class ChangePasswordForm extends Form (View source)
Standard Change Password Form
This trait can be applied to a ViewableData class to add the logic to render attributes in an SS template.
Form component which contains a castable message
Allows an object to have extensions applied to it.
A class that can be instantiated or replaced via DI
Provides extensions to this object to integrate it with standard config API methods.
Allows an object to declare a set of custom methods
Form submission data is URL encoded |
Form submission data is multipart form |
Config options
extensions | array | An array of extension names and parameters to be applied to this object upon construction. |
from Extensible |
unextendable_classes | array | Classes that cannot be extended |
from Extensible |
casting | array | from Form | |
default_cast | string | The default object to cast scalar fields to if casting information is not specified, and casting to an object is required. |
from ViewableData |
casting_cache | array | from ViewableData | |
default_classes | array | from Form |
protected static | array | $extra_methods | Custom method sources |
from CustomMethods |
protected | array | $extra_method_registers | Name of methods to invoke by defineMethods for this instance |
from CustomMethods |
protected static | array | $built_in_methods | Non-custom public methods. |
from CustomMethods |
protected | Extension[] | $extension_instances | from Extensible | |
protected | callable[][] | $beforeExtendCallbacks | List of callbacks to call prior to extensions having extend called on them, each grouped by methodName. |
from Extensible |
protected | callable[][] | $afterExtendCallbacks | List of callbacks to call after extensions having extend called on them, each grouped by methodName. |
from Extensible |
protected | ViewableData | $failover | A failover object to attempt to get data from if it is not present on this object. |
from ViewableData |
protected | ViewableData | $customisedObject | from ViewableData | |
protected | array | $attributes | List of attributes to render on the frontend |
from AttributesHTML |
protected | string | $message | from FormMessage | |
protected | string | $messageType | from FormMessage | |
protected | string | $messageCast | Casting for message |
from FormMessage |
public | bool | $IncludeFormTag | Accessed by |
from Form |
protected | FieldList | $fields | from Form | |
protected | FieldList | $actions | from Form | |
protected | RequestHandler | $controller | Parent (optional) request handler |
from Form |
protected | string | $name | from Form | |
protected | Validator | $validator | from Form | |
protected | callable | $validationResponseCallback | from Form | |
protected | string | $formMethod | from Form | |
protected | bool | $strictFormMethodCheck | from Form | |
protected | ViewableData|null | $record | Populated by loadDataFrom(). |
from Form |
protected | bool | $hasDefaultAction | Keeps track of whether this form has a default action or not. |
from Form |
protected | string|null | $target | Target attribute of form-tag. |
from Form |
protected | string|null | $legend | Legend value, to be inserted into the |
from Form |
protected | string|array|null | $template | The SS template to render this form HTML into. |
from Form |
protected | bool | $redirectToFormOnValidationError | Should we redirect the user back down to the the form on validation errors rather then just the page |
from Form |
protected | bool | $security | from Form | |
protected | SecurityToken|null | $securityToken | from Form | |
protected | array | $extraClasses | List of additional CSS classes for the form tag. |
from Form |
protected | string|null | $encType | from Form | |
protected | array | $validationExemptActions | from Form | |
protected | string | $formActionPath | Custom form action path, if not linking to itself. |
from Form |
protected | bool | $securityTokenAdded | from Form | |
protected | bool | $notifyUnsavedChanges | from Form | |
protected | FormRequestHandler | $requestHandler | Current request handler, build by buildRequestHandler(), accessed by getRequestHandler() |
from Form |
Attempts to locate and call a method dynamically added to a class at runtime if a default cannot be located
Adds any methods from Extension instances attached to this object.
Register an callback to invoke that defines extra methods
Return TRUE if a method exists on this object
Determines if a custom method with this name is defined.
Get meta-data details on a named method
Return the names of all the methods available on this object
Get all public built in methods for this class
Find all methods on the given object.
Add all the methods from an object property.
Add all the methods from an object property (which is an Extension) to this object.
Add a wrapper method - a method which points to another method with a different name. For example, Thumbnail(x) can be wrapped to generateThumbnail(x)
Add callback as a method.
Allows user code to hook into Object::extend prior to control being delegated to extensions. Each callback will be reset once called.
