — Method in class DMSDocumentAddController

Return fake-ID "root" if no ID is found (needed to upload files into the root-folder). Otherwise the page ID is passed in from the DMSGridFieldAddNewButton.

DMSDocumentAddController::canView() — Method in class DMSDocumentAddController

Overrides the parent method to allow users with access to DMS admin to access this controller

DMSDocumentInterface::clearEmbargo() — Method in class DMSDocumentInterface

Clears any previously set embargos, so the DMSDocument always shows up in all queries.

DMSDocumentInterface::clearExpiry() — Method in class DMSDocumentInterface

Clears any previously set expiry.

DMSDocumentSet::canView() — Method in class DMSDocumentSet
DMSDocumentSet::canCreate() — Method in class DMSDocumentSet
DMSDocumentSet::canEdit() — Method in class DMSDocumentSet
DMSDocumentSet::canDelete() — Method in class DMSDocumentSet
DMSDocument_versions::create_version() — Method in class DMSDocument_versions

Creates a new version of a document by moving the current file and renaming it to the versioned filename.

DMSJsonField::collateDataFields() — Method in class DMSJsonField

Override parent's behaviour as it's no longer required

DataDifferencer::ChangedFields() — Method in class DataDifferencer

Get a SS_List of the changed fields.

DataDifferencer::changedFieldNames() — Method in class DataDifferencer

Get an array of the names of every fields that has changed.

DataExtension::can() — Method in class DataExtension
DataExtension::canEdit() — Method in class DataExtension
DataExtension::canDelete() — Method in class DataExtension
DataExtension::canCreate() — Method in class DataExtension
$ DataFormatter#customFieldsProperty in class DataFormatter

Allows overriding of the fields which are rendered for the processed dataobjects. By default, this includes all fields in DataObject::inheritedDatabaseFields().

$ DataFormatter#customAddFieldsProperty in class DataFormatter

Allows addition of fields (e.g. custom getters on a DataObject)

$ DataFormatter#customRelationsProperty in class DataFormatter

Allows to limit or add relations.

DataFormatter::convertDataObject() — Method in class DataFormatter

Convert a single data object to this format. Return a string.

DataFormatter::convertDataObjectSet() — Method in class DataFormatter

Convert a data object set to this format. Return a string.

DataFormatter::convertStringToArray() — Method in class DataFormatter
DataList::canSortBy() — Method in class DataList

Returns true if this DataList can be sorted by the given field.

DataList::canFilterBy() — Method in class DataList

Returns true if this DataList can be filtered by the given field.

DataList::createDataObject() — Method in class DataList

Create a DataObject from the given SQL row

DataList::count() — Method in class DataList

Return the number of items in this DataList

DataList::column() — Method in class DataList

Returns an array of a single field value for all items in the list.

$ DataModel#customDataListsProperty in class DataModel
$ DataObject#cache_has_own_tableProperty in class DataObject

Static caches used by relevant functions.

$ DataObject#componentsProperty in class DataObject

Non-static relationship cache, indexed by component name.

$ DataObject#classname_spec_cacheProperty in class DataObject
$ DataObject#castingProperty in class DataObject

Use a casting object for a field. This is a map from field name to class name of the casting object.

$ DataObject#create_table_optionsProperty in class DataObject

Specify custom options for a CREATE TABLE call.

DataObject::clear_classname_spec_cache() — Method in class DataObject

Clear all cached classname specs. It's necessary to clear all cached subclassed names for any classes if a new class manifest is generated.

DataObject::custom_database_fields() — Method in class DataObject

Get all database columns explicitly defined on a class in DataObject::$db and DataObject::$has_one}. Resolves instances of {@link CompositeDBField into the actual database fields, rather than the name of the field which might not equate a database column.

DataObject::composite_fields() — Method in class DataObject

Returns a list of all the composite if the given db field on the class is a composite field.

DataObject::castedUpdate() — Method in class DataObject

Pass changes as a map, and try to get automatic casting for these fields.

DataObject::castingHelper() — Method in class DataObject

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object.

DataObject::can() — Method in class DataObject

Returns true if the member is allowed to do the given action.

DataObject::canView() — Method in class DataObject
DataObject::canEdit() — Method in class DataObject
DataObject::canDelete() — Method in class DataObject
DataObject::canCreate() — Method in class DataObject
$ DataQuery#collidingFieldsProperty in class DataQuery
DataQuery::count() — Method in class DataQuery

Return the number of records in this query.

DataQuery::conjunctiveGroup() — Method in class DataQuery

Create a conjunctive subgroup

DataQuery::column() — Method in class DataQuery

Query the given field column from the database and return as an array.

DataQuery_SubGroup::conditionSQL() — Method in class DataQuery_SubGroup

Determines the resulting SQL along with parameters for the group

DatabaseAdmin::clearAllData() — Method in class DatabaseAdmin

Clear all data out of the database

DatabaseAdmin::cleanup() — Method in class DatabaseAdmin

Remove invalid records from tables - that is, records that don't have corresponding records in their parent class tables.

$ DatabaseCheck#checkTableProperty in class DatabaseCheck
DatabaseCheck::check() — Method in class DatabaseCheck
$ DateField#configProperty in class DateField
DateField::castedCopy() — Method in class DateField

Returns another instance of this field, but "cast" to a different class. The logic tries to retain all of the instance properties, and may be overloaded by subclasses to set additional ones.

DateField_View_JQuery::convert_iso_to_jquery_format() — Method in class DateField_View_JQuery

Convert iso to jquery UI date format.

$ DatedUpdateHolder_Controller#castingProperty in class DatedUpdateHolder_Controller
DatedUpdateHolder_Controller::CurrentTag() — Method in class DatedUpdateHolder_Controller

Get the TaxonomyTerm related to the current tag GET parameter.

$ DatetimeField#configProperty in class DatetimeField
Debug::caller() — Method in class Debug

Returns the caller for a specific method

Debug::create_debug_view() — Method in class Debug

Create an instance of an appropriate DebugView object.

DebugBar::clearDebugBar() — Method in class DebugBar
DebugBarControllerExtension::clearBuffer() — Method in class DebugBarControllerExtension

If we are buffering debug data, clear the buffer and collect it

DebugBarDatabaseCollector::collect() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseCollector
DebugBarDatabaseCollector::collectData() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseCollector

Collects data

$ DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy#connectorProperty in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy
DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::comparisonClause() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy

Generate a WHERE clause for text matching.

DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::createDatabase() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy
DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::createField() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy
DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::createTable() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy
DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::clearTable() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy

Clear all data in a given table

DebugBarLogWriter::convertLogLevel() — Method in class DebugBarLogWriter

Convert a SilverStripe log level (see SS_Log) to a MessagesCollector level

$ DebugBarSilverStripeCollector#controllerProperty in class DebugBarSilverStripeCollector
DebugBarSilverStripeCollector::collect() — Method in class DebugBarSilverStripeCollector
$ DebugBarTemplateParserProxy#cachedProperty in class DebugBarTemplateParserProxy

Whether the class has been used, meaning whether the page has been cached

DebugBarTemplateParserProxy::compileString() — Method in class DebugBarTemplateParserProxy

Overloaded to track all templates used in the current request

$ DebugView#columnsProperty in class DebugView

Column size to wrap long strings to

Diff::cleanHTML() — Method in class Diff

Attempt to clean invalid HTML, which messes up diffs.

Diff::compareHTML() — Method in class Diff
$ Director#current_pageProperty in class Director
$ DocumentImportIFrameField_Importer#chosenFolderIDProperty in class DocumentImportIFrameField_Importer
DoormanQueuedJobTask::canRunTask() — Method in class DoormanQueuedJobTask
DropdownField::castedCopy() — Method in class DropdownField

Returns another instance of this field, but "cast" to a different class.

$ EditableCustomRule#condition_optionsProperty in class EditableCustomRule
EditableCustomRule::canDelete() — Method in class EditableCustomRule
EditableCustomRule::canEdit() — Method in class EditableCustomRule
EditableCustomRule::canView() — Method in class EditableCustomRule
EditableCustomRule::canCreate() — Method in class EditableCustomRule

Return whether a user can create an object of this type

EditableCustomRule::canPublish() — Method in class EditableCustomRule
EditableCustomRule::canUnpublish() — Method in class EditableCustomRule
$ EditableFormField#CustomErrorMessageProperty in class EditableFormField
EditableFormField::canDelete() — Method in class EditableFormField

Return whether a user can delete this form field based on whether they can edit the page

EditableFormField::canEdit() — Method in class EditableFormField

Return whether a user can edit this form field based on whether they can edit the page

EditableFormField::canView() — Method in class EditableFormField

Return whether a user can view this form field based on whether they can view the page, regardless of the ReadOnly status of the field

EditableFormField::canCreate() — Method in class EditableFormField

Return whether a user can create an object of this type

EditableFormField::canPublish() — Method in class EditableFormField

Check if can publish

EditableFormField::canUnpublish() — Method in class EditableFormField

Check if can unpublish

EditableOption::canEdit() — Method in class EditableOption
EditableOption::canDelete() — Method in class EditableOption
EditableOption::canView() — Method in class EditableOption
EditableOption::canCreate() — Method in class EditableOption

Return whether a user can create an object of this type

EditableOption::canPublish() — Method in class EditableOption
EditableOption::canUnpublish() — Method in class EditableOption
$ EditableSpamProtectionField#check_fieldsProperty in class EditableSpamProtectionField

Fields to include spam detection for

$ ElementPageExtension#copy_element_content_to_contentfieldProperty in class ElementPageExtension
$ ElementPageExtension#clear_contentfieldProperty in class ElementPageExtension
$ ElementVirtualLinked_Controller#controllerClassProperty in class ElementVirtualLinked_Controller
ElementVirtualLinked_Controller::checkAccessAction() — Method in class ElementVirtualLinked_Controller

Check that the given action is allowed to be called from a URL.

$ Email#ccProperty in class Email
$ Email#customHeadersProperty in class Email
$ Email#cc_all_emails_toProperty in class Email
Email::Cc() — Method in class Email
Email::cc_all_emails_to() — Method in class Email

CC every email generated by the Email class to the given address.

EmptyPagesReport::columns() — Method in class EmptyPagesReport
EnabledMembers::columns() — Method in class EnabledMembers

List the columns configured to display in the resulting reports GridField

EnvironmentCheck::check() — Method in class EnvironmentCheck
$ EnvironmentCheckSuite#checksProperty in class EnvironmentCheckSuite
EnvironmentCheckSuite::checkInstances() — Method in class EnvironmentCheckSuite

Get instances of all the environment checks.

$ EnvironmentChecker#checkSuiteNameProperty in class EnvironmentChecker
EnvironmentChecker::canAccess() — Method in class EnvironmentChecker
ErrorPage::canAddChildren() — Method in class ErrorPage
$ EventPage#can_be_rootProperty in class EventPage
$ Extension#classProperty in class Extension
Extension::clearOwner() — Method in class Extension
ExternalURLCheck::check() — Method in class ExternalURLCheck
$ FieldList#containerFieldProperty in class FieldList
FieldList::collateDataFields() — Method in class FieldList
FieldList::changeFieldOrder() — Method in class FieldList

Change the order of fields in this FieldList by specifying an ordered list of field names.

$ File#castingProperty in class File
$ File#cache_file_fieldsProperty in class File

Cached result of a "SHOW FIELDS" call in instance_get() for performance reasons.

$ File#class_for_file_extensionProperty in class File
File::canView() — Method in class File
File::canEdit() — Method in class File

Returns true if the following conditions are met:

  • CMS_ACCESS_AssetAdmin
File::canCreate() — Method in class File
File::canDelete() — Method in class File
File::CMSThumbnail() — Method in class File
File::collateDescendants() — Method in class File

Collate selected descendants of this page.

$ FileAccessibilityAndValidationCheck#checkTypeProperty in class FileAccessibilityAndValidationCheck

Constant, check for a single file to match age criteria, or all of them.

FileAccessibilityAndValidationCheck::check() — Method in class FileAccessibilityAndValidationCheck
$ FileAgeCheck#checkFnProperty in class FileAgeCheck

The function to use for checking file age: so filemtime(), filectime(), or fileatime().

$ FileAgeCheck#checkTypeProperty in class FileAgeCheck

Constant, check for a single file to match age criteria, or all of them.

$ FileAgeCheck#compareOperandProperty in class FileAgeCheck

Type of comparison (either > or <).

FileAgeCheck::check() — Method in class FileAgeCheck
FileSubsites::canEdit() — Method in class FileSubsites
FileSubsites::cacheKeyComponent() — Method in class FileSubsites

Return a piece of text to keep DataObject cache keys appropriately specific

$ FileTextExtractable#castingProperty in class FileTextExtractable
FileWriteableCheck::check() — Method in class FileWriteableCheck
$ Filesystem#cache_folderModTimeProperty in class Filesystem
$ FixtureBlueprint#classProperty in class FixtureBlueprint
$ FixtureBlueprint#callbacksProperty in class FixtureBlueprint
FixtureBlueprint::createObject() — Method in class FixtureBlueprint
FixtureFactory::createObject() — Method in class FixtureFactory

Writes the fixture into the database using DataObjects

FixtureFactory::createRaw() — Method in class FixtureFactory

Writes the fixture into the database directly using a database manipulation.

FixtureFactory::clear() — Method in class FixtureFactory

Remove all fixtures previously defined through createObject() or createRaw(), both from the internal fixture mapping and the database.

Fluent::current_locale() — Method in class Fluent

Gets the current locale

FluentExtension::CurrentLocale() — Method in class FluentExtension

Current locale code

FluentFilteredExtension::canViewInLocale() — Method in class FluentFilteredExtension

Determine if this object is visible (or excluded) in the specified (or current) locale

FluentSiteTree::contentcontrollerInit() — Method in class FluentSiteTree

Ensure that the controller is correctly initialised

Folder::constructChild() — Method in class Folder

Construct a child of this Folder with the given name.

Folder::ChildFolders() — Method in class Folder

Get the children of this folder that are also folders.

Folder::CMSTreeClasses() — Method in class Folder
$ Form#controllerProperty in class Form
$ Form#current_actionProperty in class Form
Form::checkAccessAction() — Method in class Form
Form::checkFieldsForAction() — Method in class Form

Fields can have action to, let's check if anyone of the responds to $funcname them

Form::Controller() — Method in class Form

Returns this form's controller.

Form::clearMessage() — Method in class Form
Form::callfieldmethod() — Method in class Form

Call the given method on the given field.

Form::current_action() — Method in class Form

Return the current form action being called, if available.

FormEncodedDataFormatter::convertStringToArray() — Method in class FormEncodedDataFormatter
$ FormField#containerFieldListProperty in class FormField

Stores a reference to the FieldList that contains this object.

$ FormField#customValidationMessageProperty in class FormField

Custom validation message for the field.

$ FormField#castingProperty in class FormField
FormField::create_tag() — Method in class FormField

Construct and return HTML tag.

FormField::createTag() — Method in class FormField
FormField::castedCopy() — Method in class FormField

Returns another instance of this field, but "cast" to a different class. The logic tries to retain all of the instance properties, and may be overloaded by subclasses to set additional ones.

FormField::canSubmitValue() — Method in class FormField

Determine if the value of this formfield accepts front-end submitted values and is saveable.

$ FrontEndWorkflowController#contextObjProperty in class FrontEndWorkflowController
$ FunctionalTest#cssParserProperty in class FunctionalTest

CSSContentParser for the most recently requested page.

FunctionalTest::content() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Return the most recent content

FunctionalTest::cssParser() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Return a CSSContentParser for the most recent content.

$ GDBackend#cacheProperty in class GDBackend
$ GDBackend#cacheKeyProperty in class GDBackend
GDBackend::checkAvailableMemory() — Method in class GDBackend

Check if we've got enough memory available for resampling this image. This check is rough, so it will not catch all images that are too large - it also won't work accurately on large, animated GIFs as bits per pixel can't be calculated for an animated GIF with a global color table.

GDBackend::croppedResize() — Method in class GDBackend

Resize an image to cover the given width/height completely, and crop off any overhanging edges.

GDBackend::crop() — Method in class GDBackend

Crop's part of image.

GDBackend::color_web2gd() — Method in class GDBackend
GenerateGoogleSitemapJob::completeJob() — Method in class GenerateGoogleSitemapJob

Outputs the completed file to the site's webroot

$ GridField#configProperty in class GridField
$ GridField#componentsProperty in class GridField

Components list.

$ GridField#columnDispatchProperty in class GridField

Internal dispatcher for column handlers.

$ GridField#customDataFieldsProperty in class GridField

Map of callbacks for custom data fields.

$ GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandler#contextProperty in class GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandler
$ GridFieldBulkActionHandler#componentProperty in class GridFieldBulkActionHandler

GridFieldBulkManager instance.

$ GridFieldBulkActionHandler#controllerProperty in class GridFieldBulkActionHandler

Current controller instance.

$ GridFieldBulkManager#configProperty in class GridFieldBulkManager

component configuration.

$ GridFieldBulkUpload#configProperty in class GridFieldBulkUpload

Component configuration.

$ GridFieldBulkUpload_Request#componentProperty in class GridFieldBulkUpload_Request

Bulk upload component.

$ GridFieldBulkUpload_Request#controllerProperty in class GridFieldBulkUpload_Request

Gridfield Form controller.

GridFieldBulkUpload_Request::contentTypeNegotiation() — Method in class GridFieldBulkUpload_Request

Sets response 'Content-Type' depending on browser capabilities e.g. IE needs text/plain for iframe transport https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload/issues/1795.

GridFieldCategorisationConfig::changeColumnOrder() — Method in class GridFieldCategorisationConfig

Reorders GridField columns so that Actions is last.

$ GridFieldConfig#componentsProperty in class GridFieldConfig
GridFieldDataColumns::castValue() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns

Casts a field to a string which is safe to insert into HTML

$ GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest#componentProperty in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
$ GridFieldExportButton#csvSeparatorProperty in class GridFieldExportButton
$ GridFieldExportButton#csvHasHeaderProperty in class GridFieldExportButton
GridFieldFilterHeader::checkDataType() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader

Check that this dataList is of the right data type.

GridFieldFilterHeader::columnToFilterField() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader
$ GridFieldLevelup#currentIDProperty in class GridFieldLevelup
$ GridFieldMergeAction#childMethodProperty in class GridFieldMergeAction

Relationship method to reference child (i.e BlogPosts).

GridFieldPaginator::checkDataType() — Method in class GridFieldPaginator

Check that this dataList is of the right data type.

$ GridFieldQueuedExportButton#csvSeparatorProperty in class GridFieldQueuedExportButton
$ GridFieldQueuedExportButton#csvHasHeaderProperty in class GridFieldQueuedExportButton
GridFieldQueuedExportButton::checkExport() — Method in class GridFieldQueuedExportButton

Handle the export, for both the action button and the URL

$ GridFieldRequestHandler#componentProperty in class GridFieldRequestHandler
GridFieldSortableHeader::checkDataType() — Method in class GridFieldSortableHeader

Check that this dataList is of the right data type.

$ GridFieldSortableRows#custom_relation_nameProperty in class GridFieldSortableRows
Group::collateFamilyIDs() — Method in class Group

Return a set of this record's "family" of IDs - the IDs of this record and all its descendants.

Group::collateAncestorIDs() — Method in class Group

Returns an array of the IDs of this group and all its parents

Group::cmsCleanup_parentChanged() — Method in class Group

This isn't a decendant of SiteTree, but needs this in case the group is "reorganised";

Group::canEdit() — Method in class Group

Checks for permission-code CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin.

Group::canView() — Method in class Group

Checks for permission-code CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin.

Group::canDelete() — Method in class Group
$ HTMLCleaner#configProperty in class HTMLCleaner
HTMLCleaner::cleanHTML() — Method in class HTMLCleaner

Passed a string, return HTML that has been tidied.

$ HTMLText#castingProperty in class HTMLText
$ HTTP#cache_ageProperty in class HTTP
$ HTTP#cache_ajax_requestsProperty in class HTTP
$ HTTP#cache_controlProperty in class HTTP

List of names to add to the Cache-Control header.

HTTP::combineVary() — Method in class HTTP

Combine vary strings

$ HasClassCheck#classNameProperty in class HasClassCheck
HasClassCheck::check() — Method in class HasClassCheck
HasFunctionCheck::check() — Method in class HasFunctionCheck
Hierarchy::Children() — Method in class Hierarchy

Get the children for this DataObject.

$ HtmlEditorConfig#configsProperty in class HtmlEditorConfig
$ HtmlEditorConfig#currentProperty in class HtmlEditorConfig
$ HtmlEditorField_Embed#castingProperty in class HtmlEditorField_Embed
$ HtmlEditorField_File#castingProperty in class HtmlEditorField_File
$ HtmlEditorField_Toolbar#controllerProperty in class HtmlEditorField_Toolbar
HunSpellProvider::checkWords() — Method in class HunSpellProvider

Spellchecks an array of words.

HybridSessionStore::close() — Method in class HybridSessionStore
$ HybridSessionStore_Cookie#cryptoProperty in class HybridSessionStore_Cookie

Encryption service

$ HybridSessionStore_Cookie#cookieProperty in class HybridSessionStore_Cookie

Name of cookie

$ HybridSessionStore_Cookie#currentCookieDataProperty in class HybridSessionStore_Cookie

Known unmodified value of this cookie. If the cookie backend has been read into the application, then the backend is unable to verify the modification state of this value internally within the system, so this will be left null unless written back.

HybridSessionStore_Cookie::close() — Method in class HybridSessionStore_Cookie
HybridSessionStore_Cookie::canWrite() — Method in class HybridSessionStore_Cookie

Determine if the session could be verifably written to cookie storage

HybridSessionStore_Database::close() — Method in class HybridSessionStore_Database
$ Image#castingProperty in class Image
$ Image#cms_thumbnail_widthProperty in class Image
$ Image#cms_thumbnail_heightProperty in class Image
Image::CropWidth() — Method in class Image

Crop image on X axis if it exceeds specified width. Retain height.

Image::CropHeight() — Method in class Image

Crop image on Y axis if it exceeds specified height. Retain width.

Image::CMSThumbnail() — Method in class Image

Resize this image for the CMS. Use in templates with $CMSThumbnail

Image::cacheFilename() — Method in class Image

Return the filename for the cached image, given its format name and arguments.

Image::CroppedImage() — Method in class Image

Generate a resized copy of this image with the given width & height, cropping to maintain aspect ratio.

Image_Backend::croppedResize() — Method in class Image_Backend
ImagickBackend::calculateAlphaHex() — Method in class ImagickBackend

Convert a percentage (or 'true') to a two char hex code to signifiy the level of an alpha channel

ImagickBackend::croppedResize() — Method in class ImagickBackend
ImagickBackend::crop() — Method in class ImagickBackend

Crop's part of image.

InjectionCreator::create() — Method in class InjectionCreator

Creates a new service instance.

$ Injector#configLocatorProperty in class Injector

Locator for determining Config properties for services

Injector::convertServiceProperty() — Method in class Injector

Recursively convert a value into its proper representation with service references resolved to actual objects

Injector::create() — Method in class Injector

Similar to get() but always returns a new object of the given type

Injector::createWithArgs() — Method in class Injector

Creates an object with the supplied argument array

JSONDataFormatter::convertDataObject() — Method in class JSONDataFormatter

Generate a JSON representation of the given DataObject.

JSONDataFormatter::convertDataObjectToJSONObject() — Method in class JSONDataFormatter

Internal function to do the conversion of a single data object. It builds an empty object and dynamically adds the properties it needs to it. If it's done as a nested array, json_encode or equivalent won't use JSON object notation { ... }.

JSONDataFormatter::convertDataObjectSet() — Method in class JSONDataFormatter

Generate a JSON representation of the given SS_List.

JSONDataFormatter::convertStringToArray() — Method in class JSONDataFormatter
JobErrorHandler::clear() — Method in class JobErrorHandler
KeyValueField::createSelectList() — Method in class KeyValueField
LDAPGateway::changePassword() — Method in class LDAPGateway

Changes user password via LDAP.

$ LDAPLoginForm#consistent_password_timesProperty in class LDAPLoginForm

Enables consistent handling times of password resets

LDAPLoginForm::consistentResponseTime() — Method in class LDAPLoginForm

Ensures response times are the same across all scenarios i.e. email exists or doesn't this helps to avoid issues where malicious users could find if an email is legitimate based on response time

$ LDAPMemberExtension#create_users_in_ldapProperty in class LDAPMemberExtension

If enabled, Member records with a Username field have the user created in LDAP on write.

LDAPSecurityController::ChangePasswordForm() — Method in class LDAPSecurityController

Factory method for the lost password form

LDAPService::createLDAPUser() — Method in class LDAPService

Creates a new LDAP user from the passed Member record.

LDAPService::createLDAPGroup() — Method in class LDAPService

Creates a new LDAP group from the passed Group record.

LeftAndMain::canView() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::Content() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::CanOrganiseSitetree() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::currentPageID() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Identifier for the currently shown record, in most cases a database ID. Inspects the following sources (in this order):

  • GET/POST parameter named 'ID'
  • URL parameter named 'ID'
  • Session value namespaced by classname, e.g. "CMSMain.currentPage"
LeftAndMain::currentPage() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Uses getRecord()} and {@link currentPageID() to get the currently selected record.

LeftAndMain::CMSVersion() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Return the version number of the core packages making up this application, using the SilverStripeVersionProvider.

LeftAndMainSubsites::CanAddSubsites() — Method in class LeftAndMainSubsites
LeftAndMainSubsites::canAccess() — Method in class LeftAndMainSubsites

Check if the current controller is accessible for this user on this subsite.

LeftAndMainSubsites::copytosubsite() — Method in class LeftAndMainSubsites
LinkChecker::checkLink() — Method in class LinkChecker

Determine the http status code for a given link

$ LiteralField#contentProperty in class LiteralField
ManifestCache::clear() — Method in class ManifestCache
ManifestCache_APC::clear() — Method in class ManifestCache_APC
ManifestCache_File::clear() — Method in class ManifestCache_File
ManyManyList::createDataObject() — Method in class ManyManyList

Create a DataObject from the given SQL row.

$ Member#castingProperty in class Member
Member::checkPassword() — Method in class Member

Check if the passed password matches the stored one (if the member is not locked out).

Member::canLogIn() — Method in class Member

Returns a valid ValidationResult if this member can currently log in, or an invalid one with error messages to display if the member is locked out.

Member::currentUser() — Method in class Member

Returns the current logged in user

Member::currentUserID() — Method in class Member

Get the ID of the current logged in user

Member::create_new_password() — Method in class Member
Member::canView() — Method in class Member

Users can view their own record.

Member::canEdit() — Method in class Member

Users can edit their own record.

Member::canDelete() — Method in class Member

Users can edit their own record.

Member::changePassword() — Method in class Member

Change password. This will cause rehashing according to the PasswordEncryption property.

MemberPassword::checkPassword() — Method in class MemberPassword

Check if the given password is the same as the one stored in this record.

$ MemberReportExtension#castingProperty in class MemberReportExtension

Set cast of additional fields

Member_GroupSet::canAddGroups() — Method in class Member_GroupSet

Determine if the following groups IDs can be added

$ Member_Validator#customRequiredProperty in class Member_Validator

Fields that are required by this validator

MigrateToDocumentSetsTask::createDefaultSet() — Method in class MigrateToDocumentSetsTask

Creates a default document set for any valid page that doesn't have one

MimeUploadValidator::compareMime() — Method in class MimeUploadValidator

Check two MIME types roughly match eachother.

ModelAsController::controller_for() — Method in class ModelAsController

Get the appropriate ContentController} for handling a {@link SiteTree object, link it to the object and return it.

$ Money#currencyProperty in class Money
$ Money#currencyLibProperty in class Money
$ Money#composite_dbProperty in class Money
Money::compositeDatabaseFields() — Method in class Money

Return array in the format of $composite_db.

MultiValueDropdownField::createSelectList() — Method in class MultiValueDropdownField
$ MultiValueField#changedProperty in class MultiValueField
$ MultiValueField#composite_dbProperty in class MultiValueField
MultiValueField::compositeDatabaseFields() — Method in class MultiValueField

Return array in the format of $composite_db.

MultiValueField::csv() — Method in class MultiValueField

Convert to a textual list of items

MultiValueTextField::createReadonlyInput() — Method in class MultiValueTextField
MultiValueTextField::createInput() — Method in class MultiValueTextField
MultipleArrayIterator::current() — Method in class MultipleArrayIterator
$ MySQLDatabase#connection_charsetProperty in class MySQLDatabase

Default connection charset (may be overridden in $databaseConfig)

MySQLDatabase::connect() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Instruct the database to generate a live connection

MySQLDatabase::comparisonClause() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Generate a WHERE clause for text matching.

MySQLDatabase::canLock() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Returns if the lock is available.

MySQLDatabase::clearTable() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Clear all data in a given table

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::createConnection() — Method in class MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Create a connection of the appropriate type

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::column() — Method in class MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Helper function to quickly extract a column from a mysqi_result

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::checkValidDatabaseName() — Method in class MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Determines if a given database name is a valid Silverstripe name.

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::checkDatabasePermissionGrant() — Method in class MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Checks if a specified grant proves that the current user has the specified permission on the specified database

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::checkDatabasePermission() — Method in class MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Checks if the current user has the specified permission on the specified database

MySQLSchemaManager::createTable() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Create a new table.

MySQLSchemaManager::checkAndRepairTable() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Checks a table's integrity and repairs it if necessary.

MySQLSchemaManager::createField() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Create a new field on a table.

MySQLSchemaManager::createDatabase() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Create a database with the specified name

MySQLSchemaManager::createIndex() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Create an index on a table.

$ MySQLStatement#columnsProperty in class MySQLStatement

List of column names

MySQLiConnector::connect() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Link this connector to the database given the specified parameters Will throw an exception rather than return a success state.

$ NewsPage#can_be_rootProperty in class NewsPage
NullSecurityToken::check() — Method in class NullSecurityToken
NullSecurityToken::checkRequest() — Method in class NullSecurityToken
NumericField::clean() — Method in class NumericField

In some cases and locales, validation expects non-breaking spaces.

$ Oembed_Result#castingProperty in class Oembed_Result
PDFTextExtractor::cleanupLigatures() — Method in class PDFTextExtractor

Removes utf-8 ligatures.

$ PDOConnector#cachedStatementsProperty in class PDOConnector

List of prepared statements, cached by SQL string

PDOConnector::connect() — Method in class PDOConnector

Link this connector to the database given the specified parameters Will throw an exception rather than return a success state.

PagesDueForReviewReport::columns() — Method in class PagesDueForReviewReport
PagesWithoutReviewScheduleReport::columns() — Method in class PagesWithoutReviewScheduleReport
PaginatedList::CurrentPage() — Method in class PaginatedList
PasswordEncryptor::create_for_algorithm() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor
PasswordEncryptor::check() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor

This usually just returns a strict string comparison, but is necessary for retain compatibility with password hashed with flawed algorithms - see PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash and PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish

$ PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish#costProperty in class PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish

Cost of encryption.

PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish::checkAEncryptionLevel() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish

The algorithm returned by using '$2a$' is not consistent - it might be either the correct (y), incorrect (x) or mostly-correct (a) version, depending on the version of PHP and the operating system, so we need to test it.

PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish::check() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish

This usually just returns a strict string comparison, but is necessary for retain compatibility with password hashed with flawed algorithms - see PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash and PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish

PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash::check() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash

This usually just returns a strict string comparison, but is necessary for retain compatibility with password hashed with flawed algorithms - see PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash and PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish

$ PasswordValidator#character_strength_testsProperty in class PasswordValidator
PasswordValidator::characterStrength() — Method in class PasswordValidator

Check the character strength of the password.

PasswordValidator::checkHistoricalPasswords() — Method in class PasswordValidator

Check a number of previous passwords that the user has used, and don't let them change to that.

$ Permission#cache_permissionsProperty in class Permission

Permissions cache. The format is a map, where the keys are member IDs, and the values are arrays of permission codes.

Permission::check() — Method in class Permission

Check that the current member has the given permission.

Permission::checkMember() — Method in class Permission

Check that the given member has the given permission.

PermissionRole::canView() — Method in class PermissionRole
PermissionRole::canCreate() — Method in class PermissionRole
PermissionRole::canEdit() — Method in class PermissionRole
PermissionRole::canDelete() — Method in class PermissionRole
PermissionRole::Codes() — Method in class PermissionRole

List of PermissionRoleCode objects

PermissionRoleCode::canCreate() — Method in class PermissionRoleCode
PermissionRoleCode::canEdit() — Method in class PermissionRoleCode
PermissionRoleCode::canDelete() — Method in class PermissionRoleCode
$ PhoneNumberField#countryCodeProperty in class PhoneNumberField
$ PhpUnitWrapper_Generic#coverageProperty in class PhpUnitWrapper_Generic
$ PjaxResponseNegotiator#callbacksProperty in class PjaxResponseNegotiator
$ PolymorphicForeignKey#classValueProperty in class PolymorphicForeignKey

Value of relation class

$ PolymorphicForeignKey#classname_spec_cacheProperty in class PolymorphicForeignKey

Field definition cache for compositeDatabaseFields

PolymorphicForeignKey::clear_classname_spec_cache() — Method in class PolymorphicForeignKey

Clear all cached classname specs. It's necessary to clear all cached subclassed names for any classes if a new class manifest is generated.

PolymorphicForeignKey::compositeDatabaseFields() — Method in class PolymorphicForeignKey

Return array in the format of $composite_db.

$ PolymorphicHasManyList#classForeignKeyProperty in class PolymorphicHasManyList

Name of foreign key field that references the class name of the relation

PopulateThemeSampleDataTask::createContactForm() — Method in class PopulateThemeSampleDataTask

Create a "contact us" userform. Please note that this form does not have any recipients by default, so no emails will be sent. To add recipients - edit the page in the CMS and add a recipient via the "Recipients" tab.

PostgreSQLConnector::connect() — Method in class PostgreSQLConnector

Link this connector to the database given the specified parameters Will throw an exception rather than return a success state.

PostgreSQLConnector::checkStringTogglesLiteral() — Method in class PostgreSQLConnector

Determines if the SQL fragment either breaks into or out of a string literal by counting single quotes

PostgreSQLDatabase::connect() — Method in class PostgreSQLDatabase

Instruct the database to generate a live connection

PostgreSQLDatabase::connectMaster() — Method in class PostgreSQLDatabase
PostgreSQLDatabase::connectDefault() — Method in class PostgreSQLDatabase
PostgreSQLDatabase::currentSchema() — Method in class PostgreSQLDatabase

Returns the name of the current schema in use

PostgreSQLDatabase::comparisonClause() — Method in class PostgreSQLDatabase

Generate a WHERE clause for text matching.

PostgreSQLDatabase::clearTable() — Method in class PostgreSQLDatabase

Delete all entries from the table instead of truncating it.

PostgreSQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::createConnection() — Method in class PostgreSQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Create a connection of the appropriate type

$ PostgreSQLSchemaManager#cached_constraintsProperty in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

This holds a copy of all the constraint results that are returned via the function constraintExists(). This is a bit faster than repeatedly querying this column, and should allow the database to use it's built-in caching features for better queries.

$ PostgreSQLSchemaManager#cached_fieldlistsProperty in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

This holds a copy of all the queries that run through the function fieldList() This is one of the most-often called functions, and repeats itself a great deal in the unit tests.

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::createPostgresDatabase() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Creates a postgres database, ignoring model_schema_as_database

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::createDatabase() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Create a database with the specified name

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::createSchema() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Creates a schema in the current database

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::createTable() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Create a new table.

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::checkAndRepairTable() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Checks a table's integrity and repairs it if necessary.

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::createField() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Create a new field on a table.

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::clearCachedFieldlist() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

This allows the cached values for a table's field list to be erased.

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::createIndex() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Create an index on a table.

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::constraintExists() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Find out what the constraint information is, given a constraint name.

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::createOrReplaceTablespace() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager
PostgreSQLSchemaManager::createOrReplacePartition() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager
PostgreSQLSchemaManager::createLanguage() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager
$ Profiler#cur_timerProperty in class Profiler
$ Profiler#countProperty in class Profiler
PublishItemWorkflowAction::canPublishTarget() — Method in class PublishItemWorkflowAction

Publish action allows a user who is currently assigned at this point of the workflow to

PurifierHTMLCleaner::cleanHTML() — Method in class PurifierHTMLCleaner

Passed a string, return HTML that has been tidied.

$ QueuedJobDescriptor#castingProperty in class QueuedJobDescriptor
QueuedJobDescriptor::cleanupJob() — Method in class QueuedJobDescriptor

Called when the job has completed and we want to cleanup anything the descriptor has lying around in caches or the like.

$ QueuedJobService#cache_dirProperty in class QueuedJobService

The location for immediate jobs to be stored in

QueuedJobService::copyJobToDescriptor() — Method in class QueuedJobService

Copies data from a job into a descriptor for persisting

QueuedJobService::copyDescriptorToJob() — Method in class QueuedJobService
QueuedJobService::checkJobHealth() — Method in class QueuedJobService

Runs an explicit check on all currently running jobs to make sure their "processed" count is incrementing between each run. If it's not, then we need to flag it as paused due to an error.

QueuedJobService::checkdefaultJobs() — Method in class QueuedJobService

Checks through all the scheduled jobs that are expected to exist

QueuedJobsAdmin::createjob() — Method in class QueuedJobsAdmin
Quicklink::canCreate() — Method in class Quicklink
Quicklink::canEdit() — Method in class Quicklink
Quicklink::canDelete() — Method in class Quicklink
Quicklink::canView() — Method in class Quicklink
$ RSSFeed#castingProperty in class RSSFeed

Casting information for this object's methods.

ReadonlyField::castingHelper() — Method in class ReadonlyField

This is a legacy fix to ensure that the dontEscape flag has an impact on readonly fields now that we've moved to casting template values more rigidly

RealMeService::current_realme_user() — Method in class RealMeService

Calls available user data and checks for validity

RealMeService::currentRealMeUser() — Method in class RealMeService

A helpful static method that follows silverstripe naming for Member::currentUser();

RealMeService::clearLogin() — Method in class RealMeService

Clear the RealMe credentials from Session, called during Security->logout() overrides

RealMeSiteTreeExtension::canView() — Method in class RealMeSiteTreeExtension

This function is an extension of the default SiteTree canView(), and allows viewing permissions for a SiteTree object which has allowed a page to be presented to logged in users. With RealMe a logged in user is a user which has authenticated with the identity provider, and we have stored a FLT in session.

RecentlyEditedReport::columns() — Method in class RecentlyEditedReport
RedirectorPage::ContentSource() — Method in class RedirectorPage

Returns this page if the redirect is external, otherwise returns the target page.

RedirectorPage_Controller::Content() — Method in class RedirectorPage_Controller

If we ever get this far, it means that the redirection failed.

RegistryAdmin::canView() — Method in class RegistryAdmin
$ RegistryImportFeed_Entry#castingProperty in class RegistryImportFeed_Entry
RegistryPage_Controller::Columns() — Method in class RegistryPage_Controller
ReportAdmin::canView() — Method in class ReportAdmin

Does the parent permission checks, but also makes sure that instantiatable subclasses of Report exist. By default, the CMS doesn't include any Reports, so there's no point in showing

RequestHandler::checkAccessAction() — Method in class RequestHandler

Check that the given action is allowed to be called from a URL.

Requirements::customScript() — Method in class Requirements

Register the given JavaScript code into the list of requirements

Requirements::customCSS() — Method in class Requirements

Register the given CSS styles into the list of requirements

Requirements::css() — Method in class Requirements

Register the given stylesheet into the list of requirements.

Requirements::clear() — Method in class Requirements

Clear either a single or all requirements

Requirements::combine_files() — Method in class Requirements

Concatenate several css or javascript files into a single dynamically generated file. This increases performance by fewer HTTP requests.

Requirements::clear_combined_files() — Method in class Requirements

Re-sets the combined files definition. See Requirements_Backend::clear_combined_files()

$ Requirements_Backend#combined_files_enabledProperty in class Requirements_Backend

Whether to combine CSS and JavaScript files

$ Requirements_Backend#cssProperty in class Requirements_Backend

Paths to all required CSS files relative to the docroot.

$ Requirements_Backend#customScriptProperty in class Requirements_Backend

All custom javascript code that is inserted into the page's HTML

$ Requirements_Backend#customCSSProperty in class Requirements_Backend

All custom CSS rules which are inserted directly at the bottom of the HTML tag

$ Requirements_Backend#customHeadTagsProperty in class Requirements_Backend

All custom HTML markup which is added before the closing tag, e.g. additional metatags.

$ Requirements_Backend#combine_filesProperty in class Requirements_Backend

A list of combined files registered via combine_files(). Keys are the output file names, values are lists of input files.

$ Requirements_Backend#combine_js_with_jsminProperty in class Requirements_Backend

Use the JSMin library to minify any javascript file passed to combine_files().

$ Requirements_Backend#combinedFilesFolderProperty in class Requirements_Backend

Where to save combined files. By default they're placed in assets/_combinedfiles, however this may be an issue depending on your setup, especially for CSS files which often contain relative paths.

Requirements_Backend::customScript() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Register the given JavaScript code into the list of requirements

Requirements_Backend::customCSS() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Register the given CSS styles into the list of requirements

Requirements_Backend::css() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Register the given stylesheet into the list of requirements.

Requirements_Backend::clear() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Clear either a single or all requirements

Requirements_Backend::combine_files() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Concatenate several css or javascript files into a single dynamically generated file. This increases performance by fewer HTTP requests.

Requirements_Backend::clear_combined_files() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Clear all registered CSS and JavaScript file combinations

$ RestfulService#checkErrorsProperty in class RestfulService
$ RestfulService#cache_expireProperty in class RestfulService
$ RestfulService#customHeadersProperty in class RestfulService
RestfulService::constructURL() — Method in class RestfulService
RestfulService::curlRequest() — Method in class RestfulService

Actually performs a remote service request using curl. This is used by RestfulService::request().

$ RestfulService_Response#cachedResponseProperty in class RestfulService_Response
$ RichLinksExtension#castingProperty in class RichLinksExtension
$ RootURLController#cached_homepage_linkProperty in class RootURLController
$ SAMLMemberExtension#claims_field_mappingsProperty in class SAMLMemberExtension

These are used by SAMLController to map specific IdP claim rules to Member fields. Availability of these claim rules are defined on the IdP.

SMTPConnectCheck::check() — Method in class SMTPConnectCheck
SQLAssignmentRow::clear() — Method in class SQLAssignmentRow

Clears all assignment values

SQLConditionGroup::conditionSQL() — Method in class SQLConditionGroup

Determines the resulting SQL along with parameters for the group

$ SQLConditionalExpression#connectiveProperty in class SQLConditionalExpression

The logical connective used to join WHERE clauses. Defaults to AND.

SQLDelete::create() — Method in class SQLDelete

Construct a new SQLDelete.

SQLExpression::copyTo() — Method in class SQLExpression

Copies the query parameters contained in this object to another SQLExpression

SQLInsert::create() — Method in class SQLInsert

Construct a new SQLInsert object

SQLInsert::currentRow() — Method in class SQLInsert

Returns the currently set row

SQLInsert::clearRow() — Method in class SQLInsert

Clears all currently set assigment values on the current row

SQLInsert::clear() — Method in class SQLInsert

Clears all rows

SQLQuery_ParameterInjector::checkStringTogglesLiteral() — Method in class SQLQuery_ParameterInjector

Determines if the SQL fragment either breaks into or out of a string literal by counting single quotes

SQLSelect::create() — Method in class SQLSelect

Construct a new SQLSelect.

SQLSelect::canSortBy() — Method in class SQLSelect

Returns true if this query can be sorted by the given field.

SQLSelect::count() — Method in class SQLSelect

Return the number of rows in this query, respecting limit and offset.

SQLUpdate::create() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Construct a new SQLUpdate object

SQLUpdate::clear() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Clears all currently set assigment values

SQLite3Connector::connect() — Method in class SQLite3Connector

Link this connector to the database given the specified parameters Will throw an exception rather than return a success state.

SQLite3Database::connect() — Method in class SQLite3Database

Connect to a SQLite3 database.

SQLite3Database::clearTable() — Method in class SQLite3Database

Clear all data in a given table

SQLite3Database::comparisonClause() — Method in class SQLite3Database

Generate a WHERE clause for text matching.

$ SQLite3SchemaManager#checked_and_repairedProperty in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Flag indicating whether or not the database has been checked and repaired

SQLite3SchemaManager::createDatabase() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Create a database with the specified name

SQLite3SchemaManager::clearTable() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Empty a specific table

SQLite3SchemaManager::createTable() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Create a new table.

SQLite3SchemaManager::checkAndRepairTable() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Checks a table's integrity and repairs it if necessary.

SQLite3SchemaManager::createField() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Create a new field on a table.

SQLite3SchemaManager::createIndex() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Create an index on a table.

SQLiteDatabaseConfigurationHelper::createConnection() — Method in class SQLiteDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Create a connection of the appropriate type

SQLiteDatabaseConfigurationHelper::create_db_dir() — Method in class SQLiteDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Creates the provided directory and prepares it for storing SQLlite. Use secure_db_dir() to secure it against unauthorized access.

$ SSTemplateParser#closedBlocksProperty in class SSTemplateParser

Stores the user-supplied closed block extension rules in the form: array( 'name' => function (&$res) {} ) See SSTemplateParser::ClosedBlock_Handle_Loop for an example of what the callable should look like

SSTemplateParser::construct() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

Override the function that constructs the result arrays to also prepare a 'php' item in the array

SSTemplateParser::CallArguments_Argument() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

Values are bare words in templates, but strings in PHP. We rely on PHP's type conversion to back-convert strings to numbers when needed.

SSTemplateParser::Comparison_Argument() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Comparison_ComparisonOperator() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheBlockArgument_DollarMarkedLookup() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheBlockArgument_QuotedString() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheBlockArgument_Lookup() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheBlockArguments_CacheBlockArgument() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheRestrictedTemplate_CacheBlock() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheRestrictedTemplate_UncachedBlock() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheBlock__construct() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheBlock_CacheBlockArguments() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheBlock_Condition() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheBlock_CacheBlock() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheBlock_UncachedBlock() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::CacheBlock_CacheBlockTemplate() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::ClosedBlock__construct() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

As mentioned in the parser comment, block handling is kept fairly generic for extensibility. The match rule builds up two important elements in the match result array: 'ArgumentCount' - how many arguments were passed in the opening tag 'Arguments' an array of the Argument match rule result arrays

SSTemplateParser::ClosedBlock_BlockArguments() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::ClosedBlock__finalise() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::ClosedBlock_Handle_Loop() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

This is an example of a block handler function. This one handles the loop tag.

SSTemplateParser::ClosedBlock_Handle_Control() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

The deprecated closed block handler for control blocks

SSTemplateParser::ClosedBlock_Handle_With() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

The closed block handler for with blocks

SSTemplateParser::Comment__construct() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::compileString() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

Compiles some passed template source code into the php code that will execute as per the template source.

SSTemplateParser::compileFile() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

Compiles some file that contains template source code, and returns the php code that will execute as per that source

$ SSViewer#cacheblock_cache_flushedProperty in class SSViewer
SSViewer::current_theme() — Method in class SSViewer
SSViewer::current_custom_theme() — Method in class SSViewer
SSViewer_DataPresenter::createCallableArray() — Method in class SSViewer_DataPresenter
$ SSViewer_FromString#cache_templateProperty in class SSViewer_FromString

The global template caching behaviour if no instance override is specified

$ SSViewer_FromString#contentProperty in class SSViewer_FromString

The template to use

$ SSViewer_FromString#cacheTemplateProperty in class SSViewer_FromString

Indicates whether templates should be cached

$ SS_Cache#cache_lifetimeProperty in class SS_Cache
SS_ClassLoader::classExists() — Method in class SS_ClassLoader

Returns true if a class or interface name exists in the manifest.

$ SS_ClassManifest#cacheProperty in class SS_ClassManifest
$ SS_ClassManifest#cacheKeyProperty in class SS_ClassManifest
$ SS_ClassManifest#classesProperty in class SS_ClassManifest
$ SS_ClassManifest#childrenProperty in class SS_ClassManifest
$ SS_ClassManifest#configsProperty in class SS_ClassManifest
$ SS_ClassManifest#configDirsProperty in class SS_ClassManifest
SS_ClassManifest::coalesceDescendants() — Method in class SS_ClassManifest

Recursively coalesces direct child information into full descendant information.

