Provides image manipulation functionality.

An object shared by BlogTag and BlogCategory.

Abstract flag-aware middleware

Path aware trait for rules and bypasses

Adds middleware support to an object.

Schedule flush operation for a following request

Implements switching user session into Test and Dev environment types

Provides extensions to this object to integrate it with standard config API methods.

Allows an object to declare a set of custom methods

Allows an object to have extensions applied to it.

A class that can be instantiated or replaced via DI

Simple helper for env checks which require HTTP clients.

Provides operations for reading and writing uploaded files to/from {File} dataobject instances.

Form component which contains a castable message

A trait that makes a class able to consume and use a GridFieldStateManagerInterface implementation

Represents a form field which has an Upload() instance and can upload to a folder

Allows any class to hold Member state

Used for a variety of classes that rely on SchemaModelInterface

Allows adding, loading, and sorting of plugins

Provides a simplified method for creating JSON-based HTTPResponses.

This trait encapsulates logic that can be added to a RequestHandler to work with registering MFA authenticators using the MFA front-end app. It provides two main methods; createStartRegistrationResponse - creates a response that can be easily consumed by the MFA app to start the registration process for a method, and

This trait encapsulates logic that can be added to a RequestHandler to work with logging in using MFA front-end app. It provides two main methods; createStartVerificationResponse - a response that can be easily consumed by the MFA app to prompt a login, and completeVerificationRequest - used to verify a request sent by the MFA app containing the login attempt.

Defines the user defined functionality to be applied to any DataObject

This trait can be applied to a ViewableData class to add the logic to render attributes in an SS template.

Contains logic which is shared between both WebAuthn's RegisterHandler and VerifyHandler, such as the attestation configuration options.

Decorates admin areas for localised items with extra actions.

Shared functionality between both FluentExtension and FluentFilteredExtension

Allows you to cache a full list of objects without multiple DB queries