Allows user code to hook into Object::extend after control being delegated to extensions. Each callback will be reset once called.
Adds any methods from Extension instances attached to this object.
Add an extension to a specific class.
No description
Get extra config sources for this class
Return TRUE if a class has a specified extension.
Calls a method if available on both this object and all applied Extensions, and then attempts to merge all results into an array
Run the given function on all of this object's extensions. Note that this method originally returned void, so if you wanted to return results, you're hosed
Get an extension instance attached to this object by name.
Returns TRUE if this object instance has a specific extension applied in $extension_instances. Extension instances are initialized at constructor time, meaning if you use add_extension() afterwards, the added extension will just be added to new instances of the extended class. Use the static method has_extension() to check if a class (not an instance) has a specific extension.
Get all extension instances for this specific object instance.
An implementation of the factory method, allows you to create an instance of a class
Creates a class instance by the "singleton" design pattern.
Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).
Gets the uninherited value for the given config option
Check if a field exists on this object or its failover.
Get the value of a property/field on this object. This will check if a method called get{$property} exists, then check if a field is available using ViewableData::getField(), then fall back on a failover object.
Set a property/field on this object. This will check for the existence of a method called set{$property}, then use the ViewableData::setField() method.
Set a failover object to attempt to get data from if it is not present on this object.
Check if a field exists on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.
Get the value of a field on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.
Set a field on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.
Merge some arbitrary data in with this object. This method returns a ViewableData_Customised instance with references to both this and the new custom data.
Return true if this object "exists" i.e. has a sensible value
Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object. This helper will be a subclass of DBField.
Render this object into the template, and get the result as a string. You can pass one of the following as the $template parameter:
- a template name (e.g. Page)
- an array of possible template names - the first valid one will be used
- an SSViewer instance
Store a value in the field cache
Get the value of a field on this object, automatically inserting the value into any available casting objects that have been specified.
A simple wrapper around ViewableData::obj() that automatically caches the result so it can be used again without re-running the method.
Checks if a given method/field has a valid value. If the result is an object, this will return the result of the exists method, otherwise will check if the result is not just an empty paragraph tag.
Get the string value of a field on this object that has been suitable escaped to be inserted directly into a template.
Return a single-item iterator so you can iterate over the fields of a single record.
Find appropriate templates for SSViewer to use to render this object
When rendering some objects it is necessary to iterate over the object being rendered, to do this, you need access to itself.
Get part of the current classes ancestry to be used as a CSS class.
Return debug information about this object that can be rendered into a template
Retrieve the value of an HTML attribute
Get the default attributes when rendering this object.
Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.
Custom attributes to process. Falls back to getAttributes().
Casting type for this message. Will be 'text' or 'html'
Sets the error message to be displayed on the form field.
Appends a message to the existing message if the types and casts match.
Get casting helper for message cast, or null if not known
Return any ValidationResult instance stored for this object
Sets the ValidationResult in the session to be used with the next view of this form.
Populate this form with messages from the given ValidationResult.
Set message on a given field name. This message will not persist via redirect.
set up the default classes for the form. This is done on construct so that the default classes can be removed after instantiation
Overrules validation error behaviour in httpSubmission() when validation has failed. Useful for optional handling of a certain accepted content type.
Set whether the user should be redirected back down to the form on the page upon validation errors in the form or if they just need to redirect back to the page
Get whether the user should be redirected back down to the form on the page upon validation errors
Set actions that are exempt from validation
Get a list of actions that are exempt from validation
Passed a FormAction, returns true if that action is exempt from Form validation
Generate extra special fields - namely the security token field (if required).
Return all fields in a form - including fields nested in CompositeFields.
Set the target of this form to any value - useful for opening the form contents in a new window or refreshing another frame
Return a FormTemplateHelper for this form. If one has not been set, return the default helper.
Set the target of this form to any value - useful for opening the form contents in a new window or refreshing another frame.
Set the SS template that this form should use to render with. The default is "Form".
Returns the ordered list of preferred templates for rendering this form If the template isn't set, then default to the form class name e.g "Form".
Sets the form encoding type. The most common encoding types are defined in ENC_TYPE_URLENCODED} and {@link ENC_TYPE_MULTIPART.