$ SS_ConfigManifest#configChangeCallbacksProperty in class SS_ConfigManifest
$ SS_ConfigStaticManifest#cacheProperty in class SS_ConfigStaticManifest
SS_DAG_Iterator::current() — Method in class SS_DAG_Iterator
$ SS_Database#connectorProperty in class SS_Database

Database connector object

SS_Database::clearAllData() — Method in class SS_Database

Clear all data out of the database

SS_Database::clearTable() — Method in class SS_Database

Clear all data in a given table

SS_Database::comparisonClause() — Method in class SS_Database

Generate a WHERE clause for text matching.

SS_Database::canLock() — Method in class SS_Database

Returns if the lock is available.

SS_Database::connect() — Method in class SS_Database

Instruct the database to generate a live connection

SS_Database::createDatabase() — Method in class SS_Database
SS_Database::createTable() — Method in class SS_Database
SS_Database::createField() — Method in class SS_Database
SS_Database::currentDatabase() — Method in class SS_Database
SS_Database::cancelSchemaUpdate() — Method in class SS_Database
SS_Datetime::clear_mock_now() — Method in class SS_Datetime

Clear any mocked date, which causes Now() to return the current system date.

SS_Filterable::canFilterBy() — Method in class SS_Filterable

Returns TRUE if the list can be filtered by a given field expression.

SS_List::column() — Method in class SS_List

Returns an array of a single field value for all items in the list.

SS_ListDecorator::Count() — Method in class SS_ListDecorator
SS_ListDecorator::column() — Method in class SS_ListDecorator

Returns an array of a single field value for all items in the list.

SS_ListDecorator::canSortBy() — Method in class SS_ListDecorator

Returns TRUE if the list can be sorted by a field.

SS_ListDecorator::canFilterBy() — Method in class SS_ListDecorator

Returns TRUE if the list can be filtered by a given field expression.

SS_Log::clear_writers() — Method in class SS_Log

Remove all writers currently in use.

$ SS_LogEmailWriter#customSmtpServerProperty in class SS_LogEmailWriter
SS_Map::count() — Method in class SS_Map

Returns the count of items in the list including the additional items set through SS_Map::push()} and {@link SS_Map::unshift.

SS_Map_Iterator::current() — Method in class SS_Map_Iterator

Return the current element.

$ SS_Object#classes_constructedProperty in class SS_Object
$ SS_Object#custom_classesProperty in class SS_Object
$ SS_Object#classProperty in class SS_Object
SS_Object::config() — Method in class SS_Object

Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).

SS_Object::create() — Method in class SS_Object

An implementation of the factory method, allows you to create an instance of a class

SS_Object::create_from_string() — Method in class SS_Object

Create an object from a string representation. It treats it as a PHP constructor without the 'new' keyword. It also manages to construct the object without the use of eval().

SS_Object::combined_static() — Method in class SS_Object
SS_Object::createMethod() — Method in class SS_Object

Add an extra method using raw PHP code passed as a string

SS_Object::cacheToFile() — Method in class SS_Object

Cache the results of an instance method in this object to a file, or if it is already cache return the cached results

SS_Object::clearCache() — Method in class SS_Object

Clears the cache for the given cacheToFile call

$ SS_Query#currentRecordProperty in class SS_Query

The current record in the interator.

SS_Query::column() — Method in class SS_Query

Return an array containing all the values from a specific column. If no column is set, then the first will be returned

SS_Query::current() — Method in class SS_Query

Iterator function implementation. Return the current item of the iterator.

SS_Report::canView() — Method in class SS_Report
SS_ReportWrapper::columns() — Method in class SS_ReportWrapper
SS_ReportWrapper::canView() — Method in class SS_ReportWrapper
SS_Sortable::canSortBy() — Method in class SS_Sortable

Returns TRUE if the list can be sorted by a field.

$ SS_TemplateManifest#cacheProperty in class SS_TemplateManifest
$ SS_TemplateManifest#cacheKeyProperty in class SS_TemplateManifest
SS_ZendLog::clearWriters() — Method in class SS_ZendLog

Clear all writers in this logger.

$ SapphireTest#cache_generatedMembersProperty in class SapphireTest

Cache for logInWithPermission()

SapphireTest::clearFixtures() — Method in class SapphireTest

Clear all fixtures which were previously loaded through loadFixture()

SapphireTest::clearEmails() — Method in class SapphireTest

Clear the log of emails sent

SapphireTest::create_temp_db() — Method in class SapphireTest
$ SapphireTestReporter#currentSuiteProperty in class SapphireTestReporter

Holds data of current suite that is been run

$ SapphireTestReporter#currentTestProperty in class SapphireTestReporter

Holds data of current test that is been run

$ SearchContext#connectiveProperty in class SearchContext

The logical connective used to join WHERE clauses. Defaults to AND.

SearchContext::clearEmptySearchFields() — Method in class SearchContext

Callback map function to filter fields with empty values from being included in the search expression.

$ SearchForm#classesToSearchProperty in class SearchForm

Classes to search

$ SearchForm#castingProperty in class SearchForm
SearchForm::classesToSearch() — Method in class SearchForm

Set the classes to search.

$ SearchIndex#class_delimiterProperty in class SearchIndex

Used to separate class name and relation name in the sources array this string must not be present in class name

$ SearchIndex#classesProperty in class SearchIndex

Public, but should only be altered by variants

SearchIndex::commit() — Method in class SearchIndex
SearchIndex_Null::commit() — Method in class SearchIndex_Null
$ SearchIndex_Recording#committedProperty in class SearchIndex_Recording
SearchIndex_Recording::commit() — Method in class SearchIndex_Recording
$ SearchQuery#classesProperty in class SearchQuery
$ SearchUpdateBatchedProcessor#currentBatchProperty in class SearchUpdateBatchedProcessor

Pointer to index of $batches assigned to $current.

$ SearchUpdateBatchedProcessor#completedIndexesProperty in class SearchUpdateBatchedProcessor

List of indexes successfully comitted in the current batch

$ SearchUpdateCommitJobProcessor#commit_queueProperty in class SearchUpdateCommitJobProcessor

The QueuedJob queue to use when processing commits

$ SearchUpdateCommitJobProcessor#completedProperty in class SearchUpdateCommitJobProcessor

List of completed indexes

$ SearchUpdateCommitJobProcessor#cooldownProperty in class SearchUpdateCommitJobProcessor

If solrindex::commit has already been performed, but additional commits are necessary, how long do we wait before attempting to touch the index again?

SearchUpdateCommitJobProcessor::commitIndex() — Method in class SearchUpdateCommitJobProcessor

Commits a specific index

SearchUpdateProcessor::commitIndex() — Method in class SearchUpdateProcessor

Commits the specified index to the Solr service

SearchUpdater::clear_dirty_indexes() — Method in class SearchUpdater

Throw away the recorded dirty IDs without doing anything with them.

$ SearchVariant#class_variantsProperty in class SearchVariant

Holds a cache of the variants keyed by "class!" "1"? (1 = include subclasses)

$ SearchVariant#call_instancesProperty in class SearchVariant

Holds a cache of SearchVariant_Caller instances, one for each class/includeSubclasses setting

SearchVariant::currentState() — Method in class SearchVariant

Return the current state

SearchVariant::call() — Method in class SearchVariant

A shortcut to with when calling without passing in a class,

SearchVariant::current_state() — Method in class SearchVariant

Get the current state of every variant

SearchVariantSiteTreeSubsitesPolyhome::currentState() — Method in class SearchVariantSiteTreeSubsitesPolyhome

Return the current state

SearchVariantSubsites::currentState() — Method in class SearchVariantSubsites

Return the current state

SearchVariantVersioned::currentState() — Method in class SearchVariantVersioned

Return the current state

SearchVariant_Caller::call() — Method in class SearchVariant_Caller
$ SecureFileController#content_dispositionProperty in class SecureFileController
SecureFileController::canDownloadFile() — Method in class SecureFileController
$ SecureFileExtension#current_access_configProperty in class SecureFileExtension
SecureFileExtension::canView() — Method in class SecureFileExtension
Security::changepassword() — Method in class Security

Show the "change password" page.

Security::ChangePasswordForm() — Method in class Security

Factory method for the lost password form

Security::clear_default_admin() — Method in class Security

Flush the default admin credentials

Security::check_default_admin() — Method in class Security

Checks if the passed credentials are matching the default-admin.

SecurityAdmin::clear_hidden_permissions() — Method in class SecurityAdmin

Clear all permissions previously hidden with add_hidden_permission

$ SecurityAlertCheckJob#checkTaskProperty in class SecurityAlertCheckJob
SecurityToken::check() — Method in class SecurityToken

Checks for an existing CSRF token in the current users session.

SecurityToken::checkRequest() — Method in class SecurityToken

See check().

$ SelectUploadField#castingProperty in class SelectUploadField
SelectUploadField::canSelectFolder() — Method in class SelectUploadField

Determine if the current member is allowed to change the folder

$ Session#cookie_domainProperty in class Session
$ Session#cookie_pathProperty in class Session
$ Session#cookie_secureProperty in class Session
$ Session#changedDataProperty in class Session
Session::clear() — Method in class Session

Clear a given session key, value pair.

Session::clear_all() — Method in class Session

Clear all the values

Session::current_session() — Method in class Session
SessionHandlerInterface::close() — Method in class SessionHandlerInterface
$ ShareDraftController#controllerProperty in class ShareDraftController

Controller for rendering draft pages.

ShortcodeParser::clear() — Method in class ShortcodeParser

Remove all registered shortcodes.

ShortcodeParser::callShortcode() — Method in class ShortcodeParser

Call a shortcode and return its replacement text Returns false if the shortcode isn't registered

$ SideReportView#controllerProperty in class SideReportView
SideReportWrapper::columns() — Method in class SideReportWrapper
SilverStripeInjectionCreator::create() — Method in class SilverStripeInjectionCreator

Creates a new service instance.

SilverStripeNavigatorItem::canView() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem

Filters items based on member permissions or other criteria, such as if a state is generally available for the current record.

SilverStripeNavigatorItem_ArchiveLink::canView() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_ArchiveLink

Filters items based on member permissions or other criteria, such as if a state is generally available for the current record.

SilverStripeNavigatorItem_CMSLink::canView() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_CMSLink

Filters items based on member permissions or other criteria, such as if a state is generally available for the current record.

SilverStripeNavigatorItem_LiveLink::canView() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_LiveLink

Filters items based on member permissions or other criteria, such as if a state is generally available for the current record.

SilverStripeNavigatorItem_StageLink::canView() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_StageLink

Filters items based on member permissions or other criteria, such as if a state is generally available for the current record.

$ SilverStripeServiceConfigurationLocator#configsProperty in class SilverStripeServiceConfigurationLocator

List of Injector configurations cached from Config in class => config format.

SilverStripeServiceConfigurationLocator::configFor() — Method in class SilverStripeServiceConfigurationLocator

Retrieves the config for a named service without performing a hierarchy walk

AuditFactory::create() — Method in class AuditFactory

Creates a new service instance.

CoreInitializationPassClass in namespace SilverStripe\BehatExtension\Compiler

Loads SilverStripe core. Required to initialize autoloading.

BasicContext::closeModalDialog() — Method in class BasicContext

Close modal dialog if test scenario fails on CMS page

BasicContext::cleanAssetsAfterScenario() — Method in class BasicContext

Delete any created files and folders from assets directory

BasicContext::castRelativeToAbsoluteTime() — Method in class BasicContext

Transforms relative time statements compatible with strtotime().

BasicContext::castRelativeToAbsoluteDatetime() — Method in class BasicContext

Transforms relative date and time statements compatible with strtotime().

BasicContext::castRelativeToAbsoluteDate() — Method in class BasicContext

Transforms relative date statements compatible with strtotime().

$ FixtureContext#contextProperty in class FixtureContext
$ FixtureContext#createdFilesPathsProperty in class FixtureContext
$ FixtureContext#createdAssetsProperty in class FixtureContext
FixtureContext::convertTypeToClass() — Method in class FixtureContext

Converts a natural language class description to an actual class name.

FixtureContext::convertFields() — Method in class FixtureContext

Updates an object with values, resolving aliases set through DataObject->fieldLabels().

SilverStripeContext::canIntercept() — Method in class SilverStripeContext
SilverStripeContext::clickLink() — Method in class SilverStripeContext

Overwritten to click the first visable link the DOM.

$ ModuleInitialisationController#containerProperty in class ModuleInitialisationController
ModuleInitialisationController::configure() — Method in class ModuleInitialisationController
$ ModuleSuiteLocator#containerProperty in class ModuleSuiteLocator
ModuleSuiteLocator::configure() — Method in class ModuleSuiteLocator

Configures command to be able to process it later.

Extension::configure() — Method in class Extension
TestMailer::clearEmails() — Method in class TestMailer

Clear the log of emails sent

CachedConfigCollectionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Config\Collections
$ CachedConfigCollection#cacheProperty in class CachedConfigCollection
$ CachedConfigCollection#collectionProperty in class CachedConfigCollection

Nested config to delegate to

$ CachedConfigCollection#collectionCreatorProperty in class CachedConfigCollection
CachedConfigCollection::create() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection
ConfigCollectionInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\Config\Collections

This represents a collection of config keys and values.

DeltaConfigCollection::createFromCollection() — Method in class DeltaConfigCollection

Create a delta collection from a parent collection

DeltaConfigCollection::clearDeltas() — Method in class DeltaConfigCollection

Remove all deltas for the given class and/or key combination

$ MemoryConfigCollection#configProperty in class MemoryConfigCollection

Stores a list of key/value config prior to middleware being applied

$ MemoryConfigCollection#callCacheProperty in class MemoryConfigCollection

Call cache for non-trivial config calls including middleware

MemoryConfigCollection::create() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection
MemoryConfigCollection::checkForDeprecatedConfig() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection
$ DeltaMiddleware#collectionProperty in class DeltaMiddleware

Source for deltas

MiddlewareAware::callMiddleware() — Method in class MiddlewareAware

Call middleware to get decorated class config

$ PrivateStaticTransformer#classesProperty in class PrivateStaticTransformer
YamlTransformer::create() — Method in class YamlTransformer
YamlTransformer::calculateDependencies() — Method in class YamlTransformer

This generates an array of all document depndencies, keyed by document name.

IPUtils::checkIP() — Method in class IPUtils

Checks if an IPv4 or IPv6 address is contained in the list of given IPs or subnets.

IPUtils::checkIP4() — Method in class IPUtils

Compares two IPv4 addresses.

IPUtils::checkIP6() — Method in class IPUtils

Compares two IPv6 addresses.

Factory::create() — Method in class Factory

Creates a new service instance.

ChangePasswordExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\Extension

Wraps the changepassword method in Security in order to allow MFA to be inserted into the flow when an AutoLoginHash is being used - that is when the user has clicked a reset password link in an email after using the "forgot password" functionality. When an "auto login" is not being used (a user is already logged in), it is existing functionality to ask a user for their password before allowing a change - so this flow does not require MFA.

MemberExtension::currentUserCanViewMFAConfig() — Method in class MemberExtension

Determines whether the logged in user has sufficient permission to see the MFA config for this Member.

MemberExtension::currentUserCanEditMFAConfig() — Method in class MemberExtension

Determines whether the logged in user has sufficient permission to modify the MFA config for this Member.

BaseHandlerTrait::createStore() — Method in class BaseHandlerTrait
RegistrationHandlerTrait::createStartRegistrationResponse() — Method in class RegistrationHandlerTrait

Create a response that can be consumed by a front-end for starting a registration

RegistrationHandlerTrait::completeRegistrationRequest() — Method in class RegistrationHandlerTrait

Complete a registration request, returning a result object with a message and context for the result of the registration attempt.

VerificationHandlerTrait::createStartVerificationResponse() — Method in class VerificationHandlerTrait

Create an HTTPResponse that provides information to the client side React MFA app to prompt the user to login with their configured MFA method

VerificationHandlerTrait::completeVerificationRequest() — Method in class VerificationHandlerTrait

Attempt to verify a login attempt provided by the given request

EnforcementManager::canSkipMFA() — Method in class EnforcementManager

Whether the provided member can skip the MFA registration process.

RegisteredMethodManager::canRemoveMethod() — Method in class RegisteredMethodManager

Determines if a method can be removed

$ BackupCode#codeProperty in class BackupCode
$ Result#contextProperty in class Result

Context provided by the handler returning this result

Result::create() — Method in class Result
SessionStore::clear() — Method in class SessionStore

Clear any stored values for the given request

StoreInterface::clear() — Method in class StoreInterface

Clear any stored state for the given request

$ Method#code_lengthProperty in class Method

The TOTP code length

CredentialRepositoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\WebAuthn

Implements the required interface from the WebAuthn library - but it does not implement the repository pattern in the usual way. This is expected to be stored on a DataObject for persistence. Use the

CredentialRepositoryProviderTraitClass in namespace SilverStripe\WebAuthn
SiteConfig::CMSEditLink() — Method in class SiteConfig
SiteConfig::current_site_config() — Method in class SiteConfig

Get the current sites SiteConfig, and creates a new one through make_site_config() if none is found.

SiteConfig::canView() — Method in class SiteConfig

Can a user view this SiteConfig instance?

SiteConfig::canViewPages() — Method in class SiteConfig

Can a user view pages on this site? This method is only called if a page is set to Inherit, but there is nothing to inherit from.

SiteConfig::canEditPages() — Method in class SiteConfig

Can a user edit pages on this site? This method is only called if a page is set to Inherit, but there is nothing to inherit from, or on new records without a parent.

SiteConfig::canEdit() — Method in class SiteConfig
SiteConfig::canCreateTopLevel() — Method in class SiteConfig

Can a user create pages in the root of this site?

SiteConfig::CreateTopLevelGroups() — Method in class SiteConfig

List of groups that can create root-level pages.

SiteConfigSubsites::cacheKeyComponent() — Method in class SiteConfigSubsites

Return a piece of text to keep DataObject cache keys appropriately specific

SiteSummary::columns() — Method in class SiteSummary

Provide column selection and formatting rules for the CMS report. You can extend data columns by extending Package::summary_fields, or you can extend this method to adjust the formatting rules, or to provide composite fields (such as Summary below) for the CMS report but not the CSV export.

$ SiteTree#can_be_rootProperty in class SiteTree

Controls whether a page can be in the root of the site tree.

$ SiteTree#castingProperty in class SiteTree
$ SiteTree#can_createProperty in class SiteTree

If this is false, the class cannot be created in the CMS by regular content authors, only by ADMINs.

$ SiteTree#create_default_pagesProperty in class SiteTree
$ SiteTree#cache_permissionsProperty in class SiteTree

Cache for canView/Edit/Publish/Delete permissions.

SiteTree::CMSEditLink() — Method in class SiteTree

Generates a link to edit this page in the CMS.

SiteTree::can() — Method in class SiteTree

This function should return true if the current user can execute this action. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application.

SiteTree::canAddChildren() — Method in class SiteTree

This function should return true if the current user can add children to this page. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application.

SiteTree::canView() — Method in class SiteTree

This function should return true if the current user can view this page. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application.

SiteTree::canDelete() — Method in class SiteTree

This function should return true if the current user can delete this page. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application.

SiteTree::canCreate() — Method in class SiteTree

This function should return true if the current user can create new pages of this class, regardless of class. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application.

SiteTree::canEdit() — Method in class SiteTree

This function should return true if the current user can edit this page. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application.

SiteTree::canPublish() — Method in class SiteTree

This function should return true if the current user can publish this page. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application.

SiteTree::canDeleteFromLive() — Method in class SiteTree
SiteTree::can_edit_multiple() — Method in class SiteTree

Get the 'can edit' information for a number of SiteTree pages.

SiteTree::can_delete_multiple() — Method in class SiteTree

Get the 'can edit' information for a number of SiteTree pages.

SiteTree::collateDescendants() — Method in class SiteTree

Collate selected descendants of this page.

SiteTree::ContentSource() — Method in class SiteTree

Returns the object that contains the content that a user would associate with this page.

SiteTree::canArchive() — Method in class SiteTree

Check if the current user is allowed to archive this page.

SiteTree::CMSTreeClasses() — Method in class SiteTree

Return the CSS classes to apply to this node in the CMS tree.

$ SiteTreeContentReview#ContentReviewTypeProperty in class SiteTreeContentReview
SiteTreeContentReview::ContentReviewOwners() — Method in class SiteTreeContentReview

Get all Members that are Content Owners to this page. This includes checking group hierarchy and adding any direct users.

SiteTreeContentReview::canBeReviewedBy() — Method in class SiteTreeContentReview

Check if a review is due by a member for this owner.

SiteTreeContentReview::ContentReviewGroups() — Method in class SiteTreeContentReview
SiteTreeContentReview::ContentReviewUsers() — Method in class SiteTreeContentReview
SiteTreeExtension::canAddChildren() — Method in class SiteTreeExtension

Hook called to determine if a user may add children to this SiteTree object

SiteTreeExtension::canPublish() — Method in class SiteTreeExtension

Hook called to determine if a user may publish this SiteTree object

SiteTreePublishingEngine::collectChanges() — Method in class SiteTreePublishingEngine

Collect all changes for the given context.

SiteTreePublishingEngine::convertUrlsToPathMap() — Method in class SiteTreePublishingEngine

Converts the array of urls into an array of paths.

SiteTreeSubsites::canEdit() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites

Only allow editing of a page if the member satisfies one of the following conditions:

  • Is in a group which has access to the subsite this page belongs to
  • Is in a group with edit permissions on the "main site"
SiteTreeSubsites::canDelete() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites
SiteTreeSubsites::canAddChildren() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites
SiteTreeSubsites::canPublish() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites
SiteTreeSubsites::contentcontrollerInit() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites

Called by ContentController::init();

SiteTreeSubsites::cacheKeyComponent() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites

Return a piece of text to keep DataObject cache keys appropriately specific

SiteTreeSubsites::canCreate() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites
SitewideContentReport::columns() — Method in class SitewideContentReport

Returns columns for the grid fields on this report.

Solr::configure_server() — Method in class Solr

Update the configuration for Solr. See $solr_options for a discussion of the accepted array keys

$ Solr3Service#core_classProperty in class Solr3Service
$ Solr4Service#core_classProperty in class Solr4Service
Solr4Service_Core::commit() — Method in class Solr4Service_Core

Replace underlying commit function to remove waitFlush in 4.0+, since it's been deprecated and 4.4 throws errors if you pass it

$ SolrIndex#copyFieldsProperty in class SolrIndex
$ SolrIndex#copy_fieldsProperty in class SolrIndex

List of copy fields all fulltext fields should be copied into.

SolrIndex::classIs() — Method in class SolrIndex

Determine if the given object is one of the given type

SolrIndex::canAdd() — Method in class SolrIndex
SolrIndex::clearObsoleteClasses() — Method in class SolrIndex

Clear all records which do not match the given classname whitelist.

SolrIndex::commit() — Method in class SolrIndex
SolrIndexCheck::check() — Method in class SolrIndexCheck
SolrReindexBase::clearRecords() — Method in class SolrReindexBase

Clear all records of the given class in the current state ONLY.

$ SolrReindexGroupQueuedJob#classProperty in class SolrReindexGroupQueuedJob

Single class name to index

SolrReindexQueuedHandler::cancelExistingJobs() — Method in class SolrReindexQueuedHandler

Cancel any cancellable jobs

$ SolrReindexQueuedJob#classesProperty in class SolrReindexQueuedJob

List of classes to filter

$ SolrService#core_classProperty in class SolrService
SolrService::coreCommand() — Method in class SolrService

Handle encoding the GET parameters and making the HTTP call to execute a core command

SolrService::coreIsActive() — Method in class SolrService

Is the passed core active?

SolrService::coreCreate() — Method in class SolrService

Create a new core

SolrService::coreReload() — Method in class SolrService

Reload a core

SpellProvider::checkWords() — Method in class SpellProvider

Spellchecks an array of words.

$ StaticPagesQueue#create_table_optionsProperty in class StaticPagesQueue
StaticPagesQueueEvent::clear() — Method in class StaticPagesQueueEvent

Remove all previous registered events and listeners

StaticPagesQueueHealthCheck::check() — Method in class StaticPagesQueueHealthCheck
StaticPagesQueueReport::columns() — Method in class StaticPagesQueueReport

Which columns to show in the report

$ StringField#castingProperty in class StringField
$ StringTagField#canCreateProperty in class StringTagField
SubmittedForm::canCreate() — Method in class SubmittedForm
SubmittedForm::canView() — Method in class SubmittedForm
SubmittedForm::canEdit() — Method in class SubmittedForm
SubmittedForm::canDelete() — Method in class SubmittedForm
SubmittedFormField::canCreate() — Method in class SubmittedFormField
SubmittedFormField::canView() — Method in class SubmittedFormField
SubmittedFormField::canEdit() — Method in class SubmittedFormField
SubmittedFormField::canDelete() — Method in class SubmittedFormField
$ Subsite#check_is_publicProperty in class Subsite
Subsite::currentSubsite() — Method in class Subsite

Gets the subsite currently set in the session.

Subsite::currentSubsiteID() — Method in class Subsite

This function gets the current subsite ID from the session. It used in the backend so Ajax requests use the correct subsite. The frontend handles subsites differently. It calls getSubsiteIDForDomain directly from ModelAsController::getNestedController. Only gets Subsite instances which have their IsPublic flag set to TRUE.

Subsite::changeSubsite() — Method in class Subsite

Switch to another subsite through storing the subsite identifier in the current PHP session.

Subsite::canEdit() — Method in class Subsite
Subsite::createDefaultPages() — Method in class Subsite

Automatically create default pages for new subsites

$ SubsiteDomain#castingProperty in class SubsiteDomain
$ SubsiteMemberReportExtension#castingProperty in class SubsiteMemberReportExtension

Set cast of additional field

SubsiteReportWrapper::columns() — Method in class SubsiteReportWrapper
$ SubsiteSecurityReport#columnsProperty in class SubsiteSecurityReport

Columns in the report

SubsiteXHRController::canView() — Method in class SubsiteXHRController

Relax the access permissions, so anyone who has access to any CMS subsite can access this controller.

SubsiteXHRController::canAccess() — Method in class SubsiteXHRController

Allow access if user allowed into the CMS at all.

TabularStyle::CellFields() — Method in class TabularStyle
TabularStyle::CellActions() — Method in class TabularStyle
TagCloudWidget::canCreate() — Method in class TagCloudWidget
$ TagField#canCreateProperty in class TagField
$ TaxonomyTerm#castingProperty in class TaxonomyTerm
TaxonomyTerm::canView() — Method in class TaxonomyTerm
TaxonomyTerm::canEdit() — Method in class TaxonomyTerm
TaxonomyTerm::canDelete() — Method in class TaxonomyTerm
TaxonomyTerm::canCreate() — Method in class TaxonomyTerm
TemplateParser::compileString() — Method in class TemplateParser

Compiles some passed template source code into the php code that will execute as per the template source.

TestMailer::clearEmails() — Method in class TestMailer

Clear the log of emails sent

$ TestRunner#coverage_filter_dirsProperty in class TestRunner
TestRunner::coverageAll() — Method in class TestRunner

Run a coverage test across all modules

TestRunner::coverageOnly() — Method in class TestRunner

Run only a single coverage test class or a comma-separated list of tests

TestRunner::coverageModule() — Method in class TestRunner

Run coverage tests for one or more "modules".

TestRunner::cleanupdb() — Method in class TestRunner
TestRunner::coverageSuite() — Method in class TestRunner

Give us some sweet code coverage reports for a particular suite.

$ TestSession#controllerProperty in class TestSession

Necessary to use the mock session created in session in the normal controller stack, e.g. to overwrite Member::currentUser() with custom login data.

TestSession::cssParser() — Method in class TestSession

Return a CSSContentParser containing the most recent response

$ Text#castingProperty in class Text
Text::ContextSummary() — Method in class Text

Perform context searching to give some context to searches, optionally highlighting the search term.

$ TextParser#contentProperty in class TextParser
$ TextareaField#castingProperty in class TextareaField

Value should be XML

$ TextareaField#colsProperty in class TextareaField

Visible number of text columns.

TidyHTMLCleaner::cleanHTML() — Method in class TidyHTMLCleaner

Passed a string, return HTML that has been tidied.

$ TikaServerTextExtractor#clientProperty in class TikaServerTextExtractor
$ TimeField#configProperty in class TimeField
TimeField::castedCopy() — Method in class TimeField

Returns another instance of this field, but "cast" to a different class. The logic tries to retain all of the instance properties, and may be overloaded by subclasses to set additional ones.

$ ToggleField#charNumProperty in class ToggleField
$ Translatable#current_localeProperty in class Translatable

The language in which we are reading dataobjects.

Translatable::choose_site_locale() — Method in class Translatable

Choose the language the site is currently on.

Translatable::contentcontrollerInit() — Method in class Translatable

Note: The bulk of logic is in ModelAsController->getNestedController() and ContentController->handleRequest()

Translatable::createTranslation() — Method in class Translatable

Creates a new translation for the owner object of this decorator.

Translatable::canTranslate() — Method in class Translatable

Caution: Does not consider the canEdit() permissions.

Translatable::canEdit() — Method in class Translatable
Translatable::current_lang() — Method in class Translatable
Translatable::choose_site_lang() — Method in class Translatable
Translatable::cacheKeyComponent() — Method in class Translatable

Return a piece of text to keep DataObject cache keys appropriately specific

TranslatableCMSMainExtension::createtranslation() — Method in class TranslatableCMSMainExtension

Create a new translation from an existing item, switch to this language and reload the tree.

$ TreeDropdownField#childrenMethodProperty in class TreeDropdownField
URLCheck::check() — Method in class URLCheck
UnpublishItemWorkflowAction::canPublishTarget() — Method in class UnpublishItemWorkflowAction
UnsavedRelationList::changeToList() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Save all the items in this list into the RelationList

UnsavedRelationList::canFilterBy() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Returns true if the given column can be used to filter the records.

UnsavedRelationList::canSortBy() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Returns true if the given column can be used to sort the records.

UnsavedRelationList::column() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Returns an array of a single field value for all items in the list.

$ UpdatePackageInfoTask#composerLoaderProperty in class UpdatePackageInfoTask
Upload::clearErrors() — Method in class Upload

Clear out all errors (mostly set by {loadUploaded()}) including the validator's errors

UploadField::canPreviewFolder() — Method in class UploadField

Determine if the target folder for new uploads in is visible the field UI.

UploadField::customiseFile() — Method in class UploadField

Customises a file with additional details suitable for rendering in the UploadField.ss template

UploadField::canUpload() — Method in class UploadField

Determine if the user has permission to upload.

UploadField::canAttachExisting() — Method in class UploadField

Determine if the user has permission to attach existing files By default returns true if the user has the CMS_ACCESS_AssetAdmin permission

UploadField::checkFileExists() — Method in class UploadField

Check if file exists, both checking filtered filename and exact filename

Upload_Validator::clearErrors() — Method in class Upload_Validator

Clear out all errors

$ UserDefinedForm#castingProperty in class UserDefinedForm
UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient::canCreate() — Method in class UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient

Return whether a user can create an object of this type

UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient::canView() — Method in class UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient
UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient::canEdit() — Method in class UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient
UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient::canDelete() — Method in class UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient
UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient::canSend() — Method in class UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient
$ UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipientCondition#condition_optionsProperty in class UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipientCondition

List of options

UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipientCondition::canCreate() — Method in class UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipientCondition

Return whether a user can create an object of this type

UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipientCondition::canView() — Method in class UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipientCondition
UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipientCondition::canEdit() — Method in class UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipientCondition
UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipientCondition::canDelete() — Method in class UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipientCondition
UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipientCondition::ConditionField() — Method in class UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipientCondition
UserFormFieldEditorExtension::createInitialFormStep() — Method in class UserFormFieldEditorExtension

A UserForm must have at least one step.

UserFormsFieldList::clearEmptySteps() — Method in class UserFormsFieldList

Remove all empty steps

$ UserFormsGridFieldFilterHeader#columnsProperty in class UserFormsGridFieldFilterHeader

A map of name => value of columns from all submissions

$ UserFormsStepField#castingProperty in class UserFormsStepField
$ UserSecurityReport#columnsProperty in class UserSecurityReport

Columns in the report

UserSecurityReport::columns() — Method in class UserSecurityReport

Returns the column names of the report

UserSecurityReport::canView() — Method in class UserSecurityReport

Restrict access to this report to users with security admin access

ValidationResult::codeList() — Method in class ValidationResult

Get an array of error codes

ValidationResult::combineAnd() — Method in class ValidationResult

Combine this Validation Result with the ValidationResult given in other.

$ Varchar#castingProperty in class Varchar
$ VersionFeed#changes_enabledProperty in class VersionFeed

Enables RSS feed for page-specific changes

$ VersionFeed#changes_limitProperty in class VersionFeed

Changes feed limit of items.

CachedContentFilterClass in namespace VersionFeed\Filters

Caches results of a callback

$ CachedContentFilter#cache_enabledProperty in class CachedContentFilter

Enable caching

ContentFilterClass in namespace VersionFeed\Filters

Conditionally executes a given callback, attempting to return the desired results of its execution.

$ ContentFilter#cache_lifetimeProperty in class ContentFilter

Cache lifetime

$ VersionFeed_Controller#contentFilterProperty in class VersionFeed_Controller

Content handler

VersionFeed_Controller::changes() — Method in class VersionFeed_Controller

Get page-specific changes in a RSS feed.

$ Versioned#cache_versionnumberProperty in class Versioned

A cache used by get_versionnumber_by_stage(). Clear through flushCache().

Versioned::canView() — Method in class Versioned

Extend permissions to include additional security for objects that are not published to live.

Versioned::canViewVersioned() — Method in class Versioned

Determine if there are any additional restrictions on this object for the given reading version.

Versioned::canViewStage() — Method in class Versioned

Determines canView permissions for the latest version of this object on a specific stage.

Versioned::canBeVersioned() — Method in class Versioned

Determine if a table supports the Versioned extensions (e.g. $table_versions does exists).

Versioned::compareVersions() — Method in class Versioned

Compare two version, and return the differences between them.

Versioned::can_choose_site_stage() — Method in class Versioned

Determine if the current user is able to set the given site stage / archive

Versioned::choose_site_stage() — Method in class Versioned

Choose the stage the site is currently on:

  • If $_GET['stage'] is set, then it will use that stage, and store it in the session.
Versioned::current_stage() — Method in class Versioned

Get the current reading stage.

Versioned::current_archived_date() — Method in class Versioned

Get the current archive date.

Versioned::cacheKeyComponent() — Method in class Versioned

Returns a piece of text to keep DataObject cache keys appropriately specific.

VersionedFileExtension::createVersion() — Method in class VersionedFileExtension

Creates a new file version and sets it as the current version.

$ VersionedFileUploadField#currentVersionFileProperty in class VersionedFileUploadField

The file to upload a new version of

$ ViewableData#castingProperty in class ViewableData

An array of objects to cast certain fields to. This is set up as an array in the format:

$ ViewableData#casting_cacheProperty in class ViewableData
$ ViewableData#customisedObjectProperty in class ViewableData
ViewableData::castingObjectCreator() — Method in class ViewableData

Converts a field spec into an object creator. For example: "Int" becomes "new Int($fieldName);" and "Varchar(50)" becomes "new Varchar($fieldName, 50);".

ViewableData::castingObjectCreatorPair() — Method in class ViewableData

Convert a field schema (e.g. "Varchar(50)") into a casting object creator array that contains both a className and castingHelper constructor code. See castingObjectCreator for more information about the constructor.

ViewableData::customise() — Method in class ViewableData

Merge some arbitrary data in with this object. This method returns a ViewableData_Customised instance with references to both this and the new custom data.

ViewableData::castingHelperPair() — Method in class ViewableData

Get the class a field on this object would be casted to, as well as the casting helper for casting a field to an object (see ViewableData::castingHelper() for information on casting helpers).

ViewableData::castingHelper() — Method in class ViewableData

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object.

ViewableData::castingClass() — Method in class ViewableData

Get the class name a field on this object will be casted to

ViewableData::cachedCall() — Method in class ViewableData

A simple wrapper around ViewableData::obj() that automatically caches the result so it can be used again without re-running the method.

ViewableData::CSSClasses() — Method in class ViewableData

Get part of the current classes ancestry to be used as a CSS class.

$ ViewableData_Customised#customisedProperty in class ViewableData_Customised
ViewableData_Customised::cachedCall() — Method in class ViewableData_Customised

A simple wrapper around ViewableData::obj() that automatically caches the result so it can be used again without re-running the method.

VirtualPage::CopyContentFrom() — Method in class VirtualPage
VirtualPage::ContentSource() — Method in class VirtualPage
VirtualPage::canPublish() — Method in class VirtualPage

We can only publish the page if there is a published source page

VirtualPage::canDeleteFromLive() — Method in class VirtualPage

Return true if we can delete this page from the live site, which is different from can we publish it.

VirtualPage::copyFrom() — Method in class VirtualPage

Ensure we have an up-to-date version of everything.

VirtualPage::CMSTreeClasses() — Method in class VirtualPage
VirtualPage::castingHelper() — Method in class VirtualPage

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object.

WebDAV::curl_init() — Method in class WebDAV
$ Widget#castingProperty in class Widget
$ Widget#cmsTitleProperty in class Widget
$ Widget#controllerProperty in class Widget
Widget::Content() — Method in class Widget

Renders the widget content in a custom template with the same name as the current class. This should be the main point of output customization.

Widget::CMSTitle() — Method in class Widget
Widget::CMSEditor() — Method in class Widget
Widget::ClassName() — Method in class Widget
WidgetController::Content() — Method in class WidgetController

Overloaded from Widget->Content() to allow for controller / form linking.

WildcardDomainField::checkHostname() — Method in class WildcardDomainField

Check if the given hostname is valid.

WorkflowAction::canEditTarget() — Method in class WorkflowAction

Can documents in the current workflow state be edited?

WorkflowAction::canViewTarget() — Method in class WorkflowAction

Does this action restrict viewing of the document?

WorkflowAction::canPublishTarget() — Method in class WorkflowAction

Does this action restrict the publishing of a document?

WorkflowAction::canCreate() — Method in class WorkflowAction

Allows users who have permission to create a WorkflowDefinition, to create actions on it too.

WorkflowAction::canEdit() — Method in class WorkflowAction
WorkflowAction::canDelete() — Method in class WorkflowAction
WorkflowAction::canAddTransition() — Method in class WorkflowAction
WorkflowActionInstance::canEditTarget() — Method in class WorkflowActionInstance

Can documents in the current workflow state be edited?

WorkflowActionInstance::canViewTarget() — Method in class WorkflowActionInstance

Does this action restrict viewing of the document?

WorkflowActionInstance::canPublishTarget() — Method in class WorkflowActionInstance

Does this action restrict the publishing of a document?

WorkflowActionInstance::canView() — Method in class WorkflowActionInstance
WorkflowActionInstance::canEdit() — Method in class WorkflowActionInstance
WorkflowActionInstance::canDelete() — Method in class WorkflowActionInstance
$ WorkflowApplicable#currentInstanceProperty in class WorkflowApplicable

A cache var for the current workflow instance

WorkflowApplicable::createActionMenu() — Method in class WorkflowApplicable
WorkflowApplicable::canPublish() — Method in class WorkflowApplicable

Content can never be directly publishable if there's a workflow applied.

WorkflowApplicable::canEdit() — Method in class WorkflowApplicable

Can only edit content that's NOT in another person's content changeset

WorkflowApplicable::canEditWorkflow() — Method in class WorkflowApplicable

Can a user edit the current workflow attached to this item?

WorkflowBulkLoader::createImport() — Method in class WorkflowBulkLoader

Create the ImportedWorkflowTemplate record for the uploaded YML file.

WorkflowDefinition::canCreate() — Method in class WorkflowDefinition
WorkflowDefinition::canView() — Method in class WorkflowDefinition
WorkflowDefinition::canEdit() — Method in class WorkflowDefinition
WorkflowDefinition::canDelete() — Method in class WorkflowDefinition
WorkflowEmbargoExpiryExtension::clearPublishJob() — Method in class WorkflowEmbargoExpiryExtension

Clears any existing publish job against this dataobject

WorkflowEmbargoExpiryExtension::clearUnPublishJob() — Method in class WorkflowEmbargoExpiryExtension

Clears any existing unpublish job

WorkflowField::CreateableActions() — Method in class WorkflowField
WorkflowInstance::checkTransitions() — Method in class WorkflowInstance

Evaluate all the transitions of an action and determine whether we should follow any of them yet.

WorkflowInstance::canView() — Method in class WorkflowInstance
WorkflowInstance::canEdit() — Method in class WorkflowInstance
WorkflowInstance::canDelete() — Method in class WorkflowInstance
WorkflowInstance::canEditTarget() — Method in class WorkflowInstance

Can documents in the current workflow state be edited?

WorkflowInstance::canViewTarget() — Method in class WorkflowInstance

Does this action restrict viewing of the document?

WorkflowInstance::canPublishTarget() — Method in class WorkflowInstance

Does this action restrict the publishing of a document?

WorkflowInstance::CurrentAction() — Method in class WorkflowInstance
WorkflowTemplate::createRelations() — Method in class WorkflowTemplate

Creates the relevant data objects for this structure, returning an array of actions in the order they've been created

WorkflowTemplate::createAction() — Method in class WorkflowTemplate

Create a workflow action based on a template

WorkflowTemplate::createUsers() — Method in class WorkflowTemplate

Create a WorkflowDefinition->Users relation based on template data. But only if the related groups from the export, can be foud in the target environment's DB.

WorkflowTemplate::createGroups() — Method in class WorkflowTemplate

Create a WorkflowDefinition->Groups relation based on template data, But only if the related groups from the export, can be foud in the target environment's DB.

WorkflowTransition::canExecute() — Method in class WorkflowTransition

Check if the current user can execute this transition

WorkflowTransition::canCreate() — Method in class WorkflowTransition

Allows users who have permission to create a WorkflowDefinition, to create actions on it too.

WorkflowTransition::canEdit() — Method in class WorkflowTransition
WorkflowTransition::canDelete() — Method in class WorkflowTransition
XMLDataFormatter::convertDataObject() — Method in class XMLDataFormatter

Generate an XML representation of the given DataObject.

XMLDataFormatter::convertDataObjectWithoutHeader() — Method in class XMLDataFormatter
XMLDataFormatter::convertDataObjectSet() — Method in class XMLDataFormatter

Generate an XML representation of the given SS_List.

XMLDataFormatter::convertStringToArray() — Method in class XMLDataFormatter
$ i18n#current_localeProperty in class i18n

This static variable is used to store the current defined locale.

$ i18n#common_languagesProperty in class i18n
$ i18n#common_localesProperty in class i18n
i18n::convert_rfc1766() — Method in class i18n

Gets a RFC 1766 compatible language code, e.g. "en-US".

i18nSSLegacyAdapter_Iterator::callGetChildren() — Method in class i18nSSLegacyAdapter_Iterator
i18nTextCollector::collect() — Method in class i18nTextCollector

Extract all strings from modules and return these grouped by module name

i18nTextCollector::collectFromCode() — Method in class i18nTextCollector

Extracts translatables from .php files.

i18nTextCollector::collectFromTemplate() — Method in class i18nTextCollector

Extracts translatables from .ss templates (Self referencing)

i18nTextCollector::collectFromEntityProviders() — Method in class i18nTextCollector

Allows classes which implement i18nEntityProvider to provide additional translation strings.

$ i18nTextCollector_Parser#currentEntityProperty in class i18nTextCollector_Parser


$ AWRequiredFields#dataProperty in class AWRequiredFields
$ AdminRootController#default_panelProperty in class AdminRootController
$ AdvancedWorkflowAdmin#dependenciesProperty in class AdvancedWorkflowAdmin
$ AkismetConfig#dbProperty in class AkismetConfig
$ ArchiveWidget#dbProperty in class ArchiveWidget
$ ArchiveWidget#DisplayModeProperty in class ArchiveWidget
ArrayList::dataClass() — Method in class ArrayList

Return the class of items in this list, by looking at the first item inside it.

ArrayList::debug() — Method in class ArrayList
AssetAdmin::delete() — Method in class AssetAdmin
AssetAdmin::doAdd() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Add a new group and return its details suitable for ajax.

AssetAdmin::doSync() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Can be queried with an ajax request to trigger the filesystem sync. It returns a FormResponse status message to display in the CMS

AssetAdmin::deleteunusedthumbnails() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Removes all unused thumbnails from the file store and returns the status of the process to the user.

$ AssignUsersToWorkflowAction#dbProperty in class AssignUsersToWorkflowAction
$ Authenticator#default_authenticatorProperty in class Authenticator

Used to influence the order of authenticators on the login-screen (default shows first).

BBCodeParser::disable_autolink_urls() — Method in class BBCodeParser
$ BaseElement#dbProperty in class BaseElement
$ BaseElement#disable_pretty_anchor_nameProperty in class BaseElement

Enable for backwards compatibility

$ BaseElement#default_global_elementsProperty in class BaseElement
BaseElementExtension::doUnpublish() — Method in class BaseElementExtension

Handles unpublishing as VersionedDataObjects doesn't Modelled on SiteTree::doUnpublish

$ BaseHomePage#dbProperty in class BaseHomePage
BasePage::doUnpublish() — Method in class BasePage

Remove linked pdf when unpublishing the page, so it's no longer valid.

BasePage::doRestoreToStage() — Method in class BasePage
BasePage_Controller::downloadpdf() — Method in class BasePage_Controller

Serve the page rendered as PDF.

$ Blog#dbProperty in class Blog
$ Blog#defaultsProperty in class Blog
$ Blog#descriptionProperty in class Blog
$ BlogArchiveWidget#descriptionProperty in class BlogArchiveWidget
$ BlogArchiveWidget#dbProperty in class BlogArchiveWidget
$ BlogArchiveWidget#defaultsProperty in class BlogArchiveWidget
$ BlogCategoriesWidget#descriptionProperty in class BlogCategoriesWidget
$ BlogCategoriesWidget#dbProperty in class BlogCategoriesWidget
$ BlogCategory#dbProperty in class BlogCategory
$ BlogEntry#dbProperty in class BlogEntry
$ BlogEntry#DateProperty in class BlogEntry
$ BlogHolder#dbProperty in class BlogHolder
$ BlogMemberExtension#dbProperty in class BlogMemberExtension
$ BlogMigrationTask#descriptionProperty in class BlogMigrationTask
BlogMigrationTask::down() — Method in class BlogMigrationTask
$ BlogPost#dbProperty in class BlogPost
$ BlogPost#defaultsProperty in class BlogPost
$ BlogPost#default_sortProperty in class BlogPost

The default sorting lists BlogPosts with an empty PublishDate at the top.

$ BlogRecentPostsWidget#descriptionProperty in class BlogRecentPostsWidget
$ BlogRecentPostsWidget#dbProperty in class BlogRecentPostsWidget
$ BlogTag#dbProperty in class BlogTag
$ BlogTagsCloudWidget#descriptionProperty in class BlogTagsCloudWidget
$ BlogTagsCloudWidget#dbProperty in class BlogTagsCloudWidget
$ BlogTagsWidget#descriptionProperty in class BlogTagsWidget
$ BlogTagsWidget#dbProperty in class BlogTagsWidget
$ BlogTree#dbProperty in class BlogTree
$ GridFieldDropdownFilter#defaultOptionProperty in class GridFieldDropdownFilter
$ GridFieldRefreshButton#dependenciesProperty in class GridFieldRefreshButton
$ SupportedAddonsLoader#dependenciesProperty in class SupportedAddonsLoader
SupportedAddonsLoader::doRequest() — Method in class SupportedAddonsLoader

Perform an HTTP request for supported addon names

$ CheckComposerUpdatesExtension#dependenciesProperty in class CheckComposerUpdatesExtension
$ ComposerUpdateExtension#dbProperty in class ComposerUpdateExtension
$ BrokenExternalLink#dbProperty in class BrokenExternalLink
$ BrokenExternalPageTrack#dbProperty in class BrokenExternalPageTrack
$ BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus#dbProperty in class BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus
$ BuildStaticCacheFromQueue#dependenciesProperty in class BuildStaticCacheFromQueue
$ BuildStaticCacheFromQueue#descriptionProperty in class BuildStaticCacheFromQueue
$ BuildStaticCacheFromQueue#daemonProperty in class BuildStaticCacheFromQueue

This tells us if the task is running in a daemon mode.

$ BuildStaticCacheSummary#dbProperty in class BuildStaticCacheSummary
$ BuildStaticCacheSummaryReport#dataClassProperty in class BuildStaticCacheSummaryReport
$ BuildTask#descriptionProperty in class BuildTask
$ BulkLoader#duplicateChecksProperty in class BulkLoader

Specifies how to determine duplicates based on one or more provided fields in the imported data, matching to properties on the used DataObject class.

