class WorkflowPublishTargetJob extends AbstractQueuedJob (View source)
A queued job that publishes a target after a delay.
Allows an object to have extensions applied to it.
Allows an object to declare a set of custom methods
protected | stdClass | $jobData | from AbstractQueuedJob | |
protected | array | $messages | from AbstractQueuedJob | |
protected | int | $totalSteps | from AbstractQueuedJob | |
protected | int | $currentStep | from AbstractQueuedJob | |
protected | bool | $isComplete | from AbstractQueuedJob | |
protected static | array | $extra_methods | Custom method sources |
from CustomMethods |
protected | array | $extra_method_registers | Name of methods to invoke by defineMethods for this instance |
from CustomMethods |
protected static | array | $built_in_methods | Non-custom public methods. |
from CustomMethods |
protected | Extension[] | $extension_instances | from Extensible | |
protected | callable[][] | $beforeExtendCallbacks | List of callbacks to call prior to extensions having extend called on them, each grouped by methodName. |
from Extensible |
protected | callable[][] | $afterExtendCallbacks | List of callbacks to call after extensions having extend called on them, each grouped by methodName. |
from Extensible |
Sets a data object for persisting by adding its id and type to the serialised vars
By default jobs should just go into the default processing queue
Specifies what user ID should be when running the job valid values: null - (default) - run the job as current user 0 - run the job without a user greater than zero - run the job as a specific user
Method for determining whether the job is finished - you may override it if there's more to it than just this
No description
Gets custom config settings to use when running the job.
Sets custom config settings to use when the job is run.
Convenience methods for setting and getting job data
Resolves a queue name to one of the queue constants.
Attempts to locate and call a method dynamically added to a class at runtime if a default cannot be located
Adds any methods from Extension instances attached to this object.
Register an callback to invoke that defines extra methods
Return TRUE if a method exists on this object
Determines if a custom method with this name is defined.
Get meta-data details on a named method
Return the names of all the methods available on this object
Get all public built in methods for this class
Find all methods on the given object.
Add all the methods from an object property.
Add all the methods from an object property (which is an Extension) to this object.
Add a wrapper method - a method which points to another method with a different name. For example, Thumbnail(x) can be wrapped to generateThumbnail(x)
Add callback as a method.
Allows user code to hook into Object::extend prior to control being delegated to extensions. Each callback will be reset once called.
Allows user code to hook into Object::extend after control being delegated to extensions. Each callback will be reset once called.
Adds any methods from Extension instances attached to this object.
Add an extension to a specific class.
No description
Get extra config sources for this class
Return TRUE if a class has a specified extension.
Calls a method if available on both this object and all applied Extensions, and then attempts to merge all results into an array
Run the given function on all of this object's extensions. Note that this method originally returned void, so if you wanted to return results, you're hosed
Get an extension instance attached to this object by name.
Returns TRUE if this object instance has a specific extension applied in $extension_instances. Extension instances are initialized at constructor time, meaning if you use add_extension() afterwards, the added extension will just be added to new instances of the extended class. Use the static method has_extension() to check if a class (not an instance) has a specific extension.
Get all extension instances for this specific object instance.
__construct($obj = null, $type = null)
Extensions can have a construct but don't have too.
Without a construct, it's impossible to create a job in the CMS
No description
setObject(DataObject $object, string $name = 'Object')
Sets a data object for persisting by adding its id and type to the serialised vars
protected DataObject|null
getObject(string $name = 'Object')
No description
Return a signature for this queued job
protected string
Generate a somewhat random signature
useful if you're want to make sure something is always added
By default jobs should just go into the default processing queue
Specifies what user ID should be when running the job valid values: null - (default) - run the job as current user 0 - run the job without a user greater than zero - run the job as a specific user
This is useful in situations like:
- a job needs to always run without a user (like a static cache job)
- a job needs to run as a specific user (for example data migration job)
Note that this value can be overridden in the QueuedJobService::queueJob()
Performs setup tasks the first time this job is run.
This is only executed once for every job. If you want to run something on every job restart, use the prepareForRestart method.
Run when an already setup job is being restarted.
Do some processing yourself!
Method for determining whether the job is finished - you may override it if there's more to it than just this
Called when the job is determined to be 'complete'
No description
setJobData(int $totalSteps, int $currentStep, bool $isComplete, stdClass $jobData, array $messages)
No description
Gets custom config settings to use when running the job.
setCustomConfig(array $config)
Sets custom config settings to use when the job is run.
addMessage(string $message, string $severity = 'INFO')
No description
__set(mixed $name, mixed $value)
Convenience methods for setting and getting job data
__get(mixed $name)
Retrieve some job data
static string|null
getQueue(string|int $queue)
Resolves a queue name to one of the queue constants.