Returns the real HTTP method for the form: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE or HEAD.
Set the form method: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.
If set to true (the default), enforces the matching of the form method.
Returns an object where there is a method with the same name as each data field on the form.
Set a message to the session, for display next time this form is shown.
Set an error to the session, for display next time this form is shown.
Set an error message for a field in the session, for display next time this form is shown.
Returns the record that has given this form its data through loadDataFrom().
Load data from the given record or array.
Save the contents of this form into the given data object.
Get the submitted data from this form through FieldList->dataFields(), which filters out any form-specific data like form-actions.
Return a rendered version of this form, suitable for ajax post-back.
Render this form using the given template, and return the result as a string You can pass either an SSViewer or a template name
Return the default button that should be clicked when another one isn't available.
Disable the requirement of a security token on this form instance. This security protects against CSRF attacks, but you should disable this if you don't want to tie a form to a session - eg a search form.
Returns the security token for this form (if any exists).
Check if a CSS-class has been added to the form container.
Add a CSS-class to the form-container. If needed, multiple classes can be added by delimiting a string with spaces.
Remove a CSS-class from the form-container. Multiple class names can be passed through as a space delimited string
__call(string $method, array $arguments)
Attempts to locate and call a method dynamically added to a class at runtime if a default cannot be located
You can add extra methods to a class using Extensions}, {@link Object::createMethod() or Object::addWrapperMethod()
Adds any methods from Extension instances attached to this object.
All these methods can then be called directly on the instance (transparently mapped through __call()}), or called explicitly through {@link extend().
registerExtraMethodCallback(string $name, callable $callback)
Register an callback to invoke that defines extra methods
hasMethod(string $method)
Return TRUE if a method exists on this object
This should be used rather than PHP's inbuild method_exists() as it takes into account methods added via extensions
protected bool
Determines if a custom method with this name is defined.
protected array
getExtraMethodConfig(string $method)
Get meta-data details on a named method
allMethodNames(bool $custom = false)
Return the names of all the methods available on this object
static protected array
findBuiltInMethods(string|object $class = null)
Get all public built in methods for this class
protected array
findMethodsFrom(object $object)
Find all methods on the given object.
addMethodsFrom(string $property, string|int $index = null)
Add all the methods from an object property.
removeMethodsFrom(string $property, string|int $index = null)
Add all the methods from an object property (which is an Extension) to this object.
addWrapperMethod(string $method, string $wrap)
Add a wrapper method - a method which points to another method with a different name. For example, Thumbnail(x) can be wrapped to generateThumbnail(x)
addCallbackMethod(string $method, callable $callback)
Add callback as a method.
beforeExtending(string $method, callable $callback)
Allows user code to hook into Object::extend prior to control being delegated to extensions. Each callback will be reset once called.
afterExtending(string $method, callable $callback)
Allows user code to hook into Object::extend after control being delegated to extensions. Each callback will be reset once called.
Adds any methods from Extension instances attached to this object.
All these methods can then be called directly on the instance (transparently mapped through __call()}), or called explicitly through {@link extend().
static bool
add_extension(string $classOrExtension, string $extension = null)
Add an extension to a specific class.
The preferred method for adding extensions is through YAML config, since it avoids autoloading the class, and is easier to override in more specific configurations.
As an alternative, extensions can be added to a specific class directly in the Object::$extensions array. See SiteTree::$extensions for examples. Keep in mind that the extension will only be applied to new instances, not existing ones (including all instances created through singleton()).
remove_extension(string $extension)
Remove an extension from a class.
Note: This will not remove extensions from parent classes, and must be called directly on the class assigned the extension.
Keep in mind that this won't revert any datamodel additions of the extension at runtime, unless its used before the schema building kicks in (in your _config.php). Doesn't remove the extension from any Object instances which are already created, but will have an effect on new extensions. Clears any previously created singletons through singleton() to avoid side-effects from stale extension information.
static array
get_extensions(string $class = null, bool $includeArgumentString = false)
No description
static array|null
get_extra_config_sources(string $class = null)
Get extra config sources for this class
static bool
has_extension(string $classOrExtension, string $requiredExtension = null, bool $strict = false)
Return TRUE if a class has a specified extension.