$ BulkLoader#deleteExistingRecordsProperty in class BulkLoader
$ BulkLoader_Result#deletedProperty in class BulkLoader_Result
BulkLoader_Result::DeletedCount() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result
BulkLoader_Result::Deleted() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result
CMSMain::doSearch() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::deletefromlive() — Method in class CMSMain

Delete the page from live. This means a page in draft mode might still exist.

CMSMain::delete() — Method in class CMSMain

Delete the current page from draft stage.

CMSMain::doRollback() — Method in class CMSMain

Rolls a site back to a given version ID

CMSMain::duplicate() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::duplicatewithchildren() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMemberLoginForm::dologin() — Method in class CMSMemberLoginForm

Login form handler method

CMSPageAddController::doAdd() — Method in class CMSPageAddController
CMSPageAddController::doCancel() — Method in class CMSPageAddController
CMSPageHistoryController::doCompare() — Method in class CMSPageHistoryController

Process the VersionsForm compare function between two pages.

CMSPageHistoryController::doShowVersion() — Method in class CMSPageHistoryController

Process the VersionsForm show version function. Only requires one page to be selected.

$ CSVParser#delimiterProperty in class CSVParser

The character for separating columns.

$ CWPSiteConfigExtension#dbProperty in class CWPSiteConfigExtension
$ CarouselItem#dbProperty in class CarouselItem
ChangePasswordForm::doChangePassword() — Method in class ChangePasswordForm

Change the password

$ CheckExternalLinksTask#dependenciesProperty in class CheckExternalLinksTask
$ CheckExternalLinksTask#descriptionProperty in class CheckExternalLinksTask
CheckboxField::dataValue() — Method in class CheckboxField

Returns the field value suitable for insertion into the data object.

$ CheckboxSetField#defaultItemsProperty in class CheckboxSetField
CheckboxSetField::dataValue() — Method in class CheckboxSetField

Return the CheckboxSetField value as a string selected item keys.

ClassInfo::dataClassesFor() — Method in class ClassInfo

Returns an array of the current class and all its ancestors and children which require a DB table.

$ CleanImageManipulationCache#descriptionProperty in class CleanImageManipulationCache
$ CleanupGeneratedPdfBuildTask#descriptionProperty in class CleanupGeneratedPdfBuildTask
$ Comment#dbProperty in class Comment
$ Comment#default_sortProperty in class Comment
$ Comment#defaultsProperty in class Comment
$ Comment#DepthProperty in class Comment

Depth of this comment in the nested chain

Comment::DeleteLink() — Method in class Comment

Link to delete this comment

$ CommentNotifiable#default_notification_subjectProperty in class CommentNotifiable

Default subject line if the owner doesn't override it

$ CommentNotifiable#default_notification_senderProperty in class CommentNotifiable

Default sender

$ CommentNotifiable#default_notification_templateProperty in class CommentNotifiable

Default template to use for comment notifications

CommentingController::delete() — Method in class CommentingController

Deletes a given Comment via the URL.

CommentingController::doPostComment() — Method in class CommentingController

Process which creates a Comment once a user submits a comment from this form.

CommentingController::doPreviewComment() — Method in class CommentingController
$ CommentsExtension#dbProperty in class CommentsExtension
CompositeField::debug() — Method in class CompositeField
$ ContentController#dataRecordProperty in class ContentController
ContentController::data() — Method in class ContentController

Returns the associated database record

ContentController::deleteinstallfiles() — Method in class ContentController
$ ContentNegotiator#default_formatProperty in class ContentNegotiator
ContentNegotiator::disable() — Method in class ContentNegotiator

Disable content negotiation for all templates, not just those with the xml header.

ContentReviewCompatability::done() — Method in class ContentReviewCompatability
$ ContentReviewDefaultSettings#dbProperty in class ContentReviewDefaultSettings
$ ContentReviewDefaultSettings#defaultsProperty in class ContentReviewDefaultSettings
$ ContentReviewLog#dbProperty in class ContentReviewLog
$ ContentReviewLog#default_sortProperty in class ContentReviewLog
$ ContentWidget#dbProperty in class ContentWidget
$ ContentWidget#descriptionProperty in class ContentWidget
Controller::defaultAction() — Method in class Controller

This is the default action handler used if a method doesn't exist.

Controller::definingClassForAction() — Method in class Controller

Return the class that defines the given action, so that we know where to check allowed_actions.

Controller::disableBasicAuth() — Method in class Controller

Call this to disable site-wide basic authentication for a specific contoller.

$ ConvertTranslatableTask#descriptionProperty in class ConvertTranslatableTask
$ CountryDropdownField#default_to_localeProperty in class CountryDropdownField

Should we default the dropdown to the region determined from the user's locale?

$ CountryDropdownField#default_countryProperty in class CountryDropdownField

The region code to default to if default_to_locale is set to false, or we can't determine a region from a locale

CreditCardField::dataValue() — Method in class CreditCardField

Returns the field value suitable for insertion into the data object.

$ CronTaskStatus#dbProperty in class CronTaskStatus
$ CsvBulkLoader#delimiterProperty in class CsvBulkLoader

Delimiter character (Default: comma).

CurrencyField::dataValue() — Method in class CurrencyField

Overwrite the datavalue before saving to the db ;-) return 0.00 if no value, or value is non-numeric

$ CurrencyField_Disabled#disabledProperty in class CurrencyField_Disabled
$ CustomSiteConfig#dbProperty in class CustomSiteConfig
$ CwpSearchBoostExtension#dbProperty in class CwpSearchBoostExtension
$ CwpSearchIndex#dictionaryProperty in class CwpSearchIndex

Default dictionary to use. This will overwrite the 'spellcheck.dictionary' option for searches given, unless set to empty.

$ CwpSiteTreeExtension#dbProperty in class CwpSiteTreeExtension
$ CwpSiteTreeExtension#defaultsProperty in class CwpSiteTreeExtension
CwpStatsReport::description() — Method in class CwpStatsReport

Return the description of this report.

$ CwpThemeHelper#default_themesProperty in class CwpThemeHelper

Define the theme names that will have combined styles and scripts added - see DefaultThemeExtension

$ CwpThemeHelper#disable_editor_cssProperty in class CwpThemeHelper

Change this in user code to disable the agency extensions editor.css from being added to HtmlEditorConfig

DBClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Global database interface, complete with static methods.

DB::dont_require_table() — Method in class DB

If the given table exists, move it out of the way by renaming it to obsolete(tablename).

DB::dontRequireTable() — Method in class DB
DB::dont_require_field() — Method in class DB

See SS_Database->dontRequireField().

DB::dontRequireField() — Method in class DB
DBConnectorClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Represents an object responsible for wrapping DB connector api

$ DBConnector#ddl_operationsProperty in class DBConnector

List of operations to treat as DDL

DBConnector::databaseError() — Method in class DBConnector

Error handler for database errors.

DBFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Single field in the database.

$ DBField#default_search_filter_classProperty in class DBField

Subclass of SearchFilter} for usage in {@link defaultSearchFilter().

$ DBField#defaultValProperty in class DBField
DBField::defaultSearchFilter() — Method in class DBField
DBField::debug() — Method in class DBField
DBFloatClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Represents a floating point field.

DBIntClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Represents a signed 32 bit integer field.

DBLocaleClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Locale database field, mainly used in Translatable extension.

DBQueryBuilderClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Builds a SQL query string from a SQLExpression object

DBSchemaManagerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Represents and handles all schema management for a database

$ DBSchemaManager#databaseProperty in class DBSchemaManager

Instance of the database controller this schema belongs to

DBSchemaManager::doesSchemaNeedUpdating() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Returns true if schema modifications were requested during (but not after) schemaUpdate() call.

DBSchemaManager::dontRequireTable() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

If the given table exists, move it out of the way by renaming it to obsolete(tablename).

DBSchemaManager::determineIndexType() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Given an index spec determines the index type

DBSchemaManager::dontRequireField() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

If the given field exists, move it out of the way by renaming it to obsolete(fieldname).

DBSchemaManager::dbDataType() — Method in class DBSchemaManager
DBSchemaManager::databaseList() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Retrieves the list of all databases the user has access to

DBSchemaManager::databaseExists() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Determine if the database with the specified name exists

DBSchemaManager::dropDatabase() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Drops a database with the specified name

DMSClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DMSCartAbstractControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DMSCartBackendInterfaceClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Interface DMSCartBackendInterface represents the contract for a Session Backend

DMSCheckoutControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DMSCheckoutController::DMSDocumentRequestForm() — Method in class DMSCheckoutController

Gets and displays a list of items within the cart, as well as a contact form with entry fields for the recipients information.

DMSCheckoutController::doRequestSend() — Method in class DMSCheckoutController

Handles form submission.

DMSDocumentClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ DMSDocument#dbProperty in class DMSDocument
$ DMSDocument#display_fieldsProperty in class DMSDocument
$ DMSDocument#default_download_behaviourProperty in class DMSDocument
DMSDocument::delete() — Method in class DMSDocument

Deletes the DMSDocument and its underlying file. Also calls the parent DataObject's delete method in order to complete an cascade.

DMSDocumentAddControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DMSDocumentAddController::documentautocomplete() — Method in class DMSDocumentAddController
DMSDocumentAddController::documentlist() — Method in class DMSDocumentAddController

Returns HTML representing a list of documents that are associated with the given page ID, across all document sets.

DMSDocumentAddExistingFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DMSDocumentAdminClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DMSDocumentAdminExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DMSDocumentCartClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Class DMSDocumentCart represents the shopping cart.

DMSDocumentCartControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DMSDocumentCartController::deduct() — Method in class DMSDocumentCartController

Deduct quantity from an item that exists in DMSDocumentCart

DMSDocumentCartController::DMSCartEditForm() — Method in class DMSDocumentCartController

Gets and displays an editable list of items within the cart.

DMSDocumentCartExceptionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Simple exception extension so that we can tell the difference between internally raised exceptions and those thrown by DMS-Cart.

DMSDocumentCartExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Class DMSDocumentCartExtension

$ DMSDocumentCartExtension#dbProperty in class DMSDocumentCartExtension
DMSDocumentCartSubmissionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ DMSDocumentCartSubmission#dbProperty in class DMSDocumentCartSubmission
DMSDocumentCartSubmissionItemClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ DMSDocumentCartSubmissionItem#dbProperty in class DMSDocumentCartSubmissionItem
DMSDocumentInterfaceClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Interface for a DMSDocument used in the Document Management System. A DMSDocument is create by storing a File object in an instance of the DMSInterface. All write operations on the DMSDocument create a new relation, so we never need to explicitly call the write() method on the DMSDocument DataObject

DMSDocumentSetClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A document set is attached to Pages, and contains many DMSDocuments

$ DMSDocumentSet#dbProperty in class DMSDocumentSet
DMSDocumentTaxonomyExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DMSDocument_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DMSDocument_versionsClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

DataObject to store versions of uploaded Documents.

$ DMSDocument_versions#dbProperty in class DMSDocument_versions
$ DMSDocument_versions#defaultsProperty in class DMSDocument_versions
$ DMSDocument_versions#display_fieldsProperty in class DMSDocument_versions
$ DMSDocument_versions#default_sortProperty in class DMSDocument_versions
DMSDocument_versions::delete() — Method in class DMSDocument_versions

Delete this data object.

DMSGridFieldAddNewButtonClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ DMSGridFieldAddNewButton#documentSetIdProperty in class DMSGridFieldAddNewButton

The document set ID that the document should be attached to

DMSGridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequestClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Custom ItemRequest class the provides custom delete behaviour for the CMSFields of DMSDocument

DMSGridFieldEditButtonClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DMSInterfaceClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

When storing a document, the DMS sucks up the file and stores it separately from the assets section.

DMSJsonFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Combines form inputs into a key-value pair

DMSJsonField::dataValue() — Method in class DMSJsonField

Overrides parent behaviour to remove empty elements

DMSRequestItemClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Class DMSRequestItem wrapper which represents a DocumentCartItem

DMSSessionBackendClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Class DMSSessionBackend represents a Session-storage DMSDocumentCart backend

DMSShortcodeHandlerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Handles replacing dms_document_link shortcodes with links to the actual document.

DMSSiteTreeExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DMSTaxonomyTypeExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Creates default taxonomy type records if they don't exist already

DMSUploadFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Field for uploading files into a DMSDocument. Replacing the existing file.

DMSUploadField_ItemHandlerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DailyTaskClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Classes that must be run daily extend this class.

DataDifferencerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Utility class to render views of the differences between two data objects (or two versions of the same data object).

DataDifferencer::diffedData() — Method in class DataDifferencer

Get a DataObject with altered values replaced with HTML diff strings, incorporating and tags.

DataExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

An extension that adds additional functionality to a DataObject.

DataFormatterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A DataFormatter object handles transformation of data from SilverStripe model objects to a particular output format, and vice versa. This is most commonly used in developing RESTful APIs.

DataListClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Implements a "lazy loading" DataObjectSet.

$ DataList#dataClassProperty in class DataList

The DataObject class name that this data list is querying

$ DataList#dataQueryProperty in class DataList

The DataQuery object responsible for getting this DataList's records

DataList::dataClass() — Method in class DataList

Get the dataClass name for this DataList, ie the DataObject ClassName

DataList::dataQuery() — Method in class DataList

Return a copy of the internal DataQuery object

DataList::distinct() — Method in class DataList

Return a new DataList instance with distinct records or not

DataList::debug() — Method in class DataList
DataList::dbObject() — Method in class DataList
DataModelClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Representation of a DataModel - a collection of DataLists for each different data type.

DataObjectClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A single database record & abstract class for the data-access-model.

$ DataObject#destroyedProperty in class DataObject

True if this DataObject has been destroyed.

$ DataObject#dbProperty in class DataObject

Database field definitions.

$ DataObject#defaultsProperty in class DataObject

Inserts standard column-values when a DataObject is instanciated. Does not insert default records {$default_records}.

$ DataObject#default_recordsProperty in class DataObject

Multidimensional array which inserts default data into the database on a db/build-call as long as the database-table is empty. Please use this only for simple constructs, not for SiteTree-Objects etc. which need special behaviour such as publishing and ParentNodes.

$ DataObject#default_sortProperty in class DataObject

The default sort expression. This will be inserted in the ORDER BY clause of a SQL query if no other sort expression is provided.

DataObject::database_fields() — Method in class DataObject

Return the complete map of fields on this object, including "Created", "LastEdited" and "ClassName".

DataObject::destroy() — Method in class DataObject

Destroy all of this objects dependant objects and local caches.

DataObject::duplicate() — Method in class DataObject

Create a duplicate of this node.

DataObject::duplicateManyManyRelations() — Method in class DataObject

Copies the many_many and belongs_many_many relations from one object to another instance of the name of object The destinationObject must be written to the database already and have an ID. Writing is performed automatically when adding the new relations.

DataObject::defineMethods() — Method in class DataObject

Adds methods from the extensions.

DataObject::data() — Method in class DataObject

Returns the associated database record - in this case, the object itself.

DataObject::doValidate() — Method in class DataObject

Public accessor for {DataObject::validate()}

DataObject::delete() — Method in class DataObject

Delete this data object.

DataObject::delete_by_id() — Method in class DataObject

Delete the record with the given ID.

DataObject::db() — Method in class DataObject

Return all of the database fields defined in self::$db and all the parent classes.

DataObject::database_extensions() — Method in class DataObject

This returns an array (if it exists) describing the database extensions that are required, or false if none

DataObject::debug() — Method in class DataObject

Debugging used by Debug::show()

DataObject::dbObject() — Method in class DataObject

Return the DBField object that represents the given field.

DataObject::databaseIndexes() — Method in class DataObject

Return the database indexes on this table.

DataObject::defaultSearchFilters() — Method in class DataObject

Defines a default list of filters for the search context.

DataObject::disable_subclass_access() — Method in class DataObject

Temporarily disable subclass access in data object qeur

DataObjectInterfaceClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

DataObjectInterface is an interface that other data systems in your application can implement in order to behave in a manner similar to DataObject.

DataObjectInterface::delete() — Method in class DataObjectInterface

Remove this object from the database. Doesn't do anything if this object isn't in the database.

DataQueryClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

An object representing a query of data from the DataObject's supporting database.

$ DataQuery#dataClassProperty in class DataQuery
DataQuery::dataClass() — Method in class DataQuery

Return the DataObject class that is being queried.

DataQuery::disjunctiveGroup() — Method in class DataQuery

Create a disjunctive subgroup.

DataQuery::distinct() — Method in class DataQuery

Set whether this query should be distinct or not.

DataQuery_SubGroupClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Represents a subgroup inside a WHERE clause in a DataQuery

DatabaseAdapterRegistryClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This class keeps track of the available database adapters and provides a meaning of registering community built adapters in to the installer process.

$ DatabaseAdapterRegistry#default_fieldsProperty in class DatabaseAdapterRegistry

Default database connector registration fields

DatabaseAdminClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

DatabaseAdmin class

DatabaseAdmin::doBuild() — Method in class DatabaseAdmin

Updates the database schema, creating tables & fields as necessary.

DatabaseCheckClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Check that the connection to the database is working, by ensuring that the table exists and that the table contains some records.

DatabaseConfigurationHelperClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Interface for database helper classes.

DatalessFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Abstract class for all fields without data.

DateClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Represents a date field.

Date::Day() — Method in class Date

Returns the Full day, of the given date.

Date::DayOfMonth() — Method in class Date

Returns the day of the month.

Date::days_between() — Method in class Date
Date::day_before() — Method in class Date
DateFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Form field to display an editable date string, either in a single <input type="text"> field, or in three separate fields for day, month and year.

$ DateField#default_configProperty in class DateField
DateField::dataValue() — Method in class DateField
DateField_DisabledClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Disabled version of DateField.

$ DateField_Disabled#disabledProperty in class DateField_Disabled
DateField_View_JQueryClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Preliminary API to separate optional view properties like calendar popups from the actual datefield logic.

DatedUpdateHolderClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DatedUpdateHolder_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

The parameters apply in the following preference order:

  • Highest priority: Tag & date (or date range)
  • Month (and Year)
  • Pagination
DatedUpdateHolder_Controller::DateRangeForm() — Method in class DatedUpdateHolder_Controller
DatedUpdateHolder_Controller::doDateFilter() — Method in class DatedUpdateHolder_Controller
DatedUpdateHolder_Controller::doDateReset() — Method in class DatedUpdateHolder_Controller
DatedUpdatePageClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ DatedUpdatePage#defaultsProperty in class DatedUpdatePage
$ DatedUpdatePage#dbProperty in class DatedUpdatePage
DatedUpdatePage_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DatetimeFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A composite field for date and time entry, based on DateField} and {@link TimeField.

$ DatetimeField#dateFieldProperty in class DatetimeField
$ DatetimeField#default_configProperty in class DatetimeField
DatetimeField_ReadonlyClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

The readonly class for our DatetimeField.

DebugClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Supports debugging and core error handling.

Debug::dump() — Method in class Debug

Quick dump of a variable.

DebugBarClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A simple helper

$ DebugBar#debugbarProperty in class DebugBar
DebugBarControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A open handler controller for DebugBar

DebugBarControllerExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A controller extension to log times and render the Debug Bar

DebugBarDatabaseCollectorClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Collects data about SQL statements executed through the DatabaseProxy

$ DebugBarDatabaseCollector#dbProperty in class DebugBarDatabaseCollector
DebugBarDatabaseNewProxyClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A proxy database to log queries (compatible with 3.2+)

DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::datetimeDifferenceClause() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy

function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with the adapter in use used for querying a datetime substraction

DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::datetimeIntervalClause() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy

function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with the adapter in use used for querying a datetime addition

DebugBarLeftAndMainExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Description of DebugBarLeftAndMainExtension

DebugBarLogWriterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Custom writer for SS_Log

DebugBarRequestFilterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A request filter to log pre request time

DebugBarSilverStripeCollectorClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ DebugBarSilverStripeCollector#debugProperty in class DebugBarSilverStripeCollector
DebugBarTemplateParserProxyClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

The template parser proxy will monitor the templates that are used during a page request. Since the use of the template parser is behind cache checks, this will only execute during a cache flush.

DebugBarTimeDataCollectorClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DebugViewClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A basic HTML wrapper for stylish rendering of a developement info view.

DecimalClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Represents a Decimal field.

$ Decimal#decimalSizeProperty in class Decimal
$ Decimal#defaultValueProperty in class Decimal
DefaultQueueHandlerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Default method for handling items run via the cron

DefaultThemeExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This extension provides some extra requirements and functionality for the "default" CWP theme. It extends the BasePage_Controller.

DeleteAllJobsTaskClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

An administrative task to delete all queued jobs records from the database.

DeleteObjectJobClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A job used to delete a data object. Typically used for deletes that need to happen on a schedule, or where the delete may have some onflow affect that takes a while to finish the deletion.

DeprecationClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Handles raising an notice when accessing a deprecated method

Deprecation::dump_settings() — Method in class Deprecation

Method for when testing. Dump all the current version settings to a variable for later passing to restore

DevBuildControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DevCheckControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DevHealthControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DevelopmentAdminClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Base class for development tools.

DiffClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Class representing a 'diff' between two sequences of strings.

DirectorClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Director is responsible for processing URLs, and providing environment information.

$ Director#dev_serversProperty in class Director
Director::direct() — Method in class Director

Process the given URL, creating the appropriate controller and executing it.

DisabledTransformationClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Transformation that disables all the fields on the form.

DisambiguationSegmentFieldModifierClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DocumentConverterDecoratorClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DocumentHtmlEditorFieldToolbarClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Extends the original toolbar with document picking capability - modified lines are commented.

DocumentImportFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Provides a document import capability through the use of an external service.

DocumentImportIFrameField_ImporterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Utility class hiding the specifics of the document conversion process.

$ DocumentImportIFrameField_Importer#docvert_usernameProperty in class DocumentImportIFrameField_Importer
$ DocumentImportIFrameField_Importer#docvert_passwordProperty in class DocumentImportIFrameField_Importer
$ DocumentImportIFrameField_Importer#docvert_urlProperty in class DocumentImportIFrameField_Importer
DocumentImportInnerFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

DocumentImportInnerField is built on top of UploadField to access a document conversion capabilities. The original field is stripped down to allow only uploads from the user's computer, and triggers the conversion when the upload is completed.

DoormanProcessManagerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DoormanQueuedJobTaskClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ DoormanQueuedJobTask#descriptorProperty in class DoormanQueuedJobTask
DoormanRunnerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Runs all jobs through the doorman engine

$ DoormanRunner#defaultRulesProperty in class DoormanRunner
DoubleClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
DropdownFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Dropdown field, created from a select tag.

$ DropdownField#disabledItemsProperty in class DropdownField
DummyQueuedJobClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ EditableCheckbox#dbProperty in class EditableCheckbox
$ EditableCustomRule#dbProperty in class EditableCustomRule
EditableCustomRule::doPublish() — Method in class EditableCustomRule

Publish this custom rule to the live site

EditableCustomRule::doDeleteFromStage() — Method in class EditableCustomRule

Delete this custom rule from a given stage

$ EditableDateField#dbProperty in class EditableDateField
$ EditableDropdown#dbProperty in class EditableDropdown
$ EditableFileField#dbProperty in class EditableFileField
$ EditableFormField#default_sortProperty in class EditableFormField

Default sort order

$ EditableFormField#dbProperty in class EditableFormField
$ EditableFormField#defaultsProperty in class EditableFormField
$ EditableFormField#DefaultProperty in class EditableFormField
$ EditableFormField#DisplayRulesConjunctionProperty in class EditableFormField
EditableFormField::doPublish() — Method in class EditableFormField

Publish this Form Field to the live site

EditableFormField::doDeleteFromStage() — Method in class EditableFormField

Delete this field from a given stage

EditableFormField::doUpdateFormField() — Method in class EditableFormField

Updates a formfield with extensions

EditableFormField::DisplayRulesConjunctionNice() — Method in class EditableFormField

Replaces the set DisplayRulesConjunction with their JS logical operators

EditableFormField::DisplayRules() — Method in class EditableFormField

List of EditableCustomRule objects

$ EditableFormHeading#dbProperty in class EditableFormHeading
$ EditableFormHeading#defaultsProperty in class EditableFormHeading
$ EditableLiteralField#dbProperty in class EditableLiteralField
$ EditableLiteralField#defaultsProperty in class EditableLiteralField
EditableMultipleOptionField::doPublish() — Method in class EditableMultipleOptionField

Publishing Versioning support.

EditableMultipleOptionField::doDeleteFromStage() — Method in class EditableMultipleOptionField

Unpublishing Versioning support

EditableMultipleOptionField::delete() — Method in class EditableMultipleOptionField

Deletes all the options attached to this field before deleting the field. Keeps stray options from floating around

EditableMultipleOptionField::duplicate() — Method in class EditableMultipleOptionField

Duplicate a pages content. We need to make sure all the fields attached to that page go with it

$ EditableNumericField#dbProperty in class EditableNumericField
$ EditableOption#default_sortProperty in class EditableOption
$ EditableOption#dbProperty in class EditableOption
$ EditableSpamProtectionField#dbProperty in class EditableSpamProtectionField
$ EditableTextField#dbProperty in class EditableTextField
$ EditableTextField#defaultsProperty in class EditableTextField
$ ElementChildrenList#dbProperty in class ElementChildrenList
$ ElementContact#dbProperty in class ElementContact
$ ElementContent#dbProperty in class ElementContent
$ ElementContent#descriptionProperty in class ElementContent
$ ElementFile#dbProperty in class ElementFile
$ ElementImage#dbProperty in class ElementImage
$ ElementLink#dbProperty in class ElementLink
$ ElementLink#descriptionProperty in class ElementLink
$ ElementList#dbProperty in class ElementList
$ ElementList#duplicate_relationsProperty in class ElementList
$ ElementList#descriptionProperty in class ElementList
$ ElementPageExtension#disable_element_publish_buttonProperty in class ElementPageExtension
$ ElementPageExtension#dbProperty in class ElementPageExtension
$ ElementSocialIcons#dbProperty in class ElementSocialIcons
Email::debug() — Method in class Email

Get an HTML string for debugging purposes.

$ EnabledMembers#descriptionProperty in class EnabledMembers
$ EnabledMembers#dataClassProperty in class EnabledMembers
EnabledMembers::description() — Method in class EnabledMembers

Return the description of this report.

$ EncryptAllPasswordsTask#descriptionProperty in class EncryptAllPasswordsTask
EncryptAllPasswordsTask::debugMessage() — Method in class EncryptAllPasswordsTask
$ Enum#defaultProperty in class Enum
$ Enum#default_search_filter_classProperty in class Enum
$ EnvironmentCheckSuiteResult#detailsProperty in class EnvironmentCheckSuiteResult
EnvironmentCheckSuiteResult::Details() — Method in class EnvironmentCheckSuiteResult

Returns detailed status information about each check.

$ ErrorPage#dbProperty in class ErrorPage
$ ErrorPage#defaultsProperty in class ErrorPage
$ ErrorPage#descriptionProperty in class ErrorPage
ErrorPage::doPublish() — Method in class ErrorPage

When an error page is published, create a static HTML page with its content, so the page can be shown even when SilverStripe is not functioning correctly before publishing this page normally.

$ EventHolder#descriptionProperty in class EventHolder
$ EventHolder#default_childProperty in class EventHolder
$ EventPage#descriptionProperty in class EventPage
$ EventPage#default_parentProperty in class EventPage
$ EventPage#dbProperty in class EventPage
FieldList::dataFields() — Method in class FieldList

Return a sequential set of all fields that have data. This excludes wrapper composite fields as well as heading / help text fields.

FieldList::dataFieldByName() — Method in class FieldList

Returns a named field in a sequential set.

$ File#default_sortProperty in class File
$ File#dbProperty in class File
$ File#defaultsProperty in class File
File::deleteDatabaseOnly() — Method in class File

Delete the database record (recursively for folders) without touching the filesystem

File::DeleteLink() — Method in class File
$ FileNameFilter#default_use_transliteratorProperty in class FileNameFilter
$ FileNameFilter#default_replacementsProperty in class FileNameFilter
$ FileSubsites#default_root_folders_globalProperty in class FileSubsites
$ FileTextExtractable#dbProperty in class FileTextExtractable
$ FileTextExtractable#dependenciesProperty in class FileTextExtractable
$ FileVersion#dbProperty in class FileVersion
$ FilesystemPublisher#dependenciesProperty in class FilesystemPublisher
$ FilesystemPublisher#destFolderProperty in class FilesystemPublisher
$ FilesystemPublisher#domain_based_cachingProperty in class FilesystemPublisher
$ FilesystemSyncTask#descriptionProperty in class FilesystemSyncTask
$ FixElementExternalInternalLinks#descriptionProperty in class FixElementExternalInternalLinks
$ FixElementTitle#descriptionProperty in class FixElementTitle
$ FixtureBlueprint#defaultsProperty in class FixtureBlueprint
$ FixtureBlueprint#dependenciesProperty in class FixtureBlueprint
FixtureFactory::define() — Method in class FixtureFactory
Fluent::domains() — Method in class Fluent

Retrieves any configured domains, assuming the site is running in domain mode.

Fluent::domain_for_locale() — Method in class Fluent

Determine the home domain for this locale

Fluent::default_locale() — Method in class Fluent

Retrieves the default locale

Fluent::disable_default_prefix() — Method in class Fluent

Check if default locale should have prefix disabled

Fluent::db_field_for_locale() — Method in class Fluent

Determine the DB field name to use for the given base field

Fluent::detect_browser_locale() — Method in class Fluent

Determines the locale best matching the given list of browser locales

$ FluentExtension#disable_fluent_fieldsProperty in class FluentExtension

Hook allowing temporary disabling of extra fluent fields

FluentExtension::determine_index_type() — Method in class FluentExtension

Given an index spec determines the index type

FluentExtension::detectFilterColumn() — Method in class FluentExtension

Determines the table/column identifier that first appears in the $condition, and returns the localised version of that column.

$ FluentOldPageRedirectFix#disableSkipIDFilterProperty in class FluentOldPageRedirectFix
$ FluentValidateTask#descriptionProperty in class FluentValidateTask
$ Folder#default_sortProperty in class Folder
Folder::deleteDatabaseOnly() — Method in class Folder

Delete the database record (recursively for folders) without touching the filesystem

$ FooterHolder#descriptionProperty in class FooterHolder
$ FooterHolder#defaultsProperty in class FooterHolder
$ ForeignKey#default_search_filter_classProperty in class ForeignKey
$ Form#default_classesProperty in class Form
Form::defaultAction() — Method in class Form

Return the default button that should be clicked when another one isn't available.

Form::disableDefaultAction() — Method in class Form

Disable the default button.

Form::disableSecurityToken() — Method in class Form

Disable the requirement of a security token on this form instance. This security protects against CSRF attacks, but you should disable this if you don't want to tie a form to a session - eg a search form.

Form::debug() — Method in class Form
$ FormField#descriptionProperty in class FormField

Adds a title attribute to the markup.

$ FormField#default_classesProperty in class FormField
$ FormField#dontEscapeProperty in class FormField
$ FormField#disabledProperty in class FormField
FormField::dataValue() — Method in class FormField

Returns the field value suitable for insertion into the data object.

FormField::debug() — Method in class FormField
$ FormSpamProtectionExtension#default_spam_protectorProperty in class FormSpamProtectionExtension
FrontEndWorkflowController::doFrontEndAction() — Method in class FrontEndWorkflowController

Save the Form Data to the defined Context Object

$ FunctionalTest#disable_themesProperty in class FunctionalTest

Set this to true on your sub-class to disable the use of themes in this test.

$ GDBackend#default_qualityProperty in class GDBackend
$ GearmanQueueHandler#dependenciesProperty in class GearmanQueueHandler
$ GridFieldAddByDBField#dataObjectFieldProperty in class GridFieldAddByDBField

Default field to create the DataObject by should be Title.

GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::doSearch() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter

Returns a json array of a search results that can be used by for example Jquery.ui.autosuggestion

GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandler::doSearch() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandler
GridFieldBulkActionDeleteHandler::delete() — Method in class GridFieldBulkActionDeleteHandler

Delete the selected records passed from the delete bulk action.

GridFieldBulkActionEditHandler::doSave() — Method in class GridFieldBulkActionEditHandler

Handles bulkEditForm submission and parses and saves each records data.

$ GridFieldConfigurablePaginator#default_page_sizesProperty in class GridFieldConfigurablePaginator

Specifies default page sizes

$ GridFieldDataColumns#displayFieldsProperty in class GridFieldDataColumns

This is the columns that will be visible

GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::doSave() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::doDelete() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
$ GridFieldOrderableRows#default_immediate_updateProperty in class GridFieldOrderableRows
$ GridFieldPaginator#default_items_per_pageProperty in class GridFieldPaginator

Specifies default items per page

GridFieldQueuedExportButton::downloadExport() — Method in class GridFieldQueuedExportButton
$ GridFieldSortableRows#disable_selectionProperty in class GridFieldSortableRows
GridFieldSubsiteDetailForm_ItemRequest::doSave() — Method in class GridFieldSubsiteDetailForm_ItemRequest
$ GridState#dataProperty in class GridState
GridState::dataValue() — Method in class GridState

Returns a json encoded string representation of this state.

$ GridState_Data#dataProperty in class GridState_Data
$ Group#dbProperty in class Group
Group::DirectMembers() — Method in class Group

Return only the members directly added to this group

$ GroupCsvBulkLoader#duplicateChecksProperty in class GroupCsvBulkLoader
GroupImportForm::doImport() — Method in class GroupImportForm
$ GroupSubsites#dbProperty in class GroupSubsites
$ GroupSubsites#defaultsProperty in class GroupSubsites
$ HTMLCleaner#defaultConfigProperty in class HTMLCleaner
$ HTTP#disable_http_cacheProperty in class HTTP
HTTPCacheControl::disableCache() — Method in class HTTPCacheControl

Simple way to set cache control header to a non-cacheable state.

Hierarchy::doAllChildrenIncludingDeleted() — Method in class Hierarchy
HtmlEditorConfig::disablePlugins() — Method in class HtmlEditorConfig

Enable one or several plugins. Will properly handle being passed a plugin that is already disabled

$ HybridSessionDataObject#dbProperty in class HybridSessionDataObject
HybridSessionStore::destroy() — Method in class HybridSessionStore
HybridSessionStore_Cookie::destroy() — Method in class HybridSessionStore_Cookie
HybridSessionStore_Crypto::decrypt() — Method in class HybridSessionStore_Crypto

Check the signature on an encrypted-and-signed message, and if valid decrypt the content

HybridSessionStore_Database::destroy() — Method in class HybridSessionStore_Database
$ IFramePage#dbProperty in class IFramePage
$ IFramePage#defaultsProperty in class IFramePage
$ IFramePage#descriptionProperty in class IFramePage
Image::defineMethods() — Method in class Image

Set up template methods to access the transformations generated by 'generate' methods.

Image::deleteFormattedImages() — Method in class Image

Remove all of the formatted cached images for this image.

$ ImagickBackend#default_qualityProperty in class ImagickBackend
$ ImmediateQueueHandler#dependenciesProperty in class ImmediateQueueHandler
$ ImportedWorkflowTemplate#dbProperty in class ImportedWorkflowTemplate
$ JSTestRunner#default_reporterProperty in class JSTestRunner
LDAPChangePasswordForm::doChangePassword() — Method in class LDAPChangePasswordForm

Change the password

$ LDAPDebugController#dependenciesProperty in class LDAPDebugController
LDAPDebugController::DefaultGroup() — Method in class LDAPDebugController
LDAPGateway::delete() — Method in class LDAPGateway

Deletes an LDAP object.

$ LDAPGroupExtension#dbProperty in class LDAPGroupExtension
$ LDAPGroupMapping#dbProperty in class LDAPGroupMapping
$ LDAPGroupMapping#dependenciesProperty in class LDAPGroupMapping
$ LDAPGroupSyncTask#dependenciesProperty in class LDAPGroupSyncTask
$ LDAPGroupSyncTask#destructiveProperty in class LDAPGroupSyncTask

Setting this to true causes the sync to delete any local Group records that were previously imported, but no longer existing in LDAP.

$ LDAPMemberExtension#dbProperty in class LDAPMemberExtension
$ LDAPMemberExtension#delete_users_in_ldapProperty in class LDAPMemberExtension

If enabled, deleting Member records mapped to LDAP deletes the LDAP user.

$ LDAPMemberSyncTask#dependenciesProperty in class LDAPMemberSyncTask
$ LDAPMemberSyncTask#destructiveProperty in class LDAPMemberSyncTask

Setting this to true causes the sync to delete any local Member records that were previously imported, but no longer existing in LDAP.

$ LDAPMigrateExistingMembersTask#dependenciesProperty in class LDAPMigrateExistingMembersTask
$ LDAPService#dependenciesProperty in class LDAPService
$ LDAPService#default_groupProperty in class LDAPService

If this is configured to a "Code" value of a Group in SilverStripe, the user will always be added to this group's membership when imported, regardless of any sort of group mappings.

LDAPService::deleteLDAPMember() — Method in class LDAPService

Delete an LDAP user mapped to the Member record

LDAPService::delete() — Method in class LDAPService

A simple proxy to LDAP delete operation.

LeftAndMain::delete() — Method in class LeftAndMain
$ ListboxField#disabledItemsProperty in class ListboxField
$ ListboxField#defaultItemsProperty in class ListboxField
ListboxField::dataValue() — Method in class ListboxField

Return the CheckboxSetField value as a string selected item keys.

$ LoginAttempt#dbProperty in class LoginAttempt
$ MFARegisteredMethod#dbProperty in class MFARegisteredMethod
$ Mailer#default_message_encodingProperty in class Mailer

Default encoding type for messages. Available options are:

  • quoted-printable
  • base64
$ Mailer#default_bounce_emailProperty in class Mailer

Email used for bounces

$ ManifestFileFinder#default_optionsProperty in class ManifestFileFinder
$ Member#dbProperty in class Member
$ Member#default_sortProperty in class Member
$ Member#DateFormatProperty in class Member
Member::default_admin() — Method in class Member

Get the default admin record if it exists, or creates it otherwise if enabled

Member::deletePasswordLogs() — Method in class Member

Delete the MemberPassword objects that are associated to this user

Member::disallowedGroups() — Method in class Member

List of group IDs this user is disallowed from

Member::DirectGroups() — Method in class Member
$ MemberCsvBulkLoader#duplicateChecksProperty in class MemberCsvBulkLoader
MemberImportForm::doImport() — Method in class MemberImportForm
MemberLoginForm::dologin() — Method in class MemberLoginForm

Login form handler method

$ MemberPassword#dbProperty in class MemberPassword
$ MigrateSiteTreeLinkingTask#descriptionProperty in class MigrateSiteTreeLinkingTask
$ MigrateToDocumentSetsTask#descriptionProperty in class MigrateToDocumentSetsTask
$ MigrateTranslatableTask#descriptionProperty in class MigrateTranslatableTask
$ MigrationTask#descriptionProperty in class MigrationTask
MigrationTask::down() — Method in class MigrationTask
$ MultiValueField#disable_serialiseProperty in class MultiValueField

As blindly unserialising unknown values is a major security risk you might wish to disable unserialising with this config setting.

MySQLDatabase::datetimeIntervalClause() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with the adapter in use used for querying a datetime addition

MySQLDatabase::datetimeDifferenceClause() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with the adapter in use used for querying a datetime substraction

MySQLSchemaManager::databaseList() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Retrieves the list of all databases the user has access to

MySQLSchemaManager::databaseExists() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Determine if the database with the specified name exists

MySQLSchemaManager::dropDatabase() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Drops a database with the specified name

MySQLSchemaManager::dbDataType() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager
MySQLSchemaManager::date() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return a date type-formatted string For MySQL, we simply return the word 'date', no other parameters are necessary

MySQLSchemaManager::decimal() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return a decimal type-formatted string

MySQLSchemaManager::defaultClause() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Parses and escapes the default values for a specification

$ MySQLiConnector#dbConnProperty in class MySQLiConnector

Connection to the MySQL database

$ MySQLiConnector#databaseNameProperty in class MySQLiConnector

Name of the currently selected database

$ NewsHolder#descriptionProperty in class NewsHolder
$ NewsHolder#default_childProperty in class NewsHolder
$ NewsPage#descriptionProperty in class NewsPage
$ NewsPage#default_parentProperty in class NewsPage
$ NewsPage#dbProperty in class NewsPage
$ NotifyUsersWorkflowAction#dbProperty in class NotifyUsersWorkflowAction
NullableField::debug() — Method in class NullableField
NumericField::dataValue() — Method in class NumericField

Extracts the number value from the localised string value.

$ Oembed_Result#dataProperty in class Oembed_Result

JSON data fetched from the Oembed URL.

$ PDOConnector#databaseNameProperty in class PDOConnector

Name of the currently selected database

$ Package#dbProperty in class Package
$ Permission#dbProperty in class Permission
$ Permission#defaultsProperty in class Permission
$ Permission#declared_permissionsProperty in class Permission

Method to globally disable "strict" checking, which means a permission will be granted if the key does not exist at all.

$ Permission#declared_permissions_listProperty in class Permission

Linear list of declared permissions in the system.

Permission::deny() — Method in class Permission

Deny the given permission code/arg to the given group

Permission::declare_permissions() — Method in class Permission

Declare an array of permissions for the system.

$ PermissionRole#dbProperty in class PermissionRole
$ PermissionRole#default_sortProperty in class PermissionRole
$ PermissionRoleCode#dbProperty in class PermissionRoleCode
$ PopulateThemeSampleDataTask#descriptionProperty in class PopulateThemeSampleDataTask
$ PostgreSQLConnector#dbConnProperty in class PostgreSQLConnector

Connection to the PG Database database

$ PostgreSQLConnector#databaseNameProperty in class PostgreSQLConnector

Name of the currently selected database

$ PostgreSQLDatabase#databaseOriginalProperty in class PostgreSQLDatabase

The database name specified at initial connection

PostgreSQLDatabase::default_fts_cluster_method() — Method in class PostgreSQLDatabase

Full text cluster method. (e.g. GIN or GiST)

PostgreSQLDatabase::default_fts_search_method() — Method in class PostgreSQLDatabase

Full text search method.

PostgreSQLDatabase::datetimeIntervalClause() — Method in class PostgreSQLDatabase

Function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with Postgres used for querying a datetime addition

PostgreSQLDatabase::datetimeDifferenceClause() — Method in class PostgreSQLDatabase

Function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with Postgres used for querying a datetime substraction

PostgreSQLDatabase::databaseToSchemaName() — Method in class PostgreSQLDatabase

Translates a requested database name to a schema name to substitute internally.

PostgreSQLDatabase::dropSelectedDatabase() — Method in class PostgreSQLDatabase

Drop the database that this object is currently connected to.

$ PostgreSQLSchemaManager#databaseProperty in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Instance of the database controller this schema belongs to

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::databaseExists() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Determine if the database with the specified name exists

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::databaseList() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Retrieves the list of all databases the user has access to

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::dropPostgresDatabase() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Drops a postgres database, ignoring model_schema_as_database

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::dropDatabase() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Drops a database with the specified name

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::dropSchema() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Drops a schema from the database. Use carefully!

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::dropTrigger() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Pass a legit trigger name and it will be dropped This assumes that the trigger has been named in a unique fashion

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::date() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Return a date type-formatted string

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::decimal() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Return a decimal type-formatted string

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::double() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Return a float type-formatted string cause double is not supported

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::dbDataType() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager
$ PrimaryKey#default_search_filter_classProperty in class PrimaryKey
$ Profiler#descriptionProperty in class Profiler
$ PublishItemWorkflowAction#dbProperty in class PublishItemWorkflowAction
$ PurgeObseleteStaticCacheTask#descriptionProperty in class PurgeObseleteStaticCacheTask
QJUtils::dbQuote() — Method in class QJUtils

Quote up a filter of the form

$ QueuedJobDescriptor#dbProperty in class QueuedJobDescriptor
$ QueuedJobDescriptor#defaultsProperty in class QueuedJobDescriptor
$ QueuedJobDescriptor#default_sortProperty in class QueuedJobDescriptor
$ QueuedJobRule#dbProperty in class QueuedJobRule
$ QueuedJobService#defaultJobsProperty in class QueuedJobService

Config controlled list of default/required jobs

$ QueuedJobsAdmin#dependenciesProperty in class QueuedJobsAdmin
$ QueuedJobsAdmin#date_format_europeanProperty in class QueuedJobsAdmin

European date format

$ Quicklink#dbProperty in class Quicklink
$ RSSFeed#descriptionProperty in class RSSFeed

Description of the feed

$ RSSFeed#descriptionFieldProperty in class RSSFeed

Name of the description field of feed entries

RSSFeed::Description() — Method in class RSSFeed

Get the description of this feed

$ RSSFeed_Entry#descriptionFieldProperty in class RSSFeed_Entry

Name of the description field of feed entries

RSSFeed_Entry::Description() — Method in class RSSFeed_Entry

Get the description of this entry

$ RealMeMemberExtension#dbProperty in class RealMeMemberExtension
$ RealMeSecurityExtension#dependenciesProperty in class RealMeSecurityExtension
$ RealMeSetupTask#descriptionProperty in class RealMeSetupTask
$ RealMeSiteTreeExtension#dependenciesProperty in class RealMeSiteTreeExtension
$ RedirectorPage#descriptionProperty in class RedirectorPage
$ RedirectorPage#dbProperty in class RedirectorPage
$ RedirectorPage#defaultsProperty in class RedirectorPage
$ RegenerateCachedImagesTask#descriptionProperty in class RegenerateCachedImagesTask
$ RegistryImportFeed_Entry#descriptionProperty in class RegistryImportFeed_Entry
$ RegistryImportFeed_Entry#dateProperty in class RegistryImportFeed_Entry
RegistryImportFeed_Entry::Description() — Method in class RegistryImportFeed_Entry
RegistryImportFeed_Entry::Date() — Method in class RegistryImportFeed_Entry
$ RegistryPage#descriptionProperty in class RegistryPage
$ RegistryPage#dbProperty in class RegistryPage
RegistryPage_Controller::doRegistryFilter() — Method in class RegistryPage_Controller

Build up search filters from user's search criteria and hand off to the query() method to search against the database.

RegistryPage_Controller::doRegistryFilterReset() — Method in class RegistryPage_Controller
$ RemoveExpiredShareTokens#descriptionProperty in class RemoveExpiredShareTokens
$ RemoveOrphanedPagesTask#descriptionProperty in class RemoveOrphanedPagesTask
RemoveOrphanedPagesTask::doSubmit() — Method in class RemoveOrphanedPagesTask
RequestHandler::definingClassForAction() — Method in class RequestHandler

Return the class that defines the given action, so that we know where to check allowed_actions.

RequiredFields::debug() — Method in class RequiredFields

Debug helper

$ Requirements#disable_flush_combinedProperty in class Requirements

Flag whether combined files should be deleted on flush.

Requirements::delete_combined_files() — Method in class Requirements

Delete all dynamically generated combined files from the filesystem

Requirements::delete_all_combined_files() — Method in class Requirements

Deletes all generated combined files in the configured combined files directory, but doesn't delete the directory itself

Requirements::debug() — Method in class Requirements

Output debugging information

$ Requirements_Backend#disabledProperty in class Requirements_Backend

Remembers the file paths or uniquenessIDs of all Requirements cleared through clear(), so that they can be restored later.

Requirements_Backend::delete_combined_files() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Delete all dynamically generated combined files from the filesystem

Requirements_Backend::delete_all_combined_files() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Deletes all generated combined files in the configured combined files directory, but doesn't delete the directory itself.

Requirements_Backend::debug() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Output debugging information.

$ RestfulServer#default_extensionProperty in class RestfulServer

If no extension is given in the request, resolve to this extension (and subsequently the self::$default_mimetype.

$ RestfulServer#default_mimetypeProperty in class RestfulServer

If no extension is given, resolve the request to this mimetype.

RestfulServer::deleteHandler() — Method in class RestfulServer

Handler for object delete

$ RestfulService#default_proxyProperty in class RestfulService
$ RestfulService#default_curl_optionsProperty in class RestfulService
$ RootURLController#default_homepage_linkProperty in class RootURLController
$ SAMLConfiguration#debugProperty in class SAMLConfiguration
$ SAMLHelper#dependenciesProperty in class SAMLHelper
SAMLLoginForm::dologin() — Method in class SAMLLoginForm

Login form handler method

$ SAMLMemberExtension#dbProperty in class SAMLMemberExtension
$ SQLDelete#deleteProperty in class SQLDelete

List of tables to limit the delete to, if multiple tables are specified in the condition clause

$ SQLSelect#distinctProperty in class SQLSelect

If this is true DISTINCT will be added to the SQL.

