

The ChangeSet model tracks several VersionedAndStaged objects for later publication as a single atomic action

A single line in a changeset

Utility class to render views of the differences between two data objects (or two versions of the same data object).

This class is a GridField component that replaces the delete action and adds an archive action for objects.

This class is a GridField component that adds a restore action for versioned objects.

Converter helpers for versioned args

Provides owns / owned_by and recursive publishing API for all objects.

Provides recursive publishable behaviour for LeftAndMain and GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest

Functionality for detecting the need of publishing nested objects owned by common parent / ancestor object

Generic restore action to restore an archived item to draft

The Versioned extension allows your DataObjects to have several versions, allowing you to rollback changes and view history. An example of this is the pages used in the CMS.

Decorates a GridFieldConfig with a archive action

Provides versioned dataobject support to {GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest}

Decorates a GridFieldConfig with gridfield publishing state

Initialises the versioned stage when a request is made.

Persists versioned state between requests via querystring arguments

Applies correct stage to tables

Represents a single version of a record.


Interface RecursiveStagesInterface

Minimum level extra fields required by extensions that are versonable