This supports backwards-compatible format (static Object::has_extension($requiredExtension)) and new format ($object->has_extension($class, $requiredExtension))
invokeWithExtensions(string $method, mixed ...$arguments)
Calls a method if available on both this object and all applied Extensions, and then attempts to merge all results into an array
extend(string $method, mixed ...$arguments)
Run the given function on all of this object's extensions. Note that this method originally returned void, so if you wanted to return results, you're hosed
Currently returns an array, with an index resulting every time the function is called. Only adds returns if they're not NULL, to avoid bogus results from methods just defined on the parent extension. This is important for permission-checks through extend, as they use min() to determine if any of the returns is FALSE. As min() doesn't do type checking, an included NULL return would fail the permission checks.
The extension methods are defined during __construct()} in {@link defineMethods().
getExtensionInstance(string $extension)
Get an extension instance attached to this object by name.
hasExtension(string $extension)
Returns TRUE if this object instance has a specific extension applied in $extension_instances. Extension instances are initialized at constructor time, meaning if you use add_extension() afterwards, the added extension will just be added to new instances of the extended class. Use the static method has_extension() to check if a class (not an instance) has a specific extension.
Caution: Don't use singleton(
Get all extension instances for this specific object instance.
See get_extensions() to get all applied extension classes for this class (not the instance).
This method also provides lazy-population of the extension_instances property.
static Injectable
create(mixed ...$args)
An implementation of the factory method, allows you to create an instance of a class
This method will defer class substitution to the Injector API, which can be customised via the Config API to declare substitution classes.
This can be called in one of two ways - either calling via the class directly, or calling on Object and passing the class name as the first parameter. The following are equivalent: $list = DataList::create(SiteTree::class); $list = SiteTree::get();
static Injectable
singleton(string $class = null)
Creates a class instance by the "singleton" design pattern.
It will always return the same instance for this class, which can be used for performance reasons and as a simple way to access instance methods which don't rely on instance data (e.g. the custom SilverStripe static handling).
static Config_ForClass
Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).
uninherited(string $name)
Gets the uninherited value for the given config option
__construct(RequestHandler $controller, string $name, FieldList $fields = null, FieldList $actions = null)
__isset(string $property)
Check if a field exists on this object or its failover.
Note that, unlike the core isset() implementation, this will return true if the property is defined and set to null.
__get(string $property)
Get the value of a property/field on this object. This will check if a method called get{$property} exists, then check if a field is available using ViewableData::getField(), then fall back on a failover object.
__set(string $property, mixed $value)
Set a property/field on this object. This will check for the existence of a method called set{$property}, then use the ViewableData::setField() method.
setFailover(ViewableData $failover)
Set a failover object to attempt to get data from if it is not present on this object.
Get the current failover object if set
hasField(string $field)
Check if a field exists on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.
getField(string $field)
Get the value of a field on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.
setField(string $field, mixed $value)
Set a field on this object. This should be overloaded in child classes.
getDynamicData(string $field)
No description
setDynamicData(string $field, mixed $value)
No description
hasDynamicData(string $field)
No description
customise(array|ViewableData $data)
Merge some arbitrary data in with this object. This method returns a ViewableData_Customised instance with references to both this and the new custom data.
Note that any fields you specify will take precedence over the fields on this object.
Return true if this object "exists" i.e. has a sensible value
This method should be overridden in subclasses to provide more context about the classes state. For example, a DataObject class could return false when it is deleted from the database
No description
No description
setCustomisedObj(ViewableData $object)
No description
Form at line 525
castingHelper(string $field)
Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object. This helper will be a subclass of DBField.
castingClass(string $field)
Get the class name a field on this object will be casted to.
escapeTypeForField(string $field)
Return the string-format type for the given field.
renderWith(string|array|SSViewer $template, array $customFields = null)
Render this object into the template, and get the result as a string. You can pass one of the following as the $template parameter:
- a template name (e.g. Page)
- an array of possible template names - the first valid one will be used
- an SSViewer instance
protected string
objCacheName(string $fieldName, array $arguments)
Generate the cache name for a field
protected mixed
objCacheGet(string $key)
Get a cached value from the field cache
protected $this
objCacheSet(string $key, mixed $value)
Store a value in the field cache
protected $this
Clear object cache
obj(string $fieldName, array $arguments = [], bool $cache = false, string $cacheName = null)
Get the value of a field on this object, automatically inserting the value into any available casting objects that have been specified.
cachedCall(string $fieldName, array $arguments = [], string $identifier = null)
A simple wrapper around ViewableData::obj() that automatically caches the result so it can be used again without re-running the method.
hasValue(string $field, array $arguments = [], bool $cache = true)
Checks if a given method/field has a valid value. If the result is an object, this will return the result of the exists method, otherwise will check if the result is not just an empty paragraph tag.