$ SQLite3Connector#databaseNameProperty in class SQLite3Connector

The name of the database.

$ SQLite3Connector#dbConnProperty in class SQLite3Connector

Connection to the DBMS.

$ SQLite3Database#default_pragmaProperty in class SQLite3Database

List of default pragma values

SQLite3Database::database_extension() — Method in class SQLite3Database

Extension used to distinguish between sqllite database files and other files.

SQLite3Database::datetimeIntervalClause() — Method in class SQLite3Database

function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with the adapter in use used for querying a datetime addition

SQLite3Database::datetimeDifferenceClause() — Method in class SQLite3Database

function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with the adapter in use used for querying a datetime substraction

$ SQLite3Query#databaseProperty in class SQLite3Query

The SQLite3Connector object that created this result set.

$ SQLite3SchemaManager#databaseProperty in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Instance of the database controller this schema belongs to

SQLite3SchemaManager::dropDatabase() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Drops a database with the specified name

SQLite3SchemaManager::databaseList() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Retrieves the list of all databases the user has access to

SQLite3SchemaManager::databaseExists() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Determine if the database with the specified name exists

SQLite3SchemaManager::date() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Return a date type-formatted string

SQLite3SchemaManager::decimal() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Return a decimal type-formatted string

SQLite3SchemaManager::double() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Return a Double type-formatted string

SQLite3SchemaManager::dbDataType() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager
SSTemplateParser::DollarMarkedLookup_STR() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSViewer::defaultPartialCacheStore() — Method in class SSViewer
SSViewer::dontRewriteHashlinks() — Method in class SSViewer

Call this to disable rewriting of links. This is useful in Ajax applications.

$ SS_ClassManifest#descendantsProperty in class SS_ClassManifest
$ SS_DAG#dataProperty in class SS_DAG

The nodes/vertices in the graph. Should be a numeric sequence of items (no string keys, no gaps).

$ SS_DAG#dagProperty in class SS_DAG

The edges in the graph, in $to_idx => [$from_idx1, $from_idx2, ...] format

$ SS_DAG_CyclicException#dagProperty in class SS_DAG_CyclicException
$ SS_DAG_Iterator#dataProperty in class SS_DAG_Iterator
$ SS_DAG_Iterator#dagProperty in class SS_DAG_Iterator
$ SS_DAG_Iterator#dagkeysProperty in class SS_DAG_Iterator
SS_Database::datetimeIntervalClause() — Method in class SS_Database

function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with the adapter in use used for querying a datetime addition

SS_Database::datetimeDifferenceClause() — Method in class SS_Database

function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with the adapter in use used for querying a datetime substraction

SS_Database::databaseExists() — Method in class SS_Database

Determine if the database with the specified name exists

SS_Database::databaseList() — Method in class SS_Database

Retrieves the list of all databases the user has access to

SS_Database::dropSelectedDatabase() — Method in class SS_Database

Drop the database that this object is currently connected to.

SS_Database::dbDataType() — Method in class SS_Database
SS_Database::dropDatabase() — Method in class SS_Database
SS_Database::doesSchemaNeedUpdating() — Method in class SS_Database
SS_Database::dontRequireTable() — Method in class SS_Database
SS_Database::dontRequireField() — Method in class SS_Database
SS_Datetime::Date() — Method in class SS_Datetime

Returns the date using the format string 'd/m/Y' e.g. '28/02/2014'.

$ SS_FileFinder#default_optionsProperty in class SS_FileFinder

The default options that are set on a new finder instance. Options not present in this array cannot be set.

$ SS_HTTPRequest#dirPartsProperty in class SS_HTTPRequest

The non-extension parts of the passed URL as an array, originally exploded by the "/" separator.

SS_HTTPRequest::detect_method() — Method in class SS_HTTPRequest

Gets the "real" HTTP method for a request. This method is no longer used to mitigate the risk of web cache poisoning.

SS_ListDecorator::debug() — Method in class SS_ListDecorator
SS_Object::defineMethods() — Method in class SS_Object

Adds any methods from Extension instances attached to this object.

$ SS_Report#descriptionProperty in class SS_Report

This is a description about what this report does. Used by the ReportAdmin templates.

$ SS_Report#dataClassProperty in class SS_Report

The class of object being managed by this report.

SS_Report::description() — Method in class SS_Report

Return the description of this report.

SS_Report::dataClass() — Method in class SS_Report

Return the data class for this report

SS_ReportWrapper::description() — Method in class SS_ReportWrapper

Return the description of this report.

$ SapphireTest#dependenciesProperty in class SapphireTest
SapphireTest::delete_all_temp_dbs() — Method in class SapphireTest
$ ScheduledExecutionExtension#dbProperty in class ScheduledExecutionExtension
$ ScheduledExecutionExtension#defaultsProperty in class ScheduledExecutionExtension
$ SearchIndex#dependancyListProperty in class SearchIndex
$ SearchIndex#derivedFieldsProperty in class SearchIndex
SearchIndex::delete() — Method in class SearchIndex
SearchIndex_Null::delete() — Method in class SearchIndex_Null
$ SearchIndex_Recording#deletedProperty in class SearchIndex_Recording
SearchIndex_Recording::delete() — Method in class SearchIndex_Recording
$ SearchQuery#default_page_sizeProperty in class SearchQuery
$ SearchUpdateCommitJobProcessor#dirty_indexesProperty in class SearchUpdateCommitJobProcessor

List of dirty indexes to be committed

SearchUpdateCommitJobProcessor::discardJob() — Method in class SearchUpdateCommitJobProcessor

Abort this job, potentially rescheduling a replacement if there is still work to do

$ SearchUpdateProcessor#dirtyProperty in class SearchUpdateProcessor

List of dirty records to process in format

$ SecureEditableFileField#disable_securityProperty in class SecureEditableFileField

Disable file security if a user-defined mechanism is in place

SecureFileController::disableFilters() — Method in class SecureFileController

Execute a method with any filters disabled (Subsites, etc)

$ SecureFileExtension#dbProperty in class SecureFileExtension
SecureFileExtension::defaultPermissions() — Method in class SecureFileExtension

Checks for any default access permissions and tests against them if found. Default permssions are set via the Config system.

$ Security#default_usernameProperty in class Security

Default user name. Only used in dev-mode by setDefaultAdmin()

$ Security#default_passwordProperty in class Security

Default password. Only used in dev-mode by setDefaultAdmin()

$ Security#default_message_setProperty in class Security

Default message set used in permission failures.

$ Security#database_is_readyProperty in class Security

When the database has once been verified as ready, it will not do the checks again.

$ Security#default_login_destProperty in class Security
Security::default_admin_username() — Method in class Security

Get default admin username

Security::default_admin_password() — Method in class Security

Get default admin password

Security::database_is_ready() — Method in class Security

Checks the database is in a state to perform security checks.

Security::default_login_dest() — Method in class Security

Get the default login dest.

$ SecurityAlert#dbProperty in class SecurityAlert
$ SecurityAlertCheckJob#dependenciesProperty in class SecurityAlertCheckJob
$ SecurityAlertCheckTask#dependenciesProperty in class SecurityAlertCheckTask
$ SecurityAlertCheckTask#descriptionProperty in class SecurityAlertCheckTask
SecurityAlertCheckTask::discernIdentifier() — Method in class SecurityAlertCheckTask

Most SilverStripe issued alerts are not assiged CVEs.

$ SecurityToken#default_nameProperty in class SecurityToken
SecurityToken::disable() — Method in class SecurityToken

Globally disable the token (override with NullSecurityToken) implementation. Note: Does not apply for

$ SelectUploadField#disable_for_templatesProperty in class SelectUploadField

List of templates for which to disable folder selection.

$ SelectUploadField#defaultConfigProperty in class SelectUploadField

Set default permission for selecting folders

$ Session#dataProperty in class Session

Session data

$ Session#default_sessionProperty in class Session
Session::destroy() — Method in class Session

Destroy the active session.

SessionHandlerInterface::destroy() — Method in class SessionHandlerInterface
$ SetPropertyWorkflowAction#dbProperty in class SetPropertyWorkflowAction
$ ShareDraftContentSiteTreeExtension#dbProperty in class ShareDraftContentSiteTreeExtension
$ ShareToken#dbProperty in class ShareToken
$ BasicContext#dateFormatProperty in class BasicContext

Date format in date() syntax

$ BasicContext#datetimeFormatProperty in class BasicContext

Date/time format in date() syntax

MainContextAwareTrait::detectMainContext() — Method in class MainContextAwareTrait

Helper method to detect the main context

$ SilverStripeContext#databaseNameProperty in class SilverStripeContext
DeltaConfigCollectionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Config\Collections

Applies config modifications as a set of deltas on top of the middleware, instead of as modifications to the underlying list.

$ DeltaConfigCollection#deltaMiddlewareProperty in class DeltaConfigCollection
$ DeltaConfigCollection#deltasProperty in class DeltaConfigCollection

List of deltas keyed by class

$ DeltaConfigCollection#deltaResetProperty in class DeltaConfigCollection

True if removeAll() is applied

DeltaMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Config\Middleware

Applies a set of user-customised modifications to config

$ MiddlewareCommon#disableFlagProperty in class MiddlewareCommon

Disable flag

$ YamlTransformer#documentsProperty in class YamlTransformer

Store the yaml document content as an array.

LoginForm::doLogin() — Method in class LoginForm

Override the parent "doLogin" to insert extra steps into the flow

LoginForm::doPerformLogin() — Method in class LoginForm

Complete the login process for the given member by calling "performLogin" on the parent class

$ VerifyHandler#dependenciesProperty in class VerifyHandler
$ MemberExtension#dbProperty in class MemberExtension
SecurityExtension::doResetAccount() — Method in class SecurityExtension

Resets the user's password, and triggers other account reset procedures

$ MemberExtension#dbProperty in class MemberExtension
$ SiteConfigExtension#dbProperty in class SiteConfigExtension
$ SiteConfigExtension#defaultsProperty in class SiteConfigExtension
DefusePHPEncryptionAdapterClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\Service

An encryption adapter for defuse/php-encryption, enabled by default.

DefusePHPEncryptionAdapter::decrypt() — Method in class DefusePHPEncryptionAdapter

Decrypts the given cipher text using the given key, and returns the output plain text

EncryptionAdapterInterface::decrypt() — Method in class EncryptionAdapterInterface

Decrypts the given cipher text using the given key, and returns the output plain text

$ MethodRegistry#default_backup_methodProperty in class MethodRegistry

A string referring to the classname of the method (implementing SilverStripe\MFA\Method\MethodInterface) that is to be used as the back-up method for MFA. This alters the registration of this method to be required - a forced registration once the user has registered at least one other method. Additionally it cannot be set as the default method for a user to log in with.

$ RegisteredMethodManager#dependenciesProperty in class RegisteredMethodManager
RegisteredMethodManager::deleteFromMember() — Method in class RegisteredMethodManager

Delete a registration for the given method from the given member, provided it exists. This will also remove a registered back-up method if it will leave the member with only the back-up method remaing

$ SiteConfig#dbProperty in class SiteConfig
$ SiteConfig#defaultsProperty in class SiteConfig
$ SiteConfig#disabled_themesProperty in class SiteConfig
$ SiteTree#default_childProperty in class SiteTree

The default child class for this page.

$ SiteTree#default_parentProperty in class SiteTree

The default parent class for this page.

$ SiteTree#dbProperty in class SiteTree
$ SiteTree#defaultsProperty in class SiteTree
$ SiteTree#default_sortProperty in class SiteTree
$ SiteTree#descriptionProperty in class SiteTree
SiteTree::disable_nested_urls() — Method in class SiteTree
SiteTree::duplicate() — Method in class SiteTree

Create a duplicate of this node. Doesn't affect joined data - create a custom overloading of this if you need such behaviour.

SiteTree::duplicateWithChildren() — Method in class SiteTree

Duplicates each child of this node recursively and returns the top-level duplicate node.

SiteTree::duplicateAsChild() — Method in class SiteTree

Duplicate this node and its children as a child of the node with the given ID

SiteTree::DependentPages() — Method in class SiteTree

Returns the pages that depend on this page. This includes virtual pages, pages that link to it, etc.

SiteTree::doPublish() — Method in class SiteTree

Publish this page.

SiteTree::doUnpublish() — Method in class SiteTree

Unpublish this page - remove it from the live site

SiteTree::doRevertToLive() — Method in class SiteTree

Revert the draft changes: replace the draft content with the content on live

SiteTree::doRestoreToStage() — Method in class SiteTree

Restore the content in the active copy of this SiteTree page to the stage site.

SiteTree::doArchive() — Method in class SiteTree

Removes the page from both live and stage, if it exists on both otherwise just removes from stage

SiteTree::doDeleteFromLive() — Method in class SiteTree

Synonym of doUnpublish

SiteTree::defaultChild() — Method in class SiteTree

Returns the class name of the default class for children of this page.

SiteTree::defaultParent() — Method in class SiteTree

Returns the class name of the default class for the parent of this page.

SiteTree::disableCMSFieldsExtensions() — Method in class SiteTree

Stops extendCMSFields() being called on getCMSFields(). This is useful when you need access to fields added by subclasses of SiteTree in a extension. Call before calling parent::getCMSFields(), and reenable afterwards.

$ SiteTreeContentReview#dbProperty in class SiteTreeContentReview
$ SiteTreeContentReview#defaultsProperty in class SiteTreeContentReview
$ SiteTreeFullBuildEngine#dependenciesProperty in class SiteTreeFullBuildEngine
$ SiteTreeFullBuildEngine#descriptionProperty in class SiteTreeFullBuildEngine
$ SiteTreeLinkTracking#dependenciesProperty in class SiteTreeLinkTracking
$ SiteTreeLinkTracking#dbProperty in class SiteTreeLinkTracking
$ SiteTreePublishingEngine#dependenciesProperty in class SiteTreePublishingEngine
SiteTreePublishingEngine::deleteStaleFiles() — Method in class SiteTreePublishingEngine

Remove the stale variants of the cache files.

SiteTreePublishingEngine::deleteRegularFiles() — Method in class SiteTreePublishingEngine

Remove the cache files.

SiteTreePublishingEngine::deleteFromCacheDir() — Method in class SiteTreePublishingEngine

Helper method for deleting existing files in the cache directory.

SiteTreeSubsites::duplicateToSubsite() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites

Create a duplicate of this page and save it to another subsite

$ SiteTreeURLSegmentField#defaultUrlProperty in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField
$ SitemapPage#descriptionProperty in class SitemapPage
SitewideContentReport::description() — Method in class SitewideContentReport
$ SolrIndex#default_fieldProperty in class SolrIndex

Name of default field

SolrIndex::delete() — Method in class SolrIndex
Solr_Reindex::doReindex() — Method in class Solr_Reindex
$ SpellController#dependenciesProperty in class SpellController

Dependencies required by this controller

$ SpellController#dataProperty in class SpellController

Parsed request data

$ StaticPagesQueue#dbProperty in class StaticPagesQueue
$ StaticPagesQueue#defaultsProperty in class StaticPagesQueue
$ StaticPagesQueue#default_sortProperty in class StaticPagesQueue
$ StaticPagesQueue#disable_mysql_locksProperty in class StaticPagesQueue
StaticPagesQueue::delete_by_link() — Method in class StaticPagesQueue

Remove an object by the url

$ StaticPagesQueueReport#dataClassProperty in class StaticPagesQueueReport

Dataobject that this report is reporting on

StringTagField::dataValue() — Method in class StringTagField

Ensure that arrays are imploded before being saved

$ SubmittedFormField#dbProperty in class SubmittedFormField
$ Subsite#disable_subsite_filterProperty in class Subsite
$ Subsite#dbProperty in class Subsite
$ Subsite#defaultsProperty in class Subsite
$ Subsite#default_sortProperty in class Subsite
Subsite::disable_subsite_filter() — Method in class Subsite

Disable the sub-site filtering; queries will select from all subsites

Subsite::domain() — Method in class Subsite

Return the primary domain of this site. Tries to "normalize" the domain name, by replacing potential wildcards.

Subsite::duplicate() — Method in class Subsite

Duplicate this subsite

$ SubsiteCopyPagesTask#descriptionProperty in class SubsiteCopyPagesTask
$ SubsiteDomain#dbProperty in class SubsiteDomain
$ SubsiteDomain#DomainProperty in class SubsiteDomain

domain name of this subsite. Can include wildcards. Do not include the URL scheme here

$ SubsitesVirtualPage#descriptionProperty in class SubsitesVirtualPage
$ SubsitesVirtualPage#dbProperty in class SubsitesVirtualPage
$ SynonymsSiteConfig#dbProperty in class SynonymsSiteConfig
$ TagCloudWidget#dbProperty in class TagCloudWidget
$ TaxonomyTerm#dbProperty in class TaxonomyTerm
$ TaxonomyTerm#default_sortProperty in class TaxonomyTerm
$ TaxonomyType#dbProperty in class TaxonomyType
$ TestRunner#default_reporterProperty in class TestRunner
$ TidyHTMLCleaner#defaultConfigProperty in class TidyHTMLCleaner
$ TimeField#default_configProperty in class TimeField
TimeField::dataValue() — Method in class TimeField
$ Translatable#default_localeProperty in class Translatable

The 'default' language.

Translatable::default_locale() — Method in class Translatable

Get the current reading language.

Translatable::disable_locale_filter() — Method in class Translatable

Disables automatic locale filtering in augmentSQL(). This can be re-enabled using enable_locale_filter().

Translatable::disable() — Method in class Translatable

Disable the multilingual feature

Translatable::default_lang() — Method in class Translatable
$ TreeDropdownField#disableCallbackProperty in class TreeDropdownField
URLArrayObject::destructMethod() — Method in class URLArrayObject

When this class is getting garbage collected, trigger the insert of all urls into the database

$ URLSegmentExtension#dbProperty in class URLSegmentExtension
$ URLSegmentFilter#default_use_transliteratorProperty in class URLSegmentFilter
$ URLSegmentFilter#default_replacementsProperty in class URLSegmentFilter
$ URLSegmentFilter#default_allow_multibyteProperty in class URLSegmentFilter

Doesn't try to replace or transliterate non-ASCII filters.

$ UnpublishItemWorkflowAction#dbProperty in class UnpublishItemWorkflowAction
$ UnsavedRelationList#dataClassProperty in class UnsavedRelationList

The DataObject class name that this relation is querying

UnsavedRelationList::dataClass() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Get the dataClass name for this relation, ie the DataObject ClassName

UnsavedRelationList::dbObject() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Return the DBField object that represents the given field on the related class.

$ UpdatePackageInfoTask#dependenciesProperty in class UpdatePackageInfoTask
$ UpgradeSiteTreePermissionSchemaTask#descriptionProperty in class UpgradeSiteTreePermissionSchemaTask
$ UploadField#displayFolderNameProperty in class UploadField
UploadField_ItemHandler::DeleteLink() — Method in class UploadField_ItemHandler
UploadField_ItemHandler::delete() — Method in class UploadField_ItemHandler

Action to handle deleting of a single file

UploadField_ItemHandler::doEdit() — Method in class UploadField_ItemHandler
UploadField_SelectHandler::doAttach() — Method in class UploadField_SelectHandler
$ Upload_Validator#default_max_file_sizeProperty in class Upload_Validator

Contains a list of the max file sizes shared by all upload fields. This is then duplicated into the "allowedMaxFileSize" instance property on construct.

$ UserDefinedForm#descriptionProperty in class UserDefinedForm
$ UserDefinedForm#dbProperty in class UserDefinedForm
$ UserDefinedForm#defaultsProperty in class UserDefinedForm
$ UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient#dbProperty in class UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient
$ UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipientCondition#dbProperty in class UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipientCondition
$ UserFormRecipientEmail#dataProperty in class UserFormRecipientEmail
$ UserFormsColumnCleanTask#descriptionProperty in class UserFormsColumnCleanTask
$ UserFormsUpgradeTask#descriptionProperty in class UserFormsUpgradeTask
$ UserFormsVersionedTask#descriptionProperty in class UserFormsVersionedTask
$ UserSecurityReport#dataClassProperty in class UserSecurityReport
UserSecurityReport::description() — Method in class UserSecurityReport

Builds a report description which is the current hostname with the current date and time

$ VersionFeed#dbProperty in class VersionFeed
$ VersionFeed#defaultsProperty in class VersionFeed
$ VersionFeedSiteConfig#dbProperty in class VersionFeedSiteConfig
$ VersionFeedSiteConfig#defaultsProperty in class VersionFeedSiteConfig
$ Versioned#defaultStageProperty in class Versioned

The 'default' stage.

$ Versioned#draft_site_securedProperty in class Versioned

Default config for $is_draft_site_secured

$ Versioned#default_reading_modeProperty in class Versioned

Default reading mode, if none set.

$ Versioned#db_for_versions_tableProperty in class Versioned

Additional database columns for the new "_versions" table. Used in augmentDatabase() and all Versioned calls extending or creating SELECT statements.

$ Versioned#dbProperty in class Versioned
Versioned::deleteFromStage() — Method in class Versioned

Delete this item from the specified stage.

Versioned::doRollbackTo() — Method in class Versioned

Roll the draft version of this object to match the published one.

$ ViewableData#default_castProperty in class ViewableData

The default object to cast scalar fields to if casting information is not specified, and casting to an object is required.

ViewableData::defineMethods() — Method in class ViewableData

Add methods from the ViewableData::$failover object, as well as wrapping any methods prefixed with an underscore into a ViewableData::cachedCall().

ViewableData::deprecatedCachedCall() — Method in class ViewableData

Method to facilitate deprecation of underscore-prefixed methods automatically being cached.

ViewableData::Debug() — Method in class ViewableData

Return debug information about this object that can be rendered into a template

$ VirtualPage#descriptionProperty in class VirtualPage
$ VirtualPage#dbProperty in class VirtualPage
$ Widget#dbProperty in class Widget
$ Widget#defaultsProperty in class Widget
$ Widget#default_sortProperty in class Widget
$ Widget#descriptionProperty in class Widget
Widget::Description() — Method in class Widget
Widget::DescriptionSegment() — Method in class Widget
$ WidgetPageExtension#dbProperty in class WidgetPageExtension
$ WidgetPageExtension#defaultsProperty in class WidgetPageExtension
$ WorkflowAction#dbProperty in class WorkflowAction
$ WorkflowAction#defaultsProperty in class WorkflowAction
$ WorkflowAction#default_sortProperty in class WorkflowAction
$ WorkflowActionInstance#dbProperty in class WorkflowActionInstance
WorkflowActionInstance::doFrontEndAction() — Method in class WorkflowActionInstance
$ WorkflowApplicable#dependenciesProperty in class WorkflowApplicable
$ WorkflowDefinition#dbProperty in class WorkflowDefinition
$ WorkflowDefinition#default_sortProperty in class WorkflowDefinition
$ WorkflowDefinition#default_workflow_title_baseProperty in class WorkflowDefinition
$ WorkflowDefinition#dependenciesProperty in class WorkflowDefinition
$ WorkflowEmbargoExpiryExtension#dbProperty in class WorkflowEmbargoExpiryExtension
$ WorkflowEmbargoExpiryExtension#dependenciesProperty in class WorkflowEmbargoExpiryExtension
$ WorkflowField#definitionProperty in class WorkflowField
WorkflowField::Definition() — Method in class WorkflowField
WorkflowFieldItemController::doSave() — Method in class WorkflowFieldItemController
WorkflowFieldItemController::delete() — Method in class WorkflowFieldItemController
$ WorkflowInstance#dbProperty in class WorkflowInstance
WorkflowInstance::doFrontEndAction() — Method in class WorkflowInstance
WorkflowInstance::Definition() — Method in class WorkflowInstance
$ WorkflowReminderTask#descriptionProperty in class WorkflowReminderTask
WorkflowService::defineFromTemplate() — Method in class WorkflowService

Generate a workflow definition based on a template

$ WorkflowTemplate#descriptionProperty in class WorkflowTemplate
$ WorkflowTransition#dbProperty in class WorkflowTransition
$ WorkflowTransition#default_sortProperty in class WorkflowTransition
_DiffEngine::diff() — Method in class _DiffEngine
$ i18n#default_localeProperty in class i18n
$ i18n#date_formatProperty in class i18n
i18n::default_locale() — Method in class i18n

This is the "fallback locale", in case resources with the "current locale" (set through set_locale()) can't be found.

$ i18nTextCollector#defaultLocaleProperty in class i18nTextCollector

Default (master) locale

$ i18nTextCollectorTask#descriptionProperty in class i18nTextCollectorTask


AdvancedWorkflowAdmin::export() — Method in class AdvancedWorkflowAdmin

Spits out an exported version of the selected WorkflowDefinition for download.

ArrayList::exists() — Method in class ArrayList

Returns true if this list has items

ArrayList::each() — Method in class ArrayList

Walks the list using the specified callback

ArrayList::exclude() — Method in class ArrayList

Exclude the list to not contain items with these charactaristics

ArrayList::extractValue() — Method in class ArrayList

Extracts a value from an item in the list, where the item is either an object or array.

AssignUsersToWorkflowAction::execute() — Method in class AssignUsersToWorkflowAction

Perform whatever needs to be done for this action. If this action can be considered executed, then return true - if not (ie it needs some user input first), return false and 'execute' will be triggered again at a later point in time after the user has provided more data, either directly or indirectly.

BBCodeParser::enable_smilies() — Method in class BBCodeParser
$ BaseElement#enable_title_in_templateProperty in class BaseElement
$ BasicAuth#entire_site_protectedProperty in class BasicAuth
$ BasicAuth#entire_site_protected_codeProperty in class BasicAuth
$ BasicAuth#entire_site_protected_messageProperty in class BasicAuth
$ Blog#extensionsProperty in class Blog
Blog::Editors() — Method in class Blog

List of editors

$ BlogCategory#extensionsProperty in class BlogCategory
$ BlogPost#extensionsProperty in class BlogPost
BlogPost::Excerpt() — Method in class BlogPost

Returns the post excerpt.

$ BlogTag#extensionsProperty in class BlogTag
BuildStaticCacheFromQueue::error_handler() — Method in class BuildStaticCacheFromQueue

Generic callback to catch standard PHP runtime errors thrown by the interpreter or manually triggered with the user_error function.

BuildStaticCacheFromQueue::exception_handler() — Method in class BuildStaticCacheFromQueue

Generic callback, to catch uncaught exceptions when they bubble up to the top of the call chain.

$ BuildTask#enabledProperty in class BuildTask
$ CMSMain#enabled_legacy_actionsProperty in class CMSMain

Enable legacy batch actions.

CMSMain::ExtraTreeTools() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::EditForm() — Method in class CMSMain

Ensuring we set the current page id from the $ID url parameter.

CMSPageHistoryController::EditForm() — Method in class CMSPageHistoryController
CMSSecurity::enabled() — Method in class CMSSecurity

Determine if CMSSecurity is enabled

$ CSVParser#enclosureProperty in class CSVParser

The character for quoting columns.

$ CheckExternalLinksTask#enabledProperty in class CheckExternalLinksTask
CheckboxSetField::ExtraOptions() — Method in class CheckboxSetField
ClassInfo::exists() — Method in class ClassInfo

Returns true if a class or interface name exists.

CliTestReporter::endTest() — Method in class CliTestReporter

Upon completion of a test, records the execution time (if available) and adds the test to the tests performed in the current suite.

$ Comment#EmailProperty in class Comment
ComparisonFilter::excludeOne() — Method in class ComparisonFilter

Applies a exclusion(inverse) filter to the query Handles SQL escaping for both numeric and string values

CompositeDBField::exists() — Method in class CompositeDBField

Determines if any of the properties in this field have a value, meaning at least one of them is not NULL.

CompositeField::extraClasses() — Method in class CompositeField
CompositeField::extraClass() — Method in class CompositeField

Compiles all CSS-classes. Optionally includes a "nolabel" class if no title was set on the FormField.

$ Config#extraConfigSourcesProperty in class Config
Config::extraConfigSourcesChanged() — Method in class Config
$ ContentController#extensionsProperty in class ContentController
$ ContentNegotiator#encodingProperty in class ContentNegotiator
$ ContentNegotiator#enabledProperty in class ContentNegotiator
ContentNegotiator::enable() — Method in class ContentNegotiator

Enable content negotiation for all templates, not just those with the xml header.

ContentNegotiator::enabled_for() — Method in class ContentNegotiator

Returns true if negotation is enabled for the given response.

$ CookieJar#existingProperty in class CookieJar

Hold the cookies that were existing at time of instantiation (ie: The ones sent to PHP by the browser)

$ CountryDropdownField#extraClassesProperty in class CountryDropdownField
$ CsvBulkLoader#enclosureProperty in class CsvBulkLoader

Enclosure character (Default: doublequote)

$ CwpInitialisationFilter#egress_proxy_default_enabledProperty in class CwpInitialisationFilter
$ CwpInitialisationFilter#egress_proxy_exclude_domainsProperty in class CwpInitialisationFilter
DBConnector::escapeString() — Method in class DBConnector

Given a value escape this for use in a query for the current database connector. Note that this does not quote the value.

DBConnector::escapeIdentifier() — Method in class DBConnector

Escapes an identifier (table / database name). Typically the value is simply double quoted. Don't pass in already escaped identifiers in, as this will double escape the value!

$ DBField#escape_typeProperty in class DBField

The escape type for this field when inserted into a template - either "xml" or "raw".

DBField::exists() — Method in class DBField

Determines if the field has a value which is not considered to be 'null' in a database context.

DBSchemaManager::explodeColumnString() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Splits a spec string safely, considering quoted columns, whitespace, and cleaning brackets

DBSchemaManager::enumValuesForField() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Returns the values of the given enum field

DMSCartBackendInterface::emptyCart() — Method in class DMSCartBackendInterface

Flushes the cart

DMSDocument::embargoIndefinitely() — Method in class DMSDocument

Hides the document, so it does not show up when getByPage($myPage) is called (without specifying the $showEmbargoed = true parameter).

DMSDocument::embargoUntilPublished() — Method in class DMSDocument

Hides the document until any page it is linked to is published

DMSDocument::embargoUntilDate() — Method in class DMSDocument

Hides the document, so it does not show up when getByPage($myPage) is called. Automatically un-hides the Document at a specific date.

DMSDocument::expireAtDate() — Method in class DMSDocument

Hides the document at a specific date, so it does not show up when getByPage($myPage) is called.

DMSDocument::EditorGroups() — Method in class DMSDocument
DMSDocumentCart::emptyCart() — Method in class DMSDocumentCart

Completely empties a cart

DMSDocumentInterface::embargoIndefinitely() — Method in class DMSDocumentInterface

Hides the DMSDocument, so it does not show up when getByPage($myPage) is called (without specifying the $showEmbargoed = true parameter). This is similar to expire, except that this method should be used to hide DMSDocuments that have not yet gone live.

DMSDocumentInterface::embargoUntilDate() — Method in class DMSDocumentInterface

Hides the DMSDocument, so it does not show up when getByPage($myPage) is called. Automatically un-hides the DMSDocument at a specific date.

DMSDocumentInterface::embargoUntilPublished() — Method in class DMSDocumentInterface

Hides the document until any page it is linked to is published

DMSDocumentInterface::expireAtDate() — Method in class DMSDocumentInterface

Hides the DMSDocument at a specific date, so it does not show up when getByPage($myPage) is called.

$ DMSDocument_versions#enable_versionsProperty in class DMSDocument_versions
DMSSessionBackend::emptyCart() — Method in class DMSSessionBackend

Flushes the cart

DMSUploadField_ItemHandler::EditForm() — Method in class DMSUploadField_ItemHandler
DataExtension::extraStatics() — Method in class DataExtension

Define extra database fields

DataList::exclude() — Method in class DataList

Return a copy of this list which does not contain any items with these charactaristics

DataList::each() — Method in class DataList

Walks the list using the specified callback

DataList::exists() — Method in class DataList

Returns true if this DataList has items

DataObject::exists() — Method in class DataObject

Returns true if this object "exists", i.e., has a sensible value.

DataObject::extendedCan() — Method in class DataObject

Process tri-state responses from permission-alterting extensions. The extensions are expected to return one of three values:

DataObject::enable_subclass_access() — Method in class DataObject
DataQuery::ensureSelectContainsOrderbyColumns() — Method in class DataQuery

Ensure that if a query has an order by clause, those columns are present in the select.

DataQuery::execute() — Method in class DataQuery

Execute the query and return the result as Query object.

DataQuery::expressionForField() — Method in class DataQuery
DatedUpdateHolder::ExtractMonths() — Method in class DatedUpdateHolder

Produce an ArrayList of available months out of the updates contained in the DataList.

Debug::endshow() — Method in class Debug

Close out the show dumper

DebugBarDatabaseCollector::explodeFields() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseCollector

Explode comma separated elements not within parenthesis or quotes

DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::enumValuesForField() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy
$ DebugView#error_typesProperty in class DebugView
$ Deprecation#enabledProperty in class Deprecation

Override whether deprecation is enabled. If null, then fallback to SS_DEPRECATION_ENABLED, and then true if not defined.

DevelopmentAdmin::errors() — Method in class DevelopmentAdmin
$ Diff#editsProperty in class Diff
$ Director#environment_typeProperty in class Director
Director::extract_request_headers() — Method in class Director

Takes a $_SERVER data array and extracts HTTP request headers.

$ DropdownField#emptyStringProperty in class DropdownField
EditableCheckboxClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
EditableCheckboxGroupFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
EditableCountryDropdownFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A dropdown field which allows the user to select a country

EditableCustomRuleClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A custom rule for showing / hiding an EditableFormField based the value of another EditableFormField.

$ EditableCustomRule#extensionsProperty in class EditableCustomRule

Built in extensions required

EditableDateFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
EditableDateField_FormFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
EditableDropdownClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ EditableDropdown#EmptyStringProperty in class EditableDropdown
EditableEmailFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
EditableFieldGroupClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Specifies that this ends a group of fields

EditableFieldGroupEndClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Specifies that this ends a group of fields

EditableFileFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Allows a user to add a field that can be used to upload a file.

EditableFormFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Represents the base class of a editable form field object like EditableTextField.

$ EditableFormField#extensionsProperty in class EditableFormField

Built in extensions required

EditableFormField::EffectiveDisplayRules() — Method in class EditableFormField

Determine effective display rules for this field.

EditableFormFieldValidatorClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
EditableFormHeadingClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Allows an editor to insert a generic heading into a field

EditableFormStepClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A step in multi-page user form

EditableLiteralFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Editable Literal Field. A literal field is just a blank slate where you can add your own HTML / Images / Flash

$ EditableLiteralField#editor_configProperty in class EditableLiteralField

Get the name of the editor config to use for HTML sanitisation. Defaults to the active config.

EditableMemberListFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Creates an editable field that displays members in a given group

EditableMultipleOptionFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Base class for multiple option fields such as EditableDropdownField and radio sets.

EditableNumericFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
EditableOptionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Base Class for EditableOption Fields such as the ones used in dropdown fields and in radio check box groups

$ EditableOption#extensionsProperty in class EditableOption
EditableRadioFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
EditableSpamProtectionFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
EditableTextFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ElementChildrenListClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ ElementChildrenList#enable_title_in_templateProperty in class ElementChildrenList
ElementContactClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ ElementContact#extensionsProperty in class ElementContact
ElementContentClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ElementDuplicationExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ElementFileClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ ElementFile#enable_title_in_templateProperty in class ElementFile
ElementImageClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Image tiles can link to a certain page.

ElementLinkClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ElementListClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A list contains nested BaseElement such as a list of related files.

$ ElementList#extensionsProperty in class ElementList
$ ElementList#enable_title_in_templateProperty in class ElementList
ElementPageExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ ElementPageExtension#elements_titleProperty in class ElementPageExtension
ElementPublishChildrenClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ElementSocialIconsClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ElementUserDefinedFormClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ElementUserDefinedForm::ElementForm() — Method in class ElementUserDefinedForm
ElementVirtualLinkedClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Virtual Linked Element.

ElementVirtualLinked_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ElementalAdminClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ElementalAreaClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ElementalArea::Elements() — Method in class ElementalArea

Returns the BaseElement instances that should be displayed to the user.

ElementalContentControllerExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ElementalGridFieldAddExistingAutocompleterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This class is is responsible for adding objects to another object's has_many and many_many relation, as defined by the RelationList passed to the GridField constructor.

ElementalGridFieldAddNewMultiClassClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ElementalGridFieldDeleteActionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ElementalSolrIndexerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ElementalSolrIndexer::elementPageChanged() — Method in class ElementalSolrIndexer
EmailClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Class to support sending emails.

EmailFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Text input field with validation for correct email format according to RFC 2822.

EmptyPagesReportClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
EnabledMembersClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
EncryptAllPasswordsTaskClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Encrypt all passwords

EndsWithFilterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Matches textual content with a substring match on a text fragment leading to the end of the string.

EnumClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Class Enum represents an enumeration of a set of strings.

$ Enum#enumProperty in class Enum
Enum::enumValues() — Method in class Enum

Returns the values of this enum as an array, suitable for insertion into a DropdownField

EnvironmentCheckClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Interface for environment checks

EnvironmentCheckSuiteClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Represents a suite of environment checks.

EnvironmentCheckSuiteResultClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A single set of results from running an EnvironmentCheckSuite

EnvironmentCheckerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Provides an interface for checking the given EnvironmentCheckSuite.

$ EnvironmentChecker#errorCodeProperty in class EnvironmentChecker
$ EnvironmentChecker#email_resultsProperty in class EnvironmentChecker
ErrorControlChainClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Class ErrorControlChain

$ ErrorControlChain#errorProperty in class ErrorControlChain

Is there an error?

ErrorControlChain::execute() — Method in class ErrorControlChain
ErrorPageClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

ErrorPage holds the content for the page of an error response.

ErrorPageControllerExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Enhances error handling for a controller with ErrorPage generated output

ErrorPageSubsiteClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ErrorPage_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Controller for ErrorPages.

EventHolderClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
EventHolder_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

The parameters apply in the following preference order:

  • Highest priority: Tag & date (or date range)
  • Month (and Year)
  • Pagination
EventPageClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
EventPage_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ExactMatchFilterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Selects textual content with an exact match between columnname and keyword.

ExactMatchFilter::excludeOne() — Method in class ExactMatchFilter

Excludes an exact match (equals) on a field value.

ExactMatchFilter::excludeMany() — Method in class ExactMatchFilter

Excludes an exact match (equals) on a field value against multiple possible values.

ExactMatchMultiFilterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Checks if a value is in a given set.

ExistingWorkflowExceptionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Add extension that can be added to an object with Object::add_extension().

ExternalURLCheckClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Checks that one or more URLs are reachable via HTTP.

$ File#extensionsProperty in class File
File::exists() — Method in class File

A file only exists if the file_exists() and is in the DB as a record

FileTextExtractable::extractFileAsText() — Method in class FileTextExtractable

Tries to parse the file contents if a FileTextExtractor class exists to handle the file type, and returns the text.

FluentExtension::explode_column_string() — Method in class FluentExtension

Splits a spec string safely, considering quoted columns, whitespace, and cleaning brackets

$ Form#extraClassesProperty in class Form
$ Form#encTypeProperty in class Form
Form::enableSecurityToken() — Method in class Form

Enable SecurityToken protection for this form instance.

Form::extraClass() — Method in class Form

Compiles all CSS-classes.

$ FormField#extraClassProperty in class FormField
$ FormField#extraClassesProperty in class FormField

Extra CSS classes for the FormField container.

FormField::extraClass() — Method in class FormField

Compiles all CSS-classes. Optionally includes a "nolabel" class if no title was set on the FormField.

FormSpamProtectionExtension::enableSpamProtection() — Method in class FormSpamProtectionExtension

Activates the spam protection module.

FulltextFilter::excludeOne() — Method in class FulltextFilter

Exclude filter criteria from a SQL query with a single value.

FulltextSearchable::enable() — Method in class FulltextSearchable

Enable the default configuration of MySQL full-text searching on the given data classes.

GridFieldBulkActionEditHandler::escapeFieldName() — Method in class GridFieldBulkActionEditHandler

Escape a fieldName with a unique prefix.

GridFieldDataColumns::escapeValue() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns

Remove values from a value using FieldEscape setter

GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::edit() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
$ GridFieldExportButton#exportColumnsProperty in class GridFieldExportButton
$ GridFieldFormAction#extraAttributesProperty in class GridFieldFormAction
$ GridFieldOrderableRows#extraSortFieldsProperty in class GridFieldOrderableRows

Extra sort fields to apply before the sort field.

GridFieldOrderableRows::executeReorder() — Method in class GridFieldOrderableRows
$ GridFieldQueuedExportButton#exportColumnsProperty in class GridFieldQueuedExportButton
$ Group#extensionsProperty in class Group
$ HTMLText#escape_typeProperty in class HTMLText
HTMLText::exists() — Method in class HTMLText

Returns true if the field has meaningful content.

$ HTMLVarchar#escape_typeProperty in class HTMLVarchar
HTMLVarchar::exists() — Method in class HTMLVarchar
$ HTTP#etagProperty in class HTTP
HTTPCacheControl::enableCache() — Method in class HTTPCacheControl

Simple way to set cache control header to a cacheable state.

$ Hierarchy#expandedProperty in class Hierarchy

Cache of DataObjects' expanded statuses: [ClassName][ID] = bool

HtmlEditorConfig::enablePlugins() — Method in class HtmlEditorConfig

Enable one or several plugins. Will maintain unique list if already enabled plugin is re-passed. If passed in as a map of plugin-name to path, the plugin will be loaded by tinymce.PluginManager.load() instead of through tinyMCE.init().

$ HtmlEditorField#editorConfigProperty in class HtmlEditorField
$ HtmlEditorSanitiser#elementsProperty in class HtmlEditorSanitiser
$ HtmlEditorSanitiser#elementPatternsProperty in class HtmlEditorSanitiser
HtmlEditorSanitiser::elementMatchesRule() — Method in class HtmlEditorSanitiser

Given a DOMElement and an element rule, check if that element passes the rule

$ HybridSessionStore#enabledProperty in class HybridSessionStore

True if this session store has been initialised

HybridSessionStore_Crypto::encrypt() — Method in class HybridSessionStore_Crypto

Encrypt and then sign some cleartext

Image_Cached::exists() — Method in class Image_Cached

Override the parent's exists method becuase the ID is explicitly set to -1 on a cached image we can't use the default check

LDAPService::enabled() — Method in class LDAPService

Checkes whether or not the service is enabled.

$ LeftAndMain#extra_requirements_javascriptProperty in class LeftAndMain

Register additional requirements through the Requirements class.

$ LeftAndMain#extra_requirements_cssProperty in class LeftAndMain

YAML configuration example:

      media: screen
$ LeftAndMain#extra_requirements_themedCssProperty in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::EditForm() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::EmptyForm() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Returns a placeholder form, used by getEditForm() if no record is selected.

LeftAndMain::EditorToolbar() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Return the CMS's HTML-editor toolbar

LeftAndMain::EditFormTools() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Renders a panel containing tools which apply to the currently displayed edit form.

$ LeftAndMainMarkingFilter#expandedProperty in class LeftAndMainMarkingFilter
$ LoginAttempt#EmailProperty in class LoginAttempt

Email address used for login attempt. @deprecated 3.0...5.0

$ LoginAttempt#EmailHashedProperty in class LoginAttempt

sha1 hashed Email address used for login attempt

Lumberjack::excludeSiteTreeClassNames() — Method in class Lumberjack

Excludes any hidden owner subclasses. Note that the returned DataList will be a different instance from the original.

Mailer::encodeMessage() — Method in class Mailer

Encode a message using the given encoding mechanism

Mailer::email() — Method in class Mailer

Send the actual email

Mailer::encodeAttachments() — Method in class Mailer

Encode attachments into a message

Mailer::encodeMultipart() — Method in class Mailer

Encode an array of parts using multipart

Mailer::encodeFileForEmail() — Method in class Mailer

Encode the contents of a file for emailing, including headers

$ ManyManyList#extraFieldsProperty in class ManyManyList
$ Member#EmailProperty in class Member
Member::encryptWithUserSettings() — Method in class Member

Utility for generating secure password hashes for this member.

$ ModelAsController#extensionsProperty in class ModelAsController
Money::exists() — Method in class Money
MySQLSchemaManager::enumValuesForField() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Returns the values of the given enum field

MySQLSchemaManager::enum() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return a enum type-formatted string

MySQLiConnector::escapeString() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Given a value escape this for use in a query for the current database connector. Note that this does not quote the value.

NotifyUsersWorkflowAction::execute() — Method in class NotifyUsersWorkflowAction

Perform whatever needs to be done for this action. If this action can be considered executed, then return true - if not (ie it needs some user input first), return false and 'execute' will be triggered again at a later point in time after the user has provided more data, either directly or indirectly.

$ Oembed_Result#extraClassProperty in class Oembed_Result

Class to be injected into the resulting HTML element.

Oembed_Result::exists() — Method in class Oembed_Result

Return true if this object "exists" i.e. has a sensible value

OptionsetField::ExtraOptions() — Method in class OptionsetField
$ PDOConnector#emulate_prepareProperty in class PDOConnector

Should ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES flag be used to emulate prepared statements?

PDOConnector::escapeString() — Method in class PDOConnector

Given a value escape this for use in a query for the current database connector. Note that this does not quote the value.

PDOConnector::exec() — Method in class PDOConnector

Executes a query that doesn't return a resultset

PartialMatchFilter::excludeOne() — Method in class PartialMatchFilter

Exclude filter criteria from a SQL query with a single value.

PartialMatchFilter::excludeMany() — Method in class PartialMatchFilter

Exclude filter criteria from a SQL query with an array of values.

$ PasswordEncryptor#encryptorsProperty in class PasswordEncryptor
PasswordEncryptor::encrypt() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor

Return a string value stored in the Member->Password property.

PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish::encrypt() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish

Return a string value stored in the Member->Password property.

PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish::encryptX() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish
PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish::encryptY() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish
PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish::encryptA() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish
PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash::encrypt() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash

Return a string value stored in the Member->Password property.

PasswordEncryptor_MySQLOldPassword::encrypt() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_MySQLOldPassword

Return a string value stored in the Member->Password property.

PasswordEncryptor_MySQLPassword::encrypt() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_MySQLPassword

Return a string value stored in the Member->Password property.

PasswordEncryptor_None::encrypt() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_None

Return a string value stored in the Member->Password property.

PasswordEncryptor_PBKDF2::encrypt() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_PBKDF2

Return a string value stored in the Member->Password property.

PasswordEncryptor_PHPHash::encrypt() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_PHPHash

Return a string value stored in the Member->Password property.

$ PhoneNumberField#extProperty in class PhoneNumberField
PolymorphicForeignKey::exists() — Method in class PolymorphicForeignKey

Determines if the field has a value which is not considered to be 'null' in a database context.

PostgreSQLConnector::escapeParameter() — Method in class PostgreSQLConnector

Escape a parameter to be used in the connection string

PostgreSQLConnector::escapeString() — Method in class PostgreSQLConnector

Given a value escape this for use in a query for the current database connector. Note that this does not quote the value.

PostgreSQLConnector::escapeIdentifier() — Method in class PostgreSQLConnector

Escapes an identifier (table / database name). Typically the value is simply double quoted. Don't pass in already escaped identifiers in, as this will double escape the value!

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::extractTriggerColumns() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Given a trigger name attempt to determine the columns upon which it acts

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::enum() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Return a enum type-formatted string

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::enumValuesForField() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Returns the values of the given enum field

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::enumValuesFromConstraint() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Get the actual enum fields from the constraint value:

$ Profiler#endTimeProperty in class Profiler
Profiler::elapsedTime() — Method in class Profiler

measure the elapsed time of a timer without stoping the timer if it is still running

Profiler::elapsedOverall() — Method in class Profiler

Measure the elapsed time since the profile class was initialised

PublishItemWorkflowAction::execute() — Method in class PublishItemWorkflowAction

Perform whatever needs to be done for this action. If this action can be considered executed, then return true - if not (ie it needs some user input first), return false and 'execute' will be triggered again at a later point in time after the user has provided more data, either directly or indirectly.

