class CWPSiteConfigExtension extends DataExtension (View source)
Class CWPCleanupSiteConfigExtension
DataObject | $owner | from DataExtension |
Called when this extension is added to a particular class
Temporarily modify the owner. The original owner is ensured to be restored
Clear the current owner, and restore extension to the state prior to the last setOwner()
Helper method to strip eval'ed arguments from a string that's passed to DataObject::$extensions or Object::add_extension().
Edit the given query object to support queries for this extension
Update the database schema as required by this extension.
If HeaderBackground is not set, assume no theme colours exist and populate some defaults if the colour picker is enabled. We don't use populateDefaults() because we don't want SiteConfig to re-populate its own defaults.
Auto-publish any images attached to the SiteConfig object if it's not versioned. Versioned objects will handle their related objects via the "owns" API by default.
Influence the owner's can() permission check value to be disallowed (false), allowed (true) if no other processed results are to disallow, or open (null) to not affect the outcome.
Influence the owner's canEdit() permission check value to be disallowed (false), allowed (true) if no other processed results are to disallow, or open (null) to not affect the outcome.
Influence the owner's canDelete() permission check value to be disallowed (false), allowed (true) if no other processed results are to disallow, or open (null) to not affect the outcome.
Influence the owner's canCreate() permission check value to be disallowed (false), allowed (true) if no other processed results are to disallow, or open (null) to not affect the outcome.
Define extra database fields
This function is used to provide modifications to the Validators used on a DataObject.
This function is used to provide modifications to the form used for front end forms. DataObject->getFrontEndFields()
This is used to provide modifications to the form actions used in the CMS. DataObject->getCMSActions().
this function is used to provide modifications to the summary fields in CMS by the extension By default, the summaryField() of its owner will merge more fields defined in the extension's $extra_fields['summary_fields']
this function is used to provide modifications to the fields labels in CMS by the extension By default, the fieldLabels() of its owner will merge more fields defined in the extension's $extra_fields['field_labels']
Add fields for selecting the font theme colour for different areas of the site.
Returns theme_colors used for ColorPickerField.
No description
add_to_class(string $class, string $extensionClass, mixed $args = null)
Called when this extension is added to a particular class
setOwner(object $owner)
Set the owner of this extension.
withOwner(mixed $owner, callable $callback, array $args = [])
Temporarily modify the owner. The original owner is ensured to be restored
Clear the current owner, and restore extension to the state prior to the last setOwner()
Returns the owner of this extension.
static string
get_classname_without_arguments(string $extensionStr)
Helper method to strip eval'ed arguments from a string that's passed to DataObject::$extensions or Object::add_extension().
unload_extra_statics($class, $extension)
No description
validate(ValidationResult $validationResult)
Hook for extension-specific validation.
augmentSQL(SQLSelect $query, DataQuery $dataQuery = null)
Edit the given query object to support queries for this extension
Update the database schema as required by this extension.
When duplicating a table's structure, remember to duplicate the create options as well. See Versioned->augmentDatabase for an example.
augmentWrite(array $manipulation)
Augment a write-record request.
If HeaderBackground is not set, assume no theme colours exist and populate some defaults if the colour picker is enabled. We don't use populateDefaults() because we don't want SiteConfig to re-populate its own defaults.
Auto-publish any images attached to the SiteConfig object if it's not versioned. Versioned objects will handle their related objects via the "owns" API by default.
Extend the owner's onBeforeDelete() logic
See DataObject::onBeforeDelete() for context.
Extend the owner's onAfterDelete() logic
See DataObject::onAfterDelete() for context.
Extend the owner's requireDefaultRecords() logic
See DataObject::requireDefaultRecords() for context.
Extend the owner's populateDefaults() logic
See DataObject::populateDefaults() for context.
Extend the owner's onAfterBuild() logic
See DataObject::onAfterBuild() for context.
can(Member $member)
Influence the owner's can() permission check value to be disallowed (false), allowed (true) if no other processed results are to disallow, or open (null) to not affect the outcome.
See DataObject::can()} and {@link DataObject::extendedCan() for context.
canEdit(Member $member)
Influence the owner's canEdit() permission check value to be disallowed (false), allowed (true) if no other processed results are to disallow, or open (null) to not affect the outcome.
See DataObject::canEdit()} and {@link DataObject::extendedCan() for context.
canDelete(Member $member)
Influence the owner's canDelete() permission check value to be disallowed (false), allowed (true) if no other processed results are to disallow, or open (null) to not affect the outcome.
See DataObject::canDelete()} and {@link DataObject::extendedCan() for context.
canCreate(Member $member)
Influence the owner's canCreate() permission check value to be disallowed (false), allowed (true) if no other processed results are to disallow, or open (null) to not affect the outcome.
See DataObject::canCreate()} and {@link DataObject::extendedCan() for context.
extraStatics(string $class = null, string $extension = null)
Define extra database fields
Return a map where the keys are db, has_one, etc, and the values are additional fields/relations to be defined.
updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields)
No description
updateCMSCompositeValidator(CompositeValidator $compositeValidator)
This function is used to provide modifications to the Validators used on a DataObject.
Caution: Use CompositeValidator->addValidator() to add Validators.
updateFrontEndFields(FieldList $fields)
This function is used to provide modifications to the form used for front end forms. DataObject->getFrontEndFields()
Caution: Use FieldList->push() to add fields.
updateCMSActions(FieldList $actions)
This is used to provide modifications to the form actions used in the CMS. DataObject->getCMSActions().
updateSummaryFields(array $fields)
this function is used to provide modifications to the summary fields in CMS by the extension By default, the summaryField() of its owner will merge more fields defined in the extension's $extra_fields['summary_fields']
updateFieldLabels(array $labels)
this function is used to provide modifications to the fields labels in CMS by the extension By default, the fieldLabels() of its owner will merge more fields defined in the extension's $extra_fields['field_labels']
protected $this
addLogosAndIcons(FieldList $fields)
Add fields for logo and icon uploads
protected $this
addSearchOptions(FieldList $fields)
Add user configurable search field labels
protected $this
addThemeColorPicker(FieldList $fields)
Add fields for selecting the font theme colour for different areas of the site.
getThemeOptionsExcluding(array $excludedColors = [])
Returns theme_colors used for ColorPickerField.