XML_val(string $field, array $arguments = [], bool $cache = false)
Get the string value of a field on this object that has been suitable escaped to be inserted directly into a template.
getXMLValues(array $fields)
Get an array of XML-escaped values by field name
Return a single-item iterator so you can iterate over the fields of a single record.
This is useful so you can use a single record inside a <% control %> block in a template - and then use to access individual fields on this object.
getViewerTemplates(string $suffix = '')
Find appropriate templates for SSViewer to use to render this object
When rendering some objects it is necessary to iterate over the object being rendered, to do this, you need access to itself.
CSSClasses(string $stopAtClass = ViewableData::class)
Get part of the current classes ancestry to be used as a CSS class.
This method returns an escaped string of CSS classes representing the current classes ancestry until it hits a stop point - e.g. "Page DataObject ViewableData".
Return debug information about this object that can be rendered into a template
setAttribute($name, $value)
Set an HTML attribute
getAttribute(string $name)
Retrieve the value of an HTML attribute
abstract protected array
Get the default attributes when rendering this object.
Called by getAttributes()
Allows customization through an 'updateAttributes' hook on the base class.
Existing attributes are passed in as the first argument and can be manipulated, but any attributes added through a subclass implementation won't be included.
getAttributesHTML(array $attributes = null)
Custom attributes to process. Falls back to getAttributes().
If at least one argument is passed as a string, all arguments act as excludes, by name.
Returns the field message, used by form validation.
If the current cast is ValidationResult::CAST_HTML, the message will be sanitised.
Use setError() to set this property.
Returns the field message type.
Arbitrary value which is mostly used for CSS classes in the rendered HTML, e.g "required".
Use setError() to set this property.
Casting type for this message. Will be 'text' or 'html'
setMessage(string $message, string $messageType = ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR, string $messageCast = ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT)
Sets the error message to be displayed on the form field.
Allows HTML content, so remember to use Convert::raw2xml().
appendMessage(string $message, string $messageType = ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR, string $messageCast = ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT, bool $force = false)
Appends a message to the existing message if the types and casts match.
If either is different, the $force argument determines the behaviour.
Note: to prevent duplicates, we check for the $message string in the existing message. If the existing message contains $message as a substring, it won't be added.
protected string
Get casting helper for message cast, or null if not known
Get form schema encoded message
Form at line 323
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Form at line 331
setNotifyUnsavedChanges(bool $flag)
No description
Form at line 341
Load form state from session state
Form at line 362
Flush persistent form state details
Form at line 376
protected HTTPRequest|null
Helper to get current request for this form
Form at line 395
protected Session
Get session for this form
Form at line 409
Return any form data stored in the session
Form at line 420
setSessionData(array $data)
Store the given form data in the session
Form at line 431
Return any ValidationResult instance stored for this object
Form at line 446
setSessionValidationResult(ValidationResult $result, bool $combineWithExisting = false)
Sets the ValidationResult in the session to be used with the next view of this form.
Form at line 471
Clear form message (and in session)
Form at line 486
loadMessagesFrom(ValidationResult $result)
Populate this form with messages from the given ValidationResult.
Note: This will try not to clear any pre-existing messages, but will clear them if a new message has a different message type or cast than the existing ones.
Form at line 512
setFieldMessage(string $fieldName, string $message, string $messageType = ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR, string $messageCast = ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT)
Set message on a given field name. This message will not persist via redirect.
Form at line 538
set up the default classes for the form. This is done on construct so that the default classes can be removed after instantiation
Form at line 551
No description
Form at line 566
Overrules validation error behaviour in httpSubmission() when validation has failed. Useful for optional handling of a certain accepted content type.