QueuedJobDescriptor::execute() — Method in class QueuedJobDescriptor
$ RSSFeed#entriesProperty in class RSSFeed

Holds the feed entries

$ RSSFeed#etagProperty in class RSSFeed

ETag for the RSS feed (used for client-site caching)

RSSFeed::Entries() — Method in class RSSFeed

Get the RSS feed entries

RealMeService::enforceLogin() — Method in class RealMeService

Enforce login via RealMe. This can be used in controllers to force users to be authenticated via RealMe (not necessarily logged in as a Member), in the form of:

Session::set('RealMeBackURL', '/path/to/the/controller/method');
if($service->enforceLogin()) {
    // User has a valid RealMe account, $service->getAuthData() will return you their details
} else {
    // Something went wrong processing their details, show an error
RegistryPage_Controller::export() — Method in class RegistryPage_Controller

Exports out all the data for the current search results.

RegistryPage_Controller::escapeSelect() — Method in class RegistryPage_Controller

Safely escape a list of "select" candidates for a query

Requirements_Backend::escapeReplacement() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Safely escape a literal string for use in preg_replace replacement

$ RestfulService#errorTagProperty in class RestfulService
RestfulService::extractResponse() — Method in class RestfulService

Extracts the response body and headers from a full curl response

$ SAMLConfiguration#expect_binary_nameidProperty in class SAMLConfiguration
SQLExpression::execute() — Method in class SQLExpression

Execute this query.

SQLSelect::expressionForField() — Method in class SQLSelect

Return the SQL expression for the given field alias.

SQLite3Connector::escapeString() — Method in class SQLite3Connector

Given a value escape this for use in a query for the current database connector. Note that this does not quote the value.

$ SQLite3SchemaManager#enum_mapProperty in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Cached list of enum values indexed by table.column

SQLite3SchemaManager::enum() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Return a enum type-formatted string

SQLite3SchemaManager::enumValuesForField() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Return enum values for the given field

SSViewer::exists() — Method in class SSViewer
SSViewer::execute_template() — Method in class SSViewer

Execute the given template, passing it the given data.

SSViewer::execute_string() — Method in class SSViewer

Execute the evaluated string, passing it the given data.

SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport::Even() — Method in class SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport

Return true if this object is an even item in the set.

SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport::EvenOdd() — Method in class SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport

Return 'even' or 'odd' if this object is in an even or odd position in the set respectively.

SS_Cli::end_colour() — Method in class SS_Cli

Send control codes for returning to normal colour

SS_Database::escapeString() — Method in class SS_Database

Returns an escaped string. This string won't be quoted, so would be suitable for appending to other quoted strings.

SS_Database::escapeIdentifier() — Method in class SS_Database

Escapes an identifier (table / database name). Typically the value is simply double quoted. Don't pass in already escaped identifiers in, as this will double escape the value!

SS_Database::escapeColumnKeys() — Method in class SS_Database

Escapes unquoted columns keys in an associative array

SS_Database::enumValuesForField() — Method in class SS_Database
SS_Database::endSchemaUpdate() — Method in class SS_Database
SS_Filterable::exclude() — Method in class SS_Filterable

Return a new instance of this list that excludes any items with these charactaristics

$ SS_HTTPRequest#extensionProperty in class SS_HTTPRequest
SS_List::each() — Method in class SS_List

Walks the list using the specified callback

SS_ListDecorator::exists() — Method in class SS_ListDecorator

Return true if this object "exists" i.e. has a sensible value

SS_ListDecorator::each() — Method in class SS_ListDecorator

Walks the list using the specified callback

SS_ListDecorator::exclude() — Method in class SS_ListDecorator

Exclude the list to not contain items with these charactaristics

$ SS_LogEmailWriter#emailAddressProperty in class SS_LogEmailWriter
$ SS_LogFileWriter#extraHeadersProperty in class SS_LogFileWriter

Extra headers to pass to error_log()

$ SS_Map_Iterator#endItemIdxProperty in class SS_Map_Iterator
$ SS_Map_Iterator#excludedItemsProperty in class SS_Map_Iterator
$ SS_Object#extensionsProperty in class SS_Object

An array of extension names and parameters to be applied to this object upon construction.

$ SS_Object#extra_methodsProperty in class SS_Object
$ SS_Object#extension_instancesProperty in class SS_Object
SS_Object::exists() — Method in class SS_Object

Return true if this object "exists" i.e. has a sensible value

SS_Object::extend() — Method in class SS_Object

Run the given function on all of this object's extensions. Note that this method originally returned void, so if you wanted to return results, you're hosed

$ SS_Report#excluded_reportsProperty in class SS_Report

Reports which should not be collected and returned in get_reports

SS_Report::extendedCan() — Method in class SS_Report

Helper to assist with permission extension

SS_TestListener::endTest() — Method in class SS_TestListener
SS_TestListener::endTestSuite() — Method in class SS_TestListener
SapphireInfo::EnvironmentType() — Method in class SapphireInfo
SapphireREPL::error_handler() — Method in class SapphireREPL
$ SapphireTest#extraDataObjectsProperty in class SapphireTest

By default, the test database won't contain any DataObjects that have the interface TestOnly.

SapphireTest::empty_temp_db() — Method in class SapphireTest

Remove all content from the temporary database.

SapphireTestReporter::endCurrentTest() — Method in class SapphireTestReporter

Cleanly end the current test

SapphireTestReporter::endTest() — Method in class SapphireTestReporter

Upon completion of a test, records the execution time (if available) and adds the test to the tests performed in the current suite.

SapphireTestReporter::endCurrentTestSuite() — Method in class SapphireTestReporter

Cleanly end the current test suite

SapphireTestReporter::endTestSuite() — Method in class SapphireTestReporter

Upon completion of a test suite adds the suite to the suties performed

SearchFilter::exclude() — Method in class SearchFilter

Exclude filter criteria from a SQL query.

SearchFilter::excludeOne() — Method in class SearchFilter

Exclude filter criteria from a SQL query with a single value.

SearchFilter::excludeMany() — Method in class SearchFilter

Exclude filter criteria from a SQL query with an array of values.

$ SearchIndex#excludedVariantStatesProperty in class SearchIndex
SearchIndex::excludeVariantState() — Method in class SearchIndex
$ SearchQuery#excludeProperty in class SearchQuery
SearchQuery::exclude() — Method in class SearchQuery

Excludes results which match these criteria, inverse of filter().

$ SearchQuery_Range#endProperty in class SearchQuery_Range
SearchQuery_Range::end() — Method in class SearchQuery_Range
SearchVariantSiteTreeSubsitesPolyhome::extractManipulationWriteState() — Method in class SearchVariantSiteTreeSubsitesPolyhome

We need really complicated logic to find just the changed subsites (because we use versions there's no explicit deletes, just new versions with different members) so just always use all of them

SearchVariantSubsites::extractManipulationWriteState() — Method in class SearchVariantSubsites

We need really complicated logic to find just the changed subsites (because we use versions there's no explicit deletes, just new versions with different members) so just always use all of them

SearchVariantVersioned::extractManipulationState() — Method in class SearchVariantVersioned
SearchVariantVersioned::extractStates() — Method in class SearchVariantVersioned
Security::encrypt_password() — Method in class Security

Encrypt a password according to the current password encryption settings.

$ SecurityToken#enabledProperty in class SecurityToken
SecurityToken::enable() — Method in class SecurityToken

Globally enable tokens that have been previously disabled through disable.

SetPropertyWorkflowAction::execute() — Method in class SetPropertyWorkflowAction

Perform whatever needs to be done for this action. If this action can be considered executed, then return true - if not (ie it needs some user input first), return false and 'execute' will be triggered again at a later point in time after the user has provided more data, either directly or indirectly.

ShareDraftController::errorPage() — Method in class ShareDraftController
$ ShortcodeParser#error_behaviorProperty in class ShortcodeParser
ShortcodeParser::extractTags() — Method in class ShortcodeParser

Look through a string that contains shortcode tags and pull out the locations and details of those tags

SilverStripeListener::endTestSuite() — Method in class SilverStripeListener
SilverStripeListener::endTest() — Method in class SilverStripeListener
EmailContextClass in namespace SilverStripe\BehatExtension\Context

Context used to define steps related to email sending.

ModuleInitialisationController::execute() — Method in class ModuleInitialisationController
ModuleSuiteLocator::execute() — Method in class ModuleSuiteLocator

Processes data from container and console input.

ExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\BehatExtension

SilverStripe extension for Behat class.

CachedConfigCollection::exists() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection

Checks to see if a config item exists, or a property on that class

ConfigCollectionInterface::exists() — Method in class ConfigCollectionInterface

Checks to see if a config item exists, or a property on that class

MemoryConfigCollection::exists() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection

Checks to see if a config item exists, or a property on that class

MiddlewareCommon::enabled() — Method in class MiddlewareCommon

Check if this middlware is enabled

YamlTransformer::evaluateConditions() — Method in class YamlTransformer

Evaluate condition against a set of data using the appropriate conjuction for the flag

EnablerExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\LoginForms

Applies to the {Security} controller in order to detect requests for actions related to the log in process or other such credential management (such as the forgot password flow).

$ EnablerExtension#excluded_actionsProperty in class EnablerExtension

Aids in preventing themes from being overridden in the case of delegating handlers e.g. if an extension adds a route that should not be styled by login-forms, this config setting can be used to prevent the otherwise blanket override applying to all actions.

EncryptionAdapterExceptionClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\Exception

Representing a failure during encryption or decryption with an EncryptionAdapterInterface

ChangePasswordExtension::extend() — Method in class ChangePasswordExtension
DefusePHPEncryptionAdapter::encrypt() — Method in class DefusePHPEncryptionAdapter

Encrypts the given plain text string with the given key, and returns the output cipher text

EncryptionAdapterInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\Service

A generic encryption service implementation, responsible for encrypting and decrypting strings.

EncryptionAdapterInterface::encrypt() — Method in class EncryptionAdapterInterface

Encrypts the given plain text string with the given key, and returns the output cipher text

EnforcementManagerClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\Service

The EnforcementManager class is responsible for making decisions regarding multi-factor authentication app flow, e.g. "should we redirect to the MFA section", "can the user skip MFA registration" etc.

$ EnforcementManager#enabledProperty in class EnforcementManager

Whether enforcement of MFA is enabled. If this is disabled, users will not be redirected to MFA registration or verification on login flows.

$ Notification#enabledProperty in class Notification

Whether sending emails is enabled for MFA changes

SimpleApprovalWorkflowAction::execute() — Method in class SimpleApprovalWorkflowAction

Perform whatever needs to be done for this action. If this action can be considered executed, then return true - if not (ie it needs some user input first), return false and 'execute' will be triggered again at a later point in time after the user has provided more data, either directly or indirectly.

SiteConfig::EditorGroups() — Method in class SiteConfig

List of groups that can edit SiteConfig.

$ SiteTree#extensionsProperty in class SiteTree
$ SiteTree#enforce_strict_hierarchyProperty in class SiteTree
SiteTree::enable_nested_urls() — Method in class SiteTree
SiteTree::ElementName() — Method in class SiteTree

Return a CSS identifier generated from this page's link.

SiteTree::enableCMSFieldsExtensions() — Method in class SiteTree

Reenables extendCMSFields() being called on getCMSFields() after it has been disabled by disableCMSFieldsExtensions().

SiteTree::EditorGroups() — Method in class SiteTree

List of groups that can edit this object.

SitewideContentTaxonomy::enabled() — Method in class SitewideContentTaxonomy

Check if this field is enabled.

$ SolrIndex#extrasPathProperty in class SolrIndex
$ Solr_BuildTask#enabledProperty in class Solr_BuildTask
$ Solr_Configure#enabledProperty in class Solr_Configure
$ Solr_Reindex#enabledProperty in class Solr_Reindex
$ SpellCheckAdminExtension#editorProperty in class SpellCheckAdminExtension

HTMLEditorConfig name to use

$ SpellController#enable_security_tokenProperty in class SpellController

Enable security token for spellchecking

SpellController::error() — Method in class SpellController

Set the error

$ SpellRequestFilter#editorProperty in class SpellRequestFilter

HtmlEditorConfig name to use

$ StaticPagesQueueEvent#eventsProperty in class StaticPagesQueueEvent
StringField::exists() — Method in class StringField
$ SubsitesTreeDropdownField#extraClassesProperty in class SubsitesTreeDropdownField
Tab::extraClass() — Method in class Tab

Compiles all CSS-classes. Optionally includes a "nolabel" class if no title was set on the FormField.

$ TaxonomyTerm#extensionsProperty in class TaxonomyTerm
TeamCityListener::endTestSuite() — Method in class TeamCityListener
TeamCityListener::endTest() — Method in class TeamCityListener
$ TestMailer#emailsSentProperty in class TestMailer
$ TokenisedRegularExpression#expressionProperty in class TokenisedRegularExpression

The regular expression definition

$ Translatable#enforce_global_unique_urlsProperty in class Translatable
$ Translatable#enable_siteconfig_generationProperty in class Translatable

Enables automatic population of SiteConfig fields using createTranslation if created outside of the Translatable module

Translatable::enable_locale_filter() — Method in class Translatable

Enables automatic filtering by locale. This is normally called after is has been disabled using disable_locale_filter().

Translatable::enable() — Method in class Translatable

Enables the multilingual feature

Translatable::extendWithSuffix() — Method in class Translatable
TreeDropdownField::extraClass() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Compiles all CSS-classes. Optionally includes a "nolabel" class if no title was set on the FormField.

URLArrayObject::excludeFromCache() — Method in class URLArrayObject
UnpublishItemWorkflowAction::execute() — Method in class UnpublishItemWorkflowAction

Perform whatever needs to be done for this action. If this action can be considered executed, then return true - if not (ie it needs some user input first), return false and 'execute' will be triggered again at a later point in time after the user has provided more data, either directly or indirectly.

$ UnsavedRelationList#extraFieldsProperty in class UnsavedRelationList

The extra fields associated with the relation

$ Upload#errorsProperty in class Upload

Processing errors that can be evaluated, e.g. by Form-validation.

UploadField::extraClass() — Method in class UploadField

Compiles all CSS-classes. Optionally includes a "nolabel" class if no title was set on the FormField.

UploadField::extractUploadedFileData() — Method in class UploadField

Given an array of post variables, extract all temporary file data into an array

UploadField::encodeFileAttributes() — Method in class UploadField

Safely encodes the File object with all standard fields required by the front end

UploadField_ItemHandler::EditLink() — Method in class UploadField_ItemHandler
UploadField_ItemHandler::edit() — Method in class UploadField_ItemHandler

Action to handle editing of a single file

UploadField_ItemHandler::EditForm() — Method in class UploadField_ItemHandler
$ Upload_Validator#errorsProperty in class Upload_Validator
$ UserDefinedForm#email_template_directoryProperty in class UserDefinedForm
$ UserDefinedForm#extensionsProperty in class UserDefinedForm

Built in extensions required by this page

$ UserDefinedForm#error_container_idProperty in class UserDefinedForm

Error container selector which matches the element for grouped messages

$ UserDefinedForm#enable_are_you_sureProperty in class UserDefinedForm

The configuration used to determine whether a confirmation message is to appear when navigating away from a partially completed form.

UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient::emailTemplateExists() — Method in class UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient

Make sure the email template saved against the recipient exists on the file system.

$ ValidationResult#errorListProperty in class ValidationResult
ValidationResult::error() — Method in class ValidationResult

Record an error against this validation result,

$ Validator#errorsProperty in class Validator
Versioned::extendWithSuffix() — Method in class Versioned
ViewableData::escapeTypeForField() — Method in class ViewableData

Return the string-format type for the given field.

WebDAV::exists() — Method in class WebDAV
Widget::EditableSegment() — Method in class Widget
WidgetController::editablesegment() — Method in class WidgetController

Uses the WidgetEditor.ss template and Widget->editablesegment() to render a administrator-view of the widget. It is assumed that this view contains form elements which are submitted and saved through WidgetAreaEditor within the CMS interface.

WithinRangeFilter::excludeOne() — Method in class WithinRangeFilter

Exclude filter criteria from a SQL query with a single value.

WorkflowAction::execute() — Method in class WorkflowAction

Perform whatever needs to be done for this action. If this action can be considered executed, then return true - if not (ie it needs some user input first), return false and 'execute' will be triggered again at a later point in time after the user has provided more data, either directly or indirectly.

WorkflowAction::exportData() — Method in class WorkflowAction

Returns the list of fields defined on the action that should be included in exports

$ WorkflowDefinitionExporter#export_filename_prefixProperty in class WorkflowDefinitionExporter

The base filename of the file to the exported

WorkflowDefinitionExporter::export() — Method in class WorkflowDefinitionExporter

Runs the export

WorkflowDefinitionExporter::ExportMetaData() — Method in class WorkflowDefinitionExporter

Generate template vars for metadata

$ WorkflowEmbargoExpiryExtension#extendedMethodReturnProperty in class WorkflowEmbargoExpiryExtension

A basic extended validation routine method return format

WorkflowEmbargoExpiryExtension::ensurePublishJob() — Method in class WorkflowEmbargoExpiryExtension

Ensure the existence of a publish job at the specified time

WorkflowEmbargoExpiryExtension::ensureUnPublishJob() — Method in class WorkflowEmbargoExpiryExtension

Ensure the existence of an unpublish job at the specified time

WorkflowFieldItemController::edit() — Method in class WorkflowFieldItemController
WorkflowInstance::execute() — Method in class WorkflowInstance

Execute this workflow. In rare cases this will actually execute all actions, but typically, it will stop and wait for the user to input something

WorkflowService::executeTransition() — Method in class WorkflowService

Given a transition ID, figure out what should happen to the given $subject.

$ WorkflowTransition#extendedMethodReturnProperty in class WorkflowTransition
WorkflowTransition::extendedRequiredFieldsNotSame() — Method in class WorkflowTransition
i18nSSLegacyAdapter_Iterator::endChildren() — Method in class i18nSSLegacyAdapter_Iterator
$ i18nTextCollector_Parser#entitiesProperty in class i18nTextCollector_Parser


$ AdvancedWorkflowAdmin#fileEditActionsProperty in class AdvancedWorkflowAdmin
$ AdvancedWorkflowAdmin#fieldOverridesProperty in class AdvancedWorkflowAdmin

Defaults are set in getEditForm().

Aggregate::flushCache() — Method in class Aggregate

Clear the aggregate cache for a given type, or pass nothing to clear all aggregate caches.

AkismetField::Field() — Method in class AkismetField

Returns the form field.

AkismetField::FieldHolder() — Method in class AkismetField

Returns a "field holder" for this field.

ArrayLib::filter_keys() — Method in class ArrayLib

Filter an array by keys (useful for only allowing certain form-input to be saved).

ArrayLib::flatten() — Method in class ArrayLib

Takes an multi dimension array and returns the flattened version.

ArrayList::first() — Method in class ArrayList

Returns the first item in the list

ArrayList::find() — Method in class ArrayList

Find the first item of this list where the given key = value

ArrayList::filter() — Method in class ArrayList

Filter the list to include items with these charactaristics

ArrayList::filterAny() — Method in class ArrayList

Return a copy of this list which contains items matching any of these charactaristics.

ArrayList::filterByCallback() — Method in class ArrayList
AssignUsersToWorkflowAction::fieldLabels() — Method in class AssignUsersToWorkflowAction

Get any user defined searchable fields labels that exist. Allows overriding of default field names in the form interface actually presented to the user.

BaseElement::forTemplate() — Method in class BaseElement

Override the Widget::forTemplate() method so that holders are not rendered twice. The controller should render with widget inside the

BlogPost::fieldLabels() — Method in class BlogPost

Sets the label for BlogPost.Title to 'Post Title' (Rather than 'Page name').

$ GridFieldDropdownFilter#filterOptionsProperty in class GridFieldDropdownFilter
UpdateChecker::findLatestPackage() — Method in class UpdateChecker

Given a package, this finds the latest package matching it

$ CSVParser#filenameProperty in class CSVParser
$ CSVParser#fileHandleProperty in class CSVParser
CSVParser::fetchCSVHeader() — Method in class CSVParser

Get a header row from the CSV file.

CSVParser::fetchCSVRow() — Method in class CSVParser

Get a row from the CSV file and update $this->currentRow;

$ CWPSiteConfigExtension#fieldsToRemoveByThemeProperty in class CWPSiteConfigExtension

Define fields that should be removed for specific CWP themes

CheckboxSetField::Field() — Method in class CheckboxSetField
$ Comment#field_labelsProperty in class Comment
Comment::fieldLabels() — Method in class Comment

Translate the form field labels for the CMS administration

$ CommentingController#fallbackReturnURLProperty in class CommentingController

Backup url to return to

CompositeField::FieldList() — Method in class CompositeField

Returns all the sub-fields, suitable for <% loop FieldList %>

CompositeField::fieldByName() — Method in class CompositeField
CompositeField::fieldPosition() — Method in class CompositeField

Find the numerical position of a field within the children collection. Doesn't work recursively.

$ Config#for_class_instancesProperty in class Config
Config::forClass() — Method in class Config

Get an accessor that returns results by class by default.

Config::filter_array_by_suppress_array() — Method in class Config
Config_ForClass::forClass() — Method in class Config_ForClass
ConfirmedPasswordField::Field() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField
ContentReviewCMSExtension::findRecord() — Method in class ContentReviewCMSExtension

Find the page this form is updating

$ ContentReviewNotificationJob#first_run_hourProperty in class ContentReviewNotificationJob

The hour that the first job will be created at (for the next day). All other jobs should be triggered around this time too, as the next generation is queued when this job is run.

ConvertTranslatableTask::fluentClasses() — Method in class ConvertTranslatableTask

Gets all classes with FluentExtension

Cookie::forceExpiry() — Method in class Cookie
Cookie::force_expiry() — Method in class Cookie
CookieJar::forceExpiry() — Method in class CookieJar

Force the expiry of a cookie by name

Cookie_Backend::forceExpiry() — Method in class Cookie_Backend

Force the expiry of a cookie by name

CountryDropdownField::Field() — Method in class CountryDropdownField
CreditCardField::Field() — Method in class CreditCardField

Returns the form field.

CsvBulkLoader::findExistingObject() — Method in class CsvBulkLoader

Find an existing objects based on one or more uniqueness columns specified via self::$duplicateChecks.

$ CurlLinkChecker#FollowLocationProperty in class CurlLinkChecker

If we want to follow redirects a 301 http code for example Set via YAML file

CurrencyField_Disabled::Field() — Method in class CurrencyField_Disabled

overloaded to display the correctly formated value for this datatype

CurrencyField_Readonly::Field() — Method in class CurrencyField_Readonly

overloaded to display the correctly formated value for this datatype

DB::field_list() — Method in class DB

Get a list of all the fields for the given table.

DB::fieldList() — Method in class DB
DBField::forTemplate() — Method in class DBField
DBInt::Formatted() — Method in class DBInt

Returns the number, with commas added as appropriate, eg “1,000”.

DBSchemaManager::fieldList() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Get a list of all the fields for the given table.

$ DMS#folder_nameProperty in class DMS

Folder to store the documents in

$ DMS#folder_sizeProperty in class DMS

How many documents to store in a single folder. The square of this number is the maximum number of documents.

DMSDocumentAddExistingField::FieldHolder() — Method in class DMSDocumentAddExistingField

Returns a "field holder" for this field.

DMSDocumentAddExistingField::Field() — Method in class DMSDocumentAddExistingField

Returns the form field.

$ DMSDocument_versions#field_labelsProperty in class DMSDocument_versions
$ DMSUploadField#folderNameProperty in class DMSUploadField

The temporary folder name to store files in during upload

DMSUploadField::Field() — Method in class DMSUploadField
$ DataDifferencer#fromRecordProperty in class DataDifferencer
DataFormatter::for_extension() — Method in class DataFormatter

Get a DataFormatter object suitable for handling the given file extension.

DataFormatter::for_extensions() — Method in class DataFormatter

Get formatter for the first matching extension.

DataFormatter::for_mimetype() — Method in class DataFormatter

Get a DataFormatter object suitable for handling the given mimetype.

DataFormatter::for_mimetypes() — Method in class DataFormatter

Get formatter for the first matching mimetype.

DataList::filter() — Method in class DataList

Return a copy of this list which only includes items with these charactaristics

DataList::filterAny() — Method in class DataList

Return a copy of this list which contains items matching any of these charactaristics.

DataList::filterByCallback() — Method in class DataList

Note that, in the current implementation, the filtered list will be an ArrayList, but this may change in a future implementation.

DataList::first() — Method in class DataList

Returns the first item in this DataList

DataList::find() — Method in class DataList

Find the first DataObject of this DataList where the given key = value

$ DataObject#fixed_fieldsProperty in class DataObject
$ DataObject#field_labelsProperty in class DataObject

User defined labels for searchable_fields, used to override default display in the search form.

DataObject::forceChange() — Method in class DataObject

Forces the record to think that all its data has changed.

DataObject::flushCache() — Method in class DataObject

Flush the cached results for all relations (has_one, has_many, many_many) Also clears any cached aggregate data.

DataObject::flush_and_destroy_cache() — Method in class DataObject

Flush the get_one global cache and destroy associated objects.

DataObject::fieldLabels() — Method in class DataObject

Get any user defined searchable fields labels that exist. Allows overriding of default field names in the form interface actually presented to the user.

DataObject::fieldLabel() — Method in class DataObject

Get a human-readable label for a single field, see fieldLabels() for more details.

$ DataQuery#filterByClassNameProperty in class DataQuery
DataQuery::firstRow() — Method in class DataQuery

Return the first row that would be returned by this full DataQuery Note that this will issue a separate SELECT ... LIMIT 1 query.

DatalessField::FieldHolder() — Method in class DatalessField

Returns the field's representation in the form.

Date::Full() — Method in class Date

Returns the date in the format 24 Dec 2006

Date::Format() — Method in class Date

Return the date using a particular formatting string.

Date::FormatI18N() — Method in class Date

Return the date formatted using the given strftime formatting string.

Date::FormatFromSettings() — Method in class Date

Return a date formatted as per a CMS user's settings.

DateField::FieldHolder() — Method in class DateField

Returns a "field holder" for this field.

DateField::Field() — Method in class DateField

Returns the form field.

DateField_Disabled::Field() — Method in class DateField_Disabled

Returns the form field.

$ DateField_View_JQuery#fieldProperty in class DateField_View_JQuery
DatedUpdateHolder_Controller::FilterDescription() — Method in class DatedUpdateHolder_Controller

Returns a description of the current filter

DatedUpdateHolder_Controller::FilteredUpdates() — Method in class DatedUpdateHolder_Controller

Get the updates based on the current query.

DatedUpdatePage::fieldLabels() — Method in class DatedUpdatePage
DatetimeField::FieldHolder() — Method in class DatetimeField
DatetimeField::Field() — Method in class DatetimeField
DatetimeField_Readonly::Field() — Method in class DatetimeField_Readonly
$ Debug#friendly_error_headerProperty in class Debug
$ Debug#friendly_error_httpcodeProperty in class Debug

Set to true to enable friendly errors to set a http response code corresponding to the error.

$ Debug#friendly_error_detailProperty in class Debug
Debug::fatalHandler() — Method in class Debug

Handle a fatal error, depending on the mode of the site (ie: Dev, Test, or Live).

Debug::friendlyError() — Method in class Debug

Render a user-facing error page, using the default HTML error template rendered by ErrorPage} if it exists. Doesn't use the standard {@link SS_HTTPResponse class the keep dependencies minimal.

$ DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy#findSourceProperty in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy
DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::findSource() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy
DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::fieldList() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy
DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::formattedDatetimeClause() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy

function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with the adapter in use used for querying a datetime in a certain format

DebugBarLogWriter::factory() — Method in class DebugBarLogWriter
DebugView::formatCaller() — Method in class DebugView

Formats the caller of a method

Diff::finaltext() — Method in class Diff

Get the final set of lines.

Director::fileExists() — Method in class Director

Returns true if the given file exists.

Director::force_redirect() — Method in class Director

Skip any further processing and immediately respond with a redirect to the passed URL.

Director::forceSSL() — Method in class Director

Force the site to run on SSL.

Director::forceWWW() — Method in class Director

Force a redirect to a domain starting with "www."

$ DocumentImportIFrameField_Importer#fileDescriptorProperty in class DocumentImportIFrameField_Importer

Associative array of:

  • name: the full name of the file including the extension.
DropdownField::Field() — Method in class DropdownField
EditableFormField::formatDisplayRules() — Method in class EditableFormField

Extracts info from DisplayRules into array so UserDefinedForm->buildWatchJS can run through it.

$ EditableSpamProtectionField#formFieldProperty in class EditableSpamProtectionField
$ Email#fromProperty in class Email
Email::From() — Method in class Email
EnabledMembers::formatMethodsColumn() — Method in class EnabledMembers

Produce a string that indicates the names of registered methods for a given member

EnabledMembers::formatDefaultMethodColumn() — Method in class EnabledMembers

Produce a string that indicates the name of the default registered method for a member

Enum::formField() — Method in class Enum

Return a dropdown field suitable for editing this field.

$ EnvironmentChecker#from_email_addressProperty in class EnvironmentChecker
$ ErrorControlChain#fatal_errorsProperty in class ErrorControlChain
ErrorPage::fieldLabels() — Method in class ErrorPage
EventHolder_Controller::FilteredUpdates() — Method in class EventHolder_Controller

Get the events based on the current query.

EventPage::fieldLabels() — Method in class EventPage
FieldGroupClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Lets you include a nested group of fields inside a template.

FieldListClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A list designed to hold form field instances.

FieldList::flushFieldsCache() — Method in class FieldList
FieldList::findOrMakeTab() — Method in class FieldList

Returns the specified tab object, creating it if necessary.

FieldList::fieldByName() — Method in class FieldList

Returns a named field.

FieldList::fieldPosition() — Method in class FieldList

Find the numerical position of a field within the children collection. Doesn't work recursively.

FieldList::forTemplate() — Method in class FieldList

Default template rendering of a FieldList will concatenate all FieldHolder values.

FileClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This class handles the representation of a file on the filesystem within the framework.

File::find() — Method in class File

Find a File object by the given filename.

File::format_size() — Method in class File

Formats a file size (eg: (int)42 becomes string '42 bytes')

File::flushCache() — Method in class File

Flush the cached results for all relations (has_one, has_many, many_many) Also clears any cached aggregate data.

File::fieldLabels() — Method in class File
FileAccessibilityAndValidationCheckClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Checks for the accessibility and file type validation of one or more files or folders.

$ FileAccessibilityAndValidationCheck#fileTypeValidateFuncProperty in class FileAccessibilityAndValidationCheck

Constant, check for a single file to match age criteria, or all of them.

FileAgeCheckClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Checks for the maximum age of one or more files or folders.

FileFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Represents a file type which can be added to a form.

$ FileField#folderNameProperty in class FileField

Partial filesystem path relative to /assets directory.

FileField::Field() — Method in class FileField
FileNameFilterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Filter certain characters from file name, for nicer (more SEO-friendly) URLs as well as better filesystem compatibility. Can be used for files and folders.

FileNameFilter::filter() — Method in class FileNameFilter

Depending on the applied replacement rules, this method might result in an empty string. In this case, getDefaultName() will be used to return a randomly generated file name, while retaining its extension.

FileNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Simple exception extension so that we can tell the difference between internally raised exceptions and those thrown by DMS.

FileSubsitesClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Extension for the File object to add subsites support

FileTextCacheClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
FileTextCache_DatabaseClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Caches the extracted content on the record for the file.

FileTextCache_SSCacheClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Uses SS_Cache with a lifetime to cache extracted content

FileTextCache_SSCache::flush() — Method in class FileTextCache_SSCache

This function is triggered early in the request if the "flush" query parameter has been set. Each class that implements Flushable implements this function which looks after it's own specific flushing functionality.

FileTextExtractableClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Decorate File or a File derivative to enable text extraction from the file content. Uses a set of subclasses of FileTextExtractor to do the extraction based on the content type of the file.

$ FileTextExtractable#fileTextCacheProperty in class FileTextExtractable
FileTextExtractorClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A decorator for File or a subclass that provides a method for extracting full-text from the file's external contents.

FileTextExtractor::for_file() — Method in class FileTextExtractor
FileTextExtractor_ExceptionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
FileVersionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This class represents a single version of a file. Each file can have many versions, and one of these is currently active at any one time.

FileVersionCreationTaskClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Creates initial version records for File objects that do not have any versioning information. This should be run when the module is first installed in order to bootstrap the version history.

FileWorkflowApplicableClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

WorkflowApplicable extension specifically for File objects, which don't have the same CMS UI structure so need to be handled a little differently. Additionally, it doesn't really work without custom code to handle the triggering of workflow, and in general is not ready for production use just yet.

FileWriteableCheckClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Check that the given file is writable.

FilesystemClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A collection of static methods for manipulating the filesystem.

$ Filesystem#file_create_maskProperty in class Filesystem
$ Filesystem#folder_create_maskProperty in class Filesystem
Filesystem::fixfiles() — Method in class Filesystem

Cleanup function to reset all the Filename fields. Visit File/fixfiles to call.

Filesystem::folderModTime() — Method in class Filesystem

Return the most recent modification time of anything in the folder.

FilesystemPublisherClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ FilesystemPublisher#fileExtensionProperty in class FilesystemPublisher
FilesystemSyncTaskClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
FixElementExternalInternalLinksClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
FixElementTitleClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
FixtureBlueprintClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A blueprint on how to create instances of a certain DataObject subclass.

FixtureFactoryClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Manages a set of database fixtures for DataObject records as well as raw database table rows.

$ FixtureFactory#fixturesProperty in class FixtureFactory
FloatClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
FluentClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Bootstrapping and configuration object for Fluet localisation

$ Fluent#force_is_frontendProperty in class Fluent

If set, "is_frontend" can be forced to return a value

FluentContentControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Fluent extension for ContentController

FluentExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Data extension class for translatable objects

FluentFilteredExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Data extension class for a class which should only be present in one or more locales

FluentLeftAndMainClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Fluent extension for main CMS admin

FluentMenuExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Data extension for a page which requires locale-specific menu visibility

FluentMySQLSearchClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Provides rewrite of fluent searches for MySQLDatabase

FluentOldPageRedirectFixClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Bug fix for infinite redirect while trying to show a FluentFilteredExtension disabled page.

FluentRequestFilterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Fluent initialisation filter to run during director init

FluentRootURLControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Home page controller for multiple locales

FluentRootURLController::fluent_homepage_link() — Method in class FluentRootURLController

With Translatable installed, don't pre-append the locale to the homepage URL.

FluentSearchAdapterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Interface for search rewrite handlers

FluentSessionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Because there is not always an active controller (such as during pre-request filters) FluentSession will ensure the correct session object is injected as necessary

FluentSiteTreeClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

SiteTree extension class for translatable objects

FluentSitemapControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Provides extensions for multilingual views of pages in sitemap.xml

FluentValidateTaskClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Helper class to validate fluent configuration

FlushRequestFilterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Triggers a call to flush() on all implementors of Flushable.

FlushableClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Provides an interface for classes to implement their own flushing functionality whenever flush=1 is requested.

Flushable::flush() — Method in class Flushable

This function is triggered early in the request if the "flush" query parameter has been set. Each class that implements Flushable implements this function which looks after it's own specific flushing functionality.

FolderClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Represents a folder in the assets/ directory.

Folder::find_or_make() — Method in class Folder

Find the given folder or create it both as Folder database records and on the filesystem. If necessary, creates parent folders as well. If it's unable to find or make the folder, it will return null (as /assets is unable to be represented by a Folder DataObject)

FolderDropdownFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Represents a TreeDropdownField for folders which remembers the last folder selected

Folder_UnusedAssetsFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ Folder_UnusedAssetsField#folderProperty in class Folder_UnusedAssetsField
Folder_UnusedAssetsField::FieldHolder() — Method in class Folder_UnusedAssetsField

Returns a "field holder" for this field.

FooterHolderClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

FooterHolder is intended as an invisible container for footer links and pages.

FooterHolder_ControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
ForeignKeyClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A special type Int field used for foreign keys in has_one relationships.

FormClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Base class for all forms.

$ Form#fieldsProperty in class Form
$ Form#formMethodProperty in class Form
Form::Fields() — Method in class Form

Return the form's fields - used by the templates

Form::FormAttributes() — Method in class Form
Form::FormHttpMethod() — Method in class Form

Returns the real HTTP method for the form: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE or HEAD.

Form::FormMethod() — Method in class Form

Returns the form method to be used in the

Form::FormAction() — Method in class Form

Return the form's action attribute.

Form::FormName() — Method in class Form

Returns the name of the form.

Form::FieldMap() — Method in class Form

Returns an object where there is a method with the same name as each data field on the form.

Form::forTemplate() — Method in class Form

Return a rendered version of this form.

Form::forAjaxTemplate() — Method in class Form

Return a rendered version of this form, suitable for ajax post-back.

Form::formHtmlContent() — Method in class Form

Returns an HTML rendition of this form, without the tag itself.

FormActionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

The action buttons are <input type="submit"> as well as <button> tags.

FormAction::Field() — Method in class FormAction
FormAction::FieldHolder() — Method in class FormAction
FormEncodedDataFormatterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Accepts form encoded strings and converts them to a valid PHP array via parse_str().

FormFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Represents a field in a form.

$ FormField#formProperty in class FormField
$ FormField#fieldHolderTemplateProperty in class FormField

Name of the template used to render this form field. If not set, then will look up the class ancestry for the first matching template where the template name equals the class name.

FormField::Field() — Method in class FormField

Returns the form field.

FormField::FieldHolder() — Method in class FormField

Returns a "field holder" for this field.

FormField::forTemplate() — Method in class FormField

This function is used by the template processor. If you refer to a field as a $ variable, it will return the $Field value.

FormScaffolderClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ FormScaffolder#fieldClassesProperty in class FormScaffolder
FormSpamProtectionExtensionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

An extension to the Form class which provides the method enableSpamProtection() helper.

FormTemplateHelperClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A helper class for managing Form} and {@link FormField HTML template output.

FormTemplateHelper_Pre32Class in namespace [Global Namespace]

Note that this will cause duplicate and invalid ID attributes.

FormTransformationClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This class represents "transformations" of a form - such as making it printable or making it readonly.

Form_FieldMapClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ Form_FieldMap#formProperty in class Form_FieldMap
FrontEndWorkflowControllerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Provides a front end Form view of the defined Workflow Actions and Transitions

FrontEndWorkflowController::Form() — Method in class FrontEndWorkflowController

Create the Form containing:

  • fields from the Context Object
  • required fields from the Context Object
  • Actions from the connected WorkflowTransitions
FrontendWorkflowFormClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
FullTextSearchClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Base class to manage active search indexes.

FullTextSearch::force_index_list() — Method in class FullTextSearch

Sometimes, like when in tests, you want to restrain the actual indexes to a subset

FulltextFilterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Filters by full-text matching on the given field.

FulltextSearchableClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Provides a simple search engine for your site based on the MySQL FULLTEXT index.

FunctionalTestClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

SilverStripe-specific testing object designed to support functional testing of your web app. It simulates get/post requests, form submission, and can validate resulting HTML, looking up content by CSS selector.

FunctionalTest::findAttribute() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Find an attribute in a SimpleXMLElement object by name.

GDBackend::failedResample() — Method in class GDBackend

Check if this image has previously crashed GD when attempting to open it - if it's opened successfully, the manipulation's cache key is removed.

GDBackend::fittedResize() — Method in class GDBackend

Resizes the image to fit within the given region.

GridField::FieldHolder() — Method in class GridField

Returns the whole gridfield rendered with all the attached components.

GridField::Field() — Method in class GridField
$ GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton#fragmentProperty in class GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton
GridFieldBulkUpload_Request::fileexists() — Method in class GridFieldBulkUpload_Request

Pass fileexists request to UploadField.

$ GridFieldDataColumns#fieldCastingProperty in class GridFieldDataColumns
$ GridFieldDataColumns#fieldFormattingProperty in class GridFieldDataColumns
GridFieldDataColumns::formatValue() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns
$ GridFieldDetailForm#fieldsProperty in class GridFieldDetailForm
$ GridFieldEditableColumns#formsProperty in class GridFieldEditableColumns
GridFieldRequestHandler::Form() — Method in class GridFieldRequestHandler

This method should be overloaded to build out the detail form.

$ GridFieldSortableHeader#fieldSortingProperty in class GridFieldSortableHeader
GridFieldSortableRows::fixSortColumn() — Method in class GridFieldSortableRows

Detects and corrects items with a sort column value of 0, by appending them to the bottom of the list

Group::fieldLabels() — Method in class Group
GroupedDropdownField::Field() — Method in class GroupedDropdownField
HTMLText::FirstSentence() — Method in class HTMLText

Returns the first sentence from the first paragraph. If it can't figure out what the first paragraph is (or there isn't one), it returns the same as Summary()

HTMLText::forTemplate() — Method in class HTMLText
HTMLVarchar::forTemplate() — Method in class HTMLVarchar
HTTP::filename2url() — Method in class HTTP

Turns a local system filename into a URL by comparing it to the script filename.

HTTP::findByTagAndAttribute() — Method in class HTTP

Search for all tags with a specific attribute, then return the value of that attribute in a flat array.

$ HTTPCacheControl#forcingLevelProperty in class HTTPCacheControl

Forcing level of previous setting; higher number wins Combination of consts belo w

$ HasFunctionCheck#functionNameProperty in class HasFunctionCheck
$ HasManyList#foreignKeyProperty in class HasManyList
HasManyList::foreignIDFilter() — Method in class HasManyList
HiddenField::FieldHolder() — Method in class HiddenField
Hierarchy::flushCache() — Method in class Hierarchy

Flush all Hierarchy caches:

  • Children (instance)
  • NumChildren (instance)
  • Marked (global)
  • Expanded (global)
  • TreeOpened (global)
$ HtmlEditorField_File#fileProperty in class HtmlEditorField_File
HtmlEditorField_Readonly::Field() — Method in class HtmlEditorField_Readonly
$ HtmlEditorField_Toolbar#fileurl_scheme_whitelistProperty in class HtmlEditorField_Toolbar
$ HtmlEditorField_Toolbar#fileurl_domain_whitelistProperty in class HtmlEditorField_Toolbar
HtmlEditorField_Toolbar::forTemplate() — Method in class HtmlEditorField_Toolbar
$ Image#force_resampleProperty in class Image
$ Image#flushProperty in class Image
Image::flush() — Method in class Image

Triggered early in the request when someone requests a flush.

Image::forTemplate() — Method in class Image

Return an XHTML img tag for this Image.

Image::Fit() — Method in class Image

Scale image proportionally to fit within the specified bounds

Image::FitMax() — Method in class Image

Proportionally scale down this image if it is wider or taller than the specified dimensions.

Image::Fill() — Method in class Image

Resize and crop image to fill specified dimensions.

Image::FillMax() — Method in class Image

Crop this image to the aspect ratio defined by the specified width and height, then scale down the image to those dimensions if it exceeds them.

InlineFormAction::Field() — Method in class InlineFormAction
InlineFormAction_ReadOnly::Field() — Method in class InlineFormAction_ReadOnly
KeyValueField::Field() — Method in class KeyValueField

Returns the form field.

$ LDAPAuthenticator#fallback_authenticatorProperty in class LDAPAuthenticator

Set to 'yes' to fallback login attempts to $fallback_authenticator.

$ LDAPAuthenticator#fallback_authenticator_classProperty in class LDAPAuthenticator

The class of Authenticator to use as the fallback authenticator.

LDAPAuthenticator::fallback_authenticate() — Method in class LDAPAuthenticator

Try to authenticate using the fallback authenticator.

LDAPLoginForm::forgotPassword() — Method in class LDAPLoginForm

Forgot password form handler method.

LDAPService::flush() — Method in class LDAPService

Flushes out the LDAP results cache when flush=1 is called.

$ LeftAndMain#frame_optionsProperty in class LeftAndMain

Value of X-Frame-Options header

$ LeftAndMain_TreeNode#filterProperty in class LeftAndMain_TreeNode
LeftAndMain_TreeNode::forTemplate() — Method in class LeftAndMain_TreeNode

Returns template, for further processing by Hierarchy->getChildrenAsUL().

ListboxField::Field() — Method in class ListboxField

Returns a select tag containing all the appropriate option tags

LiteralField::FieldHolder() — Method in class LiteralField
LiteralField::Field() — Method in class LiteralField
LoginAttempt::fieldLabels() — Method in class LoginAttempt

Get any user defined searchable fields labels that exist. Allows overriding of default field names in the form interface actually presented to the user.

LookupField::Field() — Method in class LookupField

Returns a readonly span containing the correct value.

$ ManyManyList#foreignKeyProperty in class ManyManyList
ManyManyList::foreignIDFilter() — Method in class ManyManyList

Return a filter expression for when getting the contents of the relationship for some foreign ID

ManyManyList::foreignIDWriteFilter() — Method in class ManyManyList

Return a filter expression for the join table when writing to the join table

$ Member#FirstNameProperty in class Member
$ Member#FailedLoginCountProperty in class Member
Member::fieldLabels() — Method in class Member
MemberDatetimeOptionsetField::Field() — Method in class MemberDatetimeOptionsetField
MemberLoginForm::forgotPassword() — Method in class MemberLoginForm

Forgot password form handler method.

$ Member_ChangePasswordEmail#fromProperty in class Member_ChangePasswordEmail
$ Member_ForgotPasswordEmail#fromProperty in class Member_ForgotPasswordEmail
Member_GroupSet::foreignIDFilter() — Method in class Member_GroupSet

Link this group set to a specific member.

Member_GroupSet::foreignIDWriteFilter() — Method in class Member_GroupSet

Return a filter expression for the join table when writing to the join table

$ Member_Validator#forMemberProperty in class Member_Validator

Determine what member this validator is meant for

$ MimeUploadValidator#filterPatternProperty in class MimeUploadValidator

The preg_replace() pattern to use against MIME types. Used to strip out useless characters so matching of MIME types can be fuzzy.

ModelAsController::find_old_page() — Method in class ModelAsController
$ MoneyField#fieldAmountProperty in class MoneyField
$ MoneyField#fieldCurrencyProperty in class MoneyField
MoneyField::Field() — Method in class MoneyField
MoneyField::FieldCurrency() — Method in class MoneyField
MultiEnum::formField() — Method in class MultiEnum

Return a CheckboxSetField suitable for editing this field

MultiValueCheckboxField::Field() — Method in class MultiValueCheckboxField
MultiValueDropdownField::Field() — Method in class MultiValueDropdownField

Returns the form field.

MultiValueField::forTemplate() — Method in class MultiValueField
MultiValueListField::Field() — Method in class MultiValueListField

Returns the form field.

MultiValueTextField::Field() — Method in class MultiValueTextField

Returns the form field.

MySQLDatabase::formattedDatetimeClause() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with the adapter in use used for querying a datetime in a certain format

MySQLSchemaManager::fieldList() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Get a list of all the fields for the given table.

MySQLSchemaManager::float() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return a float type-formatted string For MySQL, we simply return the word 'date', no other parameters are necessary

$ NestedForm#formProperty in class NestedForm
NewsPage::fieldLabels() — Method in class NewsPage
NotifyUsersWorkflowAction::fieldLabels() — Method in class NotifyUsersWorkflowAction

Get any user defined searchable fields labels that exist. Allows overriding of default field names in the form interface actually presented to the user.

NullableField::Field() — Method in class NullableField
Oembed::find_endpoint() — Method in class Oembed

Returns an endpoint (a base Oembed URL) from first matching provider.

Oembed_Result::findThumbnail() — Method in class Oembed_Result

Find thumbnail if omitted from data

Oembed_Result::forTemplate() — Method in class Oembed_Result
OldPageRedirector::find_old_page() — Method in class OldPageRedirector

Attempt to find an old/renamed page from some given the URL as an array

OptionsetField::Field() — Method in class OptionsetField
PDOConnector::flushStatements() — Method in class PDOConnector

Flush all prepared statements

PaginatedList::FirstItem() — Method in class PaginatedList

Returns the number of the first item being displayed on the current page. This is useful for things like "displaying 10-20".

PaginatedList::FirstLink() — Method in class PaginatedList

Returns a link to the first page.

Permission::flush_permission_cache() — Method in class Permission

Flush the permission cache, for example if you have edited group membership or a permission record.

PermissionCheckboxSetField::Field() — Method in class PermissionCheckboxSetField
PermissionRole::fieldLabels() — Method in class PermissionRole

Get any user defined searchable fields labels that exist. Allows overriding of default field names in the form interface actually presented to the user.

PhoneNumberField::Field() — Method in class PhoneNumberField
$ PjaxResponseNegotiator#fragmentOverrideProperty in class PjaxResponseNegotiator

Overriden fragments (if any). Otherwise uses fragments from the request.