If $queue is already the value of one of the constants, it will be returned.
If the queue is unknown, null
will be returned.
__call(string $method, array $arguments)
Attempts to locate and call a method dynamically added to a class at runtime if a default cannot be located
You can add extra methods to a class using Extensions}, {@link Object::createMethod() or Object::addWrapperMethod()
Adds any methods from Extension instances attached to this object.
All these methods can then be called directly on the instance (transparently mapped through __call()}), or called explicitly through {@link extend().
registerExtraMethodCallback(string $name, callable $callback)
Register an callback to invoke that defines extra methods
hasMethod(string $method)
Return TRUE if a method exists on this object
This should be used rather than PHP's inbuild method_exists() as it takes into account methods added via extensions
protected bool
Determines if a custom method with this name is defined.
protected array
getExtraMethodConfig(string $method)
Get meta-data details on a named method
allMethodNames(bool $custom = false)
Return the names of all the methods available on this object
static protected array
findBuiltInMethods(string|object $class = null)
Get all public built in methods for this class
protected array
findMethodsFrom(object $object)
Find all methods on the given object.
addMethodsFrom(string $property, string|int $index = null)
Add all the methods from an object property.
removeMethodsFrom(string $property, string|int $index = null)
Add all the methods from an object property (which is an Extension) to this object.
addWrapperMethod(string $method, string $wrap)
Add a wrapper method - a method which points to another method with a different name. For example, Thumbnail(x) can be wrapped to generateThumbnail(x)
addCallbackMethod(string $method, callable $callback)
Add callback as a method.
beforeExtending(string $method, callable $callback)
Allows user code to hook into Object::extend prior to control being delegated to extensions. Each callback will be reset once called.
afterExtending(string $method, callable $callback)
Allows user code to hook into Object::extend after control being delegated to extensions. Each callback will be reset once called.
Adds any methods from Extension instances attached to this object.
All these methods can then be called directly on the instance (transparently mapped through __call()}), or called explicitly through {@link extend().
static bool
add_extension(string $classOrExtension, string $extension = null)
Add an extension to a specific class.
The preferred method for adding extensions is through YAML config, since it avoids autoloading the class, and is easier to override in more specific configurations.
As an alternative, extensions can be added to a specific class directly in the Object::$extensions array. See SiteTree::$extensions for examples. Keep in mind that the extension will only be applied to new instances, not existing ones (including all instances created through singleton()).
remove_extension(string $extension)
Remove an extension from a class.
Note: This will not remove extensions from parent classes, and must be called directly on the class assigned the extension.
Keep in mind that this won't revert any datamodel additions of the extension at runtime, unless its used before the schema building kicks in (in your _config.php). Doesn't remove the extension from any Object instances which are already created, but will have an effect on new extensions. Clears any previously created singletons through singleton() to avoid side-effects from stale extension information.
static array
get_extensions(string $class = null, bool $includeArgumentString = false)
No description
static array|null
get_extra_config_sources(string $class = null)
Get extra config sources for this class
static bool
has_extension(string $classOrExtension, string $requiredExtension = null, bool $strict = false)
Return TRUE if a class has a specified extension.
This supports backwards-compatible format (static Object::has_extension($requiredExtension)) and new format ($object->has_extension($class, $requiredExtension))
invokeWithExtensions(string $method, mixed ...$arguments)
Calls a method if available on both this object and all applied Extensions, and then attempts to merge all results into an array
extend(string $method, mixed ...$arguments)
Run the given function on all of this object's extensions. Note that this method originally returned void, so if you wanted to return results, you're hosed
Currently returns an array, with an index resulting every time the function is called. Only adds returns if they're not NULL, to avoid bogus results from methods just defined on the parent extension. This is important for permission-checks through extend, as they use min() to determine if any of the returns is FALSE. As min() doesn't do type checking, an included NULL return would fail the permission checks.
The extension methods are defined during __construct()} in {@link defineMethods().
getExtensionInstance(string $extension)
Get an extension instance attached to this object by name.
hasExtension(string $extension)
Returns TRUE if this object instance has a specific extension applied in $extension_instances. Extension instances are initialized at constructor time, meaning if you use add_extension() afterwards, the added extension will just be added to new instances of the extended class. Use the static method has_extension() to check if a class (not an instance) has a specific extension.
Caution: Don't use singleton(
Get all extension instances for this specific object instance.
See get_extensions() to get all applied extension classes for this class (not the instance).
This method also provides lazy-population of the extension_instances property.