The callback can opt out of handling specific responses by returning NULL, in which case the default form behaviour will kick in.
Form at line 578
Convert this form into a readonly form
Form at line 592
setRedirectToFormOnValidationError(bool $bool)
Set whether the user should be redirected back down to the form on the page upon validation errors in the form or if they just need to redirect back to the page
Form at line 604
Get whether the user should be redirected back down to the form on the page upon validation errors
Form at line 612
transform(FormTransformation $trans)
No description
Form at line 637
Get the Validator attached to this form.
Form at line 647
setValidator(Validator $validator)
Set the Validator on this form.
Form at line 659
Remove the Validator from this from.
Form at line 671
setValidationExemptActions(array $actions)
Set actions that are exempt from validation
Form at line 682
Get a list of actions that are exempt from validation
Form at line 693
actionIsValidationExempt(FormAction $action)
Passed a FormAction, returns true if that action is exempt from Form validation
Form at line 713
Generate extra special fields - namely the security token field (if required).
Form at line 741
Return the form's fields - used by the templates
Form at line 759
Return all fields in a form - including fields nested in CompositeFields.
Useful when doing custom field layouts.
Form at line 768
Return all fields except for the hidden fields.
Useful when making your own simplified form layouts.
Form at line 779
setFields(FieldList $fields)
Setter for the form fields.
Form at line 792
Return the form's action buttons - used by the templates
Form at line 803
setActions(FieldList $actions)
Setter for the form actions.
Form at line 814
Unset all form actions
Form at line 841
No description
Form at line 852
setTemplateHelper(string|FormTemplateHelper $helper)
Set the target of this form to any value - useful for opening the form contents in a new window or refreshing another frame
Form at line 863
Return a FormTemplateHelper for this form. If one has not been set, return the default helper.
Form at line 883
setTarget(string $target)
Set the target of this form to any value - useful for opening the form contents in a new window or refreshing another frame.
Form at line 896
setLegend(string $legend)
Set the legend value to be inserted into the
Form at line 909
setTemplate(string|array $template)
Set the SS template that this form should use to render with. The default is "Form".
Form at line 920
Return the template to render this form with.
Form at line 932
Returns the ordered list of preferred templates for rendering this form If the template isn't set, then default to the form class name e.g "Form".
Form at line 949
Returns the encoding type for the form.
By default this will be URL encoded, unless there is a file field present in which case multipart is used. You can also set the enc type using setEncType.
Form at line 973
setEncType(string $encType)
Sets the form encoding type. The most common encoding types are defined in ENC_TYPE_URLENCODED} and {@link ENC_TYPE_MULTIPART.
Form at line 991
Returns the real HTTP method for the form: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE or HEAD.
As most browsers only support GET and POST in form submissions, all other HTTP methods are added as a hidden field "_method" that gets evaluated in HTTPRequest::detect_method(). See FormMethod() to get a HTTP method for safe insertion into a
Form at line 1002
Returns the form method to be used in the
Form at line 1018
setFormMethod(string $method, bool $strict = null)
Set the form method: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.
Form at line 1040
If set to true (the default), enforces the matching of the form method.
This will mean two things:
- GET vars will be ignored by a POST form, and vice versa
- A submission where the HTTP method used doesn't match the form will return a 400 error.
If set to false then the form method is only used to construct the default form.
Form at line 1049
No description
Form at line 1060
Return the form's action attribute.
This is build by adding an executeForm get variable to the parent controller's Link() value
Form at line 1080
setFormAction(string $path)
Set the form action attribute to a custom URL.
Note: For "normal" forms, you shouldn't need to use this method. It is recommended only for situations where you have two relatively distinct parts of the system trying to communicate via a form post.
Form at line 1092
Returns the name of the form.
Form at line 1103
setHTMLID(string $id)
Set the HTML ID attribute of the form.
Form at line 1113
No description
Form at line 1123
Get the controller or parent request handler.
Form at line 1134
setController(RequestHandler $controller = null)
Set the controller or parent request handler.
Form at line 1145
Get the name of the form.
Form at line 1156
setName(string $name)
Set the name of the form.
Form at line 1171
Returns an object where there is a method with the same name as each data field on the form.