PostgreSQLDatabase::formattedDatetimeClause() — Method in class PostgreSQLDatabase

Function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with Postgres used for querying a datetime in a certain format

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::fieldList() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Get a list of all the fields for the given table.

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::float() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Return a float type-formatted string

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::fulltext() — Method in class PostgreSQLSchemaManager

Create a fulltext search datatype for PostgreSQL This will also return a trigger to be applied to this table

PrintableTransformation_TabSet::FieldHolder() — Method in class PrintableTransformation_TabSet

Returns a tab-strip and the associated tabs.

Quicklink::fieldLabels() — Method in class Quicklink

Get any user defined searchable fields labels that exist. Allows overriding of default field names in the form interface actually presented to the user.

$ RSSFeed_Entry#failoverProperty in class RSSFeed_Entry

The object that represents the item, it contains all the data.

ReadonlyField::Field() — Method in class ReadonlyField
$ RealMeFederatedIdentity#FirstNameProperty in class RealMeFederatedIdentity
RealMeLoginForm::forTemplate() — Method in class RealMeLoginForm

Return a rendered version of this form.

RegistryPage::fieldLabels() — Method in class RegistryPage
RelationList::forForeignID() — Method in class RelationList

Returns a copy of this list with the ManyMany relationship linked to the given foreign ID.

RelationList::foreignIDFilter() — Method in class RelationList

Returns a where clause that filters the members of this relationship to just the related items.

RemoveOrphanedPagesTask::Form() — Method in class RemoveOrphanedPagesTask
RequestHandler::findAction() — Method in class RequestHandler
RequiredFields::fieldIsRequired() — Method in class RequiredFields

Returns true if the named field is "required".

Requirements::flush() — Method in class Requirements

Triggered early in the request when a flush is requested

$ Requirements_Backend#force_js_to_bottomProperty in class Requirements_Backend

Force the JavaScript to the bottom of the page, even if there's a script tag in the body already

$ RestfulService#flushProperty in class RestfulService
RestfulService::flush() — Method in class RestfulService

Triggered early in the request when someone requests a flush.

$ SQLConditionalExpression#fromProperty in class SQLConditionalExpression

An array of tables. The first one is just the table name.

SQLConditionalExpression::filtersOnID() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Checks whether this query is for a specific ID in a table

SQLConditionalExpression::filtersOnFK() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Checks whether this query is filtering on a foreign key, ie finding a has_many relationship

SQLFormatter::formatPlain() — Method in class SQLFormatter
SQLFormatter::formatHTML() — Method in class SQLFormatter
SQLSelect::firstRow() — Method in class SQLSelect

Returns a query that returns only the first row of this query

SQLite3Database::formattedDatetimeClause() — Method in class SQLite3Database

function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with the adapter in use used for querying a datetime in a certain format

SQLite3SchemaManager::flushCache() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Empties any cached enum values

SQLite3SchemaManager::fieldList() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Get a list of all the fields for the given table.

SQLite3SchemaManager::float() — Method in class SQLite3SchemaManager

Return a float type-formatted string

SSViewer::flush() — Method in class SSViewer

Triggered early in the request when someone requests a flush.

SSViewer::fromString() — Method in class SSViewer

Create a template from a string instead of a .ss file

SSViewer::flush_template_cache() — Method in class SSViewer

Clears all parsed template files in the cache folder.

SSViewer::flush_cacheblock_cache() — Method in class SSViewer

Clears all partial cache blocks.

SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport::First() — Method in class SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport

Returns true if this object is the first in a set.

SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport::FirstLast() — Method in class SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport

Returns 'first' or 'last' if this is the first or last object in the set.

SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport::FromEnd() — Method in class SSViewer_BasicIteratorSupport

Return the position of this item from the last item in the list. The position of the final item is $endIndex, which defaults to 1.

SS_Backtrace::filtered_backtrace() — Method in class SS_Backtrace

Return debug_backtrace() results with functions filtered specific to the debugging system, and not the trace.

SS_Backtrace::filter_backtrace() — Method in class SS_Backtrace

Filter a backtrace so that it doesn't show the calls to the debugging system, which is useless information.

SS_Backtrace::full_func_name() — Method in class SS_Backtrace

Return the full function name. If showArgs is set to true, a string representation of the arguments will be shown

SS_Cache::factory() — Method in class SS_Cache

Build a cache object.

SS_ClassManifest::findClassOrInterfaceFromCandidateImports() — Method in class SS_ClassManifest

Find a the full namespaced declaration of a class (or interface) from a list of candidate imports

SS_Database::formattedDatetimeClause() — Method in class SS_Database

function to return an SQL datetime expression that can be used with the adapter in use used for querying a datetime in a certain format

SS_Database::fieldList() — Method in class SS_Database
SS_Datetime::FormatFromSettings() — Method in class SS_Datetime

Return a date and time formatted as per a CMS user's settings.

SS_FileFinder::find() — Method in class SS_FileFinder

Finds all files matching the options within a directory. The search is performed depth first.

SS_Filterable::filter() — Method in class SS_Filterable

Return a new instance of this list that only includes items with these charactaristics

SS_Filterable::filterByCallback() — Method in class SS_Filterable

Return a new instance of this list that excludes any items with these charactaristics Filter this List by a callback function. The function will be passed each record of the List in turn, and must return true for the record to be included. Returns the filtered list.

SS_HTMLValue::forTemplate() — Method in class SS_HTMLValue
SS_List::first() — Method in class SS_List

Returns the first item in the list.

SS_List::find() — Method in class SS_List

Returns the first item in the list where the key field is equal to the value.

SS_ListDecorator::First() — Method in class SS_ListDecorator
SS_ListDecorator::forTemplate() — Method in class SS_ListDecorator
SS_ListDecorator::find() — Method in class SS_ListDecorator

Returns the first item in the list where the key field is equal to the value.

SS_ListDecorator::filter() — Method in class SS_ListDecorator

Filter the list to include items with these charactaristics

SS_ListDecorator::filterAny() — Method in class SS_ListDecorator

Return a copy of this list which contains items matching any of these charactaristics.

SS_ListDecorator::filterByCallback() — Method in class SS_ListDecorator

Note that, in the current implementation, the filtered list will be an ArrayList, but this may change in a future implementation.

SS_LogEmailWriter::factory() — Method in class SS_LogEmailWriter
SS_LogErrorEmailFormatter::format() — Method in class SS_LogErrorEmailFormatter
SS_LogErrorFileFormatter::format() — Method in class SS_LogErrorFileFormatter
SS_LogFileWriter::factory() — Method in class SS_LogFileWriter
$ SS_Map#firstItemsProperty in class SS_Map
$ SS_Map_Iterator#firstItemIdxProperty in class SS_Map_Iterator
$ SS_Map_Iterator#firstItemsProperty in class SS_Map_Iterator
SS_Object::findMethodsFromExtension() — Method in class SS_Object
SS_Query::first() — Method in class SS_Query

Iterator function implementation. Return the first item of this iterator.

SS_SysLogWriter::factory() — Method in class SS_SysLogWriter
SS_TemplateLoader::findTemplates() — Method in class SS_TemplateLoader

Attempts to find possible candidate templates from a set of template names from modules, current theme directory and finally the application folder.

$ SapphireTest#fixture_fileProperty in class SapphireTest

Path to fixture data for this test run.

$ SapphireTest#fixtureFactoryProperty in class SapphireTest
$ SapphireTest#fixturesProperty in class SapphireTest
SapphireTest::findEmail() — Method in class SapphireTest

Search for an email that was sent.

$ SearchContext#fieldsProperty in class SearchContext

FormFields mapping to DataObject::$db properties which are supposed to be searchable.

$ SearchContext#filtersProperty in class SearchContext

Array of SearchFilter subclasses.

$ SearchFilter#fullNameProperty in class SearchFilter
SearchForm::forTemplate() — Method in class SearchForm

Return a rendered version of this form.

$ SearchIndex#fulltextFieldsProperty in class SearchIndex
$ SearchIndex#filterFieldsProperty in class SearchIndex
SearchIndex::fieldData() — Method in class SearchIndex

Examines the classes this index is built on to try and find defined fields in the class hierarchy for those classes.

SearchQuery::fuzzysearch() — Method in class SearchQuery

Similar to search(), but uses stemming and other similarity algorithms to find the searched terms. For example, a term "fishing" would also likely find results containing "fish" or "fisher". Depends on search implementation.

SearchQuery::filter() — Method in class SearchQuery

Similar to search(), but typically used to further narrow down based on other facets which don't influence the field relevancy.

SearchUpdater::flush_dirty_indexes() — Method in class SearchUpdater

Do something with the recorded dirty IDs, where that "something" depends on the value of self::$update_method, either immediately update the indexes, queue a messsage to update the indexes at some point in the future, or just throw the dirty IDs away.

SecureEditableFileField::findAdminGroup() — Method in class SecureEditableFileField

Find target group to record

$ Security#frame_optionsProperty in class Security

Value of X-Frame-Options header

$ Security#force_database_is_readyProperty in class Security
Security::findAnAdministrator() — Method in class Security

Return an existing member with administrator privileges, or create one of necessary.

SelectUploadField::Field() — Method in class SelectUploadField
SelectUploadField::FolderSelector() — Method in class SelectUploadField

Get the folder selector field

SelectUploadField::folderPathFromID() — Method in class SelectUploadField

Get path of a folder relative to /assets/ by id.

SelectUploadField::folderIDFromPath() — Method in class SelectUploadField

Gets the ID of a folder given a path relative to /assets/.

SelectionGroup::FieldSet() — Method in class SelectionGroup
SelectionGroup::FieldList() — Method in class SelectionGroup

Returns all the sub-fields, suitable for <% loop FieldList %>

SelectionGroup::FieldHolder() — Method in class SelectionGroup

Returns a "field holder" for this field.

$ ShortCodeRelationFinder#fieldSpecRegexProperty in class ShortCodeRelationFinder
ShortCodeRelationFinder::findPageIDs() — Method in class ShortCodeRelationFinder
ShortCodeRelationFinder::findPageCount() — Method in class ShortCodeRelationFinder
ShortcodeParser::findParentsForMarkers() — Method in class ShortcodeParser
SideReportView::forTemplate() — Method in class SideReportView
SideReportView::formatValue() — Method in class SideReportView
MonologSysLogWriter::factory() — Method in class MonologSysLogWriter
BasicContext::findNamedButton() — Method in class BasicContext

Find visible button with the given text.

FixtureContextClass in namespace SilverStripe\BehatExtension\Context

Context used to create fixtures in the SilverStripe ORM.

$ FixtureContext#fixtureFactoryProperty in class FixtureContext
$ FixtureContext#filesPathProperty in class FixtureContext
SilverStripeContext::fillField() — Method in class SilverStripeContext

Fills in form field with specified id|name|label|value.

ModuleSuiteLocator::findModuleConfig() — Method in class ModuleSuiteLocator

Get behat.yml configured for this module

TestMailer::findEmail() — Method in class TestMailer
TestMailer::findEmails() — Method in class TestMailer

Search for all emails.

$ CachedConfigCollection#flushProperty in class CachedConfigCollection
$ YamlTransformer#filesProperty in class YamlTransformer

A list of files. Real, full path.

YamlTransformer::filterByOnlyAndExcept() — Method in class YamlTransformer

This filteres out any yaml documents which don't pass their only or except statement tests.

FactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Framework\Injector

A factory which is used for creating service instances.

LoginForm::finishRegistration() — Method in class LoginForm

Handles the request to verify and process a new registration

LoginForm::finishVerification() — Method in class LoginForm

Handles requests to authenticate from any MFA method, directing verification to the Method supplied.

AdminRegistrationController::finishRegistration() — Method in class AdminRegistrationController

Complete a registration for a method for the currently logged in user

RegisteredMFAMethodListField::Field() — Method in class RegisteredMFAMethodListField

Returns the form field.

CredentialRepository::findOneByCredentialId() — Method in class CredentialRepository
CredentialRepository::findAllForUserEntity() — Method in class CredentialRepository
CredentialRepository::fromArray() — Method in class CredentialRepository

Create an instance of a repository from the given credentials

$ SiteTree#field_labelsProperty in class SiteTree
SiteTree::flushCache() — Method in class SiteTree

Flush the cached results for all relations (has_one, has_many, many_many) Also clears any cached aggregate data.

SiteTree::fieldLabels() — Method in class SiteTree
SiteTreePublishingEngine::flushChanges() — Method in class SiteTreePublishingEngine

Execute URL deletions, enqueue URL updates.

SiteTreeURLSegmentField::Field() — Method in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField

Returns the form field.

$ SolrIndex#fulltextTypeMapProperty in class SolrIndex
$ SolrIndex#filterTypeMapProperty in class SolrIndex
SolrIndex::fieldData() — Method in class SolrIndex

Examines the classes this index is built on to try and find defined fields in the class hierarchy for those classes.

$ StaticPagesQueueEvent#fire_test_eventsProperty in class StaticPagesQueueEvent
StaticPagesQueueEvent::fire_event() — Method in class StaticPagesQueueEvent
StringField::forTemplate() — Method in class StringField
StringTagField::Field() — Method in class StringTagField
$ Subsite#force_subsiteProperty in class Subsite

Allows you to force a specific subsite ID, or comma separated list of IDs.

Subsite::fieldLabels() — Method in class Subsite
$ SubsiteDomain#FullProtocolProperty in class SubsiteDomain

Full protocol including ://

SubsiteDomain::fieldLabels() — Method in class SubsiteDomain
SubsitesTreeDropdownField::Field() — Method in class SubsitesTreeDropdownField
SubsitesVirtualPage::fieldLabels() — Method in class SubsitesVirtualPage
$ SynonymValidator#fieldNamesProperty in class SynonymValidator
Tab::Fields() — Method in class Tab
Tab::fieldByName() — Method in class Tab

Returns the named field

TabSet::FieldHolder() — Method in class TabSet

Returns a tab-strip and the associated tabs.

TabSet::fieldByName() — Method in class TabSet

Returns a named field.

$ TabularStyle#formProperty in class TabularStyle
TagField::Field() — Method in class TagField
TagField_Readonly::Field() — Method in class TagField_Readonly

Render the readonly field as HTML.

TestMailer::findEmail() — Method in class TestMailer

Search for an email that was sent.

TestRunner::filterTestClasses() — Method in class TestRunner
TestSession::followRedirection() — Method in class TestSession

If the last request was a 3xx response, then follow the redirection

Text::FirstSentence() — Method in class Text

Caution: Not XML/HTML-safe - does not respect closing tags.

Text::FirstParagraph() — Method in class Text

Caution: Not XML/HTML-safe - does not respect closing tags.

Time::Format() — Method in class Time

Return the time using a particular formatting string.

TimeField::Field() — Method in class TimeField

Returns the form field.

TimeField_Readonly::Field() — Method in class TimeField_Readonly

Returns the form field.

ToggleCompositeField::FieldHolder() — Method in class ToggleCompositeField
ToggleField::Field() — Method in class ToggleField
$ TokenisedRegularExpression#firstMatchProperty in class TokenisedRegularExpression

The first expression to match

TokenisedRegularExpression::findAll() — Method in class TokenisedRegularExpression
Translatable::filtersOnLocale() — Method in class Translatable

Check if a given SQLQuery filters on the Locale field

$ TreeDropdownField#filterCallbackProperty in class TreeDropdownField
TreeDropdownField::Field() — Method in class TreeDropdownField
TreeDropdownField::filterMarking() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Marking public function for the tree, which combines different filters sensibly.

TreeDropdownField_Readonly::Field() — Method in class TreeDropdownField_Readonly
TreeMultiselectField::Field() — Method in class TreeMultiselectField

We overwrite the field attribute to add our hidden fields, as this formfield can contain multiple values.

TreeMultiselectField_Readonly::Field() — Method in class TreeMultiselectField_Readonly

We overwrite the field attribute to add our hidden fields, as this formfield can contain multiple values.

URLSegmentFilter::filter() — Method in class URLSegmentFilter

Note: Depending on the applied replacement rules, this method might result in an empty string.

UnsavedRelationList::first() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Returns the first item in the list

UnsavedRelationList::forForeignID() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Returns a copy of this list with the relationship linked to the given foreign ID.

$ Upload#fileProperty in class Upload

A File object

$ UploadField#fileEditFieldsProperty in class UploadField

FieldList $fields or string $name (of a method on File to provide a fields) for the EditForm

$ UploadField#fileEditActionsProperty in class UploadField

FieldList $actions or string $name (of a method on File to provide a actions) for the EditForm

$ UploadField#fileEditValidatorProperty in class UploadField

Validator (eg RequiredFields) or string $name (of a method on File to provide a Validator) for the EditForm

UploadField::Field() — Method in class UploadField
UploadField::fileexists() — Method in class UploadField

Determines if a specified file exists

$ UploadField_SelectHandler#folderNameProperty in class UploadField_SelectHandler
UploadField_SelectHandler::Form() — Method in class UploadField_SelectHandler

Build the file selection form.

$ UserDefinedForm#fieldsFromToProperty in class UserDefinedForm

Temporary storage of field ids when the form is duplicated.

UserDefinedForm::FilteredEmailRecipients() — Method in class UserDefinedForm

Allow overriding the EmailRecipients on a DataExtension so you can customise who receives an email.

$ UserDefinedForm_Controller#finished_anchorProperty in class UserDefinedForm_Controller
UserDefinedForm_Controller::Form() — Method in class UserDefinedForm_Controller

Get the form for the page. Form can be modified by calling updateForm() on a UserDefinedForm extension.

UserDefinedForm_Controller::finished() — Method in class UserDefinedForm_Controller

This action handles rendering the "finished" message, which is customizable by editing the ReceivedFormSubmission template.

UserFormsStepField::FieldHolder() — Method in class UserFormsStepField

Returns a "field holder" for this field.

UserFormsUpgradeService::findOrCreateRule() — Method in class UserFormsUpgradeService

Create or find an existing field with the matched specification

$ Validator#formProperty in class Validator
Validator::fieldIsRequired() — Method in class Validator

Returns whether the field in question is required. This will usually display '*' next to the field. The base implementation always returns false.

VersionFeed_Controller::filterContent() — Method in class VersionFeed_Controller

Evaluates the result of the given callback

Versioned::flushCache() — Method in class Versioned

Clear the cached version numbers from previous queries.

VersionedReadingMode::fromDataQueryParams() — Method in class VersionedReadingMode

Converts dataquery params to original reading mode.

VersionedReadingMode::fromQueryString() — Method in class VersionedReadingMode

Convert querystring arguments to reading mode.

$ ViewableData#failoverProperty in class ViewableData

A failover object to attempt to get data from if it is not present on this object.

ViewableData_Debugger::forTemplate() — Method in class ViewableData_Debugger

Return debugging information, as XHTML. If a field name is passed, it will show debugging information on that field, otherwise it will show information on all methods and fields.

Widget::forTemplate() — Method in class Widget

Default way to render widget in templates.

WidgetArea::forTemplate() — Method in class WidgetArea
WidgetAreaEditor::FieldHolder() — Method in class WidgetAreaEditor
WorkflowAction::fieldLabels() — Method in class WorkflowAction

Get any user defined searchable fields labels that exist. Allows overriding of default field names in the form interface actually presented to the user.

WorkflowActionInstance::fieldLabels() — Method in class WorkflowActionInstance

Get any user defined searchable fields labels that exist. Allows overriding of default field names in the form interface actually presented to the user.

WorkflowDefinition::fieldLabels() — Method in class WorkflowDefinition

Get any user defined searchable fields labels that exist. Allows overriding of default field names in the form interface actually presented to the user.

WorkflowDefinitionExporter::format() — Method in class WorkflowDefinitionExporter

Format the exported data as YAML.

WorkflowField::FieldHolder() — Method in class WorkflowField

Returns a "field holder" for this field.

WorkflowFieldItemController::Form() — Method in class WorkflowFieldItemController
WorkflowInstance::fieldLabels() — Method in class WorkflowInstance

Get any user defined searchable fields labels that exist. Allows overriding of default field names in the form interface actually presented to the user.

WorkflowTransition::fieldLabels() — Method in class WorkflowTransition

Get any user defined searchable fields labels that exist. Allows overriding of default field names in the form interface actually presented to the user.

$ YamlFixture#fixtureFileProperty in class YamlFixture

Absolute path to the .yml fixture file

$ YamlFixture#fixtureStringProperty in class YamlFixture

String containing fixture

$ YamlFixture#factoryProperty in class YamlFixture
$ _DiffOp#finalProperty in class _DiffOp
i18n::flush() — Method in class i18n

Triggered early in the request when someone requests a flush.

$ i18nTextCollector#fileExtensionsProperty in class i18nTextCollector

List of file extensions to parse


AWRequiredFields::getExtendedValidationRoutines() — Method in class AWRequiredFields
AWRequiredFields::getData() — Method in class AWRequiredFields
AWRequiredFields::getCaller() — Method in class AWRequiredFields
AbstractQueuedJob::getTitle() — Method in class AbstractQueuedJob
AbstractQueuedJob::getObject() — Method in class AbstractQueuedJob
AbstractQueuedJob::getSignature() — Method in class AbstractQueuedJob

Return a signature for this queued job

AbstractQueuedJob::getJobType() — Method in class AbstractQueuedJob

By default jobs should just go into the default processing queue

AbstractQueuedJob::getJobData() — Method in class AbstractQueuedJob
AbstractQueuedJob::getCustomConfig() — Method in class AbstractQueuedJob

Gets custom config settings to use when running the job.

AdvancedWorkflowAdmin::getEditForm() — Method in class AdvancedWorkflowAdmin

Calls SiteTree->getCMSFields()

AdvancedWorkflowAdmin::getFieldDependentData() — Method in class AdvancedWorkflowAdmin
AkismetField::getSpamMappedData() — Method in class AkismetField
AkismetField::getIsSpam() — Method in class AkismetField

Determine if this field is spam or not

AkismetField::getFieldMapping() — Method in class AkismetField

Get the fields to map spam protection too

AkismetSpamProtector::get_api_key() — Method in class AkismetSpamProtector

Get the API key

AkismetSpamProtector::getFormField() — Method in class AkismetSpamProtector

Return the FormField associated with this protector.

ArrayData::getField() — Method in class ArrayData

Gets a field from this object.

ArrayList::getIterator() — Method in class ArrayList

Returns an Iterator for this ArrayList.

AssetAdmin::getList() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Returns the files and subfolders contained in the currently selected folder, defaulting to the root node. Doubles as search results, if any search parameters are set through SearchForm().

AssetAdmin::getEditForm() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Calls SiteTree->getCMSFields()

AssetAdmin::getSearchContext() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Get the search context

AssetAdmin::getSiteTreeFor() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Get a site tree HTML listing which displays the nodes under the given criteria.

AssetAdmin::getCMSTreeTitle() — Method in class AssetAdmin
AssetAdmin_DeleteBatchAction::getActionTitle() — Method in class AssetAdmin_DeleteBatchAction

The the text to show in the dropdown for this action

AssignUsersToWorkflowAction::getCMSFields() — Method in class AssignUsersToWorkflowAction

Centerpiece of every data administration interface in Silverstripe, which returns a FieldList} suitable for a {@link Form object.

AssignUsersToWorkflowAction::getAssignedMembers() — Method in class AssignUsersToWorkflowAction

Returns a set of all Members that are assigned to this WorkflowAction subclass, either directly or via a group.

Authenticator::get_login_form() — Method in class Authenticator

Method that creates the login form for this authentication method

Authenticator::get_cms_login_form() — Method in class Authenticator

Method that creates the re-authentication form for the in-CMS view

Authenticator::get_name() — Method in class Authenticator

Get the name of the authentication method

Authenticator::get_authenticators() — Method in class Authenticator

Get all registered authenticators

Authenticator::get_default_authenticator() — Method in class Authenticator
BaseElement::getCMSFields() — Method in class BaseElement
BaseElement::getElementType() — Method in class BaseElement
BaseElement::getTitle() — Method in class BaseElement
BaseElement::getAnchor() — Method in class BaseElement

Get a unique anchor name

BaseElement::getCMSTitle() — Method in class BaseElement
BaseElement::getPage() — Method in class BaseElement
BaseElement::getEditLink() — Method in class BaseElement
BaseElement::getDefaultSearchContext() — Method in class BaseElement

Generates a SearchContext to be used for building and processing a generic search form for properties on this object.

BaseElement::getVirtualLinkedElements() — Method in class BaseElement

Finds and returns elements that are virtual elements which link to this element

BaseElement::getPublishedVirtualLinkedElements() — Method in class BaseElement

Finds and returns published elements that are virtual elements which link to this element

BaseHomePage::getCMSFields() — Method in class BaseHomePage
BaseHomePage_Controller::getNewsPage() — Method in class BaseHomePage_Controller
BaseHomePage_Controller::getNewsItems() — Method in class BaseHomePage_Controller
$ BasePage#generated_pdf_pathProperty in class BasePage
BasePage::getFooter() — Method in class BasePage

Get the footer holder.

BasePage::getPdfFilename() — Method in class BasePage

Return the full filename of the pdf file, including path & extension

BasePage::getCMSFields() — Method in class BasePage

Returns a FieldList with which to create the main editing form.

BasePage::getAvailableTranslations() — Method in class BasePage

Provides data for translation navigation.

BasePage::getSelectedLanguage() — Method in class BasePage

Returns the native language name for the selected locale/language, empty string if Translatable is not available

BasePage_Controller::getPDFBaseURL() — Method in class BasePage_Controller
BasePage_Controller::getPDFProxy() — Method in class BasePage_Controller
BasePage_Controller::generatePDF() — Method in class BasePage_Controller

Render the page as PDF using wkhtmltopdf.

BasePage_Controller::getResultsTemplate() — Method in class BasePage_Controller

Select the template to render search results with

BasePage_Controller::getBaseScripts() — Method in class BasePage_Controller

Provide scripts as needed by the default theme.

BasePage_Controller::getBaseStyles() — Method in class BasePage_Controller

Provide stylesheets, as needed by the default theme assumed by this recipe.

BasePage_Controller::getRSSLink() — Method in class BasePage_Controller
BasePage_Controller::getSearchIndex() — Method in class BasePage_Controller

Get the search index registered for this application

BasePage_Controller::getClassesToSearch() — Method in class BasePage_Controller

Gets the list of configured classes to search

BasePage_Controller::getSearchPageSize() — Method in class BasePage_Controller

Get page size for search

BaseRunner::getService() — Method in class BaseRunner

Returns an instance of the QueuedJobService.

$ Blog#grant_user_accessProperty in class Blog

If true, users assigned as editor, writer, or contributor will be automatically granted CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain permission. If false, only users with this permission already may be assigned.

$ Blog#grant_user_permissionProperty in class Blog

Permission to either require, or grant to users assigned to work on this blog.

$ Blog#grant_user_groupProperty in class Blog

Group code to assign newly granted users to.

Blog::getCMSFields() — Method in class Blog
Blog::getMember() — Method in class Blog
Blog::getSettingsFields() — Method in class Blog
Blog::getCandidateUsers() — Method in class Blog

Gets the list of user candidates to be assigned to assist with this blog.

Blog::getArchivedBlogPosts() — Method in class Blog

Returns BlogPosts for a given date period.

Blog::getBlogPosts() — Method in class Blog

Return blog posts.

Blog::getLumberjackTitle() — Method in class Blog

This sets the title for our gridfield.

Blog::getLumberjackGridFieldConfig() — Method in class Blog

This overwrites lumberjacks default gridfield config.

Blog::getUserGroup() — Method in class Blog

Gets or creates the group used to assign CMS access.

BlogArchiveWidget::getCMSFields() — Method in class BlogArchiveWidget
BlogArchiveWidget::getArchive() — Method in class BlogArchiveWidget

Returns a list of months where blog posts are present.

BlogCategoriesWidget::getCMSFields() — Method in class BlogCategoriesWidget
BlogCategoriesWidget::getCategories() — Method in class BlogCategoriesWidget
BlogCategory::getCMSFields() — Method in class BlogCategory

Centerpiece of every data administration interface in Silverstripe, which returns a FieldList} suitable for a {@link Form object.

BlogCategory::getLink() — Method in class BlogCategory

Returns a relative link to this category.

BlogCommentExtension::getExtraClass() — Method in class BlogCommentExtension

Extra CSS classes for styling different comment types.

BlogMemberExtension::generateURLSegment() — Method in class BlogMemberExtension

Generate a unique URL segment based on the Member's name.

BlogPost::getCMSFields() — Method in class BlogPost
BlogPost::getCandidateAuthors() — Method in class BlogPost

Gets the list of author candidates to be assigned as authors of this blog post.

BlogPost::getMember() — Method in class BlogPost
BlogPost::getMonthlyArchiveLink() — Method in class BlogPost

Returns a monthly archive link for the current blog post.

BlogPost::getYearlyArchiveLink() — Method in class BlogPost

Returns a yearly archive link for the current blog post.

BlogPost::getCredits() — Method in class BlogPost

Resolves static and dynamic authors linked to this post.

BlogPost::getDynamicCredits() — Method in class BlogPost

Resolves dynamic authors linked to this post.

BlogPost::getStaticCredits() — Method in class BlogPost

Resolves static authors linked to this post.

BlogPost::getDate() — Method in class BlogPost

Proxy method for displaying the publish date in rss feeds.

BlogRecentPostsWidget::getCMSFields() — Method in class BlogRecentPostsWidget
BlogRecentPostsWidget::getPosts() — Method in class BlogRecentPostsWidget
BlogTag::getCMSFields() — Method in class BlogTag

Centerpiece of every data administration interface in Silverstripe, which returns a FieldList} suitable for a {@link Form object.

BlogTag::getLink() — Method in class BlogTag

Returns a relative URL for the tag link.

BlogTagsCloudWidget::getCMSFields() — Method in class BlogTagsCloudWidget
BlogTagsCloudWidget::getTags() — Method in class BlogTagsCloudWidget
BlogTagsWidget::getCMSFields() — Method in class BlogTagsWidget
BlogTagsWidget::getTags() — Method in class BlogTagsWidget
Blog_Controller::getCurrentProfile() — Method in class Blog_Controller

Get the Member associated with the current URL segment.

Blog_Controller::getCurrentProfilePosts() — Method in class Blog_Controller

Get posts related to the current Member profile.

Blog_Controller::getArchiveYear() — Method in class Blog_Controller

Fetches the archive year from the url.

Blog_Controller::getArchiveMonth() — Method in class Blog_Controller

Fetches the archive money from the url.

Blog_Controller::getArchiveDay() — Method in class Blog_Controller

Fetches the archive day from the url.

Blog_Controller::getCurrentTag() — Method in class Blog_Controller

Tag Getter for use in templates.

Blog_Controller::getCurrentCategory() — Method in class Blog_Controller

Category Getter for use in templates.

Blog_Controller::getMetaTitle() — Method in class Blog_Controller

Get the meta title for the current action.

Blog_Controller::getFilterDescription() — Method in class Blog_Controller

Returns a description of the current filter.

Blog_Controller::getArchiveDate() — Method in class Blog_Controller

Returns the current archive date.

Blog_Controller::getRSSLink() — Method in class Blog_Controller

Returns a link to the RSS feed.

GridFieldDropdownFilterClass in namespace BringYourOwnIdeas\Maintenance\Forms

GridFieldDropdownFilter provides a dropdown that can be used to filter a GridField arbitrarily

GridFieldDropdownFilter::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldDropdownFilter

Return a list of the actions handled by this action provider.

GridFieldDropdownFilter::getManipulatedData() — Method in class GridFieldDropdownFilter

Manipulate the DataList as needed by this grid modifier.

GridFieldDropdownFilter::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldDropdownFilter

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridFieldHtmlFragmentClass in namespace BringYourOwnIdeas\Maintenance\Forms

Facilitates adding arbitrary HTML to grid fields

GridFieldHtmlFragment::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldHtmlFragment
GridFieldLinkButtonClass in namespace BringYourOwnIdeas\Maintenance\Forms

A button that contains a link to an URL.

GridFieldLinkButton::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldLinkButton

Place the link button in a

tag above the field

GridFieldRefreshButtonClass in namespace BringYourOwnIdeas\Maintenance\Forms

Adds a "Refresh" button to the bottom or top of a GridField.

GridFieldRefreshButton::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldRefreshButton
GridFieldRefreshButton::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldRefreshButton

Refresh is an action button.

GridFieldRefreshButton::getURLHandlers() — Method in class GridFieldRefreshButton

Refresh is accessible via the url

GridFieldRefreshButton::getQueuedJobService() — Method in class GridFieldRefreshButton
ComposerLoader::getJson() — Method in class ComposerLoader
ComposerLoader::getLock() — Method in class ComposerLoader
ComposerLoader::getBasePath() — Method in class ComposerLoader
$ SupportedAddonsLoader#guzzleClientProperty in class SupportedAddonsLoader
SupportedAddonsLoader::getGuzzleClient() — Method in class SupportedAddonsLoader
SupportedAddonsLoader::getCache() — Method in class SupportedAddonsLoader
SupportedAddonsLoader::getAddonNames() — Method in class SupportedAddonsLoader

Return the list of supported addons as provided by addons.silverstripe.org

SupportedAddonsLoader::getClientOptions() — Method in class SupportedAddonsLoader

Get Guzzle client options

CheckComposerUpdatesExtension::getUpdateChecker() — Method in class CheckComposerUpdatesExtension
ComposerLoaderExtension::getComposer() — Method in class ComposerLoaderExtension
ComposerLoaderExtension::getPackages() — Method in class ComposerLoaderExtension

Retrieve an array of primary composer dependencies from composer.json.

ComposerLoaderExtension::getInstalledConstraint() — Method in class ComposerLoaderExtension

Find all dependency constraints for the given package in the current repository and return the strictest one

ComposerUpdateExtension::getAvailableVersion() — Method in class ComposerUpdateExtension

If the available version is the same as the current version then return nothing, otherwise show the latest available version

UpdateChecker::getVersionSelector() — Method in class UpdateChecker
BrokenExternalLink::getHTTPCodeDescription() — Method in class BrokenExternalLink

Retrieve a human readable description of a response code

BrokenExternalLinksReport::getColumns() — Method in class BrokenExternalLinksReport

Alias of columns(), to support the export to csv action in GridFieldExportButton generateExportFileData method.

BrokenExternalLinksReport::getCMSFields() — Method in class BrokenExternalLinksReport

Returns a FieldList with which to create the CMS editing form.

BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus::get_latest() — Method in class BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus

Get the latest track status

BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus::getIncompletePageList() — Method in class BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus

Gets the list of Pages yet to be checked

BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus::getIncompleteTracks() — Method in class BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus

Get the list of incomplete BrokenExternalPageTrack

BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus::getTotalPages() — Method in class BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus

Get total pages count

BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus::getCompletedPages() — Method in class BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus

Get completed pages count

BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus::get_or_create() — Method in class BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus

Returns the latest run, or otherwise creates a new one

BrokenFilesReport::group() — Method in class BrokenFilesReport
BrokenFilesReport::getParameterFields() — Method in class BrokenFilesReport
BrokenRedirectorPagesReport::group() — Method in class BrokenRedirectorPagesReport
BrokenRedirectorPagesReport::getParameterFields() — Method in class BrokenRedirectorPagesReport
BrokenVirtualPagesReport::group() — Method in class BrokenVirtualPagesReport
BrokenVirtualPagesReport::getParameterFields() — Method in class BrokenVirtualPagesReport
BuildStaticCacheFromQueue::getUrlArrayObject() — Method in class BuildStaticCacheFromQueue
BuildStaticCacheFromQueue::getStaleHTML() — Method in class BuildStaticCacheFromQueue
BuildStaticCacheFromQueue::getPidFilePath() — Method in class BuildStaticCacheFromQueue

Get the absolute path to the pidfile

BuildStaticCacheSummary::get_a_uniqueID() — Method in class BuildStaticCacheSummary
BuildStaticCacheSummaryReport::getReportField() — Method in class BuildStaticCacheSummaryReport

Return a field, such as a GridField that is used to show and manipulate data relating to this report.

BuildTask::getTitle() — Method in class BuildTask
BuildTask::getDescription() — Method in class BuildTask
BulkLoader::getOptionFields() — Method in class BulkLoader

Return a FieldList containing all the options for this form; this doesn't include the actual upload field itself

BulkLoader::getImportSpec() — Method in class BulkLoader

Get a specification of all available columns and relations on the used model.

$ BulkUploadField#gridfieldProperty in class BulkUploadField
CMSBatchAction::getActionTitle() — Method in class CMSBatchAction

The the text to show in the dropdown for this action

CMSBatchAction::getParameterFields() — Method in class CMSBatchAction

If your batchaction has parameters, return a FieldList here

CMSBatchActionHandler::getPages() — Method in class CMSBatchActionHandler

Safely query and return all pages queried

CMSBatchAction_Archive::getActionTitle() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Archive

The the text to show in the dropdown for this action

CMSBatchAction_Delete::getActionTitle() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Delete

The the text to show in the dropdown for this action

CMSBatchAction_DeleteFromLive::getActionTitle() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_DeleteFromLive

The the text to show in the dropdown for this action

CMSBatchAction_Publish::getActionTitle() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Publish

The the text to show in the dropdown for this action

CMSBatchAction_Restore::getActionTitle() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Restore

The the text to show in the dropdown for this action

CMSBatchAction_Unpublish::getActionTitle() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Unpublish

The the text to show in the dropdown for this action

CMSExternalLinks_Controller::getJobStatus() — Method in class CMSExternalLinks_Controller
CMSFileAddController::getEditForm() — Method in class CMSFileAddController
CMSForm::getValidationErrorResponse() — Method in class CMSForm

Route validation error responses through response negotiator, so they return the correct markup as expected by the requesting client.

CMSForm::getValidationExemptActions() — Method in class CMSForm

Get a list of actions that are exempt from validation

CMSForm::getResponseNegotiator() — Method in class CMSForm

Gets the current response negotiator

CMSMain::getResponseNegotiator() — Method in class CMSMain

Caution: Volatile API.

CMSMain::getPageTypes() — Method in class CMSMain

Returns a sorted array suitable for a dropdown with pagetypes and their translated name

CMSMain::getRecord() — Method in class CMSMain

Get a database record to be managed by the CMS.

CMSMain::getEditForm() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::getQueryFilter() — Method in class CMSMain

Safely reconstruct a selected filter from a given set of query parameters

CMSMain::getList() — Method in class CMSMain

Returns the pages meet a certain criteria as {CMSSiteTreeFilter} or the subpages of a parent page defaulting to no filter and show all pages in first level.

CMSMain::getNewItem() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMemberLoginForm::getExternalLink() — Method in class CMSMemberLoginForm

Get link to use for external security actions

CMSMenu::get_menu_item() — Method in class CMSMenu

Get a single menu item by its code value.

CMSMenu::get_menu_items() — Method in class CMSMenu

Get all menu entries.

CMSMenu::get_viewable_menu_items() — Method in class CMSMenu

Get all menu items that the passed member can view.

CMSMenu::get_cms_classes() — Method in class CMSMenu

A utility funciton to retrieve subclasses of a given class that are instantiable (ie, not abstract) and have a valid menu title.

CMSMenu::getIterator() — Method in class CMSMenu

IteratorAggregate Interface Method. Iterates over the menu items.

CMSMenuItem::getAttributesHTML() — Method in class CMSMenuItem
CMSPageHistoryController::getResponseNegotiator() — Method in class CMSPageHistoryController

Caution: Volatile API.

CMSPageHistoryController::getSilverStripeNavigator() — Method in class CMSPageHistoryController

Used for preview controls, mainly links which switch between different states of the page.

CMSPageHistoryController::getEditForm() — Method in class CMSPageHistoryController

Returns the read only version of the edit form. Detaches all FormAction instances attached since only action relates to revert.

CMSPageHistoryController::getVersionID() — Method in class CMSPageHistoryController

Get current version ID

CMSPageSettingsController::getEditForm() — Method in class CMSPageSettingsController
CMSProfileController::getEditForm() — Method in class CMSProfileController

Calls SiteTree->getCMSFields()

CMSSecurity::getTargetMember() — Method in class CMSSecurity

Get known logged out member

CMSSecurity::getResponseController() — Method in class CMSSecurity

Prepare the controller for handling the response to this request

CMSSecurity::getLoginMessage() — Method in class CMSSecurity

Get the HTML Content for the $Content area during login

CMSSecurity::getTitle() — Method in class CMSSecurity
CMSSecurity::GetLoginForms() — Method in class CMSSecurity

Get the login forms for all available authentication methods

CMSSecurity::getTemplatesFor() — Method in class CMSSecurity

Determine the list of templates to use for rendering the given action

CMSSecurity::getIncludeTemplate() — Method in class CMSSecurity

Gets the template for an include used for security.

CMSSiteTreeFilter::get_all_filters() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter

Returns a sorted array of all implementators of CMSSiteTreeFilter, suitable for use in a dropdown.

CMSSiteTreeFilter::getChildrenMethod() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter

Method on Hierarchy objects which is used to traverse into children relationships.

CMSSiteTreeFilter::getNumChildrenMethod() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter

Method on Hierarchy objects which is used find the number of children for a parent page

CMSSiteTreeFilter::getPageClasses() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter

Given a page, determine any additional CSS classes to apply to the tree node

CMSSiteTreeFilter::getFilteredPages() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter

Gets the list of filtered pages

CMSSiteTreeFilter_ChangedPages::getFilteredPages() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_ChangedPages

Gets the list of filtered pages

CMSSiteTreeFilter_DeletedPages::getFilteredPages() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_DeletedPages

Gets the list of filtered pages

CMSSiteTreeFilter_PublishedPages::getFilteredPages() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_PublishedPages

Filters out all pages who's status who's status that doesn't exist on live

CMSSiteTreeFilter_Search::getFilteredPages() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_Search

Retun an array of maps containing the keys, 'ID' and 'ParentID' for each page to be displayed in the search.

CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDeletedPages::getFilteredPages() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDeletedPages

Filters out all pages who's status is set to "Deleted".

CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDraftPages::getFilteredPages() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDraftPages

Filters out all pages who's status is set to "Draft".

CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusRemovedFromDraftPages::getFilteredPages() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusRemovedFromDraftPages

Filters out all pages who's status is set to "Removed from draft".

CSSContentParser::getBySelector() — Method in class CSSContentParser

Returns a number of SimpleXML elements that match the given CSS selector.

CSSContentParser::getByXpath() — Method in class CSSContentParser

Allows querying the content through XPATH selectors.

MaintenanceProxyExtension::getCwpProxy() — Method in class MaintenanceProxyExtension

Returns a formatted CWP proxy string, e.g. tcp://proxy.cwp.govt.nz:1234

CacheProxy::getBackend() — Method in class CacheProxy
CacheProxy::getOption() — Method in class CacheProxy
CacheProxy::getIds() — Method in class CacheProxy
CacheProxy::getTags() — Method in class CacheProxy
CacheProxy::getIdsMatchingTags() — Method in class CacheProxy
CacheProxy::getIdsNotMatchingTags() — Method in class CacheProxy
CacheProxy::getIdsMatchingAnyTags() — Method in class CacheProxy
CacheProxy::getFillingPercentage() — Method in class CacheProxy
CacheProxy::getMetadatas() — Method in class CacheProxy
CacheProxy::getKeyID() — Method in class CacheProxy

Creates a dynamic key based on versioned state

CarouselItem::getCMSFields() — Method in class CarouselItem

Centerpiece of every data administration interface in Silverstripe, which returns a FieldList} suitable for a {@link Form object.

CarouselPageExtension::getCarouselItems() — Method in class CarouselPageExtension
CarouselPageExtension::getVisibleCarouselItems() — Method in class CarouselPageExtension
CheckExternalLinksJob::getTitle() — Method in class CheckExternalLinksJob
CheckExternalLinksJob::getJobType() — Method in class CheckExternalLinksJob

By default jobs should just go into the default processing queue

CheckExternalLinksJob::getSignature() — Method in class CheckExternalLinksJob

Return a signature for this queued job

CheckExternalLinksTask::getLinkChecker() — Method in class CheckExternalLinksTask
CheckForUpdatesJob::getTitle() — Method in class CheckForUpdatesJob

Define the title

CheckForUpdatesJob::getJobType() — Method in class CheckForUpdatesJob

Define the type.

CheckboxField::getAttributes() — Method in class CheckboxField

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

CheckboxSetField::getOptions() — Method in class CheckboxSetField
CheckboxSetField::getDefaultItems() — Method in class CheckboxSetField
ClassInfo::getValidSubClasses() — Method in class ClassInfo

Returns the manifest of all classes which are present in the database.

CleanupJob::getTitle() — Method in class CleanupJob

Defines the title of the job

CleanupJob::getJobType() — Method in class CleanupJob

Set immediacy of job

Comment::getSecurityToken() — Method in class Comment
Comment::getOption() — Method in class Comment

Get the commenting option

Comment::getParent() — Method in class Comment

Returns the parent DataObject this comment is attached too

Comment::getParentTitle() — Method in class Comment

Returns a string to help identify the parent of the comment

Comment::getParentClassName() — Method in class Comment

Comment-parent classnames obviously vary, return the parent classname

Comment::getEscapedComment() — Method in class Comment

Content to be safely escaped on the frontend

Comment::getMember() — Method in class Comment

Resolves Member object.

Comment::getAuthorName() — Method in class Comment

Return the authors name for the comment

Comment::getTitle() — Method in class Comment
Comment::getCMSFields() — Method in class Comment

Centerpiece of every data administration interface in Silverstripe, which returns a FieldList} suitable for a {@link Form object.

Comment::getHtmlPurifierService() — Method in class Comment
Comment::Gravatar() — Method in class Comment

Calculate the Gravatar link from the email address

Comment::getRepliesEnabled() — Method in class Comment

Determine if replies are enabled for this instance

CommentAdmin::getEditForm() — Method in class CommentAdmin
CommentList::getForeignClass() — Method in class CommentList

Retrieve the name of the class this relation is filtered by

Comment_SecurityToken::getToken() — Method in class Comment_SecurityToken

Generate the token for the given salt and current secret

Comment_SecurityToken::generate() — Method in class Comment_SecurityToken

Generates new random key

Commenting::get_config_value() — Method in class Commenting

Returns a given config value for a commenting class

CommentingController::getBaseClass() — Method in class CommentingController

Get the base class used

CommentingController::getOwnerRecord() — Method in class CommentingController

Get the record

CommentingController::getOwnerController() — Method in class CommentingController

Get the parent controller

CommentingController::getOption() — Method in class CommentingController

Get the commenting option for the current state

CommentingController::getFeed() — Method in class CommentingController

Return an RSSFeed of comments for a given set of comments or all comments on the website.

CommentingController::getComment() — Method in class CommentingController

Returns the comment referenced in the URL (by ID). Permission checking should be done in the callee.

CommentsExtension::getModerationRequired() — Method in class CommentsExtension

Get comment moderation rules for this parent

CommentsExtension::getCommentsRequireLogin() — Method in class CommentsExtension

Determine if users must be logged in to post comments

CommentsExtension::getCommentsConfigured() — Method in class CommentsExtension

Check if comments are configured for this page even if they are currently disabled.

CommentsExtension::getCommentsEnabled() — Method in class CommentsExtension

Determine if comments are enabled for this instance

CommentsExtension::getCommentHolderID() — Method in class CommentsExtension

Get the HTML ID for the comment holder in the template

CommentsExtension::getPostingRequiresPermission() — Method in class CommentsExtension
CommentsExtension::getPostingRequiredPermission() — Method in class CommentsExtension

Permission codes required in order to post (or empty if none required)

CommentsExtension::getRssLink() — Method in class CommentsExtension
CommentsExtension::getCommentRSSLink() — Method in class CommentsExtension

Gets the RSS link to all comments

CommentsExtension::getRssLinkPage() — Method in class CommentsExtension
CommentsExtension::getCommentRSSLinkPage() — Method in class CommentsExtension

Get the RSS link to all comments on this page

CommentsExtension::getCommentsOption() — Method in class CommentsExtension

Get the commenting option for this object

CommentsGridFieldAction::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class CommentsGridFieldAction

Attributes for the element containing the content returned by getColumnContent().

CommentsGridFieldAction::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class CommentsGridFieldAction

Additional metadata about the column which can be used by other components, e.g. to set a title for a search column header.

CommentsGridFieldAction::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class CommentsGridFieldAction

Names of all columns which are affected by this component.

CommentsGridFieldAction::getColumnContent() — Method in class CommentsGridFieldAction

HTML for the column, content of the


CommentsGridFieldAction::getActions() — Method in class CommentsGridFieldAction

Return a list of the actions handled by this action provider.

