class SolrReindexImmediateHandler extends SolrReindexBase (View source)
Invokes an immediate reindex
Internally batches of records will be invoked via shell tasks in the background
Provides extensions to this object to integrate it with standard config API methods.
Config options
php_bin | null|string | Path to the php binary |
Begin an immediate re-index
Process index for a single SolrIndex instance
Get valid classes and options for an index with an optional filter
Process re-index for a given variant state and class
Process a single group.
Explicitly invoke the process that performs the group processing. Can be run either by a background task or a queuedjob.
Gets the datalist of records in the given group in the current state
Clear all records of the given class in the current state ONLY.
Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).
Gets the uninherited value for the given config option
Trigger a solr-reindex
runReindex(LoggerInterface $logger, int $batchSize, string $taskName, string|array|null $classes = null)
Begin an immediate re-index
processIndex(LoggerInterface $logger, SolrIndex $indexInstance, int $batchSize, string $taskName, string $classes = null)
Process index for a single SolrIndex instance
protected array
getClassesForIndex(SolrIndex $index, string|array $filterClasses = null)
Get valid classes and options for an index with an optional filter
processVariant(LoggerInterface $logger, SolrIndex $indexInstance, array $state, string $class, bool $includeSubclasses, int $batchSize, string $taskName)
Process re-index for a given variant state and class
processGroup(LoggerInterface $logger, SolrIndex $indexInstance, array $state, string $class, int $groups, int $group, string $taskName)
Process a single group.
Without queuedjobs, it's necessary to shell this out to a background task as this is very memory intensive.
The sub-process will then invoke $processor->runGroup() in {\SilverStripe\FullTextSearch\Solr\Reindex\Handlers\Solr_Reindex::doReindex}
runGroup(LoggerInterface $logger, SolrIndex $indexInstance, array $state, string $class, int $groups, int $group)
Explicitly invoke the process that performs the group processing. Can be run either by a background task or a queuedjob.
Does not commit changes to the index, so this must be controlled externally.
protected DataList
getRecordsInGroup(SolrIndex $indexInstance, string $class, int $groups, int $group)
Gets the datalist of records in the given group in the current state
Assumes that the desired variant state is in effect.
clearRecords(SolrIndex $indexInstance, string $class, int $groups = null, int $group = null)
Clear all records of the given class in the current state ONLY.
Optionally delete from a given group (where the group is defined as the ID % total groups)
static Config_ForClass
Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).
stat(string $name)
Get inherited config value
uninherited(string $name)
Gets the uninherited value for the given config option
set_stat(string $name, mixed $value)
Update the config value for a given property
triggerReindex(LoggerInterface $logger, int $batchSize, string $taskName, string|array|null $classes = null)
Trigger a solr-reindex