class SearchUpdater (View source)

This class is responsible for capturing changes to DataObjects and triggering index updates of the resulting dirty index items.

Attached automatically by Injector configuration that overloads your flavour of Database class. The SearchManipulateCapture_[type] classes overload the manipulate method - basically we need to capture a manipulation after all the augmentManipulation code (for instance Version's) is run

Pretty closely tied to the field structure of SearchIndex.


Provides extensions to this object to integrate it with standard config API methods.

Config options

flush_on_shutdown bool

Whether to register the shutdown function to flush. Can be disabled for example in unit testing.

enabled bool

Whether the updater is enabled. Set to false for local development if you don't have a Solr server.


public static $registered
public static SearchUpdateProcessor $processor


public static 

Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).

stat(string $name) deprecated

Get inherited config value

uninherited(string $name)

Gets the uninherited value for the given config option

set_stat(string $name, mixed $value) deprecated

Update the config value for a given property

public static 

Called by the ProxyDBExtension database connector with every manipulation made against the database.

public static 
process_writes(array $writes)

Send updates to the current search processor for execution

public static 

Throw away the recorded dirty IDs without doing anything with them.

public static 

Do something with the recorded dirty IDs, where that "something" depends on the value of self::$update_method, either immediately update the indexes, queue a messsage to update the indexes at some point in the future, or just throw the dirty IDs away.


static Config_ForClass config()

Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).

Return Value


mixed stat(string $name) deprecated

deprecated 5.0 Use ->config()->get() instead

Get inherited config value


string $name

Return Value


mixed uninherited(string $name)

Gets the uninherited value for the given config option


string $name

Return Value


$this set_stat(string $name, mixed $value) deprecated

deprecated 5.0 Use ->config()->set() instead

Update the config value for a given property


string $name
mixed $value

Return Value


static handle_manipulation($manipulation)

Called by the ProxyDBExtension database connector with every manipulation made against the database.

Check every index to see what objects need re-inserting into what indexes to keep the index fresh, but doesn't actually do it yet.

TODO: This is pretty sensitive to the format of manipulation that DataObject::write produces. Specifically, it expects the actual class of the object to be present as a table, regardless of if any fields changed in that table (so a class => array( 'fields' => array() ) item), in order to find the actual class for a set of table manipulations



static process_writes(array $writes)

Send updates to the current search processor for execution


array $writes

static clear_dirty_indexes()

Throw away the recorded dirty IDs without doing anything with them.

static flush_dirty_indexes()

Do something with the recorded dirty IDs, where that "something" depends on the value of self::$update_method, either immediately update the indexes, queue a messsage to update the indexes at some point in the future, or just throw the dirty IDs away.