ComparisonFilter::getOperator() — Method in class ComparisonFilter

Should return an operator to be used for comparisons

ComparisonFilter::getInverseOperator() — Method in class ComparisonFilter

Should return an inverse operator to be used for comparisons

CompositeField::getChildren() — Method in class CompositeField

Accessor method for $this->children

CompositeField::getTag() — Method in class CompositeField
CompositeField::getLegend() — Method in class CompositeField
CompositeField::getAttributes() — Method in class CompositeField

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

CompositeField::getColumnCount() — Method in class CompositeField
Config::get_value_type() — Method in class Config

Get whether the value is an array or not. Used to be more complicated, but still nice sugar to have an enum to compare and not just a true / false value.

Config::getUncached() — Method in class Config
Config::get() — Method in class Config

Get the config value associated for a given class and property

Config_ForClass::get() — Method in class Config_ForClass
Config_LRU::get() — Method in class Config_LRU

Return a cached value in the case of a hit, false otherwise.

Config_MemCache::get() — Method in class Config_MemCache
ConfirmedPasswordField::getChildren() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Returns the children of this field for use in templating.

ConfirmedPasswordField::getShowOnClickTitle() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField
ConfirmedPasswordField::getRequireExistingPassword() — Method in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Check if existing password is required

ContentController::getMenu() — Method in class ContentController

Returns a fixed navigation menu of the given level.

ContentController::getViewer() — Method in class ContentController

Return an SSViewer object to render the template for the current page.

ContentNegotiator::get_encoding() — Method in class ContentNegotiator

Return the character encoding set bhy ContentNegotiator::set_encoding(). It's recommended that all classes that need to specify the character set make use of this function.

ContentReviewDefaultSettings::getOwnerNames() — Method in class ContentReviewDefaultSettings
ContentReviewDefaultSettings::getReviewBody() — Method in class ContentReviewDefaultSettings

Get the review body, falling back to the default if left blank.

ContentReviewDefaultSettings::getReviewSubject() — Method in class ContentReviewDefaultSettings

Get the review subject line, falling back to the default if left blank.

ContentReviewDefaultSettings::getReviewFrom() — Method in class ContentReviewDefaultSettings

Get the "from" field for review emails.

ContentReviewDefaultSettings::getWithDefault() — Method in class ContentReviewDefaultSettings

Get the value of a user-configured field, falling back to the default if left blank.

ContentReviewEmails::getOverduePagesForOwners() — Method in class ContentReviewEmails
ContentReviewEmails::getEmailBody() — Method in class ContentReviewEmails

Get string value of HTML body with all variable evaluated.

ContentReviewEmails::getTemplateVariables() — Method in class ContentReviewEmails

Gets list of safe template variables and their values which can be used in both the static and editable templates.

ContentReviewNotificationJob::getTitle() — Method in class ContentReviewNotificationJob
ContentReviewNotificationJob::getJobType() — Method in class ContentReviewNotificationJob
ContentWidget::getCMSFields() — Method in class ContentWidget
Controller::getURLParams() — Method in class Controller
Controller::getResponse() — Method in class Controller

Returns the SS_HTTPResponse object that this controller is building up.

Controller::getFormOwner() — Method in class Controller

Return the object that is going to own a form that's being processed, and handle its execution.

Controller::getAction() — Method in class Controller

Returns the action that is being executed on this controller.

Controller::getViewer() — Method in class Controller

Return an SSViewer object to process the data

Controller::getSession() — Method in class Controller

Get the Session object representing this Controller's session

Controller::get_template_global_variables() — Method in class Controller

Called by SSViewer to get a list of global variables to expose to the template, the static method to call on this class to get the value for those variables, and the class to use for casting the returned value for use in a template

ConvertTranslatableTask::getTranslatedFields() — Method in class ConvertTranslatableTask

Get all database fields to translate

Cookie::get_inst() — Method in class Cookie

Fetch the current instance of the cookie backend

Cookie::get() — Method in class Cookie

Get the cookie value by name

Cookie::get_all() — Method in class Cookie

Get all the cookies

CookieJar::get() — Method in class CookieJar

Get the cookie value by name

CookieJar::getAll() — Method in class CookieJar

Get all the cookies

Cookie_Backend::get() — Method in class Cookie_Backend

Get the cookie value by name

Cookie_Backend::getAll() — Method in class Cookie_Backend

Get all the cookies

CreateQueuedJobTask::getDescription() — Method in class CreateQueuedJobTask
CreditCardField::getAttributes() — Method in class CreditCardField

Add default attributes for use on all inputs.

CreditCardField::getTabIndexHTML() — Method in class CreditCardField

Get tabindex HTML string

CronTask::getSchedule() — Method in class CronTask

Return a string for a CRON expression

CronTaskStatus::get_status() — Method in class CronTaskStatus

Get the status

CsvBulkLoader::getNewSplitFileName() — Method in class CsvBulkLoader
CurlLinkChecker::getCache() — Method in class CurlLinkChecker

Return cache

CwpHtmlEditorConfig::getHtmlEditorConfig() — Method in class CwpHtmlEditorConfig

Override the default HtmlEditorConfig from 'cms' to 'cwp' defined in cwp-core/_config.php However if the group has a custom editor configuration set, use that instead.

CwpSearchEngine::getSearchQuery() — Method in class CwpSearchEngine

Build a SearchQuery for a new search

CwpSearchEngine::getSearchOptions() — Method in class CwpSearchEngine

Get solr search options for this query

CwpSearchEngine::getResult() — Method in class CwpSearchEngine

Get results for a search term

CwpSearchIndex::getFieldDefinitions() — Method in class CwpSearchIndex
CwpSearchPage_Controller::generateSearchRecord() — Method in class CwpSearchPage_Controller

Create the dummy search record for this page

CwpSearchResult::getResults() — Method in class CwpSearchResult

Get search results

CwpSearchResult::getQuery() — Method in class CwpSearchResult

Get search keywords matching these results

CwpSearchResult::getSuggestion() — Method in class CwpSearchResult

Get suggested search keywords

CwpSearchResult::getOriginal() — Method in class CwpSearchResult

Get original search keywords superceded by these results

CwpSearchResult::getSuggestionLink() — Method in class CwpSearchResult

Get the link to the suggested search

CwpSearchResult::getSearchLink() — Method in class CwpSearchResult

Gets the link to the given search

CwpSearchResult::getOriginalLink() — Method in class CwpSearchResult

Gets the link to the original search, with suggestions disabled

CwpSearchResult::getRSSLink() — Method in class CwpSearchResult

Get link to these results in RSS format

CwpSearchResult::getAtomLink() — Method in class CwpSearchResult

Get link to these results in atom format

CwpSearchResult::getLink() — Method in class CwpSearchResult

Get a search link for given terms

CwpStatsReport::getReportField() — Method in class CwpStatsReport

Return a field, such as a GridField that is used to show and manipulate data relating to this report.

CwpThemeHelper::getIsDefaultTheme() — Method in class CwpThemeHelper

Decide whether the current configured theme is the "default" CWP theme or a variation of it

DB::get_conn() — Method in class DB

Get the global database connection.

DB::getConn() — Method in class DB
DB::get_schema() — Method in class DB

Retrieves the schema manager for the current database

DB::get_connector() — Method in class DB

Retrieves the connector object for the current database

DB::get_alternative_database_name() — Method in class DB

Get the name of the database in use

DB::getConnect() — Method in class DB
DB::get_generated_id() — Method in class DB

Get the autogenerated ID from the previous INSERT query.

DB::getGeneratedID() — Method in class DB
DBConnector::getVersion() — Method in class DBConnector

Query for the version of the currently connected database

DBConnector::getSelectedDatabase() — Method in class DBConnector

Retrieves the name of the currently selected database

DBConnector::getLastError() — Method in class DBConnector

Retrieves the last error generated from the database connection

DBConnector::getGeneratedID() — Method in class DBConnector

Determines the last ID generated from the specified table.

DBField::getName() — Method in class DBField

Returns the name of this field.

DBField::getValue() — Method in class DBField

Returns the value of this field.

DBLocale::getShortName() — Method in class DBLocale

Resolves the locale to a common english-language name through i18n::get_common_locales().

DBLocale::getLongName() — Method in class DBLocale
DBLocale::getNativeName() — Method in class DBLocale

Returns the localized name based on the field's value.

DBQueryBuilder::getSeparator() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Determines the line separator to use.

DMS::getStoragePath() — Method in class DMS

Get the storage path for DMS documents

DMS::getByFullTextSearch() — Method in class DMS

Returns a number of Document objects that match a full-text search of the Documents and their contents (if contents is searchable and compatible search module is installed - e.g. FullTextSearch module)

DMS::getByPage() — Method in class DMS

Returns a list of Document objects associated with a Page via intermediary document sets

DMS::getDocumentSetsByPage() — Method in class DMS

Returns a list of Document Set objects associated with a Page

DMS::getStorageFolder() — Method in class DMS

Calculates the storage path from a database DMSDocument ID

DMS::getShortcodeHandlerKey() — Method in class DMS

Get the shortcode handler key

DMSCartAbstractController::getCart() — Method in class DMSCartAbstractController

Retrieves a DMSDocumentCart instance

DMSCartAbstractController::getContinueBrowsingLink() — Method in class DMSCartAbstractController

Controls the Continue browsing link found in DMSCartNavigation.ss. Defaults all requests back to home.

DMSCartBackendInterface::getItems() — Method in class DMSCartBackendInterface

Get all the DMSRequestItem objects serialized in the cart.

DMSCartBackendInterface::getItem() — Method in class DMSCartBackendInterface

Returns a single element from the items list

DMSCartBackendInterface::getBackUrl() — Method in class DMSCartBackendInterface

Returns the backURL for the current Document Cart

DMSCartBackendInterface::getReceiverInfo() — Method in class DMSCartBackendInterface

Retrieves the recipients info

DMSCheckoutController::getConfirmationBcc() — Method in class DMSCheckoutController

If BCC email addresses are configured, return the addresses to send to in comma delimited format

DMSDocument::getLink() — Method in class DMSDocument

Returns a link to download this document from the DMS store.

DMSDocument::getVersions() — Method in class DMSDocument

Returns a DataList of all previous Versions of this document (check the LastEdited date of each object to find the correct one).

DMSDocument::getFullPath() — Method in class DMSDocument

Returns the full filename of the document stored in this object.

DMSDocument::getFilename() — Method in class DMSDocument

Returns the filename of this asset.

DMSDocument::getName() — Method in class DMSDocument
DMSDocument::getFilenameWithoutID() — Method in class DMSDocument

Returns the filename of a document without the prefix, e.g. 0~filename.jpg -> filename.jpg

DMSDocument::getStorageFolder() — Method in class DMSDocument
DMSDocument::get_file_type() — Method in class DMSDocument

Return the type of file for the given extension on the current file name.

DMSDocument::getDescriptionWithLineBreak() — Method in class DMSDocument

Returns the Description field with HTML
tags added when there is a line break.

DMSDocument::getCMSFields() — Method in class DMSDocument
DMSDocument::getPermissionsActionPanel() — Method in class DMSDocument

Adds permissions selection fields to a composite field and returns so it can be used in the "actions panel"

DMSDocument::getTitle() — Method in class DMSDocument

Return a title to use on the frontend, preferably the "title", otherwise the filename without it's numeric ID

DMSDocument::getExtension() — Method in class DMSDocument

Return the extension of the file associated with the document

DMSDocument::getSize() — Method in class DMSDocument
DMSDocument::getAbsoluteSize() — Method in class DMSDocument

Return the size of the file associated with the document.

DMSDocument::getFileSizeFormatted() — Method in class DMSDocument

An alias to DMSDocument::getSize()

DMSDocument::getFieldsForFile() — Method in class DMSDocument
DMSDocument::getRelatedDocuments() — Method in class DMSDocument

Get a data list of documents related to this document

DMSDocument::getRelatedPages() — Method in class DMSDocument

Get a list of related pages for this document by going through the associated document sets

DMSDocument::getRelatedDocumentsGridField() — Method in class DMSDocument

Get a GridField for managing related documents

DMSDocument::getRelatedDocumentsForAutocompleter() — Method in class DMSDocument

Get the list of documents to show in "related documents". This can be modified via the extension point, for example if you wanted to exclude embargoed documents or something similar.

DMSDocument::getPermissionDeniedReason() — Method in class DMSDocument

Returns a reason as to why this document cannot be viewed.

DMSDocument::getActionTaskHtml() — Method in class DMSDocument

Returns a HTML representation of the action tasks for the CMS

DMSDocumentAddController::getCurrentDocumentSet() — Method in class DMSDocumentAddController

Get the current document set, if a document set ID was provided

DMSDocumentAddController::getEditForm() — Method in class DMSDocumentAddController
DMSDocumentAddController::getPageEditLink() — Method in class DMSDocumentAddController

Return a link to edit a page, deep linking into the document set given

DMSDocumentAddController::getAllowedExtensions() — Method in class DMSDocumentAddController

Get an array of allowed file upload extensions, merged with File and extra configuration from this class

DMSDocumentAddExistingField::getRecord() — Method in class DMSDocumentAddExistingField

Get the record to use as "Parent" for uploaded Files (eg a Page with a has_one to File) If none is set, it will use Form->getRecord() or Form->Controller()->data()

DMSDocumentAdmin::getEditForm() — Method in class DMSDocumentAdmin

Remove the default "add" button and replace it with a customised version for DMS

DMSDocumentCart::getItems() — Method in class DMSDocumentCart

Returns all the cart items as an array

DMSDocumentCart::getCartSummaryCacheKey() — Method in class DMSDocumentCart

Gets a partial caching key that can be used to prevent the getItems method from hitting the database every time to check whether a document exists. Includes a hash of the valid items in the cart (including their quantity).

DMSDocumentCart::getItem() — Method in class DMSDocumentCart

Get a DMSRequestItem object from the cart.

DMSDocumentCart::getBackUrl() — Method in class DMSDocumentCart

Returns the backURL for the current Document Cart

DMSDocumentCart::getReceiverInfo() — Method in class DMSDocumentCart

Retrieves the recipients info as an array (e.g. array('Name'=>'Joe','Surname'=>'Soap'))

DMSDocumentCart::getReceiverInfoNice() — Method in class DMSDocumentCart

Returns the recipients in a Viewable format

DMSDocumentCart::getBackend() — Method in class DMSDocumentCart

Gets the backend handler

DMSDocumentCart::getSummary() — Method in class DMSDocumentCart

Displays a view-only table of the cart items.

DMSDocumentCart::getLink() — Method in class DMSDocumentCart

Utility method to link to the current controllers action

DMSDocumentCartController::getReceiverInfo() — Method in class DMSDocumentCartController

Prepares receiver info for the template.

DMSDocumentCartController::getIsCartEmpty() — Method in class DMSDocumentCartController

See DMSDocumentCart::isCartEmpty()

DMSDocumentCartExtension::getHasQuantityLimit() — Method in class DMSDocumentCartExtension

Returns whether the current document has a limit on how many items can be added to a single cart

DMSDocumentCartExtension::getMaximumQuantity() — Method in class DMSDocumentCartExtension

Get the maximum quantity of this document that can be ordered in a single cart

DMSDocumentCartExtension::getActionLink() — Method in class DMSDocumentCartExtension

Builds and returns a valid DMSDocumentController URL from the given $action link

DMSDocumentCartExtension::getCartController() — Method in class DMSDocumentCartExtension

Retrieves a DMSDocumentCartController handle

DMSDocumentCartExtension::getCart() — Method in class DMSDocumentCartExtension

Retrieves a DMSDocumentCart handle

DMSDocumentCartExtension::getValidationResult() — Method in class DMSDocumentCartExtension

Returns any validation messages that may have been in the session and clears them

DMSDocumentCartSubmission::getCMSFields() — Method in class DMSDocumentCartSubmission

Removing the add and existing GridField components to ensure that the model admin for submissions doesn't let you add new records

DMSDocumentCartSubmissionItem::getCMSFields() — Method in class DMSDocumentCartSubmissionItem

Centerpiece of every data administration interface in Silverstripe, which returns a FieldList} suitable for a {@link Form object.

DMSDocumentInterface::getLink() — Method in class DMSDocumentInterface

Returns a link to download this DMSDocument from the DMS store

DMSDocumentInterface::getExtension() — Method in class DMSDocumentInterface

Return the extension of the file associated with the document

DMSDocumentInterface::getSize() — Method in class DMSDocumentInterface

Returns the size of the file type in an appropriate format.

DMSDocumentInterface::getAbsoluteSize() — Method in class DMSDocumentInterface

Return the size of the file associated with the document, in bytes.

DMSDocumentInterface::getVersions() — Method in class DMSDocumentInterface

Returns a DataList of all previous Versions of this DMSDocument (check the LastEdited date of each object to find the correct one)

DMSDocumentSet::getDocuments() — Method in class DMSDocumentSet

Retrieve a list of the documents in this set. An extension hook is provided before the result is returned.

DMSDocumentSet::getCMSFields() — Method in class DMSDocumentSet

Put the "documents" list into the main tab instead of its own tab, and replace the default "Add Document" button with a customised button for DMS documents

DMSDocumentSet::getDocumentDisplayFields() — Method in class DMSDocumentSet

Customise the display fields for the documents GridField

DMSDocumentSet::getGlobalPermission() — Method in class DMSDocumentSet

Checks if a then given (or logged in) member is either an ADMIN, SITETREE_EDIT_ALL or has access to the DMSDocumentAdmin module, in which case permissions is granted.

DMSDocumentTaxonomyExtension::getAllTagsMap() — Method in class DMSDocumentTaxonomyExtension

Return an array of all the available tags that a document can use. Will return a list containing a taxonomy term's entire hierarchy, e.g. "Photo > Attribute > Density > High"

DMSDocument_Controller::getDocumentFromID() — Method in class DMSDocument_Controller

Returns the document object from the request object's ID parameter.

DMSDocument_Controller::getDocumentIdFromSlug() — Method in class DMSDocument_Controller

Get a document's ID from a "friendly" URL slug containing a numeric ID and slugged title

DMSDocument_versions::get_versions() — Method in class DMSDocument_versions

Returns a DataList of all previous Versions of a document (check the LastEdited date of each object to find the correct one).

DMSDocument_versions::getLink() — Method in class DMSDocument_versions

Returns a link to download this document from the DMS store.

DMSDocument_versions::getFullPath() — Method in class DMSDocument_versions

Returns the full filename of the document stored in this object. Can optionally specify which filename to use at the end.

DMSDocument_versions::getFilenameWithoutID() — Method in class DMSDocument_versions
DMSDocument_versions::generateVersionedFilename() — Method in class DMSDocument_versions

Creates a new filename for the current Document's file when replacing the current file with a new file.

DMSDocument_versions::getExtension() — Method in class DMSDocument_versions

Return the extension of the file associated with the document.

DMSDocument_versions::getSize() — Method in class DMSDocument_versions
DMSDocument_versions::getAbsoluteSize() — Method in class DMSDocument_versions

Return the size of the file associated with the document.

DMSDocument_versions::getFileSizeFormatted() — Method in class DMSDocument_versions

An alias to DMSDocument::getSize()

DMSGridFieldAddNewButton::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class DMSGridFieldAddNewButton

Overriding the parent method to change the template that the DMS add button will be rendered with

DMSGridFieldAddNewButton::getDocumentSetId() — Method in class DMSGridFieldAddNewButton

Get the document set ID that this document should be attached to

DMSGridFieldEditButton::getColumnContent() — Method in class DMSGridFieldEditButton

Overriding the parent method to change the template that the DMS edit button will be rendered with based on whether or not the user has edit permissions.

DMSInterface::getByFullTextSearch() — Method in class DMSInterface

Returns a number of Document objects that match a full-text search of the Documents and their contents (if contents is searchable and compatible search module is installed - e.g. FullTextSearch module)

DMSInterface::getByPage() — Method in class DMSInterface

Returns a list of Document objects associated with a Page via intermediary document sets

DMSInterface::getDocumentSetsByPage() — Method in class DMSInterface

Returns a list of Document Set objects associated with a Page

DMSRequestItem::getItemId() — Method in class DMSRequestItem

Returns the ID of the $this->document

DMSRequestItem::getQuantity() — Method in class DMSRequestItem

Returns the linked item Quantity

DMSRequestItem::getDocument() — Method in class DMSRequestItem

Returns the linked DMSDocument

DMSSessionBackend::getItems() — Method in class DMSSessionBackend

Get all the DMSRequestItem objects serialized in the cart.

DMSSessionBackend::getBackUrl() — Method in class DMSSessionBackend

Returns the backURL for the current Document Cart

DMSSessionBackend::getReceiverInfo() — Method in class DMSSessionBackend

Retrieves the recipients info

DMSSessionBackend::getItem() — Method in class DMSSessionBackend

Returns a single element from the items list

DMSSiteTreeExtension::getDocumentSets() — Method in class DMSSiteTreeExtension

Get a list of document sets for the owner page

DMSSiteTreeExtension::getAllDocuments() — Method in class DMSSiteTreeExtension

Get a list of all documents from all document sets for the owner page

DMSSiteTreeExtension::getTitleWithNumberOfDocuments() — Method in class DMSSiteTreeExtension

Returns the title of the page with the total number of documents it has associated with it across all document sets

DMSUploadField::getItems() — Method in class DMSUploadField

Never directly display items uploaded

DMSUploadField::getItemHandler() — Method in class DMSUploadField
DMSUploadField::getDMSFileEditFields() — Method in class DMSUploadField

FieldList $fields for the EditForm

DMSUploadField::getDMSFileEditActions() — Method in class DMSUploadField

FieldList $actions or string $name (of a method on File to provide a actions) for the EditForm

DMSUploadField::getDMSFileEditValidator() — Method in class DMSUploadField

Determines the validator to use for the edit form

DMSUploadField::getFolderName() — Method in class DMSUploadField

Get the folder name for storing the document

DMSUploadField_ItemHandler::getItem() — Method in class DMSUploadField_ItemHandler

Gets a DMS document by its ID

DataExtension::get_extra_config() — Method in class DataExtension
DataFormatter::getCustomFields() — Method in class DataFormatter
DataFormatter::getCustomRelations() — Method in class DataFormatter
DataFormatter::getCustomAddFields() — Method in class DataFormatter
DataFormatter::getRemoveFields() — Method in class DataFormatter
DataFormatter::getOutputContentType() — Method in class DataFormatter
DataFormatter::getTotalSize() — Method in class DataFormatter
DataFormatter::getFieldsForObj() — Method in class DataFormatter

Returns all fields on the object which should be shown in the output. Can be customised through self::setCustomFields().

DataList::getRelationName() — Method in class DataList

Translates a Object relation name to a Database name and apply the relation join to the query. Throws an InvalidArgumentException if the $field doesn't correspond to a relation.

DataList::getIterator() — Method in class DataList

Returns an Iterator for this DataList.

DataList::getIDList() — Method in class DataList

Returns an array with both the keys and values set to the IDs of the records in this list.

DataObject::get_validation_enabled() — Method in class DataObject

Returns when validation on DataObjects is enabled.

DataObject::get_classname_spec() — Method in class DataObject

Determines the specification for the ClassName field for the given class

DataObject::getObsoleteClassName() — Method in class DataObject
DataObject::getClassName() — Method in class DataObject
DataObject::getTitle() — Method in class DataObject

Standard implementation of a title/label for a specific record. Tries to find properties 'Title' or 'Name', and falls back to the 'ID'. Useful to provide user-friendly identification of a record, e.g. in errormessages or UI-selections.

DataObject::getQueriedDatabaseFields() — Method in class DataObject

Return all currently fetched database fields.

DataObject::getClassAncestry() — Method in class DataObject

Get the class ancestry, including the current class name.

DataObject::getComponent() — Method in class DataObject

Return a component object from a one to one relationship, as a DataObject.

DataObject::getComponents() — Method in class DataObject

Returns a one-to-many relation as a HasManyList

DataObject::getComponentsQuery() — Method in class DataObject
DataObject::getRelationClass() — Method in class DataObject

Find the foreign class of a relation on this DataObject, regardless of the relation type.

DataObject::getRemoteJoinField() — Method in class DataObject

Tries to find the database key on another object that is used to store a relationship to this class. If no join field can be found it defaults to 'ParentID'.

DataObject::getManyManyComponents() — Method in class DataObject

Returns a many-to-many component, as a ManyManyList.

DataObject::getDefaultSearchContext() — Method in class DataObject

Generates a SearchContext to be used for building and processing a generic search form for properties on this object.

DataObject::getCMSFields() — Method in class DataObject

Centerpiece of every data administration interface in Silverstripe, which returns a FieldList} suitable for a {@link Form object.

DataObject::getCMSActions() — Method in class DataObject

need to be overload by solid dataobject, so that the customised actions of that dataobject, including that dataobject's extensions customised actions could be added to the EditForm.

DataObject::getFrontEndFields() — Method in class DataObject

Used for simple frontend forms without relation editing or TabSet} behaviour. Uses {@link scaffoldFormFields() by default. To customize, either overload this method in your subclass, or extend it by DataExtension->updateFrontEndFields().

DataObject::getField() — Method in class DataObject

Gets the value of a field.

DataObject::getChangedFields() — Method in class DataObject

Return the fields that have changed.

DataObject::getReverseAssociation() — Method in class DataObject

Temporary hack to return an association name, based on class, to get around the mangle of having to deal with reverse lookup of relationships to determine autogenerated foreign keys.

DataObject::get() — Method in class DataObject

Return all objects matching the filter sub-classes are automatically selected and included

DataObject::get_one() — Method in class DataObject

Return the first item matching the given query.

DataObject::get_by_id() — Method in class DataObject

Return the given element, searching by ID

DataObject::getSourceQueryParams() — Method in class DataObject
DataObject::getSourceQueryParam() — Method in class DataObject
DataQuery::getFinalisedQuery() — Method in class DataQuery

Ensure that the query is ready to execute.

DataQuery::groupby() — Method in class DataQuery

Append a GROUP BY clause to this query.

DataQuery::getQueryParam() — Method in class DataQuery

Set an arbitrary query parameter, that can be used by decorators to add additional meta-data to the query.

DataQuery::getQueryParams() — Method in class DataQuery

Returns all query parameters

DatabaseAdapterRegistry::get_adapters() — Method in class DatabaseAdapterRegistry

Return all registered adapters

DatabaseAdapterRegistry::get_adapter() — Method in class DatabaseAdapterRegistry

Returns registry data for a class

DatabaseAdapterRegistry::get_default_fields() — Method in class DatabaseAdapterRegistry

Retrieves default field configuration

DatabaseAdmin::groupedDataClasses() — Method in class DatabaseAdmin

Get the data classes, grouped by their root class

DatabaseAdmin::getReturnURL() — Method in class DatabaseAdmin

Gets the url to return to after build

DatabaseConfigurationHelper::getDatabaseVersion() — Method in class DatabaseConfigurationHelper

Determines the version of the database server

DatalessField::getAttributes() — Method in class DatalessField

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

DatalessField::getAllowHTML() — Method in class DatalessField
DateField::getLocale() — Method in class DateField
DateField::getConfig() — Method in class DateField
DateField_View_JQuery::getField() — Method in class DateField_View_JQuery
DateField_View_JQuery::getLang() — Method in class DateField_View_JQuery

Determines which language to use for jQuery UI, which can be different from the value set in i18n.

DatedUpdateHolder::getDefaultRSSLink() — Method in class DatedUpdateHolder
DatedUpdateHolder::getDefaultAtomLink() — Method in class DatedUpdateHolder
DatedUpdateHolder::getSubscriptionTitle() — Method in class DatedUpdateHolder
DatedUpdateHolder_Controller::getMetaTitle() — Method in class DatedUpdateHolder_Controller

Get the meta title for the current action

DatedUpdateHolder_Controller::getUpdateName() — Method in class DatedUpdateHolder_Controller
DatedUpdatePage::getCMSFields() — Method in class DatedUpdatePage
DatetimeField::getDateField() — Method in class DatetimeField
DatetimeField::getTimeField() — Method in class DatetimeField
DatetimeField::getTimezoneField() — Method in class DatetimeField
DatetimeField::getLocale() — Method in class DatetimeField
DatetimeField::getConfig() — Method in class DatetimeField

Note: Use getDateField()} and {@link getTimeField() to get field-specific config options.

DebugBar::getDebugBar() — Method in class DebugBar

Get the Debug Bar instance

DebugBar::getShowQueries() — Method in class DebugBar
DebugBar::getRequestUrl() — Method in class DebugBar

Get request url

DebugBarDatabaseCollector::getName() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseCollector
DebugBarDatabaseCollector::getWidgets() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseCollector
DebugBarDatabaseCollector::getAssets() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseCollector
DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::getShowQueries() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy
DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::getShowQueriesTime() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy
DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::getConnector() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy

Get the current connector

DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::getSchemaManager() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy

Returns the current schema manager

DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::getQueryBuilder() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy

Returns the current query builder

DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::getQueries() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy
DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::getConnect() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy
DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::getGeneratedID() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy

Get the autogenerated ID from the previous INSERT query.

DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy::getDatabaseServer() — Method in class DebugBarDatabaseNewProxy

Get the database server type (e.g. mysql, postgresql).

DebugBarSilverStripeCollector::getTemplateData() — Method in class DebugBarSilverStripeCollector

Returns the names of all the templates rendered.

DebugBarSilverStripeCollector::getRequirementsData() — Method in class DebugBarSilverStripeCollector
DebugBarSilverStripeCollector::getRequestParameters() — Method in class DebugBarSilverStripeCollector
DebugBarSilverStripeCollector::getCookieData() — Method in class DebugBarSilverStripeCollector
DebugBarSilverStripeCollector::getSessionData() — Method in class DebugBarSilverStripeCollector
DebugBarSilverStripeCollector::getConfigData() — Method in class DebugBarSilverStripeCollector
DebugBarSilverStripeCollector::getController() — Method in class DebugBarSilverStripeCollector
DebugBarSilverStripeCollector::getName() — Method in class DebugBarSilverStripeCollector
DebugBarSilverStripeCollector::getWidgets() — Method in class DebugBarSilverStripeCollector
DebugBarSilverStripeCollector::getAssets() — Method in class DebugBarSilverStripeCollector
DebugBarTemplateParserProxy::getTemplatesUsed() — Method in class DebugBarTemplateParserProxy

Get the templates used in the current request and the number of times they were called

DebugBarTemplateParserProxy::getCached() — Method in class DebugBarTemplateParserProxy

Determines whether the template rendering is cached or not based on whether the compileString method has been called at any point.

DebugBarTimeDataCollector::getWidgets() — Method in class DebugBarTimeDataCollector

Add in a warning or danger notification if the request time is greater than the configured thresholds

DefaultThemeExtension::getBaseAssets() — Method in class DefaultThemeExtension

Get base styles or scripts from either the owner class that this extension is applied to, or create a new BasePage_Controller to use instead. This prevents missing theme assets on the Security controller.

DeleteAllJobsTask::getTitle() — Method in class DeleteAllJobsTask
DeleteAllJobsTask::getDescription() — Method in class DeleteAllJobsTask
DeleteObjectJob::getObject() — Method in class DeleteObjectJob
DeleteObjectJob::getJobType() — Method in class DeleteObjectJob
DeleteObjectJob::getTitle() — Method in class DeleteObjectJob
Deprecation::get_calling_module_from_trace() — Method in class Deprecation

Given a backtrace, get the module name from the caller two removed (the caller of the method that called


Deprecation::get_called_method_from_trace() — Method in class Deprecation

Given a backtrace, get the method name from the immediate parent caller (the caller of #notice)

Deprecation::get_enabled() — Method in class Deprecation

Determine if deprecation notices should be displayed

DevelopmentAdmin::get_links() — Method in class DevelopmentAdmin
DevelopmentAdmin::getRegisteredController() — Method in class DevelopmentAdmin
DevelopmentAdmin::generatesecuretoken() — Method in class DevelopmentAdmin

Generate a secure token which can be used as a crypto key.

Diff::getHTMLChunks() — Method in class Diff
Director::get_current_page() — Method in class Director

Return the SiteTree object that is currently being viewed. If there is no SiteTree object to return, then this will return the current controller.

Director::getAbsFile() — Method in class Director

Given a filesystem reference relative to the site root, return the full file-system path.

Director::get_environment_type() — Method in class Director

Can also be checked with Director::isDev()}, {@link Director::isTest()}, and {@link Director::isLive().

Director::get_template_global_variables() — Method in class Director
DisambiguationSegmentFieldModifier::getPreview() — Method in class DisambiguationSegmentFieldModifier
DisambiguationSegmentFieldModifier::getSuggestion() — Method in class DisambiguationSegmentFieldModifier
DocumentImportField::getInnerField() — Method in class DocumentImportField
DocumentImportIFrameField_Importer::get_docvert_username() — Method in class DocumentImportIFrameField_Importer
DocumentImportIFrameField_Importer::get_docvert_password() — Method in class DocumentImportIFrameField_Importer
DocumentImportIFrameField_Importer::get_docvert_url() — Method in class DocumentImportIFrameField_Importer
DocumentImportInnerField::getBodyText() — Method in class DocumentImportInnerField
DoormanProcessManager::getWorker() — Method in class DoormanProcessManager
DoormanQueuedJobTask::getId() — Method in class DoormanQueuedJobTask
DoormanQueuedJobTask::getDescriptor() — Method in class DoormanQueuedJobTask
DoormanQueuedJobTask::getHandler() — Method in class DoormanQueuedJobTask
DoormanQueuedJobTask::getData() — Method in class DoormanQueuedJobTask
DoormanQueuedJobTask::getExpiresIn() — Method in class DoormanQueuedJobTask
DoormanRunner::getDefaultRules() — Method in class DoormanRunner
DoormanRunner::getNextJobDescriptorWithoutMutex() — Method in class DoormanRunner
DropdownField::getDisabledItems() — Method in class DropdownField
DropdownField::getAttributes() — Method in class DropdownField
DropdownField::getSource() — Method in class DropdownField

Gets the source array including any empty default values.

DropdownField::getHasEmptyDefault() — Method in class DropdownField
DropdownField::getEmptyString() — Method in class DropdownField
DropdownField::getSourceAsArray() — Method in class DropdownField

Get the source of this field as an array

DummyQueuedJob::getTitle() — Method in class DummyQueuedJob
DummyQueuedJob::getJobType() — Method in class DummyQueuedJob
EditableCheckbox::getCMSFields() — Method in class EditableCheckbox
EditableCheckbox::getFormField() — Method in class EditableCheckbox

Return a FormField to appear on the front end. Implement on your subclass.

EditableCheckbox::getValueFromData() — Method in class EditableCheckbox
EditableCheckboxGroupField::getFormField() — Method in class EditableCheckboxGroupField

Return a FormField to appear on the front end. Implement on your subclass.

EditableCheckboxGroupField::getValueFromData() — Method in class EditableCheckboxGroupField
EditableCheckboxGroupField::getSelectorField() — Method in class EditableCheckboxGroupField

Gets the JS expression for selecting the value for this field

EditableCheckboxGroupField::getSelectorFieldOnly() — Method in class EditableCheckboxGroupField
EditableCountryDropdownField::getCMSFields() — Method in class EditableCountryDropdownField
EditableCountryDropdownField::getFormField() — Method in class EditableCountryDropdownField

Return a FormField to appear on the front end. Implement on your subclass.

EditableCountryDropdownField::getValueFromData() — Method in class EditableCountryDropdownField
EditableCountryDropdownField::getIcon() — Method in class EditableCountryDropdownField

Get the path to the icon for this field type, relative to the site root.

EditableCountryDropdownField::getSelectorField() — Method in class EditableCountryDropdownField

Gets the JS expression for selecting the value for this field

EditableCustomRule::getCanCreateContext() — Method in class EditableCustomRule

Helper method to check the parent for this object

EditableDateField::getCMSFields() — Method in class EditableDateField
EditableDateField::getFormField() — Method in class EditableDateField

Return the form field

EditableDropdown::getCMSFields() — Method in class EditableDropdown
EditableDropdown::getFormField() — Method in class EditableDropdown
EditableDropdown::getSelectorField() — Method in class EditableDropdown

Gets the JS expression for selecting the value for this field

EditableEmailField::getSetsOwnError() — Method in class EditableEmailField

Flag indicating that this field will set its own error message via data-msg='' attributes

EditableEmailField::getFormField() — Method in class EditableEmailField

Return a FormField to appear on the front end. Implement on your subclass.

EditableFieldGroup::getCMSFields() — Method in class EditableFieldGroup
EditableFieldGroup::getCMSTitle() — Method in class EditableFieldGroup
EditableFieldGroup::getInlineClassnameField() — Method in class EditableFieldGroup

Get the formfield to use when editing this inline in gridfield

EditableFieldGroup::getFormField() — Method in class EditableFieldGroup

Return a FormField to appear on the front end. Implement on your subclass.

EditableFieldGroupEnd::getCMSTitle() — Method in class EditableFieldGroupEnd
EditableFieldGroupEnd::getCMSFields() — Method in class EditableFieldGroupEnd
EditableFieldGroupEnd::getInlineClassnameField() — Method in class EditableFieldGroupEnd

Get the formfield to use when editing this inline in gridfield

EditableFieldGroupEnd::getInlineTitleField() — Method in class EditableFieldGroupEnd

Get the formfield to use when editing the title inline

EditableFieldGroupEnd::getFormField() — Method in class EditableFieldGroupEnd

Return a FormField to appear on the front end. Implement on your subclass.

EditableFileField::getCMSFields() — Method in class EditableFileField
EditableFileField::getFormField() — Method in class EditableFileField

Return a FormField to appear on the front end. Implement on your subclass.

EditableFileField::getValueFromData() — Method in class EditableFileField

Return the value for the database, link to the file is stored as a relation so value for the field can be null.

EditableFileField::getSubmittedFormField() — Method in class EditableFileField

Return the instance of the submission field class

EditableFileField::get_php_max_file_size() — Method in class EditableFileField
EditableFileField::getPHPMaxFileSizeMB() — Method in class EditableFileField
EditableFormField::getJsEventHandler() — Method in class EditableFormField

Returns the jsEventHandler property for the current object. Bearing in mind it could've been overridden.

EditableFormField::getCMSFields() — Method in class EditableFormField
EditableFormField::getDisplayRuleFields() — Method in class EditableFormField

Return fields to display on the 'Display Rules' tab

EditableFormField::generateName() — Method in class EditableFormField

Generate a new non-conflicting Name value

EditableFormField::getSetsOwnError() — Method in class EditableFormField

Flag indicating that this field will set its own error message via data-msg='' attributes

EditableFormField::getCanCreateContext() — Method in class EditableFormField

Helper method to check the parent for this object

EditableFormField::getIsModifiedOnStage() — Method in class EditableFormField

checks if records is changed on stage

EditableFormField::getSettings() — Method in class EditableFormField
EditableFormField::getSetting() — Method in class EditableFormField
EditableFormField::getIcon() — Method in class EditableFormField

Get the path to the icon for this field type, relative to the site root.

EditableFormField::getHasAddableOptions() — Method in class EditableFormField

Return whether or not this field has addable options such as a dropdown field or radio set

EditableFormField::getEscapedTitle() — Method in class EditableFormField

Returns the Title for rendering in the front-end (with XML values escaped)

EditableFormField::getFieldNumber() — Method in class EditableFormField

Find the numeric indicator (1.1.2) that represents it's nesting value

EditableFormField::getCMSTitle() — Method in class EditableFormField
EditableFormField::getFieldName() — Method in class EditableFormField
EditableFormField::getSettingName() — Method in class EditableFormField
EditableFormField::getFieldValidationOptions() — Method in class EditableFormField

Append custom validation fields to the default 'Validation' section in the editable options view

EditableFormField::getFormField() — Method in class EditableFormField

Return a FormField to appear on the front end. Implement on your subclass.

EditableFormField::getSubmittedFormField() — Method in class EditableFormField

Return the instance of the submission field class

EditableFormField::getErrorMessage() — Method in class EditableFormField

Return the error message for this field. Either uses the custom one (if provided) or the default SilverStripe message

EditableFormField::getInlineClassnameField() — Method in class EditableFormField

Get the formfield to use when editing this inline in gridfield

EditableFormField::getInlineTitleField() — Method in class EditableFormField

Get the formfield to use when editing the title inline

EditableFormField::getSelectorHolder() — Method in class EditableFormField

Get the JS expression for selecting the holder for this field

EditableFormField::getSelectorOnly() — Method in class EditableFormField

Returns only the JS identifier of a string, less the $(), which can be inserted elsewhere, for example when you want to perform selections on multiple selectors

EditableFormField::getSelectorField() — Method in class EditableFormField

Gets the JS expression for selecting the value for this field

EditableFormField::getSelectorFieldOnly() — Method in class EditableFormField
EditableFormField::getEditableFieldClasses() — Method in class EditableFormField

Get the list of classes that can be selected and used as data-values

EditableFormField::getCMSValidator() — Method in class EditableFormField
EditableFormFieldValidator::getRecord() — Method in class EditableFormFieldValidator
EditableFormHeading::getCMSFields() — Method in class EditableFormHeading
EditableFormHeading::getFormField() — Method in class EditableFormHeading

Return a FormField to appear on the front end. Implement on your subclass.

EditableFormHeading::getFieldValidationOptions() — Method in class EditableFormHeading

Append custom validation fields to the default 'Validation' section in the editable options view

EditableFormHeading::getSelectorHolder() — Method in class EditableFormHeading

Get the JS expression for selecting the holder for this field

EditableFormHeading::getSelectorOnly() — Method in class EditableFormHeading

Returns only the JS identifier of a string, less the $(), which can be inserted elsewhere, for example when you want to perform selections on multiple selectors

EditableFormHeading::getLevel() — Method in class EditableFormHeading
EditableFormStep::getCMSFields() — Method in class EditableFormStep
EditableFormStep::getFormField() — Method in class EditableFormStep
EditableFormStep::getInlineClassnameField() — Method in class EditableFormStep

Get the formfield to use when editing this inline in gridfield

EditableFormStep::getCMSTitle() — Method in class EditableFormStep
EditableFormStep::getSelectorHolder() — Method in class EditableFormStep

Get the JS expression for selecting the holder for this field

EditableLiteralField::getEditorConfig() — Method in class EditableLiteralField

Returns the {HtmlEditorConfig} instance to use for sanitisation

EditableLiteralField::getContent() — Method in class EditableLiteralField

Get HTML Content of this literal field

EditableLiteralField::getCMSFields() — Method in class EditableLiteralField
EditableLiteralField::getFormField() — Method in class EditableLiteralField

Return a FormField to appear on the front end. Implement on your subclass.

EditableMemberListField::getCMSFields() — Method in class EditableMemberListField
EditableMemberListField::getFormField() — Method in class EditableMemberListField

Return a FormField to appear on the front end. Implement on your subclass.

EditableMemberListField::getValueFromData() — Method in class EditableMemberListField
EditableMultipleOptionField::getCMSFields() — Method in class EditableMultipleOptionField
EditableMultipleOptionField::getHasAddableOptions() — Method in class EditableMultipleOptionField

Return whether or not this field has addable options such as a EditableDropdownField} or {@link EditableRadioField

EditableMultipleOptionField::getOptionsMap() — Method in class EditableMultipleOptionField

Gets map of field options suitable for use in a form

EditableMultipleOptionField::getDefaultOptions() — Method in class EditableMultipleOptionField

Returns all default options

EditableNumericField::getSetsOwnError() — Method in class EditableNumericField

Flag indicating that this field will set its own error message via data-msg='' attributes

EditableNumericField::getFormField() — Method in class EditableNumericField
EditableNumericField::getFieldValidationOptions() — Method in class EditableNumericField

Append custom validation fields to the default 'Validation' section in the editable options view

EditableOption::getEscapedTitle() — Method in class EditableOption
EditableOption::getCanCreateContext() — Method in class EditableOption

Helper method to check the parent for this object

EditableOption::getValue() — Method in class EditableOption

Fetches a value for $this->Value. If empty values are not allowed, then this will return the title in the case of an empty value.

EditableRadioField::getCMSFields() — Method in class EditableRadioField
EditableRadioField::getFormField() — Method in class EditableRadioField

Return a FormField to appear on the front end. Implement on your subclass.

EditableRadioField::getSelectorField() — Method in class EditableRadioField

Gets the JS expression for selecting the value for this field

EditableSpamProtectionField::getFormField() — Method in class EditableSpamProtectionField

Return a FormField to appear on the front end. Implement on your subclass.

EditableSpamProtectionField::getCandidateFields() — Method in class EditableSpamProtectionField

Gets the list of all candidate spam detectable fields on this field's form

EditableSpamProtectionField::getFieldConfiguration() — Method in class EditableSpamProtectionField

This method is in place for userforms 2.x

EditableSpamProtectionField::getCMSFields() — Method in class EditableSpamProtectionField

Used in userforms 3.x and above

EditableSpamProtectionField::getFieldValidationOptions() — Method in class EditableSpamProtectionField

Append custom validation fields to the default 'Validation' section in the editable options view

EditableSpamProtectionField::getRequired() — Method in class EditableSpamProtectionField
EditableSpamProtectionField::getIcon() — Method in class EditableSpamProtectionField

Get the path to the icon for this field type, relative to the site root.

EditableTextField::getCMSFields() — Method in class EditableTextField
EditableTextField::getFieldValidationOptions() — Method in class EditableTextField
EditableTextField::getFormField() — Method in class EditableTextField
ElementChildrenList::getChildrenList() — Method in class ElementChildrenList
ElementContact::getCMSFields() — Method in class ElementContact
ElementContent::getCMSFields() — Method in class ElementContent
ElementContent::getCssStyle() — Method in class ElementContent
ElementFile::getCMSFields() — Method in class ElementFile
ElementImage::getCMSFields() — Method in class ElementImage
ElementLink::getCMSFields() — Method in class ElementLink
ElementList::getCMSFields() — Method in class ElementList
ElementList::getAvailableTypes() — Method in class ElementList
ElementPageExtension::getAvailableTypes() — Method in class ElementPageExtension
ElementVirtualLinked::getTitle() — Method in class ElementVirtualLinked
ElementVirtualLinked::getCMSFields() — Method in class ElementVirtualLinked
ElementVirtualLinked::getCMSPublishedState() — Method in class ElementVirtualLinked
ElementVirtualLinked::getAnchor() — Method in class ElementVirtualLinked

Get a unique anchor name

ElementalAdmin::getEditForm() — Method in class ElementalAdmin
ElementalAdmin::getList() — Method in class ElementalAdmin

Exclude our linked elements

ElementalArea::getOwnerPage() — Method in class ElementalArea

Return an ArrayList of pages with the Element Page Extension

ElementalGridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::getManipulatedData() — Method in class ElementalGridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter

If an object ID is set, add the object to the list

ElementalGridFieldAddNewMultiClass::getClasses() — Method in class ElementalGridFieldAddNewMultiClass

Gets the classes that can be created using this button, defaulting to the model class and its subclasses.

ElementalGridFieldDeleteAction::getColumnContent() — Method in class ElementalGridFieldDeleteAction
Email::getTemplate() — Method in class Email
Email::getAdminEmail() — Method in class Email
EmailField::getAttributes() — Method in class EmailField
EmptyPagesReport::group() — Method in class EmptyPagesReport
EnabledMembers::getMethodClassToTitleMapping() — Method in class EnabledMembers

Create an array mapping authentication method Class Names to Readable Names

EnabledMembers::getRegisteredMethodsForRecords() — Method in class EnabledMembers
EndsWithFilter::getMatchPattern() — Method in class EndsWithFilter

Apply the match filter to the given variable value

EnvironmentChecker::get_from_email_address() — Method in class EnvironmentChecker
EnvironmentChecker::get_to_email_address() — Method in class EnvironmentChecker
EnvironmentChecker::get_email_results() — Method in class EnvironmentChecker
ErrorControlChain::getDisplayErrors() — Method in class ErrorControlChain

Get value of display_errors ini value

ErrorPage::getDefaultRecords() — Method in class ErrorPage

Returns an array of arrays, each of which defines properties for a new ErrorPage record.

ErrorPage::getCMSFields() — Method in class ErrorPage
ErrorPage::get_filepath_for_errorcode() — Method in class ErrorPage

Returns an absolute filesystem path to a static error file which is generated through publish().

ErrorPage::get_static_filepath() — Method in class ErrorPage
EventHolder_Controller::getUpdateName() — Method in class EventHolder_Controller
EventPage::getCMSFields() — Method in class EventPage
Extension::getOwner() — Method in class Extension

Returns the owner of this extension.

Extension::get_classname_without_arguments() — Method in class Extension

Helper method to strip eval'ed arguments from a string thats passed to DataObject::$extensions or Object::add_extension().