That method will return the field itself.
It means that you can execute $firstName = $form->FieldMap()->FirstName()
Form at line 1184
sessionMessage(string $message, string $type = ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR, string|bool $cast = ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT)
Set a message to the session, for display next time this form is shown.
Form at line 1208
sessionError(string $message, string $type = ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR, string|bool $cast = ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT)
Set an error to the session, for display next time this form is shown.
Form at line 1233
sessionFieldError(string $message, string $fieldName, string $type = ValidationResult::TYPE_ERROR, string|bool $cast = ValidationResult::CAST_TEXT)
Set an error message for a field in the session, for display next time this form is shown.
Form at line 1255
Returns the record that has given this form its data through loadDataFrom().
Form at line 1266
Get the legend value to be inserted into the
Form at line 1277
Alias of validate() for backwards compatibility.
Form at line 1297
Processing that occurs before a form is executed.
This includes form validation, if it fails, we throw a ValidationException
This includes form validation, if it fails, we redirect back to the form with appropriate error messages. Always return true if the current form action is exempt from validation
Triggered through httpSubmission().
Note that CSRF protection takes place in httpSubmission(), if it fails the form data will never reach this method.
Form at line 1368
loadDataFrom(array|ViewableData $data, int $mergeStrategy = 0, array $fieldList = null)
Load data from the given record or array.
It will call $object->MyField to get the value of MyField. If you passed an array, it will call $object[MyField]. Doesn't save into dataless FormFields (DatalessField), as determined by FieldList->dataFields().
By default, if a field isn't set (as determined by isset()), its value will not be saved to the field, retaining potential existing values.
Passed data should not be escaped, and is saved to the FormField instances unescaped. Escaping happens automatically on saving the data through saveInto().
Escaping happens automatically on saving the data through saveInto().
Form at line 1528
saveInto(DataObjectInterface $dataObject, string[]|null $fieldList = null)
Save the contents of this form into the given data object.
It will make use of setCastedField() to do this.
Form at line 1572
Get the submitted data from this form through FieldList->dataFields(), which filters out any form-specific data like form-actions.
Calls FormField->dataValue() on each field, which returns a value suitable for insertion into a record property.
Form at line 1596
Return a rendered version of this form.
This is returned when you access a form as $FormObject rather than <% with FormObject %>
Form at line 1621
Return a rendered version of this form, suitable for ajax post-back.
It triggers slightly different behaviour, such as disabling the rewriting of # links.
Form at line 1639
renderWithoutActionButton(string|array $template)
Render this form using the given template, and return the result as a string You can pass either an SSViewer or a template name
Form at line 1658
Return the default button that should be clicked when another one isn't available.
Form at line 1677
Disable the default button.
Ordinarily, when a form is processed and no action_XXX button is available, then the first button in the actions list will be pressed. However, if this is "delete", for example, this isn't such a good idea.
Form at line 1694
Disable the requirement of a security token on this form instance. This security protects against CSRF attacks, but you should disable this if you don't want to tie a form to a session - eg a search form.
Check for token state with getSecurityToken() and SecurityToken->isEnabled().
Form at line 1709
Enable SecurityToken protection for this form instance.
Check for token state with getSecurityToken() and SecurityToken->isEnabled().
Form at line 1725
Returns the security token for this form (if any exists).
Doesn't check for securityTokenEnabled().
Use SecurityToken::inst() to get a global token.
Form at line 1735
Compiles all CSS-classes.
Form at line 1747
hasExtraClass(string $class)
Check if a CSS-class has been added to the form container.
Form at line 1767
addExtraClass(string $class)
Add a CSS-class to the form-container. If needed, multiple classes can be added by delimiting a string with spaces.
Form at line 1785
removeExtraClass(string $class)
Remove a CSS-class from the form-container. Multiple class names can be passed through as a space delimited string
Form at line 1796
No description
Form at line 1825
Get request handler for this form
Form at line 1839
setRequestHandler(FormRequestHandler $handler)
Assign a specific request handler for this form
Form at line 1850
protected FormRequestHandler
Scaffold new request handler for this form
Form at line 1860
protected bool
Can the body of this form be cached?
protected FieldList
No description
protected FieldList
No description