ExternalURLCheck::getCurlOpts() — Method in class ExternalURLCheck
ExternalURLCheck::getURLs() — Method in class ExternalURLCheck
FieldGroup::getZebra() — Method in class FieldGroup
FieldList::getTabPathRewrites() — Method in class FieldList
File::getTreeTitle() — Method in class File
File::getCMSFields() — Method in class File

Returns the fields to power the edit screen of files in the CMS.

File::get_app_category() — Method in class File

Returns a category based on the file extension.

File::getAbsoluteURL() — Method in class File

Gets the absolute URL accessible through the web.

File::getURL() — Method in class File

Gets the relative URL accessible through the web.

File::getFullPath() — Method in class File

Returns an absolute filesystem path to the file.

File::getRelativePath() — Method in class File

Returns path relative to webroot.

File::getFilename() — Method in class File
File::getExtension() — Method in class File

Returns the file extension

File::get_file_extension() — Method in class File

Gets the extension of a filepath or filename, by stripping away everything before the last "dot".

File::getFileType() — Method in class File

Return the type of file for the given extension on the current file name.

File::getSize() — Method in class File

Returns the size of the file type in an appropriate format.

File::getAbsoluteSize() — Method in class File

Return file size in bytes.

File::get_class_for_file_extension() — Method in class File

Maps a File subclass to a specific extension.

FileAccessibilityAndValidationCheck::getFiles() — Method in class FileAccessibilityAndValidationCheck

Gets a list of absolute file paths.

FileAgeCheck::getFiles() — Method in class FileAgeCheck

Gets a list of absolute file paths.

FileField::getAttributes() — Method in class FileField

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

FileField::getValidator() — Method in class FileField

Get custom validator for this field

FileField::getFolderName() — Method in class FileField

Gets the upload folder name

FileField::getUpload() — Method in class FileField

Retrieves the Upload handler

FileField::getAllowedExtensions() — Method in class FileField

Returns list of extensions allowed by this field, or an empty array if there is no restriction

FileNameFilter::getReplacements() — Method in class FileNameFilter
FileNameFilter::getTransliterator() — Method in class FileNameFilter
FileNameFilter::getDefaultName() — Method in class FileNameFilter
FileTextCache_SSCache::get_cache() — Method in class FileTextCache_SSCache
FileTextCache_SSCache::getKey() — Method in class FileTextCache_SSCache
FileTextExtractable::getTextCache() — Method in class FileTextExtractable
FileTextExtractable::getFileContent() — Method in class FileTextExtractable

Helper function for template

FileTextExtractor::get_extractor_classes() — Method in class FileTextExtractor

Gets the list of prioritised extractor classes

FileTextExtractor::get_extractor() — Method in class FileTextExtractor

Get the text file extractor for the given class

FileTextExtractor::get_mime() — Method in class FileTextExtractor

Attempt to detect mime type for given file

FileTextExtractor::getContent() — Method in class FileTextExtractor

Given a file path, extract the contents as text.

FileVersion::getTitle() — Method in class FileVersion
FileVersion::getName() — Method in class FileVersion
FileVersion::getURL() — Method in class FileVersion
FileVersion::getFullPath() — Method in class FileVersion
FileVersionCreationTask::getTitle() — Method in class FileVersionCreationTask
FileVersionCreationTask::getDescription() — Method in class FileVersionCreationTask
FilesystemPublisher::getUrlArrayObject() — Method in class FilesystemPublisher
FilesystemPublisher::generatePHPCacheFile() — Method in class FilesystemPublisher

Generate the templated content for a PHP script that can serve up the given piece of content with the given age and expiry.

FilesystemPublisher::generatePHPCacheRedirection() — Method in class FilesystemPublisher

Generate the templated content for a PHP script that can serve up a 301 redirect to the given destination.

FilesystemPublisher::getDestDir() — Method in class FilesystemPublisher
FilesystemPublisher::getExistingStaticCacheFiles() — Method in class FilesystemPublisher

Return an array of all the existing static cache files, as a map of URL => file. Only returns cache files that will actually map to a URL, based on urlsToPaths.

FilesystemPublisher::getMetadata() — Method in class FilesystemPublisher
FixtureBlueprint::getDefaults() — Method in class FixtureBlueprint
FixtureBlueprint::getClass() — Method in class FixtureBlueprint
FixtureFactory::getId() — Method in class FixtureFactory

Get the ID of an object from the fixture.

FixtureFactory::getIds() — Method in class FixtureFactory

Return all of the IDs in the fixture of a particular class name.

FixtureFactory::get() — Method in class FixtureFactory

Get an object from the fixture.

FixtureFactory::getFixtures() — Method in class FixtureFactory
FixtureFactory::getBlueprints() — Method in class FixtureFactory
FixtureFactory::getBlueprint() — Method in class FixtureFactory
Fluent::get_request_locale() — Method in class Fluent

Gets the locale requested directly in the request, either via route, post, or query parameters

Fluent::get_persist_locale() — Method in class Fluent

Gets the locale currently set within either the session or cookie.

Fluent::get_template_global_variables() — Method in class Fluent
FluentExtension::getTranslatedTables() — Method in class FluentExtension

Get all database tables in the class ancestry and their respective translatable fields

FluentExtension::generate_extra_config() — Method in class FluentExtension

Generates the extra DB fields for a class (not including subclasses)

FluentExtension::get_extra_config() — Method in class FluentExtension
FluentFilteredExtension::getFilteredLocales() — Method in class FluentFilteredExtension

Gets the list of locales this items is filtered against

FluentFilteredExtension::get_extra_config() — Method in class FluentFilteredExtension
FluentMenuExtension::getMenuFilteredLocales() — Method in class FluentMenuExtension

Gets the list of locales this items is filtered against

FluentMenuExtension::get_extra_config() — Method in class FluentMenuExtension
FluentMySQLSearch::getSearchFilter() — Method in class FluentMySQLSearch

Determine the where fragment containing a fulltext search condition

FluentMySQLSearch::getClass() — Method in class FluentMySQLSearch

Determine the class this query is searching against

FluentMySQLSearch::getSearchParameters() — Method in class FluentMySQLSearch

Extract keywords (both SQL and HTML encoded keywords) and boolean mode flag from the query

FluentRootURLController::getRedirectLocale() — Method in class FluentRootURLController

For incoming traffic to the site root, determine if they should be redirected to any locale.

FluentValidateTask::getDirectExtensions() — Method in class FluentValidateTask

Gets all extensions directly on this class that extend FluentExtension

Folder::getRelativePath() — Method in class Folder

Returns path relative to webroot.

Folder::getTitle() — Method in class Folder

Standard implementation of a title/label for a specific record. Tries to find properties 'Title' or 'Name', and falls back to the 'ID'. Useful to provide user-friendly identification of a record, e.g. in errormessages or UI-selections.

Folder::getSize() — Method in class Folder

A folder doesn't have a (meaningful) file size.

Folder::getCMSFields() — Method in class Folder

Return the FieldList used to edit this folder in the CMS.

Folder::getTreeTitle() — Method in class Folder
FolderDropdownField::get_last_folder() — Method in class FolderDropdownField

Get the last folder selected

Folder_UnusedAssetsField::getChildren() — Method in class Folder_UnusedAssetsField

Accessor method for $this->children

Folder_UnusedAssetsField::getAssetList() — Method in class Folder_UnusedAssetsField

Creates table for displaying unused files.

FooterHolder::getCMSFields() — Method in class FooterHolder
Form::getValidationErrorResponse() — Method in class Form

Returns the appropriate response up the controller chain if validate() fails (which is checked prior to executing any form actions).

Form::getRedirectToFormOnValidationError() — Method in class Form

Get whether the user should be redirected back down to the form on the page upon validation errors

Form::getValidator() — Method in class Form

Get the Validator attached to this form.

Form::getExtraFields() — Method in class Form

Generate extra special fields - namely the security token field (if required).

Form::getAttribute() — Method in class Form
Form::getAttributes() — Method in class Form
Form::getAttributesHTML() — Method in class Form

Return the attributes of the form tag - used by the templates.

Form::getTemplateHelper() — Method in class Form

Return a FormTemplateHelper for this form. If one has not been set, return the default helper.

Form::getTemplate() — Method in class Form

Return the template to render this form with.

Form::getEncType() — Method in class Form

Returns the encoding type for the form.

Form::getStrictFormMethodCheck() — Method in class Form
Form::getHTMLID() — Method in class Form
Form::getController() — Method in class Form

Get the controller.

Form::getName() — Method in class Form

Get the name of the form.

Form::getMessageFromSession() — Method in class Form
Form::getRecord() — Method in class Form

Returns the DataObject that has given this form its data through loadDataFrom().

Form::getLegend() — Method in class Form

Get the legend value to be inserted into the

element in Form.ss
Form::getData() — Method in class Form

Get the submitted data from this form through FieldList->dataFields(), which filters out any form-specific data like form-actions.

Form::getAllActions() — Method in class Form

Get a list of all actions, including those in the main "fields" FieldList

Form::getSecurityToken() — Method in class Form

Returns the security token for this form (if any exists).

FormAction::getAttributes() — Method in class FormAction

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

FormAction::getButtonContent() — Method in class FormAction

Gets the content inside the button field

FormAction::getUseButtonTag() — Method in class FormAction

Determine if this action is rendered as a <button />

FormField::getTemplateHelper() — Method in class FormField

Returns the current FormTemplateHelper on either the parent Form or the global helper set through the Injector layout.

FormField::getName() — Method in class FormField

Returns the field name.

FormField::getAttribute() — Method in class FormField

Get an HTML attribute defined by the field, or added through setAttribute().

FormField::getAttributes() — Method in class FormField

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

FormField::getAttributesHTML() — Method in class FormField

Custom attributes to process. Falls back to getAttributes().

FormField::getForm() — Method in class FormField

Get the currently used form.

FormField::getCustomValidationMessage() — Method in class FormField

Get the custom error message for this form field. If a custom message has not been defined then just return blank. The default error is defined on Validator.

FormField::getTemplate() — Method in class FormField
FormField::getFieldHolderTemplate() — Method in class FormField
FormField::getSmallFieldHolderTemplate() — Method in class FormField
FormField::getTemplates() — Method in class FormField

Returns an array of templates to use for rendering FieldHolder.

FormField::getFieldHolderTemplates() — Method in class FormField

Returns an array of templates to use for rendering FieldHolder.

FormField::getSmallFieldHolderTemplates() — Method in class FormField

Returns an array of templates to use for rendering SmallFieldHolder.

FormField::getDescription() — Method in class FormField
FormField::getContainerFieldList() — Method in class FormField

Get the FieldList that contains this field.

FormScaffolder::getFieldList() — Method in class FormScaffolder

Gets the form fields as defined through the metadata on $obj and the custom parameters passed to FormScaffolder.

FormScaffolder::getParamsArray() — Method in class FormScaffolder

Return an array suitable for passing on to DBField->scaffoldFormField() without tying this call to a FormScaffolder interface.

FormSpamProtectionExtension::get_protector() — Method in class FormSpamProtectionExtension

Instantiate a SpamProtector instance

FormTemplateHelper::generateFormID() — Method in class FormTemplateHelper
FormTemplateHelper::generateFieldHolderID() — Method in class FormTemplateHelper
FormTemplateHelper::generateFieldID() — Method in class FormTemplateHelper

Generate the field ID value

FormTemplateHelper_Pre32::generateFormID() — Method in class FormTemplateHelper_Pre32
FormTemplateHelper_Pre32::generateFieldHolderID() — Method in class FormTemplateHelper_Pre32
FormTemplateHelper_Pre32::generateFieldID() — Method in class FormTemplateHelper_Pre32
FrontEndWorkflowController::getContextType() — Method in class FrontEndWorkflowController
FrontEndWorkflowController::getContextObject() — Method in class FrontEndWorkflowController
FrontEndWorkflowController::getContextID() — Method in class FrontEndWorkflowController
FrontEndWorkflowController::getWorkflowDefinition() — Method in class FrontEndWorkflowController

Specifies the Workflow Definition to be used, ie. retrieve from SiteConfig - or wherever it's defined

FrontEndWorkflowController::getCurrentTransition() — Method in class FrontEndWorkflowController
FullTextSearch::get_indexes() — Method in class FullTextSearch

Get all the instantiable search indexes (so all the user created indexes, but not the connector or library level abstract indexes). Can optionally be filtered to only return indexes that are subclasses of some class

FulltextFilter::getDbName() — Method in class FulltextFilter

This implementation allows for a list of columns to be passed into MATCH() instead of just one.

FulltextSearchable::get_extra_config() — Method in class FulltextSearchable
FulltextSearchable::get_searchable_classes() — Method in class FulltextSearchable

Shows all classes that had the FulltextSearchable} extension applied through {@link enable().

FunctionalTest::get() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Submit a get request

FunctionalTest::get_disable_themes() — Method in class FunctionalTest
FunctionalTest::get_use_draft_site() — Method in class FunctionalTest
GDClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This class is maintained for backwards-compatibility only. Please use the GDBackend class instead.

GDBackendClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A wrapper class for GD-based images, with lots of manipulation functions.

$ GDBackend#gdProperty in class GDBackend
GDBackend::getImageResource() — Method in class GDBackend
GDBackend::getGD() — Method in class GDBackend
GDBackend::getWidth() — Method in class GDBackend

Method return width of image.

GDBackend::getHeight() — Method in class GDBackend

Method return height of image.

GDBackend::greyscale() — Method in class GDBackend

Make the image greyscale.

GearmanQueueHandlerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ GearmanQueueHandler#gearmanServiceProperty in class GearmanQueueHandler
GenerateCSVJobClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Iteratively exports GridField data to a CSV file on disk, in order to support large exports.

GenerateCSVJob::getJobType() — Method in class GenerateCSVJob
GenerateCSVJob::getTitle() — Method in class GenerateCSVJob
GenerateCSVJob::getSignature() — Method in class GenerateCSVJob
GenerateCSVJob::getOutputPath() — Method in class GenerateCSVJob
GenerateCSVJob::getGridField() — Method in class GenerateCSVJob
GenerateGoogleSitemapJobClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A job for generating a site's google sitemap

GenerateGoogleSitemapJob::getJobType() — Method in class GenerateGoogleSitemapJob

Sitemap job is going to run for a while.

GenerateGoogleSitemapJob::getTitle() — Method in class GenerateGoogleSitemapJob
GenerateGoogleSitemapJob::getSignature() — Method in class GenerateGoogleSitemapJob

Return a signature for this queued job

GenericTemplateGlobalProviderClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
GenericTemplateGlobalProvider::get_template_global_variables() — Method in class GenericTemplateGlobalProvider

Called by SSViewer to get a list of global variables to expose to the template, the static method to call on this class to get the value for those variables, and the class to use for casting the returned value for use in a template

GenericTemplateGlobalProvider::getDataList() — Method in class GenericTemplateGlobalProvider

This allows templates to create a new DataList from a known DataObject class name, and call methods such as aggregates.

GreaterThanFilterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Selects numerical/date content greater than the input

GreaterThanFilter::getOperator() — Method in class GreaterThanFilter

Should return an operator to be used for comparisons

GreaterThanFilter::getInverseOperator() — Method in class GreaterThanFilter

Should return an inverse operator to be used for comparisons

GreaterThanOrEqualFilterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Selects numerical/date content greater than or equal to the input

GreaterThanOrEqualFilter::getOperator() — Method in class GreaterThanOrEqualFilter

Should return an operator to be used for comparisons

GreaterThanOrEqualFilter::getInverseOperator() — Method in class GreaterThanOrEqualFilter

Should return an inverse operator to be used for comparisons

GridFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Displays a SS_List in a grid format.

GridField::getModelClass() — Method in class GridField

Returns a data class that is a DataObject type that this GridField should look like.

GridField::getConfig() — Method in class GridField
GridField::getComponents() — Method in class GridField
GridField::getCastedValue() — Method in class GridField

Cast an arbitrary value with the help of a $castingDefinition.

GridField::getList() — Method in class GridField

Get the data source.

GridField::getManipulatedList() — Method in class GridField

Get the data source after applying every GridField_DataManipulator to it.

GridField::getState() — Method in class GridField

Get the current GridState_Data or the GridState.

GridField::getRowAttributes() — Method in class GridField
GridField::getAttributes() — Method in class GridField

Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.

GridField::getColumns() — Method in class GridField

Get the columns of this GridField, they are provided by attached GridField_ColumnProvider.

GridField::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridField

Get the value from a column.

GridField::getDataFieldValue() — Method in class GridField

Get the value of a named field on the given record.

GridField::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridField

Get extra columns attributes used as HTML attributes.

GridField::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridField

Get metadata for a column.

GridField::getColumnCount() — Method in class GridField

Return how many columns the grid will have.

GridField::gridFieldAlterAction() — Method in class GridField

This is the action that gets executed when a GridField_AlterAction gets clicked.

GridField::getOptionalTableHeader() — Method in class GridField
GridField::getOptionalTableBody() — Method in class GridField
GridField::getOptionalTableFooter() — Method in class GridField
GridFieldAddByDBFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Adds a component which allows a user to add a new DataObject by database field.

GridFieldAddByDBField::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldAddByDBField

Provide actions to this component.

GridFieldAddByDBField::getDataObjectField() — Method in class GridFieldAddByDBField

Returns the database field for which we'll add the new data object.

GridFieldAddByDBField::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldAddByDBField

Renders the TextField and add button to the GridField.

GridFieldAddClassesButtonClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A button which allows objects to be created with a specified classname(s)

GridFieldAddClassesButton::getButtonName() — Method in class GridFieldAddClassesButton

Get the button name

GridFieldAddClassesButton::getFragment() — Method in class GridFieldAddClassesButton

Gets the fragment name this button is rendered into.

GridFieldAddClassesButton::getButtonClass() — Method in class GridFieldAddClassesButton

Get extra button class

GridFieldAddClassesButton::getClasses() — Method in class GridFieldAddClassesButton

Get the classes of the objects to create

GridFieldAddClassesButton::getClassesCreate() — Method in class GridFieldAddClassesButton

Gets the list of classes which can be created, with checks for permissions.

GridFieldAddClassesButton::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldAddClassesButton

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridFieldAddClassesButton::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldAddClassesButton

Return a list of the actions handled by this action provider.

GridFieldAddClassesButton::getAction() — Method in class GridFieldAddClassesButton

Get the action suburl for this component

GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This class is is responsible for adding objects to another object's has_many and many_many relation, as defined by the RelationList passed to the GridField constructor.

GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter
GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter
GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::getManipulatedData() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter

If an object ID is set, add the object to the list

GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::getURLHandlers() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter
GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::getResultsFormat() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter
GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::getSearchFields() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter
GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::getPlaceholderText() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter
GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter::getResultsLimit() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter

Gets the maximum number of autocomplete results to display.

GridFieldAddExistingSearchButtonClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A modal search dialog which uses search context to search for and add existing records to a grid field.

GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton::getTitle() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton
GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton::getFragment() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton
GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton::getSearchList() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton
GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton::getURLHandlers() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton

Return URLs to be handled by this grid field, in an array the same form as $url_handlers.

GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandlerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Used by GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton to provide the searching functionality.

$ GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandler#gridProperty in class GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandler
GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandler::getSearchList() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandler
GridFieldAddNewButtonClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This component provides a button for opening the add new form provided by GridFieldDetailForm.

GridFieldAddNewButton::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldAddNewButton

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridFieldAddNewInlineButtonClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Builds on the GridFieldEditableColumns component to allow creating new records.

GridFieldAddNewInlineButton::getFragment() — Method in class GridFieldAddNewInlineButton

Gets the fragment name this button is rendered into.

GridFieldAddNewInlineButton::getTitle() — Method in class GridFieldAddNewInlineButton

Gets the button title text.

GridFieldAddNewInlineButton::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldAddNewInlineButton

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridFieldAddNewMultiClassClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A component which lets the user select from a list of classes to create a new record form.

GridFieldAddNewMultiClass::getFragment() — Method in class GridFieldAddNewMultiClass

Gets the fragment name this button is rendered into.

GridFieldAddNewMultiClass::getTitle() — Method in class GridFieldAddNewMultiClass

Gets the button title text.

GridFieldAddNewMultiClass::getClasses() — Method in class GridFieldAddNewMultiClass

Gets the classes that can be created using this button, defaulting to the model class and its subclasses.

GridFieldAddNewMultiClass::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldAddNewMultiClass

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridFieldAddNewMultiClass::getURLHandlers() — Method in class GridFieldAddNewMultiClass

Return URLs to be handled by this grid field, in an array the same form as $url_handlers.

GridFieldAddNewMultiClassHandlerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A custom grid field request handler that allows interacting with form fields when adding records.

GridFieldBasicContentReportClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
GridFieldBasicContentReport::getRowAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldBasicContentReport
GridFieldBlogPostStateClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Provides a component to the GridField which tells the user whether or not a blog post has been published and when.

GridFieldBlogPostState::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldBlogPostState

HTML for the column, content of the


GridFieldBlogPostState::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldBlogPostState

Attributes for the element containing the content returned by getColumnContent().

GridFieldBulkActionDeleteHandlerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Bulk action handler for deleting records.

GridFieldBulkActionEditHandlerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Bulk action handler for editing records.

GridFieldBulkActionHandlerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Base class to extend for all custom bulk action handlers Gives access to the GridField, Component and Controller and implements useful functions like getRecordIDList()} and {@link getRecords().

$ GridFieldBulkActionHandler#gridFieldProperty in class GridFieldBulkActionHandler

Related GridField instance.

GridFieldBulkActionHandler::getToplevelController() — Method in class GridFieldBulkActionHandler

Traverse up nested requests until we reach the first that's not a GridFieldDetailForm or GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest.

GridFieldBulkActionHandler::getRecordIDList() — Method in class GridFieldBulkActionHandler

Returns the list of record IDs selected in the front-end.

GridFieldBulkActionHandler::getRecords() — Method in class GridFieldBulkActionHandler

Returns a DataList of the records selected in the front-end.

GridFieldBulkActionUnlinkHandlerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Bulk action handler for unlinking records.

GridFieldBulkImageUploadClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Legacy GridFieldBulkImageUpload component.

GridFieldBulkManagerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

GridField component for editing attached models in bulk.

GridFieldBulkManager::getConfig() — Method in class GridFieldBulkManager

Returns one $config parameter of the full $config.

GridFieldBulkManager::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridFieldBulkManager

Which columns are handled by the component.

GridFieldBulkManager::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldBulkManager

Sets the column's content.

GridFieldBulkManager::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldBulkManager

Set the column's HTML attributes.

GridFieldBulkManager::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridFieldBulkManager

Set the column's meta data.

GridFieldBulkManager::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldBulkManager
GridFieldBulkManager::getURLHandlers() — Method in class GridFieldBulkManager

Returns an action => handler list.

GridFieldBulkUploadClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

GridField component for uploading images in bulk.

GridFieldBulkUpload::getConfig() — Method in class GridFieldBulkUpload

Returns one $config reference or the full $config.

GridFieldBulkUpload::getUfConfig() — Method in class GridFieldBulkUpload

Returns one $ufConfig reference or the full config.

GridFieldBulkUpload::getUfSetup() — Method in class GridFieldBulkUpload

Returns one $ufSetup reference or the full config.

GridFieldBulkUpload::getUfValidatorSetup() — Method in class GridFieldBulkUpload

Returns one $ufValidatorSetup reference or the full config.

GridFieldBulkUpload::getRecordClassName() — Method in class GridFieldBulkUpload

Returns the class name of container DataObject record.

GridFieldBulkUpload::getDefaultFileRelationName() — Method in class GridFieldBulkUpload

Get the first has_one Image/File relation from the GridField managed DataObject i.e. 'MyImage' => 'Image' will return 'MyImage'.

GridFieldBulkUpload::getFileRelationName() — Method in class GridFieldBulkUpload

Returns the name of the Image/File field name from the managed record Either as set in the component config or the default one.

GridFieldBulkUpload::getFileRelationClassName() — Method in class GridFieldBulkUpload

Return the ClassName of the fileRelation i.e. 'MyImage' => 'Image' will return 'Image' i.e. 'MyImage' => 'File' will return 'File'.

GridFieldBulkUpload::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldBulkUpload

HTML to be embedded into the GridField.

GridFieldBulkUpload::getURLHandlers() — Method in class GridFieldBulkUpload

Component URL handlers.

GridFieldBulkUpload_RequestClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Handles request from the GridFieldBulkUpload component.

$ GridFieldBulkUpload_Request#gridFieldProperty in class GridFieldBulkUpload_Request

Gridfield instance.

GridFieldBulkUpload_Request::getUploadField() — Method in class GridFieldBulkUpload_Request

Return the original component's UploadField.

GridFieldBulkUpload_Request::getRelationAutosetClass() — Method in class GridFieldBulkUpload_Request

Pass getRelationAutosetClass request to UploadField Used by select dialog.

GridFieldBulkUpload_Request::getAllowedMaxFileNumber() — Method in class GridFieldBulkUpload_Request

Pass getAllowedMaxFileNumber request to UploadField Used by select dialog.

GridFieldButtonRowClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Adding this class to a GridFieldConfig} of a {@link GridField adds a button row to that field.

GridFieldButtonRow::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldButtonRow

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridFieldCategorisationConfigClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
GridFieldComponentClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Base interface for all components that can be added to GridField.

GridFieldConfigClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Encapsulates a collection of components following the GridFieldComponent} interface. While the {@link GridField itself has some configuration in the form of setters, most of the details are dealt with through components.

GridFieldConfig::getComponents() — Method in class GridFieldConfig
GridFieldConfig::getComponentsByType() — Method in class GridFieldConfig

Returns all components extending a certain class, or implementing a certain interface.

GridFieldConfig::getComponentByType() — Method in class GridFieldConfig

Returns the first available component with the given class or interface.

GridFieldConfig_BaseClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A simple readonly, paginated view of records, with sortable and searchable headers.

GridFieldConfig_BlogPostClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

GridField config necessary for managing a SiteTree object.

GridFieldConfig_LumberjackClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

GridField config necessary for managing a SiteTree object.

GridFieldConfig_RecordEditorClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Allows editing of records contained within the GridField, instead of only allowing the ability to view records in the GridField.

GridFieldConfig_RecordViewerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Allows viewing readonly details of individual records.

GridFieldConfig_RelationEditorClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Similar to GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor, but adds features to work on has-many or many-many relationships.

GridFieldConfigurablePaginatorClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

GridFieldConfigurablePaginator paginates the GridField list and adds controls to the bottom of the GridField. The page sizes are configurable.

$ GridFieldConfigurablePaginator#gridFieldProperty in class GridFieldConfigurablePaginator
$ GridFieldConfigurablePaginator#gridFieldStateProperty in class GridFieldConfigurablePaginator
GridFieldConfigurablePaginator::getTotalRecords() — Method in class GridFieldConfigurablePaginator

Get the total number of records in the list

GridFieldConfigurablePaginator::getFirstShown() — Method in class GridFieldConfigurablePaginator

Get the first shown record number

GridFieldConfigurablePaginator::getLastShown() — Method in class GridFieldConfigurablePaginator

Get the last shown record number

GridFieldConfigurablePaginator::getTotalPages() — Method in class GridFieldConfigurablePaginator

Get the total number of pages, given the current number of items per page. The total pages might be higher than / if the first shown record is half way through a standard page break point.

GridFieldConfigurablePaginator::getCurrentPage() — Method in class GridFieldConfigurablePaginator

Get the page currently active. This is calculated by adding one to the previous number of pages calculated via the "first shown record" position.

GridFieldConfigurablePaginator::getNextPage() — Method in class GridFieldConfigurablePaginator

Get the next page number

GridFieldConfigurablePaginator::getPreviousPage() — Method in class GridFieldConfigurablePaginator

Get the previous page number

GridFieldConfigurablePaginator::getPageSizes() — Method in class GridFieldConfigurablePaginator

Get the sizes for the "Show x" dropdown

GridFieldConfigurablePaginator::getPageSizesAsList() — Method in class GridFieldConfigurablePaginator

Gets a list of page sizes for use in templates as a dropdown

GridFieldConfigurablePaginator::getGridField() — Method in class GridFieldConfigurablePaginator

Get the GridField used in this request

GridFieldConfigurablePaginator::getManipulatedData() — Method in class GridFieldConfigurablePaginator
GridFieldConfigurablePaginator::getTemplateParameters() — Method in class GridFieldConfigurablePaginator

Add the configurable page size options to the template data

GridFieldConfigurablePaginator::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldConfigurablePaginator
GridFieldConfigurablePaginator::getPagerArguments() — Method in class GridFieldConfigurablePaginator

Returns an array containing the arguments for the pagination: total rows, pages, first record etc

GridFieldConfigurablePaginator::getPagerActions() — Method in class GridFieldConfigurablePaginator

Returns FormActions for each of the pagination actions, in an array

GridFieldConfigurablePaginator::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldConfigurablePaginator
GridFieldConfigurablePaginator::getGridPagerState() — Method in class GridFieldConfigurablePaginator

Gets the state from the current request's GridField and sets some default values on it

GridFieldDataColumnsClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
GridFieldDataColumns::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns

Names of all columns which are affected by this component.

GridFieldDataColumns::getDisplayFields() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns

Get the DisplayFields

GridFieldDataColumns::getFieldCasting() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns
GridFieldDataColumns::getFieldFormatting() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns
GridFieldDataColumns::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns

HTML for the column, content of the


GridFieldDataColumns::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns

Attributes for the element containing the content returned by getColumnContent().

GridFieldDataColumns::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns

Additional metadata about the column which can be used by other components, e.g. to set a title for a search column header.

GridFieldDataColumns::getValueFromRelation() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns

Translate a Object.RelationName.ColumnName $columnName into the value that ColumnName returns

GridFieldDeleteActionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This class is a GridField component that adds a delete action for objects.

GridFieldDeleteAction::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldDeleteAction

Return any special attributes that will be used for FormField::create_tag()

GridFieldDeleteAction::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridFieldDeleteAction

Add the title

GridFieldDeleteAction::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridFieldDeleteAction

Which columns are handled by this component

GridFieldDeleteAction::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldDeleteAction

Which GridField actions are this component handling

GridFieldDeleteAction::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldDeleteAction
GridFieldDetailFormClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Provides view and edit forms at GridField-specific URLs.

GridFieldDetailForm::getURLHandlers() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm

Return URLs to be handled by this grid field, in an array the same form as $url_handlers.

GridFieldDetailForm::getTemplate() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm::getName() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm::getValidator() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm::getFields() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm::getItemRequestClass() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm::getItemEditFormCallback() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm
GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequestClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
$ GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest#gridFieldProperty in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::getToplevelController() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest

Traverse the nested RequestHandlers until we reach something that's not GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest.

GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::getBackLink() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::getExtraSavedData() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest

Get the list of extra data from the $record as saved into it by {Form::saveInto()}

GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::getTemplate() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::getController() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::getGridField() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::getRecord() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
GridFieldEditButtonClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Provides the entry point to editing a single record presented by the GridField.

GridFieldEditButton::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton

Return any special attributes that will be used for FormField::create_tag()

GridFieldEditButton::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton

Add the title

GridFieldEditButton::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton

Which columns are handled by this component

GridFieldEditButton::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton

Which GridField actions are this component handling.

GridFieldEditButton::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton
GridFieldEditableColumnsClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Allows inline editing of grid field records without having to load a separate edit interface.

GridFieldEditableColumns::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldEditableColumns

HTML for the column, content of the


GridFieldEditableColumns::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldEditableColumns

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridFieldEditableColumns::getURLHandlers() — Method in class GridFieldEditableColumns

Return URLs to be handled by this grid field, in an array the same form as $url_handlers.

GridFieldEditableColumns::getFields() — Method in class GridFieldEditableColumns

Gets the field list for a record.

GridFieldEditableColumns::getForm() — Method in class GridFieldEditableColumns

Gets the form instance for a record.

GridFieldEditableColumns::getFieldName() — Method in class GridFieldEditableColumns
GridFieldExportActionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This class is a GridField component that adds an export action for WorkflowDefinition objects shown in GridFields.

GridFieldExportAction::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldExportAction

Return any special attributes that will be used for FormField::create_tag()

GridFieldExportAction::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridFieldExportAction

Add the title

GridFieldExportAction::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridFieldExportAction

Which columns are handled by this component

GridFieldExportAction::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldExportAction

Which GridField actions are this component handling

GridFieldExportAction::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldExportAction
GridFieldExportButtonClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Adds an "Export list" button to the bottom of a GridField.

GridFieldExportButton::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton

Place the export button in a

tag below the field

GridFieldExportButton::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton

export is an action button

GridFieldExportButton::getURLHandlers() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton

it is also a URL

GridFieldExportButton::getExportColumnsForGridField() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton

Return the columns to export

GridFieldExportButton::generateExportFileData() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton

Generate export fields for CSV.

GridFieldExportButton::getExportColumns() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton
GridFieldExportButton::getCsvSeparator() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton
GridFieldExportButton::getCsvHasHeader() — Method in class GridFieldExportButton
GridFieldExportReportButtonClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

An extension to GridFieldExportButton to support downloading a custom Report as a CSV file

GridFieldExportReportButton::generateExportFileData() — Method in class GridFieldExportReportButton

Generate export fields for CSV.

GridFieldExtensionsClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Utility functions for the grid fields extension module.

GridFieldExtensions::get_module_dir() — Method in class GridFieldExtensions
GridFieldExternalLinkClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Displays a link to an external source referenced 'external link'

GridFieldExternalLink::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldExternalLink

Return any special attributes that will be used for FormField::create_tag()

GridFieldExternalLink::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridFieldExternalLink

Add the title

GridFieldExternalLink::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridFieldExternalLink

Which columns are handled by this component

GridFieldExternalLink::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldExternalLink
GridFieldFilterHeaderClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

GridFieldFilterHeader alters the GridField with some filtering fields in the header of each column.

GridFieldFilterHeader::getThrowExceptionOnBadDataType() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader

See setThrowExceptionOnBadDataType()

GridFieldFilterHeader::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader
GridFieldFilterHeader::getManipulatedData() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader
GridFieldFilterHeader::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader
GridFieldFooterClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Adding this class to a GridFieldConfig} of a {@link GridField adds a footer bar to that field.

GridFieldFooter::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldFooter

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridFieldFormActionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
GridFieldFormAction::getAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldFormAction
GridFieldLevelupClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Adds a "level up" link to a GridField table, which is useful when viewing hierarchical data. Requires the managed record to have a "getParent()" method or has_one relationship called "Parent".

GridFieldLevelup::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldLevelup

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridFieldLevelup::getAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldLevelup
GridFieldLevelup::getLinkSpec() — Method in class GridFieldLevelup
GridFieldMergeActionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
GridFieldMergeAction::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridFieldMergeAction

Names of all columns which are affected by this component.

GridFieldMergeAction::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldMergeAction

HTML for the column, content of the


GridFieldMergeAction::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldMergeAction

Attributes for the element containing the content returned by getColumnContent().

GridFieldMergeAction::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridFieldMergeAction

Additional metadata about the column which can be used by other components, e.g. to set a title for a search column header.

GridFieldMergeAction::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldMergeAction

Return a list of the actions handled by this action provider.

GridFieldOrderableRowsClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Allows grid field rows to be re-ordered via drag and drop. Both normal data lists and many many lists can be ordered.

GridFieldOrderableRows::getSortField() — Method in class GridFieldOrderableRows
GridFieldOrderableRows::getImmediateUpdate() — Method in class GridFieldOrderableRows
GridFieldOrderableRows::getExtraSortFields() — Method in class GridFieldOrderableRows
GridFieldOrderableRows::getReorderColumnNumber() — Method in class GridFieldOrderableRows
GridFieldOrderableRows::getSortTable() — Method in class GridFieldOrderableRows

Gets the table which contains the sort field.

GridFieldOrderableRows::getURLHandlers() — Method in class GridFieldOrderableRows

Return URLs to be handled by this grid field, in an array the same form as $url_handlers.

GridFieldOrderableRows::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldOrderableRows
GridFieldOrderableRows::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridFieldOrderableRows

Names of all columns which are affected by this component.

GridFieldOrderableRows::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldOrderableRows

HTML for the column, content of the


GridFieldOrderableRows::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldOrderableRows

Attributes for the element containing the content returned by getColumnContent().

GridFieldOrderableRows::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridFieldOrderableRows

Additional metadata about the column which can be used by other components, e.g. to set a title for a search column header.

GridFieldOrderableRows::getManipulatedData() — Method in class GridFieldOrderableRows

Manipulate the DataList as needed by this grid modifier.

GridFieldOrderableRows::getSortedIDs() — Method in class GridFieldOrderableRows

Get mapping of sort value to ID from posted data

GridFieldOrderableRows::getSortTableClauseForIds() — Method in class GridFieldOrderableRows
GridFieldPageCountClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

GridFieldPage displays a simple current page count summary.

GridFieldPageCount::getPaginator() — Method in class GridFieldPageCount

Retrieves an instance of a GridFieldPaginator attached to the same control

GridFieldPageCount::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldPageCount
GridFieldPaginatorClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

GridFieldPaginator paginates the GridField list and adds controls to the bottom of the GridField.

GridFieldPaginator::getThrowExceptionOnBadDataType() — Method in class GridFieldPaginator

See setThrowExceptionOnBadDataType()

GridFieldPaginator::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldPaginator
GridFieldPaginator::getGridPagerState() — Method in class GridFieldPaginator

Retrieves/Sets up the state object used to store and retrieve information about the current paging details of this GridField

GridFieldPaginator::getManipulatedData() — Method in class GridFieldPaginator
GridFieldPaginator::getTemplateParameters() — Method in class GridFieldPaginator

Determines arguments to be passed to the template for building this field

GridFieldPaginator::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldPaginator
GridFieldPaginator::getItemsPerPage() — Method in class GridFieldPaginator
GridFieldPrintButtonClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Adds an "Print" button to the bottom or top of a GridField.

GridFieldPrintButton::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButton

Place the print button in a

tag below the field

GridFieldPrintButton::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButton

Print is an action button.

GridFieldPrintButton::getURLHandlers() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButton

Print is accessible via the url

GridFieldPrintButton::getPrintColumnsForGridField() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButton

Return the columns to print

GridFieldPrintButton::getTitle() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButton

Return the title of the printed page

GridFieldPrintButton::generatePrintData() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButton

Export core.

GridFieldPrintButton::getPrintColumns() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButton
GridFieldPrintButton::getPrintHasHeader() — Method in class GridFieldPrintButton
GridFieldPrintReportButtonClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

An extension to GridFieldPrintButton to support printing custom Reports

GridFieldPrintReportButton::generatePrintData() — Method in class GridFieldPrintReportButton

Export core

GridFieldQueuedExportButtonClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A button you can add to a GridField to export that GridField as a CSV. Should work with any sized GridField, as the export is done using a queuedjob in the background.

GridFieldQueuedExportButton::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldQueuedExportButton

Place the export button in a

tag below the field

GridFieldQueuedExportButton::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldQueuedExportButton

This class is an action button

GridFieldQueuedExportButton::getURLHandlers() — Method in class GridFieldQueuedExportButton

This class is also a URL handler

GridFieldQueuedExportButton::getExportPath() — Method in class GridFieldQueuedExportButton
GridFieldQueuedExportButton::getExportColumns() — Method in class GridFieldQueuedExportButton
GridFieldQueuedExportButton::getCsvSeparator() — Method in class GridFieldQueuedExportButton
GridFieldQueuedExportButton::getCsvHasHeader() — Method in class GridFieldQueuedExportButton
GridFieldQueuedExportButton_ResponseClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A special type of SS_HTTPResponse that GridFieldQueuedExportButton returns in response to the "findgridfield" action, which includes a reference to the gridfield

GridFieldQueuedExportButton_Response::getGridField() — Method in class GridFieldQueuedExportButton_Response
GridFieldQueuedJobExecuteClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This class is a GridField component that adds a delete action for objects.

GridFieldQueuedJobExecute::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldQueuedJobExecute

Return any special attributes that will be used for FormField::createTag()

GridFieldQueuedJobExecute::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridFieldQueuedJobExecute

Add the title

GridFieldQueuedJobExecute::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridFieldQueuedJobExecute

Which columns are handled by this component

GridFieldQueuedJobExecute::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldQueuedJobExecute

Which GridField actions are this component handling

GridFieldQueuedJobExecute::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldQueuedJobExecute
GridFieldRequestHandlerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A base utility class for request handlers which present a grid field detail view.

$ GridFieldRequestHandler#gridProperty in class GridFieldRequestHandler
GridFieldRequestHandler::getController() — Method in class GridFieldRequestHandler
GridFieldRequestHandler::getTemplate() — Method in class GridFieldRequestHandler
GridFieldRequestHandler::getBreadcrumbs() — Method in class GridFieldRequestHandler
GridFieldRequestHandler::getBackLink() — Method in class GridFieldRequestHandler
GridFieldRequestHandler::getTopLevelController() — Method in class GridFieldRequestHandler
GridFieldSiteTreeAddNewButtonClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This component creates a dropdown of possible page types and a button to create a new page.

GridFieldSiteTreeAddNewButton::getAllowedChildren() — Method in class GridFieldSiteTreeAddNewButton

Determine the list of classnames and titles allowed for a given parent object

GridFieldSiteTreeAddNewButton::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldSiteTreeAddNewButton

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridFieldSiteTreeAddNewButton::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldSiteTreeAddNewButton

Provide actions to this component.

GridFieldSiteTreeEditButtonClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Swaps the GridField Link out for the SiteTree edit link using SiteTree::CMSEditLink().

GridFieldSiteTreeEditButton::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldSiteTreeEditButton
GridFieldSiteTreeStateClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Provides a component to the GridField which shows the publish status of a page.

GridFieldSiteTreeState::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridFieldSiteTreeState

Names of all columns which are affected by this component.

GridFieldSiteTreeState::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldSiteTreeState

HTML for the column, content of the


GridFieldSiteTreeState::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldSiteTreeState

Attributes for the element containing the content returned by getColumnContent().

GridFieldSiteTreeState::getColumnMetaData() — Method in class GridFieldSiteTreeState
GridFieldSortableHeaderClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

GridFieldSortableHeader adds column headers to a GridField that can also sort the columns.

GridFieldSortableHeader::getThrowExceptionOnBadDataType() — Method in class GridFieldSortableHeader

See setThrowExceptionOnBadDataType()

GridFieldSortableHeader::getFieldSorting() — Method in class GridFieldSortableHeader
GridFieldSortableHeader::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldSortableHeader

Returns the header row providing titles with sort buttons

GridFieldSortableHeader::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldSortableHeader
GridFieldSortableHeader::getManipulatedData() — Method in class GridFieldSortableHeader

Returns the manipulated (sorted) DataList. Field names will simply add an 'ORDER BY' clause, relation names will add appropriate joins to the DataQuery first.

GridFieldSortableRowsClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This component provides a checkbox which when checked enables drag-and-drop re-ordering of elements displayed in a GridField

GridFieldSortableRows::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldSortableRows

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridFieldSortableRows::getManipulatedData() — Method in class GridFieldSortableRows

Manipulate the datalist as needed by this grid modifier.

GridFieldSortableRows::getActions() — Method in class GridFieldSortableRows

Return a list of the actions handled by this action provider.

GridFieldSubsiteDetailFormClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
GridFieldSubsiteDetailForm_ItemRequestClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
GridFieldTitleHeaderClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A simple header which displays column titles.

GridFieldTitleHeader::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldTitleHeader

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridFieldToolbarHeaderClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Adding this class to a GridFieldConfig} of a {@link GridField adds a header title to that field.

GridFieldToolbarHeader::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridFieldToolbarHeader

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridFieldViewButtonClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A button that allows a user to view readonly details of a record. This is disabled by default and intended for use in readonly GridField instances.

GridFieldViewButton::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridFieldViewButton

Names of all columns which are affected by this component.

GridFieldViewButton::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldViewButton

HTML for the column, content of the


GridFieldViewButton::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldViewButton

Attributes for the element containing the content returned by getColumnContent().

GridFieldViewButton::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridFieldViewButton

Additional metadata about the column which can be used by other components, e.g. to set a title for a search column header.

GridFieldWorkflowRestrictedEditButtonClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
GridFieldWorkflowRestrictedEditButton::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridFieldWorkflowRestrictedEditButton

Append a 'disabled' CSS class to GridField rows whose WorkflowInstance records are not viewable/editable by the current user.

GridFieldWorkflowRestrictedEditButton::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridFieldWorkflowRestrictedEditButton

Add the title

GridFieldWorkflowRestrictedEditButton::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridFieldWorkflowRestrictedEditButton

Which columns are handled by this component

GridFieldWorkflowRestrictedEditButton::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridFieldWorkflowRestrictedEditButton
GridField_ActionProviderClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

An action is defined by two things: an action name, and zero or more named arguments.

GridField_ActionProvider::getActions() — Method in class GridField_ActionProvider

Return a list of the actions handled by this action provider.

GridField_ColumnProviderClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Add a new column to the table display body, or modify existing columns.

GridField_ColumnProvider::getColumnsHandled() — Method in class GridField_ColumnProvider

Names of all columns which are affected by this component.

GridField_ColumnProvider::getColumnContent() — Method in class GridField_ColumnProvider

HTML for the column, content of the


GridField_ColumnProvider::getColumnAttributes() — Method in class GridField_ColumnProvider

Attributes for the element containing the content returned by getColumnContent().

GridField_ColumnProvider::getColumnMetadata() — Method in class GridField_ColumnProvider

Additional metadata about the column which can be used by other components, e.g. to set a title for a search column header.

GridField_DataManipulatorClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Can modify the data list.

GridField_DataManipulator::getManipulatedData() — Method in class GridField_DataManipulator

Manipulate the DataList as needed by this grid modifier.

GridField_FormActionClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This class is the base class when you want to have an action that alters the state of the GridField, rendered as a button element.

$ GridField_FormAction#gridFieldProperty in class GridField_FormAction
GridField_FormAction::getAttributes() — Method in class GridField_FormAction
GridField_FormAction::getNameFromParent() — Method in class GridField_FormAction

Calculate the name of the gridfield relative to the form.

GridField_HTMLProviderClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A GridField manipulator that provides HTML for the header/footer rows, or f or before/after the template.

GridField_HTMLProvider::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridField_HTMLProvider

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridField_SaveHandlerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A component which is used to handle when a GridField is saved into a record.

GridField_URLHandlerClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Sometimes an action isn't enough: you need to provide additional support URLs for the GridField.

GridField_URLHandler::getURLHandlers() — Method in class GridField_URLHandler

Return URLs to be handled by this grid field, in an array the same form as $url_handlers.

GridStateClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

This class is a snapshot of the current status of a GridField.

$ GridState#gridProperty in class GridState
GridState::getData() — Method in class GridState
GridState::getList() — Method in class GridState
GridState_ComponentClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
GridState_Component::getHTMLFragments() — Method in class GridState_Component

Returns a map where the keys are fragment names and the values are pieces of HTML to add to these fragments.

GridState_DataClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Simple set of data, similar to stdClass, but without the notice-level errors.

GridState_Data::getData() — Method in class GridState_Data

Retrieve the value for the given key

GroupClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A security group.

Group::getAllChildren() — Method in class Group
Group::getCMSFields() — Method in class Group

Caution: Only call on instances, not through a singleton.

Group::getTreeTitle() — Method in class Group
Group::Groups() — Method in class Group

List of child groups

GroupCsvBulkLoaderClass in namespace [Global Namespace]
GroupImportFormClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Imports Group records by CSV upload, as defined in GroupCsvBulkLoader.

$ GroupImportForm#groupProperty in class GroupImportForm
GroupSubsitesClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Extension for the Group object to add subsites support

GroupedDropdownFieldClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

Grouped dropdown, using optgroup tags.

GroupedListClass in namespace [Global Namespace]

A list decorator that allows a list to be grouped into sub-lists by common values of a field.

GroupedList::groupBy() — Method in class GroupedList
GroupedList::GroupedBy() — Method in class GroupedList

Similar to groupBy(), but returns the data in a format which is suitable for usage in templates.

HTMLCleaner::getConfig() — Method in class HTMLCleaner
HTMLText::getProcessShortcodes() — Method in class HTMLText

Check if shortcodes are enabled

HTMLTextExtractor::getContent() — Method in class HTMLTextExtractor

Extracts content from regex, by using strip_tags() combined with regular expressions to remove non-content tags like